This is what Michael Mann said in a recent interview: Question: "I know that when you directed The Keep , you originally had a much longer cut, but it's never seen the light of day. Do you still have a copy of the longer cut, or does it no longer exist? MANN: "I don't even know. I’d have to dig into our archives to find out. We have a pretty spectacular archive. We saved everything, but I don't know how much I've saved on The Keep. The poignant tragedy that came was that the visual effects genius who worked on it, Wally Veevers - who was a spectacular guy, who goes all the way back from The Shape of Things to Come all the way through 2001 [A Space Odyssey] - died halfway through post. He had many esoteric forms of creating some of the visual effects, and it was only through the generosity of the visual effects community in England that we were able even to finish the picture. A lot of people who knew and respected Wally dove in to try to figure some of this out. So, it was a bizarre project." So a new "director's cut" may be possible, but admittedly it's very unlikely.
@T.M.Warren-qp2gq3 күн бұрын
We need the original uncut longer version that was cutdown by the studio! 💯🎬
@mickeythompson95372 күн бұрын
Yes, I'll hold out till the 'directors cut' is released; and I'd want to see the alternate ending(s) too.
@dcanmore2 күн бұрын
Sadly Michael Mann said he won't revisit the movie.
@jimmypopt.v.30372 күн бұрын
Not going to happen
@TheGamesZilla49219 сағат бұрын
@@dcanmore We Need ..A-Team to force him to do it!
@amb1633 күн бұрын
Back in the mid-90s, my mom worked at Blockbuster and she was allowed to get 10 free movies a week -- old only, no new releases -- so she let me go to town on all the older horror flicks. She recommended this one when I was about 15 or 16 and it has been seared into my memory ever since. Such a fantastic film!
@cobwebschannel3 күн бұрын
What a cool memory!
@shaneoconnor53193 күн бұрын
That was cool of your mum
@tomboling23092 күн бұрын
@@amb163 talk about a cool time Period. Bc the 80's & 90's & early 2000's was the best time to be a physical media collector
@Merica1776Күн бұрын
I hear ya brother. So ahead of its time. Thats why the test screening didn’t work. It was a bunch of normies/sheep and they f_cked us!!! We need Directors cut.
@deadairconversion2 күн бұрын
Warms my heart to know this movie is now given the love it deserves. It’s more of an experience than a movie.
@waynebutler70304 күн бұрын
The keep Was built not to keep something out but was built to keep something in.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
And when the Nazis started stealing the silver crosses what was inside the keep was pissed.
@rodturner6759Күн бұрын
Thanks Captain Obvious.
@rodturner6759Күн бұрын
@@PeoxyBlue They were made of nickel.
@0PsychosisMedia02 күн бұрын
I met F Paul Wilson at a convention. The guy was awesome. He hates the movie though. Absolutely despised the movie but also recognized the cult following. He signed my rare trade paper back of his book. Really nice dude, and way down to earth.
@mickeythompson95372 күн бұрын
The Keep could be viewed as the music video of the Tangerine Dream score, rather than a movie. Whatever, it's a brilliant film in so many ways, and I love it.
@tomboling23092 күн бұрын
The film the keep is one of the most requested or most wanted movie not to be available on any format other the a VHS tape or a laser disk release up to now. And now the keep has finally gotten physical release on 4k now. Don't be surprised in January when the keep gets a wide release it could be one of the biggest 4k catalog titles sellers in 2025. Bc of the demand for this film to be released on bluray & 4k. And the keep finally getting a physical release after all these years that is big for physical media & maybe this will open the doors for other films to finally get a bluray or a 4k release in 2025
@upStomp4 күн бұрын
This book can take you down a rabbit hole that'll take years to get through. It's the genesis of both The Adversary Cycle and Repairman Jack (which splits off after the second book in the first series). If Wilson isn't my favorite author, he's certainly the one I've read the most.
@Peter-skrw3 күн бұрын
You need to see ‘The Forgotten One’. It’s a 1989 movie with Kristy McNichol and Terry O’Quinn. One of the best ghost stories not very many people have seen. I think it’s available here on KZbin.
