Check out the TikTok help me reach 10K! Check out Mitch Cactus link in bio!
@thomasxreaper6392 күн бұрын
Have you ever thought of trying the Grekhova against him? I completed it on my first try with them akimbo and I felt like it shredded him
@vanejohn43512 күн бұрын
You should definitely try ASG shotty it’s pretty good for boss
@glassbonggamingКүн бұрын
Great video bro!!
@justkaylaaboo18 сағат бұрын
full watch love xx
@Fungi_2_knoКүн бұрын
The PU-21 has a way higher dps than the other 2 lmg's. Its dps is actually 1 of the best weapons in bo6 zombies
@shaneeudy1798Күн бұрын
The kompact smg did alot better
@HoChunk852 күн бұрын
Love your videos and I totally understand you need to make money. But promoting such a scummy service like paying to unlock camos is boarder line predatory. Not trying to shit on you I’m shitting on the service for taking advantage of people just like the game companies do with micro transactions. Just my thoughts. Just keep putting out awesome content and I believe in you to make it where you don’t have to have said sponsors. 👍🏽💯💙