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Welcome to our video on the 3rd-month baby milestones, where we explore the incredible changes your baby experiences at this stage! 🍼✨ At three months, your little one starts developing key skills like smiling, cooing, and even trying to lift their head during tummy time. 😊 This is also the age when they begin to recognize faces, follow moving objects, and respond to sounds. Curious about their motor, social, and sensory developments? We've got you covered! Learn how to encourage their growth with fun activities and ensure a healthy routine. This video is perfect for first-time parents seeking guidance on their baby's progress. Stay tuned as we discuss expert tips for tracking milestones and knowing when to consult a pediatrician. 💡 Let's make parenting a joyful journey! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more baby care tips. ❤️
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ভেপার নেওয়ার যন্ত্র vaporizer steamer for cough, cold: amzn.to/3jNJKVE
Humidifier : amzn.to/3XncimY
Eucalyptus oil : amzn.to/3YiEyZc
baby feeding bottle: amzn.to/3hEvJbo
bottle cleaner: amzn.to/3UDqgjR
hot water flux: amzn.to/3EpBsei
sterilizer: amzn.to/3O1jfqq
socks for newborn: amzn.to/3EBmMbW
wrapping blanket: amzn.to/3V3X1Gy
Diapers(2): amzn.to/3tnqTSK
one piece pajamas: amzn.to/3UA7nyn
diaper rash cream: amzn.to/3g01F9M
baby dress(1) for winter: amzn.to/3Eekf66
baby dress(2) for winter: amzn.to/3gbfylM
Disclaimer: We are not Doctors, we help everyone to be fit and fine. Our special focus is healthy parenting and parenthood. All the discussion as provided in is for information purpose only. The usage of any product and procedure should be done at viewers own risk and should be within own limit. For application please consult with physicians, doctors or medical practitioner before usage. The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. The information provided here is for informational purposes only.