THIS is what has y'all by the throat??? Fourth Wing RANT review

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Katie Colson

Katie Colson

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@KatieColson Жыл бұрын
🚨 *ATTENTION!* 🚨 This is for the small group of people who similarly disliked this book. If you loved it, I'm happy for you. Please don't leave nasty comments about me, the author or other readers.
@CASahetapy Жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying what I am thinking 😂😂😂
@Ellie_2007 Жыл бұрын
I honestly haven't read it but I've been looking at reviews lately since I planned to get it and from what I've seen and heard about it especially the writing I probably won't get it.
@strawberry_void Жыл бұрын
Oh my god I know right it’s SO bad!! I’m ace so the whole shitty romance thing was not working at all and everything else was just lacking anyways so?? Idk it’s the typical popular formula shitty quality kinda book Edit: just remembered I actually hated this so much I had to cut my Goodreads review cuz it was too long and didn’t even cover like half the issues I had
@kerryplatt7085 Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with everything you've said about this book! I hated it too 😂
@jordansev61 Жыл бұрын
First video I have ever watched of yours… and … Subbed 😊 love the honest review! Your awesome! 🎉
@sassyreaderj Жыл бұрын
I'd prefer that ALL Booktubers are this honest about the books they read. I can't go off Goodreads stars bc we all have different tastes.
@brooke9446 Жыл бұрын
This is why I always read 1-star reviews for books before buying them. Not only do I get free entertainment, but I get honesty.
@aahana4931 11 ай бұрын
i feel like i can't rely on goodreads stars at all, because some of the most atrocious books ever written have 4 stars, with IMDB atleast I have some degree of reliability
@UncensoredJAV 8 ай бұрын
I looked at 2-4 star reviews. 5 stars never have anything bad to say and 1 stars seem to hate it before even reading a book.
@endezeichengrimm 2 ай бұрын
Never go on recommendations. Just find a book and read a few pages and decide based on that.
@kaneki9795 2 ай бұрын
aint no way this girl really read the book her review was basically asking logic to a fictionial dragon world story
@matthewjamesmjw4172 7 ай бұрын
THANK YOU! Violet literally reads as a 14-15 year old girl. It's so weird. Plus, every character is like: "wow she's so smart and cunning" and then has (1) the most childish sense of humor EVER and (2) makes very dumb mistakes throughout the book
@brentmason4338 3 ай бұрын
I have a long list of reasons she's actually a dumbass.
@dagmarbelesova4284 10 ай бұрын
The thing that gets me is that Rebecca Yarros is a military wife. She should be very well aware how it's all about the camaraderie and building UNITS that work together, which is just impossible if you know that all your squadmates are out to get you. It's not even just losing in a duel - it's perfectly fine for someone to straight out murder you by pushing you down the stairs or something.
@thecakegarden5324 Жыл бұрын
At this point, I think these Fourth Wing rants are actively fueling my motivation to write, not so that I can copy it, but because I don't think I can do much worse.
@ausgezeichnet2000 Жыл бұрын
I'm currently reading Fourth Wing and it's motivating me to write my own book because I know I can't do any worse. I have to be careful I don't hurt my eyes from all of the rolling they are doing during this read haha.
@CL-uc1kv Жыл бұрын
Reading bad books always motives me. The worst I could do could still be gold for someone else.
@An-ed6kr Жыл бұрын
Exactly my thoughs lmao
@yishmoosa1234 Жыл бұрын
Opposite for me, this book makes me feel like my trashy first draft makes more sense than whatever abomination Fourth Wing turned out to be. 😂
@Nopi9 11 ай бұрын
I wanna write some bad books under a pseudonym to make some money tbh
@bladethorn Жыл бұрын
This book saves me a lot of time, because if someone has a “top must-read fantasy books” list and they start with this I can just keep scrolling 😂
@arawin25 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I do 😂 I just keep scrolling cause now I don't trust any of your recommendations.
@ava5959 Жыл бұрын
This is me when someone starts off with coho in a book recommendation video
@RedtsunamiTed Жыл бұрын
YES same
@Saphia_ Жыл бұрын
@@ava5959 Me with CoHo and Sarah J. Mass
@Theomite Жыл бұрын
I like to use The Dark Tower series as my judge. If they tell me it's amazing, I know immediately the bring salt shaker to their recommendations.
@whatareyousayinggirl Жыл бұрын
i'm so mad that people keep saying "but the disability rep though!" as if it was actually that good... she got through almost everything with sheer force of will, and didn't ever need a day off because she was in so much pain despite all the dangerous activities she's being forced to do every day, and her saddle/mobility aid was given to her rather than her having any agency AT ALL in treating or accommodating herself throughout the book. readswithrachel linked an essay that made me feel so vindicated about some of my issues with the disability rep. i was so sad and disappointed and grossed out
@thomasjoychild4962 Жыл бұрын
Part of it, I think, is that Violet has a whole lot of internalised ableism about seeking or accepting accommodations for her disability, which her culture absolutely reinforces and cultivates. It rang trueish to me that she'd be reluctant to ask for anything out of a belief she'd be a failure to do so, even if the instructors were willing to give any accomodation, the training seemed to be designed to weed out and kill candidates who need any help (her mother is utter scum for forcing her into it, however well she ended up doing). I did like that her dragon challenges her attitude, hard, about accepting his help with mounting and staying on his back. Even then, she's having a long and hard journey to accepting assistance. I absolutely agree that it's frustrating to see her not challenge her own mindset until other people do, though. Possibly I'm being unwarrantedly charitable to the author and book, but that was what I picked up in terms of what seemed to be happening.
@whatareyousayinggirl Жыл бұрын
​@@thomasjoychild4962 yeah she absolutely did have a lot of internalised ableism and i found that relatable, but i don't feel like it was adequately addressed or confronted, which led to some of my disappointment. it's hard to articulate how or why, but it felt like Yarros herself has internalised ableism and isn't aware of it because Violet's empowerment comes from sheer force of will most of the time, and a lack of agency in other moments. Violet, in an effort to prove she wasn't "weak and fragile", just pushed herself harder, meaning she performed like an able-bodied cadet (if not better). Even when it came to her dragon, who allowed her to use his leg to get up and off his back, makes her training *more* difficult to make up for her "weakness" (there's a line that literally reads "Tairn insists on making everything harder than what Kaori is doing.") The people who try to empower her similarly kind of just tell her she's capable/able to do things, and it just felt shallow and performative empowerment, because even if she could, we didn't see any consequences at all of her gritting her teeth and sheer-force-of-willing her way through things for months and months. personally, empowerment to me would be accommodating the disability and finding ways to be strong within the parameters of that. She manages to poison half a dozen people but doesn't once sneak some painkilling herbs, and it just rings a bit false to me 😭
@thomasjoychild4962 Жыл бұрын
@@whatareyousayinggirl I thought Tairn was just skipping past the beginner stuff and going straight for the full-complexity combat maneuvers out of impatience, I totally didn't pick up an element of making things harder specifically to toughen her up, but I could have just missed it. I did pick up an element of "See, this isn't a lack of willpower, your muscles just can't get strong enough on their own." I'm not knowledgeable enough about connective tissue disorders to say for certain but it does seem like you'd need to do any strengthening exercise program pretty carefully and slowly in order to not damage yourself. I assume also that she'd realistically be more debilitated from constantly pushing her limits than the book portrayed. I can understand not wanting to numb out warnings to ease off on a joint or muscle before doing damage, but you're right that she could have probably tried to take the edge off after training.
