THIS WAS TOO FUNNY...Jim Jefferies -- Gun Control (Part 1) REACTION

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@bwana-ma-coo-bah425 4 ай бұрын
Freedom is not when you can own a gun, instead freedom is when you don’t need to own a gun...
@Texas75023 4 ай бұрын
That will never happen . . . as long as any humans have free will and freedom to be selfish.
@deandrury4330 3 ай бұрын
@@Texas75023move to Australia
@thefridge9278 3 ай бұрын
Where I am from most people do not own a gun. They are allowed to own a gun, but they just dont want to get one because they dont have a need for it. And even the gun owners i know are for gun regulations because of regular shootings happenijg in the USA (with legal guns and legal gun ownership!). They also say they have their guns because of fun, not because of self defense.
@bwana-ma-coo-bah425 3 ай бұрын
@@Texas75023 well you clearly don't nor will you ever live in a society that does not need a gun
@arnodobler1096 3 ай бұрын
Yes, living in fear all the time doesn't seem very free to me. Freedom Indexes and Global Peace Index (US 132nd out of 163) confirm this.
@vernonhampton6973 4 ай бұрын
I'm an American/U.S. Army veteran who was trained in the use of most types of military weaponry that civilians generally will never have access to. I moved to Australia and do not have a need for a gun. Oh I can get one here. I just have to follow the rules they have here, which I have no issue with AT ALL!
@Biggus63 4 ай бұрын
Indeed it's a widely held misconception amongst Americans that we can't have ANY guns. I live in rural Australia and I have a couple for pest control. I don't shoot for fun, they're a tool with a purpose, just like a tractor or a chainsaw, but they'd probably be considered kid's guns in the US, a single shot 12 gauge shotgun and a bolt action .17HMR, perfectly adequate for rabbits, foxes and snakes. What I can't have is an AR15 clone or a Glock handgun because I don't have a demonstrable need for them and that's fine as far as I'm concerned. I support strong gun legislation because it's good for the community as a whole. I don't support every Tom, Dick and Harry being able to own anything they want just because they have a gun fetish.
@tc8327 3 ай бұрын
You know.
@neener461 3 ай бұрын
Good for you. If you are saying America needs to follow Australia you are crazy. Just stay there
@vernonhampton6973 3 ай бұрын
@@neener461 Where did I say that? America can NEVER be Australia, and I couldn't care less...
@amanda-0711 3 ай бұрын
👏🏼 👏🏼 Aussie here too
@MichaelSorensen-bl3ec 3 ай бұрын
Police in Australia are properly armed. They are properly trained and don't pull their firearm unless it is a last resort. I spent 30+ years in law enforcement and never had cause to draw a firearm. Thankfully.
@neener461 2 ай бұрын
And yet you violated your citizens right for three to four year's during the "pandemic"!
@sokar_rostau 2 ай бұрын
A few years ago there was a highly publicized police shooting in the US recorded on the passenger's phone. The same day that story went viral, a cop in the NT(?) was convicted of drawing his gun and pointing it at a driver he'd been chasing. That pretty much sums up the difference for me.
@nadinekeating3255 2 ай бұрын
American police are also trained and they also don't use their firearms unless its a last resort. That's not something unique to Austraila. 😂
@MichaelSorensen-bl3ec 2 ай бұрын
@@nadinekeating3255 Yes, I agree. Unless you have been in that situation, you can't truly understand the stakes. I truly feel for US law enforcement, operating in an environment where you must assume everyone is armed It's pretty scary, and often lethal.
@Psilocybins Ай бұрын
Properly trained? Australian police are horrendous, Corrupt and have no idea how to de-escalate a situation. They abuse power and treat citizens worse than immigrants. Dont spread bullshit. They wrongfully arrest people all the time, lie and cheat people out of money. The Australian Police is an absolute disgrace.
@7thsealord888 4 ай бұрын
Good reaction, guys. Looking forward to Part 2. It wasn't an outright gun ban in Australia. What actually happened was they got serious at the Federal level, instead of each State doing their own thing. People can still own guns here, but there is a tough licensing and registration process to work through. Some gun types are banned outright, or require extra-special treatment. Conceal-carry permits are not a thing. In Australia, there are actually more guns in private hands now then when the new laws came in, but they are strictly regulated. Our violent crime rate remains low, our civil rights remain pretty solid, we haven't been overrun with gun-toting criminals, nobody talks about putting weapon scanners or security guards in our schools, and mass shootings continue to be a rarity. I believe that MONEY is at the core of the USA's gun problem. Private gun ownership in the USA is a business worth billions of dollars per year, and the people profiting wish to keep doing so. So they pour serious money into politics and the media, promote fear and paranoia at every turn, convince people that the answer to all their problems is MORE GUNS, and then wave a patriotic flag over it all. Not saying what we Aussies did would work in the USA, given just how far gone you guys are, but you need to start somewhere.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the info family thank you for the insight my guy appreciate the comment
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
I keep getting censored for trying to educate people... Basically, you're way off.
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
I mean, Australia averaged about 2 years between mass shootings before the Port Arthur massacre and the resulting buy back, restrictions and whatnot. And after, the average is about 1.17 years. And that's without as significant cultural, societal/political, and border issues as the US has. The US has higher concentrations of minorities, such as black people, who commit a disproportionate amount of crime, including most shootings, which are usually race on race, gang on gang. It's also where the headline "Guns are the x highest cause of death of children" comes from, because that stat includes those up to 19 years old I believe, or at least 17, which isn't exactly a child. Guns are also not pushed in the US like you suggest. Quite the opposite. Being anti-gun is also very profitable. People yell at you from every angle, telling you that guns are exclusively evil and you are too for wanting/having one, you must love dead kids, wishing harm upon you and your family, etc, etc. You're right that the media push fear and paranoia, but it's to divide, and make people anti-gun, not go out and buy more. Anything pro-gun is heavily censored/suppressed, even things just trying to educate people, because most people have no idea what they're talking about since the mainstream media is mostly misinformation and emotional manipulation. Even the President himself spews all manner of bs about guns, and "jokes" about the tyrannical government, saying your ARs won't save you, because they have F-15s... Then there's the issue of the laws we already had not being enforced due to corruption and terrible policies, mostly from the democrat/anti-gun side ironically. If you actually look into what they do, it would be easy to think that they actually want it to continue. They keep releasing criminals, even with violent records, multiple deportations, possession of firearms as a felon, grapes etc. They create "gun-free" zones, which are just a massive target for evil people, telling them to go there because no one will be able to stop them, and of course that's where many actual, non gang, mass shootings happen. And of course they're usually worse than ones where people are actually allowed to defend themselves. They restrict ammo purchases, magazine capacity, make it as tedious, unnecessary, and prohibitively expensive as possible to get permits and just do anything with guns in general, etc. But the criminals just use whatever they want, usually acquired illegally, so the law almost exclusively harms good people, neutering to even destroying their ability to defend themselves or others. And the cities/states they implement this stuff in have the worst crime, including shootings, and either stay the same or get worse afterward.
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
Did that one work?
@cathyaldridge4550 4 ай бұрын
​@@CasuallyCareeningIt shouldn't have. Your wrong. This country is safer after the buy back was implemented and that's a fact.
