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This video will change your mind about the AI hype

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@NeetCode Ай бұрын
A few more points I didn't mention in the video: 1. A day after i uploaded this video I saw tech bros on twitter saying "all you need is Claude" and you can code almost anything.. yet they couldn't even recreate a basic component on that I literally coded as a junior engineer. So once again, people are vastly overstating what AI can do. If only this hadn't happened in human history a million times before. 2. Amazon invested billions in Alexa, only for it to be obsoleted by LLMs. I worked in Alexa (for a brief time) and it's obvious it wasn't well run. Big tech doesn't always know what they're doing. 3. Amazon Go's "AI" turned out to be indian workers watching security cameras. 4. Nearly every advancement goes through hype cycles. Not just the dotcom bubble, even the railroads were overbuilt in the 1800s. "The Panic of 1893 was the largest economic depression in U.S. history at that time. It was the result of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing, which set off a series of bank failures." Fwiw I literally use LLMs on a daily basis to automate my own tasks. Yes it helps somewhat, but I'm also very familiar with its limitations. If you disagree with me you may very well me right. But at least give me your best argument :) Sources: - - - - -
@ronak4489 Ай бұрын
Lol wut. Can’t recreate a basic component from your shit shilling website?
@szebike Ай бұрын
I fully agree the hype still surprises me and don't worry even when I post a comment and question the capabilities of curent A.I. approaches, some tech bro fanboys emerge and will say "this didn't age well "when an update of an LLM is made or they saw one of those (faked) techdemos. I mean if anyone worked (or rather tried to work) lets say like 5 hours on something more serious and accurate you will very quickly learn about the (crippling) limitations. I can't trust an "assistant" if it doesn't know what id doesn't know and "hallucinates" righot out false infromation instead. These programs have their usecases but its neither transformative nor money making at the moment and probably in the near future.
@bbom9197 Ай бұрын
Please do "this will change your mind for quantum computing" plzzzz
@ajlee1216 Ай бұрын
Thanks for such a cool headed commentary on this subject! Would be lovely to see a video on how you leverage LLMs to automate your tasks. Please keep up the great work!
@paulocacella Ай бұрын
I think that you, like a lot of devs I know, are underestimating what is going on. I work in IT since 80's and AI from 8 to 10 years ago. The first mistake is to think that a single LLM model is the benchmark of AI evolution. No, it is not. From design, LLMs can only give you reasoning. Information always will be unprecise. But this is not the way it will go ahead. When you start to use agentic and tooling systems this is a whole new world. LLM is only a tool in a system that is capable to have better than human performance and cost effectiveness. The simple LLMs that we have today running locally are already capable, if you use the correct tecniques , to make things no single LLM can dream of. The next level is the level of specialist systems. The ones designed to replace humans in complex tasks like programming, engineering, medicine etc. You may ask why you are not seeing this now. The first reason is that you need knowledge. The vast majority of young guys that are devs or work with AI have no hint of the knowledge an engineer or a physician must have to do the work. That is why people continues to check useless benchmarks on LLMs. They want somebody (AGI) to solve problems for them, as they do not even are capable to ask for. The second reason is that these systems are difficult to develop. We have bunch of people capable to develop solutions, but only if someone else details exactly the problem and expected solution. The problem is not the dev part , it is the necessary business knowledge. The third reason is security. Big companies certainly are developing these kind of solution for themselves to gain efficiency and very, very likely this will mean white collar layoffs. I expect from 1.5 to 4.5 years to have a huge impact in the job market area. Security of their(company) knowledge is paramount. These systems will not be marketed. They will be the company core. I understand that a lot of peple do not agree with what I am saying. I have a lot of experience in all these areas. What we are seeing is a revolution in the making. Not because these entertainment things like SORAs or mimicking voices, but because these tools will make a huge impact on our lives. I think the market for IT will shrink after a short term bump. Large part will be automated. These systems certainly will layoff a lot of professionals because this efficiency gain will be absorbed by the companies and not by the employees. If you have 10 people, this will change to 8, 6 or even less. The clock is ticking, there is no way out. No, it will not take 20 or 30 years. We are talking of a span of time that is fatal for young generations. In five to ten years the world will be alien for people with university degrees and professionals that do not work with material things (like surgeons or field engineers). If the work is only intellectual it will be replaced.
@JiwaChhetri Ай бұрын
Bro just solved the "should i drop out of college" problem in O(1) time complexity
@readdaily5680 Ай бұрын
Computer Engineering
@oscarcharliezulu Ай бұрын
@Chronomatrix Ай бұрын
Good one.
@nasamind Ай бұрын
@cagedgandalf3472 Ай бұрын
I've read from a book somewhere to help with decisions, "Imagine you are 90 years old right now, looking back on this decision, would you regret it?"
@okaytokay Ай бұрын
I hate this hype economy
@3breze757 Ай бұрын
you mean capitalism?
@juanmacias5922 Ай бұрын
@@3breze757 capitalism go brrrr, until no one can afford it.
@roymarshall_ Ай бұрын
​​@@juanmacias5922what's great about socialism is that nobody affording anything becomes the default
@mistycloud4455 Ай бұрын
AGI Will be man's last invention
@p3num6ra Ай бұрын
we've been in an attention economy for a long time now
@richjohararar Ай бұрын
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe" ... pure gold
@MagnumCarta Ай бұрын
Don't eat from that tree, Adam! I need those apples for my apple pie.
@LivingBreathingRedFlag 29 күн бұрын
That bit from Carl Sagan was used in the first stanza of Glorious Dawn by Melodysheep :) Lovely
@VolodymyrPankov 18 күн бұрын
Этот момент зацепил меня сильно. Очень в тему.
@takashimurakami3560 15 күн бұрын
@@VolodymyrPankov vsem poebat'
@VolodymyrPankov 15 күн бұрын
@@takashimurakami3560 on you and on the fact that you are a senseless biological non-entity.
@DrPastah Ай бұрын
It's the No Man's Sky marketing strat lmao Hype your crap then actually finish building and delivering it a decade later after the promised date.
@hundvd_7 Ай бұрын
They already delivered everything after like a year or two. They have made up for the overpromises like five times already. If AI is anything like that, then we are getting superintelligent AGI in 2030
@vitriolicAmaranth 28 күн бұрын
NMS eventually had the bare minimum to technically meet the claims that were made pre-release that could be verified or easily quantified (eg now it has multiplayer!! Wow!!), and then paid a popular content creator to make an hour long videoessay to hype up that update as way more than it was. Just like the other guy said, that kind of thing is already happening with AI!
@Etcher 15 күн бұрын
Haha so true! I'm stealing that 🤣
@hundvd_7 11 күн бұрын
@@vitriolicAmaranth You are crazy if you think they haven't overdelivered on _everything_ they promised by now. I still think the game is kinda boring, but they've done everything and more to support it, and to even surpass the overblown initial expectations. If that's the kinda game you're looking for, NMS is it. No asterisks. It's just it.
@hundvd_7 11 күн бұрын
You should much rather call it the Cyberpunk strat. It's a good game now, but it is _currently_ in the state that it should have released in. (even slightly behind in certain areas)
@OnePlanetOneTribe Ай бұрын
ya i agree its happened before, with VR hype, I haven't touched my VR set in months
@belisarius-cawl-9000 Ай бұрын
yeah the internet is just hype. so is indoor plumbing. and electricity.
@OnePlanetOneTribe Ай бұрын
@@belisarius-cawl-9000 I think its not that its @just hype' but rather that its a technological Gartner hype cycle, with specific stages and that we could be heading for the through of disillusionment soon, but after about 5 years it will be the plateau of productivity. 👍
@belisarius-cawl-9000 Ай бұрын
@@OnePlanetOneTribe that's true, but aI has been through 60 years of those cycles since McCarthy formalized common sense in 1958. AI is a lot bigger than LLMs. Things like alphafold can create industries. No one really knows whats about to happen.
@chesshooligan1282 Ай бұрын
@@belisarius-cawl-9000 You sound like you're 15 years old and you missed the internet bubble pop of 2000. The internet WAS hype at one point. Many people who saw the hype and foresaw the pop made a pretty penny out of it. A few of them didn't need to work a whole day for the rest of their lives. I remember what telly sounded like in the late 90s. It was something like this: "Blah blah blah the internet this, blah blah the internet that, blah blah blah blah the internet patatee, blah blah blah blah the intenet patatah." Replace "the internet" with "AI" and that's where we are today.
@alpheusmadsen8485 21 күн бұрын
@@chesshooligan1282 I cannot help but observe that the internet was the *one* success where the hype feeds into the notion that there's something to these other fads, whether they be AI, quantum computing, fusion, cryptocurrencies ... I'm pretty sure I'm missing others. What's more, while the internet itself ended up finding its place in the world, there were nonetheless a *lot* of companies that rode the hype bubble, and ended up collapsing rather than growing.
@hamzarashid7579 Ай бұрын
When Devin first came out there was job opening for a developer on their official website.
@mrkike7343 Ай бұрын
Bro what is your educational qualification?
@hamzarashid7579 Ай бұрын
@@mrkike7343 Ain't got time for shit
@TianYuanEX Ай бұрын
@@mrkike7343 Why does his educational qualification have anything to do with what he said lmao
@tanvirahmed7993 Ай бұрын
@TehCourier Ай бұрын
lmao that's funny
@akashverma5756 Ай бұрын
Celebrity CEO's job is marketing.
@fx-studio Ай бұрын
There prime role is Acting. Acting the rols part of a CEO
@Rein______ Ай бұрын
@jamad-y7m 28 күн бұрын
yepp, I'm pretty sure Mira Murati has never touched a computer in her life.
