TOP 10 Base Locations in Alpha 20 | 7 Days to Die | Alpha 20

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Pixel Life Gaming

Pixel Life Gaming

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@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Have you found any POIS in Alpha 20 that you think might be great to live in? Let me know.
@2smokey4you 2 жыл бұрын
new hope i beleave has its quest marker at the front gate which will stop block placement
@TonyHoneycutt 2 жыл бұрын
I've been using the shade tree garage. I stand on the ladder. It's good until you get the boomers.
@timbaker2024 2 жыл бұрын
So activated alpha 20 stable and I still have all my stuff from the unstable beta. I thought we would have to start over? Is this true or a Christmas gift? 😆
@xtinctplays8012 2 жыл бұрын
for navezgane id personally say working stiff tools its relatively strong near a city and a quite spacious roof and good loot first time you get there within the garage area which you can put storage workbench and multiple forges and bedroll and it has a vending machine!
@darcer999999 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, we live in this alpha in house_old_victorian 1 and it's pretty dope. Has a big wall around, garage, underground system.
@Monocle13 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the working stiff poi with the wall going around the back. Fully closed in just need to close off the fenced lawn and garden area in the front on the side also destroy the dumpster near the wall. I also build stairs from the roof to the wall to deal with zombies
@chriswhinery925 2 жыл бұрын
That's where I'm staying right now. I usually just build my own base but on this run I'm using the Undead Legacy mod and you can't just mass produce frames on day one, so I'm staying in this POI for a few weeks until I have the resources to build something for myself.
@fioralangust Жыл бұрын
I played with a friend in Alpha 15 in the prison. It was one of the best moment in that game for me in 8 years. Nice video. So much effort and details.
@jjr007 2 жыл бұрын
The Booby trap is another good one. When I saw the title of this I immediately thought of Zoe, the protruding pillars help for shooting near the walls, is another benefit.
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly the Boobie Trap no longer exists as a standalone POI, it now forms part of the "City Filler" POIs and is in the city tiling system. It's got a nice rework inside too.
@timbaker2024 2 жыл бұрын
The prison is a favorite of mine as well. I found the drive in theater to be very good. Good walls. Nice choke points, 2 vending machines , lots of loot. A great water source as well in the middle of the parking lot. Which I built my fighting area over. Great visibility and barb wire in between the parking blocks works well. I have electric fence all the way around now for the day 21 horde along with a few other traps and the horde was very easy.
@wubberson4450 2 жыл бұрын
It’s also an amazing spot cause you’ll be getting the tier 4 POI loot bonus
@BrianPWalt 2 жыл бұрын
Does a horde base placed inside a POI like the drive in play a factor in loot stage when the horde night zombies potentially drop loot bags?
@wubberson4450 2 жыл бұрын
@@BrianPWalt yes. You do get the loot stage bonus.
@Skizzeckz 2 жыл бұрын
Was where I based my first time playing this game while on xbox.. was a great place that I love so much I decided to light it up with tons of candles and torches.... Oh the screamers... if only I knew then..
@cherrydragon3120 Жыл бұрын
Ah the drive in theatre. Nice and open.
@denniskillingsworth4436 Жыл бұрын
Best POI in terms of protection is Red Mesa hands down. It comes equipped with land mines around the perimeter on top of the base being completely walled off
@fubarace1027 2 жыл бұрын
The old firehouse is my favorite of the bunch. Replace the stairway up with blocks, slows the pathing down, install a piston pusher or two, an electric fence or two, and it's a good spot for a month or two into game. Minimal effort to make it defensible. Live upstairs and on the roof, reinforce the bottom some so you hear wanders trying to get in. And on horde night, open the door and let em in. Fight them on the blocks, pretty easy to defend with a bow and a sledgehammer.
@subsonic76 2 жыл бұрын
I chose a tiny pass&gass station. in its backyard I have my garden, and it has a little bunker.
