Is It Time to Stop Buying the S&P 500?

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Toby Newbatt

Toby Newbatt

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@CocoaCallo 8 ай бұрын
Basically, this video provides absolutely no useful info. A summary - i dont know, i can't tell, nobody knows, nobody can tell, i make pointless videos for views.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
thanks for watching :) You have won the best comment award. Interesting that you thought this. So you wanted me to tell you why the market will go up or down? Predicting the future and pretending to know something that is unknowable? Please submit the euromillions numbers here or find me someone who does thank you :)
@duncanemery4303 8 ай бұрын
Bet you love spending time on these vids to receive comments like the above keep em coming mate I appreciate them@@TobyNewbatt
@ianchinsor9248 8 ай бұрын
Because no body knows, you can only look at previous trends and make calculated guesses and assumptions
@davidhogg657 8 ай бұрын
​@TobyNewbatt you can't pay heed to belligerent comments like that, Toby. To hell with them. Though I would say one thing: it feels like the central message for a lot of your videos is "you can't beat the market, so just dollar cost average your investment in a low cost index tracker". There's only so many ways you can say that in a subtly different way. What is the strategy therefore for the channel? You can't do this for the next 15 years
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
There's soo much more to talk about in the details plenty to cover and while the core messages may get repetitive think about it like this.... What's the point of an exercise channel if they keep saying to perform the same sets and overload them over a long time period to get fit? Or what's the point of a food channel telling me to eat less calories than I consume. What's the point of making a new song, there's already loads out there. Hardly anyone in the UK invests. We are taught nothing in schools about finance. Should it be kept from people. Although you might know more than most, I suspect you do, the majority fall into the beginners section and new people turn 18/ want to invest for the first time all the time :) Hope that explains my thoughts - the short answer I'll do it for as long as I can add value :) @@davidhogg657
@VisedMonk 8 ай бұрын
Doesn’t matter to me. I’ve got 25 years of investing left. DCA 40% VOO, 35% SCHD, 25% QQQM every week. If the market drops, great. That means I can buy more shares for less to catch the upswing.
@nex8000 6 ай бұрын
So you hold all your money in HYSA accounts, or some other lower yield vehicle, and wait for the market to crash before investing? How much are you holding waiting for the next crash? Idk, timing markets like that never seems to work out for people. They often miss out on the biggest gains in stock market history. I'd much prefer to consistently invest and not wait for markets to crash. I would never want the market to drop, nor celebrate it.
@VisedMonk 6 ай бұрын
@@nex8000 I think you misunderstood my comment. I'm not in a HYSA other than my emergency fund and our regular savings account for saving for larger purposes. I'm not trying to time the market. There is a 50% chance it goes up on any given day, and a 50% chance it drops on any given day. Corrections happen. Crashes happen. But over time, the overall trajectory is positive. So, all my investments are in ETFs, individual stocks, and a few bonds. I certainly don't celebrate a market drop, but I buy the same dollar amount of my ETFs every week and re-invest dividends. If the market drops, then my regular weekly investing buys more fractional shares and my dividend reinvestment does as well. When the market goes back up, you get additional gains on the shares purchased during the downturn simply from continuing to invest during the downturns.
@nareshvasishth4034 6 ай бұрын
@@nex8000 There is a Chinese proverb LOVE ME LITTLE, BUT LOVE ME LONG>
@brickchamp4199 8 ай бұрын
I just glad that we have investing video channels so that I don't feel like I'm going it alone.
@mikeyjohn2278 7 ай бұрын
The message here is: don't try and time the market.
@fulukuku 8 ай бұрын
buy: sxr8 below 430 eur
@welshhibby 8 ай бұрын
Time in the market not timing the market.
@lolololo3726 8 ай бұрын
Great video as always 👌🏿
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Thank you again
@Jack93-o1q 8 ай бұрын
Hey Toby, how do I switch ETF's on trading 212 if I want to transfer my investments from the S&P 500 to somthing like all world for example? Thanks for all the help BTW.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Hey Jack, if you just want to buy one investment you'd have to sell the other one first and then you can do what you like? Hope that's what you mean by the question. If you are using an ISA then all is fine.
@Jack93-o1q 8 ай бұрын
@@TobyNewbatt thank you that makes the most common sense, I was hoping you could just transfer your stocks for the price you paid for them at the time. I don't want to sell now because I bought some stocks at a better price. Does that make sense?
@coderider3022 8 ай бұрын
Are you buying and selling your portfolio based on each video you watch ? lol. If your buying and selling this frequently , your probably your own worst nightmare. You’re chasing short term gains. Listen to the videos here and elsewhere. Think general and long term.
@Jack93-o1q 8 ай бұрын
@@coderider3022 of course not its something I have been thinking about for a while actually, this video just prompted me to ask the question. I've just wanted that extra diversity but already invested with S&P 500 for a little while now, either way it's a long term (30 plus) years investment for retirement.
