This is what’s wrong with official rn

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2 ай бұрын

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@mr.dr.kaiser4912 2 ай бұрын
Cowards too scared to take a real risk fighting unless they outnumber the opponent 5 to 1, and if you do manage to kill any of them you know for a fact they're gonna get babysat by their friends while they regrow the creature they lost. Idk why this happens or how to fix it but it seems all the big dino games have pretty awful player bases. Of course there are tons of players that aren't toxic, but for every one or two of them you have an entire group of KOSers like what was seen in this video.
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
I’m a solo guy just playing with a random here no mic so no communication we walked into a big discord group location and instantly they call for backup in discord and it turns into a 10+ vs 2 sucks for the casual players but you just got to respawn and keep it moving gl out there guys
@SamuRhino2023 2 ай бұрын
Just play a community server, not that hard bro. I’d recommend Echoed Ark semirealism.
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Eh I have played multiple community servers I play both but been on official more lately was just pointing out how out of hand it’s gotten wasn’t always this bad seems there’s multiple groups on every server now but is what it is ya know
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
I took 4 with me lol so I count that as a W
@JustAnObody812 2 ай бұрын
@@icesworld2fat W
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
@@JustAnObody812thk you brother that’s my motto if I gotta go I’m trying to take someone with me 🤣
@vladline1882 2 ай бұрын
Official is a numbers game now. No matter how skilled the individual, it will get killed at some point from numbers. Struthi and campto is a god sent roster to steal trophies from this scumbag groups
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea for sure a numbers game now….and you ain’t lying my struthi is a trophy stealing mofo 🤣 I literally wait till I see all the talking in chat on where the big group is then I go there and follow on my struthi trying to steal every trophy from them so they don’t any 😈
@aronguillen7951 2 ай бұрын
Full of clans making a mess
@jetproduction4747 Ай бұрын
As a solo player in official. It used to be different, you would communicate using calls and make friends with other Dino’s group up and it was truly a unique experience. Now clans have gained numbers and ruin official with huge mix pack groups. You cannot team up with 3-4 dinos anymore and try to police them they have just grown too big. Most KoS right off rip.
@icesworld2 Ай бұрын
Yea I have played since drop on console was def different back then way less mega packs roaming around. I honestly get it especially with it being a cross play play game discord groups will happen just seems there’s a whole lot more of them now lol
@dtbrex08 2 ай бұрын
me watching rn: "eh its not too bad just your average carni pack" "Ok they really need this many things?" "REALLY they got a rex too?!"
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Lol that’s about what was going through my head 🤣 Ik it was a big group by how the cera and achillo just sat there waiting but then stuff started coming out of no where then they brought in the big gun (rex) at the end and then it was over 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️
@dean2211 Ай бұрын
​@@icesworld2thats why i dont even play officials anymore haha. but i realized real quick if a low/midtier is harrassing you but not actually going for you, leave the area asap. theyre stalling you and waiting on their massive discord group to come stick you in a blender and then talk smack in global. it happened to me on my rex on the way to the whistling collumns homecave. a cera and conc started pestering me so i decided to stick around and fight em because i hadnt ever fought on my rex yet and it was a sub. big mistake. a group of 7 dinos ranging from pachys, kents, dasps and more showed up. i killed 4 of them and then a bunch of apexes showed up, running straight for me from the homecave. i even said gg in chat because it was sorta fun and they just went hella sweaty and trash talked me like crazy.
@icesworld2 Ай бұрын
@@dean2211yup lol that sounds about right the typical solo experience on official
@spoonlydoodly6500 2 ай бұрын
It's gotten bad across last year, we need more casual/not sweaty tryhard ppl, to voice this issue, loud and clear to the devs, cause right now, it's the clan folk keeping the issue hush hush of it's severity and game breaking intensity rn. Almost every friend I have, 20 some ppl, have quit over the past year due to this zerq vs zerg clan kill joy nonsense. Your either the biggest group, or your the fodder, no fun allowed for you, only them. If there's anything I learned from the vocal part of the PoT community(10% of player base generally, typically toxic folk), your experience doesn't matter if it doesn't align with their way of enjoying the game. You are not human to them, you are THEIR toy, or a NUMBER to their army. This is coming from experience in and out of these groups, originally being a solo-trio person, and also on the official discord, etc. Currently I am finding that these clans/groups have actually fucked up drama too of taking this game too personally, hunting ppl, harrasing, nudes/nsfw personal life shit used as bragging rights or manipulation, etc. Yet not a bannable offense when specifically targeting to kos n harrass specific people ingame. So p much keep your head low around these ppl n don't make a scene in global, or you might become their next pin cushion. In the end, I think the direction the game is going, is either you play in clan, or this game isn't for you, cause community servers are just as bad in their own ways. Corruption, manipulation, staff abuse, and cancelation from server owner friends groups banning you across server to server. And to be fair, prb a lot n a lot more deep n darker shit as it usually is of any pvp games community/personal servers.
