This Player ACTUALLY CHEATED in D&D!! | Reading D&D Reddit Stories

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One Shot Questers

One Shot Questers

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@OneShotQuesters Жыл бұрын
Support Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms! A 350+ page tome of kaiju battles, crafting mechanics, and more! ►
@gman1515 Жыл бұрын
That ad read was inspired
@Gatorboy5678 3 ай бұрын
@@gman1515By what?
@FaustoPego Жыл бұрын
When people say "you can't win an RPG" they mean that the objective of the game is to create a story cooperatively. So if everyone is creating the story, even if your character dies, you still are fulfilling the objective and fun of the game.
@PancakeboiVR Жыл бұрын
Trying to win dnd is like trying to win a book you don’t win you have fun
@slashandbones13 Жыл бұрын
I guess you "win" by making it to the final boss, if there is one. But thinking like that is completely missing the point.
@Pizzaetertje Жыл бұрын
There is only one way to lose dnd, and that’s by creating a heterosexual bard
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
Yeah, for example I remember game where everyone but 1 person died. It was awesome because my character was using others as a tool, other PC was spying on us and the rest was trying to survive. It was awesome
@ГрафМакдакула Жыл бұрын
​@@Pizzaetertjebut gay barbarian sounds also fun
@DMofBriseras Жыл бұрын
In regards to “bad dice days”, some of the best advice I ever heard was from Matthew Colville who said to “Let players fail forward.” As in, if they roll poorly, that doesn’t necessarily mean they need to face the harshest consequences. Instead, up the stakes or challenge of the situation, and allow them to have another go. I tend to let my players “fail forward” 3x in a row before I give in and allow them to face the final consequence. This has been a godsend to my games. Makes everything so much more dynamic and dramatic. Plus, happy players = happy gm!
@kc5997 11 ай бұрын
on my current campaign as a newbie to DND , rolled a 1 after a big fight while looting a pool of blood the boss was using for her magic or whatver. DM used it as a "palantir" and i basically saw all the tortures and death but also was able to see which deity was protecting this mf necromancer/assassin. and thats how i learned about Nerull . by having a deeply traumatized bard tiefling. it was both horrifying but totally worth it storywise. And it's gonna spur character growth.
@AzraelThanatos Жыл бұрын
The magnetic dice tray thing is something I've seen, mainly for situations where things were unstable and a fully metal dice with a shake and roll on it so it was still random there...that was mainly due to having a longer train transit time for a summer and we could game on the way to and back because it was a rougher track and the use of it was the DMs idea
@marcusdire8057 Жыл бұрын
Story about bad dice rolls responding to first story: A person I was aying with wanted to try to climb up a wall. Third athletics check or so - Nat 1. Darnit but it happens. DM calls for a DEX check to reduce or negate falling damage. Nat 1. DM, trying to be nice and not kill the character straight away before we even see the boss, calls for a CON save. Nat 1. Player is getting frustrated at her dice now, rolls for nothing, just to check the dice. Nat 1. Player, now angry at her traitor dice, throws it across the room. Apologies for her outburst, and goes to retrieve her die. It had landed on Nat 1. FIVE Natural 1s in a row!! The DM gave her a rewind (one of only two the DM has ever offered in 10 years) "Ok, lets say you DIDN'T try to climb that wall?" So the Character lived, but the Player was scared to try anything that would require a roll for the rest of the session.
@ShadowReignhart Жыл бұрын
I feel like I would react the same if all my rolls were nat 1 from the get-go.
@byronsmothers8064 Жыл бұрын
1 in 3.2M odds there, I would hope they got most of their bad luck out of their system & had good things happen after.
@DaTimmeh Жыл бұрын
​@@byronsmothers8064Ain't math fun? Such a rare chance, and yet absolutely believable, and more likely for it to have happened to someone than not. In fact, it probably happens on a yearly or even monthly basis.
@marcusdire8057 Жыл бұрын
@@byronsmothers8064 Yeah, I remember the GM calculated the odds, but I couldn't remember what they were. Those incredible long odds were the reason the Player got one of the rare Rewinds. (If I recall correctly she had high side of average rolls for the next several months?)
@ceilinh6004 Жыл бұрын
That's when you put your d20 in dice jail. 😂
@majinsole8554 Жыл бұрын
“Dance of the Wererat” sounds like a great one shot module 🙂 ~_~
@commanderboom2626 Жыл бұрын
The second story reminded me of this really awesome d20 I used to have that usually either rolled above a 16 or hit a nat 1. I would use it for really pivotal roles, and it managed to save/kill our party numerous times (the party and DM were aware of its properties and I often passed it around). We were never able to determine if it was actually weighted, or if some of its sides were slightly misshapen, but unfortunately I eventually misplaced it at the game store and now it’s gone forever.