@whatareyousayinggirl Жыл бұрын
@thomasjoychild4962 yeah so the line is this: “I just need to strengthen my muscles to stay seated through maneuvers, and Tairn insists on making everything harder than what Kaori is doing.” and my subjective reading of it was that she is engaging in needed strengthening training, and also that Tairn's method of training is even more difficult than the non-disability-informed training that the actual flight instructor is making her do 😅 ergo it just seems like yet another bit of "in order to prove myself capable, I must go above and beyond", which is an interesting and relatable manifestation of internalised ableism, but the narrative seems to be framing it as empowerment because it works and it works without Violet seeing any consequences of pushing herself so hard. I know that everyone with EDS has varied experiences, so I'm not trying to say it should have been depicted any one way, just that this seems unrealistic and like it's accidentally perpetuating the ableist idea that people with disabilities just need to try harder. I appreciate what Yarros tried to do and I am glad we have a book with this disability in it, I just wish it had been a little more... inclusive? almost? like it could have been cool and real to see Violet really struggle with pain one day, or tell Tairn she can't fly because her legs are too sore, but what we got feels a little too clean to me. an unfortunate reality for us EDS-ers is that even the strengthening training can cause pain, and Violet is doing that *on top* of everything else that's even higher impact (and that EDS-ers are warned not to do because of the risk of injury). The more I think about it, the more I see all the potential 😅 but that's just me! and I'm glad hearing all your thoughts and perspectives 😊
@thomasjoychild4962 Жыл бұрын
​@@whatareyousayinggirl Ah yes, on reminder of that wording it is in fact Teirn making an effort to give her more force to work against. Good to hear from someone with the relevant condition about possible realistic experiences someone could have with exercise and other activities. You're right that we don't really see good vs bad days or how all the activity without accommodations like extra breaks could wear Violet down (not that I got the impression Violet's trainers would let a candidate off from the full intensity schedule). Yeah, I don't know if people Violet has access to in-world would have developed knowledge of how to safely to strength training for connective tissue disorders but maybe Violet could have started taking notes about what is or isn't working for her. :P I guess we're reading about about Yarros' own perspective on her condition too. I wonder if there's a bit of wish fulfilment in how she's writing Violet's experiences.
@msmunro 3 ай бұрын
My friend highly recommended this book, saying that she was "hooked from the second page". I'm now completely questioning our friendship.
@vickyslu8448 Ай бұрын
Gurl my wife did lol I don't say I hate the book but I pause it so much cause it's sometimes just not good
@886tiffster Жыл бұрын
I love how this is super over hyped on TikTok and all the OG booktubers are tearing it to shreds 😂😂😂
@KatieColson Жыл бұрын
I am hoping that I am not the only one. I've seen Elliot Brooks and Reads With Rachel talk about it but I swear everyone else loves it. I feel like a hater, ha
@danielbroome5690 9 ай бұрын
@@KatieColson People like it because they don't care about the actual story so long as they get their identical 5 YA Romance tropes fed to them in exactly the same way each time.
@aahana4931 9 ай бұрын
@@danielbroome5690 honestly, this is why fanfiction is important 😭 it gives you exactly what you want, published books that pander to this extent may be successful for a time but they'll never be remembered or respected for anything good
@nazimelmardi 8 ай бұрын
@@KatieColsonwe told to Merphy Napier to do NOT read it so she won’t. Daniel Greene had the same advice. There won’t be vids from the bigger booktubers of fantasy. Elliot just said she DNF Iron Flame. 😂
@lizabethhampton4537 7 ай бұрын
@@KatieColson I'm waiting with bated breath for Krimson Rogue's video on it.
@lesliedenise Жыл бұрын
I can't believe this "book" is allowed to exist anywhere other than Wattpad. It's a testament to the marketing team behind it and the true author, ChatGPT.
@i_am_tyler5241 11 ай бұрын
The funny thing is after I read this comment, I went to ChatGPT and told it to write a story with parameters similar to fourth wing. The style of the story produced was like I was reading fourth wing all over again. Stuff like “ her heart fluttered as their eyes me “. Lol. I think I can be a writer at this point.
@shrutigollamudi7959 8 ай бұрын
Oh man, even the entire world building (read: info dump) sounds something right off Chat GPT. jeez. The bar for a good NA fantasy books couldn’t be lower!
@LordVader1094 4 ай бұрын
@@shrutigollamudi7959 You know you guys have me somewhat convinced the author actually used Chat GPT to write this book. It'd hardly be difficult to do, with just some proof reading to not make it obvious.
@irisf.5575 4 ай бұрын
Don't do chat like that.
@AliciaRobinson. Ай бұрын
It’s soooo watttpad!!!!
@taylorgayhart9497 Жыл бұрын
Honestly as someone with a chronic condition NEITHER love interests handles it well!! Yes overprotectiveness is annoying when someone says “I can do this” but at the same time this idea that she just needs to try harder and that will override her chronic condition is toxic wellness culture TO A T!!!!
@sunkissedbeautyxo Жыл бұрын
Yes as a girl with a chronic condition I let someone else be the hero I don’t have bodily capacity for this ish 😂
@martem6706 Жыл бұрын
The chronic illness Violet has is actually the same one as Rebecca Yarros herself struggles with in real life. So although i do 100% agree with what you are saying, i also feel like part of it was written like that on purpose (at least with Dain, and him not thinking she could handle herself).
@thomasjoychild4962 Жыл бұрын
I did really like how her dragon challenges her internalised ableism though. He repeatedly makes it clear that he chose her knowing she had her condition and that it's a non-issue as far as he's concerned to give her a ramp with his leg for mounting/dismounting and magically hold her steady during aerobatics (before the harness gets made). He points out that she's already worked out how to effectively compensate for her disability when she's fighting on the ground, rather than bashing her head against the wall of trying to power past it, rejecting even simpler accomodation in the air is just masochism.
