10 Electric Cars that Dealers Can’t Sell ! | Here is why!

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the SUV geek

the SUV geek

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The automotive industry is increasingly producing more electric vehicles (EVs) to compete with Tesla. However, a significant challenge is the lack of sufficient demand. Not all consumers are convinced about the benefits of EVs. While some electric models are popular, others are less so. Buyers are taking a more cautious approach, considering factors like price and charging infrastructure. This suggests that increasing the market share of EVs might be more challenging than previously anticipated. To offer up-to-date insights, we've compiled data on EV inventory from CarEdge. This data highlights which electric models are remaining unsold at dealerships for extended periods. We've organized these models by their "Market Day Supply," indicating the number of days needed to sell the existing inventory at the current sales pace.

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@theSUVgeek Ай бұрын
Do your car price research, visit my site: ►For New Cars: thesuvgeek.com/new-car-quote/ ►For Used-Cars: thesuvgeek.com/used-suv-pricing/
@timruehle 9 ай бұрын
I looked at a Ford Mach-E a few months ago. The dealership added $15,000 to the sticker price as a "market adjustment"! I laughed all the way out of the showroom.
@darrenpryke6112 9 ай бұрын
I also looked at the Ford Mack E a few months back. In Texas, the dealer did everything they could to discourage my interest in electric vehicles in total, and especially the Ford one. He did not know any answers to any of the questions I had and kept offering me gas vehicles, asking why I was interested in electric. He quoted internet references to the electric vehicles being bad for the environment and then advised as they were in such short supply there was a $15k premium over sticker price. I guess the dealers don't want to sell them. With the over supply you review in this video, you would expect deep discounts to move them off the lot. I suppose the capitalist supply and demand only counts if the dealers are making a profit. I have a suspicion that there are forces at work driving the low demand not covered in the video.
@russellkeeling4387 9 ай бұрын
@@darrenpryke6112 Why would anyone want to buy one anyway, dealership or not the technology isn't worth a da*m.
@alias19 9 ай бұрын
@@russellkeeling4387 Whatever vehicle you’re driving, there’s an EV that outperforms it.
@typxxilps 9 ай бұрын
@@russellkeeling4387 You will not be able to buy a new ice in 20 years cause the costs are exploding and the manufacturers will shut down the plants sooner than later. We can see it already cause the plans to convert the former ice ones are gaining speed. no one is developing any new ice engine, not even v12 or v8 so I guess you will need to buy old stuff or a bicycle , maybe motorbike even though there the same is happening. people here are no longer accepting the noise of ice cars and the additional emissions from the brakes and dust from the tyres, so ice will be dead sooner or later while ev tech will see big progress in range and cost.
@didierduplantier8359 9 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@typxxilps You do know that the tires on EV wear out much faster than those on ICE vehicles thus the pollution from the tires on EV is more of a problem than on ICE
@michaelmcfeely6588 9 ай бұрын
No bailouts for the auto industry. Tell the auto industry and their supporters in Congress don't even think of asking for a bailout. Not again. Never again.
@curiousgeorge1940 9 ай бұрын
They DID pay it all back ! Credit rating is still good.
@icosthop9998 9 ай бұрын
​ Tesla did pay all their loan money from the government back. And I am not a Tesla fan and I am not a fan of EVs. One can google it, but you can't bring the link into the conversation anymore.
@curiousgeorge1940 9 ай бұрын
@@icosthop9998 Sorry ICOS -- You can't just make up your own facts & expect people to believe them.
@icosthop9998 9 ай бұрын
@@curiousgeorge1940 I had to recheck onto this. I googled this subject, and GM paid back certain portions and the other parts GM paid back in stock options. KZbin no longer allows people to bring the links into the conversation.
@icosthop9998 9 ай бұрын
@@curiousgeorge1940 But I will reword my comment.
@biscuitninja 8 ай бұрын
When i looked at a lot of electric vehicles, every single one of them had between 20-30% markup. I have zero wonder why they aren't selling well. GREED is taking over.
@johnn17golf 8 ай бұрын
They are being marked up because of the high demand. Despite the video creator's claim, sales are exceptionally strong and the oil lobby (who funded this video) is panicking.
@humanresources3545 8 ай бұрын
Dealers marked up everything. Car makers were pissed. Tesla didn't have that problems because when you buy a Tesla you buy it from Tesla.
@disneyfan9099 8 ай бұрын
Not anymore
@johnh6515 7 ай бұрын
Dealers know ,”the BIG GUY” will continue,or even raise the rebate,credits ,shameless promotion of these vehicles. Also the monies the government is pouring into charging stations. If these vehicles,can’t support themselves, they should not be sponsored by folks that will never be able to afford them. Same reason the government should not create yacht clubs ! Subsidies for electric boats . Pickings winners and losers at a cost to all.
@Annette_Hons 7 ай бұрын
I agree, it’s ridiculous, the markups these dealerships are charging. Which is exactly why, after all of my research for the past three years, I’m leaning towards Tesla or Rivian. It’s on their website the price, the specs, everything… That’s the price, take it or leave it, no haggling, that’s exactly the way it should be! I’m not ready to buy just yet, but hopefully at some point this year, and it comes down to those two brands for me. The ease of purchasing from either one of these companies makes it a no-brainer. I honestly don’t have four hours to spend going back-and-forth back-and-forth at a traditional car dealership just to purchase a vehicle, there’s absolutely no reason for this to ever happen I’m so done with regular car dealerships.
@InHerMajestiesDefense 8 ай бұрын
The car companies seemingly don't know what the consumers want, and the dealer markups are just incredible. everyone has to get money yeah, but as if im going to buy a basic electric car for the price of one that is gas powered and is premium.
@Plemmonsscott 8 ай бұрын
Both houses & cars have become too expensive for most Americans these days, most especially for single people and/or single-income households. Even a lot of 2 income households can't afford them.
@Nicholas.Durante 8 ай бұрын
The industry has driven prices too high for most families. The solution is for prices to align with budgets, even if it means a market correction. The wisest thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt.
@fabulousglasswarden 8 ай бұрын
Especially with the current economic crisis around the word. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, silver and digital currencies(BTC, ETH, XRP…….
@GreggVElrod 8 ай бұрын
What if you don't know how to trade any of these? I mean, see your point some people have the money and are willing to invest, the question is where to.
@corbynsmithe 8 ай бұрын
I guess that's why the demand for investment-advisers sky-rocketed by over 41.8% since the pandemic according to investopedia
@kevinw1090 9 ай бұрын
I think the true reason is that most consumers can't afford one even if they want to buy an EV.
@teklife 9 ай бұрын
right, soon, there will be affordable chinese EVs for sale in the US which will blow everything else away, and then, bye bye legacy automakers. but of course there will be xenophobia and nationalism to fight it, and lawmakers making legislation so they can't compete fairly. so much for the beloved so called free market capitalism, bullshit.
@breckfreeride 9 ай бұрын
No one wants one...
@dfor50 9 ай бұрын
Resale value is appalling and range under speed, load and cold weather is too unpredictable. Then there's charging time and so on.
@srt4b 9 ай бұрын
Nah, it's just the non-Tesla EVs are shit and their charging networks are a joke.
@DerrickDJ 9 ай бұрын
Over 2 million on the road, but no one wants one? LOL! Let facts be your guide.@@breckfreeride
@lalutte65 9 ай бұрын
I don’t understand how all these manufacturers failed to conduct a complete market survey before investing billions in inventory they cant sell-there is also a matter of affordability 80-90% of household wouldn’t qualify to finance them
@ordinaryhuman5645 9 ай бұрын
There are surveys. People want EVs, and in 5 years prospective buyers are more likely to opt for an EV than an ICEv if the supply of good vehicles is sufficient. That's already happening in places outside of the US. The problem is that legacy auto EVs are not very good despite being overpriced, even before dealer middlemen mark them up. No one wants those, but legacy automakers have to try to get it right anyway or they're just going to be going bankrupt even faster when everyone else leaves their ICE vehicles behind.
@RatTerminator 9 ай бұрын
Because corrupt Joe Forced them!!
@joeblow1688 9 ай бұрын
The government is the problem. It does not care about "market forces". Don't be surprised if some of these car companies go under from running their business by government decree.
@openyaeyez 9 ай бұрын
They wanted the government handout from the green new deal aka our tax dollars. What happens when government tries to force technology thats not ready.
@spooderdoggy 9 ай бұрын
Not all we’re willing now. U.S. government was mandating car manufacturers to start manufacturing EVs. This is sort of like forcing a Bible printing company to print Qurans. Yes, some jumped into the pool with both feet, Ford comes to mind, but not all. I’m not at all convinced on EVs for all the logical reasons. EVs are expensive, take long to charge depending, many don’t reach mileage ratings let alone when cold or very hot weather. Some have electric design flaws, are not as reliable as thought, and are to expensive to replace the battery pack, $30,000 after 8 to 10 years, what???! Then there is the fire issue. I think a lady in FL had a #10 Mercedes given to her as a loner while her gas car was being repaired at the dealer. Was a brand new EV. She put it in her garage to charge overnight and the thing short circuited, caught fire, and burned her house down. She told the local news she lost everything. Hmmm, losing everything just to charge a loner EV in one’s garage? Nahhh, not me. I’ll keep my boring perfected gas car. It’s a 2011 Honda CRV EX-L and runs great. Well EV cultists, good luck!🤔🔥🥳🤦🏻‍♂️🙌🏻
@teardowndan5364 9 ай бұрын
As an apartment dweller who wouldn't be able to charge at home, EVs make no economic sense since fast-charging all of the time is as expensive as gasoline, is likely to cause premature battery failure, takes 10X longer for half the range and costs 10-20k$ more up-front.
@curtcollett2893 9 ай бұрын
Not to mention those renting rooms or live in a multi family home as in our neighborhood. They have to park on the streets.
