LMAO ACCEL I'm laughing so much when he get spooked entering the shop and tries to beat himself for feelings like that lmao
@copingforever60932 жыл бұрын
na nanda korya LLLOOOOOLLLL
@JUNHO7773 жыл бұрын
@kohh86412 жыл бұрын
何かと思ったら 妹達の生産代か笑
@ある-g3v Жыл бұрын
@Kururupu2 жыл бұрын
3:58 4:20
@awakeneddio60123 жыл бұрын
If someone can Translate this, I, Dio, would be thankful.
@ferds69903 жыл бұрын
You sound cringe af
@mintaowo46313 жыл бұрын
Hey there, i did the best i could, sorry i'm not even a beginner so it lacks of a lot of things but maybe you can understand basically all the conversations : 1st sentence : "I want to go to buy the things that are on this Kaimono List (kaimono is the shop but i didn't knew at first) says Misaka asking you to make her a favor and look at it for her" 0:08 : "Huh? Why did you come to your inspection attendant at first place like i absolutely have to go to such a shop" 0:14 : "Misaka, from now have something important" ? I had lot of trouble understanding that part, then she says something close to "Says Misaka explaining you" but tons of things i couldn't understand with it 0:21 : Here also i couldn't understand the 1st word and maybe the 2nd but basically he's saying "You can go by yourself" 0:25 : At the beginning she says "I gotta go fast" i couldn't understand what's following but it's probably something like "Or it will be over" or like there will be no more or it'll close i have no idea 0:31 : Lol give up 0:33 : I W A N T I T S O M U C H !! SAYS MISAKA (and can't understand after this) 0:44 : Oh shut the hell up you noisy kid, you want it that much ? 0:46 : "A lot of fun" ? (Totemo tanoshimide) it probably refers to something contextual i can't understand because of my lack of experience, then she says "I'd really want to go by myself, says Misaka" and once again i don't understand what's next 0:55 : "Don't start tearing, tch fine i guess i'm going to get it" 1:00 : Yaay (Then she says where's the object she want on the list i think ? Can't be sure once again) 1:10 : "Guess i have no choice i'll go" 1:19 : "That's the place where was what she showed me on the list right ? What kind of ___ is it ?" (PS: In the end of the video Accelerator says he's going for another place for the kid so i probably missed in my translation something saying that it's not only one place) 1:22 : T-The heck is that ?? (Couldn't understand what follows but it basically has "Tottemo" which can mean a lot, "Hitori de" meaning by myself, but alone, and "Haeru" meaning entering, so he was probably shocked by what the shop looks like lol) 1:28 : Couldn't get a single of the thing he said here but i can almost say for sure it's nothing useful 1:33 : "But that said, if i come back with "Tebura"" (that's the word he used, probably talking about what he has to buy, i don't know what it is) and can't get what follows but he basically says the kid would cry, or would not cry or maybe stop crying, i don't get it at all 1:39 : Don't understand anything 1:46 : "What's going on ? Says Misaka while coming to see _what's going on here_" (what she probably said, while i can't really get it) 1:51 : "H U H ??? Ha that's you ? Why are you even going in this kind of places ?" 