@marytreaty9357 Жыл бұрын
​@@martem6706I am confused how all Violet's injuries are inflicted tho. If you get a lot of dislocations it takes less and less to dislocate. For the amount of times she's injured I would have liked to see something random happen
@whatareyousayinggirl Жыл бұрын
@@marytreaty9357 honestly same -- i think yarros was quite explicit in telling us how her disability manifests, but then those symptoms/struggles/manifestations felt like they only showed up when she was being attacked or in moments where injury was already likely anyway, which in turn made the rep feel weird to me. it's hard to explain. i would have loved to have seen her just wake up and be like "oh crap, my shoulders must have slipped forward because i slept on my side" or something more mundane and reflective of the day-to-day "normal" impacts of having EDS 😅
@emmak4017 Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! I am absolutely baffled and flabbergasted this book is as beloved as it is because it’s absolutely ATROCIOUS. I felt like I was reading a completely different book to everyone else and was honestly just laughing my way through it because it’s so ridiculous. THANK YOU for posting this video. It was so refreshing and on point!! 🤮👏🏻🤮👏🏻🤮👏🏻🤮👏🏻
@susiekidd9183 Жыл бұрын
Part of the reason there aren’t negative reviews is likely that those of us who wouldn’t like it (aren’t into fantasy, especially one that leans YA/NA & written by a romance author)don’t bother picking it up. I often am suspicious of overly hyped books. Thanks for quelling any FOMO I had. 😆 Some, I imagine, who do pick it up but can’t get into it DNF it without reviewing; and, it likely didn’t stir any emotions (which is a bad sign when the author can’t move reader’s emotions in any way) so they aren’t compelled to bother reviewing it.
@andreamaria1313 Жыл бұрын
Exactly 😂.
@vvitch-mist20 Жыл бұрын
Look at the preview. Like I will always read the first page of any hyped book, my Aphantasia aside, I can get a good idea on who the writer is based on the first page. The first page, or couple of pages, in any book is super important. It is supposed to grab the reader and pull them in. The first page of Fourth Wing? Incomprehensible. It's called "low brow" and yeah it is. I've never read an intro this bad, and I've read books that are "bad".
@willy4170 2 ай бұрын
Then, may i ask what genre do you like to read?
@andychacon9704 9 ай бұрын
“For the win” absolutely floored me. Book is about a world full of dragons but also throw around “for the win”
@Alexander-tu3iv 2 ай бұрын
Eh I mean it's a fantasy world there's no reason to only use old timey sounding phrases.
@applejackisbestpony 11 күн бұрын
​@Alexander-tu3iv that's fair, and this book does use very modern language, but even with that, "For the win" felt SO out of place
@blackgirlreading Жыл бұрын
Have you watched Reads with Rachel and Elliot Brook's negative reviews of this book? Their video essays/critiques are fantastic! As someone who hates this book, their videos are worth the watch 💕
@brandim1230 Жыл бұрын
Yes please watch reads with Rachel ❤️
@Frea_ Жыл бұрын
I also suggest mynameismarines reading vlog where she trash the book
@blackgirlreading Жыл бұрын
@@Frea_ omg yes! love Marines's commentary
@michaelburke4048 Жыл бұрын
Came here to say this. Have a thumbs up.
@Frooti.loopz23 Жыл бұрын
I love reads with Rachel
@mariavalie8434 Жыл бұрын
"Fourth Wing" is in the same category for me as "From Blood and Ash". They have horrible writing, female main characters who are simpletons, and the love interests who suck. And yet have GLOWING ratings on Goodreads. I'm glad people like them, and they're probably good starts for people who want to get into fantasy romance, but whenever someone brings either of these in their recommendations, I scroll away because I don't trust their reviews.
@ScoundrelChestnut Жыл бұрын
imagine if Smaug showed up one day in the fourth wing universe, roasted all these hoes for no reason and went to bed
@MaggieLCLC Ай бұрын
Omg this comment gave me life 😂😂😂
@maryana2733 Жыл бұрын
The amount of times the words “I arched my eyebrows” showed up in this book was so sickening 😭
@yishmoosa1234 11 ай бұрын
Oh and ... 'my knee SCREAMED'. Your knee what now?
@Firemerchisfire 10 ай бұрын
@@yishmoosa1234 It's a personification. It's pretty common in writing. To show more detail of how she feels.
@Moonlight-řæven 8 ай бұрын
@@Firemerchisfireobviously, but it was bad. It simply didn’t make sense. Same when authors say “he roared/purred” I just imagine him acting roaring like tiger or purring like a cat lol it’s just not good, it needs to be replaced with something else.
@isaacferrell2955 8 ай бұрын
Violet loves to arch it’s a core character trait
@roamoray 6 ай бұрын
​@@Firemerchisfireok well in my opinion it was really bad personification because the phrasing itself doesn't make any sense 😭 its like when sjm wrote that nesta's fingertips were "screaming at the splinters" in ACOSF . sometimes more beige prose communicates what is happening in the story better and ppl shouldn't sacrifice clarity to sound cool
@matildahansson Жыл бұрын
Ive felt so gaslit because ive literally not heard a single negative review and i really disliked the book. The worst for me was the part where she would be like "what was his name again? Ah, right xxx" and then that person was offed. And that it happened MULTIPLE times like could you introduce characters in a more lazy way. Also i really feel like this free for all k1ll1ng spree really made every single d3ath feel insignificant.
@saalexanderson699 6 ай бұрын
The sheer amount of times she said “what was their name again?” Ugh 🙄
@yishmoosa1234 4 ай бұрын
YES! What sealed the deal for my hatred towards this book was not just the messed up writing, the meh fanfic style and the awful dialogue+characters, but the fact that the AUTHOR supports genocide. Like, WHY?!
@Missangelblanco Жыл бұрын
Sometimes I wonder...I read the same book as everyone, I'm too objective or people just disconnect their brain reading this wattpad story?
@yishmoosa1234 4 ай бұрын
Same! The person who recommended this ATROCITY of a book to me hasn't read a fantasy in a while. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought this was good. I, on the other hand, was cringing through it all. This was like the Wattpad fics that weren't well written. The author is controversial these days, anyway.
@alyssum130 Ай бұрын
I think it's because many very young kids from 12-15 read these books, and they don't really know what good literature is. 😂 When I was 12, I read books that were a 10 out of 10 from me back then, but now they are just trash for me. I still can't believe that I thought this garbage I read once was good 😂 Also, we live in a time where people's attention span gets lower and lower. They need something very easy to read that is not intellectually overwhelming for them. With lots of sex and action for constant dopamine release so they somehow keep reading. "A song of ice and fire" for example would be too much already for many people 😂
@taylorgayhart9497 Жыл бұрын
When I picked this up ALL I had heard was immense *praise* from literally EVERYWHERE, and then I started it and was like: 🤨😒😫🤯🤬 THE PLOT HOLES and the complete lack of logic in the world build are awful!!!!!!!!! I keep trying to get through it, but every few pages something comes up that throws me out of the story to the point I can’t keep reading. Also, the DIALOGUE?!?! I absolutely hate when “romance” writers have their protagonists say things like “my tongue can do amazing things” in the middle of a random conversation. Like sure in a sex scene, but no one just says horny shit all the time!!!
@deathbylawschooldebt Жыл бұрын
OMG! I love you. I thought I was the only person who had these issues with it.
@londonfroglatte Жыл бұрын
Wholeheartedly agree. It sounds like the author tried way too hard to make Violet sound horny and edgy. And I hate how she keeps using modern slang like “for the win!” and “the fuck you will!” It just gives me badass-fmc-everybody clapped-wattpad vibes. I picked it up because the plot sounded so cool and I thought the worldbuilding was going to be rich and awesome but I was disappointed. I guess a great idea doesn’t necessarily mean someone’s a great writer. Also, Readswithrachel pointed this out, but it’s so funny how in the beginning they made Violet the token library girl who just loves books so much but then it she never consults books? Even the book that literally tells her how to kill people?