@machetedonttweet13433 күн бұрын
The Keep is the first book in F .Paul Wilsons ."Adversary "series. #2 'The Tomb" is my favorite. Wilson wrote the seven books between 1981 and the last one in 2020, which was more or less a prequel.The thing is nobody realized the books were connected until 1991/92 with "Reprisal" and"Nightworld."All books are available from Amazon So you young folks don't have to spend 20 years reading him. PS many of the protagonists you thought dead , might not be .PSS PLEASE BUY THE BOOKS! Audiobooks ain't reading!
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
Turn the volume on my black heart moving right along. I will never forget these assholes putting down Indiana Jones and the raiders of the Lost ark and every other imaginative film that they could think of at the time to say everyone should go sit through ordinary people. Yes you have a milk toast husband a bull Dyke wife and the younger son who can't seem to exist anymore because his older brother just died if I want to see shit like that I won't.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
Thank you for turning me on to vinegar syndrome.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
I'm not like a little monkey I don't follow the ass in front of me blindly if I want to go see a movie it's because I want to go see a movie and if I don't like it I'm going to talk about it and if I do like it I'm going to scream about it from the mountain tops but I've never seen hunger games I've never seen Harry Potter I've never seen pirates of the Caribbean I've never seen anything that all the fucking teenyboppers think is Oscar Worthy.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
You know what I honestly wish vinegar syndrome would get ahold of. Fade to Black. 1980 I believe? A movie fan named Eric goes to extreme lengths to live out his fantasies. Along the way he kills his enemies while dressed as his movie heroes. He even gets a girlfriend who resembles Marilyn Monroe I believe it was Yvonne de Carlos last film.
@johnw85782 күн бұрын
I just finished reading all the books. I highly recommend them!
@joanmayer3044 күн бұрын
I loved the book and the movie blew me away. I have read all the books from F. Paul Wilson. Wish they would make a movie on his book The Tomb. ❤️ from 🇨🇦
@upStomp4 күн бұрын
Yes! Bring Repairman Jack to the screen!
@frankmesinaphotography4 күн бұрын
I’d be happy with a Repairman Jack film!
@chrishill77973 күн бұрын
The Adversary Cycle - an incredible set of books
@nonedermis46112 күн бұрын
book? thanks for the tip, i didnt know!
@johncspine2787Күн бұрын
His ppl and also David Eddings’ ppl (Belgariad, Malloreon) protected the source materials, come to think Anne Mccaffrey’s Dragonriders series too would be great in film. Repairman Jack, and Harry Dresden too would be great. They made a halfway decent attempt at Harry Dresden tv series, but it didn’t play well.
@Victor-gi3dy3 күн бұрын
Saw this in the Theatre when in came out in 1983. 😊
@DrSyn-eb5iv3 күн бұрын
Me Too! God I'm old. Then saw it again on cable.
@ConstableHandsy3 күн бұрын
How do you think it stands up today ? Ive not seen it but am tempted with this
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
I envy you
@mazonemayu2 күн бұрын
I saw this movie when it came out, and visually it is one of my fav movies of all time that I still watch a few times a year. The Keep is one of the reasons to own a laserdisc player. You are absolutely right about the audio: the digital transfer is all over the place (this is also the case on the laserdisc btw), BUT the second audio track on it, is the original anolog Dolby Stereo track from the theatre, which not only hits differently, but for some reason is way more balanced. I’m glad for those like you who’ve never seen it, that it finally came out on a modern format, but if you want to experience it differently, it is totally worth tracking down the laserdisc although it has gone up a bit in price over the last few years.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
The word you're looking for cobwebs is cinematography.
@Pleroma0967Күн бұрын
I recorded this on VHS when it was broadcast on TV in the U.K back in the 90s. It blew my mind and I never forgot it. A real gem of a movie and very underrated in my opinion.
@dwbunloaf82454 күн бұрын
I watched this on a vhs rental in the 90’s and it blew my mind. I’d never seen anything like it before. I liked it so much I bought it but it wasn’t easy to find.
@deniskirkbridekirkbride31943 күн бұрын
Still have it on VHS
@sarahhodgson70212 күн бұрын
The quarry where site of the keep & bridge was near where I lived in the early 90s. I visited the quarry a few times & walked on the bridge over the chasm. The chasm is actually very shallow. I wonder if the bridge is still there after all this time?