@molex114 8 ай бұрын
The market goes up the market goes down sometimes for good reason sometimes for no reason at all. If ive got this right the s&p made 26% due to the top ten and without them only 14% still not a bad return and if one or two of the top go tits they get replaced. True past anf future are not the same but id bet go back any year and you could have the same discussion. Sure you need to pay attention but the only valuation that counts is the one on yhe day you cash in
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Slightly wrong on the calculation as the 490 stocks made up 14% of the total return which is (14% of 26% so actually only 3.6%). But your points stand you can always have the same discussion every year and just keep on buying if you're a long term investor :)
@JacoBrownolymetal666 8 ай бұрын
That’s not right. It’s 14% of the overall 26% the SP500. So probably around 3-4% without the big boys.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
snap :P@@JacoBrownolymetal666
@molex114 8 ай бұрын
Ahh OK my bad, but the the s&p has always been the gold standard to beat not just in the last 10 or 20 years and like said if one goes out another comes in. Who know what it's going to look like in the future or what the next big thing will be. Probably a tech or a company that doesn't even exist yet
@george6977 8 ай бұрын
​@molex114 But what if the next mega stocks to spring up are domiciled in Japan, EU or UK?
@Asif24960 8 ай бұрын
I keep my investing simple. I invest, not trade. I invest on a 20+ year time horizon. I will continue to dollar cost average the S&P 500 (20%) and global index (80%)
@coderider3022 8 ай бұрын
What global index ? Highly correlated to sp500 anyway ?
@robinvinchent7813 8 ай бұрын
MSCI World I guess @@coderider3022
@pistopitpit 8 ай бұрын
You are overweighting the winners. That’s a classic returns chasing. But you should be fine anyway. Maybe just not average fine.
@Asif24960 8 ай бұрын
@@coderider3022 For now the S&P dominates global but doesn’t mean that will always be the case. I invest in VWRL. Ultimately if the US fails the % of US mix in it will drop accordingly . I’m putting 20% into S&P as I still think their top companies will dominate since they are global companies so wanted to weight it to the US.
@Asif24960 8 ай бұрын
@@pistopitpit I’ve always had a global index has the safe bet, not particular great returns but a steady return with over 100+ years of data. Had I put everything into S&P I could understand your comment but I’m struggling to
@mattsennett 8 ай бұрын
As you say Toby, long term you can't go wrong with a whole of market ETF. Where the S&P500 is concerned, it's true that the big boys are not the same as they were a few decades ago. That's the beauty of it though as if you keep buying then eventually something new will come along and enter the 500 at a low level and you will benefit from it as it makes its way up the list.
@HypaxBE 8 ай бұрын
I will keep on investing monthly as I have for years. Of the total that I save every month, 50% gets invested into ETF's and 50% gets added to my savings account for a multitude of purposes. Those purposes can be non investing related like renovating the house, but also can be used as a "bazooka" to buy ETF's when prices would drop. That way, if the stock market continues to go up, my money (what's already in + monthly) will continue to grow. If the stock market drops, my montly investments will "buy at a discount" and make money at a later point (which it's very likely to do looking at historical data) + the bazooka allows me to buy a lot more at that 'discounted' price, creating enough weight which monthly investments cant do alone. During a period like we had in 2022-2023, everything you've invested during that time will generate a profit by the end of it. All while everything that was already in there before that period basically did nothing for 2 years (even dropped in value if you account for 2 years of inflation).
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work
@miri9600 8 ай бұрын
seems like a good strategy
@pistopitpit 8 ай бұрын
You call it bazooka, I call it market timing light version lol
@FirstMM 8 ай бұрын
@@pistopitpit You could call it taking advantage of circumstances / market conditions or strategic opportunism. I have similar savings that are intended for spending, not investing, but if the conditions are right, I'd happily put off the spending spree for a year or two.
@pistopitpit 8 ай бұрын
@@FirstMM sounds reasonable at first but also sounds like you have an unnecessary excess of cash on the side and that is always performance hit in a long run. Perhaps you can afford it, pile of cash on the side always feels good so from psychological point of view it’s a win for sure.
@ShameerRavji 8 ай бұрын
Thx for the vid. I''m always going to be investing into the S&P500 no matter what.
@1292liam Ай бұрын
ALWAYS buy the S&P 500. Always (IE NEVER Stop). You tubers have to fill their time with BS clickbait crap, to keep the money flowing in from their ads ..we know this, so one to ignore. Not sure why anyone is commenting on this one
@ElliotWadsworth93 8 ай бұрын
This channel inspired me to make KZbin videos! I hope my channel can be as successful as yours!
@ericscott6864 8 ай бұрын
I invest with an all in strategy. I'm all in every week when I get paid, after paying my bills. Over the years I found it's best to ignore predictions about the market and focus on news about a single company I own.