@fx-studio 28 күн бұрын
@@jamad-y7m " She seems to have gone from an intern to a Senior Product Manager at Tesla...then a couple jumps later and suddenly she works as an AI researcher...or from other sources as the VP of Applied AI and partnerships...with no educational background in AI. She must be extremely brilliant, but I am just dumbfounded on how quickly she went up the ladder. "
@vasanthkannan3398 Ай бұрын
“They sure as hell aren’t gonna give that to the employees”
@nightshade8958 Ай бұрын
Google emploees make fucking bank, while I am over here busting my ass making minimum wage. That statement was just inaccurate.
@xavandres Ай бұрын
​@nightshade8958 is not really inaccurate, I mean, they do make bank, but that doesn't even compare to the numbers Google is supposedly worth.
@sladeTek Ай бұрын
​@@nightshade8958​except that it was accurate. Those google employees make bank compared to your brokeass but in comparison to what the company makes that's barely a quarter.
@BangMaster96 Ай бұрын
The Employees working for Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook are already making $200k/Year salaries.
@professormancaptain4210 Ай бұрын
@liam45506 Ай бұрын
I discussed this with my professor. We also talked about how they change from GPT three to GPT four involved doubling the amount of neurons in the neural network- this begs the question if you are doubling the amount of neurons, are you doubling the performance? It seems like there is not a doubling in performance. This means that there are probably very severely diminishing returns as hardware tries to catch up with the exponentially increasing computational demands of iterative neural network improvement.
@janek4913 Ай бұрын
GPT 3.5 had 175B parameters, GPT 4 has 1.5T. Thats an 8x increase in parameters but there is nowhere near to an 8x increase in performance. Also just a couple days ago, Meta release Llama 3.1 with 405B parameters which is comparable to GPT 4. So just infinitely throwing more parameters at a model doesn't really help much.
@brunospasta Ай бұрын
@@janek4913 it can even reduce performance (e.g. if you have too little meaningful data).
@GoodByeSkyHarborLive Ай бұрын
@@janek4913 so what does it really improve like what tasks
@AAjax 25 күн бұрын
Scaling isn't the only avenue AI researchers are pursuing, it's the hack that unlocked somewhat capable language models. Now that we have them, it's given researchers something tangible to study and build on, which has led to chain of thought, tree of thought, mixture of experts, retrievement-augmented generation, multimodal models, data distillation, etc. Scaling will be pursued as far as economics and data will allow, but it's not the only game in town. I also expect the recent trend of more capable smaller models to continue.
@superheaton 19 күн бұрын
Even 3% is very good by the way. Along the way it picked up concepts in language, math, and or coding. Which other models spent a lot of years doing equivalent concepts. So yes it is huge. If you want chatgpt 4o to be double in performance that's scary because you and I may not know how many higher level of applications or concepts it knows. Of course they are doing more complicated models and end to end functionality which just like chatgpt 4o picks up language, math and coding along the way. It will rise up and still haven't see the plateau of transformer based models. Because although 100trillion seems overfitting but the architecture can still be improved for higher end to end functionality. You must not care too much about the diminishing returns because it's also dataset +architecture complexity and functionality. Not just parameter count. These are hyper parameters. Most are based on statistics to find optimal values.
@zyfigamer Ай бұрын
Someone asked me (SE) if I was worried about my job being automated. I told them, no, because if a machine could do my job, then it could also make a better version of itself. That's the singularity.
@urhot 14 күн бұрын
That’s simply not true lol. Coming from an engineer
@LuckyLucky-pc3tz 13 күн бұрын
Your forgetting it's sentient and improves on its own.
@zyfigamer 12 күн бұрын
@@LuckyLucky-pc3tz no I get that part. I'm saying there won't be any jobs after that.
@ddosan4108 Ай бұрын
The 99% applies very hard to the software development part. Dev codes, it fails, Dev fixes. AI codes, it fails, Dev has to go through an entire codebase of generated code to fix … If you push the idea to its paradox: In a world where AI produces most of the code, fewer and fewer Devs would be able to fix errors which would increase the cost of failures => failure rate goes down, failure cost goes up.
@please7959 Ай бұрын
So true
@yalnisinfo Ай бұрын
is this the same for legacy code now that almost everyone programming in high level languages(including c)
@adadaprout Ай бұрын
It's not how it works. I produced big chunks of code with LLMs, I know the code as if I wrote it myself. The flow is like that rather : Dev+AI code, it fails, Dev+AI fix.
@TragicGFuel Ай бұрын
@@adadaprout how much real world experience do you have? Could I look at your github? Sorry if this comes across as hostile, but I am genuinely curious.
@adadaprout Ай бұрын
@@TragicGFuel Yes I code in real world, in what other world can we code than the real world ?
@Chronomatrix Ай бұрын
Many now claim AI is overrated and all that, but I'm pretty sure the hype was just a collective misunderstanding of what this 'AI' actually is. I think people expected 'AI' to suddenly change all paradigms; they were mislead by the media and youtubers and the explosion of 'AI apps' (which are mostly based on GPT API calls). The Distributed System example is a great one.
@shooteru Ай бұрын
With every new technology happens the same. When block-chain came out first waves were the grifters and deep inside were 1% true useful project (it's a tracking technology). I grew up in Romania's early 90's. We went from one single bank CEC to a decentralized system. We had many scams and national pyramid schemes (main cause - education). Same is just happening with AI, just much faster and I feel because of the disconnect from information and the amount of distractions only a small percentage of the world's population really understand what AI brings while 99% are witnessing the grifting part of AI hype. The big problem I see is actually a tsunami coming if you really understand the level of AI compute we currently have. For example the price per token is down 99% in just two years for top AI. Not to mention there are plenty of open source that work relatively well on any machine at this point. AI is a tool. Anyone can just build and create now at a lower cost than ever. In order to generate software the most important part is to actually have the idea and be able to communicate it. You are not good at communication, no worries AI can help you with that too. You want AI to make a plan for you? Done. Anyone can create almost anything at this point... The more context about yourself, your dreams and current skills and assets the more it can help you achieve your goals. As long as you use information properly feeding in the results can be phenomenal for any individual from any corner of the earth.
@JeffCaplan313 Ай бұрын
I feel the same about the 2nd coming of J.C.
@worldspam5682 Ай бұрын
it's not a collective misunderstanding, but a plain stupidity. People love to overhype things they don't understand. Not only that, but people in addition to that love to act as if they actually know what they are hyping for. I hate it when kids on youtube are doing so. Like that time when some minecrafter made "an ai" from command blocks, when in reality it was just a pathfinding algotythm with overcomplicated momorization process. But I can't really hate those kids, because I know their fathers are doing exacly the same with Elon Musk's persona. Hyping over AI being overhyped would be a next step for sure, so people can jump on the vagon of diminishing AI hype and start something actually useful 😂
@drno87 Ай бұрын
It was a disinformation campaign led by people who stood to profit, actively supported by academics who wanted to get in on the action, and disseminated by a willfully uncritical media. The general public never stood a chance.
@flor.7797 Ай бұрын
The end of the world an Ai so powerful it can’t be controlled not even on an remote island
@adityachakravarty1054 Ай бұрын
The ending with Carl Sagan punchline is 🤌🏾
@kSergio471 Ай бұрын
How’s it exactly related to the topic?
@1337erBoards Ай бұрын
@@kSergio471 AI (and AGI) is fundamentally based upon inputs to create something. It isn't from "scratch"/nothing. AGI is essentially trying to create human intelligence. It comes from a source, that being humans providing the algorithm and inputs. Always remember that something coming from nothing can seem a bit odd, since that something is probably based on something else (not nothing). This ignorance to that something that came from something (but is perceived to come from nothing), can lead to hype. This is what I took away from the ending. As with anything, you take from it whatever you want. Even if it's nothing.
@kSergio471 Ай бұрын
@@1337erBoards thanks 👍 However, it seems a bit odd to me: even if ai is capped by what’s possible for human brain, this cap is still something unbelievable
@kSergio471 Ай бұрын
@@LT-dn7mt this amount of power is required to _train_ a model simulating human brain?
@samuelodan2376 Ай бұрын
@@1337erBoardsthanks for the breakdown. It wasn’t immediately obvious to me.
@Uthael_Kileanea Ай бұрын
10:26 - That problem is actively being worked on. It's a software issue. There's several directions, but the one I like the most is: Once trained, the model ain't fixed. It can re-learn and overwrite what it learned in the past, allowing it to update tiny chunks of its knowledge instead of having to retrain its whole brain.
@MrDanMaster Ай бұрын
“There’s a new virus running around” “It’s as old as human history”
@wangchengyan2248 Ай бұрын
My dad and I are both software engineers and our recent conversations were mostly around AI because my dad's company started to replace part of the team that my dad's on with LLM, the anxiety that people have been having about AI is sometimes soul-crushing when it comes to your closed ones, so I had to keep constantly reminding myself that for those content creators/companies that are intentionally hyping LLM up, they make money out of doing that and most of them never cared about where the tech is bringing us. I am glad to see this vid.
@TheManinBlack9054 Ай бұрын
Its great that this video helped someone! I do think that there is a lot of hype on AI, but I do think that this hype is not baseless, as there is a base of technological innovation there, similar to the internet in the 90s. There was a bubble and it was initially overhyped, but looking from it back now some promises were certainly overoptimistic in a year, but right on the money in 20 years.
@wangchengyan2248 Ай бұрын
@@TheManinBlack9054 That's also true, imagination is still the foundation of innovation, keep learning and try staying educated!