@cmondevils 4 ай бұрын
Gun laws worked in Australia because we aren't raised to worship and solve our problems with guns
@SarthorS 3 ай бұрын
Well, some of you were. There were people at the time making the same dumb arguments the American gun nuts are still making. But it turns out there are a lot more sensible Australians than Americans. Who'd have thunk it? 😄
@Amanda-uc5jq 3 ай бұрын
@@SarthorSand the government at the time were not caving in either.
@martinmckowen1588 2 ай бұрын
And it was a conservative government
@neener461 2 ай бұрын
You must me a liberal
@SarthorS 2 ай бұрын
@@neener461 It's funny how something that is considered common sense in the rest of the world is considered to be an American political ideology in the US.
@elenawilliams32 4 ай бұрын
I'm a New Zealander currently living in Australia. I like our strict gun laws. My child goes to school and I don't worry about her not returning. Also, out of all the people I know, only one owns a gun and he lives hours away from my city of 5 million people on a farm. Can't wait for your reaction to part 2.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the comment and that’s good for kids and there safety
@elenawilliams32 4 ай бұрын
@@letslaugh5007 I didn't realise how new your channel was fellas, well done. Something that always guarantees a lot of views and will definitely bring new eyes onto your channel is reacting to Aussie country/blues singer Casey Chambers version of 'Lose Yourself' by Eminem. Please don't research it or watch even 10 seconds of it before you turn your camera on! We can tell immediately who is faking their reaction to it. I hope you do it and am looking forward to your genuine reaction. Take care fellas. 🇦🇺💙🇺🇸
@bill45colt 3 ай бұрын
when i was in jr high school, we had a gun team at school. You went out to the school bus and handed your rifle and ammo to the driver and went to school,,,,during the afternoon, there was a rifle class and shooting competition. After school ended, you got back on the bus and home..never an accident or a question. All the kids and families were ok with it...
@heatherfruin2371 3 ай бұрын
We have knives in schools though. 😢
@bill45colt 3 ай бұрын
how does your family plan to defend themselves if you have a team of 5 druggies breaking in your home?? DO you plan to offer them tea and snacks,,,you cant run fast enough to get away and the cops will arrive after its all over to write up the report...seriously,, id like to know how you plan,,and your small kids plan to stay alive,,,ive been through this already,,,
@mamaduck9370 4 ай бұрын
I'm an Aussie who lives in Ireland...both countries have gun culture for hunting, farming etc but guns have background checks, licences and we have limits on the kind of guns. No automatic weapons or assault rifles in the hands of untrained civilians! I fully support the ideology of the 2nd Amendment....but it's been exploited for mass consumerism for the benefit of gun manufacturers and their donations to politicians,who are 'rated" by the NRA. Gutless politicians won't go against the NRA even to protect their fellow citizens from mass shootings. A shotgun, a rifle, even a self loading revolver is reasonable for protection or hunting but noone needs an AR15 for any damn reason. Now that Ethan Crumbley's parents have been jailed for buying their depressed and unwell son the weapon and ammunition he killed schoolmates with, perhaps change is finally coming...... imagine if the parents of the Columbine shooters had been charged 25 years ago, the world would be a different place. America is meant to be about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.. which is violated if you're living in fear of a neighbour who stockpiles guns and your preschool child has to do "active shooter drills". 40000 deaths annually from gun violence in the US. How can anyone with a conscience raise another generation living in fear of gun violence? Bless Jim Jeffries for making people laugh about a serious issue. Thanks for the video ❤
@igortytarenko9136 3 ай бұрын
I am confused! You say that rifles are ok, but the very next sentence you say that AR15 is not ok... Make NO sance!
@MissAussieChick84 3 ай бұрын
@@igortytarenko9136an AR15 is an automatic weapon. There are rifles that aren’t automatic. If you don’t know the difference, you shouldn’t own a gun. We cannot have any automatic or semi automatic weapons in Australia. It actually makes ALOT of ‘sance’ as you say or sense in normal English. You also can’t have a gun of any kind if you have a criminal history or history of mental illness. You must pass gun safety training, and have a legitimate reason for owning a firearm - this does not include hobby or recreational shooting. However, if you hunt for recreational reasons - but hunt in rural areas and hunt feral pests such as pigs, cats, or Roos, you can get a gun license.
@igortytarenko9136 3 ай бұрын
@@MissAussieChick84 AR is NOT automatic weapon! If you don’t know the difference, you should not talk about it! I am not American, I do not own a gun, but even I know that you also have to go through background check in USA, even I know that AR15 is not automatic it is semiautomatic. Btw, do you even know what semiautomatic means???
@MissAussieChick84 3 ай бұрын
@@igortytarenko9136 seriously? Semantics? You’re arguing a case between semi automatic and automatic? Grow up u keyboard warrior
@igortytarenko9136 3 ай бұрын
@@MissAussieChick84 do you even know the difference??? Majority of modern guns are semiautomatic! Do you know that almost all of the pistols ARE semiauto? You say that if you don’t know, you shouldn’t own; if you don’t know, you, also, should not spread MISINFORMATION!!!
@peterheath7960 4 ай бұрын
All cops have guns in Oz. It’s just not ALL of the criminals have guns.
@bill45colt 3 ай бұрын
i CAnt remember seeing a single place where gun laws caused criminals to disarm,,,only the good guys,,,and hes now defenseless,
@corriegillett2536 3 ай бұрын
Come to Australia then, just because you have not seen it doesn’t make it any less of a fact.
@SarthorS 3 ай бұрын
@@corriegillett2536 Forget Australia. Come to the UK. In fact, you can go to any other first world nation to experience a society where guns are not needed and rarely even talked about, let alone seen. It's amazing how brainwashed Americans have been. It's not a gun ban. It's gun regulation. It's as stupid as saying cars are banned in the US because you need to pass a test, get a license and have insurance to own one.
@devo3243 3 ай бұрын
​@@bill45colt criminals here in Aus definitely still have guns. But you very rarely hear of a shooting. Chances are, if you got shot then you were involved in some really shady business. Virtually no innocent people get shot here.
@bill45colt 3 ай бұрын
@@devo3243 different culture,,,look at detroit over one weekend,,,,and no one cares,,
@thefreedommovement 4 ай бұрын
I’m an American who learned guns by age 7, cause I grew up in the woods with bears and mountain lions and junk. When I moved to London, I had no need or interest in getting a gun. But I knew how to get one within a week of moving there. Thing is… a 22 pistol with no ammo was like £20,000. In America I can get a rifle for $100, no questions asked. I wouldn’t mind answering some questions or taking a test to ensure I’m safe with guns. I did it for my car.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Facts appreciate the comment family
@jemxs 4 ай бұрын
Exactly, you need a licence and pass a test to drive, why not to own a deadly weapon.
@arturama8581 4 ай бұрын
I'm Dutch. We have strickt gun laws in The Netherlands. You can have a gun, but it's heavily regulated. I learned guns (Uzi, Browning FN, FAL, FALO, AK-47) in military service. I liked it in the beginning, but after soooo many hours at the range, I really got bored with it. Went to a private range one time a few years after service. I was invited by someone. It was nice to see I was still a pretty decent shot (he didn't like loosing so much). Never been on a range since. I'm 60 now. Haven't shot in 25-30 years. Can't ride a motorcycle anymore, that hurts every damn day. Not having fired a gun for so many years... couldn't care less.
