Three of a Perfect Pair - A Jojolands Theory

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8 күн бұрын

Twiter :
Songs Used:
The Stardust Man Appears
Higashikata House

Пікірлер: 111
@SwirlyisCool 5 күн бұрын
I love your take on Three of a Perfect Pair. I do have another way this could be interpreted, and that is based on how the album is meant to represent two different sides and one side that represents objective truth. The JOJOLands has introduced to us two concepts that seem to be opposite of each other yet are the same in terms of being concepts that explain how the world works. Generally, when you ask someone "why does this happen", they may answer something like: - because X, Y, and Z (mechanisms) - because it just happens (absurdity) Both are therefore opposite perspectives and opposite "truths" that initially seem to work against each other. Both seem to be the only two answers to the question mentioned above. But, what if there was a third answer: - because it was willed into existence (determination) There was a story about a famous calligrapher named Ono no Michikaze who watched a frog attempt to hop onto a branch in the storm. Despite berating the frog for constantly trying to hop despite failing each time, a gust of wind came by and helped the frog hop successfully onto the branch. Michikaze declared that the frog succeeded not because of chance or following the rules but rather by determination. This story has been immortalized in Hanafuda, a card game in which Michikaze is depicted watching the frog in the rain. This suit, known as the 11th suit, is also known as the November Suit. If the mechanism and the absurd are paired together to explain the workings of the world, determination can explain how to conquer both. Mechanism and absurdity can be argued to be the same thing and as a result we get Mechanism/Absurdity + Determination = Three of a Perfect Pair. I think Jodio, seeing how he struggled with understanding absurdity and relying on the mechanisms to obtain his goals, will realize this third concept and go through a transformation that not leads him to grow as a character but also change his perspective on life completely. Yes, things can happen for a reason and things can happen for no reason- but things can happen because one willed it for oneself; this has a potential to show us dark determination interpreted by Jodio now that I think about it. If one understands how all three things worked together, one can arguably gain anything they want from the world as a result and therefore become extremely powerful and rich. I think it will be revealed that the ""riches" Jodio seemed to brag about in the beginning isn't just material wealth but rather knowledge. He will come out fully understanding how the world works, how to get what he wants, and he becomes burdened with this knowledge as a result, which makes a potential bittersweet ending that also makes a meaningful coming-of-age story that The JOJOLands seems to be doing. Sorry, I rambled too much. lol
@BatuTetric 4 күн бұрын
I do love this idea especially how it wraps dark determination into this, I really do hope Araki has the Lore on 3 of a perfect pair down so we can get something like this. I didn't explain it in the video however the way the album is formatted, the first side has much more rock/pop type of tracks, while the second side has more experimental instrumental tracks, being side 1 and 2, opposites forcing you to understand it as a whole being the 3rd, I explain this because even if Araki doesn't consciously know the themes I hope it's something he can understand and be moved by.
@SwirlyisCool 2 күн бұрын
​@@BatuTetric The concept of the album being split down the middle in terms of showing two different sides of King Crimson actually gave me this idea in the first place. Especially given that the two sides are first introduced through the albums Discipline and Beat respectively, and the last album represents the unity between the two. Fun fact: Three of a Perfect Pair has exactly 9 tracks in the original album- 5 on the "left" and 4 on the "right" sides. Eventually 6 more are added in 2001 as "the other side". Though reaching, the album cover art does look like November Rain's legs.
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
_...Jodio is Frisk Undertale confirmed?!?_ (But in all seriousness... Jodio getting that "Haruno Shiobana -> Giorno Giovanna" transformation at the end of the part would genuinely be beautiful to watch, I can already feel the PEAK emanating from this potential plot-point)
@conjurer5725 Күн бұрын
Bro I think this comment just changed my life
@denalpha4056 2 күн бұрын
November Rain Heavy Weather Heavy Rain
@agentbigsby3773 6 күн бұрын
pretty decent theory, I personally believe the mini horses are coming back by the end of the year.
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
Aww hell yeah I love mini horses.
@pinkzero281 2 күн бұрын
People like you are the cause of misinformation about jojo
@alperenakdas3479 Күн бұрын
hamon beat auggh take
@McBehrer Күн бұрын
wdym "mini horses?"