@cock_sauce8336 Ай бұрын
I hope they will cry and seethe when they find out their automated "employees" don't generate any value and they don't have enough workers lmao. 3 hours of work vs 1 hour debug VS 1 minute of work, 6 hours of debugging, scrapping the code and doing the above.
@DanielFenandes Ай бұрын
There is no way any LLM today is replacing any software engineer...
@jasonthirded Ай бұрын
​@@DanielFenandes It can make software engineers more efficient and axe a lot of support roles
@_mippi_ Ай бұрын
"Fake it till you make" it the philosophy a lot of start up companies follow because its the only way to get financial support to gain the resources they need to propel themselves This is commonly seen in the Bay Area at places such as Stanford, Berkeley, SF. .. etc
@AL-kb3cb Ай бұрын
It doesn't matter if AI can or cannot replace engineers. They are still going to be fired, and the software engineers remaining will be doing triple the work, working every weekend to compensate for the fired ones. Yes, they will do it because they will be driven by the fear of being fired and replaced by another engineer. If AI can actually replace jobs it's just a bonus, it's actually not necessary.
@bmanpura Ай бұрын
Every startups have to take some big risks, and that phrase "fake it till you make it" is usually spoken by the already successful. The whole story behind anybody's success is often way more complicated. That being said, taking risk is not bad for business nor the customer when handled properly.
@jeffsteyn7174 Ай бұрын
And the philosophy of Elon😂
@bramdoe3303 Ай бұрын
Almost like California is a cancer
@GreatTaiwan Ай бұрын
@@AL-kb3cbthis here what matters the most and most practical explaining of our current situation
@RawrxDev Ай бұрын
It's been really hard to stay motivated with my school work as a CSE student, my life for the past ten years has been in shambles, and learning programming genuinely gave me happiness I have not felt since I was a child, I want to program for a living, I want to make software the people use on a daily basis, I dont want AI to do everything for me and/or completely replace me and programming becomes just a hobby with no chance of competing against AI systems.(I also hate AI for art, it kinda kills the whole purpose of it but thats a different story) I agree with all your points as I have been following Gary Marcus and Yann Lecun for a while now, but the chance we're wrong, and AI does invalidate all my hard work right now, creeps into my brain while trying to learn. I'm hoping either the bubble bursts or the tech just takes off, this middle area of not knowing is honestly killing me.
@armoredchimp Ай бұрын
You got this. I'm also learning coding and just started in late 2022, but AI has only helped me to learn programming quicker, it's not an enemy. It's just another tool available in your arsenal. You will still be competing against other humans for jobs, all of whom will probably use AI to different degrees. But AI being able to do everything itself is absolutely not happening for a very long time. It's really just regurgitating publicly available code, the more you ask for unique instructions that are not be published on the internet somewhere, the more your margin for error shoots way up. Try and ask it to code in any brand new version of a framework or sdk that just came out this year - it literally can't because it only has been trained on the previous versions. Good luck out there, it's crazy times but if you work on your craft as much as possible and leverage AI to your advantage you can probably find something. I'm constantly looking at what other people with
@digitulized459 Ай бұрын
I'm in the camp that current "AI" in no shape will invalidate any meaningful work you will do as a software engineer. Sure, it may be able to help generate some basic boilerplate, and maybe very basic CRUD apps, but that's it. Anything that is remotely complicated AI will NEVER be able to do, or at least this current version. Try doing any project with moderate scale; AI completely and utterly fails. And it will remain this way for the immediate future because I personally believe these LLMs are already near their limits.
@JeffCaplan313 Ай бұрын
Don't give up. There's always something new around the corner.
@Bigredsleep Ай бұрын
As an AI dev working for one of the big companies, I can tell you that we will always need more good programmers and engineers, AI is at the top of the hype cycle if you look at the gartner hype cycle chart we’re at the peak of inflated expectations and it’s going to crash at some point soon.
@ronilevarez901 Ай бұрын
It's impressive how different one person can be to another, while still being similar. I wanted to learn programming since I was a child. I eventually wanted to program for a living, making software for everyone to use, but I DO want AI to replace most humans and do everything for us and even completely replace me even if programming becomes just a hobby because of that (for the last 20 years it's been just a hobby anyway since I haven't got any job related to computers so far, lol). And I also LOVE AI art. It makes art creation accesible for me and everyone who has always had something to express without the means to do it. I believe that whoever dislikes AI art is just denying the true purpose of art, (which is to communicate something) to instead exclusively elevate the technical part of art because that's the only thing they can do so they protect it to death. AI, if properly integrated, will put an end to all the bad things that humans have brought into the world. It will be the greatest change we will see in centuries. Been waiting for it since child. Developing AI is the reason why I wanted to learn to code, actually. Hype or not, it is The thing. We must keep trying to achieve it. At (almost) all costs. ___ BTW, I don't think AI will be properly integrate into the world. In the end, we will just have a partial dystopia thanks to it being misused by corps and gov, but I'm just a person so I can't do anything about it, but to hope.
@gregkendall3559 Ай бұрын
My sister rode in a driverless waymo in San Francisco and survived!!! Have you ever driven in SF? It is completely insane and very complex driving. Maybe the most complex driving environment there is in the US. Self driving is real and is going to happen in the near future. Your part of the anti - AI hype machine.
@spirti9591 Ай бұрын
Waymo Is a party trick. It's not scalable. Tesla's FSD is. The question is how long before it become good enough to make it unsupervised
@gregkendall3559 Ай бұрын
@@spirti9591 pretty damn good party trick to drive around SF safely!!! No doubt Tesla FSD is much more advanced.
@zvxcvxcz 22 күн бұрын
@@gregkendall3559 No, you don't get the tech behind it. Waymo isn't exactly doing AI driving. It uses a ton of locally gathered data on location, positioning, what roads are valid, where signals are, etc.... it's not inferring all those things with AI. Frankly, AI is a small part of Waymo's approach. That's why it's a party trick, because tons of data it relies on doesn't exist for other locations, you can't just drop Waymo in rural Mississippi even though the driving situation is much simpler for a human. Tesla's FSD keeps trying to rely heavily on just the AI aspect, and that's why they're doomed to fail. If they want to do better... even if they don't pre-gather tons of data like Waymo, they at least need a proper LIDAR system at a bare minimum (I think Tesla finally gave up on getting away with cameras only finally), but they're still cheaping out on it. Frankly, I would wager the Lotus Eletre has much safer self driving than Tesla does.
@gregkendall3559 22 күн бұрын
@@zvxcvxcz I just watch a video of a tesla driving around SF freely. No geofencing. It's did amazing. There was a glitch where a cop was flagging people to proceed and the car kinda froze and driver intervened. But all in all very impressive and already magnitudes safer than human drivers.
@kietvo96 Ай бұрын
"Google has a shit ton of money and they are not giving it to their employees" delivered blankly is peak dystopian humor.
@epistemicompute Ай бұрын
As a ML Engineer, I hate the conversations we’re having around AI and ML and all the hype. ML is a good tool for a subset of problems, but it’s not the endgame of CS. At work, we do our best to find a deterministic solution first before we use ML. People think this tech should be used to think for them instead.
@AL-kb3cb Ай бұрын
Being a ML Engineer is not renough to make you some kind of authority on the subject, you're a data scientist basically, not a scientist from OpenAI or Anthropic.
@belisarius-cawl-9000 Ай бұрын
As another "ml engineer", i would say that all human functions will be done better by machines, except those involving empathy, connection, or responsibility. if i have a robot that costs 5,000 and it has super human intelligence and types 200 WPM, why would i hire a human? i would basically only hire humans for front desk receptionist
@epistemicompute Ай бұрын
⁠@@AL-kb3cbI don’t think I’m an “authority,” but given that I understand and develop the algos and systems that utilize the algos, and often implement papers into code, I am educated enough to be able to discern bs from reality in my field. But on a side note: I have also done research in the field, which makes me think I am capable, but likely not competitive for research roles.
@epistemicompute Ай бұрын
@@belisarius-cawl-9000A good book to read is called “The Myth of Artificial Intelligence”. It talks about the fundamental reasons ML algorithms likely can’t completely replace humans even in cognition.
@cybervigilante Ай бұрын
And ML still hallucinates, gaslights, lies, or refuses to cooperate at times. You should know enough about your problem-solution set, so you can see if a "solution" is dead wrong, without wasting time, money, or causing a disaster.
@kemita Ай бұрын
80 papers in 2 years, isn't that like a paper every 11 days? For sure, what kind of science is that? That man deserves ALL the Nobel Prizes for making humanity reach a technological breakthrough every 11 days.
@maloxi1472 Ай бұрын
Modern day "research", especially in the field of AI, is another Pandora box that would deserve its own video. He might as well have given the number of podcasts he had gone to and it would've still been a better vanity metric. That said, he probably expected most people who read that tweet to be either fools or deeply unfamiliar with how academia works... and that assumption would be correct
@FluhanFauci Ай бұрын
He's likely slapping his name as a contributor on every paper worked on at Meta, which can entail the work of hundreds if not thousands of researchers
@lucnotenboom8370 Ай бұрын
I mean, he probably wasn't sole author considering his function. Most likely he got to put his name on there for guiding the team doing the actual research, which, don't get me wrong, can be a valuable task on its own
@DaveEtchells Ай бұрын
@@FluhanFauci DingDingDing - this is how most any kind of research works: (Please mentally change the pronouns to your own preference ;-) The senior researcher guides the work of the entire group, and his name appears somewhere in the list of authors of every paper the group puts out. If he contributed in some critical way, he’d be lead author, if he was fairly hands on but wasn’t directly involved in the work, he might be somewhere in the middle. If he just told someone “hey, you should check this out” he’d be toward the bottom, and if he had nothing much to do with it but it came out of his lab, he’d be the last author. So 80 papers or whatever is how many the entire team, possibly hundreds of people, put out.
