12 days ago and I've only just got around to watching 🙈 Slaw with that baton 🐝😂 that will tickle me all night now. Brilliant and entertaining vlog, as always ❤
@TheSlawsAdventures19 күн бұрын
Thanks Peta! He was so focussed on that wasp 🤣 Glad you enjoyed it ❤️
@arnodobler109627 күн бұрын
Spray bottle with water works wonders against wasps!
@TheSlawsAdventures26 күн бұрын
Thank you! Not sure I can fit one in my handbag though 🤣
@jillchew-tetlaw3388Ай бұрын
‘Just plug it in and shut up’ that cracked me up. Love your videos they make me laugh and smile every time.
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks Jill! 🤣
@mnym8ts28 күн бұрын
loving the ukulele mr slaw my man bought me a martin ck1 for my christmas im enjoying learning .
@TheSlawsAdventures26 күн бұрын
Thank you! It’s a great little instrument to play 👍🏻
@UK4US2023Ай бұрын
Oh dear .. don’t go there with unnecessary click bait! Stick to being the Slaws .. you’re better than that. 👍🏻🍻
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Hope you enjoyed the vlog Monica!
@BertieBusАй бұрын
Great vlog again guys ❤
@TheSlawsAdventures25 күн бұрын
Thank you! ❤️
@toulouselaplot5695Ай бұрын
Another good one, I’d say the wasps are less annoying than Mrs Slaw 😂😂 x
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Try living with Slaw, you might have a different opinion then 😜
@toulouselaplot5695Ай бұрын
@shirleymurray223229 күн бұрын
Aw Slaw.. more ukulele pleeeease! 🙏
@TheSlawsAdventures25 күн бұрын
Thank you! ❤️
@dennismatthews6660Ай бұрын
Thank you. Enjoy travel-and one another!
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks Dennis! We are very blessed to be able to travel and to have ra h other ❤️
@GT-FiftyАй бұрын
Excellent travelling stories guys, keep up the travels, the Man Slaw reminds me too much of me. sad to see you never stopped in Bremen. Maybe on route back🙂
@TheSlawsAdventures25 күн бұрын
Thank you! ❤️
@TheWandererRemixesАй бұрын
Always love the videos but you really don't need to go down the click baity route to get the views 👍
@NicNac_ResellingАй бұрын
I agree - BUT KZbin request they do
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Unfortunately it’s the thumbnail that attracts new viewers. We are trying these style of thumbnails for this series to see if it makes a difference. You might be interested that another vlogging couple with a similar amount of subscribers as us put a vlog out about Bruges around the same time as us. A lovely photo of them in Bruges as the thumbnail. That vlog has only had 1.3K views 😢 Our Bruges vlog saying we witnessed abuse (which we did. We NEVER lie) has had 13K views 🤷🏻♀️
@neilmason1394Ай бұрын
Thanks for the VLOG, at least the “attack ” was less worrying than I thought you were going to reveal! Looking forward to seeing the Baltic island.
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks Neil! The wasps have been rife on this trip 😢 Fehmarn is a beautiful island to visit 🥰
@UK4US2023Ай бұрын
@@TheSlawsAdventures .. it’s strange as this year we have had very few here and in France and Spain.
@Tinahill-f2fАй бұрын
Another fab vlog
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thank you! 🚍☀️
@alanbenham4139Ай бұрын
Phew doggies sorted. 🥰
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Phew indeed Alan!
@donnaneeley9920Ай бұрын
Always so much fun watching your videos!! Love from S.W.Va.US.
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thank you Donna! You’re always welcome on our adventures ❤️
@michelleclarke6949Ай бұрын
Click bait my pet hate.
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks for watching Michelle! Hope you enjoyed the vlog 👍🏻
@markgower4184Ай бұрын
Great vlog guys love Germany so many lovely places to visit im waiting for the next vlog to see what the 5 star site is like doggies look well take care the gowerz Portsmouth xx
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks Mark! Fehmarn is a beautiful island to visit 🚍☀️
@LivinCindysLifeАй бұрын
Love your vlogs! You're a lot like me and hubby after 42 years of marriage. Halla-flippin'-loo-ya!😄 Glad things worked out.🐶
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thank you! Glad you get us. Some people who don’t have a long standing happy relationship just don’t get us 🤦🏻♀️ They think I’m controlling and bossy. They want to try living with Slaw 🤣🤣🤣
@maclen3340Ай бұрын
Mrs Slaw does everything!..what does he actually do apart from driving?