1:58 : "I mean anyway, that thing's none of your business, you can leave, disappear" 2:04 : "Isn't it about ____ that you came here ? Says Misaka while asking you to check" (Probably said something close to this) 2:13 : "Why do you even know this ? Since when your head is... Misaka Network isn't it ?" (Yes Sherlock) 2:20 : "Correct, you looked to be fine by yourself" (I think it's irony nor what's follow in the sentence that i can't understand says the opposite in some way) 2:30 : I couldn't understand a lot of what she said here too but the word "O tsukai" came back a lot so i checked to see what it is and it says "Messenger" so i think it says "By the way, if there's a messenger, we'd better enter in the shop" (really struggling on something in this sentence, even tho it's probably not hard) 2:40 : "Shut up, it's not like ----" Lol i can't say it's not like what sorry but there's a probability he says "It's not like i would go in this by myself lonely, obviously" 2:46 : "Then, if you don't go alone is it fine ? Says Misaka while checking to you" and a bunch of other word i can't understand the meaning of 2:55 : "Basically you mean that you want to go in with me right ?" 3:00 : "Yes, that's right" 3:06 : "You..., You wouldn't happen to have forgotten all the thing i did to you right ?" then i don't get it but there's a high chance he says "You have no reason to help me" 3:14 : "All the Misaka, about you are" Lol i don't know anything of what she says after but it's an important part so i will come back when i'll have enough time to fix this part cause it looks important 3:32 : "Well now, let's enter in the "O-mise" (word that i don't know till the beginning that probably means the shop) 3:40 : I don't get what's said here but I'll prob come back to fix it even tho it doesn't looks important, anyway he says "Fine let's go" in the end 3:50 : "WELCOM" 3:54 : "KHH? The interior of the shop is hella- (i don't know hella what but he probably in someway injured the mom of the one possessing the place) i'd do better find quickly what this kid wanted" 4:00 : "Kyaaa, this's cuute, let's buy it let's buy it" 4:04 : "Huh? What's your intention?" 4:06 : "When we came together in the shop, wasn't your intention for me to do that ?" (looks like something really close she's saying) 4:16 : "No way she's actually for real trying to make us look like a couple" 4:20 : "Ahhh, this here is also cuute, i want everything" 4:27 : "Is she kidding me on top of that ?" then he probably says he better not take his time here but i didn't understand a single word 4:33 : "Ah, the thing we came to buy, it's this, right no mistaking ?" 4:40 : "Yes, says Misaka looking at the photo she has with her" (basically.....) 4:49 : "Fine, better hurry to buy it and get out of here" 4:55 : "Okaay, i'm buying it, i'm happyyyyy" 5:01 : "Stop doing that anymore, and stay calm" 5:14 : "Fortunately you've entered and get your stuff finely didn't you ?" 5:34 : "Are you going now to the next place ?" 5:39 : "Ah yeah indeed, i have 2 more place to go to now, well i'll go directly now" And for the last phrase : I see, that was an "Interesting tour wasn't it ? Says Misaka while sharing something interesting to the Network"
@awakeneddio60123 жыл бұрын
@@mintaowo4631 Thank you. That was somewhat helpful.
@copingforever60932 жыл бұрын
0:00: この買い物リストにあるものを買ってきて欲しいの、ってミサカはミサカはあなたにお使いを頼んでみる。 I want you to buy me the items on this shopping list, Misaka says, asking you to run an errand for me. 0:08 : あァ?なんでオマエノ検査の付き添いにきた上に、買い物なンか行かなきゃならねェンだ。 Oh? Why do I have to go shopping when I'm here to accompany you to the doctor's office? 0:14 : ミサカはこれから大事な検査があるからだよ、ってミサカはミサカはもっともな理由を説明してみる。 I have an important test coming up, Misaka explains with good reason. (implying she wont make it in time) 0:21 : 終わった後に、自分で行けばいいだろうが。 After you're done, go by yourself. 0:25 : 早くいかないと売り切れちゃうの、ってミサカはミサカは隠し切れない焦りを見せてみたり。 