@Poepad 9 ай бұрын
Buy hybrid, they getting 40+ mpg now.
@teardowndan5364 9 ай бұрын
@@Poepad 40 MPGs for a hybrid sounds horrible: my 2011 Focus can hit 43 highway MPGs doing a Montreal-Ottawa roundtrip when I don't get stuck in traffic for more than a few minutes and weather is nice. A 10 years old Prius with refurbished battery pack can hit 60+ city MPGs. Me, I'd rather wait for Na-ion batteries to become more widespread and have a hybrid that uses a completely independent range-extending generator instead of clunky hybrid transmissions. At the rate motor/generator designs are improving, this will likely be more efficient, cheaper and more reliable quite soon if it isn't already.
@matthewronson5218 9 ай бұрын
I've seen various auto based channels that have demonstrated that electric is more expensive than gasoline, plus refueling time is a few minutes instead of a few hours - assuming you can find an operating charger station. Once account of a man trying to drive an EV on a trip detailed how he had to go to three different EV charging platforms before finding ones that were functional, with a long line of their Exploding Vehicles waiting in line. He ended up renting a reliable ICE vehicle to complete his trip. No word if that EV spontaneously combusted later on.
@matthewronson5218 9 ай бұрын
@@teardowndan5364 A Geo Metro back in the 90's got better than 40MPG's. I was watching Kilmer show the repair of a hybrid, where an $80 component that had to be replaced cost $2000 because it was only accessible by removing the battery. Hybrids are better than any EV tho, even Tesla (sorry Tesla cultists). EV buyers are poorly informed and/or virtue/status signaling fools until proven otherwise. They are ALL instant 5000° F death traps waiting to happen. Electric cars have existed for over 125 years, starting from the very beginning of horseless carriages. If the battery tech was truly sufficient, there would be no need for all of the subsidies and rebates paid for by the taxpayers.
@pinkypoohable 8 ай бұрын
I have owned an EV for nearly two years. The main problem I have with it is the fluctuation and depreciation of range from full charge. It’s hard to trust the numbers when you are doing long distance driving. The anxiety is real because the distance travelled doesn’t reliably reflect the numbers being shown in the car. There are too many factors that affects the battery range aside from distance. Outside temperatures particularly in the height winter and summer drastically affects the range. I think EVs are only beneficial in city driving where breathable air quality is important particularly in an urban environment. For long distance driving, you’re better off with a turbo diesel. EVs shouldn’t be marketed as an all around do it all car because it’s not. Like towing or hauling for example.😅
@frankkerze9608 8 ай бұрын
I Agree the EV's are Great little Commuter Cars at best, just to go back and forth to work and run short errands. However the Automobile like General Motors manufacture MASSIVE EV's with Huge Battery Pack Modules and weigh 4 -5 tons? What are they Thinking?
@alias19 8 ай бұрын
@@frankkerze9608 They’re thinking that They need to sell expensive cars for the larger markup, just like with ICEVs. But you can buy a 3ton Equinox EV. Or a Chevy Bolt at 1.8 tons.
@Harrythehun 8 ай бұрын
What car did you have? I have road tripped through Europe and in the Nordic countries without any problems. I have driven those with Tesla M3 and MY.
@pinkypoohable 8 ай бұрын
@@HarrythehunI would rather not mention the brand’s name because it wouldn’t be fair for them. It is a trusted brand but I think it’s not their fault. It’s the lithium ion battery technology that by nature is sensitive to temperature changes and is a fire hazard as well. My EV has had 2 fire hazard recalls already and I’ve had enough. I went to several car dealerships just to have it traded in and nobody is willing to accept it. Finally after days of looking one I have managed to replaced it with an ICE. I guess I will have to wait for hydrogen cars as my next upgrade. Definitely not EV because it’s giving me problems that I haven’t experienced in my years of motoring.
@spuriouseffect 8 ай бұрын
@@alias19 You're forgetting about the government regulations that are forcing them to add EV's to their lineups, so they can continue selling ICE cars and trucks. It's kind of like carbon credits. If Ford can't get the MPG rating any lower on their F-150, then they have to offer an electric version to "offset" their lineup's mpg rating. It makes no sense, but that's Government for you.
@japfourme381 9 ай бұрын
Home charging may be relatively cheap at the moment, but once more people have been roped into the EV market, energy charging prices WILL skyrocket!!
@Wilem35 9 ай бұрын
Except renewable costs keep going down.
@jefftomasello3258 9 ай бұрын
@sammythompson3694 9 ай бұрын
Every year the power company gets a 16-22% rate hike.
@davidgapp1457 9 ай бұрын
Actually, likely the opposite. At this moment in time, ironically, the USA is in the unusual position of having over-capacity on the National Grid. In any case, costs tend to drop with scaling, not increase. If we suddenly adopted EV's as the ONLY road transport, the demand on the grid would rocket some 30%. However, back in reality we won't see EV domination for decades and that gives the US Government plenty of time to invest in solar farms similar to the Noor complexes in Morocco. These plants are capable of operating almost 24 hours a day using salt reservoirs for night time operation. Both in Australia and Morocco they are also laying down power cables so they can sell their power overseas (Morocco are installing power lines to Scotland right now). America is populated by Luddites and I as a consequence we can expect to lose any semblance of scientific and engineering dominance within the next decade. In many markets, it's already happened.
@IJRPUBLIC 9 ай бұрын
"Roped in." I take it you are not an EV fan ;-) We got solar for the office (charge for very little) and will have solar for the house soon. So... I can not understand why Americans are fighting to keep Saudi (Bin Laden) oil. Keep our money in America with American power companies and American Electricians.
@steveb1972 9 ай бұрын
Until electric cars are the same price as regular cars they’ll not sell to regular people!
@Poepad 9 ай бұрын
Have you priced a new car?
@Popwarner-x1w 9 ай бұрын
​@@PoepadEV cars cost trice as much as a gasoline powered car
@stanspb763 9 ай бұрын
Even it a few ICE are cheaper to buy they are much more expensive to own with maintenance gas and much higher rates of depreciation. EV do not need any maintenance before the ICE car is replaced due to being worn out. Total cost of ownership of a Tesla is a small fraction of the cost of ICE over its limited life span. The EV can be passed down in your will and still not need any maintenance in 10-15 years. Batteries are good for 1.5 to 3 million miles. before losing about 10% of their range. Fleet managers people who understand total cost of ownership would get fired it they did not focus on getting EVs for their fleets,
@natehill8069 9 ай бұрын
@@Popwarner-x1w So... you have not.
@nonedispose7420 9 ай бұрын
I will not buy an electric car regardless of how low the price will go!!! LOL
@jtee9548 9 ай бұрын
I've heard rumblings about EV insurance rates and simple fender bender body shop repair rates being higher for some brands. $15-$20k or more for a new battery doesn't sound like fun either.
@teklife 9 ай бұрын
the batteries in modern EVs are expected to outlive the life of the vehicle itself
@taihancock5611 9 ай бұрын
EV Insurance Rates up 300 % in some cases from Insurance companies are not taking any chances on High Repair Costs
@joshualonberg8872 9 ай бұрын
My ev6 was cheaper to insure then my 2009 Toyota sienna
@dfor50 9 ай бұрын
@@teklife Jaguars' batteries ae made in South Korea. Hardly inspiring for a British luxury marque car.
@rogerstarkey5390 9 ай бұрын
​​@@dfor50 Your iPhone (?) is made in? .
@TomSimba 8 ай бұрын
The focus on high-end, fancy models completely dismissed the need for affordable transportation the average folks are looking to buy. EVs are selling well in Europe and Asia because their lineup includes lots of entry and economy models that people can afford.
@cesarebeccaria7641 8 ай бұрын
I wonder if in Europe the dealers are maybe not a problem, as they are here. If not, and cars are still a business and not a racket, that might help account for the difference, too. Look at the complaints about dealer add ons and markups, especially Ford, apparently (but Ford has a long tradition of dishonest dealers--going back to the 1950's.)
@shaystern2453 8 ай бұрын
you got it. "dealers" make the most profit from "luxury"cars
@shaystern2453 8 ай бұрын
@@cesarebeccaria7641 all dealers are cheats
@Audioremedy0785 8 ай бұрын
@@shaystern2453 a dealer makes a higher margin on luxury cars, but they sell cheaper cars at a higher volume. The truth is though that most people who want EVs want a Tesla. That’s the dealerships biggest issue that they are fighting for their small piece of about 40% of a small but growing market.
@russwright 7 ай бұрын
There is a reason for that. Companies want to make money on EVs and early days they don't have the ability to produce cheap EVs. That was Tesla's game plan. Come out with the roadster, then the S and X to pay for the scale required for the model 3 & Y. Everyone is following that except the Chinese who are state backed. In addition, even when a cheap EV comes around (the Leaf), Americans don't want it. So I wouldn't lay all the blame on "greedy auto companies". If America allows the import of Chinese EVs, it will be game over for all but Tesla and Rivian. The legacy US auto makers just can't compete with the likes of BYD.
@truhartwood3170 9 ай бұрын
Would be good to compare these models that aren't selling to the models that are in order to highlight why they're not selling.
@markiliff 9 ай бұрын
A logical approach like that will never get you a job in journalism ;-)
@MikesProjectsandHobbiesMC 9 ай бұрын
Yeah because for some reason Tesla Model 3 and Y continue to fly off the shelves. Tesla Model Y is the best selling car in the world. Not best selling EV but the best selling car period.
@truhartwood3170 9 ай бұрын
@@MikesProjectsandHobbiesMC exactly.
@killcat1971 9 ай бұрын
Pretty clear from what ISN'T selling, high cost, low range.
@HenrikFromDenmark 9 ай бұрын
@@MikesProjectsandHobbiesMC In deed - In Denmark alone Tesla Model Y just broke a 37 year old sales record (Opel Kadett) in year 2023 which hasn't ended yet. Tesla represent > 12% of all cars sold in Denmark Y2023. Well done US, Tesla and Elon Musk!!!!!
