Que linda canción ❤ Se siente el ambiente de secundaria japonesa y las chicas con sus uniformes ❤
@SonicFanChris45 жыл бұрын
The original show had a nostalgic and heartwarming feel to it. I can't say the same for Remember my Memories though. The original show will always be what I think of when I think of To Heart.
@CarthagoMike Жыл бұрын
yeh, they wanted to 'patch up' some rough endings, yet ended up with a sub-par story.
@andrijadjordjevic92035 ай бұрын
my main reason for not liking Remember my Memories is because the animation was way different that it felt like a completely different series and it was done by the same studio,too
Does anyone have a link to a full let’s play of the game, I can’t find one to save my life
@tetsutobey4 жыл бұрын
Original Version: www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37341449?playlist=eyJ0eXBlIjoibXlsaXN0IiwiY29udGV4dCI6eyJteWxpc3RJZCI6NjEwMjY0MDEsInNvcnRLZXkiOiJhZGRlZEF0Iiwic29ydE9yZGVyIjoiZGVzYyJ9fQ&ref=pc_userpage_mylist for the PSE (Playstation Edition) version: www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23962817?ref=search_key_video&playlist=eyJ0eXBlIjoic2VhcmNoIiwiY29udGV4dCI6eyJrZXl3b3JkIjoiVG9IZWFydFBTRSIsInNvcnRLZXkiOiJob3RNeWxpc3QiLCJzb3J0T3JkZXIiOiJub25lIiwicGFnZSI6MiwicGFnZVNpemUiOjMyfX0&ss_pos=9&ss_id=aa3aeef4-def3-4f16-af13-9bce3f8f0158