@janeburkhart40514 күн бұрын
I remember seeing this to rent at the little Mom and Pop store in my town. Almost rented it a few times but never did so I'm really glad you reviewed it.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
That wasn't a dream like fairy tail it was a fever dream. And I loved it!!! Speaking of amazing I am so glad I found your site cobwebs. Your take on filmmaking the process and the ability to rejoice the product or astounding I have been a media baby since I was three years old on 59 now and I applaud your attention to detail and I look forward to continuing loving your website thank you.
@DireWolf82722 күн бұрын
The Keep remake is in the works. No release date yet.
@retromacman6204 күн бұрын
I do really enjoy this film. I would love to see Michael Mann's cut, his films tend to fascinate me. Unique and gripping ❤
@WilliamLyons-ym7ee4 күн бұрын
His films have the best music too.
@shannondore4 күн бұрын
New subscriber here. Watching your vids is like hanging out with a friend chatting about movies. I love it! I'm so glad I found your channel. Your love for movies is eclectic like mine. I love anything from the silent era to today, foreign horror, independent horror, and cheesy B movies from the 70s/80s. I've heard about "The Keep" but never saw it. Thanks for mentioning that it's supposed to be dream like so when I watch it, I'll understand it more. 😊
@jasongaylor2232Күн бұрын
Finally! Nice to see. However, we really need the original longer uncut version that was butchered by the studio. Perhaps Mann will eventually give in and provide us with a director's cut one day.
@TheBioramax3 күн бұрын
I remember seeing this in the theater. It was fascinating. Later, I had it on VHS. It is a movie I revisit regularly.
@orinanime3 күн бұрын
I absolutely unironically LOVE this movie! I heard about this almost immediately and still missed the special limited edition. I got a pre-order for January of the standard edition. But damn, I really wanted that behind the scenes book.
@craigdorsey8624Күн бұрын
I got it with the book before they sold out. I’ve always loved the movie even if some don’t. It came out during the time of my love for anything with Tangerine Dream in it. Also loved Sorcerer even if it’s not a fantasy film.
@orinanimeКүн бұрын
@craigdorsey8624 you're very lucky. I wish I could have got one of those books. What all is in it? I'm happy to hear from another fan.
@craigdorsey8624Күн бұрын
@@orinanime It has a few articles about the film, an interview with Michael Mann and some photos. It is only about 22 pages so it is more like a pamphlet, but it is nice to have along with the film. I haven’t watched the 4K or blu-ray yet but I’m familiar with the film. I actually had it on VHS and use to watch that with it’s rather murky picture quality. This should be a big improvement.
@orinanimeКүн бұрын
@craigdorsey8624 22 pages? Weird. The listing said it was 40 pages.
@craigdorsey8624Күн бұрын
@ I just counted each page, not each side, so I guess you could say it is 44 pages. The photos aren’t the of the greatest quality but it is probably all they had to use. As I mentioned, it isn’t really a book but probably more like a souvenir of the movie. I have lots of Vinegar Syndrome titles that add stuff like this to make them more collectible.
@thelastmoviestandingКүн бұрын
Great review man!!!
@btetschner4 күн бұрын
A+ video! LOVE IT! Awesome review, sounds like a very intriguing movie!
@sdelong744 күн бұрын
This falls in and out of various streaming services which is where I discovered it. Very beautiful fairytale thriller. It was made in that magical time much like The Sentinel, The Legacy, and Looking For Mr. Goodbar whereas a lot of big time soon to be stars appear in one place. Michael Mann I believe disowned this film. I'd also compare to cult classics like The Man Who Fell to Earth and Legend in the interesting visuals as well as the equally interesting story. I'm a huge fan of this kind of style. The EFX are unbelievable for early to mid eighties. I believe the first film to use CGI was Dragonslayer and it was still a very expensive process. Too bad the wizard in charge of the EFX in The Keep never made anymore beyond this.
@rickytoddbotelho955520 сағат бұрын
This movie is great 👍
@MsRaquis1Күн бұрын
This one has been a long-time favorite, and I’m glad it’s finally gotten the love it deserves from Vinegar Syndrome. The packaging is fantastic. I wonder if Vinegar Syndrome could pull some strings to find the director’s cut of The 13th Warrior. That would be incredible.