@Firemerchisfire 10 ай бұрын
I agree but get all your info straight She's allowed to use slang cause the damn characters are in their young twenties so of course they will use it
@HaruDoneYet 9 ай бұрын
@@londonfroglatteshe actually does consult that book though. It’s a book about poisons and she mentions reading it as she is gathering berries and mushrooms and whatnot so she can make people she gets matched to fight with sick so she has an advantage.
@alyssaattioli970 8 ай бұрын
I just got gifted the first 2 books of the series…happy reading to me I guess…
@pprmntbtlr 11 ай бұрын
i got into an argument with the author on tiktok because i told her it didn’t make sense and she told me to read it… like
@ellys106 Жыл бұрын
so many of my friends tricked me into reading this book. I trusted them. WHYYYYY. Glad other people have found a thing they love, but I walked into a wall after finishing it and then thought back on my entire life and what I had done wrong to get to that point.
@Meg_Davis 11 ай бұрын
You need better friends.
@LordVader1094 4 ай бұрын
Your friends have awful taste, or are just riding the hype and will forget soon enough
@marlirium 4 ай бұрын
My assiant teacher from last year made me read this. Now I'm questioning both the author and said teacher on a concerning level.
@justinacton8897 8 ай бұрын
While I did enjoy the book and Iron Flame, these are all valid criticisms and I love seeing people being very honest with a differing opinion.
@KatieColson 8 ай бұрын
oh wow, this is such a comforting comment honestly. That's a very difficult stance to take. I applaud you. Being able to hear criticism about something you like and not immediately retaliate says a lot about someone's character. I appreciate that you reached out and left a comment. I know it's dramatic but this comment made me more hopeful in human beings in a weird way. So thank you very much.
@sauvejay2662 Ай бұрын
Lol same. I just overlook alot of that stuff but they are valid arguments. I just liked the dragons and the powers lol
@Wonderlandish 2 күн бұрын
Same!! I know the quality is objectively terrible, but it was an awesome read for my vacations, I needed something light and the characters were so fun, they gave me the nostalgia of wattpad, which isn’t always an issue. I loved the more childish humor, the supporting cast (Ridoc, Liam, Imogen ❤️) it was definitely a fun read and I’ll use the sequel for my next book slump It kinda felt like Marvel to me, it doesn’t have to be too deep to be a good experience
@cheezisamazing7295 Жыл бұрын
I saw the cover for the second one was put out. One of the biggest annoyances in this book was. The. Periods. The sequel’s cover says “Burn. It. Down.” I screeched when I saw the cover lol
@lifeisliterary 10 ай бұрын
I'm reading it right now and every time she says "for the win" I lose at least a year of my lifespan from the pure power behind the way my entire body cringes
@aaatt268 Жыл бұрын
I don't expect any better books in this genre in the wake of Sarah J Maas books which were terrible to begin with. Honestly, the only people who rave about these are the ones that only read one type of books and think classics are boring.
@yishmoosa1234 4 ай бұрын
It depends on the readers, but I definitely despise SJM and YR books. They're both equally terrible and both authors are just as controversial. Both have also been accused of plagiarism because their stories feel like badly written fanfics as opposed to proper books. Also, I love classics and other types of books.
@Cosmos0000 Жыл бұрын
I'm starting to wonder if ppl were paid to positively review this book 😅 and then inexperienced/new readers picked it up and, expecting it to be good, convinced themselves that it is. 🤷‍♀ That's the only way I can understand what happened here. 😂
@alyssa_jayne Жыл бұрын
I loved this book, but I also love trash. And we KNOW my book opinions are WILD.
@dwhite9797 Жыл бұрын
Literally same 😂
@baddieandabook Жыл бұрын
Hahahah top tier comment 😂😂😂😂
@kirapetersen1511 9 ай бұрын
dittoooo haha
@elowenharris3145 8 ай бұрын
@somebodygreat3148 8 ай бұрын
@railitto Жыл бұрын
This book got big because it did the bare minimum in representation and hit enough tropes or straight out copied enough things from books that got huge, some of which we're nostalgic for like Hunger Games. I think this is one of those that people will look back at in a few years and go " maybe I didn't love it"
@runa_7022 Жыл бұрын
as someone with chronic illness, this book read exactly like the stereotype given to autistic people "your disability is actually a super power!!!!!!!" no, it is not. when i am unable to physically move any part of my body because i am in unbearable pain, that is not something i can just, magically will my way out of because some hot guy tells me to/shames me to. the whole point about chronic illnesses is that they are, as the title literally says, CHRONIC. they dont just magically go away with the power of friendship. it is so fucking embarrassing seeing this book as "representation" if anything i feel mocked.
@Linn.B89 5 ай бұрын
I am Autistic and I love the book. I can relate to Violet, we are both short and small, I dont have the best knees and fett etc. I also have my natural hair color and will soon get more grey in it. I always loved the "assassin" "gothic" clothing. and DRAGONS! Its all individual what peoples tastes are :)
@kitcat4058 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised you didn't mention Xaden's nickname for Violet. I'm truly curious as to what was going through the authors mind when she thought that "Violence" would be the perfect nickname for the love interest to call the main character and why everyone just went along with it. Like how did anyone think that was a good idea??!? Every time he called her Violence I just started laughing it was so ridiculous💀
@ahobbyist9520 Жыл бұрын
@ahobbyist9520 Жыл бұрын
The nickname is seriously violence?
@hibsdontlie Жыл бұрын
​@@ahobbyist9520omg yes. To be fair the first time he says it they're still in their enemy era so it's so petty I thought it was funny but then he keeps calling her that... affectionately... and at that point is like omg he's serious 😀
@bellat6889 Жыл бұрын
that was a major ick for me
@dmckenna Жыл бұрын
I guarantee the author patted herself on the back and took the rest of the afternoon off when she came up with that.
@jyewilson9591 Жыл бұрын
I’m with you on wholeheartedly hating this book 😂😂. The thing that really topped it off for me was the scenes between Violet and Xaden with the lightning 😂😂😂
@piinkprincess Жыл бұрын
I had no plans to read this, im glad u did tho 😂 i cant get over the dragon sex telepathy thing. Aint no way the author and editors thought that was a winning concept.
@mittag983 Жыл бұрын
Wtf did this really happen???
@mittag983 Жыл бұрын
Omg I got to this part 😢
@Raikua 4 күн бұрын
Funny note, I was talking to my mom about that and she named a couple (much older) dragon series she read back in the day that have this same exact thing. Apparently it’s a dragon trope.