@KrawllUnchained 2 ай бұрын
I'm mostly a solo player and i only play Officials and i won't deny that big packs can be annoying but we also can't ignore that those big packs are always in the hot spots. In Panjura they're in SLL, GLC, Riverland or LBM and in Gondwa they're in Crater, Grand plains, Green Hills and Green Valley..... if you stay out of those zones, most of your encounters will be against other solo's or small packs and there is still a lot of fun to be had for us solo players, even on Official servers. In real life, you wouldn't go hang out in a part of town that is controlled by gangs or that is known for gang on gang violence would you ? It's the same thing in any open world PvP games. As a solo, don't hang out in gang territory.
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
I agree it’s gotten out of hand last year or so it’s one thing to run into them every once a while but now it’s like 2-3 big groups are on every server you log into and this guy Krawl is right they are always in the hotspots but I refuse to let that stop me from going to those locations I’ll just fight it out cause after all it’s a PvP game just a lot of weak minded people out there and it’s a shame tbh
@bibbster2571 2 ай бұрын
​@@KrawllUnchained exactly right bro
@spoonlydoodly6500 2 ай бұрын
​@@KrawllUnchained 1. I started as a solo player, into duo or trio across 4-6 months straight, degen hours every single day. I've learned it can take a long time to find pvp playing the game at it's deadest, aka staying in dead zones, to become horrendously boring to the point of I may as well go play some other live game with a community I can actually experience on fair terms. Plus, the tiny little box you are damned too if your to avoid every hot spot and it's connected core hunting grounds, and I pay the same price tag to access this game as anyone else? Just why? May as well refund and play some other game that gives more respect then half of PoT's community. Isolating myself to 40% of the map barely anyone else goes through too often, is no different then playing a dead game. 2. This is a game, IRL stuff should have nothing to do with it. There is a reason games exist, it's to escape irl nonsense and have fun, unless otherwise the game is advertised to be about this kinda content like pvp mmorpgs: bdo, throne an liberty, archeage, etc. BUT, PoT has advertised itself as a smaller group of folk game, or even solo, never anything about 'you should join a clan/community group' like other pvp mmorpgs, or mmo's with this focus. Plus PoT has also advertised itself as some kinda game it isn't, trailers not at all representing what the game actually plays out as. It's insanely misleading with effectively false advertisement going on.
@KrawllUnchained 2 ай бұрын
@@spoonlydoodly6500 Look, you're blaming a game for the actions of players. No real life has nothing to do with things going on in a game but the game is played by real people so of course the behaviors of real people in real life will reflect how those real people behave in a game. If you play official servers, you are playing a "no rules" environment which means , no one is coming to play police for you when you feel like you're been treated unfairly, it's up to you to put on your big boy pants and do something about it. You wanna go to the hot spots, go, don't come back complaining about gangs. I feel like no matter what anyone says, you're just gonna end up complaining about it. There are community servers for those who don't like how people behave in the Official servers.
@missfancy9824 Ай бұрын
yeah I never play officials because of how many of these types of groups there are. Its annoying to deal with, plus they will literally never stop hunting you even if you live.
@BlackRose85789 2 ай бұрын
I think they need to design a pack limit on this, and de buffs that if you go over so many. It causes your dino to do less damage. And it should be a system in which tallies up the amount of damage so in order to debuff these clans.