@thefreedommovement 4 ай бұрын
@@jemxs I know. I mean, I am one of the rare Americans who managed to convince my British mates of the need for guns in America… cause, again, I grew up in an area with deadly animals around. In England the worst animals they got is urban foxes, that just want to get in your trash bins and make a mess (and killed a few of my landlady’s chickens). The problem is that this necessity for my family to have guns creates a situation where you cannot reasonably ban guns… then the NRA steps in and expands that basic necessity to cover everything, not just protection from deadly wildlife. They say we need them to stop a tyrannical government… you really think you and your survivalist buddies can take on the US government? Good luck with that.
@weslennon3425 4 ай бұрын
You cannot buy any firearm anywhere in the US without an FBI background check (including so-called gun shows), what you cannot own in the US is a fully automatic, unless you have as special license (since I train Police Officers and Swat Teams), I do have a couple of fully auto's. I am also fully licensed to teach and train firearm use, safety, and CCL/CHL license. The most fun I have with Guns are shooting competitions, afterward is usually trick shooting. at 18+ meters Shooting gum balls off 8 golf tees in a row (without hitting any part of the tee) my record is 1.88 seconds. Standing 20 feet away, with two baloons with a distance of 8 feet between them, pop both and sounds like a single shot. Winning compitions is how I pay for ammo and firearms. Favorite rifle is a 10 shot bolt action .308
@coot1925 4 ай бұрын
A couple of points:- The 2A was never designed for personal protection and definitely not for people to carry guns around. The guns were supposed to be kept at home in case you guys had to form a militia to fight against a tyrannical government. Also, protection is always after the fact. If someone walks into a school and starts spraying bullets kids have already died, by which point an armed guard is too late. Even if you are carrying a gun in the street, if someone wants to shoot you they can do it ftom a distance with no warning, so your gun is redundant. The best you can hope for is that a citizen is able to minimize the damage by shooting the attacker but the attacker will normally have shot several people first. In the UK we also had a school massacre in Scotland in 1996. We also took measures to tighten the gun laws and haven't had a massacre since. We did have 5 people killed not too long ago but guess what, it was by an American. Gun deaths 2023:- UK - 53 US - 43,000 Even allowing for the population difference I think you'll agree that the 2A isn't keeping people safe. What it is doing is making a lot of rich people even richer. 🖖🏽❤🇬🇧
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the comment
@HalkerVeil 4 ай бұрын
Yeah people love to leave out the full 2nd amendment. It goes on to talk about the right to bear arms for a militia, not for personal protection, not for fun time at the range.
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
Wrong. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and BEAR Arms, shall not be infringed. I forgot the specifics (convenient I know) but there are documents where some of the founding fathers and creators of the 2A clarify that it's meant to apply to all law abiding citizens, whether it be for a militia, personal protection, or recreation, and that well regulated meant in good working order, aka staffed, supplied, trained/proficient, etc and NOT controlled/overseen by the government. The 2A is not the issue. It's laws we already had not being enforced because of corruption and insane policies, usually from the democrat/anti-gun side ironically. They're also responsible for implementing "gun-free" zones, which is where most of the actual mass shootings happen because they just painted a massive target for evil people, telling them not to worry about shooting that place up, because there will be no one to stop you. Then there's the high concentrations of black people, who commit a disproportionate amount of crime, including shootings which are usually black on black, gang on gang, and account for the majority of so called mass shootings and gun deaths apart from suicides. Suicides which account for about half of the total, and to be blunt, aren't very relevant, since the majority of people doing that will find a way with or without a gun. You need to look at the why and not so much the tool. There's also the unsecure border with Mexico where illegal immigrants, cartels, drugs, and GUNS flood in. Seriously, your logic is so flawed. It assumes restrictions take the guns away from the bad guys, when it only disarms the ones who are trying to protect themselves and others from the bad guys. And the police are going to take far longer to stop the threat than a random good guy with a gun. Many such cases. The cities/states in the US that have gone the furthest to restrict guns have the worst crime, violence, and shootings. Australia also had a massacre and then had a gun buy back, many restrictions, etc. They averaged about 2 years between mass shootings before, and about 1.17 years after.
@coot1925 4 ай бұрын
@@CasuallyCareening thank you for confirming what I said. The true purpose of the 2A has been bastardized. I guess it's down to common sense. If you let everybody have guns without strict control then chaos will ensue, which is what you have. I watch a YT channel called police activity and a majority of the police shootings are either on black criminals or mentally unstable people but not all. Some people simply refuse to comply with a simple traffic stop and then pull a gun on them. Contrary to common belief we are allowed to own guns in the UK but it's strictly controlled and a privilege rather than a right. We just don't want millions of guns in our land. Almost all our shootings are gang on gang, which in my opinion is just fine. The less of them we have the better. One thing you don't see over here is people walking into gas stations with a gun. Knife crime has gone through the roof over here recently since our feeble woke government has invited millions of illegal immigrants to our tiny island and this is a big problem along with Pakistani rape gangs grabbing women and young girls. This is the procedure for owning a firearm in the UK. First you have to apply for a license to the local police inspector stating for what purpose you need it and what type of firearm you want. The reason it's the local police inspector that's tasked with this job is because he/her will have more local knowledge. Then they start with criminal record checks (we have a central intelligence database for the entire uk). Then they will contact your employer, friends, family and sometimes your doctor. They will interview you at your home and ensure that you have a secure gun locker bolted to the wall and suitable for that firearm and that you are the only person who can gain access to it. They will be assessing your character, and only then will they make a decision as to whether they will grant you a license. If they have even the slightest doubt they will reject it. If you are transporting your firearm it must be in a case, unloaded and the ammunition kept in a separate container so you can't just pull it out and use it. The police will carry out random unannounced spot checks at your house to make sure you're following the rules. They can revoke your license at any time and for any reason and remove your firearm. I'm no expert on your procedures and I know that different states have different laws, but I think you'll agree that it's a bit more stringent than anything you have in the USA and I'm bloody grateful for it. The first duty of any government is to create a safe environment for the people and this is what this does. It's not oppression, it's freedom. Freedom to not have to buy your kids bullet proof backpacks or have them go through a metal detector. Freedom to go to a movie or a mall and not have some lunatic open fire on you. Having said all that, I was married to an American for 15 years and always went to the local gun range and tried different firearms and I loved it. I'm also a bloody good shot. However, I still wouldn't want people walking around with guns and to me it makes no sense for a modern society to do so. Anyway, it's been an ongoing topic for many years and I'm glad we are able to have an intelligent conversation about it rather than reacting to our emotions. But then I'm British and don't really have any emotions. (Self deprecating joke). Be well and stay safe my friend. 🖖🏽❤🇬🇧
@HalkerVeil 4 ай бұрын
@@CasuallyCareening Look, people love to cherry-pick parts of the Second Amendment to fit their arguments. But let's be real, the full text talks about a "well regulated Militia" being necessary for the security of a free State. The right to bear arms was meant for that context, not for personal protection against mythical ghetto ninja enemies you have to be ready for at your door. If you dig into historical documents with an education on the era and language of its time, it's been found that a lot of the founding fathers were clear that the main point was about collective defense against tyranny. That's it. Period. And let's not forget, this tactic of highlighting specific parts of a text to make a point? That's an old trick, going back to ancient Greece and Rome. Sophists used to do it all the time, emphasizing one section to make it seem like the whole argument. To really understand the Second Amendment, you need to look at the whole thing and the historical context, not just the parts that support your view today.
