It was nice to see Konkrete hyping Eyex regardless of the sour relationship between them now. It was lovely, Konkrete is a real one my respect.
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
What happened please?
@DearGod-e2f3 ай бұрын
@@dayko1329 I don’t know the back story but Konkrete and Tight Eyez are no longer cool like they were before.
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
@@DearGod-e2fwow I didn't know. Thanks I'll do some research 👌
@DearGod-e2f3 ай бұрын
@@dayko1329 Tight Eyez and many people in the Krump community are no longer cool.
@Aswin_zone3 ай бұрын
He’s man of ethics and true value
@UnofficialLesTwins3 ай бұрын
Respect to Tight Eyez battling in a freestyle hip hop biased crowd/event. I mean, he knows what he's signing up for so people in the comments complaining doesn't make sense to me
@Zekrom_Electro3 ай бұрын
Anda dormir mejor
@Bagjudah3 ай бұрын
Bias how? Krump won the finals lol he sat for two rounds and lost 🤷🏾♂️ its ok man.
@UnofficialLesTwins3 ай бұрын
@@Bagjudah What makes you think i’m a fan of Tight Eyez or krumping you dork. It’s clear in terms of crowd reaction and playlist choice, it’s more geared towards a freestyle hip hop event… which is mostly what Fusion Concept is
@Hypeboy233 ай бұрын
You don’t make sense
@bilaldu163 ай бұрын
He dance on krump song --' and they have a lot of krumpers too
@_sg8433 ай бұрын
konkrete a real one put aside the beef . we men. we fathers. krumpers stay united forever!!!!
@goatsnocks55043 ай бұрын
Honestly, with all due respect, this was goofy. Both are capable of better, the event is capable of better, the dj. Just everything feels like it was the wrong place at the wrong time.
@juliydmitrievich98893 ай бұрын
Yes, dj not really good..
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
DJ was fine, for this battle but overall the event was a circus.
@iDesignFLi3 ай бұрын
@2010josem3 ай бұрын
bro the Dj played great tracks what are you on?
@JasonKillaKat3 ай бұрын
@@KiiroSagi Scanning through the music not looking at the dance. DJ was bad brotha.
@nathandyel6923 ай бұрын
I was expecting more from Tight Eyez who came for "the blood" in the battle. the crowd was not as receptive as previous events for such an event however we must respect this beautiful exchange, don't let yourself be fooled by the cries of the crowd, they are capable of more but it remains a great exchange 🙏
@ctkmobambi3 ай бұрын
The opponent wasn't doing much of anything.....the DJ was playing crap music for eyes......the crowd was bias......
@Joy_rd3 ай бұрын
I love how we got the last run from tight eyes off the stomp the yard dance battle soundtrack
@MrMabu223 ай бұрын
Enfait, les gars qui disent que Kefton a perdu ce call out n'ont pas compris que le public n'était pas spécialement pour Kefton au détriment de Tight Eyez. C'est simplement que le public voulait voir un vrai fight, de l'engagement, du sang qui coule. Malheureusement, Tight semblait fatigué ! Franchement c'est surprenant... Nous sommes tous d'accord pour dire que c'est un vrai warrior dans sa discipline, mais la soyons honnete... Il était pas dedans. Le boug on l'a deja vu se transformer en Super Sayan et la c'était compliqué au deuxième round. y a probablement des élèments pour expliquer ça, mais bon la vidéo parle d'elle meme. Du coté de Kefton, peu importe ce que disent les détracteurs, on a vu de l'engagement, il voulait en découdre, il voulait continuer pendant une heure s'il le fallait. Après oui, il s'est moqué de son adversaire par moment. Mais il est resté dans l'attitude de sa vidéo d'annonce du call out "ça va etre la guerre". Et puis après on a vu plus de musicalité, plus de textures différentes dans sa danse, donc bon ça fait forcément pencher dans sa balance.
@daotuananh983 ай бұрын
9:46 Why is the time consistently not being stopped? It’s extremely disrespectful that the timer for Kefton isn’t being halted at the correct moment. I’m not sure who made this change, but in 2022 it worked perfectly. In 2023 and this year, it’s disappointing to see this error repeatedly occurring.
@yacinelahjaily33233 ай бұрын
Eyez called out kefton saying "Kefton I'm coming for you". He labbed for 6 months to finally embarrass all his lil homies by not even being able to get a single decent round out in front of them. 😢😢😢
@Mardon_Godwin3 ай бұрын
@markz_mimidan50413 ай бұрын
@purposeantonio14033 ай бұрын
@@yacinelahjaily3323 I don't see any krumper doing any better in that situation, with the playlist, against that kind of dancer and the crowd bias. Was not his best but no other krumper could have done better.
@ivanperez16633 ай бұрын
@@purposeantonio1403 brui5er 🔥
@AgroFro3 ай бұрын
@@purposeantonio1403 crowd was loud for tight eyez tho
@culturefanatikz86063 ай бұрын
tracklist please
@marksonnen87633 ай бұрын
I see a lot of comping comments here so I will keep it real: 1. TE did battle on "enemy territory" but he did it before also, so many times and it didn't stop him from delivering very strong rounds. Bboy Junior also battled him in his krump environment right? He was breaking on a krump song and he was insane. 2. At this event: Konkrete, Beast, Sniper, No Script, Jr Sniper, Girl Naab and they were krumping to much less krump friendly music. If all those dancers had no problem with delivering very strong rounds (one of them winning the event in the end) then a creator of krump should be more than capable of performing at least 10x better than he did. 3. All that talk about stamina, originally wanting 10 rounds (5 hiphop/5 krump), not doing judge demo so you could be fresh and he gassed out after 2-3 short rounds? Where is the Tight Eyez from 2019? Battling back to back, 20 minutes Larry than finals and constantly dishing out crazy rounds? 4. I get the style change but this is too much? TE was also animated in his movement but where are all the jab combos/ arm swings / stomps? He was standing static, doing intricate movements all the time, legs crazy rigid. Is he an animator or a krumper? Looks more ass an animation dancer who incorporates krump in his style. 5. He was getting cheered whenever he was actually standing and dancing, even though he wasn't doing much still, the crowd was only against him after the BS sitting down rounds. People flew out from different countries to watch you battle after all that talk and you were dancing more sitting than standing. Kefton didn't waste too much energy because he could've easily match what TE was putting out without much effort. I honestly thought that round 1 TE was a warmup from him, knowing how crazy he can go in battles but it ended up being one of his best rounds... Kefton was probably aware of how good TE was and very cautious of the way TE can burn the stage but that just never happened. Don't get me wrong, TE is still one of the greats and one of the best battlers ever but this was very embarrassing. I hope TE will "go back" to his older style a bit because this doesn't feel like real krumping.