@davidclevenger6323 11 ай бұрын
One of my favorite dnd moments was a battle where I cast a fireball into a blind corner and hit for massive damage. The creatures who didn’t like fire but could teleport proceeded to teleport around me and beat me down. Due to the creatures coming down, the rest of my team could kill them all then revive me. It turned out that if I hadn’t done that, no one could reach them.
@wildraptor4638 6 ай бұрын
In my first ever DND game, we were in a dungeon. We knew their was a pit in front of us so one of my friends rolled perception. He rolled a nat one. This caused us to spend twenty comical minutes trying to save him from his perch on a spike sticking out of a pool of acid. This bad roll on his part allowed us all to have a fun time and me and another friend to have good rolls to save him.
@ArchieNox Жыл бұрын
I had a day as a dm where I was consistently rolling 20's...and I was doing it online so couldn't fudge and felt soooo guilty...luckily no one full died.
@Trollsby_Trollin 9 ай бұрын
One thing to remember about the dice is that they help tell the story. I remember back in AD&D days, the first session I was DMing (and the reason I became my group's forever DM). It was only me and three other people (my wife, our roommate, and my best friend) and they were fighting bandits. Initiative for that round (2e had you rolling initiative every round) landed so that a bandit went after each party member. My roommate rolled a nat 1 but didn't "confirm" the critical miss so we just kept going. The bandit that came after him rolled a nat 20 and did confirm the critical hit (the rules for confirming crit hits and misses in our homebrew was a bit long to write down here). So I retroactively put in narration about how he overswung and got off balance and the bandit took advantage of it and shoved him, causing him (my roommate's character) to twist and sprain his ankle as the narative reason for the hit point damage. That caused him to move slower until he healed completely (again, 2e is different and you would only heal 1 hp per full day of bed rest according to the rules in one of the books we were using). Me coming up with that explanation caused everyone to start thinking about combat damage differently and they would start describing their hits and misses in the same way, and they started being excited about misses almost as much as they were about hits. But that level of improv wouldn't have happened if my roommate would have fudged his dice roll.
@KnicKnac Жыл бұрын
Winning D&D is about finishing a campaign with the friends you've made along the way. That magnetic tray story is wild. First time I've heard about cheating that way.
@Synthatic 11 ай бұрын
In my group, our DM says "That miss/doesnt hit." We players are then encouraged to RP out how our attack didnt hit, or maybe it did hit but it was a glancing blow to armor. Our DM gives us agency to decide how our failures happen and affect our characters.
@buffalohunter241 Жыл бұрын
Love these videos Duke and Amy! It was super fun seeing you in person at fan x!
@AngelStickman Жыл бұрын
Who is this “Amy”? That is WIFE.
@TheColonelKaijuVT Жыл бұрын
What gets me, is that when I looked it up, I couldn't find a single entry for anything even slightly resembling that cheat tray, which leads me to believe that he either custom ordered it, or modified it himself.
@papman7849 Жыл бұрын
Just a story at my table, i am an Armoer artficers, and we needed to defeat the big evil boss a dragon. I made an arcana check to sense and rolled a 16 with modifers, then i shoot in the direction rollede a nat 20 with my weopons and rolled nearly maximum damage, and i was immune to the damage
@papman7849 Жыл бұрын
Something i forget that we were riding a white dragon with the name Gilbert
@jasonyoung7705 11 ай бұрын
Many (about 30) years ago, in AD&D'2e, my GF at the time was a chronic cheater, but blatently, she would roll her dice over and over, and save up the high rolls to use later. So I gave her a solo session, which was almost entirely RP, and almost no dice rolling. Her druid character met a beast lord demigod (a giant humanoid cat), I pretended to roll him a charisma check, and said something like "he's giving you the eye, he's obviously attracted to you", and I then described his physique in a way I knew she would like. She asked if she could charm him, I said "nope he's a demigod", and then I added with a smirk "but you can try your animal handling skill". You have thought i'd cast TUHL on her, she was in stitches for half an hour. She didnt cheat as much after that.
@Halvblodsprinsen100 Жыл бұрын
I have in the past cheered over getting a nat one, due to how funny it was in the situation.
@laggybum3218 Жыл бұрын
I've had games where my dice, none of them, will roll well. I carry a large bag full of dice and have a dice app on my phone and NONE of them would roll well!! I don't see how anyone could blame their own bad dice rolls on the DM. Some of my groups best times were when we rolled low. 'I'm going to jump over this table', rolls a 1, and then people will start chiming in on what happens after the roll. We would get really big laughs from a lot of the failures.
