It should have KR/optimized group in your title. No hate or nothing, but if you're gonna say but we were missing one that just proves my point even further. Im sure the extra 5 levels, already having T2 weapons and i assume gear as well helped a bit as well not to mentions runes etc... nothing was shown here other than a strong 5 man group speed run.
@vshynobi28 күн бұрын
Not me vibing to the music while enjoying the gameplay
@Not_Harvard28 күн бұрын
How is your chain pulling in multiple enemies? Skill spec that global doesn't have yet?
@voltairespov188328 күн бұрын
It’s a tier 2 sword that is able to pull 3 enemies
@TL_Tuff28 күн бұрын
T2 Sword. This was recorded on KR to let people know how to play tank in the new dungeons.