@_sg8433 ай бұрын
well said...felt like eyes was to static and locked in place like a animator when he releases in to pure raw krump the crowd instantly felt it. go back to the beginning eyes mad luv
@ScHwifTyFLip3 ай бұрын
😂Okay bud.
@Bryan-z7q3 ай бұрын
You should never have an opinion in dance clown. Your absolutely bias and would never ever be a judge and your opinion sucks and doesn't matter to anyone 😂. Tight eyez did amazing under the circumstances. Kefton did what ?? Let's talk about how kefton is walking around half the time, has no story to his moves, got his favored music selection 😂, did no power moves, rounds were sloppy dude are you serious. You ever watch mr wiggles , king Tut old school breakers And poppers and even hip hop dancers ?? Where is kefton precise and intricate and distinct and showing speed change, multiple foot work , combinations ?? Your statement is trash my guy and hold no value. Don't ever speak on the GOAT Eyez again 😂. Talk about trash @zz kefton and the @zz Dj.
@iampatjunior3 ай бұрын
@@ScHwifTyFLip well said 🤣
@Follow_The_One3 ай бұрын
I was there and it was totally true everybody was hyped about this battle everytging changed After the sitting round...
@Flowbeast3 ай бұрын
Idk. Kefton definitely had public and environment bias but at the same time I'm really disappointed in Tight Eyez performance, how they gave him Ttbz Anthem and that's all he did?? And before anyone comes at me, I'm a krumper as well, I know Eyex's round are way more energetic and tiring way more and faster than Kefton's but still, he had 0 cardio, he didn't own the stage at all and was static af I expected way more from this battle, I'm lowkey disappointed in general on both side, but yea as a krumper even more of Tight Eyez even if it's hard to admit
@bilaldu163 ай бұрын
Bro kefton killed tight eyes EVERY round in this battle.. dont talk about the crowd IS for kefton because this IS not the case they Scream for what they see not who they love
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
He was already tired at that point and didn't plan to dance for that long. He planned to dance for 3 minutes (ignoring all the time fusion concept added).
@ethicsmovement91503 ай бұрын
Respect the honesty King
@LanceG0073 ай бұрын
@@bilaldu16but they are bias
@blackace0013 ай бұрын
Fusion is a hip hop event 'Hip Hop'.... Not Krump so the support would be Kefton favored...
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
It was less of Kefton winning and more of T.Eyez losing. Kefton did what we expect of him, T.Eyez did not. Neither of them really lived up to their trash talking and neither blew me away as a fan of both. At the end of the day, there has simply been too much time for Eyez to prepare for this battle --that he accepted--, for me to make an excuse for him. Yes Kefton can walk around, do a bit of waves and tutting on beat and spend basically no stamina. Yes, Eyez is doing advanced techniques that involve a lot of muscle and burns through stamina (as shown by his sweating). But again, Eyez, you knew BOTH of these things when you accepted the battle and have had basically an entire year to get ready. Also you can see that they had 6 minutes total each but some how battled for almost 12 minutes before the timer "officially" ran out because Fusion concept sneakily kept adding to their timers. That is a fair excuse and I would in fact give him the W if we are only judging his first 3 minutes. Other than stamina, Eyez did not do much beatkilling cause he was busy doing prop moves. Assuming that was all freestyle, that's actually insanely impressive and I think that's the only way Eyez wins this battle although even if it was true, I don't think anyone will believe that. Salute to the DJ for picking good all styles songs and trying to make this a fair battle.
@LanceG0073 ай бұрын
Nah the music was the problem
@michialharris18503 ай бұрын
Eyez called out and talk about how he really didn’t care to battle him which is why we didn’t really get less out of eyez. He’s beat him two times already. Which is also why this battle felt off. This is their 3rd time battling.
@vhaangol47853 ай бұрын
@@michialharris1850 No excuses. He accepted the battle. And he showed a mid performance. Besides, he said it himself in the video that he's going to get off to Kefton hard, pause. But he didn't. He gassed out. It's on him for not fulfilling what he promoted. The reason why this battle feels off is because their beef is manufactured. I don't think there's real animosity between these two, though they don't necessarily like each other.
@brandoncampbell283 ай бұрын
Dude Eyex is always freestyle accept in his old event battle. Yeah you practice combos and concepts but his rounds are not out together especially nowadays he has no need for it. Not the old event days
@TooneUntitled3 ай бұрын
@@vhaangol4785 Idk if I'd go as far as to say manufactured. At this point it's real. Kefton has consistently been rude to krumpers and was mocking it a decade ago. Although the real culprit is Nelson who just ducks Tight Eyez. Even had a small child with him at the callout battle to hide behind lmao. Nelson was the one who started the mocking and Kefton just followed.
@ShappezLephoto3 ай бұрын
EYEZ was honesty exhausted from da beginning, has pushed himself beyond his limit i.e. EBS, the essence his age it was bound 2 happen. I got madd respect 4 wat konkrete did, it means a lot 4 us who love this movement.
