Man, Amazon shoving ads down our throats on the Echo Shows makes this really appealing. I love that it's just a tablet so you can easily do stuff like put Sharptools on it, but with widgets, the sky's the limit. That price though....
@FLjock0119 сағат бұрын
Very nice, but at $900 + tax and shipping, Cozyla is more proud of it than I would be.
@gjurriens5 күн бұрын
It looks pretty decent untill you see the price of it... Man that thing is exepnsive!! It really is not worth 900 dollars... You could better get a Raspberry Pi and a touch screen, that would be easy to do and certainly not that expensive. Also, on a 32 inch schreen, full HD is a really low resolution. I really like the idea, but the price does not make sense at all.
@ThisSmartHouse5 күн бұрын
I have heard a lot of folks say something similar. But there aren't many 32" tablets out there. Yes you could get a Pi and build one yourself, but the cheapest I could find a 32" touchscreen monitor is $150, but most of them are around $650. There are some 32" tablets that you can get that are around $500, but you are taking a risk (AliExpress). I know my wife has been begging for a digital wall calendar for the past year. I even made her one with a 12" Samsung tablet, but she never used it. She uses this daily. The size makes a big difference. On the HD resolution argument, that would push the price even higher. You have to look at the target market, they don't (or can't) build their own tablet. The main advantage of this one over others, is that it is just pure Android. I wouldn't have even looked at it if it was locked down.
@chrisradtke4 күн бұрын
@@ThisSmartHouse size matters
@jameslee5225 күн бұрын
I think its cool, but my wife would hate that. lol
@Joseph-ko2kl4 күн бұрын
LOL I was just trying to "sell" this thing to the wifey.
@SanderEvers3 күн бұрын
It's as cool as a 32" touchscreen could get. Which means, not very.
@Firespyer3 күн бұрын
There seemed to be a few jump cuts when things like your cameras were loading. How sluggish is the tablet?
@ThisSmartHouse3 күн бұрын
The tablet isn't any slower than my phone or computer. There is a lag on most of my cameras when I click on the camera and it loads the feed. But is the same across all of my devices. Just wanted to keep things moving in the video!
@robert.wigley5 күн бұрын
Interesting. I've never seen a 32 inch Android tablet before. I didn't know they existed. It's a pity it looks like it's only available in the US ATM. Some food for thought though.
@ThisSmartHouse4 күн бұрын
I am sure you can get one shipped to other regions, but I think Cozyla is North America only right now. But there are other 32” tablets out there. I saw some on AliExpress.
@andreamitchell4758Күн бұрын
I guess someone doesn't shop at Nephalim R' US 🙄
@marcuszettergren88852 күн бұрын
$900 for a 1080p touchscreen in this day and age is just…no.
@anpc865 күн бұрын
the shareasale link did not work for me interesting idea, will follow and see where you take it with Poe+
@houseeverything4 күн бұрын
Ya if they sent me a free one i would use it too, but at 900 that is just way too much. I think i will have to find a better way to get that type of display working for us
@ThisSmartHouse3 күн бұрын
You are welcome to find another 32" Android tablet out there. Large Screen = Large Price tag.
@andreamitchell4758Күн бұрын
@@ThisSmartHousewhy tho? A 32" TV is cheap. It's just the digitizer that is different This could run on a $60 pi. 5 or other SBC , maybe orange pi 5 with the Rk 3588 ,it's even cheaper and more power than the pi 5 and has Android builds for it and a 32" LED TV can be had for free on CL. You just need a 32" digitizer with the same aspect ratio
@Doerakker5 күн бұрын
@ThisSmartHouse4 күн бұрын
You mean using it for ads or are you worried about them pulling an Amazon?