@donaldwilliams4019 4 ай бұрын
Anyone who feels the need to walk around armed is a coward PERIOD.
@blechtic 4 ай бұрын
And people who are scared all the time should not have access to firearms.
@bill45colt 3 ай бұрын
being a coward may save his life though,,,,,if you dont want a gun, dont get one,,,,however,,if your home is broken into, its usually with several dope head burglars who arent there for tea and cookies. And,,,they will take what they want,,including your life and your families lives just for fun. Its happened to me,,,thank goodness i didnt have a single shot and that they were untrained. Im still here, a couple of them are not..
@donaldwilliams4019 3 ай бұрын
@@bill45colt BIG difference in owning a gun to protect your home and walking the streets armed.
@bill45colt 3 ай бұрын
@@blechtic so,,,if you are scared, you should be defenseless?? And if you are scared, the first amendment doesnt apply to you either?? What does attitude or belief have to do with rights?? Your comment doesnt even make sense to you..The second amendment didnt have anything to do with sports, or hunting, or competition,,,it was envisioned to have a well armed populace to form up as defense for the nation and the individual,,,Do you only want powerful organized bodies to have the freedom of speech too??
@covrtdesign5279 2 ай бұрын
@@bill45colt You have a much higher chance of being struck by lightning or winning the lottery.
@ranahooke1907 4 ай бұрын
Please do part 2! ❤
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the comment
@johnnyd1790 4 ай бұрын
@carked5707 3 ай бұрын
There was opposition to the conservative govt in Australia making our gun law changes. But we are now mostly all in agreement with the background checks and licencing regulations we have
@TA-wg9oi 3 ай бұрын
Lets not....They only delete comments they don't like..typical yanks!
@smeary10 2 ай бұрын
@@letslaugh5007 No seriously. Please do part 2. We aint asking here in Oz. Great vid guys.
@RiverSanguine 4 ай бұрын
I am Australian. We have violent crimes where weapons are used but they are not day to day events. Having guns floating around because something might happen just seems stupid. I like our kids knowing they can go to school and be safe. Kinda seems that if ensuring a corrupt government doesn't try to fck the country over is so important more yanks would vote before they worry about buying a gun
@macman1469 4 ай бұрын
Part 2 is even better .
@noone6559 4 ай бұрын
Part 2 brings it full circle..... in a way..... many more salient but funny points :D Please do watch :)
@sickturret3587 4 ай бұрын
funniest thing about this bit, most murrican reaction channels don't watch part 2. i dunno why.
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
​@@sickturret3587 Possibly because most of it is bs. Though it's probably more the hate some get just doing anything related to guns, demonitization, etc.
@beachamj 4 ай бұрын
@@CasuallyCareening How would they know not to do it? It's a REACTION video after all. Nobody says you have to agree with the subject matter you're reacting to either. Judging by any of these top comments you just seem to have a hard on for disagreeing with people that enjoy this because you've replied to every single 1 of them. They're just jokes mate, have a laugh.
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
@@beachamj I’m just trying to educate people. Because even if these were “just jokes”, which they aren’t, most people take them as facts, which they also aren’t. And did you even read my comment? It’s pretty clear how they could know not to do part 2. The divisive comments and possible demonetization from doing part 1. Not sure how true it is, but I also heard there was an issue with Jim being a prick and striking some people’s videos, especially if they disagree with his “jokes”. I know the comments can be a shit show when they disagree with the “jokes”. This video just popped up on the feed. If I “had a hard on for disagreeing” I would’ve gone to every video on this. I don’t have time for that, especially since KZbin censors/removes like 3/4 of my comments because they don’t like the truth so I have to modify them, which often removes important information and context. And it’s not worth my time, because most people are like you and aren’t receptive to anyone/anything counter to their world view.
@karenglenn6707 4 ай бұрын
All Australian police officers carry guns. New Zealand and British Police do not carry guns, only asp batons and tasers. I worked for the police in Australia for 15 yrs, we had a huge walk in safe in the watch house at our police station where all of the weapons (including long arm) and seized drugs were kept. Officers are NOT permitted to take their service weapons home though, they must be signed back in by a senior officer after every shift and every gun has a place so that you can see immediately if a weapon is missing. The difference here is that not that many crooks have guns, and even then it’s the larger criminal gangs that usually just take each other and they never target the public. The incidence of police related shootings is minimal in this country. Certainly a much safer place to live (and I’ve been to the US 3 times and never felt safe). Lived here 63 years and never felt afraid.
@jettyend4068 4 ай бұрын
Police do have guns in Australia
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the comment
@jonmoore873 4 ай бұрын
In the UK as well but not all of them. It’s specialist officers and roles and they are pretty well trained. It’s not foolproof and some cases of wrongful death have happened but it’s not very common.
@allisalie101 4 ай бұрын
@@letslaugh5007 Aussies also have the right to own firearms, but we accepted the background check process etc. I have 7 rifles and five handguns as I'm a sports shooter. FYI, there are now more firearms in Australia than there were when they first introduced the regulated process. As I was writing this comment you said it yourself, stupid people kill people. That rarely happens here because stupid people, criminals and the mentally unfit, find it almost impossible to get them because of those regulations.
@deviouskris3012 4 ай бұрын
@@allisalie101I’m similar. I went from 3 under the primary production act. To now owning 6 as a sports shooter. My first licence was a multiple choice form at the local cop shop. The second required background checks, a gun safety course near Nambour etc.
@Dr_KAP 4 ай бұрын
Guns aren’t banned in Australia we just have strict gun laws- and all police carry guns.
@dmwalker24 4 ай бұрын
I am an American, and a gun owner, and I agree with almost every word Jim had to say. I have and do various things that have dangers associated with them. Plus I live in Texas, and I'm not about to be the only unarmed person surrounded by people with guns, and questionable ideologies.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the comment
@johnchristmas7522 4 ай бұрын
Brit here, well it seems you understand, that giving guns to EVERYBODY is unwise. Someone like yourself, would be allowed a gun in the UK but with all provisos I stated in my comment.
@thefreedommovement 4 ай бұрын
My momma just moved to college station after dad died and our farm in Oregon burned down. Please protect her!!
@LalaDepala_00 4 ай бұрын
Most Europeans don't think that Americans shouldn't have guns. We just think the laws are too weak, especially because the gun-lobby has politicians in their pocket.
@frankpentangeli7945 4 ай бұрын
If I were surrounded by people with guns, I think I might just move the fuck away. You think owning a gun will protect you from nutjobs around you with guns and questionable ideologies? All owning a gun does is increase the chances of that gun being used for its purpose ... which is to KILL things. And if you're a peace-loving person, you're more likely to get shot than to shoot someone else in self-defense even if you do have a gun. Owning guns is stupid and self-destructive, any way you look at it.
@Hochspitz 3 ай бұрын
John Oliver also did a great and funny 3 part breakdown between Australian gun laws V. America's. It also took NZ just one mass shooting to reform gun laws.
@Amanda-uc5jq 3 ай бұрын
Well whoopdy doo! 😂😂😂😂😂
@evaadams8298 2 ай бұрын
Yes and New Zealand asked the Australians for guidance on what to do as it had already happened in Tasmania. Of course the monster who did the massacre in NZ was Australian living in NZ because the Oz laws were so strict and NZ’s weren’t at the time…..
