Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this info!! Hope you guys enjoy the video ^
@stnce Жыл бұрын
solid video, very informative
@Richard-gq8sc Жыл бұрын
How did you get the attack range indicator to show every time you attack
@Obzerver Жыл бұрын
@@Richard-gq8sc Hotkeys -> player movement -> player attack move If you have it set to 'A' then you press 'A' to get the circle then left click to attack. Player Attack Move Click is the bind to attack without seeing the circle. Press 'A' and the character will instantly try to attack.
@kabei8 Жыл бұрын
W gamer whynot back at it again
@Kittensinabox Жыл бұрын
Nathan asks such good questions. Professional student. EDIT: New mark spawns 45s after last mark is cleared. Old mark disappears from map 15s after camp is cleared. 40:15 crab should've marked at 7:06 (Gromp died at 6:21) but it marked at 7:15 because crab spawned at 6:30. 6:30 + 45s = 7:15 idk why it's bugged to work that way but that's what happened
@Vymarus Жыл бұрын
Just a typical Kindred mark bug, has been in the game for ages. There are even times where the mark never spawns until you cleared the camp.
@IanRiley9153 ай бұрын
I don't know if this is still the case, but it does feel like it when I play Kindred. My guess is that the original game logic was written to queue a mark to be placed on a camp in 45s but only if the camp is already up. So if raptors or scuttle were alive when the gromp was killed, the game would queue the mark to be placed on one of those camps at random. Then in 45s, it would check if that camp is still alive and if it is, place the mark, and if it is not, place the mark somewhere else. In this case, since no camp is alive, it just keeps checking every second until one of the camps is alive and then queues the mark to be placed in 45s. That's just my guess though having worked on game systems before.
@pudding1337 Жыл бұрын
As always Nathan releasing some the best educational jungle content in the world, your videos may be few and far between but they are always a huge bomb of knowledge. Whynot's insight on kindred gameplay goes perfectly with your way of explaining the game in a easy to understand way
@BrentVis Жыл бұрын
Last season I hit master playing Graves and Kindred. I feel like an absolute bronzie listening to whynot.
@tacoboy2218 Жыл бұрын
Same dude tho I'm a gold kindred/Evelyn player
@macmac1373 Жыл бұрын
My guy whynot soundin like a high school teacher. "Now class, whyyy do we want to go for herald? That's right, we want our 349th mark."
@tgraphicdesign304524 күн бұрын
genuinely funny coment.
@MeticulousTechTV6 ай бұрын
I just started playing last month, mostly an Ekko main but trying to learn Kindred. It’s extremely difficult, but super rewarding when I get my tempo down. Regarding pings, it’s crazy to me how many people don’t use them! Coming from Apex and Warzone where pings are critical, I ping my face off in League. One part that’s frustrating is when my teammates have pings muted. I never spam ? Anyone even if they make bad decisions, but since I spend almost my whole game looking at the minimap, I save my team quite often with pings
@Izzfreshprince Жыл бұрын
Hey nathan great video, the marking of champion during combat hotkeys can be changed under champion specific interactions, however that option to change it can only be changed in-game or practice tool, it doesnt appear under client hotkey settings
@IanRiley9153 ай бұрын
1:02:53 I really like this statement about the Kindred Ulti. Use it to save the carry on your team. Keep practicing so that you are the carry on the team. Then you'll be saving it for yourself, which will also be the correct use of it.
@matyaskarikas1348 Жыл бұрын
23:08 ''its like your playing a scaling jungler'' Yea, not only is he playing a scaling jungler, he is playing an infinite scaling jungler, thats also a marksman...
@jarednickerl7894 Жыл бұрын
This is awesome! Keep up the amazing content. Love hearing from other high elo perspectives too!
@kallistikaleid Жыл бұрын
As an Evelynn main, who loves playing Kindred, Warwick, and Leona jung, this video was massively enjoyable and informative.
@iiYoan Жыл бұрын
Very insightful video! Thank you for sharing!
@davidmullins6859 Жыл бұрын
you can change the bindings for marking, just fyi. it's under abilities and spells and all the way at bottom "champion specific interaction." also thanks for this excellent content - whynot is smartest jungler out there, consistently innovative and brilliant
@ЭриадорАальст-п3о Жыл бұрын
Thank y a lot, man. This videos helps a lot.
@leminhhien269611 ай бұрын
thank you for the video Nathan!
