I noticed in every video that you bait on the window too much, if you want really to be effective while solo qing you need to play aggressive and smart and win your ones. You baited on the window for a long time you forgot about the frost mat you droned out.
@VictoryFeabbbs22 күн бұрын
If you have gotten that pulse kill while scanning on IQ that would've been some real passionate play
@night_og351522 күн бұрын
I find when the azami keeps placing the same kiba it’s bc she is holding a one sided angle
@bigblue4life54422 күн бұрын
Simple explanation for the KD decrease and W/L increase… you’re getting carried
@OswaldWilliams-u6v22 күн бұрын
Naw bro said himself @ 6:00 that he doesn’t care about anything but winning
@Killopsr22 күн бұрын
When the tournament will happened
@WyyNutz10122 күн бұрын
Love your vids I’m trying to get better but I’m on old gen tryna get money😭
@Yarnie-nz6ub22 күн бұрын
I think I might change my region to NA from EU😂. people who say NA is harder maybe it is but EU is unplayable solo q, I either play with 2/3 tm8s that give them a free win or play against a full 5 stack the entire day. Does NA have lots of wintraders aswell?
@pelpie22 күн бұрын
satan was kicked out cause of jealousy
@MatanicFabrications22 күн бұрын
It was pride
@fhdhhghbkn375922 күн бұрын
It's a fairy tale, no one cares "Jesus loves you" yeah thanks just what I needed
@pelpie22 күн бұрын
@@fhdhhghbkn3759 thats cool but you trash at siege
@henryrideout864022 күн бұрын
Donald trump quote less than 2 minutes in lets go champ
@Tahkomonday22 күн бұрын
@slamnov22 күн бұрын
W vid
@itztc52122 күн бұрын
K/d don’t matter and tbh u only really had a somewhat high k/d cause u bait