@jeffelliott7353 2 жыл бұрын
I discovered and was strongly recommending the New Hope Life Cabin in a group game, but everyone wanted to move to a new Biome. Ah well, fair enough. In my solo game, I am now on my 34th horde night and have done all but the very first in the radio tower station. The fencing served well enough for a while, since I could shoot through it. But the zombies soon got strong enough that I could not keep up with repairs and shooting to maintain the fence. Fortunately, I had already created a birdcage with bars/eaves over the roof of the small building. There are no ladders. I nerd pole up through a hole in the ceiling that has stacked hatches. But I have never had the zombies even get into the building. I put a layer of walls just inside the fencing that I have upgraded each week to where they are now almost all steel blocks. I have only just bothered to add an electric fence on two sides and a pair of spotlights, but not because I really need them. I also have a basic turret on one side. I cannot express how consistently the horde does NOT seem to be aware that they need to get inside the building if they are ever going to get to me. I can only think it is because there is no ladder. They get inside the wall often enough. But all they do is mill around angrily and die on spikes or in my crosshairs. The walls of the building rarely take more than a few hundred damage at any point. Fact is, this has been so successful that it has the downside of sometimes being difficult it collect loot bags because so many spikes are still standing.
@Samurai_Punk 2 жыл бұрын
GREAT LIST. I'm rather partial to the parking garage. Just knock some blocks out and BOOM! ready to go.
@scarletkitty4826 2 жыл бұрын
some interesting ideas for early bases - hard part of walls is that if you don't give them a path the zombies WILL beat through walls - i typically play with one to 3 other players, so our horde nights can get crazy. i'm definitely a fan of a separate horde base from where things are stashed, farms etc & beside looking at building wall strengths, an overall smaller base will be easier to defend & upgrade than a big space with sprawling walls. tossing my farm & some trees on the roof is also a favorite feature - can safely chop wood & farm during the night.
@katherynedarrah4245 2 жыл бұрын
So problems I see with some of these options: 1. Zoe's Salon: Too large. Don't get me wrong, a large base isn't a problem. On Multiplayer. With multiple people occupying one base. But when you can stack writable crates, you don't need a large amount of space. Also, it's a bit of a maze, inside, so raiding it to clear it out is gonna be a pain. Also navigating it once it's a base woul also be a pain. Living on the roof full time wouldn't be a good idea because the longer you go, the more likely you are to have birds spawn. Putting plants up there isn't a problem, but if you stayed full time you'd see less ground zombies and more birds. 2. Prowlin Petes: has many of the same issues as the salon. Less maze-like inside, though, so less need to break walls. Again with the roof issue. 3. Gorebros Laondro: Again with the roof issue! I don't know what it is among the 7dtd community, but everyone recommends living on roofs! That's fine for the first maybe 30ish days, but then you start having 3+ birds spawn at a time, and unless you have a decent aim and the ammo to spare, hitting them is a pain. Not a big fan of this POI. Not too maze-like inside, so that's an improvement over the first two, I guess, but it's just too troublesome to clear the furniture out of the building being mostly iron/mechanical. 4. Survivor site: If it wasn't for the landmines that can sometimes spawn, and the relative rarity of this POI, I'd use this every time. Small enough that you aren't having to take 10 minutes to clear a wandering zombie, farming space, storage space, enough space to put all the stations. Elevated area to pick off zombies on a horde night. METAL WALLS, which, iirc, have 10k durability. Either that or 2500. Definitely something I hunker down in long term if I can find it. 5. New Life Hope Cabin: One of the worst bases on SP. Only good thing is the underground area, which is a good start to building a bug out tunnel. Otherwise, has many of the same issues as the other large bases, with the additional downside to being outdoors. Wandering hordes are more of a problem at this base. 6. Settlement: See all the issues of the first 3. 7. Old fire station: again, see all issues detailed in the first 3. 8. Cemetary: last place you wanna be. Zombies can (and will) sometimes bypass the spawn restriction from land claims if they're placed here and will spawn in the underground bunker/mausoleum. Too big and open otherwise. The church itself isn't a bad base, it's the rest of it that causes it to be bad. 9. Modern House: not a bad base. I personally would knock down the garage. too many places for zombies to hide. Too few places for you to hide. I definitely seek one of these out for my horde bases/bug out shelters. 10. Prison: AMAZING horde base. Shit regular base. Too large to be practical on SP as anything long term. I do like the availability of very durable doors in which to build a bug out room and tunnel. Overall? Bleh for a list. Few options on here aren't bad, but the larger the base, the more time you spend not upgrading/fortifying/surviving and instead hunting down and killing that one zombie banging on the side of the base.