@alperenakdas3479 Күн бұрын
@@McBehrer mini horses that steel took out from his pocket in part 7 theres no exsplanation on what are they or how steel got them they just exsist it irrtates people like hamon beat who think their entier exsistence ruins the world building and setting of part 7
@chakr.a 6 күн бұрын
Howler could also just be a reference to Haole, a slang term in Hawaii for foreigners or invasive outsiders lol
@BatuTetric 6 күн бұрын
Haven't heard that one before but that's definitely solid
@SwirlyisCool 2 күн бұрын
Yes! Adding to that, someone once claimed that the term "wolf" was used in the past to describe foreigners/haoles who intentionally pretend to be native Hawaiians for malicious reasons. Someone also pointed out that wolves are not native to Hawaii but there is a dog breed that looks almost like a wolf with stubby legs called Poi dogs. The breed is now extinct but were beloved as protectors of children and there is a specific group of demigods that were half dog half human who were known to be tricksters. If you look at the Howler logo, it does look like a stubby dog with pointed ears but can also be representative of a wolf. So, Howler isn't just some random company from outside of Hawaii but rather a company that pretends to Hawaii's culture and well-being in mind but in reality hides malicious intent. Possibly, they started as local and wanting to do good but somehow external/foreign forces changed it to what it is now.
@chakr.a 2 күн бұрын
@@SwirlyisCool yessss and tying to part 8, fruits have been a major highlight of injustice throughout Hawaiian history. Foreigners who came to Hawaii were interested in the fruits of Hawaii so they would capitalise off of it, creating businesses that aimed to distribute these exotic fruits. Clean water is scarce resource in Hawaii so these companies would go out their way to retrieve water just to grow these native fruits. The common denominator when discussing Part 7, 8, and 9 would essentially be capitalism and the expense of those under this system. Araki obviously weaves in intricate ideas too, such as fortune guiding itself at the hands of a linear power in part 7, or the highlight of curses and misfortune, and how people deal with them on a personal level in part 8. I wonder what Araki is cooking with the lava rock in part 9, as compared to all the parts he’s done, the Jojolands group seems to be the ones who are closest the most ;p
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
@@SwirlyisCool Araki is a fuckin' genius.
@Samstar369 2 күн бұрын
I thank South Park for making a Haole joke lmao, now I understand that word
@MooseKINGstudios 2 күн бұрын
This video is gonna age so well once chapter 32 ones out.
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
Guard rail part 2
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
@@BatuTetric Absolute Cinema.
@stalinistpotato4329 5 күн бұрын
Love how theres more KC references in the series, matte kudasai and now the this, fav band
@kode_2005 2 күн бұрын
King Crimson's stand user will probably be a member of the Higashikata family due to it having the word "king" in it.
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
If Gappy & Yasuho's son ends up being the Diavolo equivalent, I'll either: 1: Cheer _very_ loudly. or 2: *Cry myself to sleep.* ...Depending on the context.
@pinkzero281 2 күн бұрын
🤡 TALK SHIT BRO why the f are you even watching Jojo bro these are one of the worst thing said by a Jojo fan
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
Yeah I was one of the King Crimson Tsurugi believers in pt 8, I think Gappy and Yasuho's son is less likely, but Mitsuba's unborn child could be a big possibility, I do hope tsurugi doesn't become to prevalent if he show's up again though considering the "everything we see is a paper moon illusion" destroyed a lot of jojolion theorycrafting
@festafunerea Күн бұрын
@@BobbinRobbin777 It would be cool, but their child would be still a kid, assuming JoJolands is set on early 2020's
@Vespercold 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for dispelling the "Usagi is a traitor because of the KC refrence" rumor I see everywhere. I think it's way to simple and diluted to be what is going to happen. I love this theory instead- and am excited to see where it goes from here! my bet is on the TPP stand being called "Larks Tongues" or "Model Man", but that's just me, I would have never thought that "Bigmouth strikes again" would have been picked for Charmingman Cheers!
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
I don't think Usagi traitor is completely out of the question tbh, but I do think that if Araki planned on making him the traitor he wouldn't be as suspicious, and comparing him to Fugo he has a very team based ability making me feel like it's unlikely but definitely still on the table
@crackwagon8513 Күн бұрын
alternatively the king crimson cameo is og universe diavolo finally showing up next chapter, with paco running him over by accident
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
Would be funny but def a blue ball
@Slendermaster968 2 күн бұрын
I'm really excited for Araki to implement Three of a Perfect Pair into the story somehow. The many KC references make me hopeful!