It's going to be sold out if you don't get there soon, Misaka said, showing a impatience that she couldn't hide. 0:31 : 諦めろ。 Give up. 0:33 : うぅー!すーごーくー欲ーしーいの、ってミサカはミサカは地団駄を踏んでみる! Ugh! I want it sooooooooo bad! says Misaka, says Misaka while stomping on the floor. 0:44 : ったく、うるせェクソガキが。そンなに欲しいモンなのかよ? Sheesh, what a noisy brat. You really want it so bad? 0:46 : とてもの楽しみで、本当は自分で買いに行きたいんだよ、ってミサカはミサカはしょんぼり落ち込んでみたり…。 I was so excited about it, I wanted to go buy it myself, Misaka said, feeling down and depressed... 0:55 : 涙ぐンでンじゃねェよ。 チっ、買ってくりゃ良いンだろうが。 Don't start tearing, tch fine i guess i'm going to get it" 1:00 : やった!リストにお店の場所も書いてあるから!ってミサカはミサカは上機嫌で検査に向かってみたりー! Yaay ! I've got the location of the stores on my list! says Misaka in a good mood and heading to the examination 1:10 : クソったれが、乗せられちまったか?仕方ねェ....行くとするか。 Damn it, did she got a ride on me? No choice. .... Let's go. 1:19 : ここがクソガキのリストにあった店のようだが....どンな店なンだ…? This looks like the place on the kid's list: .... What kind of place is this...? 1:22 : がっ…⁉な…何だァこりゃあ!!とてもー一人で入れるような雰囲気じゃねェぞ…! What the...⁉What the hell! It's not the kind of place you can go in alone...!(its probably a very girly store) 1:28 : 止めだ止め!くっだらねェ、やってられっかー! Stop it, stop it! This is bullshit, I can't do this! 1:33 : (…でもよォ、手ぶらで戻ったらクソガキが泣き喚く状況が目に浮かぶよなァ) (...on the other hand, I can see the little shit crying and screaming if I come back empty-handed...) 1:39 : あァクソ....!一気に入って、一気に出るかァ?いや....さすがに無理ってモンがあるぞ…。 Ah shit, ....! In at once and out at once? No. .... It's impossible.... 1:46 : どうかしましたか?とミサカは率直な疑問をぶつけてみます。 What's wrong?, says Misaka asking you a frank question. 1:51 : あァ⁉な、なンだオマエかよ…。何でオマエがこんなトコほっつき歩いてンだァ? Ah⁉What, it's you...? Why are you wandering around here like this? 1:58 : まァイイか。オマエには関係ねェ事だ、放っておけ。失せろ。 Well, it doesn't matter. It's none of your business. Get lost. 2:04 : お使いに来たのではないのですか?とミサカはあなたの暴言を無視して、確認を取ります。 I thought you were here to run an errand, says Misaka ignoring your outburst and asking for confirmation. 2:13 : なんで分かンだよ? オマエはいつから頭ン中が読めるように....いや、ミサカネットワークってヤツか。 How do you know? Since when can you read my mind .... No, it's called the Misaka Network, isn't it? 2:20 : そうです。あなたを一人のして大丈夫かという上位個体の意識が共有されました、とミサカはネタバラシをします。 Yes, it is. The central unit's [referring to Last Order] awareness of whether it is safe to leave you alone has been shared, Misaka says, breaking the news. 2:30 : ところで、お使いであれば早くお店に入った方が良いのでは?とミサカは客観的事実を述べます。 By the way, if you are running an errand, shouldn't you go into the store as soon as possible, says Misaka objectively stating the truth. 2:40 : うるせェよ。こんな店に、一人で入れる訳ねェだろォが。 Shut up. There's no way I'm going to go into a place like this by myself. 2:46 : では、一人でなければ良いのでしょうか?とみさかは打開案を提示してみます。 Then, would it better if you were not alone? says Misaka offering a solution. 2:55 : 一人でなければって....つまり、俺とオマエで入るって事かよ? If I were not alone? In other words, me and you are going in together? 3:00 : はい、そうです、とミサカはゆっくり頷きます。 Yes, that's right, Misaka nods slowly. 3:06 : オマエよォ....俺がした事、忘れた訳じゃねェだろ?俺を助ける義理は何もねェはずだぞ? You .... I'm sure you haven't forgotten what I did to you, have you? You don't owe me anything, do you? 3:14 : ミサカ達はあなたを責めないと結論づけました。過去の事については上位個体と話がついているはずですとミサカは片付いた話をわざわざ掘り返して、懇切丁寧に説明します。 The Misakas concluded that they do not blame you. I'm sure you and the central unit have talked about the past, Misaka says, digging all the way back into a story that has been cleared up and explaining it to you in a very polite manner. 3:32 : では早速、お店に入りましょう、とミサカは煮え切らないあなたの入店を促します。 Then let's get right to it, Misaka urges your indecisive self to enter the store.