@Obzerver Жыл бұрын
The shift-f5 in combat is the most hidden tech I've ever seen. 1) No one knows those keybinds even exist 2) Why would you ever think to try this when the menu literally disappears? Will definitely start using that
@mmorkinism Жыл бұрын
It must be a bug since passive literally says that you have to be out of combat for some time before you can mark champion. GP had similar bug with shift+F keys allowing to upgrade ultimate without returning to fountain until it got fixed.
@Obzerver Жыл бұрын
@@mmorkinism Given how long kindred had the bug where wolf just sometimes refused to hit scuttle, I think we've got at least a few years to treat this as just part of the kit.
@canyoniv Жыл бұрын
removed now : (
@rigba7627 Жыл бұрын
You can change the mark hotkeys under settings, hotkeys, abilities and summoner spells and theyre just under "Champion specific interaction"
@tgraphicdesign304524 күн бұрын
@specterx0107 Жыл бұрын
You can change the key binds for marks. Its called champion specific interaction
@tgraphicdesign304524 күн бұрын
its stated on minute 44:50
@Vymarus Жыл бұрын
Just to clear up some clearing specific things Whynot said. You don't NEED to zero vector Q (Q up a wall) to get a third reset on your Q in W. By just spamming the Q button, disregarding losing 2 autos, you can achieve the same thing. And its well worth it as 1 more Q deals damage of an auto, plus you have attack speed buff for longer. It is possible to get 1 more auto, if you have a very crisp auto cancel and you also use 1 Q as it comes off cd. Doing zero vector Q makes the window more forgiving.
@opel5280 Жыл бұрын
No one notices but the lee sin is actually M4, the infamous kindred player.
@IanRiley9153 ай бұрын
At 45:26, they go into F-key marking. I haven't watched ahead yet, so I don't know if they go into this further. I've always been curious if F-key marking is a bug? The panel drops when you're in combat. It always seemed that the original intention for Kindred was that she wouldn't be able to mark champions while in combat. The wiki (although not official) also states that Kindred needs to be out of combat with a champion for 6s before she can mark them. The F-key marking seems to bypass that rule. If it was intended for Kindred to mark champs while in combat, why wouldn't the panel stay up? If that wasn't the intention, then isn't F-key marking just exploiting a bug?
@Boreas_Moon Жыл бұрын
Kindred is a Champ I always wanted to learn, did decently on my own but I am definitely looking forward to learning a lot from this Video
@Gankez Жыл бұрын
ive been playin lol since season 1..and i dont think ive ever been this excited to play lol xD.. legit..awesome video..much appreciated
@pudding1337 Жыл бұрын
You can change keybinds for shift+f1-5 its in settings-Hotkeys-abilities and summoner spells under the other section its the "Champion specific interaction 1-5" fuctions
@andynelson1019 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been solely a tank jungler since I started playing in season 7. I’m so used to starting fights and dying for my carries that it’s hard learning the champs of the recent guides. Sometimes I feel like my pool is holding me back (like if my team already has tank top/support) and I should learn a carry jungler or two to help me break into diamond. But I also wonder if that’s just an invisible narrative I need to ignore.
@alecfernandes4243 Жыл бұрын
Was excited to hop into ranked, vs’d a shaco support w/ smite couldn’t play the game, uninstalled.