@angelbasiliorodriguezbusto2065 Күн бұрын
At this point, the only theory that I’m sure of is that we will get a “Purple Rain” by Prince reference at one point of the story (A song that expresses a sense of hope and reconciliation, with the narrator finding solace in the power of love)
@festafunerea Күн бұрын
My headcanon is that November Rain was supposed to be named Purple Rain but Araki-sensei didn't want to name a third MC stand after Prince again lol (or maybe Purple Rain is the name of Joseph/Fumi's stand)
@BobbinRobbin777 Күн бұрын
@@angelbasiliorodriguezbusto2065 Localised stand-name: *_The Rain Formerly Known as Purple_* (Risk of Peak reference)
@BobbinRobbin777 Күн бұрын
@@angelbasiliorodriguezbusto2065 Localized stand-name: *_[The Rain Formerly Known as Purple]_* (It’s a Risk of Rain reference)
@joelgonzalez7806 Күн бұрын
THX FR TALKING ABOUT THIS. For a time to now i have been thinking that they could introduce king crimson on jojolands but ive seen nobody talking about that. YOU GAINED A SUB
@mykehunt9884 3 күн бұрын
The repeating 3s in part 9 could be a connecting jodio to giorno, dio and pucci. Jodio is literally jo/dio and all of those characters are half jostar and half dio kinda. Giorno is dio and Jonathan's son, dio's part 3 body was originally Jonathan, and pucci is a follower of dio and later gained the jostar birthmark.
@coulsonlloydclare6399 2 күн бұрын
Dude, this is an amazing theory. I’ve been pondering about how Three of a perfect pair will make an appearance myself, and would most definitely not be disappointed if this were it.
@rhushikeshkelkar8332 5 күн бұрын
I really hope araki makes diavolo and doppio au into 2 separate characters , preferably as brothers , having 2 halves of thr original KC . Doppio with epitaph and diavolo with time skip , which could make for an interesting arc or sorts . Also hoping they're either working for howler or are private investigators , kinda like what bobby jean might be , as good cop bad cop working for congressman white to take down howler .
@neoshenlong 2 күн бұрын
Inb4 Bobby Jean randomly pops out King Crimson one day
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
Perhaps the gang will end up defeating the pair by tricking the KC user into abandoning / killing his Epitaph partner, mirroring both the death of Kira's dad and Diavolo leaving Doppio to die in Bucciarati's body.
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
The Diavolo pair being against Howler, yet still choosing to also fight the main cast reminds me about Risotto & La Squadra... Perhaps the pair will be this part's Tiziano & Squalo? Or maybe they're like Cioccolata & Secco?
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
@@BobbinRobbin777 I love both these ideas especially if they're 2 separate characters
@toester1087 2 күн бұрын
oh yeah i like this it would make sense that part 9 is part 5 and part 6 mixed together since: part 7 : part 3 part 1 part 8 : part4 part 2 part 9 : part5 part6
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
Jodio having the split personality within the "P3rfect Pair" also parallels Weather Report and how Pucci had to steal his memories to seal away Heavy Weather. Both the users and their stands having design traits that circle back to each other. From the users with their mental health issues and white hair, to their stands red eyes and weather-themed abilities. It'd be surprising if you _didn't_ end up right.
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
Hopefully so, Hamon Beat in his new video also mentioned some new connections between Pucci and Jodio that I hadn't noticed so I like my odds, also love the way you wrote out "P3rfect Pair" reminds me of main villian stands like D4C and Wonder of U
@BobbinRobbin777 Күн бұрын
@@BatuTetric Thx, I thought replacing e with 3 would’ve been funny and it just went a little hard too. Also: Hamon Beat dropped?!?
@personperson573 Күн бұрын
Idk the whole Jodio somehow showing a split personality thing will feel a bit cheap and doesn't really help but add stigma to the mental health thing. Since he's already a character supposedly diagnosed with ASPD slapping multiple personalities on that is just OD atp. 💀🙏 Plus the running theme in all SBR story so far is overcoming your adversity. Johnny learned how to walk. Josuke overcame his retrograde amnesia and built a new life. I don't see how Jodio can overcome having multiple personalities and being a diagnosed psychopath on top. The only logical route is that it turns out he was never diagnosed with ASPD or that he can still demonstrate strong empathy.
@lodestar2733 2 күн бұрын
Really interesting theory! I’ll be looking out for this!
@user-ny5hm1ns7p Күн бұрын
keep it up champ
@WheatDos 19 сағат бұрын
The Boss is returning...
@calebpaul8496 5 күн бұрын
I've been thinking we'd get three of a perfect pair referenced but i didn't think about that deeply this is definitely an interesting theory
@Chowder_T Күн бұрын
This is a good theory, I like this.
