Just completed my own rebrand, and the process and development has changed and deepened my understanding of identity design. 100% will change your professional life as a creative if you focus on your personal brand.
@madebyjames3 ай бұрын
Congrats on the rebrand. It’s amazing how much deeper you get into identity design when you focus on your own brand
@bytomhaynes4 ай бұрын
Thanks James, really liked the time blocking section!
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
Legend mate
@alyssoncunha4 ай бұрын
This is just the kind of inspiration I’m looking for right now. Thanks for sharing!
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
@razarnold4 ай бұрын
I currently time block like this: Admin (calls, invoicing, emails) Morning: Retainer / long term clients Admin (calls, invoicing, emails) Afternoon: New / short projects Admin (plan tasks for next day) Evening: Self dev, passion projects & read I squeeze admin in between and at the start of each time block. Its been working for me over the last 2 years or so. But everyone needs to find what works for them. :)
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
@walidsanded4 ай бұрын
As usual you are the best thank you ❤
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
Have a great day
@ButtonPressGraphics4 ай бұрын
Yet more advice I can relate to lol. I have been asked multiple times to do animations. Now, I do not have a great knowledge of animations and can only do the basics at the moment (I am learning lol) so I make sure clients know ahead of time. I have lost clients because of it but I still know I would rather deliver on what I 'can' do, than pretend I know what I should do. I sell my time & knowledge...I can't do that if I lack the "knowledge" lol Lastly, 3 YEARS SOBER? Congrats my friend, I know myself how difficult it can be as I am personally a decade sober from all drugs and I only drink 2 0r 3 times a year for special occasions. I am listening & will continue to listen to your wise words. Thank you
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
Glad it helped
@OthmanAlshkaili4 ай бұрын
you are my hero in graphic design the way you deliver the information is remarkable I have learned a lot from you thank you
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
Thanks friend. I'm glad to hear you've learned a lot. Keep up the great work
@johnpetermeiring63044 ай бұрын
Lovely advice as always! I’m desperate to gain my own clients instead of being a number in agencies cogs, it’s so frustrating. What 5 things would you recommend to design up for your own brand besides logo and website ? Thanks
@razarnold4 ай бұрын
Hey John Im sure there are plenty of ways going about it but id do this. 1. PORTFOLIO: PDF or online portfolio showcasing your skills ( you need to show what you can do) 2. CLIENT/LEADS: Excel sheet with all the people you can think of that could be a potential lead. (I added family, ex managers, friends, companies I always wanted to work with) Then just email them all. 3. CONTRACT: Some form of a contract stating your rates, process and deliverables etc ( you need this as clients at the beginning can drag a project out but you need to bring them back to scope) 4. BANK: Might be obvious but separate your personal income from the business and get a banking account that clients pay into. It makes life so much easier when you need to do taxes down the line. 5. PLAN: I would recommend having a good "business plan". Know exactly what you are offering and target that niche. (I used to just take on any and every design job i could get my hands on which is great as first. But later down the line if you always wanted to do websites but you ended up just taking up all these small branding projects to keep busy but now your portfolio does not reflect what you want to attract. Your skills also eventually develop in a direction away from your initial direction of being a web designer.) Like i said these are some idea but there are many ways to begin. The important part is just to start and handle what you can. Done is better than perfect.I know friends that get caught up trying to make the perfect portfolio for months then never end up sending a single "cold" email. Show your work to the masses and those that see value in it will come. But you also have to make the effort and ask for work. Because there are a million other designers that can do a good enough job thats putting themselves out there. Best of luck!
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
sounds like another video
@digdeeperco4 ай бұрын
Thank you James! Great video and I love the idea of time blocking! Do you have any suggestions how to implement building my own brand and client work, while also working as a full time 9-5 designer?
@digdeeperco4 ай бұрын
Also - looking forward to next video 👌
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
have you read Atomic Habits
@digdeeperco4 ай бұрын
@@madebyjames Not yet, but it's on my shelf! :)
@IamPAYSO4 ай бұрын
Just curious, didn't Lincoln Design Co. do your branding?
@madebyjames4 ай бұрын
I have had multiple friends help me build my brand assets - working on your own brand doesn't mean it has to be you pushing the pixels - more designers need to collaborate if they want to to grow their business.