@Cameroo3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the review! Hadn't seen this one since I was a VERY little kid. Don't remember it too well other then it having that dreamy quality like Legend of even Labyrinth to a degree.
@kevinturner49363 күн бұрын
Just discovered your channel. Subscribed. 😎
@deborah61002 күн бұрын
I recently found ur channel and i am addicted! ❤ I could listen to u talk all day🥰
@cobwebschannel2 күн бұрын
Thank you!! I really appreciate that.
@grey_wulf4 күн бұрын
Hi Daniel! The Keep was an awesome book. Highly recommend if you want a creepy read. Thanks for another banger video!
@ricardomoriya12134 күн бұрын
I've always loved The Keep, even with its flaws. Well, since the movie bombed upon release, Mann himself has disavowed his own creation, so I don't think we'll ever see a restored dircetor's cut. Same thing happened with the movie Mike's Murder (1984). It was supposed to be a dark-gritty/murder/romance three hour long masterpice with a terrific Joe Jackson soundtrack but it was chopped and shelved by WB for two years before it was finally released in 1984 - with a 109 minutes copy instead of its original 3 hour run.
@WheelChairwayToHeaven4 күн бұрын
Underrated gem. Still holding my breath, hoping for that 4 hour long directors cut
@darthseamus88334 күн бұрын
I’m not sure a 3 hour version would make any more sense. I’m a Mann fan, but I’m afraid The Keep is one of those movies where the reputation of a “cult classic” is just not visible for me. I think people remember this as a better film than it actually is. Like Highlander or Lifeforce. I think if The Keep had both Queen music AND a constantly naked vampire woman, we might have a real cult classic.
@chrislondo26833 күн бұрын
I was thinking the same thing on the last part had they changed Molasar from a man to a woman. Wonder what actress of 1983 would’ve played Molasar?
@spyz14483 күн бұрын
@@chrislondo2683Barbara Carrera.Remember "Embryo"...?Plus, it would had been same year with "Never Say Never Again"(in which, she also took part).
@RyanCMcD3 күн бұрын
Agreed, until you besmirched Highlander lol. That movie's exactly what I remember it to be: Fun. The Keep? Not even close.
@ohnoitisnt6663 күн бұрын
Dead wrong.
@stephenpmurphy5913 күн бұрын
@ohnoitisnt666 I agree the Keep is a excellent cosmic horror film.
@williamblakehall55662 күн бұрын
Always happy to see love for The Keep.
@lindseykipp1913 күн бұрын
I found a crappy vhs of this at the library 20 years ago. My young mind wasn’t ready for whatever the hell was going on
@anthonystrocks2473 күн бұрын
WOW! I can't believe it! FINALLY!!!
@antoniocunha39122 күн бұрын
In the 90's I watched this film on TV. Made a copy of it in a VCR tape. And after this I copied my copy on a DVD disc I still watch after all these yerars. I love this film and I hope I resurface here in Brazil in a DVD or Blu-Ray edition. I always cared a lot about The Keep.
@celluloidtherapy50032 күн бұрын
Imprint timed their release, perfectly! I was SO bummed about missing this at VS, but felt a HUGE relief when I saw Imprints announcement! This is even cooler, as it will be in their big box format, that I just LOVE.
@joannesuzieburlison71282 күн бұрын
I really want to see it now! I read the book and loved it. It seems like what you are describing is what I saw in my mind, in fact I saw it so clearly I thought I had seen the film but I didn't. The vibe just sounds so amazing. I have to look for it. Thanks for reviewing this one.
@SOLtooКүн бұрын
I had a group of friends back in the mid-80's and we must have watched this movie 100 times. There were weeks we'd watch it 5 nights, with 2 nights switching over to "The Wall" for a break. There was always some small detail we'd catch that nobody had noticed before. We especially liked the extended version. I credit THIS movie, and the ever amazing Alberta Watson for imprinting on me what the perfect woman looked like. Her love scenes with Scott Glenn were so incredibly passionate. I'm interested in seeing this in 4K because the DVD I bought looks like it was copied from a bad VHS.
@Reggaebeatman3 күн бұрын
We need to remember the Days renting VHS tapes and putting up with flickering, worn out tapes, thick grain and some scenes even loosing audio and visuals😂. It was frustrating as hell .....I hope they find those lost tapes.