@blueye95 11 ай бұрын
the thing with d20 probability is that it takes a lot of rolls for the numbers to tend to the average. Its more rolls than you would do in a single session, or even 10 sessions. Over a hole campaign you would see the rolls average out pretty well. I recall looking at Critical Roll stats and there the nat 1s/nat 20 rolls slowly converged to the statistical average as session count went up. So yeah, bad days and good days are very much part of the probability. Its kinda funny since as human beings we tend to see connections that arent there (bad luck days) and its a tool we can use for the story telling. So even the streaks help shape the narrative of dnd which i think is awesome
@pwpresents5660 11 ай бұрын
I’ve only ever played one D&D game in my life (with my brother as the DM. It was just me, playing the stranger things starter game). And that experience was absolutely fun, because I was awful. Don’t curse the bad rolls, embrace them. They get some of the best results. My worst roll came during a fight with a skeleton, where I rolled a Nat 1 and had my sword fly out of my hand. Made better when he rolled just as bad and had the same thing happen to him. The result was me and this skeleton in the middle, looking at each others swords like we're in an action movie, and then I (because I thought it would be cool) decided to have a fist fight instead.
@danielrhouck Жыл бұрын
So… that second story is literally a case of “rocks fall; everyone dies”
@catherinecrawford3058 Жыл бұрын
I remember games where my rolls were sooo bad, but the descriptions were soooo good we laughed and my tiny gnome acrobat became known as the mudmaster - for constantly falling into messy puddles of goo.
@AZRockslide42 11 ай бұрын
That story about the magnetic dice is why games like Monster of the Week have made failed rolls how you get experience. It makes failure more than just not doing what you tried to do.
@seymourfields3613 Жыл бұрын
Seriously. We just started a Traveller campaign on Foundry last night. Foundry is privately hosted, so the whole game is hosted on my DM's computer. My rolls were sucking bad through character creation. Didn't get into school, failed to get a job, had to submit for draft, wasn't doing well in the Navy. The server glitched and my stats all got wiped. It was a DM side problem that he told me happened to another player when I stepped away from my computer to change my son. I joked about at least having an excuse to roll new stats. I rolled them and they were even worse. I asked if I could reroll the and he told me no. We then continued on my build based on our memory of how badly I failed in the Navy, and I of course didn't survive the Navy. At this point I'm just laughing about it and asking if we can try the original rules which mentioned dying in character creation. All of this and there was no yelling, no swearing, no blaming the DM. That's an adult getting bad rolls. Because I'm going to be stuck with a character with almost all negative stats, yeah, I asked not only if I could reroll the stats, but later I asked if we could just nix the character and reroll a new one. The answer is no so that's that. What's funny is he had us watch Seth's KZbin videos for Traveller and when prompted said no on the getting a boon on two stat rolls. In the end, throwing a fit isn't going to do anything so there's no reason to. If he becomes impossible to play with, I'll just leave his table. Yelling will never do any good, even if the DM is actually in the wrong.
@Anddq 11 ай бұрын
Had a guy in my first session get caught loading his dice. He had a purple translucent die that had little black spheres in it. He had been practically running the game, it annoyed the players and Dm. At one point he accidentally rolled the dice into my lap. I picked it up and saw discoloration in the middle of the one and examining it saw something just behind it in the dice. I rolled it myself and it got a high number. He did not come back the next week.
@dementededge3266 Жыл бұрын
First time seeing you two together and holy shit you two are an absolutely adorable couple.
@ZenoDLC 7 ай бұрын
Not a TTRPG, and the details were a bit hazy since this was back in 2018-ish, but there's that one match in Pokemon where I'm fighting a guy that uses either a Camerupt or a Magcargo as their main attacker with an attack that says basically "flip a coin as many times as there are energies attached to this Pokemon, deal 10 damage for each head" and with a Victini on board that lets him redo coin flip attempts once per turn, he had like 3-4 energies on his attacking mon, my mon would be dead with just 20 damage In Pokemon, you can use certain types of dice to substitute the coin as a randomizer, normally evens for heads, odds for tails The guy somehow rolled all odds on his attack, the Victini ability triggers and he rolls again, all odds, my turn, nothing special happened, his turn, attack again, all odds again, so he uses Victini's ability again while asking to use my dice, (Note that I just bought the set that day) I let him use it because why not... It was all 1s
@Rutanachan Жыл бұрын
Regarding Dice Rolls and Melee Fighters... In our group we have a house rule that you can spend a Bonus Action to do an Unarmed Strike, which we count as a single D4, no boni attached. The amount of time our Berserker missed with her weapons, but then KILLED the enemy with an BA Unarmed Strike is baffling, often a few times in one battle. We love it. XD
@RainyLS Жыл бұрын
I loved that sponsorship part. It was funny.
@ArcheoneGaming 11 ай бұрын
For story 1: in my first DnD campaing ever... the first 3 sessions... i threw 8 natural 1's... Then on the 4th session, in combat with the boss, i threw my first natural 20! As a paladin with thunderous smite + smite and a Greatsword! After failing in anything ive attempted thus far i nearly 1shotted the boss. (Who i took down in my second strike on her, like 5 rounds of combat later). Dice can be pretty damn unfair. But thats what makes it fun. I loved each of those 1's i got and my DM hates that 20 i got lol. And i mean i get it... you dont want your character to die, you have invested a lot of time into them and having them die just sucks... So for me i already made a "death Quote" make it really sad, to extra lay down the pain! And then... new character, different class, no bullshit for a twin brother or whatever. Sometimes the bad guys just win. And that by itself is a fine ending to a campaign.