@marielee4335 9 ай бұрын
My family would love an EV, but areas we frequently travel to are lacking infrastructure to support an EV. Besides, most EVs are priced out of our budget.
@tonymc-dx8xw 9 ай бұрын
Get a Tesla and you wont have to worry about charging.
@marielee4335 9 ай бұрын
@@tonymc-dx8xw That is definitely not going to happen.
@Andersljungberg 9 ай бұрын
Have you checked apps or websites for charging locations For example, Tesla Supercharger. charge places are not like gas stations they can significantly more Hidden
@marielee4335 9 ай бұрын
@@Andersljungberg Yes, I have.
@midnight4109 9 ай бұрын
ICE may be a better choice right now but don't rule an EV out in the future. Never say never.
@gregstein9179 9 ай бұрын
Can you say "Range Anxiety " is real
@jokerface20 8 ай бұрын
When a new battery costs almost the cost of a brand new car, often more, that's just absurd
@617michel 9 ай бұрын
Several factors come to mind; price, range anxiety, brand reputation?
@kenchy318 9 ай бұрын
Agreed, for me the greatest turnoff is a dealer markup . I will NEVER pay for it.
@eileeneclark9011 9 ай бұрын
@teklife 9 ай бұрын
@@eileeneclark9011 FACTS: combustion engine vehicles catch on fire much more than EVs, you're just being influenced by disinformation by the massive fossil fuel industry who see EVs as a threat, and they're the biggest and most powerful forces on the earth right now. please do your research. EVs are in fact the safest vehicles you could own, by far.
@richardsmith579 9 ай бұрын
@@teklife If only that were the case.
@georgewoodget271 9 ай бұрын
​@@teklifeI refuse to spend 50K 60K 70K on some junk EV that will blow up when Im diving it down the road. The rest of us happen to prefer our gasoline vehicles. So you drive the EV junk. And leave us alone and stop trying to make us feel as if our choices and opinions are wrong. Just because we don't want the EV junk
@johnsammut7245 9 ай бұрын
I would consider only a hybrid and no 100% EV as no one mentions with all accessories running what the mileage would be diminished to... Heater in winter, AC in summer , stereo blaring and what is life of the batteries and what is replacement cost ? Too many questions unanswered right now...
@teklife 9 ай бұрын
i've seen in a video recently that heating and cooling of a modern EV does little to nothing to affect its range. remember, u have batteries moving a massive amount of weight, a vehicle and its occupants, the heating and cooling are insignificant, on modern EVs, in the past heating did affect range.
@elbuggo 9 ай бұрын
Why would you want a hybrid? They even have more incomprehensible problems than EVs. And they are harder to fix than a pure ICE car, and will have a shorter lifespan, etc.
@theairstig9164 9 ай бұрын
Answers are coming. Real world range for popular models is being written and spoken about
@Wilem35 9 ай бұрын
No one mentions? Too many tin foil hats right now.
@rylans.5365 9 ай бұрын
You can find all your answers online… Driving uses majority of your battery range. And do not get a hybrid. Hybrids are not comparable to EVs, and are not a viable long term solution for decarbonization.
@NateAdam8 9 ай бұрын
It's just that replacing a battery can cost anywhere from $15,000 and up.
@RemoteSpeed007 9 ай бұрын
Most ev's come with a 8 year battery warrantee, how long do you plan on keeping the car?
@T3-RIDER 9 ай бұрын
​@@RemoteSpeed007 a car is not a throw away item. People like you are destroying the world
@tharais 9 ай бұрын
@@RemoteSpeed007 For at least 20 years.
@jwstolk 9 ай бұрын
Similar to replacing a high performance Euro-5 engine + drivetrain + exhaust system + catalyst converter + all connected sensors.
@NateAdam8 9 ай бұрын
@@RemoteSpeed007 Okay, Thank you for the reply it was informative.
@TheNotehead 7 ай бұрын
I guess I'm pretty fortunate, I recently bought a Chevy Bolt EV and it was right at MSRP and it's a great little car. Drives beautifully, it's comfortable, premium sound system, heated seats and steering wheel, plenty of safety features, and about 260 miles per charge. The obvious downside is that it has rather slow charging, but we have no intention of taking it more than 200 miles away - we still have an aging ICE car that would be fine for that if the need arises. We're very happy with the Bolt.
@davepaturno4290 3 ай бұрын
Sadly, the Bolt is rated below average for reliability by Consumer Reports magazine. I would select a Toyota Camry Hybrid and not need other vehicles. One tank of gas is 610 miles worth of range.
@COMMANDERHAWK22 9 ай бұрын
until they at a minimum lower the cost to replace a battery which range from 20k-50k they can go to hell that would be the same as if when I hit 65k-100k miles I have to buy a new engine for my car ya they can miss me with that.
@Daniel-it1dp 9 ай бұрын
I looked up the first car mentioned, Mercedes EQE, and it lists for $65-110,000 for a compact EV so no wonder they're not selling.
@johnn17golf 7 ай бұрын
Mercedes EV sales are up 73% year over year
@johnn17golf 7 ай бұрын
@technologicallychallengedt8549 Kinda like early PCs did not hold value well, because the tech was advancing so fast and the PCs on sale were higher end. As more come on market, especially lower end EVs, the resale value will catch up fast and it will be ICE resale values that will plummet.
@russwright 7 ай бұрын
​@@johnn17golf Should be interesting to see how ICE depreciates. It will depend a lot on the cost of gas. EVs, on the other hand, could continue to see sharp declines in resale as Tesla and Chinese auto companies move costs down for new cars. Another factor will be battery technology. If we see a big leap (solid state batteries, for example), that will have a pretty big impact as well. Lighter, cheaper EVs. Interesting times. That said, I have no regrets moving to Tesla.
@johnn17golf 7 ай бұрын
@@russwright Right now we are at the same stage as 386 PCs - the tech replacing those almost on a monthly basis but they were still a good buy for some but had no resale value. I was an early adopter and my first 4 or 5 PCs were unsellable (but still useful) almost as soon as they left the store. EVs will start holding value better than ICE in about 2-3 years when current newer models (esp smaller cars) hit the market. ICE car resale prices will plummet around the same time.
@russwright 7 ай бұрын
@@johnn17golf It's not 386 bad. Even thrashed Hertz Teslas have some value. Most ICE cars depreciate quickly when new if you ignore the crazy 2020-2021 period. That's nothing new. Buy a used EV and you won't lose too much right now until the Tesla unboxed manufactured "model 2" car comes out and sells for mid $20K. Anyway, it's all conjecture at the point. We'll see what happens.
@BillyBob-fd5ht 9 ай бұрын
simple fix stop making for the rich, make simple EV for the average, Who needs 0 to 60 in 4 seconds Really I would be happy with 0 to 60 in 12 seconds and no electronic junk on it
@simonhunter8338 9 ай бұрын
A glorified golf cart is whats needed for local trips and charge at home as a second car. No gimmicks, only basic analog. No screens. cheap price. With government mandates people rebel against the loony left making EVs political...a death sentence.
@mikafiltenborg7572 9 ай бұрын
Tesla's 25000$ model coming year 2025 / 2026 BYD Seagull cost 9000$ in China.....
@rickuyeda4818 8 ай бұрын
The first Nissan Leaf was $44K. A top of the line Prius, at the time, was $26K.
@russwright 7 ай бұрын
Sure but now they are both around $27K. A Bolt is even cheaper if you qualify for a tax credit ($9000 in California brings the price to low $20k).
@nunyabusiness4188 9 ай бұрын
You missed the Audi Etron. I read that Audi slashed the lease cost by $50,000!! I rented one for a 160 mile round trip because I didn't want to wait over an hour for an ICE vehicle. The range showed 254 miles when I left the rental company lot. After 60 miles, it dropped by over 100 miles. I had range anxiety for the remainder of the trip. There's a long way to go to make these appealing in the US market, plus, it still feels like a very large golf cart in a car body.
@Andersljungberg 9 ай бұрын
That's why the car should recommend places to charge along the way. using an electric car is different, you probably have to use the navigator. How well it works is another matter. In the worst case, you might have the navigator give you the wrong information and direct you to the wrong places. look at Electric Car Reviews There are several on KZbin and probably other places that do
@1flash3571 9 ай бұрын
You should have gotten a Tesla....
@micahgreene4573 9 ай бұрын
@@Andersljungberg who wants to keep stopping along the way to recharge?
@midnight4109 9 ай бұрын
@1flash3571 My feelings as well. The video doesn't point out that Tesla isn't having trouble selling any of its cars so EV sales haven't crashed for all manufacturers.
@LocTran-ws2ip 9 ай бұрын
That is about right. Any EVs including Tesla (I own Tesla model Y) will run 2/3 of the range. It means that if you want to drive 200 miles trip, you have to charge 300 miles. 330 miles long range model Y will be able to go a little more than 200 miles.
@vasilecojocaru8769 9 ай бұрын
Never by one.
@gmundenat 9 ай бұрын
The few who actually want EV’s already have them, and if they live in cold weather they won’t want another!
@harriettanthony7352 9 ай бұрын
WRONG says this EV driver who is warm in the cab in a New England winter
@gmundenat 9 ай бұрын
No, Einstein. EV’s lose their range when they’re cold.
@khoupernikkus6967 8 ай бұрын
I remember shopping for both a Lyriq and a Mach-E a year ago. Couldn’t find a dealer that was willing to sell it without insane markups lol. Today, the same dealers can’t sell the same vehicles even with insane discounts. Went with a C8 and Macan T instead.
@PatrickPeel 8 ай бұрын
No truer words were ever spoken!!! These greedy dealers are getting what they deserve. I've been look to by an EV for the past couple of years and I refused to overpay just to say I have one. Now lets wait until they have to sell at that insane discount!!!