@09nob3 күн бұрын
I don't understand why directors often never made copies of their cuts.
@dcanmore2 күн бұрын
Because they don't own the film, under contract from the movie's owners the Director has to deliver a cut of the movie. Unless the Director owns or part owns the production company then having a production copy of a movie that you don't own is liable to be theft, breach of copyright and breach of contract.
@09nob2 күн бұрын
@@dcanmore Ah I see, thank you. That's a terrible system.
@Duncaster2 күн бұрын
Mine’s finally shipping out. I’m so excited to finally see it. I’ve always loved films with an eerie, dreamlike vibe. VS already scratched that itch once for me this year with Phase IV and I’m hoping The Keep can do the same.
@thiscorrosion9002 күн бұрын
Tangerine Dream did the score, don't forget. That's another positive reason to even watch this. The movie is a mixed bag, but the novel is still a classic as is The Tomb. Reborn wasn't bad, either. Not sure why some of F. Paul's other novels haven't been adapted for films or miniseries. Most of his novels are quite good. But The Keep is my favorite. I met F. Paul Wilson a few years ago briefly at the Stoker Horror Writers (HWA) Convention on LI that year, we ran into him in the elevator at the hotel! He was an affable guy, for sure.
@frankb8213 күн бұрын
I saw this movie on the shelf at the video store for decades as I was growing up...but for some reason never rented it. This video was exactly what I needed to finally get me there!
@Adam_Le-Roi_Davis.3 күн бұрын
I love this film, I had this originally on VHS when it was released in the U.K. and sold only by the company 'HMV', I bought bootleg DVD copies over the years since, I didn't know that this was being released in 4K, I'll have to see if I can get a copy.
@hermanmueller1534 күн бұрын
I can't believe it!! I hope it will have a german Edition!!! I saw it first on video in 1986....the soundtrack of tangerine dream is terrific
@GromMolotok3 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed the Keep when I saw it on VHS all those years ago. And now that I've had the chance to watch it again, I still enjoy it. And you remind me that it's been too long since I've read any of F. Paul Wilson's books.
@jameshellard70424 күн бұрын
I love this film, I hope there will be a UK 4K release.
@xusiaxod62553 күн бұрын
I'm in the UK and ordered from Vinegar Syndrome. 4K's are region free. Imprint in Aus also have a 4K apparently.
@kevsplitterskull32093 күн бұрын
This movie was a very noble failure. I wish there was a way to watch Mann's original vision. I bet Wilson would have liked it better as well, although he did also have problems with the creature design. There is always something that brings me back to it every few years.
@mkhnlyКүн бұрын
The ending was a Massive let down! Great visual film though.
@beyondz554 күн бұрын
I wonder if it inspired some elements in the Wolfenstein games at all. So excited for this release. I've only had bootlegs as well for decades!
@RobertSchroeder-f9c13 сағат бұрын
I haven’t seen this film for years. but I do remember some scenes and details that stuck with me all this time. I remember Scott Glen’s performance and I remember the imagery. I recognized Scott from the right stuff and this film was so different. I was so surprised that he did this film because it was such a departure compared to the right stuff. I believe that this was even before Silverado.
@johnwalsh48574 күн бұрын
another company which also like VS that goes out of its way to publish obscure forgotten stuff is Severin Films, also love em.
@cobwebschannel4 күн бұрын
Absolutely! I also put in a Black Friday order from them, but their shipping is much slower. I’m not expecting it for awhile.
@MentalSurvivalКүн бұрын
I'm old enough to remember seeing this in the theaters and was blown away by it. I didn't understand it, but I really liked it. I still haven't read the novel though. I've heard that it has Cthulhuian elements.
@GarouLady4 күн бұрын
Oh fierceness yes!! Can we please get the alternative ended added?? I saw that alternative ending twice and had to drag my mom down to see it the second time.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
Believe It or Not tangerine dream also did the score for firestarter.
@mikeg24912 күн бұрын
It’s crazy how VS went from selling pr0n to mainstream stuff like this
@The_Lunatic_Fringe894 күн бұрын
Ah so jealous. The special edition was sold out by the time I got on the website, so I had to order the standard edition. Still excited to see it though. I can't wait for my copy.