@luangu 11 ай бұрын
I execute consistently bad dice with a sledge hammer. I form an audience of dice in a circle so they can bear witness to their brother getting crushed.
@stadnikds Жыл бұрын
I usually have good enough dice rolls... Until it comes to death saves. Had two characters already die because of nat1 as their first death save. The second time DM gave me a bonus death save just because it was my second dead by nat1 character in that campaign. And yes, that bonus deus ex machina death save was also nat1
@kritter042 Жыл бұрын
Ttrpg dice can just get weird. I had a set that rolled really nicely, until the precise second I was rolling a check for a merchant. I was the DM, and my players decided not to pay for their supplies. Every time. Every time I rolled to see if the merchant noticed the blatant stealing crit fail. It was so bad, but so funny.
@commonviewer2488 Жыл бұрын
You win DnD when everyone has a good time
@ConnorSinclairCavin Жыл бұрын
I will say that i have seen magnetic trays with dice that are equally magnetic on all sides (so it just stops the dice fast, the dice are neutrally magnetic) and those are one thing and are fine, it does keep the dice bounce shuffle from occurring, and can help for people with sound triggers to not have to listen to all the clatter. But, something that auto-rolls highs? Oh hell no.
@christophermenard2155 11 ай бұрын
To be fair, that pillar was probably pretty rigid. And I mean, they knocked it down so OBVIOUSLY it was erect. A common mistake 😂
@deathwarp131 Жыл бұрын
low rolls can be funny. me and my friends had never played d&d and wanted to play so i decided i would be dm as i love going down rabbit holes(research/planning/prepping it's more fun than it should be). one of my friends had to step over a crumbling wall that i said was 2 feet tall and made everyone roll to see if they made it over it. my best friend was like come on i'm 12 feet tall there is no way i can't make it over. me: well that means you don't have to roll very high(i decided 3 and he was clear but didn't tell him). nat 1... my friend was annoyed the rest of the group was laughing. as you keep your eye on the enemy you fail to notice the wall and trip over it and fall ending your movement(may not be the rules but i'm dm so i am god) another friend kept inspecting stuff nat 20 to inspect a door me: it's a door. okay so he will do an inspection here he is getting great rolls this will be awesome and avoid a fight that may end in killing the party. nat 1 instead of looking around you have a staring contest with the sun.
@asquirrelplays Жыл бұрын
There's a guy in my group that should probably learn to cheat lol that poor guy has the worst luck, and it's been going for a couple years at this point. We're in our second campaign together and I finally just gave him a weapon that always attacks with advantage. He still struggles to hit things.
@Endermen1094 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like someone needs some RGJesus
@Mask3dShadow Жыл бұрын
For three years I played the bad luck magnet, by that I mean I only rolled over a 10 on death saving throws, everything else was below. Now I play savage worlds.
@yoeriw7099 Жыл бұрын
We had an absolute disaster of a game yesterday from a dice roll perspective. I didn't roll above a 12 all evening. The DM rolled 3 nat 1's in a row, there was an entire round where all 4 of us had a nat 1. This was all during combat rounds btw. In the end we just started suggesting to just make friends with the enemy since apparently no one had the hearth to kill someone on either side (there was a ton of collateral damage tho). Then the barbarian suddenly manages to crit twice in a row and the mini boss ends up a pile of dust on the floor (we were fighting skeletons and zombies). It was a fun session but damn the combat was just a fail fest.
@miketheyeti9711 10 ай бұрын
Our dm created a rule where if you rolled 1-4 d20 on attacks, you pretty much ruin a npc named Steve. If my Necro casts Ray of Sickness, and i get 1-4, that spell suddenly veers of course and the guy would randomly be minding his own business and the spell hits a random mascot, killing said mascot. And some random jagoff would run and scream Steve the Butcher is here thinking it was Steve who killed the mascot.
@craigwatkins3569 Жыл бұрын
I have 30+ dice sets for constant changing of dice. Dice jail has a revolving door.
@nathanides7584 Жыл бұрын
I love the format as it is established now, keep it up
@michaelmorton5698 11 ай бұрын
I just realized you did the ad in the style of Kung Fu Theatre with the unsyched audio.