@live52302533 ай бұрын
Quien gano según el jurado?no era necesario el último round
@donelsworth21623 ай бұрын
TE just matched dudes energy because each of his rounds were short as well. Y'all can act like y'all didn't see it but I did. TE stop going all in because dude wasn't going all in. Why waste extra energy when just by the first round TE already won the whole session! Doesn't matter what dude tried to do after that it was already over and to make TE do a encore round was crazy in it's self...
@deenlife61513 ай бұрын
@derrismccraney86292 ай бұрын
@JoelDisotuar2 ай бұрын
Lindo comentario el de usted es verdad. qué la edad de Eyez ya no lo acompaña mucho pero así y todo para mí sigue siendo mí ídolo y después le sigue konkrete.... Saludos desde la havana Cuba
@cristianvillatoro79313 ай бұрын
Kefton went all in, no matter the music he still responded and wanted to keep battling! I like more Krump than Hip hop, but this one was for Kefton. Tight Eyez should've responded immediately without asking for his music, this made him look bad, and I have big respect for him... Idk guys, this makes me think about who you look up to.
@LanceG0073 ай бұрын
What??? Tight Eyex won this battle
@bilaldu163 ай бұрын
@@LanceG007lmao kefton GOT 7 round what are u talkin about..
@josesierra8533 ай бұрын
@@LanceG007 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA el que hizo dos rounds sentado?
@manstar26003 ай бұрын
We watched a different video lol
@motztapu6709Ай бұрын
Bro was dancing like a monkey lol 😂 my 1yr old daughter dances better @bilaldu16 keftom trash lol 😂
@tramayneyoung2973 ай бұрын
Kefton got cooked. I don’t know what some of you were watching.
@derrismccraney86292 ай бұрын
And he's repetitive. Every round it's the same dull shit. He definitely got cooked.
@tigerstreetdancer3 ай бұрын
Something felt off with this battle
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
I feel you and I can't put my finger on it
@JBreezzBeatz3 ай бұрын
I def agree!
@Flowbeast3 ай бұрын
With you on that but can't tell what
@jacobthecallistoprotocol57063 ай бұрын
Sim, tinha algo errado. a Panelinha de baba-ovo favorecendo o kafton.
@airwalker63 ай бұрын
Idk definitely was off idk if it was the tracks or what
@georgesaraskeris34472 ай бұрын
Tight eyez change the dance era .he is in total diffrent lvl
@eoozxcrul21702 ай бұрын
yeah assaulting people is one of his genres, He did the same with junior as well, in near further battles if he pulled up guns i would not be shocked, he is mentally deranged and you stupid people praising him makes me question your sanity
@BottleCapStreet2 ай бұрын
@@eoozxcrul2170 Assaulting is funny when youre probably the ones that say "But Lilou did it for revenge", it's not even part of Breaking to be physical yet it's part of Krump, less these days as it used to be, but it's part of the style. Being physical ain't even a part of Breaking, that's why BCOne competitions take points away from aggressive breakers. It's funny how Junior was quick to understand that and leave it as it is yet all of you cried about it. It never happened to you, it happened to Junior.
@mizzk.o3 ай бұрын
What happened to Tighteyex beginning intro that y’all cut off? 🤔What happened to the Krump tracks y’all were supposed to play, and not that old commercial stomp the yard crap. 🙄 Thank God Tighteyex already knew what he signed up for and needs no hype to do what he came to do! This happens every time in this very bias hiphop environment. But Tighteyex is NO COWARD and is bold as a lion. Krump wins! If you call Kefton walking around the stage majority of the time and playing to the crowd a battle then I hope Tighteyex never returns because this is all a game and a waste of his time. But y’all quick to upload the footage to benefit off of him. Typical.
@clowntrainingacademy45083 ай бұрын
This one need to be pinned. I almost thought they try to play him when that Ttbz anthem switched on
@LanceG0073 ай бұрын
They were out here playing Krump tracks from 2009 lol wtf
@Richboykin3 ай бұрын
He’s quick to upload footage that benefits him as well and until we all operate under one accord krump will not win and that old stomp the yard crap your speaking of is called the Ttbz anthem put some respect on my work you cannot say that you love krump yet call krump music crap you love chez not krump make sure u always emphasize that ….The Hitman TTbz creator
@Richboykin3 ай бұрын
@@LanceG007 excuses
@Richboykin3 ай бұрын
@@LanceG007 how when it’s a krump track and they played chingy
@leftynueve3 ай бұрын
This felt like such a forced battle. There was nothing organic or genuine about it. Everything felt forced
@mylesprospero81053 ай бұрын
@iZaak333 ай бұрын
yea u definitely dont know de lore that they have bud nun force 💀💀
@leftynueve3 ай бұрын
@@iZaak33 I know the lore but that lore has been milked to death buddy, time to move on its not genuine anymore its wack
@emmanuelchipunza34863 ай бұрын
Name of the last track please
@DarnellBranch-w3q3 ай бұрын
I’m not sure what the format was, but there was a timer, once the timer went out they were done. He put everything he had out there and didn’t just get washed like people like to make it seem. It’s sad that people are so biased towards a style.. they did an amazing job and put on an amazing show.
@MrGillie123 ай бұрын
Where do we look up the rules for fusion?? This timer thing is confusing.
@Ignoramous-r4m3 ай бұрын
Yes...theres like minus..and plus i dont get it
@MeanGamerLadyАй бұрын
It was so gr8 to see Tight Eyez! This reminded me of Breaking vs. Krumping with tight n the crew! Krumping 101! I still feel u can not compare the 2 dance styles! Going to say less! Luv u Tight . Gr8 battle! U already 🙌🏾💪🏾🤴🏽
@Ignoramous-r4m3 ай бұрын
Eyez probably didnt want to do the xtra roundz if they didnt pay him enough for that
@yacinelahjaily33233 ай бұрын
10k 😂
@robw14113 ай бұрын
10K lmao
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
It was an exhibition match with no clear rules
@Jay5121024 күн бұрын
@@dayko1329exactly ‼️
@kurtjim759510 күн бұрын
@2:00 was fvckn perfect! Too dope/bvck!!🙌🏽🔥🔥🔥
@gabrielviurna85633 ай бұрын
Name of song at 12:00?