@davidmouser596Күн бұрын
First saw it on the big screen, when it starts and those opening credits roll, crank that volume up!
@waynebutler70304 күн бұрын
I own a digital copy of the keep.In my opinion it's a good movie.
@WilliamLyons-ym7ee4 күн бұрын
Get the 4k. The picture quality is amazing. Hopefully one day Mann will release the Director’s Cut, so the film will have more coherence then.
@musicmann19674 күн бұрын
I'm just happy that a better copy is finally out now. I bought a streaming copy from Apple and the quality isn't very good. You can see the great shots that Mann had created, but the video quality is substandard. I hope it hits streaming soon. I'd like to get this new version for sure.
@AndyKing19634 күн бұрын
There's been a fan made documentary* on The Keep in the works for years (they interviewed nearly every single person involved in it's production), hopefully this release will be enough of a boost to finally get it released. *A World War II Fairytale: The Making of Michael Mann's 'The Keep'
@richardotero67242 күн бұрын
I own a DVD of The Keep!! One of my favorite movies!! I'll put it in my player now 😁🎄
@davejanes80913 күн бұрын
Picked this up at the VS Toronto store on BF.
@donlengel47702 күн бұрын
The story does seem a bit rushed. I've watched this movie several times. Would have liked to seem the 3 hour version.
@johnwalsh48574 күн бұрын
alberta watson the heroine, is a very underrated actress, first saw her in the soldier 1982 with ken Wahl.
@DoubleDguitar3 күн бұрын
I had this on Beta and loved it.
@ConstableHandsy3 күн бұрын
I remember this doing the rounds back in the day but never saw it. Am tempted…
@Merica1776Күн бұрын
I am 54 years old and when this came out I was 13, my brother brought it over to our house on VHS from a rental store. I literally watched it from Friday night till Sunday when he left to go back to Seattle, nonstop. To say I was obsessed would be an understatement, I’m also a huge Michael Mann fan of Miami Vice, last the Mohicans, Heat and many other of his movies. I pray that his original Directors cut comes out and is released digitally or otherwise on another format. Please tell me where I can get a 4K DVD of this? Or Blu-ray? Thank you. “Do not touch the crosses”
@davidknight24232 күн бұрын
I loved the book back in the day, as I did the movie. On VHS. I accepted the change to the main villain from vampire to more of an HPL kind of evil being. That was really the main change. I am sure more of the book's other details were in the cuts. I don't remember experiencing any issues with sound back in the day or with the VHS copy I picked up a few years ago. Maybe there aren't problems watching it on old tech that there is on new tech? I'm going to dig up the VHS and player and get ready to compare sound issues.
@PeoxyBlue2 күн бұрын
At the time that this movie came into the theaters we were not in an intellectual level to appreciate it. This masterpiece played opposite Time bandits.
@digimortalone27592 күн бұрын
The book was amazing. The film, not so much. Feelings of it being cut up, rushed and unfinished. But the look was spot on. And Mann hit on many key points from the book. There were certain moments while reading that stuck with you. And it was exciting to see those in the film.
@LurkingFear874 күн бұрын
I ordered the keep and witch story on the black friday sale and I'm still waiting for them to ship!!
@cobwebschannel4 күн бұрын
I got Witch Story too!
@brettrobson57393 күн бұрын
I first watched this years ago. It was on TV in Australia fairly often. There's a great movie in there somewhere. Pity we'll never see it.
@donaldmurphy14052 күн бұрын
Jeez I just seen this!!!But I don't remember how.....Maybe streaming free on Pluto at the beginning of summer or so?It was a weird freaky movie but it,s definitely worth a watch,Very unique film
@markallan1296Күн бұрын
I think that may have been where I saw it too, although I had also seen it years before. Great movie, very much a fever-dream fairy tail! Definitely a Mann film (although mutilated) and Tangerine Dream is *Chef’s Kiss*.
@TheNecronachtКүн бұрын
I went to see this on opening night at my local theater with my buddy who's since passed away. I loved the creature design of the Molasar and Scott Glenn's portrayal of the Glaeken to battle this ancient evil that is the Molasar. I too loved thee Tangerine Dream score. I'd been a fan since hearing their scoring of 1977's Sorcerer... If you've never seen Sorcerer, give it a try. It's not horror, but rather action thriller with awesome special practical effects.