@valcant940 10 ай бұрын
whenever people get mad at bad rolls or others reminding the DM of features or rules i just think that if without those we could jsut read a book while sitting in a circle
@senestrandentremonde2113 11 ай бұрын
Well, last year, during a DnD session, I made three natural 1 on a single turn. I try to slice a dude who just step on the Web spell ... first 1. I lost my blade beyond the Web so, I decided to make an athletic check to make some kind of handspring on the guy to make him fall (and prone) while jumping away from the Web (and maybe pick up my weapon) ... second 1. And of course last 1 on the dexterity save to avoid the Web (In fine, I was the one prone on the Web) We had the best laugh off this short campaign !! XD
@captianbacon Жыл бұрын
Dnd is the most fun when you succeed 50-75% of the time cause that means it usually is gonna work but you feel the failures
@robertcox3538 Жыл бұрын
i have found that most online DND site will favorer the dm over the playersso the dm will get more nat 20s then nat 1s
@hayu187 11 ай бұрын
I ran a WoD Wild West game where a cheater fudging rolls and blatantly metagamed their way into a fight with fae NPC with an artifact level sword on her hip for outing her in the middle of a saloon full of normal people
@murphythelatecomer4608 4 ай бұрын
The first story hits me like a gut punch, because I’ve been going through a season of terrible dice rolls in our current campaign and being really butt-hurt about it. It sucks to have those bad rolls, but the more I think about it, the more I think that having a bad attitude about it makes it worse, for myself and my group. And I don’t blame my GM, but I do sometimes wonder if she takes it personally. And that makes me feel worse because our group has gone from people who met at a now-dead game shop (rest in peace) to actual friends. So I don’t want her to feel bad about it. So I guess this is just me publicly admitting my flaws and resolving to be better. Oh, and I did get new dice (But not magnetic dice!). They work much better now lol.
@Neophoia Жыл бұрын
having had a recent session where I as a dm couldn't roll over a 4 on dice, with players getting I think 7 nat20 in one combat encounter (I think they rolled like 15 in total that session). and having had sessions where the reverse happens with group, knowing to just laugh about it and move past the dice wanting something to happen a certain way can be tough in the moment but will make it a far better atmosphere at the table. Yes it sucks when you can't do the cool thing you wanted to do, but sometimes people need to remember that we are playing a game.
@bexfisch80 Жыл бұрын
That ad was golden 😂
@CATS_IS_CUTE 5 ай бұрын
today i rolled like 6 or 5 nat 20. and all of them on saves
@pugking4518 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion a low roll can be just as good as a high roll
@eplekakemonster Жыл бұрын
When I first played d&d I had terrible rolls. Think I had like 5 nat 1 the first session alone, but I still had a ton of fun and even got the final hit on one encounter.
@Zedja Жыл бұрын
I have to counterargue the statement about low roles. It's not always a good thing, but it fully depends on the type of DM you have. If you have a DM that really punish failures, then it's not a good thing. But then again, you shouldn't play with that type of DM's anyway (unless you like that type of thing) because that can really suck the fun out of the games. I'm talking about the type of DM that causes you to lose a limb or worse if you ever roll a nat 1.
@troywilcox Жыл бұрын
I was once in a Campain and right before combate I made a awesome speech then when I attacked I rolled a nat 1
@devonmcdaniel1176 Жыл бұрын
In response to the first story: If I remember correctly, they also said that they were using the Roll20 dice roller, which, in my experience, is absolute doggy doo in terms of rolls. It literally caused a TPK in my group, I'm certain of it to this day. There's a reason why I absolutely refuse to use the dice roller on Roll20, so much that if a DM requires its use, I will literally leave the game
@evanbasnaw Жыл бұрын
On statistics, My one player had 3 nat ones out of the first 12 rolls last night.
@stepgamerdad 11 ай бұрын
Story 1: I swear by my nona's pumpkin pie recipe that the dice on Roll20 have it out for me. I cannot for the life of me roll better than a 12, but the one time I played a game where you have to roll LOW on a D20 to succeed, I'm throwing 18s, 19s and nat 20s like it's nothing. FML...
@TheKat12364 8 ай бұрын
Dice roll luck or anti luck is so real. My first actual time dming. I rolled so bad that no enemy actually hit a player. And in both combat with like 3/4 health left, they both rolled a nat 1 ones to attack. I had them accidently off themselves from damage. 😂 it ended up being hilarious.
@josephschleben4045 10 ай бұрын
i am a huge fan of all your videos and due to that i've been getting into dnd allot more and working on being a dm and would like to know any tips you could give a fellow newbie to it i have played a couple times but just wanna try something different. also who knew that making a campaign xD
@sharalakid Жыл бұрын
7:13 lucky feat go brr
@chilldogs1881 Жыл бұрын
With the magnetic dice tray, if he was smart he would just use weighted dice lmao (not something I would ever do unless my friends are ok with it)
@JadeFalcon07 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 reminds me of the infamous Gazebo Story.
@moonstoneblaze5222 11 ай бұрын
Ill tell ya i have a 2 campaign long bad roll streak and i was LIVID and was genuinely on the verge of quitting dnd fully
@orcishhorde Жыл бұрын
Regarding story #1: I don't like games where your whole turn which you waited for can result in absolutely nothing - no change in health, no change in tactical situation - you might've as well skipped the turn. In my book it's bad design. Disclaimer: I'm not saying that the system as a whole is bad.