@dasaavawarsuploads1143 Ай бұрын
I come from an university and I most researchers only mix papers in order to get a bonus lol
@jamesdanielelliott Ай бұрын
The problem with these LLM's is the bell curve distribution / probability distributions they use to determine their answers. They are gathering their input from the most common information. This is clearly the basis for the learning they do. The problem with this is three fold. First if you want excellent answers it's just not capable of doing this. Secondly, as content is generated from these responses it further dilutes the pool of exceptional content. Secondly people naturally will rely on this as a crutch and get worse at producing the content on their own. Thirdly as the LLM will learn from this double-diluted content further diluting the better content, points 1 and 2 will just speed that process up. Unless they find effective ways to drastically combat this I'm fairly sure it's a doomed technology.
@yuesujin8390 26 күн бұрын
Really. I have found a experiment that AI forgot what it learned from a math video after it watched several tik-tok shorts. The diluted information harms the cognitive ability of AI as it did for our brain.
@gerardoricor Ай бұрын
While AI hype can be misleading, real advancements are undeniable. DeepMind's AlphaFold, for example, revolutionized biology by accurately predicting protein structures. As a software engineer, I use multi-agent systems to automate tasks efficiently. These tools show AI's practical benefits beyond exaggerated claims.
@seva4411 Ай бұрын
Totally agree. AlphaFold is a perfect example of how amazing it is and how about these AI Chatbots that you can talk to that are indistinguishable from a human? That’s “Her” from the 2014 sci fi movie that’s sci fact in 2024 and this rate of improvement is exponential.
@LuisManuelLealDias Ай бұрын
@@seva4411 These chatbots are really cool and cute and also, extremely useless. I mean, they have their uses, but it's almost decorative. They don't substitute anyone's work. At best, they can serve as useful learning tools.
@seva4411 Ай бұрын
@@LuisManuelLealDias They will soon serve as companions and mentors in many ways and will be far from just decorations.
@AL-kb3cb Ай бұрын
It doesn't matter if AI can or cannot replace engineers. They are still going to be fired, and the software engineers remaining will be doing triple the work, working every weekend to compensate for the fired ones. Yes, they will do it because they will be driven by the fear of being fired and replaced by another engineer. If AI can actually replace jobs it's just a bonus, it's actually not necessary.
@Tom-jy3in Ай бұрын
@@seva4411 youre right, but AlphaFold has nothing to do with what people nowadays refer to as AI/predecessors of AGI. Its "simple" machine learning, as it has existed for a while. And it is for sure not threatening to replace half the workforce tomorrow
@johnappleseed2578 Ай бұрын
Unrelated but I’ve just gotten my first SWE job, looking at apartments to move into, and you’ve inspired me to find something more humble haha. You must have some serious bags but still living simple, good stuff man
@raydjyoti Ай бұрын
Congrats man!
@georgethomas9068 Ай бұрын
happy for you man! good luck!
@unusuariopromedio4229 Ай бұрын
@abhaybisht5280 Ай бұрын
Lmaoo I’m in the same boat rn I just spent 2k furnishing my new apartment 😭
@Iquey Ай бұрын
Always be prepared to get laid off, or work on something people actually want to use.
@ZenonLite Ай бұрын
16:24 Samir, you’re breaking the car!
@0deltasierra Ай бұрын
please samir, listen to me samir please
@NeetCode Ай бұрын
listen to my calls 😡
@bob_pm Ай бұрын
Bro is persuading us to not leave a tech career. What a legend
@justaname999 Күн бұрын
Such a good video! I did physics in undergrad and comp. neuroscience in grad school and am now working with a mix of researchers from various disciplines, broadly around cognitive science and evolution of human/primate cognition. I was never upset because my job was acutely endangered but it's been quite disheartening to listen to so many really very intelligent people get so on board with this hype to the point where it was ridiculous. I am very much on board with automating as much as we can. But the degree to which people were willing to believe it can do *anything* and would call more realistic assessments "unnecessarily negative" was crazy. When people who study neuroscience and infant development and (should) know how different human learning is from what LLMs do stand there and tell you that AI can replicate human-level cognition and will "soon" be able to randomly learn and synthesize knowledge with just a few more iterations of the models, I really am at a loss for words.
@congeedaily Ай бұрын
I like how he allocates all his cycles to content. His room is still the same as when he started neetcode.
@stephaniepainchault2815 Ай бұрын
he probably has millions of dollars and is sleeping in what looks like a college room dorm
@thydevdom Ай бұрын
@@stephaniepainchault2815I heard this is just a studio to keep the aesthetic consistent.
@OP-lk4tw Ай бұрын
in one video his cammera moved about 2 degrees to the left and you could see some gold bars stacked up to the ceiling
@info781 Ай бұрын
lol this is like saying Zuckerburg is still wearing Gap sweaters, how modest he is, while he is building a 1400 acre bunker in Hawaii.
@martinsolorzano9071 23 күн бұрын
All his cycles? Lol
@PiyushBhagchandani1 Ай бұрын
you are talking on point. Glad that someone talked on this hype of AI
@rotface6969 Ай бұрын
with the current economic conditions, i personally believe "AI" is just a unicorn that major tech companies want to ride and it is in their best interest to entice as many investors as possible to join them for the ride.
@dddux 21 күн бұрын
I used to think it was hype until I started using various AI tools. I was very sceptical at first but after some time I realised how so helpful for all kinds of things these tools can be. Vast amount of things from content creation to just an AI friend or even a psychiatrist you can talk to. Yeah, there is a certain hype vibe, but I'm starting to think it is justified. Just see AI programs/tools for what they are - sophisticated programs with a vast database of human (creative) knowledge they can pull from. It is absolutely helpful with a lot of different things, saving you huge amount of time to do something.
@rl7_slimkat 9 күн бұрын
0:32 “I’m not an AI expert” video should have ended right there
@morsumbra9692 Ай бұрын
To anyone young and curious how to take advtange. My wisdom is this. The californians that got rich during the gold rush. There were a few that found gold. But the shops that sold shovels made far more bang for buck. The weed industry. Its not the growers pulling in fat stacks. Its the lights and water techs that service the warehouse. In hedge funds. Its the dude who finds the mew formula for others to exploit. What im trying to say. Is its probably less risky to sell to the people doing the risk, than it is to incur the risk yourself. Make honest money off their ambition and as long as its honest, youll be good.
@richardhall5489 Ай бұрын
Thank you.
@PH-0046 Ай бұрын
Thank you.
@watcheronly71 Ай бұрын
So how this apply to Ai?
@richardhall5489 Ай бұрын
@watcheronly71 learn how to to draw hands and feet ;)
@taragnor Ай бұрын
@@watcheronly71 NVIDIA is making a killing off the AI hype.
@CrucialFlowResearch Ай бұрын
AI is drinking its own kool aid, since their training data contains AI output
@sillymesilly Ай бұрын
Yeah never thought about that. AI output will outnumber human output. Therefore 80% of input to AI will be by AI. A true garbage in garbage out garbage in.
@kingsleyoji649 Ай бұрын
Ai effectiveness decreases sharply as it cannibalizes itself.
@minhuang8848 Ай бұрын
​@@kingsleyoji649 Nobody in this comment thread apparently has the stamina to do even one quick search - augmented data, which is what synthetic data re-use boils down to with the usual curation, isn't just not making these models worse, it's actual a time-honored method to improve them a fair bit and quite significantly increasing robustness. People absolutely love making wild "intuitive" assumptions about how these models work, but they're always coming from entirely tech-illiterate folks whose knee-jerk reaction prevents them from even glancing at just one proper paper by one proper ML researcher. Same for skeptics trying to explain that generative models just copy and paste macroscopic building blocks - yeah okay, by that virtue, most Western language varieties basically just consist of the same 26-ish characters being repeated based on a vague set of rules. You don't even need intuition, you could just brute-force a bunch of problems as worst-case scenarios; competent LLMs allow you to translate back and forth from and to a bunch of languages... without deteriorating the underlying data. It's fine, it works great. It's also not like these models just generate data and immediately put that in their training set, the entire thing is a process with plenty of manual adjusting going on. Even if synthetic data was bad, which it isn't, it's not like we'd just let it taint our training data with random sewage - like the training process is some sort of obscure process we can't make heads or tails of.
@StarDust_2077 Ай бұрын
They sure as hell aren’t going to give it to their employees 😂😂😂😂
@Noman22410 Ай бұрын
I'm still impressed with gpt programming abilities even though they are not highly good as an experienced human but definitely good enough.
@shane1067 Ай бұрын
Completely get your point, but I'm still blown away by the leading edge models, and how fast better ones are coming out. GPT-4 is definitely smarter than all of us in a wide range of topics, but not specific ones. But the idea of it being the dumbest version definitely has me "hyped" as a young person given the room for improvement. Great video though.
@endianAphones Ай бұрын
You didn't even mention practical limits, like power usage.
@mikeharrington5593 Ай бұрын
The energy demands of data factories is a potential bottleneck
@leeris19 Ай бұрын
If you don't know anything about AI (It's not really AI though), it will look like magic. But as you unwrap its intricacies, you'll realize that AGI can still be classified as "impossible".