@darmou 8 ай бұрын
I think a Macan EV is coming out soon
@khoupernikkus6967 8 ай бұрын
@@darmou Porsche is making the announcement today. We've known about it for a while, but we'll pass on EV on all our future car purchases.
@khoupernikkus6967 8 ай бұрын
@@PatrickPeel also the resell value of the Mach-E (and EVs in general) has dropped dramatically after a little over a year especially after news of Hertz dumping its Tesla fleet and Tesla slashing prices on brand new vehicles! We went from a 2012 Prius and Prius c to our new daily driven ICE vehicles with zero regrets. Went on a 1,700 mile roadtrip in the Macan with absolutely no inconvenience or annoyances. We kept our Prius’s tho, mainly to transport our Dobermans.
@khoupernikkus6967 4 ай бұрын
@steveinoz8188 exactly what we did lol, we picked up a Model Y long range to use as a daily commuter/beater car to replace wife’s 2012 Prius c with 100k miles, which we decided to donate to Wheels for Wishes.
@SteveNoblin 9 ай бұрын
The battery cost more than the vehicles,
@t8polestarcyan22 9 ай бұрын
That's true for the time being but things will be a lot better. As of now, too many people are so stupid to use fast chargers frequently resulting premature wear. Also batteries need to be at optimal/comfortable level of charge.
@sahanda2000 9 ай бұрын
it takes 20 to 30 years for a car battery to degrade... and why bother totaling a 20 year old car? instead changing it's battery
@t8polestarcyan22 9 ай бұрын
@@sahanda2000 Absolutely, after 10, 20 or so years, you should be able to buy a cheap third party replacement EV battery. Cheap in price tag but still safe and dependable for years to come, long before you really want to buy a new car. Electrification will only get better.
@sahanda2000 9 ай бұрын
@t8polestarcyan22 looks like you don't know much about current car batteries... 1st; you don't want to drive a 20 years old car, as after 10 years mechanical systems starts to fail, at 15 years you need much more fixes, so the useful/economic life of a car ends there... 2nd; 20 to 30 years battery life is for the dumbest user which charges it any time and in any condition, if you use your brain and charge it at %20, and up to %80 mostly, it goes up to 4000 charge cycles... with 2 charges a week 40 years later you will still get 70% of your initial charging capacity... if it still doesn't enough; go for LFP batteries instead, they can go up to 8000 cycles, which makes 80 years of useful life, and you grandchildren can still charge it (an may be drive it) at the end of their lives... bu it is stupid, doesn't it???
@t8polestarcyan22 9 ай бұрын
@@sahanda2000 Generally no you want to drive a 20 yr old ev for sure but a 1st gen Nissan Leaf is one of the oldest and so too a Mitsi iMIEV. Who knows whether their mechanical systems will fail. We'll just see. FYI, there is still a vintage EV from somewhere in 1902. The only replacement part for that vintage is a set of new lead acid batteries, everything else are original.
@tvs3497 9 ай бұрын
I believe that EVs will find their niche but they will not totally replace the ICE any time soon.
@lv4077 9 ай бұрын
They’re finding their niche already.They’re called land fills
@ickster23 9 ай бұрын
​@@lv4077They have a place. Someone who lives exclusively in a medium sized city and owns their own home with a charger would do fine with one
@lv4077 9 ай бұрын
@@ickster23 I suppose if you have a backup car,if you have a very short commute,if you’re in an area where everything is close in proximity maybe it would be ok.If you’re imagining ownership is reliable and inexpensive and resale doesn’t matter to you maybe then.EV’s might not be bad if you couldn’t find a decent ICE vehicle.But if you think you’re saving the environment you’re deceiving yourself.
@extremedrivr 9 ай бұрын
​@@ickster23 Their niche is a ⚰ We don't need them, case closed.
@maickelwand9100 9 ай бұрын
You should check out the EV sales in Norway. In october 2023 87% of the new cars sold was a BEV! It's not a niche.
@johnbmw550i 9 ай бұрын
No chance of these EV cars will last.............................no one wants them.
@amigo439 8 ай бұрын
I don't understand why I have to pay double the price for an electric car? And if the battery is gone, $50 000 for a new battery?! At that cost I can buy two new gasoline cars :)
@666dynomax 9 ай бұрын
Pretty much everyone who wanted the lovely f150 electric has got one.. look at the price tags. Wow
@imtheonevanhalen1557 9 ай бұрын
$7500 tax credit..... find a full size truck less than $50k.....
@davidmenasco5743 9 ай бұрын
As a matter of fact, Ford had record sales of the F-150 Lightning in November 2023. TFL Truck drove the Lightning from Colorado to Alaska and back. They called it "the best truck Ford has ever made."
@666dynomax 9 ай бұрын
@@davidmenasco5743 you should get one
@SylvainBeloin 9 ай бұрын
I currently drive a 2017 Chevy Bolt, which i bought for only $15k. My wife drives a 2022 Chevy Bolt, which we bought new for $29k. We have both taken long trips with our cars, going 700+ miles. We plan our trips, selecting where we'll stop to charge, and what we'll do while the car is charging. Last time, we stopped at a shopping mall, and shopped while the car charged. Our 2nd stop was at a car dealership, so the charge was FREE. We had a meal while charging there. We live in the northeastern U.S., so there are places to charge, but not enough of them. More infrastructure is being planned and built, so this will only improve over time.
@melindaaskin1534 5 ай бұрын
Maybe 🤔
@MichaelDeeringMHC 9 ай бұрын
It would have been handy to have included the Tesla numbers for comparison, model, price, range, on hand stock, and days of inventory.
@midnight4109 9 ай бұрын
Tesla doesn't sell through franchised dealers so there aren't any of their cars sitting on lots. It's an unfare comparison and they are one car company that isn't having trouble selling.
@jimandersen3003 9 ай бұрын
The only EV worth thinking of buying. Cybertruck is twice the Lightning and what, $15,000+ less? I am a Ford guy too.
@youxkio 9 ай бұрын
yep, inventory from car dealers that commission up above MSRP, when everyone knows buying by internet is much cheaper and trustworthy. The numbers in this video reflect customers' choices and do not reflect the reality of EV sales.
@stanspb763 9 ай бұрын
@@youxkio The dealer based brands are generally bad EVs but the lack of sales of those lackluster cars is greatly made worse by the fact the dealing with dealerships is one of the most hated experiences of ones life. You can't even buy a car from deal for MSRP, they jack the prices up as "Additional Profit" by 20-40%
@dougprw1110 9 ай бұрын
unfair? @@midnight4109
@JG-er5us 8 ай бұрын
Got the f150 lightning. It's awesome. I tried the truck. I asked questions to real owners and finally decided to get one and I love it. Don't let anyone decide for you. Get real info. I never thought of getting one and here I am. No regrets.
@Kamawah 7 ай бұрын
No regrets YET!
@xynakasha3393 7 ай бұрын
Until your Lightning lightens up in flames! Time will come for sure. I give those well used batteries 5 years!
@J4Zonian 7 ай бұрын
@@xynakasha3393 ICVs burn 61 times more often per 100,000 Vs than EVs. They’re more likely to hurt & kill people when they do burn. Why are you spreading lies about EVs? Job or sick hobby?
@CosmoNguyen-sw5mp 7 ай бұрын
It’s a really cool car. But I’d rather have. A gas f150 for much less
@J4Zonian 7 ай бұрын
@@CosmoNguyen-sw5mp One that costs more to own than any sane car, to serve as a crutch to your ego while it destroys civilization & nature.
@althunder4269 9 ай бұрын
EVs will go down in corporate history as one of the biggest boondoggles ever.
@welders485 9 ай бұрын
I'm never going to buy one. Ever . I'll build my own steam powered car before that happens.
@SamuelLanghorn 2 ай бұрын
what happened? I don't buy one because it has zero advantages for me.
@USACars-id3bf 9 ай бұрын
Trade one pollutant for another. Lithium EV batteries are highly toxic to people and our environment, a constant fire danger adding one more thing to an ready polluted environment . EMF are another concern.
@davidc2838 9 ай бұрын
Stop lying to yourself. We know better. EV batteries are NOT toxic unless you're EATING them. Your ICE vehicles poison you EVERY Time you start the engine. EV batteries can be recycled or re-used at the end of life. Gasoline just keeps burning. No recycling. Almost 200,000 ICE Vehicles BURN and catch on FIRE every year. EVs...not very many. So stop the BIG OIL shilling...and stop poisoning the rest of us if you don't mind poisoning yourself and your family.
@J4Zonian 3 ай бұрын
@U Nope. Fossil fuels are far far more deadly & polluting. And deadly. They kill 10 million people a year. ICVs burn 20-60 times more often per 100,000 & are more likely to hurt & kill when they do. EV EMFs are not a concern. Why are you doing this? Job, perverted hobby, or bot?
@arthurflax1505 3 ай бұрын
Just bought a Ford Mustang Mach e. Great looking, powerful, fast and perfect for my work around town. Drive to work. Plug it in. Always charged up and ready to drive! 280 miles range with the base version and bought at the right price!
@davidderler5924 9 ай бұрын
Way out of my price range, even the leaf which is 30K, my car and truck don't even come close to that. Maybe worth 10K together on a good day . That's where I'm at, but they are paid for and run great.
@Poepad 9 ай бұрын
Used leafs for 8k
@waynewallace2061 9 ай бұрын
I noticed that you can pick up a 20k mile used Leaf for about $19K in Phoenix.
@davidderler5924 9 ай бұрын
But batteries are probably the one thing that could cost a lot to replace. If going bad
@DTM45 9 ай бұрын
Same here my friend.
@geraldsmith7240 9 ай бұрын
EVs Are Not Proven And Very Crude, Especially Tesla. Fires, Pedestrian Menace, Poor Overall.🌀
@bintarosector9 9 ай бұрын
The cost of replacing the batteries is out of reach.
