色々と苦しい事はあると思いますが、あなたが笑顔で日本で過ごされてる姿を見るだけで嬉しくなります。 ご家族も無事に過ごされてる事を祈ってます Maybe you'll have a hard time! But I think your smile makes many people happy. Praying from the bottom of my heart for the health and happiness of you and your family.
I am a belated viewer of your videos. The way you ate at "Yabaton" was brilliant.😍 I was also surprised at how well you have mastered the use of chopsticks. I have been to Yabaton a few times myself, and it really fills you up.☺ I feel very happy after eating.💓
ありがと、名古屋味の紹介。ロシアのウクライナへの戦争のはやい終結祈ってます。Your introduction of Nagoya flavor is reallly appreciated and I hope for early ending of Russian invasion to Ukraine's territory