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
They do have an in game pack limit but they by pass it by using discord very common for cross play games just hate the toxicity after wards simple gg or say nothing at all
@ventilato7919 Ай бұрын
@@icesworld2tbh they should debuff dinos that are not in a pack or multiple packs being too near to each other same with too many solos. no carnivore and herb would stay together near eachother and make em weaker too with a debuff like hc debuff but only dmg input cuz some can just linger around not fighting and such
@icesworld2 Ай бұрын
@@ventilato7919yea I agree some kind of debuff would be nice but it would also effect you cause you are now in the radius just not sure how they would implement that and they would just go around it by staying outside radius from each other till the fight begins then swarm
@bibbster2571 2 ай бұрын
Actually BS, there ain't nothing you can do about it besides except that the only skill they have is asking for help in .1 seconds
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
💯 just too many heads to deal with as a solo or duo still took 4 with me 💪🏻
@EternalCrimson. 2 ай бұрын
Fr. I play solo always in community and officials. I want to be around other players but all they do is kos. Even if there is a body they already took down. I just want to be able to interact with them without fighting sometimes. Luckily i survived a few attacks and fights. I have to use a flyer if I want to see other players or a small fast dino. Equatics even. It's annoying because I'm alone on the outer areas and I want to be in hot spots walking past herbis and carnis no fighting just pass peacefully but apparently attacking anything that moves is their go to. So I play solo till they add ai, and fun stuff that won't take away from the immersion. I want to play like real dinos and they are playing like it's the hunger games. It's not realism if your getting attacked 24/7. Nature does have peaceful moments between carnis and herbis it's not all blood and kill. If it was we would all be dead. Yes fighting for territory, fighting for mates, rivalry happens but what the players do is just kill no thoughts just kill. It makes me think it's a bunch of kids who want to feel cool but can't handle 1v1 encounters so they cry for help instead of just runaway or fight till death. Luckily I'm just whatever now if I die I die but it just is frustrating to have 10+ players mixpacking kosers. I don't care if they are one group of carnis but the big mixpackers are annoying. I really hope they fix that.
@BlackRose85789 2 ай бұрын
The easiest fix I ever did was sick clan on clan, I used to purposely make up rumors in which would make folks turn on each other to the point they focused less on other players and more about themselves. I remember the time I caused a clan to actually TK each other due to spreading a false lead that there friends was sleeping with the other or how they was a spy. Might have been pettiness but so was there behavior. Only reason I joined it was to do exactly that, to create so much drama the players would less likely group together.
@EternalCrimson. 2 ай бұрын
@@BlackRose85789 Can't that get you banned though ?
@MalacodaJ 2 ай бұрын
Thats why unofficial realism servers is the best
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea I play them sometimes
@dtbrex08 2 ай бұрын
MID I dont wanna spend two weeks getting used to rules lol, I started out with a semi realism server and Ive gotten used to them by now but I get really annoyed when every server except no rules has like 240 different bullet points on a discord server, wish they could just put the rules in the game instead of having to use an outside website, probably sucks for people that are too young for discord or dont have it lol (its a dinosaur game so theres probably a lot of kids trying to play lol)
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
@@dtbrex08 so true i mainly played semi realisms since drop but my buddy got banned off one for calling someone a clown in global so I just went to official instead of relearning a whole nother set of rules so I def feel ya and I’m not naive Ik these things happens when no rules are implemented in open world PvP games posted this more for newer players to be aware ya know
@chrisp6710 Ай бұрын
Had a game session on official. Walking around on my Eo when these five different dinos come in to fight me. A pyc, 2 ceras, and 2 sty’s. All of them battered and Pyc dies. They retreat and I figure I’m free to leave. Nope, they hunted me down with scouts several minutes later and then all of them showed up. 13 of them. Still managed to kill one more lol, and they still had the audacity to say I got destroyed when I meatballed five of them along with that one killed in the end. Took them around twenty minutes to kill me.
@mikehawkhovers9872 2 ай бұрын
U killed a few easy W.