@chriskelly9476 3 ай бұрын
Australian police carry guns, but they don't pull them out every 5 minutes. Some cops go their entire careers without drawing their firearm. There's a LOT of paperwork and justification for a cop to draw any weapon. I was a cop. I drew my taser once - didn't even use it - and still had to write a report justifying my decision to pull it from its holster.
@jasonjones3638 4 ай бұрын
I'm a Brit and when you know our history of what we did, that's why we ARE NOT ALLOWED THEM! Better for everyone, now we've turned to submarines haha. Port Arthur was a massive shock in Aus, so DONE NO MORE. Great reaction lads, good luck with the channel. Part 2 is brilliant guys.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Part 2 conning appreciate the comment
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
Except mass shootings occur at around the same rate or worse as before Port Arthur...
@tinymahuta 3 ай бұрын
Of course you are allowed them, just not certain types.
@martinashfield8973 4 ай бұрын
I was in the Western Australia Police and would not leave the Station without my gun. Smith and Wesson when I joined, and we crossed over to Glocks later. I was also part of the District Response Unit and we trained with 5 shot Shot Guns and 303 Rifles for high risk entries and high risk car stops. We had them if required but at the station. There are Units that have them all the time.
@DanielleEllis-m5k 4 ай бұрын
Cops have guns here in Aus, they’re just barely used. Cuffs are barely used too. They’re pretty chill if you’re not a flog.
@johnnewman366 4 ай бұрын
Jim is a funny guy, but he does exaggerate a bit, firearms have never been banned in Australia. I’ll go into more details below, but here’s some USA stats from last year: * There were approx 640 mass shootings in the USA in 2023 (mass shooting = 4 or more people shot, either killed or wounded). *Those approx 640 mass shootings in 2023 average out to 1.75 per day * There were 40,000+ firearm related death in the USA in 2023. * In the USA there are MORE firearms than people! Being an Aussie, guess which country I’m going to be safer in? And it ain’t Merica!! Back to Jim, firearms are not banned in Australia, actually there are more registered firearms here today compared to back in 1996. But..... Since 1996 we have introduced stricter licensing and registration. Any Australian can apply for a firearm licence (except for those with a criminal record or a history of mental illness), but you have to have a ‘valid’ reason, such as: sport shooter, hunting, collector, farmer, pest control, etc. Licensing is also strict regarding the ‘type’ of firearm, eg, semi-auto rifles are restricted to people such as professional pest controllers, you can’t have ‘any’ firearm you want, it has to match the type of licence you have. The average idiot in the suburbs can’t own a semi-auto firearm, or any firearm, without a valid reason, for obvious reasons! Self defence is not a valid reason in Australia, we don’t live in fear. Yes we do have firearms in Australia, but linked to sensible rules and laws, unlike Merica. Cheers, (PS, have to do Part 2, ok?)
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate all the intell you just gave us you definitely gave us a better understanding of how the rules are apply there And part 2 coming soon appreciate your comment
@johnnewman366 4 ай бұрын
No problem, all good. There is a lot of misinformation in the USA regarding firearms in Australia, especially by NRA nut bags, who claim we’ve been ‘disarmed’ by an evil Government, all completely untrue. In Australia we look at firearm ownership as a privilege, not a right, psychos and idiots can’t legally own one, unlike the USA, no different to a car, you need a licence to drive one and the car has to be registered, so why not firearms? Cheers, (PS, I’m not anti firearms, I’ve owned numerous in the past, including semi auto, just don’t have a need today).
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
Australia averaged about 2 years between mass shootings before Port Arthur and about 1.17 years after. Australia also doesn't have nearly the same cultural, political, or border issues that the US does. This is a relatively recent issue. It wasn't even as bad when we could still buy machine guns. The laws are not the problem. A big part of it is the laws we already had not being enforced due to corruption and horrendous policies, usually from the democrat/anti-gun side ironically. If you actually look at what they do, it would be easy to think they want it to continue. It is one of their biggest platforms after all. The US also has a much higher concentration of minorities, including black people, who commit a disproportionate amount of crime, including shootings, which account for most guns deaths, besides suicides which are about half the total, and are usually race on race, gang on gang. That's also where most of the mass shootings stats come from, which often include 3 casualties not 4, and where the headline "guns are the x highest cause of death for children" comes from, because the stat includes up to either 19 or 17 year olds.
@jarrydrowley192 2 ай бұрын
Police in Australia have hand guns, farmers are allowed rifles. No one is allowed semi automatics and in order to get a gun, theres a super strict licencing policy.
@davelockyer3564 2 ай бұрын
One of Howard's points he stated was if you said you had to have a gun you had to be able to prove why. Sadly I can see that people need a gun for protection in America , but giving people in the suburbs access to semi automatics is obscene
@colly3333 3 ай бұрын
"Guns don’t kill people; stupid people kill people." Then what’s the point in having one? I’ve always detested that grotesque evasion. You’ll always find someone who passionately defends a tool of death than to find solutions to end gun violence.
@a.m11558 4 ай бұрын
Actually all policemen in Australia have guns. I've never seen a copper without a gun on his hip here. We can buy guns but only if you live in a rural area and use them for hunting or putting down cattle. You can pretty much only buy low calibre bolt-action rifles and pump-action shotguns.
@nickm133 3 ай бұрын
You can own guns for sport - target shooting, clay shooting. You can buy high caliber rifles if you do long range target shooting. Even 50 cal is legal in Victoria! You can buy hand guns also if you do sport shooting like target or IPSC.
@devo3243 3 ай бұрын
Not true. You can buy basically any calibre rifle, the rules are based on action and round capacity. A .22 semi auto is harder to get than a .308 bolt action, for instance.
@danielanthony8373 3 ай бұрын
Gun ownership 1 America 120% 2 Cyprus 36% 3 Australia 15%
@jackrussell3951 3 ай бұрын
I moved to South America and i had never shot a gun before. Right before i left i went to a gun range and shot an assault rifle. Everyone always told me that i would fall in love with guns after i shot one. Nope. I hated it. It scared the shit out of me just how easy they are to use. It's like a point and click level of easy to hit a target dead center with one of those things and they're shockingly light. It's fucking terrifying that they exist and they really shouldn't, much less should they be so accessable.
@jayweb51 3 ай бұрын
The Gun Ban in Australia wasn't to remove all weapons, but to remove high-powered and assault type weapons; if you require to need a gun or rifle to carry out your job, then you need to be licensed to use that weapon e.g: farmers, police, certain type of security, etc. Even though there was a reduction in weapons, there were still multiple shoots; but nothing to the level of Port Arthur(Tasmania, Australia). After the mass shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand they introduced a similar Gun Ban as Australia. Gun Control is about doing checks on those requiring a firearm, looking at the mental state of the applicant; and restricting the type of firearm necessary, it's not restricting the right to own a firearm.
@bronwenhollier1681 4 ай бұрын
Australian police carry guns
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Sorry abt that thank you for the info
@leeroyc4148 4 ай бұрын
So do the criminals. What's your point?
@roygeorge5364 4 ай бұрын
​@@leeroyc4148he was correcting an untrue in the video. What's your point mate?
@booradley0x0 4 ай бұрын
They rarely use them though, and when they do, they paper work and justifications…
@dazc1069 4 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@leeroyc4148fun fact. Most of the criminals with guns are only interested in killing the other criminals with guns. Over $ drugs etc The fuckers with the knives tho that’s a different story. Knife crime has increased recently. If these ‘petty criminal’ could easily get a gun.. We just had 6 people killed in a mall from a knife attack. He would have killed at least dozens more if he had an assault rifle. He had mental problems and had been trying to get a gun.