@loutol2952 8 ай бұрын
The S&P 500 is battle tested, self cleansing and the cheapest ‘actively managed’ index in the world. Pound cost into a tracker that tracks this index and you will be just fine. It’s up to you if you want to diversify beyond this. In my opinion, you simply dilute your returns over time. Each to their own and good luck to all.
@timetraveller3063 8 ай бұрын
Could not have said this sentiments exactly 👍
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
dude u are king with words, my body is ready!
@markdillon5494 8 ай бұрын
The big boy companies always dominate the market, and they always change from decade to decade however, they are usually always a US based company on the S&P 500. If you keep buying the S&P 500 you cant go wrong. Its a self cleansing fund. Too much diversity dilutes the performance - hence why at this point global trackers are of no use.
@geolykos 8 ай бұрын
I’m saving my money the past 2 months and waiting for the market to cool down before I invest. It doesnt mean Im going to spend it or invest less. I just prefer not to buy at all time highs.
@pistopitpit 8 ай бұрын
S&P is the winner everybody seem to love right now. This is so naive and classic investor behaviour. Chasing returns. It’s always a higher risk to invest in a single country. Often Japan is given as an example. It used to be at the top of the world (just like US now), then its stock market crashed and not recovered for the next 30 years. It’s like a permanent loss for investor. Worst than any recession ever. So for that reason I will never take a risk of investing in a single country. Future is unknown that is a known fact. So all we have left is make an investment decision based on evidence. By this you give yourself the biggest chance of winning the game. Sure, You might end up broke, but the decision you have made was right.
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
makes sense, you are more all world index which does make sense. you lose a bit of return in past 20yrs but you gain some mental stability. i am ALL in s&p500 index as for my own personal taste its diverse and secure enough. i can sleep at night no problems. now if usa gets nuked and market dies i think all other countries are going down in flames also. and most of sp500 companies work and earn money all around the world anyway so its international, they are just registered in usa
@pistopitpit 4 ай бұрын
@@DarkoFitCoach don’t think you understand. Overweighting or even worst concentrating on only US stocks is a classic investor recency bias. There were periods in history where US stocks underperformed other countries. To use your analogy: when US was on fire, there were countries that were doing just fine. Hard to imagine this in today’s world yet nowhere is said it will not repeat. It’s not even that US needs to get in trouble. The trouble is already there for investors who buy US while it is already heavily overpriced. But, again, it’s all recency bias, a feeling so strong that it puts in doubt my own strategy. I just ignore my own thoughts to stay the course.
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
@@pistopitpit great. I get your point and we all have our own biases towards something. So this discussion is about details at best. You invest 60% in usa anyway in your world index. So far in 240yrs usa has been a terrificly good bet for investors. Stands to reason it will continue for decades to come, with its ups and downs as any stock market has. For me sp500 is where its at
@pistopitpit 4 ай бұрын
@@DarkoFitCoach if your investing decision makes you happy then so be it. It does not mean decision was right - based in evidence. Yes, we all have biases but investing in Global Index passively is most likely the most unbiased decision average investor can make.
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
@@pistopitpit warren buffet and john bogle the man whos product you are using always said in his 50yrs career: sp500.
@onenote6619 4 ай бұрын
Option 1: Does this guy have any useful insights into the future performance of the S&P500? If so, why is he not a billionaire already? Option 2: Clickbait for suckers.
@TobyNewbatt 4 ай бұрын
@TobyNewbatt 4 ай бұрын
Imagine expecting someone to tell you the future that is unknowable. Now that really is for suckers
@Abdul_Rahman86 8 ай бұрын
Personally I think the market is overpriced. But I’m not looking to exit my positions for another 25 years (SIPP). So either way I’ll carry on DCA. I also invest into a uk dividend etf and global dividend etf just to put my mind at ease. The dividend investing is purely for psychological purposes
@clarenceishmael9615 8 ай бұрын
No one under God knows what the markets are going to do. Hence why DCA is definitely the way to go for us mere mortals.
@MotivationMindset100 5 ай бұрын
2024=2+0+2+4= 8 which is the sign on infinity... the year 2024 will be bigger than ever
@jerryedwards4022 8 ай бұрын
Love your videos, Toby. Easy to listen to, down to earth presentation and very informative. Keep up the brilliant work.