@archivist_of_dragonstone 6 ай бұрын
The Dragonriders of Pern fanfiction I wrote when I was 13 years old made more sense than this bestselling book. XD
@SoGirl364 Жыл бұрын
YES!! Katie, you have no idea how much I needed this video because I DID NOT UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYONE WAS RAVING ABOUT THIS. Validation. 😮‍💨
@monicasantos5935 Жыл бұрын
I think that the more a book is hyped the less it will have bad reviews... people will feel discouraged to do it because of the backlash... apparently we are animals that can't deal with critics😅 and that's a damn shame, reviews should be as diverse as we all are. Thank you for the video! ❤‍🔥
@floraidh4097 6 ай бұрын
It was really surprising to see all fives and just a few ones, I don't think any book is all fives and ones not even some of the greatest books ever written.
@sandy68917250 Жыл бұрын
I love how you’re holding the book up the entire time lol😂 I wish I didn’t pay for this book already
@vvitch-mist20 Жыл бұрын
I hope you can return it, and you didn't pay too much for it.
@ElisabetTX Жыл бұрын
It’s good. Read it and enjoy it for what it is
@vvitch-mist20 Жыл бұрын
@@ElisabetTX I read the first sentence and I have questions about the author and her editing team.
@andrea61821 Жыл бұрын
Thankfully I read it through Libby and didn't have to pay a cent lol
@quentinkaalekahi2216 11 ай бұрын
@@ElisabetTXit’s good but not great imo.
@johnantesbergeriii4053 Жыл бұрын
Books like these are why we NEED gatekeeping.
@infinitecurlie 8 ай бұрын
Until the gatekeeping becomes this. 😨
@britterapple Жыл бұрын
I did not enjoy this book. Thank you for making this video lol I felt like the only crazy person that didn't like it
@KatieColson Жыл бұрын
that's EXACTLY why I made this video. Thank you so much for this comment. And for relating to me. Because we are few but we are out there, ha
@5tarSailor 8 ай бұрын
The part that got me about the parapet was that THAT'S NOT EVEN WHAT A PARAPET IS! A parapet is a piece of a wall or trench that elevates up from the base or floor that provides cover. A parados is the same thing but on the inside of the fortifications acting more like a railing built into the wall. The "parapet" was a beam, a bridge at most. The word parapet isn't used much outside of war nerds or architects because they sometimes go on balconies. Which means that Rebecca Yarros at least googled what parts of a wall were called, and she used them wrong. This was in the first chapter like holy shit. I knew i was in for some high tier trash at that point
@JesseRowanShawe 12 күн бұрын
Thank you!!! It reminded me of SJM using the term "forested steppes" in ACOTAR like. Ma'am. A steppe is an *unforested grassland* it cannot be both it takes ONE (1) google search
@joannamarieart Жыл бұрын
I was almost sucked into dropping $30 to read this book (because the library wait is like SIX MONTHS), and I am so so grateful for the negative reviews 😂😂
@aliasalias7141 Жыл бұрын
It is bad, but it is fun! Try it out when it hits the library.
@omniframe8612 Жыл бұрын
I was eyeing it constantly and hearing booktubers mention it and lately ive started to see these videos 😂
@yishmoosa1234 4 ай бұрын
​@@aliasalias7141It's not fun for everyone. I felt like I was being forced to finish a terrible book, it wasn't fun at all! (Would love to have every minute I lost reading that book back)
@38tar 4 ай бұрын
Try hoopla(no wait) or Libby(occasionally a few weeks wait time).
@BellsBarbosa Жыл бұрын
Both Reads with Rachel and My Name is Marines hated it and I love the fact another content creator that I like and trust the judgment hated it too. 💚 One of the things you mention that is important about this book is: Fourth Wing is 20000 books in one because it's like Yarros just grabbed bits and pieces of other books in it. Another one that FW its almost carbon copy is Red Queen. Same kind of plot, same stupid and blind protagonist, lighting powers, dead brother that is actually alive, rebellion and stuff. Fourth Wing is just an amalgam of other books, and I'm always in awe of how people just ate this up without criticism.
@cmdavis1976 Жыл бұрын
As someone who wasn't planning on reading the book, cause I didn't feel drawn to the plot and couldn't understand the hype...let me say that I watched this rant review because of you. I just like watching you talk. You are funny, outgoing, animated, with all these great facial expressions and ways of saying things. And I personally thought the rant was a riot. 😂
@KatieColson Жыл бұрын
Aw thank you so so much. I truly appreciate that beyond words. I was really scared to post this because of backlash. And while I have certainly received that, comments like this make up for it tenfold.
@elliedee123 Жыл бұрын
Totally a riot! It's why I've now subscribed to the channel :)
@felicahunt2301 Жыл бұрын
The Shadow and Bone part!!! Girl I have 9 chapters left and I am like hhmmmm..... lol IT"S THE SAME STORY!!! The shadow prince for sure. I felt this so much!!! lol
@natcommon Жыл бұрын
All of your points are very valid and make complete sense. I think people love this book because it reminds them of the books they read as teens, but they are now adults. When I read this, it gave me all of the vibes of popular YA books such as Red Queen, Shadow and Bone, Twilight, and Eragon. It's nostalgia and that familiarity that are making people love this and eat it up (in my opinion).
@tasneemahmed5821 Жыл бұрын
But I have seen reviews from people who've barely picked up a book in their lives review this book so positively. And the other demographic that is raving about this book are people who EXCLUSIVELY read contemporary romance. This is a book for romance readers who are looking for something else interesting. Nostalgia wouldn't apply here. Not NEARLY as much to justify the overwhelmingly positive reviews this book is getting
@wkoya4803 Жыл бұрын
I would say Eragon is better than this
@natcommon Жыл бұрын
@@wkoya4803 I would agree too.
@missallisnow Жыл бұрын
​@@wkoya4803most books are better than this book lol
@Tinydancer0502 Жыл бұрын
@@wkoya4803I would even say TWILIGHT was better than this book lol
@maddy_es Жыл бұрын
I've been scouring the internet trying to find people reviewing this book negatively. There's not much out there, so it's a breath of fresh air when I do find some. Every time I see this book praised it makes me hate it more. *puke emoji* Loved everything you had to say!!!
@Reetietoo Жыл бұрын
I put it down and picked it back up 3x before i finally gave up. It’s like everything works out for her if only she didn’t have such weak joints she’d be absolutely perfect and flawless to all boys and dragons
@TheGeekyFanboy Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this review! While I was working on my own analysis of this book, I just couldn't believe how MANY positive reviews this book got. I'm so glad there are at least some other people who also question the fame this book has received. Love your rage, that was exactly my (only) emotional state while reading Fourth Wing.
@tinadoesntreadthatmuch Жыл бұрын
I didn’t read this and wasn’t planning to but I’ve watched the whole video and had a great time listening to you roasting this book 😂😂 loveddd it 🤢🤮
@takeherthemoon Жыл бұрын
i’ve seen a fair amount of people with EDS (including myself !) bring up the rep in this and from everything i’ve heard there’s no way i could get myself through this one lol. i’ve been trying to gather as much information on it as i can so i can actually have discussions about it, and even that makes me wanna hit my head against the wall. and the fact that she seems to have next to no issues with the EDS symptoms during sex?? most unrealistic part of the whole book 😭 if someone with EDS feels represented by this book, that’s fantastic for them! but we should also listen to the criticisms of it. there’s also a difference between it not representing everyone and it just being bad rep, and i’m pretty sure it’s more of the second one.