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Exactly I take that as a W took 4-5 with me as I went down 🤣
@G.oliath 2 ай бұрын
Don't play official servers dude. Really I played officials since launch and only recently in the past year or a little bit over started playing on realism servers. Once you play realism you are never gonna wanna touch officials again or miss the animals you lost. Animals on realism grow 10 times faster. Playing officials is not worth 4 days of picking up acorns and being attacked constantly like it's a battle royal
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea I mainly have played on unofficial from PvP servers to semi realism to full realism I like them all in their own ways only recently have I went back to official because admins banning people over the dumbest things is worse than get jumped every now and then I just posted this to get it out there for new comers to just be aware help them survive a little better lol
@misty2159 2 ай бұрын
Am solo on officals and i just spawn nearby most of the time or play smth quick and agile to ethier annoy the grp of kill sum
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea I do too I posted this video to just point out the fact it’s turned into join a big group or be forced to play the game solo to trio in a certain way only able to go to certain parts of map and only play certain Dino’s to outrun them that would obv get boring and lead to less people playing but it is something we just have to deal with
@panther618 2 ай бұрын
Thats why I switched to community servers and never looked back
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea I used to play community a lot but honestly it’s not much better there plus dealing with weirdo admins abusing their power perma banning people and stretching their own rules to favor people I’ll take my chances in official lol but I do like some of the full realism servers just a lot of rules sometimes
@fernandovazquez5398 2 ай бұрын
Yeah my eo just got kill by 2 sarcos 1 sucho 2rex and a bitd
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea I can understand if there’s like 3-4 buddies all playing in a pack ya know but when it gets up to 10+ Dino’s just to take 1 or 2 like where is the fun in that people just can’t handle dying in a video game lol
@Huaka8907 Ай бұрын
They are awful god damn, I also had an encounter with a group at HT not long ago as me and my gf on our spinos, Got a video in the making about it, was ganna do smt similar to you LOL.
@icesworld2 Ай бұрын
Lol yes they were awful if that random I was with stopped trying to protect me and just play his side would of been a lot more deaths hopefully in your situation you took a few with you also 💪🏻
@Huaka8907 Ай бұрын
@icesworld2 yeah, saddly for me it was mostly ducks, so we meatballed sarc and sucho, killed duck and spino. But they came on 5 ducks.
@icesworld2 Ай бұрын
@@Huaka8907nice as long as you take a few with you on the way out it’s a W to me sad how people have to switch Dino’s mid fight call in backup etc just for one kill these people want no challenges the drive in the easy lane
@kniik27 2 ай бұрын
Pro tip: Dont hold that charge if youre obviously gonna miss - Just gonna waste your stamina btw
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea ik bro but in that situation Stam ain’t going to matter I can’t outrun that many different Dino’s was just trying to take out cera quick so there was less heads but ya know stuff happens
@MadTawnyOwlet 2 ай бұрын
Thats why I dont even bother with official servers, its unofficials or nothing.
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
I feel you out of the 1200 hours I have on this game its mainly played unofficial but a buddy of mine got banned from the one we was playing on over the dumbest thing so it just turned me off towards unofficial rn so I went to official and been there since lol
@onlyenzoYT 2 ай бұрын
Don’t play officials. Only way to avoid this
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea ik bro I’m not bothered about it as much as it may seem just wanted to put it out there for the new comers…I don’t have a problem dying in a video game it’s what happens after that is just sad you get gang banged like this then it’s L get good L quit the game type stuff I just laugh like damn there was 12 of you vs me I ain’t Rambo 🤣
@harlekln3045 Ай бұрын
Offi Server is just full of Simps, Carebears, Tryhards that just swap Dinos
@spikezilla54 Ай бұрын
Though I dislike massive groups just piling on numbers to win....with the herbs and especially trikes? Yeah it's deserved.