@martamay6855 8 ай бұрын
agree, so down to earth, just feels so authentic and v informative, especially for beginners in investing
@joshuaamaral5855 16 күн бұрын
If you had stopped investing in VUSA in Jan, you would've missed out on about £10 of growth till the ATH in Jul. Should probably just keep investing, just don't dump all your money in at once 👍
@POILY2501 Ай бұрын
i think just simple: stocks go up even it goes down. the reason people invested in S&P500 heavily because of the big companies names in it. When I do research, most of the companies I want to buy stock are in Spy. So would it make sense to just buy that ETF instead of too many stocks to watch/follow everyday? The answer is YES. And buy when you can measure the average lower if you can. otherwise, just buy every months/ 2 weeks... Of course no one wants to buy at peak. But if you don't invest anything, in 10 years, instead of profit 20-30-50% from the peak buy, you can profit 0% ☺
@ukkk123 21 күн бұрын
you are comparing apples with oranges, in 2008 markets crashed recovery for 4 years in row is apoosible covid in 8 trillion printed for stock gambling Fed is funding gambling one question you should ask is how long and how much Fed will fund for gambling?
@bobdobalina276 8 ай бұрын
This does raise a question that's always at the back of my mind. I would like to know how re-balancing works on index funds. If I bought an s&p500 index fund in 1985 I would (perhaps) 3% in on IBM. I'm assuming if I still held that same fund 35 years later I would no longer be 3% in on IBM but have a chunk of Tesla so re-balancing must have happened at some point - multiple times no doubt. How does balancing work on funds and ETFs? Do they just handle it within daily trading? Do they check it every 6 months and correct with a bunch of buy/sells? It never seems to be mentioned on the data sheets.
@hc8714 6 ай бұрын
That is when you have to do your homework reading Prospectus at least the summary flyer. However for lazy generalisation, index funds are as their name following the underlaying index composition. So these fund houses do not make up their own composition. That being said, you then have to read the index owner's methodology in the index fact sheet eg who's qualified for included into the index. Usually a fund that says they pick top xx of yy index means the balancing is always which ever in the top xx of that yy index.
@ChrisShawUK 8 ай бұрын
Most people strongly believe that the rich are getting richer, regardless of what's going on in the world. The rich get rich by owning companies, so I copy them. My only requirement from the stock market is to receive guaranteed market return over every measured time period. Funnily enough, I've got richer over the last twenty five years I've been investing in index funds.
@dutch0770 8 ай бұрын
Look at the US's financial reports. 2008 vs today? Today the financials are worse. The only difference between 2008 and today is that home inventory is still low. We are sitting on a housing bubble, vehicle bubble, inflation, and unemployment rising. It's a huge snowball sitting at the top of the hill. "It will never happen again" while looking at historical data of the last 80 years is just stupid. Dollar cost averaging is the best way to do it. And when it happens buy buy buy. The problem is....when it happens; everyone is too scared or doesn't have the money to put in when it happens.
@DangerousNileMedia 2 ай бұрын
Stop Hunting for Next Tesla? XPeng n see you around flying in sky in our little space ships in next 5-10 years bro
@sdavis7096 8 ай бұрын
Just keep buying the market at all times, if anything buy more when it’s down.
@jan2000nl 8 ай бұрын
Great advice Toby and very timely. Spent last week on this topic and came to the same conclusion; keep investing into a low cost global index fund.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
always easier said than done
@Guus367 8 ай бұрын
The value of these videos to me lie on reinforcing the concept of investing regularly either on share ISAs, SIPPs or Investment accounts, on cheap ETFs - which his right up on my street. I also believe that the US stock market (S&P500/Nasdaq-100) will outperform the EU/UK because they have Tech companies focused on the next ai revolution. Even if Deepmind (the largest ai company in the world), a spinoff Cambridge/UCL universities, is a UK company, in the end it was bought by Google and therefore is listed in the US. I don't see how UK/EU companies can grow without being bought by one of the magnificent 7.
@barbarianlife 8 ай бұрын
If a stock does well, it will move into the top 10, so less surprising that the top 10 has so much weight. I know that is only part of it, but it means less worry about the top heaviness.
@zNervouss 8 ай бұрын
There will be a stock market crash in 2026.
@ciaoatutti11111111 8 ай бұрын
Literally pressed the buy button today... 😂
@VegasMilgauss 8 ай бұрын
The cheapest fund that has historically performed the best.. it’ll ding dang do for me!
@curiousjoe395 8 ай бұрын
Thanks Toby. Very interesting video. On the matter of timing the market, I get how dollar cost averaging means that you will win some and lose some but on average - and in the long term - it always makes sense to invest regularly e.g. monthly. I am planning to max my ISA limit on day 1 of the financial year as I have set the 20k aside for this purpose. I wanted to get your view on this. There is a part of me that thinks, the earlier the money goes in, the better as it's a long term investment. There is another part that feels that this is high risk and doesn't really benefit from the dollar cost averaging. If that first day of the financial year is substandard and the dollar rate changes or the market drops, it could take years to recover, given the one-off investment approach. I would appreciate your views on this. Thanks in advance.