@fifthward1983 9 ай бұрын
these junk batteries wont hold up in the freezing cold north east temps unless you have a heated garage.also leaving the car outside in sub freezing temps without the cord hooked up will damage the battery.these batteries burn under water, watched a video of a tesla that rolled off a dock into the ocean, yeah thing was a roaring fire under water!
@AdventuresWithBrian83 9 ай бұрын
that's only because no one actually needs to replace batteries until 250k-500k miles. And in America EVs all come with at least 8 year/100k mile warranties. Compare the real world cost of a battery pack rebuild ($4k-$10k) versus the cost of a new engine and transmission in a similar ICE vehicle... Not that far "out of reach".
@AdventuresWithBrian83 9 ай бұрын
@@fifthward1983 EVs hold up perfectly fine in freezing temps of the Northeast. You might loose 10% of your maximum range, but it comes back once the temps rise. Norway is a helluva lot colder and they the most EVs per captia of any country.
@maddhatter3564 9 ай бұрын
@@AdventuresWithBrian83 thats total BS. dont go by manufacturer claims. And that wonderful Warrantee doesnt cover damage to the pack (even typical road hazzard damage)
@maddhatter3564 9 ай бұрын
@@AdventuresWithBrian83 wrong. data shows this is inaccurate. Lithium batteries shut down at about -10
@43evo 8 ай бұрын
Would never buy one expensive rubbish that's not helping environment 😢
@dennisdesmarais3778 9 ай бұрын
I would not buy that garbage.
@GregInATX 9 ай бұрын
I got a Model Y in Feb 2023 after the price cut. I love the simplicity and performance of this car. No regrets, and you awesome taxpayers paid $7,500 of my $52,000 vehicle.
@simeon8360 5 ай бұрын
Don't forget to thank your plumber next time he's unblocking your pipes.
@billsElitetrucking349 9 ай бұрын
Most EVs have over 7,000 failure points, ... their all called Lithium Batteries. That's 7,000 with a " T "
@davidc2838 9 ай бұрын
And YET....the ICE has higher maintenance costs almost universally. Stop with the FUD. The ICE is a Dinosaur.
@dougprw1110 7 ай бұрын
I’ve owned one for over 5 years. Not a single failure yet.
@jamesspencer3197 8 ай бұрын
I bought a new Kia Niro EV EX Premium in Dec 2020 to get $7,500 tax credit, effectively lowering net price to ~$35K with dealer sale price & military discount. Later bought a used 2021 Tesla Model S Performance with FSD purchased + other options, with 19K mileage in Mar 2023 from a private party. Niro has been great, now with 18K miles, no problems, with range > advertised at ~250 mi & no discernible degradation at this point. Tesla had sensor go out, preventing FSD from engaging, but was fixed under warranty. Tesla mileage now ~25K with only 5% battery degradation. With home wall charger installed (state of VA gave partial tax credit), have only charged Kia twice outside home & Tesla twice (including drive home from NY after purchase). I still own an old Chevy pickup truck for occasional hauling items too big for either car, but only buy gas for it every 2-3 months. May eventually buy EV pickup but need is not that great. Regarding others' comments on range, I keep both cars charged between 20-80% range. Kia Niro has twice gotten down to 2% (daughter) & 3% (me) but range kept extending as car automatically started shutting down systems to extend range & got us home safely.
@Chainyanker007 7 ай бұрын
These days there are so many Supercharger stations that getting real low on charge is because of the driver not paying attention, like not looking at the gas gauge on an ICE vehicle. There are a few dead zones with SC stations but with some planning no problem except for rare circumstances., usually destination chargers at hotels, etc. can be planned for.
@dennisvansandt9274 7 ай бұрын
Sell it before it gets to 100.000 miles. Because after that it will be worth "Zero Dollars".
@Ricky-mo6mv 6 ай бұрын
@@dennisvansandt9274 Or now.
@TheTruth-dy8ze 3 ай бұрын
I don’t understand battery operated vehicle buyers. You go into a showroom to buy a car that advertises xxx range. Now is that for 100% fully charged to zero? I see input from owners saying they keep their batteries charged to 80% to prevent degradation in the long term. So on the bottom end it seems that 20% is the preferred low point to look for a recharge. Therefore the range that manufacturers show is not real world. It would seem that one is only being advised to use 60% of the battery range advertised for long term battery health. This is such a scam, no wonder owners get range anxiety especially if the weather is cold or hot causing use of the battery power for internal comfort.
@TheTruth-dy8ze 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@Chainyanker007Wow so much planning since you use a battery powered vehicle. All that headache planning goes away if you use a gas driven vehicle without restrictions.
@welkcubnairb1478 9 ай бұрын
I am now retired and age 57 I DON'T want an electric vehicle I'm still driving, my fully paid off 2001 Chevy Tahoe 4x4, all original everything Everything still works It's a Tank
@dougprw1110 9 ай бұрын
It's great to drive a car for as long you can before replacing it. Best move for the environment overall. As someone a decade older than you, I have to say I love my Tesla. I've had it for 4 years and what surprised me the most is the fact that my wife will now drive only the Tesla. Refuses to drive our other car (a gas car). If you're ever in the market for a new car, at least test drive a Tesla. I think you'll be amazed.
@effigy42 9 ай бұрын
The emf will poison your cells dont do it
@640A 9 ай бұрын
Without a reliable charging network...you'd be silly to buy an EV outside of a Tesla! Building the Supercharger network alongside the vehicle was a genius move by Tesla!
@cesarebeccaria7641 8 ай бұрын
It's why Ford is providing free adapters with its EVs for maximum charger compatibility, although I think the superchargers still only work with Teslas. Yes, Tesla was smart, as theirs becomes the standard and another profit center for Tesla (since they sell the electricity at a "healthy" markup over what they pay for it.)
@mikeydude750 8 ай бұрын
too bad they couldn't stick to making a good charging network, their cars are trash quality and boring to look at
@ooooiioooo 8 ай бұрын
The EV market is already dominated bij the Chinese and Korean brands. Only Tesla can compete with these. The German cars are built better than Tesla but too expensive, like everything in Europe.
@davidreitter4457 6 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the heads up. You're doing a very patriotic thing for the inflation America.
@johnross9805 9 ай бұрын
Sell your Stock in EVs, its going down hill fast !
@David-fj5lz 9 ай бұрын
Who to?
@Will-2BMorePositive 9 ай бұрын
You're not wrong ... Lucid (LCID) and Fisker (FKR) have tanked but Tesla hasn't. However, you'll see they'll make a resurgence as gas prices rise ... if they stick around that long.
@joseCalderon1976 9 ай бұрын
People are starting to realize that when your batteries go dead in your wonder EV, it's like $20k. And $20k in a couple of more years again, if you are lucky. Plus EV vehicles lose value A LOT faster than ICE vehicles.
@miskatonic6210 9 ай бұрын
That's why you buy EVs with a proper guarantee on the battery.
@paulmaxwell8851 9 ай бұрын
Not around here they don't. If you have a used EV to sell it takes less than a day to find a buyer.
@ruudwilschut9095 9 ай бұрын
This is not an issue anymore as all EV's have an 8 year warranty for the battery AND the power train. ICE cars don't have 8 year warranty for the engine and the power train. And battery technology and reliability improves rapidly so the times of the bad Leaf batteries are defetively over. Yes, I had an Nissan Leaf with 24kW batter which was degraded to 86% in less than five years. Now I have an 2019 Opel Ampera-e which is equal to the Chevy Bolt and is a great EV. Thinking of trade it in for the new Volvo EX30.
@joseCalderon1976 9 ай бұрын
@@ruudwilschut9095 I really do hope it saves you money in the long run 👍
@bullittboost6046 9 ай бұрын
Hell No!!!! I don’t want an EV.
@Tom-dt4ic 9 ай бұрын
Drive one, brother. You'll change your mind.
@meow7983 8 ай бұрын
It’s the same situation in singapore. Dealer that only have EV available for fighting for market share, while dealers that have both ICE/hybrid and EV are pricing their EV higher and complain that EV are too expensive to sell
@danr1920 9 ай бұрын
You give the "days supply" which is of course great, but some of the dealers have one or two EV's, and that still is about a 100 to 150 day supply!😮 RIP Jaguar and Ford.
@charleshough6189 9 ай бұрын
Pricing is the elephant in the room! $60-$80K can be spent much more advantageously. After owning 2 EVs I've switched to PHEVs; the best of both worlds.
@chucktownfinest 9 ай бұрын
@martysk8r 9 ай бұрын
$2000/month rent. $2000/month EV car payment. It's just money.
@jeffcressotti 7 ай бұрын
Just got awd ioniq 5 and couldn’t like a car more. Thing’s fantastic.
@ronaldjohnson6906 9 ай бұрын
In the UK my brother bought a Tesla for 60,000 UK pounds 3 years later its only worth 27,000 UK pounds the depreciation on EVs is crazy.
@HelloMyFriend_ 9 ай бұрын
Never buy brand new. Almost every car depreciates in the first three years.
@stevemawer848 8 ай бұрын
@@HelloMyFriend_ But Electric Jesus slashing new car prices is great for existing owner trade-ins how, exactly?
@HelloMyFriend_ 8 ай бұрын
@@stevemawer848 huh?
@EvendimataE 9 ай бұрын
i dont want an EVs bcause they are expensive. Also, i live in an aprtment and there is no provision for ev charging
@teklife 9 ай бұрын
Instead of phasing out the Leaf, they should consider using LFP batteries to power it and continue selling the car. They already have the necessary tooling manufactured for production, so they ought to just make sensible upgrades and benefit from economies of scale to increase their profits.