@yugioh8810 Ай бұрын
@ozymandias_yt Ай бұрын
It could be possible that making AGI out of the transformer architecture is impossible (at the moment I would say it is even very likely), but I think it is not really possible that AGI is impossible as a whole. General intelligence is possible within the laws of nature and it is achievable in a quite efficient way. The human brain represents a system with many functions that are not wanted for AGI (so it is more complex) and still absolutely possible. Even in the worst case where scientists need to mimic the functionality of the brain very closely, which would take us at least many decades and huge amounts of resources, AGI would technically still be possible. On the other hand, for the case of AGI being impossible, there needs to be something so inherently unique to biological brains that is categorically impossible to mimic or replicate. What process should that be? The formation of brains is complex but no wizardry. From my perspective the more important question is, how much of the brain’s complexity is needed for solid general intelligence. Considering how much capability is already achieved by rather simplistic mathematical models, the amount of groundbreaking discoveries to reach this level is seemingly much lower than expected, but still very high.
@JohnSmith-op7ls Ай бұрын
Yeah, LLMs are advanced auto complete. They won’t magically become sapient no matter how much training, memory, and processing you throw at it. It’s just fundamentally the wrong architecture. It’s like how people use to take these vague, nonsense estimates of the raw processing power of the human brain and point out that we’ll soon have super computers with more power. Well, we do, and yet none of them are sapient. The internet as a whole has orders of magnitude more processing power, why hasn’t it magically become self aware? People who don’t understand this stuff pretend it’s just a matter of more data, faster processing, that’s not how biological neural networks operate at all.
@leeris19 Ай бұрын
@@ozymandias_yt I will love to be enlightened more about how it can be possible without using "general" representations. Tell me some specific ones, like the technicalities of how "GI" is possible within the laws of nature and it is achievable in a quite efficient way". I am not a hater of AI in any way (I specialize in ML). But as far as my knowledge goes, "AI" is nothing but ML with lines on steroids. No hate for tech but I'm ready to be proven wrong and will stand on my claim that AGI is still impossible, atleast currently.
@ozymandias_yt Ай бұрын
@@leeris19 Maybe our definition of general intelligence isn’t the same. For me AGI is the point of human-level intelligence (reasoning, consistency, competence…). The proof for the existence of human-level intelligence is trivial and the synthesis to some extent therefore always theoretically achievable. The concept of “general representations” isn’t really present in the human cognition without limitations. Example: What is a game? AGI as the ultimate clean intelligence of eternal truth is indeed impossible, because it is logically implausible. Language isn’t well defined in many aspects, so no amount of data can train an AI to give always “perfect answers”. To full fill the visions of the AI revolutionaries, AGI in Form of human-like intelligence is needed, so complex tasks can be understood and executed. We can train humans to do these tasks and an AGI should be capable of learning at least with the same success humans. Side note: Regarding the hype, I see a typical pattern of over correction. In the beginning of the computer revolution, AI was described as something of the near future, which was of course way to optimistic. Throughout the decades, the prognoses for AGI extended into the range of 2080-2200, which is rather pessimistic. AI companies bragging about AGI in the next few years are quite likely over correcting their predictions again.
@Nxck2440 Ай бұрын
I've had these thoughts for a while but it's great to hear it from you, glad not everyone is salivating for AI.
@minhuang8848 Ай бұрын
you should be though if you don't, you might not understand the massive implications
@andrewlee9286 Ай бұрын
The 99 per cent thing is interesting. When you do something like linear regression it’s really easy to get to say 80 percent but to improve that by even 1 percent involves crazy amounts of fine tuning.
@Moarlatz Ай бұрын
0:40 I see what you did there, that was a cool way of saying "miss the forest from the trees" without actually saying it.
@vdanger7669 Ай бұрын
There was a lot of hoarded cash that needed to be spent. Stock buybacks weren't going to cut it.
@plaidchuck Ай бұрын
Basically trump years tax cuts. You think companies take those cuts and put the money back into their businesses?
@ticketforlife2103 Ай бұрын
Even worse. The stock system entirely is a hoarding system...there are trillions locked in stocks. And we cry why we are poor. Where is all the money?
@pc3340 Ай бұрын
always looked for a way to put this into words. NEVER buy into hype, engage as you would anything. Fundamentals tend to trump all
@hongyihuang6856 Ай бұрын
NeetCode is not only good in coding, he is also good in seeing the truth~
@code-master Ай бұрын
I wasn't pro leetcode, but leetcode is like mental gymming which improves problem solving, step by step. Kudos to you, your voice is like music to my ears.
@EternalKernel Ай бұрын
Leetcode et al are neurotypical gatekeeping and poverty enforcing machines.
@MRlreable 21 күн бұрын
I have a masters in computer science focusing mainly on machine learning and I was furious when back then gpt 3 launched and everyone (even whom I respect in the field, Fireship, Nick Chapsas, etc.) was losing their minds about AI taking people's jobs in a year or so. It's good to see that now most of the knowledgable people are actively settling the discussion and point out the false claims. Glad that you do that also!
@ThatGuy-Official Ай бұрын
We definitely know already that the rate of improvement is not linear, it's not exponential, it's for sure logarithmic. One major issue with AI is that there's no framework for fine detail alterations to the finished product. If you generate an image and you want the person in the photo to have a green hat rather than a red one, then you need to regenerate the whole image. That is very computationally expensive. The alternative would be to hire someone proficient in photoshop to finish it. I think people are starting to learn that AI has some use cases but will not actually be replacing people in mass. Also, the companies that have replaced people with AI are starting to see drops in the quality of their products. I have a hunch that the whole Crowd Strike debacle was a result of pushing code written by AI that went unchecked.
@daniilnexus 10 күн бұрын
"regenerate the whole image" - that's not true, we have a selected area regeneration tool right now.
@drummin4life1281 Ай бұрын
Part two to the hypewave is when the KZbinrs come out and call it a hypewave.
@info781 Ай бұрын
Love the meta.
@christian-schubert Ай бұрын
You know, it is SO refreshing seeing the hype cycle finally wearing off. Especially since being a [self proclaimed] "AI experts" has pretty much translated to being an unreflected OpenAI / Elon Musk fanboy in the last couple of years. Reminds me of how all the "digital natives" were once heralded as exceptional Internet prodigies, when in fact all most of them really mastered were Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok (tech that was largely conceived and created by the previous generation) There NEEDS to be a paradigm shift, LLMs simply won't cut it in the long run
@__D10S__ Ай бұрын
Thank you Mr. Christian Schubert. I have a direct line to Sam Altman if you'd like to enlighten him with your insights. Why the hell are you not heading a top AI research lab?!! How did you slip through the cracks?! Whoever said armchair quarterbacks can't throw? You've got a solid arm dude. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't know better than the coach. After all, you've got quite the view from the TV. I also am not sure if you are aware, but they are already moving beyond LLMs. The paradigm switch is already happening, but you're too blinded by your compulsive need to be a wet blanket, projecting a cynicism that implies an intelligence. It reeks of parochial insecurity. Wear it like a blanket. Use it as your pacifier. Use whatever heuristics you feel you need to use to make it through this period. 'Unreflected (the actual word would be unreflective) OpanAI/ Elon Musk fanboys' certainly works. That's definitely a way you can choose to understand what's happening before your eyes.
@christian-schubert Ай бұрын
@@__D10S__ Well, in your defense, you've got one thing right. That should've been "unreflective". My phone apparently thought otherwise.
@diadetediotedio6918 Ай бұрын
@@__D10S__ Do you? Ask him how he defines consciousness, how he responds to the chinese room argument, how he proves computationalism and how he proves that all he is doing is not just a poor mimicks of humans. And also what does he think about SNNs.
@yassinebenazouz4529 Ай бұрын
finally somebody talked about this. thank you !!
@sararobin9452 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this video, I agree entirely with your "career change" point. I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm a future physician and my family has been bombarding me with "AI will steal your job, you have to find a safe career" and it's just crazy. It might, it might not, nobody knows, if it gets to the point no doctor is needed anymore I would assume no other job is safe and I'll join the revolution with billions of other people. I won't make any decision now based on absolutely zero knowledge and zero certainty.
@Neprow3000 23 күн бұрын
Hi Brett, I wanted to share some thoughts on the recent interview. Honestly, I didn’t find it as valuable as I had hoped. I’ve watched a lot of Ray Dalio and Warren Buffett, and one thing they consistently emphasize is the necessity of deep market knowledge to transition from gambling to truly understanding what you’re doing. I would have really appreciated it if this interview had addressed that fundamental perspective-how deep understanding of market movers and the ability to predict market behavior at current price points can lead to informed decision-making. This approach feels crucial to me and was something I missed in the discussion. That said, I do enjoy the tone and energy of your interviews in general, and I might check out some of your other interviews, perhaps those focused more on entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, this one just didn’t resonate with me the way I hoped it would. Best regards,
@juanmacias5922 Ай бұрын
14:06 Yann LeCun with the receipts LMFAO once I learned "A.I." was probability, statistics, and linear algebra in a trench coat, I realized it was a bubble.
@lordseidon9 Ай бұрын
You will be surprised to know that your brain runs on probability and statistics too
@ozymandias_yt Ай бұрын
@@lordseidon9”Planes are bullshit, they are just applied thermodynamics” The real argument should be about the complexity of the models that use these disciplines, so we can distinguish between what is solidly persisted competence and what is just a useful artefact from the data. Better AI models have a structural integrity beyond its NNs (like hard and soft beliefs and policies), so it can not just go from logical reasoning to total nonsense by just one unfortunate transition.
@sssurreal Ай бұрын
Life is probability and statistics
@bunny_rabbit5753 Ай бұрын
How u know😅 , even the greatest neurosurgeon cannot answer that question completely😅​@@lordseidon9
@__D10S__ Ай бұрын
Once I learned human brains are just neurons firing and neurotransmitters shuttling between synapses, I realized we are moronic.