@cloudiousmodi27103 ай бұрын
Facts !
@jlynksis41933 ай бұрын
Can someone explain the rules and why they're getting extra time and what causes them to gain/lose time?
@Bigboy-kp5dn3 ай бұрын
hahaha Nelson being a supportive buddy at the back.
@jacobthecallistoprotocol57063 ай бұрын
@Itsniksmusic3 ай бұрын
Konkrete hyping Eyex was the best part of the whole battle for me!!! SCRATCH THAT BEEF ALREADY HOMIES! LIFE IS TOO DAMN SHORT!!! Family and Friends over power, fame and money! Together you were strong, thats where the magic was happening! Now devided it aint the same... Man I don't even dance no more and that hurted me when I found out... Again life is too short to live it in this state of mind brothers! Get up, cuz this hurts man, watching brothers fight eachother... Don't pass this to your kids, get over it together... Back in 2015 in EBS I witness greatnes, because we were all together there, having the best time of our lives... Now everyone devided, evertyhing is so low now... I know everyone got their reasons, but FIX IT man, that is whats gonna make you better people, by fixing things not by breaking them up, not with pride! We forgot how to be humans man... If yall see this, Eyex, Konkrete, Mijo, Beast, Spartan and everyone else on this meaningless beef, it hurts man... You were my heroes bro, now its just not the same anymore...
@b1slee2673 ай бұрын
Won’t be long before eyes talkin shi about him again. Unless kon just be good to not say anything else/ call him out
@gaetanobanda73193 ай бұрын
Truth is they both passed their prime. Great dancers but yeah there is better right now in both Krump and hip hop
@bilaldu163 ай бұрын
Kefton is Pioneer in this new génération he's been here for a décade bro put some respect
@bilaldu163 ай бұрын
Give me a better hip hop dancer as kefton for you ?
@Symbiotix_Gamer3 ай бұрын
@@bilaldu16 Kefton is s.... lol hes never been good
@clowntrainingacademy45083 ай бұрын
@@bilaldu16lol u kidding right ?? Rockha, Rubix, Evion, Majid, Alex the cage, Doyah, Jimmy yudat,... the list go on my brotha
@madikishardov15763 ай бұрын
This narrative about both being past their prime is so false. Tight Eyez fans should just take the L and deal with it.
@simple1818Ай бұрын
Time line it’s there for fun visuals or does it mean something
@Longlivemosii3 ай бұрын
Ngl Eyez Krump style look basic in these rounds. Idk if if cause it’s not 100 people behind him screaming masking his actual movement. iDK if it’s the stage and his size making his movement look small. I watched this a couple of time to but I bias’ aside and I couldn’t see how Eyez could have won. Kefton was the clear winner. 🏆 The Krumper on the comments actin like Drake fans haha bro Eyez took a L, it’s Ohk he will be just fine 😂 he’s still dope asf .. every dancer has a off day and this was his
@daniels42383 ай бұрын
The battle between Eyez and Kefton was super close, but Kefton just edged it out in the end. Honestly though, I expected more from both of them, 'cause they've definitely brought more heat in previous battles. Still, I gotta say, it’s impressive how tight Eyez managed to keep his energy, especially since he’d already been dancing a lot at another event earlier - which a lot of people probably don’t even know about. You can see the guy was totally gassed (and rightfully so). Plus, Kefton had the home crowd behind him, which definitely helped to take the win on his side.
@numbpyro443 ай бұрын
Does anyone know the track at 9:51 ?
@kingreeceiv47433 ай бұрын
Yeah this battle could have been better but it was honor to watch 💯 maybe next time a street battle between them would be better fr fr no rules
@РусРус-б3к3 ай бұрын
Kefton is a very musical man, very musical, everything works out so easily and beautifully for him, and most importantly, it corresponds to the character of each musical note, passage and beat💪💪💪
@brandoncampbell283 ай бұрын
Bro kefton was just walking around, hitting and waving. Really even Waydin would smash him. Eyex best Les Twins who would smash on Kefton. Why is everyone on Kefton so hard. He needs to learn to battle not just dance around like he is in an all styles sesh
@РусРус-б3к3 ай бұрын
@@brandoncampbell28 yes Waydi is the best of the best but unfortunately for some reason he doesn't perform, although he is one of the coolest dancers
@motztapu6709Ай бұрын
@РусРус-б3к hahahahahaha 😂 u call that dancing looks like a monkey looking for his mummy 😂bro can't dance for shit 😂 my 1yr old dances better 😂
@Jay5121024 күн бұрын
@@brandoncampbell28I said the same thing 😂😂😂
@Jay5121024 күн бұрын
@@РусРус-б3кwaydi also spanked kefton too 😂
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
Wish Eyex had more fun and danced a bit more for the crowd. He lost the crowd and it feels like he never really took it up to 100 because Kefton didnt do anything he felt was worthy or that phased him but it's a battle with a crowd and Eyex could have made it undeniable by engaging the whole way and having multiple tactics and characters during the battle. Fun taunting and sportmanship would have lifted the energy for him. I also think the format and Eyex going first and not using the momentum after Keftons rounds was a detriment. He never had the upper hand when it came to a second take of the music.
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
Still think he won BTW. I can see why it could be debatable to some with how it looks and especially if you don't understand the nuance and fundamentals of Krump to appreciate the combinations Eyex is putting together and micro moves at such a high level of intensity to music that isn't from his style.