@itouch00 8 ай бұрын
Thanks again for a great video Toby. Your channel has been so valuable to me when I discovered your videos over a year ago. Its amazing seeing how much its grown! Side note, I appreciate the amount of research you do to form your opinions, the editing style of your videos is super clean/engaging and finally i love your humor, its brilliant! :)
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind words, hopefully I can keep improving bit by bit :)
@zhnah2001sh 6 ай бұрын
So, no matter how bearish the market is, I must remain constant in making deposits periodically and continue to trust in the long term because, although sometimes I see it badly, in the long term I will thank myself, right? By the way, I invest in both the SP500 and the MSCI WORLD and I am 23 years old, do you think I have enough time to make a living from my investments? Thank you for your video and best regards.
@TobyNewbatt 6 ай бұрын
The best investors remove all of their emotions from their investing. Invest no matter what you feel, otherwise you will be trying to guess. All of the data backs this up but people still try and time the market :)
@zhnah2001sh 6 ай бұрын
@@TobyNewbatt And that is why time is an investor's best friend and so is bad news. I would like to be able to talk more with people who know well about investments, but I can't find anyone. Do you have a channel or something?
@anjux3673 8 ай бұрын
The magnificent 7 had a great year…and there is nothing significant we can see ahead that would lead us to believe they should crash ( sure there are some risks ahead for them, but equally there are opportunities too) Now, all the other S&P stocks had a so, so year. As the US and world recover from inflation ( and hopefully the various conflicts around the world abate), perhaps we’ll see the other 495 stocks in the S&P have even better years than last. These should rise to meet 7, rather than the 7 falling back…who knows though, perhaps a bit of both.
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
just keep buying and holding and look in 30yrs or whenever ur retirement is due
@anjux3673 4 ай бұрын
@@DarkoFitCoach I have a couple of years mate!
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
@@anjux3673 well done my jedi apprentice. Sp500 for the win. Same here
@RahimBah1 8 ай бұрын
Intriguing perspective! This video raises thought-provoking questions about the S&P 500. A must-watch for investors considering diversification and alternative strategies. #InvestmentInsights
@thunder5496 8 ай бұрын
My faith was wobbling in USA/S and P 500 around May/June 2023 but held. My worries were; 1. USA debt ceiling and potential economic crash. 2. Economic rise of China What kept me in... it has been incredibly rare for 2 back to back negative S and P 500 years. Where would I invest into instead and no economy looked particularly strong enough to replace USA as a global leader.
@coderider3022 8 ай бұрын
Most of us outside US have this view but your talking decades ( my opinion). Large and mid in sp500/US are world companies with good solid streams of income. EM, I’m avoiding due to china economic issues and you can’t equate GDP/population growth with financial stock market rewards . China stock market I think will be a tiny fraction of their GDP. Politics and trad wars and instability with islands means it’s maybe not worth the risk. So overpaying for apple etc may not be so bad.
@thunder5496 8 ай бұрын
@coderider3022 have also read China have manipulated their population figures ( :o ) and are sitting on a population problem like much of the West in that they have a rapidly aging population without a steady flow of younger people to replace them. I think... potentially if the US was to fall from the top spot that India seems the more likely to replace them now however I also don't think any one state will rise to dominate like the US has and even if US loses the top spot it'll be large competing blocks whether China / India / USA with maybe 15-25% of global market share each and again probably 15-20 years for that change to happen. Depending on wars and who holds whose debt.
@DaveGiant 8 ай бұрын
Share prices are inflated compared to historical norms. I think as well that it is far easier to invest now than it has been historically. It wasn’t that long ago that you had to call a broker or have access to a financial advisor. Now anyone can do it with any amount of money. I would be surprised if this PE ratio becomes a new norm.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Indeed Dave great point on that one that we forget about - how many more people are now invested than they ever have been. It's so easy now, yes more companies sure, but way more players with access to the market.
@garethspencer 8 ай бұрын
Dude good video. Interesting thoughts 💭 I am keen to know what is the digital clock or sign on your wall behind you?
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Its Divoom Pixoo 64 I have a link in my description you can check out 👍
@turner1622 8 ай бұрын
Hi Toby, just catching up with both this weeks videos. Big thanks as always mate. Going to try and save as much as i can in my IE s/s ISA. Your advice always hit the spot, keep it simple and keep saving. 👍
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Thanks as always mate!
@knowledgequest2969 6 ай бұрын
Hi bro I am a new subscriber from India, your videos are useful and stop my thoughts to invest in stocks and planning to invest in US index,can you please suggest how to invest in s&p 500 from India through interactive brokers. I don't see much videos regarding that, thanks in advance
@lawrencer8673 8 ай бұрын
I don't know if stocks are going to go up or Down in 2024, in fact I do not care..why?, well because I am investing for the long term....10 years. Nobody including professional investors are any good at timing the markets, as a Non professional investors time is on my side, I will have put my money into the S & P 500 index which has a charge of 0.07%, over the next 10 years I would expect 8% per Annum return, I don't invest in Cryptocurrency.