@thomasjoychild4962 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, her issues are all around the obstacle courses and duelling and other military-training type of physical things. She has no issues with her joints or muscles from a sex scene... energetic... enough that it results in the shattering of every piece of furniture in her room aside from her bed (because it was the one thing they didn't fuck on/against). :P I don't have firsthand connective tissue issues experience but I did pick up that that was probably incongruous. One thing I did really like was that when her condition causes some problems with directly dragon-related things like mounting and staying on the dragon's back, her dragon just goes "Okay, so I can hold you in place magically when we're flying, no problem. As for mounting, let's try me making a ramp for you with my leg? No, stop internalised ableism-ing yourself, you are an excellent human who is working really hard at this, don't be ashamed of needing accommodations for your legit condition." Her culture is really ableist, but her dragon gives no fucks :P
@whatareyousayinggirl Жыл бұрын
ugh the sex scene... i found it icky that the only reason her disability comes up at ALL in the sex scene is so Violet can say "you won't break me", as if needing him to be gentle/needing accommodation would be a bad thing??? that's one of the things that made the "empowerment" aspect so questionable to me. violet is constantly saying she's not weak or fragile, but the way she proves it is to reject accommodations and do things normally, whether it causes her pain or not. i don't think Yarros meant to do it, but it feels like in an effort to portray Violet as "strong" she's kind of reinforcing the supremacy of able-bodies. i'd have been more okay with it her internalised ableism in that respect if Xaden had stopped and told her that needing him to be gentle, or being "breakable" doesn't make her "fragile", and even if she were "fragile", that's NOT a bad thing.
@thomasjoychild4962 Жыл бұрын
@@whatareyousayinggirl Hard agree on all of that. If Violet and Xaden got into a conversation in that scene deeper than "I'm not fragile, don't worry about breaking me!" (and removing associated handwaving of stuff I imagine could have done some injury to even people without connective tissue disorders) I can see a potentially interesting exploration of Violet maybe having frustration related to her wanting rougher/more intense stuff than her muscles and joints are safely up for. In fact it could have been really cool to have an ongoing thread in the book examining Violet's feelings and thoughts related to situations where her body struggles to fulfil what her mind wants. That's a real and complex experience many people (thinking specifically of people with chronic conditions, but also in general) go through, it's worthy and interesting to discuss in relation to a protagonist with a disability. The military culture explicitly buys into the able-bodied supremacy idea but there's this dawning understanding that the culture is wrong about a whole lot of things, including as it turns out the inability of someone like Violet to be a good dragonrider. (I would guess actually that the military are enforcing way more punitive and narrow [particularly physical] standards for candidates than the dragons themselves would. The dragons seem to care a lot more about the candidates' character and intelligence, cunning, magical potential, etc than their ability to do a sprint-vault-mount reliably. Which makes sense, in the air a rider's brawn is kinda redundant) But there's still, like you point out, Yarros kinda buying into the idea of there being just one most important kind of able-bodied strength and/or maybe Violet and others still have a lot of mental journey ahead of them. Like... the dragons seem to understand what's what far better than the humans, including the main character and the author's seeming perspective. :P
@razzlemekazzle Жыл бұрын
i'm so glad i'm not the only one who HATED this book. so many plot holes and so predictable. i don't understand the hype since 90% of this book is rip offs of other books. violet is such an annoying "mary sue" main character but oh no its bad to not like her because of the "disability representation" as if the representation wasn't poorly written.
@jamiemasters2464 Жыл бұрын
The fact that Katie can just rant for 28 minutes about an absolutely awful book🤮 is the reason i absolutely adore her! The honesty is top tier. Please I'm dying for more hate rants 😂
@kathleenkemp1030 Жыл бұрын
I read this book and you are spot on! The good news is you have the first edition and you can sell it for money.
@MoonlightWolf288 Жыл бұрын
This has been the most refreshing book review I've randomly clicked on in my life. The honesty is just amazing. Imma binge all your videos.
@bookish_vickie Жыл бұрын
I LOVED this book. But I am open to critics... Coz I know most of the things I was able to compromise are the things pple hate about this book. PS: I loved the dragons... They made this book good for me.
@thomasjoychild4962 Жыл бұрын
The dragons were great! Just like in the Pern books, the Pern books would be improved a whole lot by being more about the dragons and less about the humans' sex lives! :P
@bookish_vickie Жыл бұрын
@@thomasjoychild4962 This. I concur.
@rhymerlegend2717 8 күн бұрын
Read Eragon if you haven’t it’s my favorite dragon book series!
@bookish_vickie 8 күн бұрын
@@rhymerlegend2717 I haven't read it . I am adding this to my TBR
@geegee6752 10 ай бұрын
This book is not for heavy fantasy readers because they will realize it reads like another story they had read before. Its a rip off of probably 5 other popular YA novels and you can't convince me otherwise. Aside from that, it's not even good.
@sillysnappy3085 Жыл бұрын
*immediately adds to watch list* I want to come back to this video after I've read the book; can't wait to hear what you have to say about it
@GraceNicoleGachastudios Жыл бұрын
She doesn't like the book girl... you're going to be disappointed in this video.
@sillysnappy3085 Жыл бұрын
Alright, finally watched it, I agree Violet reads extremely young. She was an annoying FMC. The third act conflict was rushed and seemed extremely pointless. I also agree that you can tell the book was written by a millennial with the FTW and "I. Will. Not." etc. which makes it difficult with the jarring contrast between how young violet seems and how dated the writing is. I makes Violet speak like shes close to 30. Honestly, its as if we're watching Freaky Friday. I absolutely thought for a book about dragons, the dragons we're given enough page time, thought, they weren't fleshed out enough, period. Good point about why can the cadets kill each other if they so desperately need people for the war. I didn't even think about this... major plot hole. Should have done something like, if they get eliminated they have to go to the infantry and they don't fall and die, they're just "less than" now. Dain is the most insufferable character I've ever read in my life. NO ONE was rooting for Dain, it wasn't a love triangle, it was a "nice guy" moment and I wanted to kill him. "I love you but if you break a rule I will root for your death." I did like Xaden and Rhiannon but definitely hated the instalove between Vi and Ri & Vi being like "ohemgee I can't kill anyone bc its so scary and somehow I'm making it through all these challenges even though I'm sOoOoOOoo weak" When books have a super weak MC that ends up getting all these great things that have Never. Happened. Before. it kills me. THE DRAGON SCENE (THAT SCENE) WAS PAINFUL TO READ. IT WAS HORRENDOUS. SO BIZARRE TO WRITE THAT SCENE. There were so many other ways to introduce a moment for Xaden and Violet than writing this horrifying scene. Anyway, I gave it 4 stars but I can admit that I have fun reading trash LOL. I've never watched GoT (I didn't want to get invested just to be let down in the end, so I didn't know the connections between them but I did see Shadow & Bone in this) 🤮
@macgyversmacbook1861 8 ай бұрын
Thank God I found this review because I was planning on reading it with my bff for a book club and we were legitimately traumatised by the graphic sex scene in Love Hypothesis
@youwillneverknow7165 Жыл бұрын
Haven't read this book and have never had any intention to but this was incredibly entertaining. If you want to see more negative reviews, Regan from PeruseProject recently read it and hated it too.