@davidgrose6321 3 ай бұрын
I'm Australian. I don't understand where Americans logically stop at military assault weapons . You obviously stop before the freedom to possess grenade launchers. You do have a limit, but you limit stops after releasing military assault weapons. Makes absolutely no sense to just about everyone outside the US
@indyspud 3 ай бұрын
Something Jim doesn't say quite right in this is that they "took our guns away". Not really true. After Port Arthur the Aus Government (lead by a conservative party at the time) made the decision to deny ownership of certain types of auto and semi-auto guns, and required registration of all the other ones we wanted to keep - involving some specific needs to meet that qualifies you to be permitted to keep legally owning them. The needs aren't that tough, they could be for pest control on farmland, or as a job requirement if you were private security, or even just as a hobby if you are an active member of a sporting shooting club. The actual event when we "gave our guns back" was an amnesty period where if you did not want or need to continue to own a weapon then you could surrender it at a police station. I believe there was a compensation you were paid as well, but I was only a kid at the time so I don't remember that too well. My dad surrendered an SMLE rifle for example - it was complete, but we had no need for it. Not like you'd really want to fight off house invaders with a WWII rifle with a loose AF bolt action anyway. What does today's landscape look like? Mate, there are easily significantly more guns across the Australian population now than there were during Port Arthur. The difference is that the vast, VAST majority of them are registered and correctly handled. Yes there are still crimes involving guns but they are so few and far between that single incidents make the national news. As for me, I don't hate guns at all. I quite like them. I live about a 5 minute drive from the shooting range that will be used in the 2032 Brisbane Olympics, and I've visited there numerous times to shoot. Mates of mine have property south and out west from me that they shoot roos and rabbits on. I'm quite comfortable with handling a weapon, be it revolver, pistol, shotgun or rifle. Do I need one at home though? Or tucked into my belt just to leave the house? Am I scanning for threats when I fill up my car at the servo? Hell no. We just don't have that kind of culture here. And I do have to say, the freedom that we enjoy as a result of that period of compromise and adjustment is a world apart to the daily life we see from over there. The likelihood of being involved in any type of shooting is that insignificant it just doesn't factor into any day to day life considerations for us. It's the 26th of June 2024 that I'm typing this, and records show that as of the 24th of June the USA has had 253 reported mass shootings just since the 1st of January. Four were on the 24th of June alone; the day before that there were 8. Since Port Arthur, 28 years ago, Australia has had 24 incidents in total, the most recent being two years ago.
@ryanedwards6923 3 ай бұрын
Nah mate police are very well armed in Australia. And we have guns, we just have very responsible gun laws. And we don't it make our personality.
@BassMatt1972 3 ай бұрын
Um, EVERY Cop on the street in Oz carries a GUN. They are not banned here, you have to have appropriate use, license and storage. And the massacre toll has been beaten several times, by the USA..
@19stalkern 4 ай бұрын
First thing, I'm retired active duty military and a former cop. I do own a gun, but I'm not into guns. Something I've noticed is that in the community of real bad asses (guys who do the Ironman, Worlds Toughest Mudder, ultra races, etc. .. things that take REAL toughness, none of them seem to be into guns ....maybe a coincidence.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I definitely can understand that
@majbrat 4 ай бұрын
Need part 2!
@joely6699 3 ай бұрын
All the Cops in Australia carry Glock 45s.
@D0nut42 4 ай бұрын
2:35 the Australian prime minister who made that law happen knew it would be career suicide and he did it anyways because he knew it was best for his people.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the info and comment family
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
Was it though? The rate of mass shootings since Port Arthur has stayed about the same, or maybe even gotten a little worse. The average time between them before Port Arthur was about 2 years, and after is about 1.17 years.
@elizabethpilarski1076 4 ай бұрын
Turned out it wasn't career suicide. He was Prime Minister for 11 years after the buyback.
@Sasmaite Күн бұрын
@@CasuallyCareening Yes?? We would have way more shootings if we didn't put more strict laws on guns..
@davxlau 3 ай бұрын
unlike the UK, Police Officers in Australia still carry fire-arms. The gun regulations are just more strict over here than the US. Most people can still own guns down here. A majority of Farmers I know all have guns, in fact, I'm not aware of any farmers that don't have guns on their property, even if all they have are .22's
@KieferBradshaw 2 ай бұрын
Australian Police are armed. We don't have a gun problem here at all. Well nothing that the police can't handle and definitely not like the US. I can't understand how people have an obsession with guns. We're not perfect here in Australia, but at least I'm not worried about sending my kids to school, go to church or go shopping.
@petemcfeet28 4 ай бұрын
I'm a Canadian and after over 50 years of living, half the time I fall asleep not knowing if my door or my truck is even locked. But as I get closer to maybe the age where I can winter in the US, hell, I check out Smith and Wesson, Glock and every other American gun store online imagining owning a few kickass sidearms and wondering if it's possible for a Canadian to own a cool gun if we live down there half the time. I'm pretty sure we can't but hell, if I lived there, I would own a cool gun or two. Or 5. I mean if that shit was legal!?! Hell ya.
@francmittelo6731 3 ай бұрын
Guns make sense in the US, because the US has a strongly rooted culture of gun violence and there are way too many guns already. Consequently, if the gun laws are too strict, then the country will be in a situation were bad guys have all the guns, and the good guys are at a disadvantage. Other Western countries do not have strong cultures of gun violence, and they have smaller populations with less guns on the streets. So, it is easier to control guns. Just an opinion.
@amazingcaucasian1 4 ай бұрын
What trips me out about his point and this is the same point everyone that's against gun ownership makes is without guns gun violence drops. Yes that's true. What nobody talks about is how home invasions go up or knife violence goes up. When people know that somebody they're planning to attack or kill might be armed, generally speaking, they don't attack them. Which means the ability to own a gun by default decreases violent crime. Every state that has harsh gun laws have the highest gun violence. Why? Because criminals that use guns to commit violent crimes don't buy their guns legally. Which means preventing a person from buying a gun legally only hurts the law abiding person while helping the violent criminal. You dont cut the horns off a deer to keep it safe from a lion
@ratofvengence 4 ай бұрын
"What nobody talks about is how home invasions go up or knife violence goes up." Yet that's not what happened in Australia. Total gun deaths more than halved, the total homicide rate halved. "When people know that somebody they're planning to attack or kill might be armed, generally speaking, they don't attack them." Then why does the US, the most armed populace on the planet, have the worst homicide rate by FAR of all 1st world nations? "Every state that has harsh gun laws have the highest gun violence." Lol no, who told you that crap? Eight of the worst ten states for homicide are red states with weak gun laws.
@whabio450 3 күн бұрын
Here in New Zealand, our gun laws are similar to those in Australia. You need a police check and attend a gun course followed by a short test of knowledge gained from the course. That's it. When I was young, I used to do a lot of hunting. Mainly deer, pigs and goats. Deer and pigs for food, goats got us coin for beer. I loved it. Now, my son goes hunting with his cousins and mates, and he loves it. I guess my point is, the law surrounding guns in this country, allows for gun ownership. You don't have to be a hunter, but you do need to be licenced. No other country in the western world, has the sort of gun violence that America has. Every other day, you have mass shootings. Children are not safe in schools. As an outsider, it looks like no-one cares.
