the control of this brew is bullshit and I F'N love it Thank you Ash for showing it. I especially love how it completely shuts down aggro
@samanthalouise641Күн бұрын
I played versus this today. I was very thankful for them helping me discard my abhorrent oculus so I could reanimate it.
@moldyboi354Күн бұрын
Lmao turn 1 oculus is busted
@notthefakepat2081Күн бұрын
I have lived this dream and it was glorious
@saraf.437619 сағат бұрын
That opp found it's hopeless nightmare.
@CliffSedge-nu5fv12 сағат бұрын
That's the first thing I thought. If you're going to help the reanimation players, pack some exile graveyard effects: Rest in Peace or Soul-Guide Lantern.
@samanthalouise64111 сағат бұрын
I was thinking of adding some to the sideboard. Ghost vacuum an option too
@FullOnGritzКүн бұрын
I’ve run an enchantment version of this deck with the scavenger, Victor, and Valg’s Lair since duskmourn and it makes reanimators cry when you take their reanimation target they discarded.
@RobinBonhommeКүн бұрын
This is actually very similar to a deck in pauper, Orzhov blade. Except it uses kor skyfisher and glinthawk. Unfortunately, glinthawk only picks up artifacts so it usually doesn't run hopeless nightmare
@hurkersmm18 сағат бұрын
I love this deck and it looks super fun. Seems like it's lacking some kind of finisher, but I'm not sure what. The extra non-combat damage from bandit's talent seems like it would be super helpful though.
@moldyboi3544 сағат бұрын
I've been playing a slightly modified version of this deck on ranked ladder for two ish days now and even when I lose this deck is so much fun. There's a lot of lines that I missed initially. For example: against a caretaker's talent deck I sideboarded in a Get Out and recurred it with Stormchaser's Talent to basically lock them out of ever playing their draw engines. Sometimes this felt like a discard deck, sometimes it was a tempo deck, other times it felt like control, it's so much fun
@sternenschratholz8814Күн бұрын
I would love to see an updated take from you on the cauldron combo Sleep cursed faerie and kami of whispered hopes. These last few brews were very creative
@dmacpherКүн бұрын
Well this just looks frustrating as heck to play against lol
@AshlizzlleКүн бұрын
a literal hopeless nightmare 🙂↕️
@dmacpherКүн бұрын
@ any specific type of brews you might want to play? I have a bunch of fun jank currently
@evancurhan4121Күн бұрын
I was juuust trying to update WB pixie, loving this
@EleiemКүн бұрын
GDI Ash, every single time you make a toxic af deck I get matched against it. 2 times now in the last 3 games lol
@andrewneben7949Күн бұрын
now this looks like the shit i love to play. very cool lines!
@simonegiraudo3919Күн бұрын
totally love this deck idea xDDD
@cocoslastlife801Күн бұрын
Ash! Thank you! I ask and you delivered! This deck is absolutely disgusting and I love it 🥰
@Jonathan-gk8jqКүн бұрын
I'd be really interested in seeing you play any number of reanimator decks and it would be cool to see you play different brews over a few vids. There are so many flavors of it. I'm pretty curious what you think might be the best one in standard right now.
@jacobpollock8785Күн бұрын
That first round was dirty af
@elliot7742Күн бұрын
Looks awesome i might have to try this out
@ericwolf9664Күн бұрын
For an inspiration suggestion, I suggest orzov knights utilizing midnight reaper, Valkyrie's call, and virtue of persistence as the primary value engine. Though generic non angelic orzov good stuff could probably still work with that shell.
@raulmarco674719 сағат бұрын
Version with Serra Paragon is a nightmare to deal with if you don't find the removal for the angel quickly
@ZetsumariКүн бұрын
The card “Another Round” could be cute in this deck
@zacharywilliams3597Күн бұрын
Imma 100% run a Mischievous Pup version of this with flash permanents ;) Pup into Fear of Imposters or Tidebinder? Oops
@zacharywilliams3597Күн бұрын
Not to mention nowhere to run or invasion of innistrad... all might be highballing but the mind games would be wild
@pedroalcaraz-perea9487Күн бұрын
Nightmare engine ftw 🙌
@evilmgo2Күн бұрын
time to dig out elesh norn...
@suNn.K.OКүн бұрын
Been trying to rep Orzhov FaeBlade as my go-to Standy deck, but it hasn't been feeling great lately. Guess I've found my new baby lol.
@yetanotherplayer72Күн бұрын
Just got pummeled by this earlier..darn it grinds...
@NessOnett8Күн бұрын
I have waiting so long for the inevitable Pixie + FoI deck. This looks like my game plan for the foreseeable future. Let's see if I can improve upon it.
@finbaoКүн бұрын
Ive been playing a WB pixie enchants list w/ Annex and this looks so fun too! I have been siding the hopeless nightmares with duress to out value decks maybe I should be maining it!
@dustinjolly9769Күн бұрын
Been playing a UW Planewalker control to smash red/boros and domain. Might have to try this out, too.
@Flawlezz91Күн бұрын
disgusting, evil deck ... I'm trying it asap! nice one :D
@Xam1da5Күн бұрын
Oh my god this list seems killer
@asherhinrichs9566Күн бұрын
Love this deck! Break Drake Hatcher plz!
@michaelcarlos9667Күн бұрын
this looks like a good xmas gift deck 😁😅
@co1inn22 сағат бұрын
Errant & Giada could be quite fun in this
@jefferyhowell1580Күн бұрын
Hey I’m pretty new to the community for arena I’ve been playing in ranked but I’ve plateaued at platinum need a new deck to get me to diamond
@jefferyhowell1580Күн бұрын
Plz help I’m getting bullied majorly lol 😅
@MasterCrvoКүн бұрын
Drowner is the truth!
@deadeadedКүн бұрын
Oh man, I just tried this and it's evil. I feel dirty...
@warsama6247Күн бұрын
Hey, nice video.
@AshlizzlleКүн бұрын
Hey, thanks!
@mliem5959Күн бұрын
meet this deck before, it was a nightmare to me....
@JesseKerson19 сағат бұрын
I haven't played in paper in years! Like back in Khans I think. But I really want to make this deck so badly! ....does that make me evil?
@darksteeldemonКүн бұрын
Hand hate is genuinely one of my least favorite things to play against. I'm talking bout you Hopeless Nightmare, Sheoldred, and Bandit's Talent.
@leviathabplaysmagic4495Күн бұрын
Wish I could upload my stats 20-6 with this deck it is soooo broken im even missing a few fast lands missed a few rares so instead of two storm chasers I got an extra mocking bird and one tithing blade. lol this decks too mean
@HaleG9Күн бұрын
I think you forgot the word 'again', Ash :)...
@nathanielsmith4654Күн бұрын
This needs a much better draw package.
@CliffSedge-nu5fv11 сағат бұрын
I just played this against monored and opponent quit turn 3.
@hikari6721 сағат бұрын
Deck number 45 in the long queue of decks i'll never be able to craft cause i refuse to give this terrible company money. I managed to make 1 deck and a half in 2 months of grind it's painful.