@zoelaird3354 Жыл бұрын
Marines from mynameismarines also had a negative opinion of the book. Her video breaks it down chunk by chunk why she didn't like it.
@steffanywinder1254 10 ай бұрын
Amen girl!! All my same issues with this book!! I’m so happy you brought them all up!!! Their is so many nonsensical things about this BOOK! It drove me crazy.
@she_is_2_fond_of_books Жыл бұрын
Lol. It’s definitely an amalgamation of all the poplar YA fantasy from the last 20 years. Two chapters in, and you already have a pretty clear idea of everything that’s ahead. The sex scenes felt incredibly awkward and the dialogue drove me crazy. 🤮. Violet was so very “not like other girls.”
@YuChen-ih4gt Жыл бұрын
Ahahaha i burst out in laughter at the "6 months later, nothing happens" part xD I really DO know why i avoid books that are beeing hyped THAT much 🤮
@renleys Жыл бұрын
not "for the win" 😭😭😭😭😭 this is cracking me up lol
@karybooks Жыл бұрын
You convinced me to NOT pick this book! All the problematic things you mentioned are deal breakers for me, so thanks for that :) And you just earned a new subscriber!
@nursemain3174 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I personally think everyone should listen to criticism of their favourite work, it adds new perspectives and can help you appreciate your favourite work more. Like my favourite book of all time is the virgin suicides and I want everyone to read it and give me their opinion.
@van_van1533 3 ай бұрын
The ending of the book reminds me of Hunger Games Catching Fire ending 😂😂 The whole, "Welcome to the revolution, Violet." Is just a clear inspiration of the Hunger Games.
@slothlife4788 Ай бұрын
I almost threw my kobo into the woods with the "Welcome to the revolution". How did that make it past an editor?
@beccathegeminii Жыл бұрын
i've been anxiously awaiting your review!! i felt the same way about it...I didn't HATE it but I was so confused by the end??? I'm like what is everyone talking about?! I'm so glad my library had this, because I would have been mad if I bought it lol
@Lia_Lee Жыл бұрын
the whole academy thing (from the entrance exam to the killing each other, etc.) baffled me soooo much!?! like, why are you throwing away potential soldiers like that?....
@SK-jo9md Жыл бұрын
Thank You for this rant. This book is the new twilight. And the s-scene made me feel sooo uncomfortable because I felt like reading about children... You are so right about this. The only thing I enjoyed about this book was that more people kicked the bucket than I tought they would. :D You can just not take this book serious. I read it like a comedy at some point because it was so hilariously bad.
@sinSARAHty 11 ай бұрын
Ooooh thank goodness, I've been reading all the 5 star reviews and feeling so gaslit!! I am incredibly confused how so many people think THIS is 5 star material 😭😭
@jigokuu3851 Жыл бұрын
Wow, finally somebody is not just riding the hype wagon and saying the next cliche but actually sharing some really interesting thoughts! What you mentioned could have been all used to make this book better if these were told to the writer before publishing. That way it could have become a more logical and better structured book. As a beginner writer your opinion helped me to learn a lot more about what to pay attention to in my own stories and world-buildings. I subscribed to your channel, I feel every moment of this video was worth my time and attention. Cannot wait to watch (and learn) more!
@debbiefrancis5777 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!! You hit the nail on the head addressing multiple things wrong with this book! Do NOT waste your time or money! Yarros DID copy characters from other authors! 🤨 It seems the “New Adult” label is to justify the sexual content, but Teens are reading this book!! 😢 The “love” theme in the book is hardened, including the love of a parent. As for the “love interest,” I was invested in most of the book until we are bombarded with explicit sexual content! This could have been written as a respectful encounter so I’m not sure what the agenda was for the author when including X-rated content. Yarros, where is your moral compass?! It is irresponsible to her audience, not to mention appalling! As a mother myself, I never understand why authors write smut (knowing that Teens will be reading it), and they have children of their own! Shameful!
@judy1519 11 ай бұрын
@A.LifeOfBooks 21 күн бұрын
I agree you’re aloud an opinion but some holes in this argument and I’m only saying these to help others from being deterred from reading it (balance opinion) *The parapet was used to see if they could keep balance on a dragon if they can’t they’re useless *The idea is that only some are supposed to survive the riders quadrant due to limited number of dragons and that if they can’t make it through the basic training then they shouldn’t be a rider and it’s too late for them to turn back and join a different quadrant *Dain is painted as a character who betrays Violet not as a love triangle, he is a jealous guy who Violet used to like and no one in the fan base supports him *Dragons bond with humans so they can channel some power to them allowing them to both be stronger allies, there are things humans can do that dragons can’t in a war, in the second book we learn more about were this bond originated *It is said in the book the dragons can practically see right through you and easily read your intentions, the walk in the forest around the dragons is so the dragons can see if you can hold your own around them and if your strong enough to bond one, it’s so they can judge and pick off the weak *Riders act arrogant to show off in front of the dragons. All dragons have different ideas of what makes a good rider, by being outspoken, loud and aggressive, a dragon may be found of your spirit resulting in one bonding with you (this is why we see some total jackasses with dragons) *Dragons have different preferences a lot of them have the same attitudes as their chosen riders *The small dragon chooses Violet because Violet is the only one that doesn’t mistreat her and Violet saves her life *Violet feels when the dragons have s3xx because it is a powerful emotion, it is not that she can feel were the other dragon is touching her dragon, it is just that she can feel her dragons powerful emotion towards the other dragon, it is the same with rage and sadness, she doesn’t not get hungry when her dragon is as they are connected through mind, she learns how to block moments like this out later on it was just her first ever powerful emotion from her dragon that broke through his own mind *Violet is pale and small to show how fragile she is (too childlike of a description for me, not fond of it) and her hair is a deep brown at the roots and it fades into silver, she is not blonde (I also agree that a lot here is heavily inspired by other books) *The war is explained in book 2 (I agree however that the rebels children being put into the academy is odd however, Xaden made a deal, took 100 lashes and promised if any rebels step out of line he will personally take the death penalty)
@cateyes8588 Жыл бұрын
You are spot on. This book is bad on every level a piece of writing can be bad. I am really shocked by the popularity and wish I could understand it!
@kristenumansky8855 Жыл бұрын
Everyone is entitled to their opinions on books without putting them down for it. Katie asked for people not to be mean in the comments for her not liking the book. I would assume the same goes for not being mean to those who do?
@KatieColson Жыл бұрын
@@kristenumansky8855 you’re right. I deleted my response. I had to rethink. I won’t respond to stuff like this again, you’re totally right
@kristenumansky8855 Жыл бұрын
@@KatieColson my comment was for cateyes8588 not you. Your comment was fine
@cateyes8588 Жыл бұрын
@@KatieColson personally the “like what you like” can be toxic to me because it allows for really problematic stuff to just go on it’s way with no issue. I saw your comment before you had to take it down and I do agree and support your opinion. I’ve adjusted my phrasing to not be so harsh but as someone who loves fantasy and dragons and reading the hype for this book has been a hard pill for me to swallow. I didn’t mean to cause an issue. Thanks!