@Bloodlusts2 2 ай бұрын
Godwe serve troll
@firenado1674 Ай бұрын
Most damage are from you guys hitting eachother lmao
@ScLGaming-PathOfTitains 2 ай бұрын
I'm not gonna lie I truly love this the fact they they have a crew come, I play and get lobbied by groups alot don't bother me cause in that time period that's what happened 💯 and to see that there can be such a level of communication is amazing to I understand that for a solo that can be frustrating so find a family/group to play with love playing this game solo to but then you need to understand packs happen and play ailo or struthi so you can re locate or a mid tier at least but rolling around as an apex Herb of course you gonna get teamed your a walking challenge lol
@bibbster2571 2 ай бұрын
I agree it's cool, I'm with a big community group but the difference is the official groups brag and act tough, me and ice constantly call them out for 1v1s but they have never done it and always make excuses
@ScLGaming-PathOfTitains 2 ай бұрын
@bibbster2571 haha I'm the Leader of Elite Guard we are not like that we bring healers for 1v1 ones and use crouch cheak for forfeit but your right some play dirty
@bibbster2571 2 ай бұрын
@@ScLGaming-PathOfTitains yeah I get that but I ain't trusting nobody that I know is a big group, and I do the same on pvp servers but it's better cause I ain't getting ganged
@ScLGaming-PathOfTitains 2 ай бұрын
@@bibbster2571 haha I feel yea
@CastaBoi 2 ай бұрын
So dumb....jeez
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea it’s a shame for sure
@PancakeMix21 2 ай бұрын
Damn you mean to say when you play a herbivore essentially (prey) especially dinosaur time you get hunted..... crazy how that works. Don't play prey and you won't be chased by predators
@dtbrex08 2 ай бұрын
Theres a difference between playing a herbivore and getting hunted and just being killed by 20+ people because "ooh yay free trophy cuz this is a pvp game and we're gonna kos everything that moves and isnt a part of our giant horde"
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
I mean dtbrex pretty much said it all right there doesn’t matter if you are herb or carni
@PancakeMix21 2 ай бұрын
@dtbrex08 well you said it yourself its a pvp game?
@dtbrex08 2 ай бұрын
@@PancakeMix21 that was sarcasm, theres more to it than pvp but people just find pvp the most fun usually so thats just what they do all the time. I myself am happy as long as I can hunt a couple of things successfully or at least fend off a couple of carnivores as a herbi, even if only two encounters happen in a whole hour, as long as long as theyre good of course lol.
@platinumwarrior1309 2 ай бұрын
I mean I just watched a video of 1 water buck getting hunted by wild dogs. The buck was standing in the water holding its ground against the dogs and then a hippo came up and the buck fought it off but then a crocodile came up and killed the buck. My point is getting ganked by a “mix pack” happens in nature too. Sure that would never happen to a lion or elephant but it’s funny seeing people play solo on eo, get ganked and then complain. Like what did you expect was going to happen when you walked through a hot spot on 2 eos? I play with a large discord and I feel your pain when I’m the only one on. There’s nothing you can do but go down swinging. Don’t let it upset you bc you did good taking down like 4 or 5 with you. You should try to get in a discord group for playing on officials to properly Dino war lol
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
Yea I get what your saying but it shouldn’t be a thing so many weak minded people would rather just join then deal with it I’m just not one of them and you said it yourself I took 4-5 with me so I count it as a dub and keep it moving no complaining or crying from me maybe a little shit talk lol but that’s about it
@DodoTacticsGaming 2 ай бұрын
eh? this comment was a peculiar one from start to finish. I think the issue is just large swarms of players needing alot of help to take down people, or at least are afraid to. You cant force someone to play a certain way, and there should be limits on the numbers of certain types of predators in a group regardless. So just telling someone to do XYZ that is outside of the game is not a solution. So for now I agree to disagree.
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
@@DodoTacticsGamingfacts it’s a shame that because they didn’t want to fight us with the Dino’s they were on they started to switch and call for back up it’s just lame ya know but is what it is I guess
@JustAnObody812 2 ай бұрын
@@DodoTacticsGamingthese discord clans have massive skill issues so they need an entire army to fight. Theyre basically scared of 1 player and they cant even 1v1
@icesworld2 2 ай бұрын
@@JustAnObody812exactly couldn’t of said it better myself 🤷🏻‍♂️
@jailtime402 2 ай бұрын
waisted so much stamina and waisted your sharpen horns and charge lol
@bibbster2571 2 ай бұрын
And ty for your insightful input now let's see you fight that clan lol
@jailtime402 2 ай бұрын
@@bibbster2571 when tf did i say i could do that? i was pointing out your pathetic mistakes. sit down
@eggbertvonchickeniii 2 ай бұрын
Nothing really wrong with it per se. You just stumbled across a big group. Simply avoid the area for a while and youre fine
@bibbster2571 2 ай бұрын
Your right but then we are forced to play on the outskirts of the map and thats the problem ya know
@nosoiknowso4766 Ай бұрын
I take it you're part of those rat hordes yourself. Not really fun to play a game if you aren't able to go where you want without being attacked by 10 different people playing all the carnivores on Pots roster.
@eggbertvonchickeniii Ай бұрын
@@nosoiknowso4766 Its fun for the ppl playing with their friends lol
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