@e.t.theextraterristrial837 8 ай бұрын
Another variable to consider : Until the last 10-15 years, it wasn't easy for retail investors to buy ETFs and stocks. They had to call brokers to buy it for them, usually at high commissions or they had to rely on mutual funds. Today, the number of retail investors has grown massively because the ease of investing. Now, non-Us citizens can also easily invest in rhe S&p500 from a click of a button without paying massive commissions and the population has grown tremendously.
@chaleurphantom1 7 ай бұрын
Probably the most honest video about investing on KZbin. If it was easy to predict the winners, everyone would be doing it. Slow and steady with Index Funds. Nio was supposed to be a cheaper Tesla. Look how that worked out.
@samuelnewitt6978 7 ай бұрын
Great advice. I started investing a year ago, and have S&P500, Global Shares, Gold ETC and just for fun, Mcdonalds dividend. Same amount every week on a 20 year plan. If there's a dip I might put a little more in, but I don't plan on putting less in, it's the time in the market that's going to count for steady investment
@Neddie2k 8 ай бұрын
Dollar cost averaging is simply the solution, except you are comfortable investing in China, keep investing in the S&P 500.
@atachardware826 7 ай бұрын
Investment managers, analyst are nothing more than “fortune tellers or astrologers who are dragging money out of their clients’ accounts” CH
@dumbcat 8 ай бұрын
the market is manipulated. it will be a double top if they WANT it to be a double top. you can never know. you just have to go with the flow of the manipulators
@marvilrivera3104 8 ай бұрын
I’ve invested 100% into voo in my rollover ira since September 2023 & i already gained $9000+ w/c is +14%. So 😊
@stevegeek 8 ай бұрын
Great video, but what if you have a lump sum to invest right now? I can’t bring myself to jump in with everything when prices are at all time high. My plan is to kind of ‘DCA’ but look for the small dips and gradually invest over the next 6 months or so. With everything kicking off in the ME, Ukraine and so on, I can’t help feeling nervous.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Great Q Steve and I think the answer to this always comes down to your personal level of risk. The stats will always say big lump sums now will do better rather than timing them. (technically lump sum investing is what you do when you invest monthly as that is ALL the money you have to invest). But at the end of the day, i presume you are investing for the long run and also will be investing many many more times than just now as well? So it will likely have a minimal impact anyway. Really is up to you and what lets you sleep better at night. There will also always be plenty of negative things going on in the world.
@Scorex7 8 ай бұрын
Unless you expect to stay invested for a short time, or have an obscene ammount of money as a lump sum ( which in turn would not matter to you, really...), investing now is always the best.
@stevegeek 8 ай бұрын
@@TobyNewbatt Thanks for the comment Toby. Yes, I am investing for the long term but I also just retired so my time horizon is not the same as someone in their 20s! 😉
@stevegeek 8 ай бұрын
@@Scorex7 I have a sizeable lump sum, having just changed pension providers and moved over as cash…plus recently retired. Hence my caution with going all-in right now.
@smithers4420 8 ай бұрын
Come April ill be able to invest more tax free again. I am definitely going to start putting in money every month then but i also have a lump sum saved up that i want to get in there as well but im not sure on waiting for a bit of a dip before i throw the lump in there too. It could have already happened by April so not much point in thinking about it too much now i guess.
@simonfisher4154 8 ай бұрын
Another very interesting thought provoking video, thanks
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Simon :)
@matthewdodd7657 8 ай бұрын
I believe the sap 500 is over price. But the world markets are still good value. I like gold as well as a good back up investment
@FirstMM 8 ай бұрын
Something often overlooked is that if the stock market goes down by 50%, going back to its previous price is an 100% increase. Half of 1000 is 500. 500 doubled is 1000. So if you are cost averaging whilst the market is falling, then you need a much smaller percentage increase to get back to where you started, because you are buying cheaper. Sure, it isn't guaranteed but what is, other than devaluation by inflation.
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
u are right, in downtimes one should BUY the index even more of it, unless one thinks doomsday is upon us
@ericshang7744 8 ай бұрын
I sold almost everything on the US share fund. I didn’t think too much about where US market is going to go next actually, I just wanted to position those monies in other opportunities.
@musheopeaus4125 7 ай бұрын
He gives us both sides of the coin and things we haven’t thought about % provide comfort and the truth
@dawnmartyne 8 ай бұрын
Go global . Im 40% in the US . Slight tilt away from the 60% . Id say dont go all in or all out.
@coolskool1.061 7 ай бұрын
If and When it Crashes… then I Double down 💪🏻Let’s get it!
@NikhilBapat 8 ай бұрын
Hi Toby, would love to know your veiws on having an "opportunity fund" ? Plenty of successful investors seem to be talking about it as a legitimate strategy.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the idea
@ketan.x 7 ай бұрын
Lovely video, Toby! Hope to see more. Its very hard to change the urge..