@andrenotsmall3 ай бұрын
@madikishardov15763 ай бұрын
@@dayko1329 LOL. That denial from krump community is insane, but predictable.
@makesmartTROYces3 ай бұрын
@Comalaik3 ай бұрын
I studied animation for years, and I feel that the concepts of animation and movement are in Kefton. I like how he makes solid each sound on his body, the weight of the bass, drawing arcs, playing different characters in a funny way and being charismatic. Playing with space with his arms in all the stage with small and big movements, using timing to play really slow and really fast movements. I feel he is a master and a monster. Pure control, doing that with a big body is crazy. Not gonna lie I dont understand whay happend in this battle, but i love both dancers, big artists, respect.
@leonardovicente32453 ай бұрын
@rafans10773 ай бұрын
''I studied animation for years and bla bla bla...'' Stop talking shxt and battle me bltch
@brandoncampbell283 ай бұрын
I understand animation but you still need to dance well. Body control is not dance it's a technicality. Keyton is not a good dancer just cause he was on beat. His concepts have no direction and are completely random. No story to it
@ttaitra3 ай бұрын
You should study Eyez and krump - it will open your eyes and allow you a deeper understanding to what the body can do. Let’s just say Eyez can do anything Kefton can do (which are mostly just bounce and body roll lol), but Kefton can’t do one thing close to Eyez.
@dedee28543 ай бұрын
Je suis pas sur que TIGHT EYES soit capable de suivre la musique avec des mouvement complet, ample et précis alors que des micros mouvements juste en se laissant porter sur la musique kefton peut le faire. Je précise que oui son point fort c'est l'interprétation musicale mais très peu de personnes arrivent à y mettre des formes complètes sans s'y perdre musicalement et de mon point de vue il a très bien digéré les code du HIP HOP c'est juste qu'il n'a plus besoin de faire tout le temps tout les steps de base et des phases. Il est passé à l'étape d'après et en plus c'est suffisant pour gagner pratiquement tout les battles mdr😅 Je précise aussi que j'ai grandi avec RIZE que j'ai regardé tellement de fois que la VHS a fini par s'user 😅😅
@naomileste69893 ай бұрын
What is a song for last son
@kariolax37683 ай бұрын
Remember WAYDI vs SKITZO in 2017? I miss these days ...
@timinihoАй бұрын
You miss Waydi running through Skitzo like he's giving the poor guy nightmares for the rest of his life? Hahah nah but that was a great one but very one-sided.
@KorjhyaMillner3 ай бұрын
I think this is the right eyes we was waiting for he's really in his bag on this
@TheAnonymousMofo3 ай бұрын
Eyex himself knew he didn't have it in him anymore when he started sitting in that corner, not only could he not face his own opponent but he couldn't even face the crowd. After all the trash talking over the years this was a very sad display, you can really see how his dance and explosiveness has waned over the years. On the other hand, Kefton at his age is still at the top of his game and has earned the respect and allocades he has accumulated in the hip hop game. Only makes sense that he dominated this battle. Say what you want about what Eyex has given to the Krump culture, but with where he is right now, with all the drama, beefs, grandstanding (Even a guy he once considered his brother, his own Krump co-creator Mijo can't stand him) and now the fact that he cant even back all that up to an acceptable level with his dancing? He's a disgrace to the movement he founded right now. Hope he has more success with his fitness videos and IG shorts.
@clowntrainingacademy45083 ай бұрын
Nah as a hip hop dancer i must say Kefton lost that by a mile, same old shi i saw from 10 years ago, and tbh he's not top of his game anymore, maybe back to 2016 he was but for now i can name a long list of hip hop dancers could whoop his ass round to round
@gameabsolute-hl9vh3 ай бұрын
Mijo has beef with TE? What happened?
@TheAnonymousMofo3 ай бұрын
@@clowntrainingacademy4508 lost by a mile? Bro eyex could barely even get a half a round in halfway through this battle. Longevity-wise, Kefton is arguably one of the most consistent winners in the hip-hop game as well, recently winning H Quality, and getting to the finals of Battle Bad and Summer Dance Forever as well. He's a legend in his own right, up there with names such as Icee, Jimmy, Niako and Joseph Go and if you believe otherwise, you're just straight hating.
@TheAnonymousMofo3 ай бұрын
@@gameabsolute-hl9vh idk but there was a clip on Mijo's IG where he straight up called Eyex a bitch in the middle of a live podcast. Apparently alluding to abusing his influence to prop up his favorite dancers or something like that. He also has beef with Bad Newz, Beast and Konkrete as mentioned by some of the other commenters here. Just goes to show the type of toxic energy and vibe his ego gives to his own culture. And people are surprised as to why Fusion Concept crowd boos him, aside from his lackluster dancing.
@Kickinthescience3 ай бұрын
@@TheAnonymousMofo I rather see both battle on their own tracks only so we can see the best from both
@belhassenDahmeni3 ай бұрын
my homie eyez never fails to deliver, kefton is ten years faraway to battle eyez with all due respect to the French colony but USA invented hiphop in the first place and eyez is the best example of how far you are
@Karon_3 ай бұрын
Konkrete comin in like that giving me chills bruh wtf straight support no matter what 😂8:10
@reckempire3 ай бұрын
For real. I actually like he came out to hype up
@spankadank28133 ай бұрын
Facts Kon the realest for that one
@Man_insiide3 ай бұрын
Respect to Konkrete This is krump
@MisterBlackout3 ай бұрын
Even as enemies he came to support krump
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
What happened between them?