@ralphg63 9 ай бұрын
the original design was cool, I had one, but never liked the second gen styling, it's a visual dud
@dcartier1692 9 ай бұрын
Current Leaf has LFP in base model - charge to 100% with no worries, great car!
@edvoon 9 ай бұрын
Nissan LEAF really only had 2 problems - unregulated battery temperatures and Chademo. Nissan had many years of refreshes but refused to do anything about both problems and only did cosmetic changes. To put this into perspective, most of the parts in the latest LEAF can be fitted into the original 2010 LEAF and still work.
@humanresources3545 8 ай бұрын
You can get extended battery packs for the LEAF. The newest ones had a 62kWh version.
@computerweenie 7 ай бұрын
One day I'll have an electric vehicle but the prices are too damn high. I was one of the people who had a reservation for the Lightning and when it was time to order it was over $80,000. I wasn't paying that !
@SoManyDogs 9 ай бұрын
The manufacturers have missed the biggest, most important segment who would love to buy EVs…Small businesses and contractors. A lot of us drive a LOT of local trips. Instead, they concentrated on the fully loaded, luxury versions. Ford released a Contractor oriented Lightning…its sold out for a year. The high ticket luxury versions, they can’t sell them. Chevy released a $100,000+ version of the Silverado. Meantime the Contractor grade, high towing capacity $60,000 version I want to purchase is nowhere in sight. So, I bought a Niro EV for estimates, running around for supplies and doing small jobs. I drive it all the time. If they had released the Silverado Contractor version, I would have traded the Ram Diesel in and bought that instead. Not waiting a year for the Contractor lightning, especially when it can’t tow my 14,000 lb dump trailer. Business use is where the market is and the Manufacturers have blinders on.
@occasionalquest 9 ай бұрын
EV current generation is trash ... ICE any time
@RobertSmith-di5ll 9 ай бұрын
No thanks to EV
@Sportclub18 5 ай бұрын
Same here. Live in a townhouse so can't charge at home.
@ericmintz8305 9 ай бұрын
The Bolt is flying off the lots. GM had planned to stop production by now. Due to surging demand, GM has decided to redesign it instead. I'd gladly buy another.
@nodak81 8 ай бұрын
Yeah and that "redesign" will come with a $15k increase in price which will mean they'll be piling up on dealer lots like every other EV.
@jeffreyhurst9552 8 ай бұрын
I don’t have an EV and found the Bolt and Volt interesting but I haven’t seen very many of either. I would probably go with the hybrid for now. Good luck.
@ericmintz8305 8 ай бұрын
@@jeffreyhurst9552 Thank you for your kind words. The weather just turned cold which shortened our range, but the Bolt still meets our needs. We seldom drive 100 miles in a day and like to break up longer drives. The car just suits us, but as it says in the ads, your milage may vary.
@jamesvandamme7786 7 ай бұрын
@@jeffreyhurst9552 The Bolt is fugly and looks like every other Chevy so they're hard to spot. Hybrid is the worst of both worlds.
@derekbain3508 9 ай бұрын
Already have one and love it practically no maintenance cost and at highway speed I get 200 plus miles once you figure out this vehicle is the answer to short to medium trips at very low cost you’ll love your electric car plus the torque and the it so quiet . Chevy bolt driver for 3 yrs .
@ronald4life1 9 ай бұрын
That's the thing when you have one you can't imagine going back. notice how this list btw is all very expensive EVs? That's fairly typical for luxury cars to to sell slowly. Automakers thought demand for cars would just keep raging.. obviously wrong.
@daleekiert3666 5 ай бұрын
I wanted an EV for my next car, but after doing the research about the astronomical hidden costs, no way would I ever buy one!
@philgreenfield8704 9 ай бұрын
The EV Market haven’t done their sales homework. They’ve blown it.
@tomr3319 9 ай бұрын
the entire go green agenda is about to be blown.. wait for it.
@anthonyscott5134 9 ай бұрын
Hmmmmm, it seems you haven’t done YOUR homework! Tesla model 3 is the 12th best selling car in the U.S in 2023 and the Tesla model Y is the 4th best selling car in the U.S in 2023. Not best selling EV’s, best selling CARS, PERIOD! The Tesla model Y is on track to be the number one car of 2023 in Europe. Again, not just EV, but of ALL cars! You would do good to do some research on a subject before spouting off info based on bias of hearsay from haters so you don’t look so foolish. Just because YOU don’t like EV’s doesn’t make your FEELINGS right. FACTS are right!
@zeehng5736 9 ай бұрын
@@anthonyscott5134 ChatGPT Complaints about Tesla cars failing may relate to individual cases rather than a broad problem. Some possible reasons include: Software issues: The braking system of Tesla vehicles is controlled by software, and software updates may introduce new problems or fix existing problems. Some braking issues may be resolved through software updates. System Failure: Any mechanical or electronic system can fail. The complexity of Tesla's communications system may make certain components susceptible to compromise. Individual Vehicle Issues: Some issues may be related to individual vehicles and not the entire Tesla vehicle lineup.
@SkylineHome-ny5gb 9 ай бұрын
That's so wrong I'm not sure why I'm replying😂😂😂
@metube9541 9 ай бұрын
Car manufacturers have definitely done their homework, ICE cars are on the way out whether you like it or not.
@968aro 9 ай бұрын
Yesterday one Mercedes EV exploded whilst charging in Malaysia
@Sashazur 7 ай бұрын
And how many regular gas(petrol) vehicles caught fire?
@Future-Classic-Comics 7 ай бұрын
​@@SashazurThey don't fuel cars don't self combust. They over heat.
@DCBChump 6 ай бұрын
@@Sashazur A battery fire is far scarier.
@ensignbodybag 9 ай бұрын
Glossing over the fact that Tesla still sell every car they manufacture, and back orders for the Cybertruck will keep them going for years. EV sales are not declining. They are just not selling the over-priced, over-hyped models that were rushed out, unfinished "Tesla killers". The fact that no other manufacturer is investing in charging infrastructure does not help their sales either. When Tesla are able to produce a wallet friendly family car with their advanced technology, ten or more years ahead of everybody else, the rest of the hugely debt-ridden car makers might as well give up.
@tadysaczkowski1837 7 ай бұрын
IN CANADA COST TO PUT CHARGER IN MY HOME Non-Standard Installation Cost: Labour & Material Installation Cost $3,831.80 Permit Cost $120.00 GM Canada Non-Standard Installation Credit ($1,500.00) Tax $318.73 Balance owed (Credit Card payment due): $2,770.53 incl. tax. Also ordering the charging unit module19.2 KW AC from GM for $1,795.00 So overall this will cost $5,626.81 Love the look of the Lyriq ...the lyric is not selling they have a huge inventory they are going to give big rebates to move these lyrics.
@LV-1969 9 ай бұрын
The high cost of a replacement battery could kill resale value. The extended range battery for a Ford Lightning is $32,000. If the battery died you would have to fork out the cash or possibly take a huge loss selling it if the vehicle is out of warranty. Add in the range depreciation and it makes it worse.
@gamingwitharlen2267 9 ай бұрын
Same goes for a gas engine/transmissions
@LV-1969 9 ай бұрын
@@gamingwitharlen2267 EVs lose about 2-3% of range per year. Gas engines are much cheaper to replace as well. Buying a used ICE car will less than 100k miles is still expensive . EV resale value is terrible even with low mileage.
@gamingwitharlen2267 9 ай бұрын
@@LV-1969 Most ice cars only last till 100k miles while evs lose closer to 1-2% a year.
@LV-1969 9 ай бұрын
@@gamingwitharlen2267 if you take care of an ICE vehicle they will last a long time. My wife and I buy new cars every 10 years (one new car every 5 years) and they have all gone over well over 100K and I get a decent trade in too. But we buy Toyotas...
@gamingwitharlen2267 9 ай бұрын
Same goes for an ev@@LV-1969
@trainsplanesandotherthings5187 9 ай бұрын
I'm a field tech and we have company cars, Currently we drive Ford Escape hybrids and get 580 miles on a fill up. The company wanted to switch to Tesla Model 3's the guys that got them as a test run HATED them... Range issues, having to bring and extension cord to every customer site to charge the car. Not being able to find hotels that have charging stations when on the road overnight.
@dougprw1110 9 ай бұрын
You must do most of your work in really remote or rural areas and not near major highways or cities?
@srt4b 9 ай бұрын
I don't believe you. There are Tesla superchargers everywhere. Model 3 range issues? They driving more than 300 miles straight?
@teekay_1 9 ай бұрын
@@srt4b What they're saying is that with a gasoline car, they didn't have to even think about it because there are so many gas stations even in rural areas. With an EV your strategy is always around finding a charger when you can afford the downtime.
@encinobalboa 9 ай бұрын
Hybrid is the way to go. Infrastructure is in place and there is no need to rebuild electric grid.
@wolfgangpreier9160 9 ай бұрын
@@srt4b The Teslas were too fast for them. They could not handle the POWER. 😂🤣
@beardumaw24 9 ай бұрын
I have NO interest in buying an EV and will not. I have several friends that have had new ones including the Teslas and they have all traded then back in for gas/diesels, said they were more a pain in the ass than their worth. Not to mention they suck in the colder climates ! And It is extremely destructive to the environment in digging up the heavy metal's to make the battery's, there is not enough heavy metals to make all the EVs they want and if there was digging it all up would cause missive environmental damage. NO thanks Brandon !
@Cream_of_sum_yung_gai 6 ай бұрын
Norway has a cold climate, and they have more ev's than any other country.
@GuyLastName-d8m 7 ай бұрын
Currently driving a Cadillac Lyriq and have put 15,000 miles on it. It is my 5th electric vehicle. It was one of the first couple of hundred built and had many problems at the start but has been completely problem free for 6 months after the dealer finally overcame the issues. It is a great vehicle and I am glad I bought it. I also considered getting a Blazer EV as a second car but was blown away by the MSRP that was more than the Lyriq. Overpriced by at least $12K. These will need big price cut/rebates to sell them.