@57d Ай бұрын
My gut tells me this hype is in part attributable to public misunderstanding; I’m merely a hobbyist programmer, so really I’m apart of said public. I think there is a conflation of statistical data mashing (relevant xkcd: 1838/) with what has been popularised in Hollywood and other mainstream media that have sparked people’s imagination in the wrong direction.
@vibhors Ай бұрын
@jwoya Ай бұрын
When I began a major in computer science in 2007 the "everybody knows" prediction at the time was that all programming would move to remote workers in third world countries and wages would trend toward $20k / year or less. Outsourcing was all over publications like Software Developer magazine. Kids were being told not to go to school for CS. But outsourcing died because of communication and quality issues. AI is nowhere near surpassing third-world developers for these 2 shortcomings.
@kyokushinfighter78 Ай бұрын
You'll see.
@jwoya Ай бұрын
@@kyokushinfighter78 I guess here's a way to look at it: when a hospital administrator can say, "write me a system that manages my surgery staff and patient records", and the AI fully masters that use case, then it will have full real-world intelligence and we won't need hospital administrators, lawyers, Congress or anyone else. Until then, there will still be humans designing and specing these systems.
@bwhit7919 Ай бұрын
10:56 this is actually false. OpenAI published a paper several years ago that explains exactly how fast AI will improve. And to summarize, we need to exponentially increase the data and compute to keep making AI better. Which means progress will slow down and OpenAI knows that it will slow down! All the hype is just marketing, designed so that investors keep giving them money. AI is almost guaranteed to get better, but it’s also almost guaranteed to slow down.
@nihilisticprophet6985 4 күн бұрын
Does that mean AI improvement will slow down? OpenAI can just generate new data to train the next model. They are already doing that with synthetic data
@bwhit7919 4 күн бұрын
@@nihilisticprophet6985 the models won’t necessarily slow down, but to maintain the current rate of progress, each model will have to be 10-100x more expensive than the one before. Synthetic data isn’t a silver bullet. There are many small techniques you can use to generate synthetic data-eg, translating computer code from a common language (like Python) to a less common language (like PHP). But I don’t know how well that can scale.
@neilmcd123 Ай бұрын
It would be helpful to include any time frame assumptions at all in the video. Ofc current models suck. But what about in 5 or 10 years from now? That’s really not far away at all
@GreatTaiwan Ай бұрын
I think he’s talking about people being fired NOW I guess
@zvxcvxcz 22 күн бұрын
But that was the same in the 60s... you have no idea how much hype the Perceptron had.
@gregkendall3559 Ай бұрын
Claude is making me 100x more productive... Thats all I know.
@Roguedeus Ай бұрын
Hype is never going to stop. But neither is the advancement of AI. I wouldn't get too used to patting yourself on the back for being right about the difference between hype and reality, because you won't be for long.
@Thatscrazyyourecrazy 29 күн бұрын
Well unless there is fraud which discourages the investment (like theranos level, death of people level) which is unlikely but not impossible. It also will depend on who adopts first: enterprise? Retail? And what products bc right now it’s not profitable in long term just churning thru cash. Also this is without talking about the energy problem which makes it unlikely to scale
@user-bh5uc3kb1w 29 күн бұрын
I don't comment on KZbin videos much, but I have to give it to you: you are very articulate and you have excellent critical thinking skills. We need more of this! Personally, my takeaway over the past few years has been that, despite having a technical background, I (and my peers) could all benefit from more macro understanding (e.g., poltics, economics, ...). The world doesn't make sense right now and these "blurred lines" are a sign of the times. We will inherit the mess though, so we better wisen up and get ahead of it.
@guncolony Ай бұрын
13:09 This is EXACTLY what i think about AI, couldn't have been said better. It will take a very long time if ever for them to be reliable enough to be useful.
@Dygit Ай бұрын
I would not call the rate of improvement from 3.5 to 4o slow
@Dygit Ай бұрын
Also the example from 99% to 99.9% assumes that there is a ceiling. This doesn’t really translate to intelligence unless you just assume that intelligence peaks with humans-this is disproved by narrow AI like chess engines.
@AL-kb3cb Ай бұрын
It doesn't matter if AI can or cannot replace engineers. They are still going to be fired, and the software engineers remaining will be doing triple the work, working every weekend to compensate for the fired ones. Yes, they will do it because they will be driven by the fear of being fired and replaced by another engineer. If AI can actually replace jobs it's just a bonus, it's actually not necessary.
@somenameidk5278 Ай бұрын
​​@@AL-kb3cbwhy does that need AI to happen then? why hasen't it happened already?
@AL-kb3cb Ай бұрын
@@somenameidk5278 the first words of my comment "it doesn't matter if AI can or cannot replace engineers" and you ask "why does that need AI to happen then ?" You're a true retard.
@DiegoAlanTorres96 Ай бұрын
@@AL-kb3cb why are you copy-pasting this comment everywhere?
@captainteodor2252 Ай бұрын
After watching this vid still not sure what AI overpromised and underdelivered.
@reiskoryphae Ай бұрын
@brianh9358 Ай бұрын
There is an elephant in the room that they just don't want to talk about. If AI tools became broadly used the amount of electrical power needed is beyond the capability of our current electric infrastructure. I sure don't see fusion being available around the corner either.
@iubankz7020 Ай бұрын
if anyone needs anymore of anything and have the money to pay for it then the supply will expand to meet the demand. The current electricity supply we have right now matches the current electrical demand. I don’t know if we are running out of resources to build infrastructure and if so you’re right but the notion that AI is inviable because of the current electrical capacity of society goes against the laws of supply and demand
@vaoline Ай бұрын
​@@iubankz7020 But in the case of the power grid this process spans across several decades. Also with new environmental regulations and anti-nuclear sentiments it's unclear whether such an expansion is feasible at all.
@cortster12 Ай бұрын
What? The electricity used isn't as much as you think. Weird how this rumor circulated.
@brianh9358 Ай бұрын
@@cortster12 This is not a rumor. I think you should do a search related to AI energy use.
@cortster12 Ай бұрын
@@brianh9358 I did, and it's overblown. It's basically as energy intensive per output as playing a particularly gpu intensive game.
@silungile3022 23 күн бұрын
As a network engineer, I remember as far back as 2017 there was hype about automation systems and Software-defined networks taking over and that network engineers would be obsolete. 7 years later and I've only seen the requirements increase for engineers, just that the technology stack has been changing. So not falling for that hype again. Just get good at what you do and explore how to use AI and new tech in your workflow.
@Steven-996 Ай бұрын
Tesla FSD has improved greatly over the past few months. Try the newest 12.5 version when you get a chance.
@MrSurvival2 Ай бұрын
This is an incredible explanation. Thank you for staying true to your word and not caving to the haters!
@DeMaLiTiOnKiNg Ай бұрын
one point that I do have a problem with is the rate of improvement, there isn't any actual data with your ROI. Anybody that's used both especially for programming knows really well that 3.5 to 4.0 has a far more substantial improvement than what you're giving it credit for.
@hanikanaan4121 Ай бұрын
While that’s true, it’s asymptotic. Eventually, the output difference between being trained on 99% of data and 100% of data on the web is next to nothing. Pretty sure anything past 90% is largely the same. Even though the progression from chatgpt 3.5 to 4o (not 4.0) was large, those gaps will eventually be smaller and smaller until we have a “perfect” gpt that gives the most correct answer available to the entire internet. Now, is that anything more than a glorified search engine? It’s up to you to decide that.
@TheManinBlack9054 Ай бұрын
@@hanikanaan4121 what makes you think that AI was already trained on 99% of the internet? Maybe it learned on 10% and thats not speaking on how the hardware is advancing too, and the software.
@pottedrosepetal6906 Ай бұрын
Another problem is the assumption that AI started in 2022. We have developed AI since the 70s. We have more data than one line between two points.
@hanikanaan4121 Ай бұрын
@@TheManinBlack9054 notice how I said eventually. Also, a significantly huge part of the internet is unusable, outdated, or ToS failing information. The data they’ve used so far is the vast majority of the data that’s usable and beneficial. Is there more to be used? Absolutely. Will it change the entire game, and result in AGI or something? Pretty much a guaranteed no. Additionally, hardware doesn’t actually improve the results or accuracy of the model, it just speeds up the process of training. More accurately, it requires less data to reach a “definitive” point where answers can/will be given with certainty, but the accuracy on the entire dataset will be unchanged regardless of whether you’re training on an intel celeron processor or the strongest TPU on the market. GPT is not the way forward in advancement of AI, it’s simply the replacement for search engines. To reach the next tier of “autonomous” AI, it’ll be through something different from the current progression of text based training. I’m fairly certain that NN chess engines have shown higher levels of “creativity” and “thinking” than any currently available GPT system, be it from Anthropic, OpenAI, Google, etc.
@AL-kb3cb Ай бұрын
It doesn't matter if AI can or cannot replace engineers. They are still going to be fired, and the software engineers remaining will be doing triple the work, working every weekend to compensate for the fired ones. Yes, they will do it because they will be driven by the fear of being fired and replaced by another engineer. If AI can actually replace jobs it's just a bonus, it's actually not necessary.
@faseehnaqvi Ай бұрын
I want to post this on my linkedin
@gadour97 Ай бұрын
its so bad bro
@brianmccullough4578 Ай бұрын
You asked, whats the bottle eck for tesla. I think its compute. They cant have an 80GB H100 nvidia card in the trunk of every car, cause they are $30k each.....that might not be enough compute either and they probably suck back some 500 watts or whatever, so theres a hit with battery drain maybe. Idk, i think the only reason it works ar all is cause Jim Keller worked on it, imo
@albertwesker2k24 5 күн бұрын
Hardware is not a problem for OpenAI and Meta, but the biggest obstacle is energy for the data centers.