@MrIsmaele00 8 ай бұрын
1) You never stop investing. Data shows in long term analysis you always (in fact 99.8%) win with index funds. 2) You keep investing everyday (out of weekends for obvious reasons) , even $10 per day. Data shows loosing the 10 best days of the stock market you’re almost loosing 50% of earnings. 3) You’re welcome for the info.
@itwillnotdie_5571 7 ай бұрын
So you mean, e.g: if I invest 1000$ to sp500 every month and trying to buy when it is cheapest.. The best strategy will still be to just simply buy it everyday no matter what spending 33$ per day?? I’m not an expert, so I’m curious and looking for some advices..
@nocashtoday 6 ай бұрын
Basicaly one need to stop buying s&p and start paying an account to buy s&p
@christopherchesters4738 8 ай бұрын
Have you thought about or already done a video on etf picking based more on macro economics rather than the casino of stocks ? Thanks for the content 😉
@quokkapirquish6825 8 ай бұрын
My tuppence worth - I believe that when we inflate the money supply (we added a trillion during covid), the money that was widely distributed initially, is now in the hands of the asset owners (via higher rents, higher goods and services prices and higher mortgage payments). These asset owners will then in turn look to put that money into more assets, ie property, stocks and bonds etc. Since interest rates are about to be cut, those wealthy people are buying up property and are about to return to the stock market. House prices will head north and the stock market will boom. If you think how prices have risen sharply in the last 2 years and interest rates have shot up yet the S and P500 is at its all time high, gold has rocketed (another asset) and we have seen here in the UK 3 consecutive house price increases month on month. My prediction for 2024 is another 25% gain, hitting the 6000 mark by Christmas.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Interesting prediction, let's see how the year goes. I think there is a lot to be optimistic about and like you's al about the assets!
@HandofGod440 5 ай бұрын
Buffett said it best, you invest when it's going up and when it's going down lol. . . I'm kind of keeping that mentality with dollar cost averaging and planning on holding long term.
@TobyNewbatt 5 ай бұрын
100% - it's always much harder to do, many people say they like to buy when there's blood on the streets etc. but very few do...otherwise the price wouldnt go down as much
@superslip103 8 ай бұрын
Is there anyone who is all in on the s&p500? Or are most people in world index funds, or a mixture? The s&p500 has produced great returns the past 10 years - better than the world funds (I think)
@sid35gb 8 ай бұрын
Yep I’m all in because the fees are cheaper than global funds.
@ripley457 8 ай бұрын
In the long run it's never too expensive. Just zoom out the chart.
@markwilliams4312 7 ай бұрын
Agree 100%. Stick to facts not speculation.
@giovanniparracino4104 5 ай бұрын
Good video……. Crash or No crash…… keep investing
@Jnash2030 7 ай бұрын
I was trying to figure this out today. The S&P in the last year has went up drastically. I really would like to invest in this stock for the long term but I’m just not sure if it will rise significantly still.
@TobyNewbatt 7 ай бұрын
Nobody knows in the short term, but in the very long term you'll likely do very well if you continue to invest through all the highs and lows.
@maltesetony9030 8 ай бұрын
Excellent video.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Cheers Tony 👍
@jonjones6577 8 ай бұрын
Hi, with Invest Engine finally releasing their SIPP, would you consider making a video on the fee structure and give examples between their DIY and managed portfolio options, thank you for all the help you have given me through your videos. 😊
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Nice idea thank you
@DogScreenTV 8 ай бұрын
Unfortunately the returns for the global etfs don’t come close
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Don't forget that due to the 6% exchange rate change of the GBP to USD last year even an S&P 500 fund did not get the returns of the index - sometimes it will be higher sometimes lower. Works the other way too :)
@DogScreenTV 8 ай бұрын
@@TobyNewbatt don’t get me wrong I will put some in an all world fund, I just believe the s and p will always be a good bet
@pistopitpit 8 ай бұрын
Why unfortunately? Lower valuations of the world index increase future expected returns. Unlike S&P 500, which has future lower expected returns.
@DogScreenTV 8 ай бұрын
@@pistopitpit the expected returns of the s and p decreasing has been going on for a while. Unlikely to happen any time soon
@porschecarreras992cabriole8 8 ай бұрын
I invest £50,000 a year at the moment topping up my workplace pension and my SIPP and stock ISA and buying discounted work shares of course I m not going to stop buying the strongest ETF. The negative people are living their misery life thinking about Doom and crash, there is no future in upskilling them now or help them improve their emotional intelligence and negative feelings in life!
@boyasaka 8 ай бұрын
I bet when you die You have hundreds of thousands or even millions in the bank Shame you can't take it with you
@porschecarreras992cabriole8 8 ай бұрын
@@boyasaka I have big plans for retirement and no dependents so nothing is left behind for nobody. I have expensive hobbies that involve boats and flying helicopters so will be having a great time in 2-4 years time
@bluecoat7 8 ай бұрын
Hey Toby, what do you think about allocating some exposure to crypto? Its crypto bull market this year.