@Sitrilein 9 ай бұрын
Expensive Crap with low Range! Not interested!
@PDLM1221 9 ай бұрын
It’s the High cost any over $55,000 are too expensive and the current high interest rates are killing sales, the Leaf was nice after they made changes but the first couple years they had battery issues and they only had 100 mile range. Now it’s nice and they drop it?
@Car-crazy 9 ай бұрын
They dropped it, because no one wants it. Same with most electric cars, no one wants them now.
@Wilem35 9 ай бұрын
@@Car-crazy Rambling nonsense
@ronaldboykin9755 9 ай бұрын
The biggest contributor to failure in sales of these EV is the price of these cars! The Chevy Bolt seems to be selling because of the price is what most people can afford, especially coming out of a pandemic! Even lots of gas cars aren’t selling as well as they should because of the price! Tesla sells very well in Northern California because of price reductions and rebates! Time tested support is big plus for buyers!
@Idahoguy10157 9 ай бұрын
A big part of the California EV are factors. The artificially high cost of gasoline. High fuel taxes. State future EV mandates. Federal and State income tax breaks for EV buyers. California only car smog testing standards that pushes otherwise reliable older cars off the road. Long commutes to work because of high housing costs pricing people of home closer to work. And more…
@jenniferj7588 9 ай бұрын
Warm places will buy these cars but cold places will not no electric grid area to charge up here or around me any were ...
@gamingwitharlen2267 9 ай бұрын
Tbh evs are falling in value a lot so soon they will be in the $20-27k range.
@jamesocker5235 9 ай бұрын
Price and reliability, they are currently junk
@richardwebb5518 7 ай бұрын
7:56 I am in the UK and went to order a Mach e and it is on a 10 month lead time - delivery is December 2024!!!!
@EchoSigma6 9 ай бұрын
A Toyota hybrid is efficient enough and approachable for me. Good build quality and decent warranty too.
@Dave-ei7kk 9 ай бұрын
I’ve had my Tesla for 5 years now and there is no way I’m ever going back to an ICE vehicle for my next car. But there is also no way it will be anything but a Tesla purchased directly from the manufacturer. Awesome performance, no charging headaches (unlike all other EVs) and no greedy $stealership$ to feed. What’s not to love! 🤗
@kelsey_roy 9 ай бұрын
The insurance cost for a 2023 Tesla Model Y with rear-wheel drive (RWD) being higher than an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle of the same value could be attributed to several factors: 1. **Repair Costs**: Electric vehicles (EVs) like Tesla often have higher repair costs due to their specialized parts and technology. The cost of repairing or replacing components like batteries and electric motors can be significantly higher than standard ICE parts. 2. **Battery Replacement Costs**: The battery is one of the most expensive components in an EV. If it gets damaged, the replacement cost can be substantial, affecting insurance premiums. 3. **Specialized Repair Shops**: Not all repair shops are equipped to handle EVs, particularly those from brands like Tesla. This limitation can lead to higher repair costs, which insurance companies factor into their premiums. 4. **Performance Factors**: Tesla's electric vehicles are known for their high performance, which can be a risk factor for insurers. High acceleration and speed capabilities might lead to a higher likelihood of accidents, influencing insurance rates. 5. **Technology and Safety Features**: While advanced safety and driver-assistance features can reduce the risk of accidents, they can also increase repair costs. Sophisticated sensors and cameras are expensive to replace or repair. 6. **Perceived Risk**: Insurers might perceive EVs, especially newer models like the 2023 Tesla Model RWD, as riskier due to the lack of long-term data on reliability and repair costs compared to more established ICE vehicles. 7. **Insurance Company Policies**: Each insurance company has its own method for calculating risk and setting premiums. Some might not have fully adapted to the emerging EV market and thus might err on the side of higher premiums.
@apb38 9 ай бұрын
That battery is reaching its life expectancy and no one wants a used Tesla or any EV for that matter unless your selling it dirt cheap.
@Dave-ei7kk 9 ай бұрын
@@kelsey_roy Interesting response. Are you by any chance an insurance underwriter? Because I suspect that’s exactly how most would approach the risk assessment of a relatively new vehicle with which they have only limited actuarial experience. I’m not going to disagree with your assessment because I’m not qualified. But I do have a couple of comments and a question. While repair costs might have been (and maybe still are?) higher for a Tesla than a comparably priced car do you think that insurance costs will come down as: 1) Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self Driving ADAS systems continue to improve and are more widely deployed used by their owners? Tesla claims to have data showing that their vehicles, while being operated with these systems engaged, are 10x less likely to be involved in an accident than are other non-Tesla vehicles. I would think an accident avoidance benefit of even 2x would trump any actual increased risk posed by real or imagined higher insured vehicle repair costs. And that would be an even more pronounced benefit when you consider avoiding the much larger payouts that accompany accidents involving personal injury claims. Teslas also tend to rank among the highest, and in many cases, hold the actual highest results in the various vehicle crash tests performed by insurance groups and government agencies. 2) When you compared insurance costs of a 2023 model Y in your response did you take into account the performance of the vehicle you compared it to or just the vehicle price? To be fair shouldn’t that comparison be with comparable performance badges like Mercedes AMG, BMW M-class, Chevrolet Corvettes, Dodge Chargers, etc? Question: I pay around $1000/yr in insurance for my 2018 Tesla Model 3 Performance and I have an outstanding driving record with my current insurance company over decades. The only claim I’ve had in the last 20 years was a rock damaged front window on the old Jeep Grand Cherokee I keep around for pulling trailers. The cost of my Tesla as time of purchase new was a tad over $70,000. (I know, they’ve come down to where the same car new is almost $20K less). Should I be shopping around for insurance? Maybe even Tesla’s own in-house insurance product now that it is available in my state, Minnesota? I’d love to hear your response. But don’t hurry, Enjoy the holidays with your family and friends. They come first! Regards, Dave
@Dave-ei7kk 9 ай бұрын
@@apb38 Not sure where you’re getting your information but my Tesla battery has been holding at around 91% of its capacity for the past couple of years and I expect it to be working just fine for at least another 10 years. And it’s warrantied for 8 years or 120k miles. Studies have shown that I can expect around 300,000 miles from a contemporary Tesla battery. (Not all EV batteries are the same!) And it’s still a huge pleasure to drive. So no worries here.
@breckfreeride 9 ай бұрын
Right to repair... I mean cool for you if you're into buying new every 5 years, but most of us won't purchase a new 60k vehicle which is an expense, not an asset. Ever see what cold/heat does to a battery pack? It's burning energy all the time to maintain temp. Pray that hvac never breaks when it's -20 or 110 outside cause the pack will be toast. How bout that range when you turn on the cabin heat? I guess if you can afford 60-100k car you have a heated garage for it though!
@JPsee24 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely 0 interest in an EV. The environmental impact of EV.s has been distorted not reflecting mining & shipping of required minerals as well as limited battery life requiring expensive replacement of batteries on an aging vehicle. China literally has parking lots full of discarded EV’s sitting there as consumer refuse to sink money into an aging platform (whose major appeal is contemporary technology) where the expense of battery replacement is prohibitive. Don’t get me going on the electrical grids that could not possibly support everyone driving an EV or the physical space required for charging stations (fields of chargers) to service the traffic of a busy highway. The future will be in hybrids, synthetic fuels, hydrogen or other alternatives.
@Indy_at_the_beach 9 ай бұрын
Meanwhile you burn gas every day of the ownership of your ICE vehicle. BS argument promoted by the oil companies.
@Will-2BMorePositive 9 ай бұрын
Research how much oil is left on the planet. That fact will amaze you. Once the expense to extract oil from the earth brings gas prices over $5/7 per gal then you'll look for an electric if a hybrid isn't available. The price to build an EV isn't cheap but neither is the price to build a car and fuel and repair/maintain it for the life of that car. When we first switched from horse power to horsepower, gas stations weren't in abundance. Fast forward to today and you'll find more electric infrastructure in the States than anywhere in the world. Once the grid starts to approach half its potential generated capacity, then you'll see solar panels on libraries, government buildings and shopping centers, along with incentives to install panels on your roof. Ppl that shilled out 1k+ per panel will be pissed but so will the ppl that must pay a higher MSRP on ev's because the demand increased as gas prices increased. And we wonder why 2035 is a target [referencing the research you decided to do, as requested in my opener]. Add another score to that and we're in the $5-10 per gal price range. Save your coin for that EV 😅
@bmw803 9 ай бұрын
Good point. H2 Fuel cells would be ideal. There are already H2 stations in COMMIEFORNISTAN, where H2 if produced onsite.
@sungmanitu6060 9 ай бұрын
@@bmw803 The energy density for H2 and the efficiency of its conversion to electricity is nowhere near what it needs to be in order to be viable....and a nationwide distribution network isn't gonna happen. H2 is a red herring wet dream.
@sungmanitu6060 9 ай бұрын
You might consider that China does a s*** job of recycling stuff. There is a ton of metals and precious materials in worn out cars, both gas and electric. In the US, recyclers line up for expensive stuff to be extracted, sold, and reused. All you've done is highlight how inefficient China's centralized management of its economy is.
@RonBevins-sw6uq 3 ай бұрын
I'm as happy as a clam with my 2019 Tesla Model 3. It has dual motors and is long range. I also got the FSD.
@jasonmartin1357 9 ай бұрын
No I would not consider a EV at all
@raydiaz368 9 ай бұрын
Nope, not for me!
@Wolfgang-the-Gray 9 ай бұрын
The only EV I'm interested in buying is the Aptera. I have an order reservation for one & hope to be driving it in 2024.
@scottdarroch9003 8 ай бұрын
My local ford lot has 3 e transits, 7 mach Es and 6 lightnings. Im thinking of getting rid of my gas pig and going for a test drive in an E Transit for work. I look forward to never going to a gas station again.