@TheOnlyTherazan 10 ай бұрын
Well the GM *did* imply the pillar was sentient, through ill-time personnification. It *is* a game where the stalactites, ceilings and floors have historically been shown to be sentient sometimes. It might's have been wiser to just say the pillar was erect and the move on.
@seabass819 Жыл бұрын
For me, there are time when I roll well. My default is bad rolls.
@squeethemog213 Жыл бұрын
I can't relate so much to bad dice. Across an entire 4 moth cyberpunk campaign (d10 system) I never rolled higher than a 3 the entire 🤣
@m16fermy Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that intro was so fucking cute
@Southernanna Жыл бұрын
If you have a Pokémon plush cuddle one of those❤
@RIVERSRPGChannel Жыл бұрын
Dice jails are needed
@Mediados Жыл бұрын
Imagine being so sad that you have to cheat in a game that LITERALLY DOES NOT HAVE STAKES.
@j.rinker4609 Жыл бұрын
Apparently someone never read about the tar baby...getting mad at the non-sentient...
@JennyvdK Жыл бұрын
I feel you Duke. I always have to drag those words out of my bf as well
@PleaseElaborate Жыл бұрын
Both in Pokemon and D&D, your 75% chance to hit misses 75% of the time.
@stankdelicious6479 Жыл бұрын
I call it the “Hero or Zero” roll…there is no winning D&D there is only surviving D&D…
@lisaroper421 Жыл бұрын
Crazy stories!
@dawnrachelle964 Жыл бұрын
The non sentient pillar! Lol
@remingtonryder Жыл бұрын
You could say that the guy with the magnetic dice tray got a bit stuck. Things went south and he hasn't been able to attract a group to play D&D after that.
@OneShotQuesters Жыл бұрын
Listen, you won the KZbin comment of the day.
@Captaincory1 Жыл бұрын
​@@OneShotQuestersand, perhaps, dad joke of the year
@tskophield9230 11 ай бұрын
As a dad, I second that!
@oofyeetmcgee 5 ай бұрын
My question is, if you know people are watching, and you went to all this tricky to cheat, why even use the dice tray when all the eyes are on you?? Just roll on the table!
@itap8880 3 ай бұрын
@@oofyeetmcgee I guess the player forgot they can do that. You know, if all you've ever used was a hammer...
@billbishop6109 Жыл бұрын
Had a few sessions with a new group, playing on Foundry, but the DM was rolling physically. Battle with a few goblins took forever because no one could roll over a 10 to save our lives. Fortunately the DM was having the same problem with her physical dice. A battle that should have taken a half hour took almost and hour and a half because of it. We just laughed at the absurdity of it all. Unfortunately this dice curse lasted like 3 sessions.
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
Gotta love it when the heart of the die just ain't in anyone. It's like a comedy of errors at that point. The heroes are slipping on mud and falling on the ground, the goblins are critically failing shooting prone targets and the arrows bounce off the castle walls and hit one in the knee. By the end of the battle, both sides have called a truce because nobody can actually kill each other anyway.
@smokedbeefandcheese4144 11 ай бұрын
I’m going to be honest it’s pretty much a tie for me between going to the DMV and playing a game like that. Like I am not here for three hour Long Combat
@franceskoz Жыл бұрын
As a DM, I sometimes love when my players roll low, not because I want them to fail, but because of the narrative opportunity. My favourite are Nat 1's on Perception, because then I can say things that are totally wrong, like they see things in the opposite direction as the threat or are very confident nothing is around, etc. One time, I asked them to roll Perception because there was like a fire demon horse creature on the edge of the nearby woods, and two of them rolled high and the other rolled super low, and for the low one I said she saw a swallowtail butterfly (in the opposite direction), while the other two saw the horse, and the player who rolled low was great at roleplay and ran with it, and the three of them then preceded to have a conversation where they all thought they were talking about the same thing but they weren't. Like the two who saw the horse were like, "should we be worried?" and the person who saw the butterfly was like "no, I think it's just pretty". 🤣
@bexfisch80 Жыл бұрын
That's awesome! 😂
@keit99 11 ай бұрын
You think you See dolphins flying above the forest 😂
@obsidianofblades 7 ай бұрын
We had a similar one in our Pathfinder game! We're stansing outside of a room that has caught fire because of a fight, and 3 of the 4 of us are not yet in the room. 2 of us (my divine sorc and our inventor) rolled absolute crap on perception initiative, so for both our first turns we had a conversation about the mechanics of the lock on the secret door we found. What made it better is both characters have some fire resistance, so we could actually legitimately "not notice" when the fire spread into our room and we were caught in the area of effect. "Monet, you seem to be on fire." "So I am. Oh, so's your cloak. That's not coming from the party budget." (Still unaware of the fight). "*Mending.*"
@kinagrill 6 ай бұрын
I had a character that just repeat-rolled shit rolls... in the end the DM allowed a cool death moment (freebie boss kill before own death cuz both was in the singles-HP). My character then was allowed to reincarnate as a Monk character that remembered the Karma of their last life and as such sought to do good deeds that would balance out the karma or even tip into a positive. It was a nice monk character iirc that rolled fairly well... so something good came out of it at least.