@lavcurls 6 күн бұрын
gotta cross check w the dsm
@BatuTetric 6 күн бұрын
the whole book is about jodio
@BucketDipper 6 күн бұрын
They should make a character based on Limp Bizkit's song My Way
@BatuTetric 6 күн бұрын
fingers crossed
@helsysfromvk5709 Күн бұрын
I have a theory that, sbr-verse Diavolo is Jodio's father
@festafunerea Күн бұрын
It would be cool, since Giorno is the son of God (Dio)
@festafunerea Күн бұрын
I always wanted to see a Joestar as a villain. (I had this theory that SBR Joseph was the head doctor before the reveal of Tooru being the villain). Also, if I recall correctly, Hot Pants said that she knew stuff about Diego's father (and assuming HP is italian, maybe Dario went to Italy and he had a child with someone of the Pucci family. Heck, maybe HP herself is a Pucci, she's a nun, and remember her brother being k1lled?), so, maybe Jodio's father is a Brando-Pucci. Now, how you'd fit both KC and MiH, I don't know. They just wouldn't be the main villain stand (since it didn't happened in both SBR and JJL).
@TheDoctor4221 6 күн бұрын
...there is no way araki *isn't* aware they're a KC reference, come on the man may not understand english lyrics but he specifically hunts out music he enjoys the sound of and can likely at understand a song title
@BatuTetric 6 күн бұрын
I more so meant Araki may not be aware of the connection between Discipline, Beat and 3PP but I would assume he knows
@MatheusHenrique-ni4ii 6 күн бұрын
At least it's clear that he probably knows Matte Kudasai. I mean, what other song has this name if not a song from King Crimson. Given the fact he chooses a lot of western songs and artists for naming the stands.
@pinkzero281 2 күн бұрын
Bro you really think araki doesn't understand English Like even little English 😂
@MatheusHenrique-ni4ii Күн бұрын
@@pinkzero281 Yeah. I'm pretty sure he even understands a little bit of Italian, for sure.
@personperson573 Күн бұрын
That's a large leap assumption imo he probably knows a bit of English they teach it as required curriculum in a lot of places 😂
@hrkinezz4419ez 5 сағат бұрын
thats really good keep it up!
@Hlaskarna_cz 2 күн бұрын
If this teory would be true. I would love where the story leads to. It could be smthng like fightclub. Jodio fighting howler and dont knowing that he is actualy the boss himself.
@GabrielLeni 2 күн бұрын
The feathers on November Rain remind me of Made in Heaven
@GabrielLeni 2 күн бұрын
Or Dios outfit when he first put on the stone mask
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
Definitely, also if you've seen some of the beta jojolands logo designs the part was actually called Made in Jojolands, but I didn't really know how to elaborate on that besides pointing it out.
@personperson573 Күн бұрын
​@@BatuTetric Ohh that is a good point I'm ngl !!
@ParkournPrankster 2 күн бұрын
So considering you brought up the Part 6 parallel regarding the quote, I think it's possible as well that maybe as a baby, Jodio had a sibling that was swapped with another baby ( maybe with a sick or dead one). I say this because this DID happen to the twins in Part 6. Another event that happened was Pearla and Weather were dating, but were separated siblings. And so far in TJL, neither Jodio or Dragona have an interst in forming relationships with others. Which leads me to think, a new character could catch either ones eye(specifically Dragona if they're a Pearla parallel) unaware of their background. This could perhaps have a similar situation where Dragona dies as a result, awakening something new in Jodio. Then the story could change from being about the bond of two siblings, to being the tension between two siblings. Albeit a sibling Jodio is not aware of.
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
Yeah I was initially gonna suggest for that to be Usagi, but there's already a lot of Usagi traitor theories ever since matte kudesai especially so I wanted explore some other options
@pinkzero281 2 күн бұрын
Nah man araki is genius writer what you explain was already done and I don't think he's gonna do it again because There are some reference to previous part
@stortrut 2 күн бұрын
Great video!
@neoshenlong 2 күн бұрын
I think King Crimson is coming, but I don't think it's a coincidence that the character first suggested to be a traitor has a King Crimson song stand, followed by the villain group having a King Crimson name. So I think King Crimson will be related to Howler or maybe even a bigger group behind them. Also, Jojolion just had the main character having the villain reference stand, and a split character, so I don't think Araki will do that again with JoDio. Another character having a split personality like Doppio and Diavolo does make a lot of sense.
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
I had initially thought about framing Usagi as the third sibling, especially with him showing interest in dragona it could mirror weather and pearla, but thought the schizoid main character seemed more fun. I will agree that considering jojolion it does lower the odds of that last section
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
@@BatuTetric Usagi x Dragona being a incest ship is something I would _NOT_ want, thank you very much.