@copingforever60932 жыл бұрын
3:40 : ハッ、ここまでお膳立てされちまったら乗ってやらァ。行くぜ…。 I'll take you up on that if you've been set up this far. Let's go.... 3:50 : いらっしゃいませー。 Welcome! 3:54 : 店の中は想像以上に強烈だぜェ…。さっさとクソガキの目当てのモンを探すか。 The inside of the store is even more intense than I imagined.... Let's quickly look for what the little shit wants. 4:00 : きゃー。これかわいいー。かってかってー。 Yikes. This is so cute. I'm going to get it! 4:04 : ハァ?オマエ、何のつもりだァ? Huh? What the hell are you doing? 4:06 : 二人で買い物をする時はこうするものでは?とミサカは一般的な想像をしてみます。 Isn't this how it's supposed to be when two people are shopping together?, says Misaka trying to adapt to the environment. 4:16 : (まさか、コイツ恋人同士を装ってるつもりかァ?) (Don't tell me she's trying to make out we're lovers?) 4:20 : あー。こっちもかわいいー。ぜんぶほしいなー。 Ah. This one is cute too. I want all of them. 4:27 : (チッ、それともふざけてやがンのかァ?表情がなさずぎてちっとも分かりゃしねェ) (Damn, or are you kidding me? I can't tell at all from the lack of expression on her face.) 4:33 : あン?リストにある名前と一緒のものがあるな…。オイ,コレで間違いねェか? Huh? There is one that has the same name as the one on the list.... Hey, is this the right one? 4:40 : はい。上位個体のイメージするものと一致します、とミサカは確信を持って肯定します。 Yes, I'm sure. It matches with the image of the central unit, Misaqa affirms with certainty. 4:49 : よ、よし....さっさと買って、こんなトコからはおさらばだ…。 Okay, okay. .... I'll buy it quickly and get rid of this place.... 4:55 : わーい。かってくれるのねー。うれしいー。 Yay. I'm so glad you're going to buy it. I'm so happy! 5:01 : もォソレ止めろ....却って目立つだろォが。会計が済むまで、大人しくしとけオマエ。 Stop that .... It's too conspicuous. Behave like an adult, until the bill is paid. ありがとうございました―。 Thank you very much. クソが…あに店員、ずっとニヤニヤしてやがった…。 Damn...that waitress was grinning at me the whole time.... 5:14 : 無事に買えてよかったですね、とミサカは称賛の言葉を贈ります。 I'm glad you were able to buy it safely, says Misaka offering you words of praise あァ....悔しいがオマエのおかげでなァ。 (脳の代理演算といい、今回の事といい、すっかりコイツらの世話になっちまってるな…) Ahh .... It was a pain in the ass, but thanks anyways. (I'm totally indebted to these guys for the proxy brain operations and also for today...) 5:34 : これから、すぐに次の場所に向かうのですか?とミサカは確認をしてみます。 Are you going to go to the next place soon, says Misaka asking for confirmation. 5:39 : ああ、そうだ。あとふたつもあンだよ。勘弁して欲しいぜ…。 じゃあ、おれはもう行くからよォ。....世話ンなったなァ Oh, that's right. There are two more places to go. I hope you don't mind... Well, I'm going to go now. .... Thanks for your help. Last phrase : ....なるほど。これは興味深い展開ですね、とミサカは面白半分にネットワークに情報を回します。 .... I see... This is an interesting development, says Misaka passing the information on to the network just for fun.