@archie72883 ай бұрын
What happened to this battle why its felt so off
@diegoluna36313 ай бұрын
Kefton won, anyone can see that. I was hoping eyez to do way better, he wanted to show power and ran out of juice in 2 rounds. Kefton just humilliated him so hard, in strategy, in that back pain move, in doing a victory lap not only once, but twice. Man I would love to see what Eyez will say after being destroyed like that
@clowntrainingacademy45083 ай бұрын
It's a dance battle, Eyez this 2 rounds and it's already been proved, he outdanced Kefton. It's not a cardio and mocking competition, it's a dance battle and Kefton was not even dance at all, show me any rounds of him dancing, just bunch of same old concepts and hitting the same beat like 10 times
@michialharris18503 ай бұрын
I’ll admit he definitely lost this one. I will say eyez talked about not really being interested in battling him because he’s already beat him two times before.
@Mardon_Godwin3 ай бұрын
How 🤣🤣🤣 eyes didn’t out dance shit
@GawdfidencePlay3 ай бұрын
You can't watch video and assume anything like that
@TICGAMING093 ай бұрын
@@clowntrainingacademy4508 MY POINT EXACTLY BECAUSE WHAT DID BUDDY ACTUALLY DO??? if people thought eyez didnt win this, they are delusional
@vfxswagg13373 ай бұрын
I still don't see what y'all see in Kefton. He has some okay moments at best, but not once could I ever sit there and be impressed with anything he did. Solely talking about Kefton, the bar is set pretty low on his end for the hype he got on this performance. He don't sit in the pocket, his transitions are empty, and his dance is segmented in choosing his favorite moments to actually move to rather than having any actual flow. I have a very hard time understanding how to connect with what he was putting out. His whole energy was like he was goofing around at the studio. Bffr.
@BWat173 ай бұрын
I have no idea what was going on format-wise but Kefton cooked bro for real
@williamstevenson55343 ай бұрын
Not the 1st time hes beat eyez
@jawonethedon69163 ай бұрын
@AaronScott-wb6cg3 ай бұрын
@kirkchristner13143 ай бұрын
Krump is not hip-hop. Hip-hop is not Krump
@jkazi1223 ай бұрын
Dude I started feeling bad for tight eyez. Kefton was destroying him on every round
@mrt33t332 ай бұрын
18:35 anyone know the name of that track? thank you.
@laminekamara31433 ай бұрын
Kefton est juste un meilleur danseur. Il n'y a même pas de débat la dessus. Respect à TightEyes
@alexanderprado82603 ай бұрын
Nah, you are french 😂
@laminekamara31433 ай бұрын
@@alexanderprado8260 Même si j'étais Mexicain je dirais la même chose 🤷🏾♂️
@alexanderprado82603 ай бұрын
@@laminekamara3143 i am argentine jajaja world champion, get out here, thig eyez the best
@gustavocaetano28703 ай бұрын
Song track please 🔥
@mimikmachine8153 ай бұрын
I don't know what yall watching....But This is a DANCE BATTLE Kefton lacked that go get em energy where's the Punches.....Kefton is A GREAT DANCER YES...but he wasn't hitting as hard as fr fr plus Krump is Way more Movement with Intensity to execute you expect dudes not to be tired??? Especially at as High as a Level as Eyex? Come on Enjoyed Kefton Rounds tho I must say But... EYEX Won Hands Down An is Thattt
@ethicsmovement91503 ай бұрын
Eyez defeated himself, he couldn’t back up all that talk
@Arareemote3 ай бұрын
@ethicsmovement9150 Kefton despises Krump. They've done this three times before now and every time he has taken it unseriously lmao. 2014 he only picked up because the crowd were telling him to get his act together. It shows here as well. There's nothing about this that really feels like a battle. It really is just some goofy Stomp The Yard clown silliness. No winners or losers. Just one person dancing and another playing to the crowd. Frivolous affair.
@knee2fight4love663 ай бұрын
Kefton used this much energy 🤏 majority of the time.
@ethicsmovement91503 ай бұрын
@@Arareemote well explained I can’t say anything about that 🤞🏾🔥🔥🔥
@Mignon83danse3 ай бұрын
Song 18:30 ? Please
@Myogramme3 ай бұрын
This one is old as fuuuckk bro
@NathanGuilherme0262 ай бұрын
DJ Puuu - Puuxtape Vol. 18 - Track 12
@yacinelahjaily33233 ай бұрын
Be sure that Eyez will make a video to justify his humiliation for not having released a single correct round. As he usually does to rewrite history. Jetlag, playlist, bad organization of the event, the crowd, the food... These are his favorite excuses.
@yacinelahjaily33233 ай бұрын
Wait ! Noooo way ! He did better. 😮 He edited his call out video to say now he didn’t care about this battle 😂😂😂
@yacinelahjaily33233 ай бұрын
We know him well. So previsible 😂😂😂. HISTORY REWRITE ( with a marker ) 🎉🎉
@2oolordsDip3 ай бұрын
Heal bro
@yacinelahjaily33233 ай бұрын
@@2oolordsDipAmine ! Thanks bro ❤.
@kooybuie123 ай бұрын
My honest opinion: Kefton did what he always does, Eyex did less than he usually does/ felt off or not fully there.
@aodoemela3 ай бұрын
Fusion Concept doing damage control
@Blackgoku1921.21 күн бұрын
22:21 Track name ?
@GenkinTheGoat3 ай бұрын
They had to play a song specifically for TE to get some energy at the end so he can win at least 2 rounds. He was acting like he was too good to be there
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
Eyez wouldn't be there if he thought that. They violated the terms of the battle it was supposed to be 6 minutes max, not 22 minutes.