@garbodude4365 2 жыл бұрын
A friend and I have a base on the roof of the Gorebos Laundro, with a raid tower built inside. It’s pretty handy, being a stone’s throw away from a trader and with a few farms and construction sites nearby. We’ve done our best to make it so zombies try to funnel into the downstairs so we can pop them through the hole in the roof
@xxwales15xx33 2 жыл бұрын
The church I find is a very good place, it does take a bit of work to sure it up but it has that huge basement which leads yo that escape tunnell incase you get overwhelmed
@cboyslim5490 2 жыл бұрын
nice i'm going to keep an eye out for these in the future. i went to the firestation with the army truck, because it has the two towers, and it's pretty decent BUT omg it covers so much area if you want to wall it off or do traps it takes forever lol
@williamdillon7852 2 жыл бұрын
Didnt know bout modern house ... that thing is completly broken , a concrete wall around it and made of concrete u already made it to late game sir . Thx just started a new one and was always thinking bout where to put my base .
@skadoosh7067 2 жыл бұрын
Were currently in the Laundro mat on a random gen out in the desert. using the garage as crafting area, broke down rest to turn into a home :D
@munkandbear2818 Жыл бұрын
If you want to have any peace at all you need to find a point of interest or poi for short, that is at least 4 stories off the ground level any lower and they can hear you opening chests and workstations. Once they hear you they will drive you friggin nutz beating on walls and doors and attracting other zombies as well as causing you to need to constantly reinforce your building.
@dustinsmith608 2 жыл бұрын
I have put in allot of time in A20 and I have not seen any working workbenches, forges or chem stations since the patch. so I believe they have done away with that. it is kinda sad because it was always something you looked for in A19. but they did make it easier to get those through doing tasks from the vendors now. after doing the 7 string of tasks and you get your reward you can choose to get a workbench, forge or a chem station to use instead of taking the skills to make them or having to find the schematic. personally I do kinda miss being able to find a working chem station while out and about. specially early on.
@Stuart267 2 жыл бұрын
My God it has been a long time since I played this game 2019 according to Steam. So many new assets & buildings
@Deeramazing Жыл бұрын
Incredible video man thanks 😁
@donpfoutz625 2 жыл бұрын
I was reconning a way to my 2d trader and came upon an old west town. I thought "Latham's would be an awesome satellite base. The walls are thick and at least cobblestone (and I do believe they may be concrete.) Since the update, I have had a rethink on my castle (day 21 horde breached it in 4 separate areas.) I will try your bomber base idea.
@redzorogaming 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for the tips pixel! ❤ im new in 7dtd. is good for beggining to make a base next to trader ?
@shitchops 2 жыл бұрын
The buildings in this game are amazing, so much details
@tommyigoe3952 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing :)
@wormopolis9802 2 жыл бұрын
I like the mausoleum. Wall around it like the cemetery, plenty of space down in the crypt for all your stuff and the steeple can be flattened on top into a garden.
@yolandajansenvannieuwenhui9939 2 жыл бұрын
what is the co-ordinates for the prison?
@itzplayz4777 Жыл бұрын
Me and my homies had to move in a Police Station for the 7th day and it saved our asses. Mainly the roof saved it but walls were pretty strong.