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
🤣 He does the blue jobs. Whoops! Can’t say that, it’s sexist 😜
@paulyoung6165Ай бұрын
Hello There Mrs Slaw Slaw Billie and Jessie , Hope you are All well and had a Nice weekend , Great video and lots of lovely places you visited , And some funny Times you Had , The vets story sounded a nightmare , But you found your nice vets ,That was Great , Billie and Jessie looked Happy under the Table and in there seats , They are so well behaved x , and them wasps looked a rite pain , i had some chase me and the dogs , we had to leg it LOL, well all looking Good, Keep up your Great work , o And Great playing your ukulele Slaw , Take Care All ,Loved it All .🌟🎸🐝,👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks Paul! Glad you enjoyed it. The wasps were terrible on this trip 🤦🏻♀️ I bet that was scary being chased 😱
@diannemarshall7473Ай бұрын
Hiya. Great vlog as usual. How do I buy those Mossi repellent band’s please? Thanks x
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks Dianne! You can get them from here www.amazon.co.uk/shop/theslawsadventures
@Jackie-v3z5eАй бұрын
Can I ask when you were in Germany what month? It looks so sunny.
@TheSlawsAdventures29 күн бұрын
Hi, it was the beginning of September and it was beautiful ☀️
@Jackie-v3z5e28 күн бұрын
@TheSlawsAdventures thanks for replying. Love your channel.
@melaniebrown1019Ай бұрын
Gehen when you walk, fahren when you go with your van :)
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Told you I can’t speak German 🤣
@melaniebrown1019Ай бұрын
You can now I've given you the correct word :)
@thewelshbeavis1355Ай бұрын
Great Vlog again from you both, Hobby has Yorkshires first official dealership at Jordans in Hull, saw it on auto trader 👍
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thank you! That’s good to know 👍🏻
@graemeowen9109Ай бұрын
We've have loved watching your 2 German series. We would like to take our Motorhome next summer to Germany so was wondering which one was your favourite, the Romantic Road or the Fairytale Road? Cheers.
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
You must visit Germany! It’s beautiful 😍 We enjoyed the Romantic Road better 👍🏻
@jayneoakley5596Ай бұрын
Hi guys can I ask then that you can get tapeworm treatment in Germany but then use paperwork to travel through Calais?
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Hi Jayne, our dogs both have EU passports, so as long as we have tapeworm treatment recorded in their passports by an EU vet we are good to travel back into the UK 👍🏻
@OnTheRoadAgain-NikkiandBillyАй бұрын
We have blue and pink jobs 😂 not one s#%t given 😂 As a boy born in Lowe Saxony Billy loved Slaw correcting Mrs Slaw. PS Billy would have gone to bed if someone was playing ukulele
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
@RnR-20-10Ай бұрын
We 'd say: Stray Cat Strut😁
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Spot on!
@mickbarratt6752Ай бұрын
Name that tune... sounds like stray cats strut 😁
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Spot on!
@AlanSpencer-d9cАй бұрын
Geta few beers down you you,ll soon feel better ❤😊😊lol
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Funnily enough….. 🍻🍷😜
@WilliamStacey-r6iАй бұрын
Hi slaws how far behind are you ? Seems like you have missed the boat ?
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Hi William, we went on this holiday at the beginning of September 👍🏻
@grapesodatravelsАй бұрын
Fun fact! I won the National Caravan Club talent competition with a tap dance to "Stray Cat Strut" when I was about 8! We've just ordered our very first campervan (yippeeeeeee!!!) and I'm paranoid about security. Where did you get your pedal lock? N&Nx
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Lovely! Can’t beat a bit of tap 👍🏻 Exciting times ahead! 🚍☀️The pedal lock is from www.atefabricationandweldingltd.com
@shirleymurray2232Ай бұрын
'Feelin' groovy'.. ?
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Always Shirley 😍
@janettetaylor8760Ай бұрын
Just download the coolcats song it be easier for you.. and the chorus as well .
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
He loves playing his uke 👍🏻
@MrSidMuffАй бұрын
Love your content...but you've gotta sort out the incidental music!
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@catherinemcnamee2670Ай бұрын
A few kiddies having pee in a bush is just the same as a few dogs having a pee in the bush, no different, but for some reason it’s seems fine for dogs to pee all over 🙄🤨🤷♀️
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks for watching Catherine!
@lindachapman9765Ай бұрын
Agh anne i hope your feeling lots better, and hopefully get the doggies sorted xx
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
Thanks Linda! It was a very eventful end to the holiday re the dogs this time 😢 At one point we thought we couldn’t board the ferry 😱 xx
@glennismossey6976Ай бұрын
Not sure about this ladies choice of communication! She is a bit of control freak. IMO!
@TheSlawsAdventuresАй бұрын
If you’d been married to Slaw for 35 years you’d understand 🤣 Thanks for watching!