@danielanthony8373 3 ай бұрын
Australian Police have guns
@tudor1931 3 ай бұрын
Automatic rifles were banned. All others are still available.
@dennisstaines8005 3 ай бұрын
You need to see part 2 which is even funnier.
@BananaHams 4 ай бұрын
Canadian here, and guns are not that common outside of hunters, farmers, and cops. Jefferies is great live. He also had a tv show called Legit that was based of his life and some of his more popular skits.
@crazymusicchick 3 ай бұрын
U can have a gun in Australia if you are a hunter or farmers but u just gotta a special license which u get a mental health check and probably a how to use it safely
@HaurakiVet 3 ай бұрын
When he says "no more guns" in Australia he is referring to only a limited range of firearms, same as in NZ. I'm a Kiwi, former law enforcement and military officer and I own and use a range of firearms, including pistols for range shooting. I see no need for a gun to protect me or my family as we live in a very safe country and I keep all of my weapons secured. I agree with his comment that the US is a very different culture and on my visits there I have felt generally less safe than at home for a range of reasons. The police here are generally unarmed, unlike our Aussie cuzzies who are.
@Chris-ik3jd 4 ай бұрын
Bro, here in Australia ALL cops carry fire arms. All of ‘em
@lmillssafc 3 ай бұрын
So pleased i live in the UK where sanity on gun laws prevails.
@davidb1630 4 ай бұрын
The UK don't carry guns, police, but the Australian Police all carry glocks, 9mm. They all carry tasers.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for that info appreciated the comment
@robjenno21 3 ай бұрын
Lol. We have guns in Australia. And the police all have guns. And yes. All the military has guns
@cynthiaschultheis1660 2 ай бұрын
@johnchristmas7522 4 ай бұрын
Brit here, whats really sad, it takes an Australian Comedian, to show just how silly gun ownership is and at least 3/4 of the audience agree. The real problem for Americans, is the money making profiteering NRA has so much power, that it over rides peoples wishes. I understand there are parts of America where Ranchers and Gamesmen need a gun. We allow for that in the UK. BUT there are very strict rules as to who can own a gun. Firstly you have PROVE why you need it, Secondly you have to go through a full medical check up, just to see if you are stable mentally. You will need a license, renewable ever year and issued via the police (not Walmart!). Which also means the Police Commissioner (Chief of Police) has to ok it. Then the gun has to be kept locked up in a glassless cabinet, the ammo in a different glassless container and in another room. So yes you can own a gun in the UK but you need to be responsible. A word of warning, dont ever come to the UK and think you can flash a gun around. We have fully trained police officers with guns (called "Response Units) at least two years training and on going. The 'Response Units" were set up against terrorist attacks, which there have been many in London. Waving or showing a gun will have the response to shoot to kill-you would treated as a terrorist. Our ordinary police are unarmed and any criminal caught with a gun would face double penalties. So we dont have children and teachers murdered on a regular basis. Our gun laws originated from 1 terrible mass shooting at Dunblaine where many children were killed. The public response forced the authorities to change the laws.
@CasuallyCareening 4 ай бұрын
You're wrong about so much, but I keep getting censored trying to educate people. I don't like them either, but no, the NRA is obviously not the real problem. The US also doesn't have children or teachers murdered on a regular basis. The headline of "guns are the x highest cause of death for children" comes from gang violence and the stat including either up to 19 or 17 year olds. Most of what you hear is misinformation and emotional manipulation. Jim is also wrong about Australia, since the rate of mass shootings after Port Arthur has stayed about the same, maybe even gotten a little worse. There have been at least 24 since. And that's without nearly as severe cultural, political, and border issues as the US has.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
I ish them rules was applied to American appreciate you giving more info on this topic much love thank you for the comment
@johnchristmas7522 2 ай бұрын
Brit here, your welcome. I've been to the States many many times and have some truly good friends here. At the moment I'm in Texas and yes there are loads of guns about, but not me. I'm here for the barbecued beef and the American Real ale. The pit-master is doing a great job-were in for a great night!
@TobyWilcox-p5d 4 ай бұрын
This is what is wrong there are more guns in Australia now than there were in 1996. And you can even buy an AR 15 in Australia you just need a licence to have one. Then go to a specialist gun shop to buy it. They are generally used for hunting of course.
@wingedwraith 4 ай бұрын
Australian police are routinely armed, they are not in the UK, the most a regular UK cop can carry is Taser and baton. There is an increase of ARVs here (UK) but they are a small percentage of the operational front-line police.
@bambamsboys7394 4 ай бұрын
Good luck guys! This is my first time here on your channel but I think your insights were great. Be well all! And remember, you never know what someone is going through and one kind word or laugh could make all the difference ♥️✌🏻♥️
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much
@SK-nw4ig 3 ай бұрын
Finland here. We are one of the most gun owning countries per capita in the world: anyone can own a gun, if they have hunting or shooting as a hobby and they are not criminals or mentally challenged. Very little gun violence comperatively. Main killing method is stabbing while drunk, I believe. It is not about the guns or having them, it is about the gun culture.
@ratofvengence 3 ай бұрын
It's about who you allow to access the guns also.
@SK-nw4ig 3 ай бұрын
@@ratofvengence Definately.
@Daman3tm 3 ай бұрын
Knife crime numbers went through the roof tho after the gun ban in Australia, one small detail people don't like to mention
@michaelwharton3447 2 ай бұрын
The police do carry guns in the UK but theyre a special unit i suppose the u.s equivalent coukd S.W.A.T.. Also its a fallacy you cannot own a gun in uk, you can for specific reasons and the checks are conducted by the police, in some instances you will be required to see your GP for a psychological evaluation. To put it simply in the Uk its a privilege not a right to own one.
@DanielFox-v3u 7 күн бұрын
The thing is, the extremely ironic thing is that if nobody had guns, nobody would need guns. Prove me wrong.
@dazed1nyc 3 ай бұрын
My favorite part of the break in story is the end that he doesn't mention in this special. The guys that broke in were pulled over shortly after they left his apartment and were arrested for possession of the drugs they stole from him 😂😂
@letslaugh5007 3 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 wow
@Amanda-uc5jq 3 ай бұрын
We can still own guns in Australia, in fact there are many more guns now than there were then. They are just controlled better, if you have a legit reason and clear licensing requirements then you can have one. I live on acreage for example so killing pest species, protecting livestock is a valid reason. Target shooting, hunting both valid reasons just have to go through licensing
@CWEMorgan 3 ай бұрын
In Australia police are armed to the teeth! Also you can own guns, no problem but you need to belong to a gun club, have a license (which isn't hard to get) and register it. Many people I know have many guns, they are just responsible with them!
@abducteeofearth1703 4 ай бұрын
Whoa! I didn’t know you had a second channel! I’m randomly watching people react to Jim Jefferies and you guys are here?! (I’m that annoying guy who keeps requesting Fedor Emelianenko on the main channel lol) Jim is hilarious, his bit of “taking a MD (muscular dystrophy) sufferer to a prostitute” is a must. It’s a long one but it’s worth it.