@skucherov Ай бұрын
In other words, you cannot think by yourself, you do not want to make decisions, you trust "smart people"! Very original!
@moritz584 Ай бұрын
Correction at 09:06 the Sora video was originally generated with sora but lightly retouched for consistency. The way you phrased it makes it sound like it was not created by Sora. OpenAI posted a behind the scenes, where they recounted that they had to remove a face that the AI kept placing onto the balloon and they changed the color of the baloon to be consistent between shots. It was always marketed as a short film created *with* Sora.
@TechtimeStories Ай бұрын
The production company claimed that they had to generate about 300 seconds worth of Sora footage per 1 second of final video. They have also lamented that crucial controls for film making were missing, making the editing stage extra arduous, as it required heavy post processing. They still liked the concept and are working on a sequel.
@TalentedSweet Ай бұрын
this video (along with all the other videos parroting the same information) is incredibly shortsighted - you need to look at AI development from the lense of innovation, not from the business of selling an incomplete/unrealized potential perspective. a quick analogy is the invention of gunpowder - people stumbled upon this trying to find a way to live longer, and from the perspective of 'living longer' gunpowder did the opposite. doesn't change that having access to gunpowder and explosives in general changed history, and the people with that technology became the victors in war, the wealthiest miners, the richest people in the world. put yourselves in the frameset of having guns/explosives in a world where no one else has that technology - you have everything to gain, and you have many reasons to keep that technology away from others to protect yourself. AI is figuratively the new gunpowder - the billionaire mega corporations want to monopolize the technology so they can fully utilize it for themselves. using AI *for research purposes alone* will revolutionize the world (and already is). mega tech corporations all *already use it specifically for this,* to speed up research and innovation exponentially more than some of the brightest intellectuals in the world (more accurately, the smartest people in the world are utilizing AI to *speed up their research by x1000+ times*). if you don't understand how insanely powerful that is in itself, all is lost.. the narrative they're spinning that AI is overhyped is a red herring designed for the masses to be fooled into thinking the hype isn't real while they sell you incompleted products to reinforce that idea, while nvidia profits trillions off investing into the technology because they understand people are dumb enough to buy the same iphone with *minimal upgrades* over and over again every year, when reality is the current version of their product is vastly superior to whatever is in the market. it's true the current AI hype is garbage - it's misleading marketing. what marketing is trying to do is sell bits in pieces to ill-informed investors to make a quick profit, it's capitalism, that's just what happens. but there's a reason these tech giants continue to invest all their research into it. again, take the gunpowder analogy. you have access to the technology, and understand your product is valuable and how lifechanging it can be - are you going to just start selling the product to every single person and intentionally tell your rivals/opponents how dangerous it can be? hell no, they can straight up use it to off you and take your product for themselves. the tech giants are figuratively selling you guns and slingshots right now, while they research how to make nukes - *it's in their best interest to hide its potential while they reap and monopolize all the benefits.*
@FStoppers Ай бұрын
When AI can't fix the eyes from focusing on the written script 🤣 -P
@GigaFro 18 күн бұрын
The same phenomenon can be observed in thermodynamics. Going from 20 to 40 mph requires 3x more energy than going from 0 to 20 mph. Anybody that has any experience or has studied systems should understand this. Baffles me when thought leaders buy into the hype and become detached from the fundamental laws.
@huyhoangnguyenhuu2136 Ай бұрын
high quality content! bro is telling the hidden truth
@karlos1008 Ай бұрын
It’s not hidden. Most people just don’t bother looking and take things on face value
@GreatTaiwan Ай бұрын
@@karlos1008so it’s hidden from most eyes
@memegazer Ай бұрын
"Human nature does not change" Whatever you think this means it does not mean that human society does not change or is never informed by new concepts.
@ethanr0x Ай бұрын
nature != culture omg
@anon_y_mousse Ай бұрын
Well, this didn't change my mind, but only because I was already there before the hype hit full swing. LLM's are not AI. The researchers are trying to recreate human minds without any understanding of what a human mind actually does or how it really works. It's the wrong approach. If you want real AI, then you need to think in a completely different way. Personally, I'm glad they're going about it the wrong way, because it means I don't have to fear a robot uprising. That would truly be the end of humanity in a very thorough way. Of course, I still have to fear some evil person putting NN-based tech together with an armed drone and either controlling or mostly destroying humanity, but that's a concern for 5 to 10 years down the road and not right now.
@johncaemmerer7094 Ай бұрын
Finally some clear thinking! Well done! I think you're being generous when you say that there have been many times when people (i.e. for-profit corporations) have blurred the lines between hype and fraud. If the manufacturer of a machine tool claims its new product is the first to achieve milling tolerances below some value x and customers buy it on that basis, only to discover that the actual tolerances it can achieve are nowhere close to the claims, we would not say the manufacturer "blurred the lines between hype and fraud". What allows software companies to get away with this?
@duffer11 Ай бұрын
There are tonnes of other possible and plausible unlocks with how models are trained and chip architecture being worked on now that could unlock improvements very quickly at any moment.
@lucasteo5015 Ай бұрын
Major in tech is actually the most safe dicision to make if you really want to play "safe".
@TheManinBlack9054 Ай бұрын
@lyxsm Ай бұрын
@@TheManinBlack9054 Assuming the upper limit for AI capabilities doesn't exist or is very, very high. Any job you can think of, could be done by a sufficiently advanced AI system and outperform humans by orders of magnitude. All jobs would eventually be done by AI. The people making these systems and the needed infrastructure, would be the ones safest for longest, in terms of job security. Even if you do not have one of said jobs, you would have a much better understanding of these systems and likely be able utilize them to greater efficiency. Once AI systems take over the jobs needed to create said systems, their rate of improvement would likely ramp up and soon after make any human labor obsolete. Of course there are tons of possible scenarios, but a job in IT or tech in general, is one of the best bets in most of them.
@lucasteo5015 Ай бұрын
@@lyxsm yes you got my thought process, so if we assume that everything will eventually be replaced, what would be the last possible thing to be replaced it's more likely be the one that created the thing that replaced others, but what if you didn't change your career and stayed as an engineer and got replaced by AI at some point? If this is the case such AI system can pretty much replace nearly all other job that aren't physical (for now) And suppose that happen in 30 to 50 years, we'll have enough robots replacing everyone including physical jobs.
@GLamoRousCooKie Ай бұрын
​@@lyxsm Absolutely not. IT and tech sector will get replaced first and it's already happening. Thousands of web developers and programmers were let go and there's more to come. Their job is by far the easiest to replace with the current "AI". AI codes faster than most programmers using basic prompts and unless you're in the top 10% of programmers you're screwed. The actual jobs that won't get replaced are the ones where human connection and empathy is vital i.e. therapist, counselor, teacher, doctors, special ed etc and trade jobs and physical jobs like plumbing etc for obvious reasons.
@videowatcher007 Ай бұрын
Guy who couldn't cut it at Amazon for a month explains how he doesn't understand AI
@lomiification Ай бұрын
If you havent been in a waymo car, it fills the niche of "sit in car, take a nap, then arrive at your destination"
@CharlesVanNoland Ай бұрын
As someone who has been on the cutting edge of AI and neuroscience research for 20 years now: massive backpropagation-trained networks will become a thing of the past within 5-10 years. They will be seen as the compute-hungry brute-force approach to making a computer learn after all is said and done. What's coming down the pipe are sparse predictive hierarchical behavior learning algorithms that can be put into a machine to have it learn from scratch how to perceive the world and itself in it, and be rewarded and motivated to explore unknowns in its internal world model - which will yield curiosity and playful behavior. These will be difficult to wrangle at first, with humans controlling the reward/punish signals manually, but once they're trained to behave they will be the most resilient, robust, adaptive, and versatile machines in the history of mankind. Judging by how compute-efficient the existing realtime learning algorithms that people have been experimenting with are, it won't be very expensive to have a pet robot that behaves like a pet, runs around and fiddles with stuff like a pet, and is self-aware and clever like a pet, and the whole thing will run on commonly available consumer hardware - like that you have in your laptops and phones. This same learning algorithm will be limited in its abstraction capability by the hardware it is running on. As such, it won't be difficult to scale it up to human and super-human levels of abstraction capability, as long as the hardware that it is running on has the capacity to run the algorithm in realtime (i.e. 20-30hz) so that it can realistically handle the dynamics of its physical self and the world around it. Mark my words. Nobody building a massive backprop network right now is going to be glad they did in another 2-3 years. They're going to look like the dotcom bubble hype bros of the 90s, and become disgraced for being so naive in their blind faith that backprop-training was the end-all be-all of machine intelligence, like there couldn't possibly be something better, more efficient and useful. They just took someone else's backprop work and ran with it like it was going out of style, and it's cringey, at least to someone like me who has been watching all of this unfold from my uncommon perspective. Some people learn the hard way, I guess.
@pungentzeus Ай бұрын
Awesome comment, brother
@DynoDeso Ай бұрын
That's a good point
@zvxcvxcz 22 күн бұрын
But these more sparse approaches are... already existing and just not so shiny or hype-filled. We're essentially talking about interpolation with better sampling. Chebyshev Polynomials, Fast Krigging, Polyharmonic Splines, or the more Bayesian approaches and some other things along those lines with some sort of gradient-based performance metric or Bayesian sampling in the Bayesian cases. It's mostly stuff that exists... but it's not cool or sexy and doesn't get people excited thinking it might be a sort of real "intelligence." There's no hype for it. But these don't have quite the capabilities you aim for... those require a significant breakthrough that might happen... or might not. Maybe next year, maybe not for a hundred or a thousand.
