A good book on the background of SNL writer/performer Michael O'Donoghue ("Mr. Mike") is Dennis Perrin's "Mr. Mike: The Life and Work of Michael O'Donoghue" which came out in 1998, four years after "O'Don" passed away suddenly. O'Donoghue was involved with "National Lampoon" magazine, "The National Lampoon Radio Hour" syndicated FM show in the early 1970s, and "Saturday Night Live" (which he also show-ran in the mid-1980s, when Lorne Michaels left the big chair.) That book is a million times more interesting than this SNL movie, and attempts to be accurate. You also get O'Don's early history doing stage work, the comic he wrote for "Evergreen Review" ("The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist") in 1965-66, and descriptions of his many unsold screenplays.
@opaljk483520 күн бұрын
I need to read that. There’s not a ton of info about him out there…at least as much as others involved in earth snl