@cateyes8588 Жыл бұрын
@@kristenumansky8855 adjusted my phrasing. Thanks for the reminder.
@nayrarodriguez3385 11 ай бұрын
I haven’t finished the book yet but I HATE it so much and yet I see everyone like it so I came looking for this 😭 All of this is a big YES
@anjiandrada1853 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for representing us 🙇🏽‍♀️
@rachelm2657 Жыл бұрын
Agree with everything. The only guy I thought was worth chasing was Liam who treated everyone well and was a friend.
@chelsey_laygachlife8985 Жыл бұрын
Yk the authors gonna kill Liam off in the series 😂 hes the reason why I kept reading the book
@gosuly90 11 ай бұрын
yikes… same though same.. but yikes
@rachelm2657 11 ай бұрын
@@chelsey_laygachlife8985 but then again maybe I am just not the target audience. When I read atorat I was all about the one eyed friend. I wanted to sit and talk with him. Save him from his dark past that was never his fault.
@maluhsy9929 Жыл бұрын
I honestly felt I was being gaslighted by Goodreads and BookTok when I finished this book cause I H A T E D it. So freaking bad ! I've rarely read something so poorly executed and the most on the nose Mary Sue character, I was gagged when I saw the 4.6 rating. Enemies to lovers WHERE. Logic WHERE. I'm never trusting BookTok ever again I stg.
@DaniTheReader Жыл бұрын
I started the audiobook as soon as I found it on Scribd. I listened to it at work to help me get through the day. I liked it well enough that I kept going but it definitely wasn’t as good as I was led to believe. I liked it enough that I’ve had 2 hrs left for months 😂😂😂 and all of the rant reviews I’ve seen (though they may be few) all pinpointed a lot of the issues I had and pointed out some I didn’t even realize I disliked. Also I just love rant reviews, even if it’s a book I loved. So I enjoyed the hell out of this! 😂😂🖤
@premiumcharity 7 ай бұрын
@KatieColson 7 ай бұрын
Me too! I think about it all the time. Like, are we selectively getting Punked??
@marisol9606 8 ай бұрын
THANK U FOR SAYING THIS!!!! I cannot understand how everyone and their mother love this to the point of saying it's the best fantasy book ever, like???? I want to get inside their brains. I genuinely Don't Get It.
@pwetty4r4 Жыл бұрын
I kept forgetting these kids where in college and not highschool
@toripettey5321 Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU!!!! This was a YA book with some REALLY bad chemistry and and straight up p*rn chapters. If she'd just stayed in the YA lane and left the romance as a crush, this would be a bland edition to the Divergent, Hunger games, etc cluster instead of the absolute train wreck it is. It could have been a fun read and not a painful experience.
@bookishbowen Жыл бұрын
For the win, stop trying the make fetch happen. 😜
@kelarlpol571 Жыл бұрын
THANK. YOU. I DNF’d this book at 20%. Wtf are people reading that I clearly missed. It was AWFUL.
@kennedygifford5966 Жыл бұрын
thank youuu the hype over this book kills me, its so not worth it 😭😭😭 I'm so glad you felt the same
@KrazeDoesIt 23 күн бұрын
My theory on them having to kill each other is to ensure complete compliance and loyalty. Only those willing to cold bloodidly murder their peers to join the fight will be capable of A. Fighting and killing without question and B. They cannot rise against the leadership because they have lower numbers. However, they are the equivalent to like 50 soldiers as a single rider of a dragon.
@Lilith_LittleMissCrazy Жыл бұрын
I was curious about this one but suspicious of the whole academy setting, like it screams teenager love story instead of epic fantasy. Soooo I was right, thank you for saving me money and braincells! ❤
@38tar 4 ай бұрын
Listened to the audiobook while working but laughing about all the complaints about excessive periods. Any good recommendations I can listen to at work?
@bburgos_ Жыл бұрын
KATIE!!! I’m so happy to finally see someone honestly dislike this book! Dude, there ain’t no way all these people really believe this is the best book ever. AIN’T NO WAY. Lol. Are we out here giving rave reviews because it’s trendy to like a book? Yeeeesh. 😬
@EmmaH22665 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!! I have yet to find anyone who had the same opinion as me about this book. Violet reminded a lot of elaina from vampire diaries. She always thought she was capable while having everything practically handed to her the whole time because she was so weak and powerless. She wouldn't have survived without having all of this miraculous good luck. (Other than death in the her family prior)
@manuellebrandine4822 Жыл бұрын
I said everything what I think about this book, I DNF on 60%, it’s ridiculous, this all hype cannot be real girl!
@mariammorgoshia3853 Ай бұрын
I thought something was wrong with me, im reading rn and stopped, thinking maybe i picked up the wrong book.. this cant be the same book people talk about 😭
@K.Laurynnnnnnn Жыл бұрын
Yess I couldn't find anyone who was not raving about this book and it made me feel gaslit! I read only the first three chapters free on Kindle, but I found so many things to complain about (the plot, the writing, the characters, the description of the love interest, their millennial way of talking). I'm pretty sure it's in the second chapter when Violet sees that cringy dark brooding dangerous guy and says "He is so f*cking hot." and I put the book down. It's interesting to hear your comparison to Shadow & Bone ( I haven't read it), because I didn't realize it was that old and I read Six of Crows recently and saw that they have the TV show of Shadow & Bone that people are going crazy over; I gave Six of Crows 3/5 stars, it was decent, but nothing amazing and I was very detached from the characters; but yet I cant find anyone to isn't crazy about it or crazy about Darker Shade of Magic, which I feel all fall under this whole majorly hyped up, poorly written, generic YA fantasy books that are getting major publicity making me feel crazyyyyyyy
@cloudedsky88 Жыл бұрын
I put down Fourth Wing at the exact same point too lol
@colebuckon3856 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this review. I was originally reluctant to do my review series for this book, as the amount of support for it (and hostility against criticism of it) made me think that no one would want to read said series. You were the first person I came across who was critical of it, and that helped motivate me to get up and write that series.
@emilyblunt3294 Жыл бұрын
I loved the book! But also totally agree with most of the points you made 🤣
@KatieColson Жыл бұрын
thank you! That's a great way to look at it. I feel that way about Bunny. Whenever people roast it, I'm like "You're not wrong but I love it anyway" haha
@AnaHernandez-xh2mp Жыл бұрын
I was convinced to read this (yes, I did knew that there would be some cringiness as it is in everything that's hyped in booktok), but I didn't expect that "share minded sex" like...that's so freaking gross. Thank you so much for saving my precious reading time.
@melissa_renee Жыл бұрын
Omg yes. It read so juvenile then BAM! explicit sex scenes. I was sooooo confused. I’m all about a good romp on a romance book but it felt like it was a totally different character and book all together.
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