@Bonddm20024 күн бұрын
Aussie label Imprint also have a release of it coming out.
@DanniObscure3 күн бұрын
On January 28th 2025 it'll have another release from Vinegar Syndrom.
@orinanime3 күн бұрын
Vinegar Syndrome is tied with Arrow Media for 2nd place for my favorite physical media boutique company. My favorite is Umbrella.
@bobbressi54143 күн бұрын
Excellent film!
@mychunkyjordi75853 күн бұрын
Saw this when I was 8 and completely got it. Been along time since I've seen gonna have to rewatch 👍💜🐾😊
@stephenpmurphy5913 күн бұрын
I was eleven watching The Keep on rented DVD my parents were surprised I got it too!
@SmitGin3 күн бұрын
I was a fan from the book and remember looking forward to the film back in the day. I saw loads of behind the scenes photos in magazines which promised something very special from the movie. When the movie came out a lot of those scenes had been cut. Regardless, I loved the film. My friends hated it! I was lucky enough to talk to Ian McKellen about it years ago - I told him I loved it and he said “Oh, you were the one!” so I gathered he was not a fan of it himself. BTW, the story of The Keep has several sequels from original author F. Paul Wilson called The Adversary Cycle which make good reading!
@sorrysirmygunisoneba2 күн бұрын
This is such a great movie, I’m glad a 4K version came out but disappointed it wasn’t a better cut. Flippers bought most of the collector’s editions up and are now charge 5x the price plus. Lowest of the low.
@matttorrence29002 күн бұрын
I saw this and was fascinated by it when it first came onto video. I still don't understand it, though.
@Winnipegger2 күн бұрын
I love! Love! Love this movie!!! Yes it's bizarre but back in high school when I rented it I fell in love with it. It's always been one of my fave movies. Truly for discriminating watchers. Not very gory or horrific, but such a dreamy atmosphere and bizarre set up.
@Invertedblueroses4 күн бұрын
Yeah maybe it will be back in January but not even a “sold out” on Vinegar Syndrome’s website!
@richardcook4260Күн бұрын
Love this film! Epic soundtrack…Molesar the legendary evil! 😈
@reignfire854 күн бұрын
I've heard of this, think I had it slated to watch from physical disc through Netflix before the company went straight digital, so knowing it has a premium release is good. The visuals are indeed incredible and for that alone I'll need to check it out (much like I did with Razorback).
@CJG14192 күн бұрын
Omg I have been searching for “Looking for Mr. Goodbar “
@RWildekrav662 күн бұрын
Great Flick ! Scott Glenn was terrific as was Gabriel Byrne .
@gtm6044 күн бұрын
I love Michael Mann. I think this is an interesting film and it has lots of good stuff in it but its more in the vein of a beautiful mess then something truly great or even good. I also love the soundtrack by Tangerine Dream.
@WilliamLyons-ym7ee4 күн бұрын
He hasn’t lost his touch. “Ferrari” was great as well.
@jasonharper58662 күн бұрын
All cut scenes are gone, before anyone asks
@johnwalsh48574 күн бұрын
still waiting for my order of the keep which also includes Freeway 1 & 2, and the Spanish giallo collection.
@darknightskys6662 күн бұрын
A fucking classical masterpiece!!! One of my top favorite movies
@robodd46943 күн бұрын
Saw this when it 1st came out and one of my favs. What they pieced together after editing (which some would say butchered) is exactly as you describe. As much as I would love to see the original cut (3hrs?) I look at the 1-2hr final cut as a symbolism of the movie itself. Missing pieces and dis-jointed scenes. You really don't understand what is going on. It adds to the other worldly mystery of it all. Almost like an H.P. Lovecraft style of cosmic forces your not supposed to nor want to understand. Plus if I remember right when entering the "keep" time and your mental perceptions are warped so I found it ok if the story didn't follow a straight, full of explanation, type path.
@darkstarr25402 күн бұрын
I know Michael Mann has said that if he ever did a blu-ray release of this he wanted to include the full cut of the film or he wouldn't be interested. As far as I've heard it don't include the directors cut so I guess he changed his thought process on the release. However I would love to see the unreleased footage even in a workprint.