And 'the extreme centre' - great phrase coined by Tariq!
@nothanksimgood12 жыл бұрын
He has drawn a distinction between today and the 1930s. He has said that the US will eventually pull out of its current crisis but that it will not enjoy the benefits of massive social democratic reforms that attended the US's extrication from the Great Depression, because the institutions that did meaningfully exist then (trade unionism etc) do not exist now. If I can find the lecture on youtube I'll post the link.
@lqacwaz47011 жыл бұрын
a bit, yes. But yet, Tariq's observations are highly instructive. If/when tariq passes away (god forbid - just an expression - not before me Tariq!) we'll fully realise what a vaccuuum he left --- a tariq-shaped hole in the universe - manoj pandey, writing from calcutta.