@ethicsmovement91503 ай бұрын
@@KiiroSagihe should be called Lil Raygunn at this point
@RikirikiJamez-b1b3 ай бұрын
Enjoyed every moment from both men epic visual display outstanding
@bboyritchy3 ай бұрын
Kefton smoke him. More attitude, Best Musicality, Own the Scene, Use Space, Fresh Story Telling, More Stamina and even killed the last Krump Sound. No Doubt , I took it ✨💥✨
@motztapu6709Ай бұрын
Lol 😂he can't dance for shit lol 😂my 2yr old dances better lol 😆 😂 he like a monkey in the zoo 🤣 what the heck was that lol 😂
@maDMan08943 ай бұрын
The starring essence is about the eyes not the height and Tight Eyez killed it🤴🏿 Krumping on any music on top of that😂🫡
@acenormal13323 ай бұрын
I expected so much more from the battle than both disappoint me
@Zekrom_Electro3 ай бұрын
Uno esperaba mas pero si analizas la batalla un poco nota la calidad de tight eyex sacando su resistencia de lado...pero también tenes que tener en cuenta que están grandes y un evento enorme de esta MAGNITUD tiene que llevar DANCERS MAS ACTIVOS Y PRO LVL CONCEPT FUSION SIGUE COMETIENDO EL ERROR DE INVITAR GUEST A DANCERS SOBREVALORADOS QUE NO ESTÁN A LA ALTURA DEL EVENTO Y TAMBIÉN SIGUEN INVITANDO DANCERS QUE YA ESTUVIERON EN EDICIONES PASADAS COMO POR EJEMPLO OMA & EMA (No solo no están a la altura si no que volvieron a competir en esta edición y perdieron 3 veces CONSECUTIVAS) y me callo por que podría seguir ..... en fin .... franceses.... la próxima hagan un evento en otra parte del mundo por que desde lo que paso en LRC,juegos olímpicos y ahora concept me extraña si en un próximo evento suelen ser los mismos resultados NECESITO MAS CALIDAD POR FAVOR Y MAS PROFESIONALISMO TANTO EN LA ORGANIZACIÓN COMO EN EL JUZGAR.
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
So much trash talking and this is all they did? lol
@Its_slims963 ай бұрын
At least someone is makin sense in the comment section. They were both wack compared to the hype they got us into (no disrespect tho to em / still top dancers). Honestly, I was there live, and sh*t was awkward and just felt off : So I know what I'm talkin about.
@madikishardov15763 ай бұрын
There was nothing dissapointing about Kefton's perfromance. Stop the bullshit.
@Its_slims963 ай бұрын
@@madikishardov1576 that’s my opinion and I think many people that were there live can share that with me. it wasn’t that deserving the hype. Not saying they didn’t do good, but facts - they didn’t do well as MUCH AS EXPECTED FROM THE HYPED THEY GOT US INTO.
@agboigbajean-pauldona17632 ай бұрын
@BottleCapStreet2 ай бұрын
Keftons already been in EBS against Krumpers
@dhruba84463 ай бұрын
Kefton killed it with musicality man listen to the music carefully
@MrMilitia233 ай бұрын
Kefton was doing the same shit traaash
@PR-WAYАй бұрын
Straight trash as always
@tadokiari56353 ай бұрын
Song min 10: pleace
@xgibbyx71913 ай бұрын
I'm soooo disappointed in EYEZ, they should have cheering your name at the end... but u did nothing to deserve it.
@ethicsmovement91503 ай бұрын
We expected more from both dancers
@xgibbyx71913 ай бұрын
@@ethicsmovement9150 biggg facts! lol they got this amazing stage and dope crowd and gave us...NOTHING
@ScarzChosenspokesmen29 күн бұрын
Eyez kilt this dude without even trying. He aint even really Krump here
@erikchip3 ай бұрын
They lucky ray gun didn’t come out and battle them both
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
@AngryFry7003 ай бұрын
@Yngeko3 ай бұрын
@Skedooosh3 ай бұрын
lol who is ray gun
@avwenzdiary56113 ай бұрын
@@Skedoooshthe power that shots by eugene in ghost figher 😂
@curtisdufait28113 ай бұрын
Kefton gagne tous les jours , même si tight eyez reste l’inventeur du krump et une figure de sa culture , il y a pas de débats il était pas dedans et s’est fait éteindre
@BabyTerRorChild3 ай бұрын
Bro eyes wtf man. U holding back. So frustrating. I mean u won but damn. After seeing Cannon at EBS throw him in the ring and let him destroy Kefton. Side note u had Konkrete cheering for u around 8min. Thats Dope. Come on man besides the beef we Krump and we wanna be respected so show the fuck out. Get off on people who arent in this
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
If he danced half what he did at ebs it would have been a massacre. Such a shame
@BabyTerRorChild3 ай бұрын
@@dayko1329exactly man…its just frustrating he spends all his energy and time throwing all his material at other krumperw but holds back against others. He did this against Retro years ago smh
@madikishardov15763 ай бұрын
"I mean u won but damn." LOL
@wazl3 ай бұрын
wasnt even close
@BabyTerRorChild3 ай бұрын
@@madikishardov1576 haha im just sayin like…yea you barely beat kefton but this is a world stage like why make it look close? Especially after all the videos and talking he be doing? Idk just frustrating being a fan of this since 2006 and to see him constantly hold back on world stages BUT have all this material for the states is crazy.
@anggitraharja46983 ай бұрын
@nitishpatra78543 ай бұрын
Tight Eyez was RAW
@williamstevenson55343 ай бұрын
He did the same ole stuff he's been doing for a decade.
@nitishpatra78543 ай бұрын
@@williamstevenson5534not at all !
@Estylez183 ай бұрын
Did Tight Eyez run out of gas, or what? Kefton swept him in this battle, it was a dope Battle though, Respect to the both of them 👌🏾
@trevonsmith40313 ай бұрын
Kefton won bc he came way more prepared I’m disappointed in eyez
@Symbiotix_Gamer3 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 you have no clue bro
@clowntrainingacademy45083 ай бұрын
Prepared to do the same old shi and hitting the same beat like 10 times. Nah thanks im gud, Eyez ate him
@LAmommy3 ай бұрын
Prepared to dance like a 1 year old that hears a song? Yes! Definitely. Kefton should have been boo’d off stage.
