Loved Tony's work with the Rubettes so great to have a little bit of insight into the recording process etc on those great 70's hits,more please !
@hidaurianilsasampaiodasilv394 жыл бұрын
Tony Trope adoro os the Rubettes e você cantam bem meu gatão me desculpa adoro meus cantores maravilhosos
@GriefTourist3 ай бұрын
I'm a lifelong punk but Sugar Baby Love would be a Desert Island Disc for me. Sublime pop music that equals anything ever recorded for me. Still sounds great and brilliantly played produced and recorded.
@RGM50110 жыл бұрын
You Could Have Told Me was the B side of Sugar Baby Love..My Buddy Holly Days was from the album Rubettes I know because i brought both..great interview Tony..wheres number 3....
@MrDunkiep Жыл бұрын
Top interview. How does the writer of such big hits end up selling his guitars to pay gas bills?
@petradevries8839 Жыл бұрын
not for money i heard that before. but okay he is verry different then alan williams realy different good singer. i hardly can believe that he was a member of the glamrock group but he seems nice.