@Mo11usq Жыл бұрын
so excited for this, settling in for some Kindred theory
@Mo11usq Жыл бұрын
Thank you both so much for this! I add my notes below in case they might help other Kindreds, or enable them to correct my misunderstandings: Kindred's Identity: 'Carry' champion: Kindred wants as many resources as possible as fast as possible. Kindred has a powerful and flexible open (can invade farmers, can full clear or countergank early gankers), a weaker mid game (needs to work hard to keep pace with other champs who have cheaper builds and built in (i.e. not mark dependent) power spikes), and a very strong late game (front to back team fighting, high scaling stats and items). Tempo: Kindred is a tempo jungler, their kit incentivises (marks) and enables (terrain scaling) this playstyle. This means they want to path and clear in such a way as to be able to act before the enemy jungler. Example: Imagine you know your next mark will spawn on enemy chickens, you could try to get it on spawn but chances are your enemy will be there to contest as they sequence through their camps. Instead you could skip a camp and make a play mid before they can, giving yourself lane priority to secure the next mark that will appear on gromp. Keeping up in levels and items is key to being able to do this, if you are too weak you can't clear fast enough to keep up tempo and are going to grief ganks and invades and keep falling behind. Kindred's job: Keep up/ahead: ENSURE sure you are constantly getting resources. Don't force, Kindred always has a late game safety net. Efficient camp sequencing is the most reliable way to get resources. Letting laners die can be acceptable if it means you can get 2+ camps, do not compromise early income. That said, Kindred can't just rinse clear for 20 mins, your clear speed is not top tier fast and you need to invade camps and get KP for marks. Therefore, prioritise farm, but look for opportunities for high probability plays. Be selective, fight the good fight, do not over-fight. Path effectively: Kindred is very strong at lvl2-3 with red buff, due to their range and mobility coupled with red buff slow and burn. Therefore, you have the option to 2-3-camp gank/invade as well as full clear to scuttle (or variations). Default pathing: Path bot to top 1st clear - Pathing to melee lanes (often top) is ideal as they are likely to trade and Kindred has range advantage in skirmishes. Bot leash helps augment Kindred's average clear speed to get to the crab on spawn. Exception 1: 2-3 camp invades are necessary against rinse clear junglers with whom you can't compete on sequence tempo (e.g. Karthus, Hecarim, Lillia, Fiddlesticks, Shyvana, Bel'veth, Diana, Kayn). Exception 2: bot lane is early snowball kill focused and has good gank set up e.g. Draven/Samira/Caitlyn, Nautilus/Pyke/Leona. Exception 3: Check bot when doing wolves/chickens; are they heavy trading? do you think enemy jungler will gank them early? Do they have set up for you? If yes to 2/3, go there (bot-centric meta). Get Marks: Kindred's stats scale with marks, you MUST be able to consistently secure marks. Getting 4 marks by 15 mins is important, 4 marks sub 10 mins is the goal. After 4, marks are less critical, but maintaining power relative to other champions does require you to keep getting them. Treat marks like objectives, work the map to set them up. Don't force plays, TRACK THE ENEMY JUNGLER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. You MUST anticipate the jungle mark spawns. The key to predicting marks is tracking the enemy jungler's pathing. Marks help with jungle tracking - free information about camp sequence. 0 Marks: only crab can mark. RNG which crab marks, If you get it great. If you are stuck on 0 marks and just lost the marked crab, be at the opposite side river in ~45 seconds (e.g. do a camp and recall then run straight to river) and kill the marked crab on spawn. 1 Mark: crab, raptors, gromp. Most junglers get a bot lane leash and clear a quadrant in a standard sequence, If they are red side their gromp will likely re-spawn at 04:20, if they are blue side their chickens will spawn at 04:55. Be there on spawn (if safe). This is a dangerous mark as the enemy is very likely to be there on their 2nd clear if playing properly. However, players often get distracted on their 2nd clear and so the next camp in the sequence is often more vulnerable - aim for that unless you already have substantial tempo. 2 Marks: crab, raptors, gromp. If you got mark 2 off their camp, the next mark is likely to be the other camp as this tends to spawn before the next crab. However, if the enemy is sequencing fast their camps will be down and the crab will mark. 3 Marks+: Game variance makes mark spawns hard to armchair predict, you have to use your tracking. Marks 4-7 spawn on krugs, wolves, buffs. Marks 8+ spawn on Dragons, Heralds/Barons. Champion Marks: Mark the enemy jungler as soon as you spawn into the game. They are the champion you are most likely to encounter on your first clear, it will also better conceal your pathing intent. You will be able to switch the mark by the time you come to gank. After that, mark the easiest champ to kill (engagers, over aggressive players, weak players). DPS fighting: As a marksman, Kindred likes front-to-back team fights. Stand behind something beefy (usually support or top, or best of all a wall) and