@AbelShields 28 күн бұрын
I think you're right - but only in the short term. For now, LLM based systems have a high failure rate, are slow to learn, and use a lot of compute to do anything useful. But 10 years ago, we wouldn't believe computers could ever generate text, pictures, and video like they do today. Transformers are 1 step in a road to proper human-level intelligence, give it a decade and a couple more breakthroughs and i think you'll be surprised by what the future holds too.
@clashgamers4072 Ай бұрын
AI is widely considered the next electricity or the next transistor .IMO scalling neural networks to solve real world tasks is up there with invention of wheel or fire. The hype is real from a technical standpoint considering that neural networks can pretty much solve anything given enough compute and data . The race is to do it with a architecture that accounts for the compute constraints. Most companies oversell when we'll get there or what their products currently do .IMO it's only a matter of when not whether or not its possible
@andresfernandez6437 Ай бұрын
This kinda sounds as the perspective of someone who's threatened - or feels as if - by the advances he is criticizing. For instance, quoting the image near the end of the video: 2015 - Self driving in 2 years: The technology has existed since pretty much 2017, it can't be adequately deployed because most people can't afford it yet; and since few people use it, society as a whole hasn't changed fast enough to really adopt it. 2016 - Radiologists obsolete in 5y: Hospitals can barely afford to function - they can't invest in deploying such sophisticated systems. But the capability exists and it's possible to make it work just as imagined. The whole video feels like cherry picking from the lowest branches possible. it lacks depth, it doesn't seem to consider second or third degree of consequences and what arguments are valid are actually very shallow and in so inconsiderate. "Remember something: this is the worst this technology will ever be."
@titaniumwolf2757 Ай бұрын
This is the comment I was looking for!
@minhuang8848 Ай бұрын
Most of all, it's just riddled with entirely disproven or, at most, questionable assumption about the technical aspect. Which I get they had a whole spiel about in terms of "I'm no expert" - but that was just an excuse to get away with not debating anything of interest at all. There was exactly zero talk about anything that would make these conjectures stand on their own feet, just vague intuition and a bunch of mangled phrases utterly misrepresenting what is going on under the hood - even the description box keeps it up (like the whole "Indian clickworkers are AI"-headline wasn't slightly more nuanced and not the dunk everyone wants it to be). And that's before we even get to the good stuff, i.e. the immediate benefits and the ones we can pretty much distinctly see on the horizon. It's absurd to be skeptical about any of these weak, milquetoast talking points. Fair enough to keep it up, but ok so freaking what about the techno cults - how about people start judging these things purely by virtue of their merits? It's really not that difficult, these things are here, they improve dramatically in pretty much exactly no time at all, and they can, in fact, already replace entire office jobs and partial tasks. Just not that interesting of a video, and the good parts kind of make a way better argument for than against AI - like the entire thing about people not being able to step back and appreciate the full picture.
@zvxcvxcz 22 күн бұрын
@@minhuang8848 You're super confused. AI was never necessary to replace those office jobs and the AI implementations used are no better than the infamous phone mazes that replaced customer service call centers. Customers didn't like them then and won't now and they'll never be helpful for anything but the most trivial things there should never have been a call about while hampering real problems and information from reaching the company. Those companies will sink or figure things out in time. As usual, these trends come and go with the hype. You're clearly lacking the historical perspective. I am actually an expert by the way, most of my colleagues work almost exclusively in AI (the sub-team I work in does bioinformatics, in particular statistical genetics, because frankly the AI stuff can't be trusted in the context of real medical data where our conclusions may affect the real treatment people receive).
@mordantvistas4019 Ай бұрын
I'm reaping the benefits of being old. The nay sayers calling AI is just hype or over hype are the same people of 1993. Many of the over hype people weren't even around in 93. They said the internet and the web would only be used for business. Go back further. They said people have no need for a personal computer in thier home. The hype is for inspiration and innovation, just as it was in the 90's. Ai will be as AI "hypers" claim it will be. We just can't see "the how" because the exponential compounding of ideas has yet to reveal itself. Oh, I sent this message on the personal computer and internet that was once "over hyped," lol.
@zXrabidrabbitXz Ай бұрын
but but but this other unrelated thing was hyped and then changed the world iamsosmart
@sebastianfors4491 Ай бұрын
I don't think you changed my mind but reinforced my previous thoughts and I am happy about that.
@devwriterthinker Ай бұрын
Agree with you on all points. I particularly like what you said about not being able to zoom out. Some 10 years back this was the case with smartphones. Every new iphone launch would be perceived as some kind of paradigm shift, when it was just rounder edges or a software tweak that was being done. The general shap, structure of the smartphone or the way we interact with it has remained more or less the same. Its just that when there are not big changes, we have this tendency to zoom in and perceive smaller changes to be bigger than they are.
@please7959 Ай бұрын
Well said ngl, but still never forget that there is always an alternate reality where it works out for AI (as u said about google putting in the money for no real downside). As computer scientists we should always take in all of the info available to us.
@please7959 Ай бұрын
Im 99.99% sure you are correct but there is always that 0.01% chance that we are doomed lol
@israeldavila27 Ай бұрын
All AI hype is not just AI hype for hypes sake. We're not just talking about some incremental tech upgrades here - we're staring down the barrel of an AI revolution that's about to turn our world inside out faster than you can say "robot overlords." And if you think I'm exaggerating, you clearly haven't been paying attention to the absolute brain-scrambler that's been unfolding in AI development. Let me break this down for you in terms even a total newbie can understand: - > 1. We're seeing DECADES of progress crammed into a few measly years. It's like someone hit the fast-forward button on technological evolution, and we're all along for the ride, whether we like it or not. - > 2. Jobs? Oh, you mean those things humans used to do before AI came along and said "watch this"? We're not just talking about flipping burgers or crunching numbers anymore. We're talking doctors, lawyers, artists - NO ONE IS SAFE. - > 3. "Post-labor economics" isn't just some fancy buzzword economists throw around to sound smart. It's the brave new world we're barreling towards at light speed. Imagine an economy that keeps growing even as traditional jobs go the way of the dodo. It's like playing SimCity with cheat codes, except it's REAL LIFE. - > 4. And for all you skeptics out there thinking this is just another overhyped tech trend, let me hit you with some truth: AI is ALREADY in your pocket, in your car, in your flipping TOASTER. It's not coming - it's HERE, and we are making it smarter by the updates. - > 5. We're talking about AI that could match human intelligence by 2027 or 2028. Let that sink in for a second. In the time it takes for a newborn to learn to tie their shoes, we might create an artificial intelligence that can out think the brightest minds on the planet. So what does this mean for us all in this comment section? It means everything we know about work, life, and even what it means to be human is about to get flipped on its head. It's exciting, it's terrifying, and it's coming whether we're ready or not. Look, I'm not here to blow sunshine up your nose. This AI revolution is going to bring challenges we can't even begin to imagine. But it's also going to open up possibilities that'll make our current world look like the freaking Stone Age. The future's coming at us like a runaway train, and it's powered by AI. It's time to adapt or get left behind in the digital dust. The choice is yours.
@jld-ni3vf Ай бұрын
Couldn't of said it better my self. People overhype the short term and underestimate the long term (2027-2030 ish). Just because you don't see change in your daily life doesn't mean change isn't happening. I use AI every single day of my life now because of how useful it is. Crunching numbers, making a schedule, getting my foot in the door for a certain topic. There are so many things that AI helps with and people say its all just hype because they haven't used it.
@copilotcoder Ай бұрын
I am writing this in 22July,2024. The way digital technology works with binary 0/1, its impossible to achieve what a human brain can. We need better stuff than binary, not a optimisation but a very different method change.
@harshjha6774 Ай бұрын
Mark my words, you are right
@kecksbelit3300 Ай бұрын
I don't get why, humans are basically preprogrammed too. And are just reacting to Events, certain Events are preprogrammed to trigger certain chemicals which lead to certain reactions.
@blackboxbs8642 Ай бұрын
Lol its impossible to mimick ai on digital machines we need a digital and biological tech to achieve that stuff
@kamkow1 Ай бұрын
​@@kecksbelit3300 I think the commenter meant that a human brain can't be represented by a turing machine model - something which is the basis of computing currently. The main problem here is that we're trying to create a human-like brain without knowing how a real brain works with 100% certainty. I believe that we can implement actual AI with a turing machine, but we shouldn't focus on that currently. We should invest more into human brain research, so that we can reliably predict, calculate behavior and alter it to get very specific results. Only then we can put all of that into ones and zeroes, which by then will actually be quite easy to do.
@kecksbelit3300 Ай бұрын
@@kamkow1 that's the problem ai is a diffrent type of "animal" knowing about other brain might not tell us as much about thier brain as we think. Even now at the start while training ai with only human data. The strength of ai and the strength of humans go in completly diffrent directions. They might think in a conpletly diffrent way than we do. And while i agree we should research the brain i don't think we need to ubderstand it to create a well working ai.
@melaronvalkorith1301 Ай бұрын
I Love your approach: - facts driven - friendly/funny, but frank - clearly stated opinion - open to respectful disagreement I’ve gotten really I to AI/LLMs lately, but we need more people with your perspective - reasonable expectations for this tech, not hype.
@snorttroll4379 Ай бұрын
you can just add a prefrontal cortex to the ai. it will override any command to crash the car. some hard coded limits on acceleration/decelleration/crashing and stuff.
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