@itap8880 3 ай бұрын
When you mentioned a demon, I was fully expecting the low roll to be like "you hear a bird chirping from a tree here, you see a horse near the forest edge, there's some pretty flowers there...". Not to say I was dissapointed.
@Drako999x Жыл бұрын
What I like mostly about low dice rolls is when a player and a NPC both roll low. They technically miss both their attacks, but you can so easily make an epic sword fight out of this. Like imagining them both are so good at swordfighting, they both don't cut each other, but their weapons swing at each others weapon epicly.
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
My personal favourite is when one stalemate of blows turns into two, then three. An epic battle turned into a repeated sword clashing and no success on either side. Contemplate the meaning of life as you and your opponent fail to hit each other for the fifth turn in a row. By the ninth turn, you've decided to put down your weapons and start a tavern together.
@KaiHung-wv3ul 2 ай бұрын
Or a comical fight where both sides swing at each other and can't seem to hit.
@dreamwanderer5791 Жыл бұрын
Imagine getting a cheat board just to flex on random strangers. That is just INSANE to me.
@FightingFurball Жыл бұрын
the player was also dumb as hell. if the player had 2 sets of dice (maybe slightly different color) one loaded, one normal no one would have gotten it.
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
Even if it was just a dumb joke, there's no explaining that when you get called out!
@FightingFurball Жыл бұрын
I just wanted to point out that the player wasn't the brightest bulb in the refuse pile @@ahealthkit2745
@xRussianbishop 10 ай бұрын
Some want to be that power gamer mary/gary sue. how far they go to achieve that is something. some of my best moments are nat 1's.
@juliusnebulus7303 10 ай бұрын
Cheaters are the worst. How to speedrun getting kicked. And then complain. Well, no matter what their stroy, illness or trauma is, if they cheat, they're out. For good. No exeptions. No second chances. The only one allowed to ignore dice rolls is the dm, and that for good reasons (and no, for one single faked dice rolls i won't kick them. If they do it multible times despite me telling them to stop though, no mercy, no hesitation. I will first kill their character in the most humiliating way possible (whilst not overstepping ethical boundaries and limits. No SA. ). And then kick them. In that order so they can hear how their beloved character dies a cruel and useless death to make it hurt more. Morale of the story: don't cheat 😂 And yes, i know that my examples don't apply for this story. I just don't care😂
@witchcitywitch Жыл бұрын
I never understood cheating in DND, not just because there's no winning and all that jazz, but because some of the most memorable sessions I've ever played were from failures. My PC's have been swept up after a dangerous fall by an aasimar flying for the first time or getting critically wounded and relying on the other characters to save them. Failures lead to fun and complicated role play, and I find myself wishing for failures more than I wish for successes out of curiosity for how it will go and what solution arises.
@AmeisenQueen Жыл бұрын
We had a session where our rolls were so bad, that 3 PCs died and I mean dead dead. It was the party's unluckiest day, but we never blamed our DM. But oh boy, did we blame our dice and put them in jail.
@athenaraines Жыл бұрын
I had a day as a DM where I rolled 9 natural ones and only one crit. The crit was on initiative. The enemy rolled a crit fail, missed another attack, and then died. That was not a very challenging encounter for the party.
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
My personal favourite thing that's happened to me in DND is a session where I critically failed or rolled below 7 consistently across the entire session, but ONLY when it was important. Ie; I have to fight a guy? Nat 1s and below 7 across the board. I roll an investigation check on a mysterious barrel? Nat 20, baby! That sucker contains Dwarvish ale brought up from one of the old dwarven kingdoms and aged in earth-caked Rupidorph casks, made to cask strength! Gotta stop an old man from swindling my money? Nat 1 baby! he takes my coin and dashes away with surprising speed. I try to find his tracks. rolled a 5. Can't seem to make them out. What's that noise down the road? 17+3, 20! It's a crow. Eating some fruit stand's leftovers. Okay. Thanks.
@ryanhunter2042 Жыл бұрын
One thing I always keep in mind about combat is that hitting/missing isn't always about MISSING the target. It's called Armor Class, meaning you can dodge or simply take the hit without taking dmg. So when you swing a weapon, there's a chance of hitting the target but in a place or way that can be shrugged off. It makes the role play scene better in my mind. 😁
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
Hit points aren't an accurate portrayal of damage in DND anyway. I tend to think of hit points more as a sort of 'moxie-meter', representing how much courage you or other things have, before they gas out and can't keep fighting anymore (hence why they get incapacitated when you knock them down. At that point, when they are rolling death throws, that's when they're REALLY hurt)
@whome9842 Жыл бұрын
@@ahealthkit2745the official description is “Hit points represent a combination of physical and mental durability, the will to live, and luck.” So when the barbarian was stabbed on his sleep and survived doesn’t means that he shrugged off a knife on the heart, just that at the right moment he woke up and fought back like in many movie scenes. He lost hit points but didn’t really got stabbed in the heart. Probably only got some superficial cuts during the event as he reacted fast enough to avoid certain death.