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
I own some Bitcoin and ETH on the side. Only money I’m happy to speculate with though 👍. Also for the long run
@itayorenstein7731 7 ай бұрын
Where did you got the shiller P\E ratio chart?
@adrianl5899 8 ай бұрын
Whether or not a known highly concentrated index performs is not proof of correctness of the initial the decision to invest in it. Further, something can appear to perform yet perform below what should have been expected from the level of risk being taken on a concentrated index. So, I wouldn't go along the lines of 'we'll only know when the future's happened' but rather on the basis of considering our risk level, what it is we're attempting to achieve from it and what we value (geographical/sector diversification etc.).
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
so u would go all world index
@dmitrijza1124 8 ай бұрын
Stock market the only market where ppl afraid to buy with discount & runaway 😅
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
human psychology is one hell of a drug. Makes things interesting though :)
@mikerodent3164 8 ай бұрын
Interestingly, the RotW (rest of the world) has, in the past, episodically, out-performed the S&P500: it's well worth digging into the stats on that, as another fin KZbinr, Damien Talks Money, did recently. One of the reasons why most of my stuff is in All World index funds. But of course this in practice is a mere tweak to the approach, as all All World indices have a giant percentage in US stocks, and lots of that specifically in the Magnificent 7.
@thunder5496 8 ай бұрын
I don't think it was episodically? I think it was closer to 50/50 for RotW up until the last 10 years or so. I think, if I'm remembering correctly even the FTSE100 was performing better than S&P500 1/3 of the time again pre global financial crash.
@mikerodent3164 8 ай бұрын
@@thunder5496 Yup, exactly right. Just rewatched relevant bits of YT Damien-Talks-Money "S&P500 vs Global Index - Don't get it wrong!"
@timlodge8267 7 ай бұрын
Just rewatching the video.
@mookett 8 ай бұрын
Toby thanks for your input it really helps me out cheers mate
@robkewley 8 ай бұрын
How much has inflation impacted the underlying price of stocks?
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Long term stock market returns around 10% (across 100 years) After inflation 6.5% approx so around 3-3.5% per year
@timetraveller3063 8 ай бұрын
What does Warren Buffet say?...
@coderider3022 8 ай бұрын
Vanguard cap US (large and mid caps) to 50% of equity. Really want to hold developed indexes to dilute the SP500 weighting. That way your 70% us (sp500) and have 30% elsewhere as a hedge.
@pistopitpit 8 ай бұрын
That’s not a hedge. When things go to shit they usually go to shit all over the world when it comes to equities. Calling it amplifier would be more accurate.
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
no hedge, if usa goes down rest of planet goes down, usa is that powerful
@Zizo8182 7 ай бұрын
good one, thanks for sharing
@titusrider7948 3 ай бұрын
I'm guessing the answer is NO. 😅
@TobyNewbatt 3 ай бұрын
If you watched the whole video you'll know :P
@titusrider7948 3 ай бұрын
​@@TobyNewbatt It was a joke, the video is 4 months old, I think we know the answer 😅
@TobyNewbatt 3 ай бұрын
@@titusrider7948 I know I’m only kidding ☺️. Thank you!! 👊
@titusrider7948 3 ай бұрын
Are you making a video in prep for this weeks CPI / FOMC announcement?
@TobyNewbatt 3 ай бұрын
@@titusrider7948 maybe, I don’t often cover that sort of stuff as it’s short term noise but I could give it a shot in my own style 👍
@AnaViolinViola 8 ай бұрын
Dollar cost averaging sounds sensible to me
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
It's such a powerful tool - easy to say but hard to do over the long term :)
@iain777uk 8 ай бұрын
Interesting video, I guess if you are worried about the magnificent seven you could invest in an equal market weight S&P 500 tracker. Although the fees are generally higher, but on the plus side equal weight trackers usually pay higher dividends because there’s a leaning towards value rather than growth. Personally I don’t invest in the S&P 500 ,I prefer the FTSE all world ETF.
@ojay3217 8 ай бұрын
Which would you suggest?
@DarkoFitCoach 4 ай бұрын
all world is good also, 60% is in usa anyway and the rest is to sleep better at night albeit underperforming sp500 for solid 20yrs now. but overal very little difference
@kaptaa2671 8 ай бұрын
VIX be like hello SPY😅
@arc8696 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the realism.
@Mychannel-hd1uy 8 ай бұрын
2,500 million dollars is 2.5 billion dollars, not 2.5 trillion dollars
@TobyNewbatt 8 ай бұрын
Thanks, my graphic template would not let me put 2.5tn so I did my best, you get the point :P
@valerienewbatt9678 8 ай бұрын
Very enjoyable Toby
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