@TonyBraun 7 ай бұрын
and you're going to die of old age, sitting in your EV waiting for just an opportunity to charge. It takes me 3 mins. to gas up my ICE car......and I bought an ice cream as well.
@teklife 9 ай бұрын
It is interesting to note that both the Hyundai Ioniq 5 and EV6, which share the same platform as the GV60, are selling well. However, despite the GV60 being a more aesthetically pleasing vehicle, it appears to have exceeded the price range that most people are willing to pay for it.
@scottnunya2441 9 ай бұрын
Still, their sales volumes are a drop in the bucket compared to ICE vehicles.
@midnight4109 9 ай бұрын
Considering price, charging considerations and availability EVs aren't for everyone. I love NY Tesla but don't have monthly payments to look forward to either.
@FrVitoBe 9 ай бұрын
Also limited dealers I guess only 1 of em in my country
@midnight4109 9 ай бұрын
@@FrVitoBe Check w/Tesla. They deliver without dealers.
@gregorystein8065 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, I test drove quite a few GV60s, Ioniq 5s, and EV6s and I found them all pretty similar (obviously they share parts suppliers), but ended up getting a GV60 at a liquidation sale for a great price. The GV60 is kind of at an awkward place, priced high enough to invite comparisons to luxury brands (and high-end Teslas) but not established enough to fare very well in those comparisons unless you’re pretty price-discriminating. That is, you have to want the features and the build quality but not badly enough to pay for the competition.
@woody5109 9 ай бұрын
In the rang numbers, they never factor in accessories on like A/C or heaters plus headlights and sound systems, it all ads up. I live in Canada and our winters are cold and long, these EVs are only good (barely) for short commutes in the big cities.
@dougprw1110 9 ай бұрын
I'm curious which EV you own that gets such poor range. Or maybe you're just repeating things you've heard and don't really know what you're talking about? Range is hurt by cold, no doubt. But, it isn't only good for "short" commutes in the big cities. I live in the northern US and own a Tesla. I regularly make long trips in my Tesla in the winter, no problems. Having said that, I stay along the interstate where there are plenty of Tesla chargers. If I lived in the middle of a rural area without a charging infrastructure, and would have to rely on my home to charge the car, then yes, I'd be limited. Hopefully, we'll someday see a much better charging infrastructure as sales increase.
@albertstadt9853 9 ай бұрын
We had the money to buy a new Hyundai last year. But the 3 year waiting list was already full. So we bought a used one instead. The EVs are certainly not going unsold at the Hyundai dealers around here!
@murlokdb 9 ай бұрын
Don't buy a Hyundai EV it will cost you (kzbin.info/www/bejne/mqOWnnmwnZV-ic0) check it out you will see
@BobRooney290 8 ай бұрын
they are too expensive in general. its not like having a toyota corolla where if you get into an accident, it's as simple as replacing a body part. with EV, there's sensors and electronics in every part, which is why insurance is double the cost. there are too many cons in owning an EV. hybrid is the way to go.
@natehill8069 8 ай бұрын
@@BobRooney290 Too many sensors is your complaint, but you like a car that has every sensor of an electric car AND every sensor of an ICE car..?
@rodneyjhackenflash4865 8 ай бұрын
Ahh so.
@See_more.... 8 ай бұрын
They say stupid people usually stay close to one another.
@fuzzylumpkins6034 8 ай бұрын
That anyone is mental enough to walk into a dealership in the states for any Ford products right now just blows me away. Regardless of it being EV or ICE
@Ricky-mo6mv 6 ай бұрын
So true
@SamuelLanghorn 2 ай бұрын
what happened? I am not following the news. My neighbor got a nice Mach E and he likes it a lot. I need to tell him about your comment.
@fuzzylumpkins6034 2 ай бұрын
@@SamuelLanghorn His mach e will have no support or parts or be serviceable once Ford is forced to liquidate and buckle under it's own pressure of borrowing hundreds of millions from the government and having no control of it's dealer franchises to stop gouging consumers. Ford is shutting down production on mass with franchises to follow and prices to sky rocket as there will be no parts to work on vehicles designed to fail in 5 years.
@glenncheatham1320 9 ай бұрын
No thanks. Never.🤨
@gladegoodrich2297 9 ай бұрын
Firemen wont buy them! Damn things will burn down your house.😖
@PaulMathews-p4o 9 ай бұрын
EVS good for business::)
@nigelmorris 9 ай бұрын
Not true. ICE cars go on fire at a higher rate than EVs. Makes for a a good headline when an EV burns. You hardly ever hear about it when an ICE car burns.
@WAWACreations 9 ай бұрын
Urban legend, ICE burn more than EV's
@outragousbob4367 9 ай бұрын
The frequency of EV fires and ICE fires means nothing. Way too many variables within the two types of vehicles, not the least of which is the average age of the fleet. That said, one EV fire is 1000x more destructive/dangerous and toxic than ICE vehicle fires. It is only a matter of time before an EV takes out a high rise building with underground parking, or a bridge/tunnel. It is going to happen sooner rather than later I’m afraid. That was never an issue with easily extinguished ICE fires. Hell, they have already destroyed two ships I’m aware of……
@transitengineer 9 ай бұрын
This video reminds me of Hybrid automobiles about 10-years ago. They always want to charge a higher price the closer to a fully electric vehicle. Before buying my current car a 2014 Hyundai Hybrid Sonata (fully loaded with all options), I went to check out Ford's mid-size cars. The gasoline only model list price was $24,000; the hybrid model (gasoline and electric) list price was $34,000; and the plug-in hybrid electric model list price was $44,000. My problem was, when driving down the street they each look the same on the outside. Therefore, why would, I ever pay twice the price (smile...smile).
@bmw803 9 ай бұрын
Not only that. If that PHEV escape is over 10K more, you'll never break even in gas.
@dennisbusch5091 6 ай бұрын
I saw 2 You Tube videos of people who purchased EV's, both of them had to replace the batteries, which were not covered by warranty. One of them bought the car new 2 years ago and the replacement cost for the battery was $60,000, more than what he paid for the car when new. I have no intention of buying an EV until I absolutely have to.
@davidreidenberg9941 5 ай бұрын
Well that’s strange because Tesla batteries are warranted for 10 years or 120k miles.
@Steve_in_NJ 9 ай бұрын
If you build it, they will come does NOT apply to EV manufacturers charging a Gazillion Dollars and none of them use the NACS which is prevalent all over the U.S. Tesla is laughing all the way to the bank, as many EV charges will have NACS adapters in the new year! In addition, most of us "Regular Joes" cannot afford an EV, so if we want to go electric, we'll start slow, with a Hybrid as I plan to do next year!
@teklife 9 ай бұрын
hi there regular Joe in NJ, i hear ya, but consider the overall cost of ownership and convenience with owning an EV vs a hybrid. an EV you can charge at home, and EVEN if all you have is the same crappy (as far as charging an EV goes) "level 1" charging capacity, even though most homes that have washer and dryer or central air have level 2, it's quite common, but even with a level 1 charging, at home, yes it will take a long time, but, consider that your car is sitting for a long time at home, doing nothing, and can be charging. you can also take advantage of cheap energy rates at night, (set it on your vehicle). EVs are relatively simple and very few moving parts, whereas the hybrid, has 3 systems, ev powertrain and battery, ICE powertrain and fuel tank, and the intermediary system, just a lot more points of failure. so yea the EV may cost more up front but the cost of ownership is less and maintenance is MUCH less. i can tell you that the EV owners i know are thrilled at not having to replace engine fluids or brakes, and all other sorts of maintenance and checks for the thousands of moving parts which wear out. my brother charges his model 3 in the garage about once a week, never uses a fast charger since he rarely leaves long island, and if he does, they'll probably take the porsche cayenne instead. and he charges at night, when electricity is cheap, so, his electric bill hasn't even gone up much, even though it's now powering his car too.
@Steve_in_NJ 9 ай бұрын
@@teklife All true, however, I refuse to support Anti-Semite and White Supremacist Elon Must by buying a Tesla, and Consumer's Report just came out and said EV are JUNK (except Tesla, which, again, I won't buy). CR also said Toyota Hybrids are better than all of the non-Tesla EV.
@Steve_in_NJ 8 ай бұрын
@@teklifeYour "canned" response sounds like a salesman! I cannot afford an EV because in NJ, the insurance will go up too much for an EV, as I will have to install a "real" charger as I don't have space in my electrical panel. My appliances are all 110 Volt and I would need an electrician (already got an estimate) to upgrade my panel and install a charger in my garage, which costs me $1500 to start! No thanks.
@patrickchubey3127 9 ай бұрын
The very worst case scenario with my current ice car is that I have to replace the engine AND transmission at the same time, and even in the very unlikely event that actually happened, it would still cost me about 30% of what the cheapest available new EV would cost me, PLUS I have the satisfaction of being green by recycling my existing car, rather than buying a new car which requires that that the materials be ripped out of the earth and then refined and processed and manufactured into parts to be assembled into another car. My current ice car is and has always been very dependable, and being that it's an older model, the insurance is dirt cheap. I can't afford an EV anyway so I'm doing what I can with what I have.
@JoeOvercoat 9 ай бұрын
Ditto. I could replace all the parts on my ICE CLK 350 for the cost of an EV.
@natehill8069 8 ай бұрын
Selling your existing car and buying a new one (whether ICE or EV) is not the total environmental loss people act like, your car will replace an older more polluting car and so on down the line. Its only a total loss if you discard your car to replace it. And even then someone would find it and recycle it.
@patrickchubey3127 8 ай бұрын
There's a whole junkyard full of findable cars at the bottom of the hill that haven't gone anywhere since the 1960's. Nope, keeping my existing car on the road means that another car will not have to be made, and those resources not mined, and so on. Recycling works.
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