You could have camp sites in the back ,,, It looks great ... Just do it !
@michaelamaestas49502 сағат бұрын
I love all your videos . We do urban permaculture , organic gardening , We live in ABQ, NM 87107 .. People pay us to sleep in our garden, in tents or sleep in their van . We have 2 extra bedrooms inside the house. We are super busy from March until late Oct.
@michaelamaestas49502 сағат бұрын
All Land is usable , be creative , dream big and bigger . It can be usable is ways not even done before .
@andrewb45842 сағат бұрын
Greene County is starting to see a comeback, it's slowly returning to a weekend/vacation destination for NYC. Honestly, if you can get it for a good price, some PILOT breaks, and find solid help... You'll be good. If nothing more the land alone will appreciate, and it's only slightly above its low point, imo, for the past few decades. Good luck, and we'll stop by in the RV once you get it buttoned up.
@beebop433313 сағат бұрын
Awesome. I see your vision and excitement. Tick haven motel. Make trails and remove pond for liability reasons. Not much useable land. Id worry about water and swampyness. If u buy, you better get that for nothing. Use an wooded area for RV parking. No hookups. Id pass, but its your game. Ur the boss. Good luck
@BeefRocknmore15 сағат бұрын
That ridge looks like a train rail bed.
@RaymondMullen-t9j3 сағат бұрын
I'm not sure , appears as a Lot of Work and even MORE MONEY .. Than to kind Contractors in the area willing and ABLE to handle a Project as that . What's in the area Restaurant's , History , things to do . I'll stay Tune to see what happens... Good Luck.....
@OldAndWithered14 сағат бұрын
Starting a business in NY is insane. Wish you the best. Two of my friends just left NY with their businesses and moved to SC & NC
@lisawicks820512 сағат бұрын
Well, I guess it depends on your perspective and your feelings regarding any place in the south… good luck to your friends though
@andrewb45842 сағат бұрын
As a guy who has a small business in NY, no... No it's not. It's also not my first or last time starting something in states; my day job is in Finance for a Fortune 20. NY is mid-pack for cost of doing business in the US. Labor and real estate around NYC can be pricey, but Upstate is cheap. Aim for the cities Upstate, and it's a fantastic cost/benefit ratio. I wish your friends luck, but NY isn't their issue in running a business.