fill the nearest enemy full of arrows. Target priority is always context specific, but generally it is the assassin/diver's job to hit the enemy backline whilst the marksman shreds the frontline and avoids dying. Objective secure: As a jungler (usually) and a DPS champion, Kindred's job is to take big objectives (dragons, heralds, barons, towers). Kindred can generally solo baron at 3-4 items, providing one gives decent lifesteal (not recommended). Kindred tips: Fight near thin walls: Kindred fights best with something between you and the enemy. ALWAYS try to position close to hop-able walls when fighting. Learn which walls can be hopped and how to do each. Triple Q camp clear: Use walls/0 vector Q animation cancels to get an extra Q from the W cooldown reset. Double E camp clear: On first clear, E camp as soon as you are in range, that way it will come off cool down in time for 2nd use and execute damage. Marking during combat: Shift + F1-5. E shows the truth: If you tag a champion with E before they make a duplicate (e.g. Shaco and Neeko) only the original will tagged. Marks show the truth: If you mark Neeko, the mark symbol will show above her head even if she is disguised e.g. as a minion. Free healing: Shoot camps as you pass, even if you don't intend to clear them (e.g. skipping chickens on 1st clear). The jungle item will start healing you. W placement: Shows over walls. Make sure to position the circle so it doesn't go out into lane when doing sneaky invades. W grants vision over walls and in bushes if the centre (wolf) is placed over the wall or in the bush, use it to look before you leap. Place the centre of W in the direction you want to kite towards. Whist waiting for a tower dive, use W to damage the cowering enemy they often don't even notice wolf is biting them. When sieging towers, place W behind you so you can use it for Q cooldown reduction without aggro-ing the tower if an enemy moves into it, or else help you back off. R usage: It is not good to R for random saves, want R to allow you (or the main carry) to make high pressure plays and for big objective fights. It is ok to use R to save a big shutdown. Hold R for major telegraphed damage abilities (e.g. Karthus R, Kayn R, Zed R). During tower dives, hold R until you can get part of the circle outside of turret range. In team fights, try to place R toward the backline of your team to minimise the number of enemies caught in it and force them to over-extend into your team if they want its benefit. During R, place E on an enemy and hold the third proc until R ends to get the execute. If you are worried an objective might get stolen, use R just before it enters lethal range (~1000 hp), this can bait the enemy jungler's smite so you can smite it when R ends. Mechanics are fundamental: watch montages/outplays, but most importantly - put in the games!
@satesu7883 Жыл бұрын
Such video on graves would be amazing
@nathanmott Жыл бұрын
Graves. Noted.
@pappamurphy99678 Жыл бұрын
why are some of the other high level reviews gone :( like the belveth one
@Alexcrozy Жыл бұрын
Im really curious why the early bot gank double kill did not include marking them. Nor changing marks for the 2nd kill 8second buffer. It wasn't commented as a mistake nor was it commented as intentional. So I'm just curious on this point what was the reasoning.
@albertjonas5675 Жыл бұрын
@bemtheman1100 Жыл бұрын
As a lillia main this really got me even more nervous of a good kindred. Did not think about gold and exp for rift herald, so good!
@ravenshadow653710 күн бұрын
3.5 million mastery here and i say to the man thank you well done well explain 😊
@vake3094 Жыл бұрын
on first bot gank after securing mark on chickens why not mark kai sa, since she is low and would give another mark making the 2 for 1 even more worth it?
@chriseltz8869 Жыл бұрын
Hey, just curious what the main reason for conquer over PTA might be?
@lidlpotato2047 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video
@overthrown4 Жыл бұрын
Please, Teaches You how to Evelynn next!!! I will wait till the end of the world! And good to see u back!
@nathanmott Жыл бұрын
@kadota6563 Жыл бұрын
This is great! Can you do one for Viego if you can? THANKS!
@VigilTheProtogen Жыл бұрын
17 marks 😳 isn’t that like 700 attack range?!
@ravenshadow653710 күн бұрын
i love kindred i have 3.5 million mastery point but i have 2 year offline
@Springroll95 Жыл бұрын
Nice content
@Krocodile Жыл бұрын
awesome content
@flaxmolo35010 ай бұрын
@pedromantovanimaruff8865 Жыл бұрын
@nathanmott Жыл бұрын
Nidalee and Graves. Noted.
@robinvanonacker6889 Жыл бұрын
@@nathanmott yes, give nidalee some love pls !
@tylerkadle2833 Жыл бұрын
Viego please!
@mrocznymocarz300210 ай бұрын
,,very good challanger player(...)'' ---800 lp oceania xd
@miroslavstoyanov4462 Жыл бұрын
I like the long format, unfortunately its probably too long for most people, shortening might be better
@GimmeMarks Жыл бұрын
I think this is a perfect video for people that are willing to learn. They go really indepth on everything and its a good learning experience
@kaimatthews9 Жыл бұрын
graves vid would be nice
@taki1476 Жыл бұрын
The uploads! the uploadsss wtf
@keygen1509 Жыл бұрын
@cruxae Жыл бұрын
Challenger OCE is like D4 NA, Plat 4 KR
@whynot3000 Жыл бұрын
I've gotten masters EUW with 300 ping, masters NA with 160 ping (back when I was only masters OCE) and GM Korea.