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Lol thank you for finding us and thank you for watching my guy
@smeary10 2 ай бұрын
Us Aussies only banned semi-automatic centre rifles. You want a semi-auto rim fire (.22 etc) you just need to show you're a farmer etc for vermin. You want a semi-auto pistol, you just join a pistol club. Then in both cases mentioned above you apply for the appropriate licence and get your guns. You want a bolt action 50 Cal BMG Beretta? Not a problem. You just need a standard shooters licence. We don't have a calibre restriction like some states in the US. 338 Lapua - go for it. It's just semi (and obviously fully) automatic that unless you can show you need one, are banned. That's it. We're not as bad as videos like old mate Jim make us out to be.
@jimtatro6550 4 ай бұрын
Check out part two, it’s even better 😂👍
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Definitely got to appreciate the comment
@tnightwolf 4 ай бұрын
Gotta see part 2!
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Most definitely
@tdz69 4 ай бұрын
Experience someone trying to break in the back door of your home at 3am…call 911 and wait 14 minutes for them to arrive….then ponder the having a gun vs not having a gun argument.
@SH-qs7ee 4 ай бұрын
The problem is that having a gun would not stop the break ins, it just means the people breaking in are bringing their own guns just in case.
@extremeknucklehead3637 4 ай бұрын
"Experience someone trying to break in the back door of your home at 3am" "then ponder the having a gun" BRAVO You just shot & killed your drunk son trying to sneak in because he's home late You're a hero. Serious Question: Are you also scared of your own farts or just your shadow?
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the comment family
@tdz69 4 ай бұрын
@@SH-qs7ee no. But it may save your life and your family’s. I know. This happened to me. To each his own. If you dont want home protection that’s your choice. Dont rely on the cops to save you. They come after the fact. Way after. Think about your comment. They will bringing their own guns just in case. So basically you’re ok wirh being defenseless. lol.
@tdz69 4 ай бұрын
@@extremeknucklehead3637 very easy to be a tough keyboard warrior. Bye soy boy. Lol
@TheZeroAssassin 4 ай бұрын
I'm sure you've been told, but as an Aussie, yes our cops have guns, it's not like the UK. There is simply a licensing requirement , and to show you need one. Why give them to psychos with a an axe to grind? Only insane countries would let ANYONE have a gun
@XDarkVivi Ай бұрын
3:40 That would make a lot of sense with a game on Steam for taking apart and putting back together weapons.
@stevenfehrenbach5343 3 ай бұрын
What you said at the start isn't true. Australians can have guns, our police do carry guns. We can own all sorts of handguns, rifles and shotguns. We just have gun control. Now gun control doesn't mean you can't own guns, it just means you have to pass psychological tests to show that you are not a danger to society. Australians who want to own guns for hunting, sport shooting and all the rest have guns, it's just the psychos that want to shoot up schools and public places that can't get the guns because they don't pass the gun control psychological screening tests.
@1970GenXer 4 ай бұрын
👋Hi from North Queensland Australia. You guys will really enjoy Jims routine about take his childhood friend with MS to a Brothel.
@letslaugh5007 3 ай бұрын
Appreciate the comment
@derekhorlock1976 4 ай бұрын
Question for a America why are you against background checks? 🇨🇦
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Lol I can’t tell you why family appreciate the comment
@christophermurphy5454 3 ай бұрын
Our Australian cops carry guns .
@gem683 2 ай бұрын
They have guns here, you just have to have a licence. The police carry guns but use the ROE ( rules of engagement) to not use excessive force.
@ashwrightyy 4 ай бұрын
need that pt 2
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Come soon family appreciate the comment
@zafran_YT 2 ай бұрын
RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP 🤣🤣🤣Seriously who's deciding who's responsible and is there a time frame on responsibility?
@libbypeace68 4 ай бұрын
A new channel! Good luck with it guys 🤗 Glad you enjoyed Jim Jeffries. Reacting to Aussie stuff attracts the Aussies so you should see your subs grow 🤞
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Awesome thank you!
@ClaireRedfieldKennedy-ld2lx Ай бұрын
Australia found out the hard way that criminal just don't follow laws including gun laws.
@dazlynch1903 3 ай бұрын
If you need a gun ( apart from farmers or hunters) then fix your society.
@lmillssafc 3 ай бұрын
Has anyone mentioned that Aussie Cops carry guns yet? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@krustyatkinson2934 4 ай бұрын
I'm Australian, when I travel across Australia 🇦🇺 and get a flat tyre, I check for snakes 🐍 and change the tyre, I can't imagine a mountain lion or a pack of wolves or even a bear coming from nowhere. Different types of animals, tell African people no guns
@marlinblack6597 4 ай бұрын
It's a little different when you live in the far north. Crocs, taipans and razorbacks can end you pretty quickly and neither back off. Regardless, I do not see the need to own an armory, especially living in a city or township. No do I see the need for explosive rounds. It's all relative.
@johnmalcolm9980 3 ай бұрын
The rest of the show was good too; it's a shame a lot of people won't see it.
@mootkickee 2 ай бұрын
Police in Australia don’t walk around with guns? Fucking what haha that’s just flat out 100% false. Every officer has a glock 😂
@dan7564 3 ай бұрын
0:40 Australian cops still use guns. The stabber a month back used her gun to shoot him.
@themnocrat 3 күн бұрын
The thing that Jeffries doesn't explain well here is that you can have a gun in Australia, but you have to have a gun license. They have gun nuts too, they just sanctioned or licensed gun nuts.
@AOD_ALCO 2 ай бұрын
Cops here in Australia have guns we still have guns we just can’t have fully auto guns
@-.NYX.- 4 ай бұрын
I am very pro-firearms... i am also very anti-moron with a firearm ... >.>
@mikefetterman6782 4 ай бұрын
I agree with most of this but the #1 murder weapon in the world happens to be knives.
@ratofvengence 4 ай бұрын
Over 75% of all homicides in the US are shootings.
@deebazzi 4 ай бұрын
You have to check out the rest of this otherwise it doesn't make sense
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Definitely going check out part 2 appreciate the comment
@mr.trollboy2083 4 ай бұрын
Do part 2 next 💯
@PDVism 3 ай бұрын
2nd ? Really, something that most of the Americans don't understand because they can't parse a sentence. *facepalm* By the by, if funs are 'needed' to make you more safe then it means that the USA is the safest country in the world with less armed robberies, least home invasions, least murders, least armed crimes of any kind, right? RIGHT? Oh wait, it isn't What the USA has the most of though are mass shootings and school shootings per capita of all industrialized countries. And no, that isn't because civilians in other countries can't have guns. There are barely a half a dozen countries where guns are illegal, one of them being Vatican City. It's even perfectly legal to have guns in the UK or in Australia. And strangely enough, all those countries aren't over run with crime. Strange eh?
@letslaugh5007 3 ай бұрын
Coming soon thank you for watching
@ErgRyarks 4 ай бұрын
Police do walk around with guns in Australia
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Oooh ok thank you for the comment
@gregmayo6987 3 ай бұрын
no civilian should be carrying a military-style weapon ever
@brendanorford8823 3 ай бұрын
Australian Police have always carried handguns
@helenhooper5131 3 ай бұрын
Aussie police do have guns.
@foopsbjj9020 4 ай бұрын
My brother builds his own firearms as a hobby. Were not big gun people but all the fellas in my family carry, except me
@letslaugh5007 4 ай бұрын
Wow that’s good he learn that as a hobby we appreciate the comment my guy
Jim Jefferies- Gun Control Pt.2- FUNNY!!!- BLACK COUPLE REACTS
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