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
@@BobbinRobbin777 It's definitely less likely considering Dragona seems very uninterested in Usagi, but things like Weather Perla, and Joseph spying on LisaLisa has happened before
@perogun 2 күн бұрын
i also noticed something about requiem stands *Silver* Chariot *Gold* Experience if the pattern of 3 exists the next requiem stand could be *Bronze* or *Platinum*
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
I was gonna do a throwaway bit near the end that I scrapped, the album Beat that The Howler is from has the final song titled Reqium, very much doubt it comes up tho
@pinkzero281 Күн бұрын
Bro this is stupid as f bro i
@CrimsonHexonator Күн бұрын
​@@BatuTetric Still it would be very cool to see a Requiem stand again to end the (likely) last part of JoJo's or the last part that'll be written by Araki. Also considering the fact that this part has part 5 connections, it would be cool to see Diavolo's equivalent with King Crimson Requiem, effectively mirroring part 5's finale by having the protagonist somehow go from advantage against the villain to disadvantage, it could also show how a normal stamd could beat Requiem, considering that Requiem manifests as what the person needs the most, so it isn't unbeatable
@ricardomartinez8430 2 күн бұрын
My theory ever since seeing the reveal of howler is that since we had dio with the world return and Kira with killer Queen I feel we will see king crimson and diavalo return as a boss before getting to the real villain of part 9. At first I imagined diavalo as the CEO/ Head of howler with a twist that the group encounters a shy and nerdy personal assistant to the CEO and the only once who interacts with him personally and switches between that personality and the ceo but I can see diavalo with KC as the vice president of howler acting like the last line of defense before getting to the CEO and fighting the real villain of the part
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
That is true I really missed that obvious point that old continuity stands always have the same user even rohan and joseph
@ok-qx6pw 2 күн бұрын
Kc fans eating good
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
@ciccio7663 3 күн бұрын
this would be mindblowing
@jaden-cc5vp 3 күн бұрын
Cool 1st video 😊
@justice8290 2 күн бұрын
Great theory so basically Jodio is a mix of Giorno Pucci and Diavolo
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
if we consider the Rain ability similar to Weather ability, could be more in the mix lol
@justice8290 Күн бұрын
@@BatuTetric and Pucci and Weather are techniqically joestars with there birthmarks cause of the green baby so its like a AU pucci/weather/giorno/diavolo this could get cool really quickly
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
@@justice8290 that is also a very good point
@daltonbecker4494 2 күн бұрын
Charmingman might be the 3rd brother to Jodio and Dragona. It is mentioned in universe that his name aounds fake. (Yes I know of all names in JoJo *this* one you are supposed to find unbelievable...) And just like Weather he did have a life with the family who stole him. Maybe the switch up in this case is that Weather found the Puccis rather than the Puccis found Weather.
@BatuTetric 2 күн бұрын
I don't know what you mean by charmingman being with a family he stole him, but I think the fake name could be pretty solid
@daltonbecker4494 2 күн бұрын
@@BatuTetric Him and his "brother" who disappeared down the lava tube. They presumably have parents. I think it would be a neat idea for him to go on this big adventure to save his brother only to find out, surprise! That wasn't your real brother, you risked life and limb over someone with no blood relation to you. Oh and your real family was Jodio and Dragona the two you have been traveling with the whole time! Araki hasn't done a twist like that I think it could be neat.
@sputtysputt 6 күн бұрын
@Joe-yr3wx 2 күн бұрын
I hope araki makes the main villain female
@BobbinRobbin777 2 күн бұрын
I hope so too.
@pinkzero281 Күн бұрын
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
I think he's due considering the original universe ended with a female protagonist it would be nice for this to end with a female antagonist, I know Meryl Mei Q was catching a lot of heat in the beginning but we will see.
@Joe-yr3wx Күн бұрын
@@pinkzero281 why?
@jk0273 3 күн бұрын
10/10 vid
@toester1087 2 күн бұрын
could the third brother be alt universe diavolo?
@talesofacrookedmouth Күн бұрын
Lmao rookie error to assume Araki writes by following his references, have you not seen what happened to the jojolion coronation theory? Only fanpart writers take greater inspiration from their references' history and all
@BatuTetric Күн бұрын
You're not wrong I was definitely a big coronation theory fan, but with king crimson there's definitely a mild exception, even if most of this theory is wrong wouldn't you think a song from 3PP might show up?
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