@Symbiotix_Gamer3 ай бұрын
@@LAmommy for real 😂😂
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
Forgot to say, thanks for the upload!
@almostfamoustv4693 ай бұрын
Was it rounds they agree on or something it seem like they was tryna line Eyex
@LanceG0073 ай бұрын
Events like this is always hating on Krump
@reckempire3 ай бұрын
@@LanceG007For real
@windshin13 ай бұрын
Look I do love hypotheticals. But,the reality is, past the excuses today Eyes has to take the L. I really wish I could grant you this idea of hate on krump but, they consistently perform well in these events even winning this year.
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
They had 3 minute timer each, ended up battling for 22 minutes lol.
@madikishardov15763 ай бұрын
@@LanceG007 Krumpers won this event several times. Stop with this bias nonsense.
@TheBlackJewelz3 ай бұрын
I honestly just think this was an off day or simply the hunger is not there anymore. “in my younger days/ That dream was so much fun to chase/ …But how do you keep up the pace/ And the hunger pains once you've won the race?/“ - Shady
@woahdizzy3 ай бұрын
woahhh the footage is a lot better🔥🔥
@stanceelements3 ай бұрын
thank you
@timinihoАй бұрын
Track at 9:50 anyone?
@ryushar3 ай бұрын
kefton killed it yet the MC so bias 😂
@KiiroSagi3 ай бұрын
I think the MC was trying to energize Eyez so we got a better battle. To be honest Kefton didn't do anything new or surprising.
@jacobthecallistoprotocol57063 ай бұрын
Kefton. Movements REPETITIVE and DATED. 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾
@tranquilotherapeute4323 ай бұрын
Saying MC is bias is crazy knowing that he’s a krump battle MC and FCDKrump organizer 🤣
@tranquilotherapeute4323 ай бұрын
And literally a Krumper lmao I almost forgot
@eliasofficial44642 ай бұрын
Kefton was good but tight eyez energy is something else
@andrenotsmall3 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie Kefton won and i was rooting for Eyez so much, thought he would of been more prepared for such a long battle
@clowntrainingacademy45083 ай бұрын
lol eyez don't have to prepare nothing, those rounds already said a lot. Kefton old same shi for almost 10 years bro
@Symbiotix_Gamer3 ай бұрын
@@clowntrainingacademy4508 for real
@madikishardov15763 ай бұрын
@@clowntrainingacademy4508 you tight eyez fanboys are crazy. Even when he sits on his ass half of the battle he still wins.
@makesmartTROYces3 ай бұрын
@@clowntrainingacademy4508and he STILL won. Eyez has to do better man. I was hoping for more
@VoxCentral3 ай бұрын
@@clowntrainingacademy4508your name makes perfect sense now. 😂
@DarkShuriken3 ай бұрын
Dunno why I hoped for a straight-forward battle.
@ronaldwestbrook42753 ай бұрын
They cannot keep battling after this. Imo it was a cool event for YTTv i believe Old tight eyeZ would have murdered him earlier on. seemed like he played with his food and his food got off the trap 😂
@shaelou30623 ай бұрын
Good battle!
@jacobthecallistoprotocol57063 ай бұрын
@williamstevenson55343 ай бұрын
Not even close. That hybrid krump style is played out, no evolving, which kefton is constantly doing.
@DmitriousBazhanov3 ай бұрын
lol ahahahah
@W1cked_KrumperАй бұрын
18;30 song? pls
@JayWilliams07233 ай бұрын
People are talking about konkrete showing eyez support but I don’t know if everyone seen how eyez avoided konkrete after the rounds for example konkrete was on the side eyez was suppose to be on and when eyez took his breaks he stayed away from that side. Now I could be reading too much into it and I hope I’m wrong but that’s just what I observed
@FireWordofa3 ай бұрын
Why was the timer adding random seconds
@dancemademyday36863 ай бұрын
Too much "whAAAT" amd "OKK" spamming from the MC like last year
@Craulis3 ай бұрын
I agree. Maybe it's a hot take, but I've been waiting for years for it to finally go out of fashion. When dancers are on fire, the crowd doesn't need a special person to hype it up. And when the dancers suck, the crowd knows they're being forced and it makes everything awkward. But hey, at least thanks for the fact that this time the rounds are filmed not only from the dancers' backs! lol
@sakshamdev10152 ай бұрын
@larsmoreno80673 ай бұрын
kefton 💯
@dayko13293 ай бұрын
Can anyone explain why they danced after 00:00 on the clock?
@Ziggyzaggy-j9b3 ай бұрын
Man should’ve put RUIN in there instead! Eyez looks like something happened backstage and it put him off this battle! 🤷🏻♂️ who knows but it just doesn’t look right.
@dare_he_is3 ай бұрын
How does this time system even work? It seemed like Tight Eyex was dancing forever, we all know he doesn’t have the cardio to krump longer than 3 minutes but with all the damn time they kept adding it’s hard to track who really was dancing longer than the other. What a weird highly anticipated battle. Then they had a tie breaker round? What’s the point of the timers if both were gonna dance well over the time they were supposed to battle in I’m just more disappointed at all year they were both talking so much trash and then battled like this? I’ve seen Kefton kill it and I’ve seen Tight Eyex pop off way crazier. What we got was mad lukewarm at best. I also won’t forget that they’ve been at it for a decade and Fusion Concept has made a mockery of krump and allowed dancers to disrespect the style itself, while also being harsher on krumpers in the past
@vincelefivedk46353 ай бұрын
Merci Kefton, leçon de musicalité et d'éducation.
@ta3_unknownn32502 ай бұрын
Who DARES challenge the King 😤🤝🏾🔥🔥🔥🔥💯
@CrowCityP3 ай бұрын
Why did the crowd get hyped when Kefton grabbed his nuts with the beat at 5:00?? lol