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
Aha, just as I described! Very cool. @@whome9842
@hyzmarie Жыл бұрын
Fun dice jail story: In our last session, a good friend of mine could NOT stop rolling 1s! She plays an edgy tabaxi rogue and she was very amused (though her character was not) by the way that the poor edgy kitty kept getting her pride wounded. First, she got dragged into the water while fishing (in the Icewind dales) and we pooped her fur out in drying her off. Then, she attempted to find the bad guy we were chasing and ran face-first into a lamppost XD
@mordisgaminggedons5119 Жыл бұрын
We had something similar, but with nat20s. Unfortunately we were trying Dungeon world(or something like that. 20 is bad is the point). Turned out the die was actually manipulated by default, because it was one of those fancy transluscent ones with little metal glitter in it, which wasnt balanced out. Since then, whenever a series of 1s are rolled, we all are like "wanna use the cheat die?" And its completely accepted.
@hyzmarie Жыл бұрын
@@mordisgaminggedons5119lol I have a die that is just poorly shaped (like it’s pretty obviously lopsided if you really look at it) and it rolls badly. I like to joke that I’ll give it to the DM for monsters or to any problem players ;J
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
Call that "Karmic Dice" xD@@mordisgaminggedons5119
@duskgaming18 Жыл бұрын
​@@hyzmarieDon't do that. By the laws of the universe, those die will betray you and roll Crits against you
@hyzmarie Жыл бұрын
@@duskgaming18nobody accepts it because I have a terrible poker face
@Klyxtor97 Жыл бұрын
Fun story about statistics and probability going out the window in dnd: Just finished running a 3yr long campaign. It was epic. The party fought the BBEG and kicked his ass. Why? Well, I did hit on nearly every single attack, but no damage di landed above a 3. Even the weakest character didn't get to half health. It was still a good time and we all enjoyed it. Now, fast forward to the next session when the party goes to finish the last character story. They went to kill a creature that killed a character a year ago (real time). They went in and almost died. I rolled 3 nat20s IN A ROW and consistently above half damage on the damage dice, hitting on almost every attack. It proved to be the end-game fight everyone expected and wanted, just not out of the boss we expected and wanted. Nobody was miffed, and we start a new campaign this week. Good times.
@lumunusgetsuei7763 Жыл бұрын
Love the audio dubbing on the ad read! 😂 Made me laugh so hard
@hiro4344 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of cheating with dice, I saw something pop on my pinterest telling me how to create cheating dice and I was so affronted I hid the pin immediately. Like "YOU INSULT MY HONOR *PINTEREST!?!* YOU THINK *I* AM A CHEATER!?!?!"
@TheMeanbean37 Жыл бұрын
I am absolutely loving this series, keep it up!
@rubenlamboo Жыл бұрын
plushie of pickle rick
@Wizardbeard91 Жыл бұрын
Literally had a couple lie about rolls in my friends old game they would blatantly put their hands over the roll until they said the number they got or theyd roll before their turn so they could put it on a high number before they took a turn they would also cobstabtly steal from other players in gane AND IRL i still have s9me dice sets that are half complete cause they stole from me and the dm they would also attack other players so i had to meta game a character that could 2v1 them just in case they thought the dm played favorites cause my characters were insane truth was i just know how to build a mean swordsinger
@tekre6473 Жыл бұрын
I'm playing a campaign with some online friends. We use DnD Beyond but I use my physical dice anyway because physical dice are so much better than digital ones, but the disadvantage is that of course no one can see what I (or others who use physical dice) am rolling - we don't use camera during the calls. Sometimes when i roll "too good" (like 18+ multiple times in a row) I get so scared they think I'm cheating xD
@ChronoBolt Жыл бұрын
I think the reason that statistics and probability go out the window for dnd is because you're not looking at the results in a clinical environment, you're expecting them to have certain results in specific situations
@ahealthkit2745 Жыл бұрын
There's also various scores that *should* theoretically balance things out or give you better odds, but most of the time you roll low on something you *feel* your character *should* be good at, but in practise, you've rolled below a 10 every time you've tried to use that cool skill you have expertise with.
@sambonbon755 Жыл бұрын
Grats, and good luck on adding a party member to the team. If you ever see this, remember this : the golden rule of being a parent is "there is only tomorrow and today, and nothing else".
@LambsEyesPNG 11 ай бұрын
The "forgetting to mention stuff to the DM" thing reminded me about this one time where my party ran into these marsh creatures that only spoke primordial. My air genasi bard was the only one that could understand them, but I forgot to tell my DM about translating this to my party. So essentially what happened was my party heard gibberish as my bard walked in, found the NPC we were looking for who was unconscious, get given an unknown glowing plant, then leave
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