@itzjustkris7964 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t recommend that garage junkyard mix with a bunker under it?
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Not really, cuz if they get in, you're stuck
@itzjustkris7964 2 жыл бұрын
@@PixelLifeGaming oh I just started a few days ago so no idea lol
@Alex_iPen 2 жыл бұрын
One good place to start is motel7. It has 2 wendingmachine.
@bigagold5763 Жыл бұрын
the Drive -In - Theater. you should see what we did...
@domnikoli 2 жыл бұрын
what about US ARMY POST 7?
@Slybby 2 жыл бұрын
Where is the Modern House with the Underground Base? Massive Walls allready Landmines everythere and an with luck even an underground Vending machine. A Base good for even 20 Players or so^^
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I know the house you mean, there are a few poi's that would be great for multiplayer, which ill do a video on.
@rylee9189 2 жыл бұрын
When ever i make my base it crumbles when i add a block
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Make sure your not building on weak Ground like Sand and also, structures do have building integrity.
@guerrero6142 15 күн бұрын
Fire station the cordenadas plase
@CrazyGab2 2 жыл бұрын
This need coordinates
@FreddyGabriel 2 жыл бұрын
You can't have access from the outside like ladders. Zombies in 7D2D jump like Jordan. They will climb on top of each other until they reach a ladder and begin to climb. Kinda sad they made zombies jump and climb.
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
You can have a ladder that is two blocks off the ground. They won't climb up because it's not a direct path.
@FreddyGabriel 2 жыл бұрын
@@PixelLifeGaming Not entirely true. They climb up on each other and will have access to the ladder. The crawling zombies actually climb walls. Not sure if this feature is part of the game or a bug. They literally climb walls and make it over the base.
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
@@FreddyGabriel Spiders Climbing up walls? Sounds like previous Alphas. This is alpha 20
@zenairzulu1378 2 жыл бұрын
cool beans
@Damir_35519 6 ай бұрын
@Stiffmiester979 2 жыл бұрын
I love how you not only showcase the entire building and it's resources but also provide suggestions on base building. Very well put together video I will 100% be using this in my game.
@stevdor6146 2 жыл бұрын
7:30 instead of reinforcing bottom panes, drop a wedge tip on ground to "ramp" crawlers up half a block, removes the path, not inclined to attack down at wedge tip, will struggle against steel shutters
@scarletkitty4826 2 жыл бұрын
oooh, will have to remember this trick
@bumquack2461 2 жыл бұрын
I used the new Life hope cabin for a blood moon. The zombies didn't know how to get down the hatches but then they dug straight through the dirt. So to make use of the bunker it's probably a good idea to build walls and floors inside that underground section so zombies can't just dig in
@simpletora7313 2 жыл бұрын
The church that has the big library underneath it and all the coffins is incredibly busted and made better in A20. You get on the roof where the loot stash is and the only thing you ever have to really deal with is vultures
@jarredsouza3643 2 жыл бұрын
I love the fact that this games older n there still ppl playing and enjoying it. Like u I love the building. Fallout 4, 7 days to die, conan.. there's a game called crossout where u build battle cars. Glad to see someome else loves that shiznit.. good video brotha. Keep em coming
@TonyHoneycutt 2 жыл бұрын
All of the stations are broken as confirmed by the devs
@MrAllekzander 2 жыл бұрын
I have however found the schematics more often, not sure if that's a change or just RNG being RNG. Lol
@TonyHoneycutt 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrAllekzander The devs said you had a chance to find schematics in the broken equipment. I to have found them that way.
@MrAllekzander 2 жыл бұрын
@@TonyHoneycutt What I meant was the drop rate seemed much higher. I had found three schematics on day one in alpha 20. Two at the first trader alone. I'm used to finding maybe one total before day seven in the previous version. However, I have started two more worlds since and found none, so I'm guessing I was just super lucky on that first one, lol.
@shaneWARs1 2 жыл бұрын
It is confirmed no working work station in the world
@PackoutOverlord 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah and when I got advanced engineering perked up I found the workbench schematic. Like the game taunts us.
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Naturally lol
@_Kitetsu Жыл бұрын
Loved the video! With professional use of the super digger to show instantly what you trying to express and also punching a block to show hps to see stats one would being living with. I can't help but back-check myself to see if someone would be confused here even if they are not familiar with the mod weapons and "state" your in, and I find it to be crystal clear for even newbies to understand regardless of how your flying around, as it's clear your in that mode to show faster results. You also talk about block hieght on fencing, including "half blocks", which is important for some folks. (I personally like halves myself, the more I can see the better.)
@erkulexnick2875 2 жыл бұрын
I'm using a white steel mobile home with 10,000 hp block all around. The inside foot print is something like a 5×20. Small but everything is close and not going to break.
@akashasue1867 2 жыл бұрын
Same those mobile homes are crqzy strong!!
@notean 2 жыл бұрын
@@akashasue1867 Spent last bloodmoon on one "mobile" home roof and zombies could not even bring half of it down. Since it is small - it is actually easier to defend and does not collapse until very last wall block goes down.
@astrobard 2 жыл бұрын
I usually pick a house with the barn next to it T.T You know the one where you climb up the ladder and there's a cut out central spot then a catwalk over to loot? That one.
@jlaw131985 2 жыл бұрын
I think the best POI I found for defense is the business row with a Shotgun Messiah/cafe/warehouse that has the bridge on top. Great place to defend on early horde nights, and you can build a fairly decent starter base in the loot area above the drop ceiling. The bridge very effectively channels them down a path, and the area with the solar panels can be built up with more defenses.
@PackoutOverlord 2 жыл бұрын
Built my first horde night base with your example from the last video. Worked like a charm. First 15 days I lived on top of a garage in the burnt forest. Then I built a cabin by the ranger station. Used the lookout tower made of steel for my horde nights until I built the new horde base. All in all I like the building upgrades in a20, but farming is terrible. And the loot system is worse off. I like the trader changes though. I definitely think the game got a lot harder.
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
yeah think so to, but for the better i think
@Andehirt 2 жыл бұрын
As i know it gets harder day by day in this game and only using ur skill points helps u out with loot
@tigrecito48 2 жыл бұрын
one reason i got attracted to 7 days to die was seeing someone playing it & being able to change the entire environment.. most survival games have permanent structures that cant be changed & you cant build into them or join up your base to them properly.. you cant dig the ground etc.. the only disappointing thing about the game is how the devs have made sure no innovative & creative & fun ways you want to build your bases will ever work as good defensive structures.. apart from pathing them in a line & making them fall down again or killing them in that line
@linxj.1790 2 жыл бұрын
yeah I feel that. that's why I usually make a separate living base and horde base.
@tigrecito48 2 жыл бұрын
@Walking Jedd Gaming i put my sledge on the wrong side i think.. i think its best to have it on your right side i think it might be the sledge that is setting off the demos.. i had 4-5 explode one horde night.. i put the sledge on my left.. the demos right side
@happytraveler6933 2 жыл бұрын
They removed all working workstations (alchemy, workbench, forge, cement mixer) in alpha 20 per the game makers Twitter page (I forget his name atm srry)
@SeanDSarcasm 2 жыл бұрын
@happytraveler6933 2 жыл бұрын
@@SeanDSarcasm lol chemistry, same thing really
@rubikmonat6589 2 жыл бұрын
First two pois a roaming horde will punch through that wall. You want a flat smooth wall.
@2fat4airborne44 2 жыл бұрын
It all depends on: do you want to fights hordes at/in youre base or not (extra building). The prison is one of the best especially for playing with some friends.
@quentil 2 жыл бұрын
I've actually become a fan of using the power substation POI. Sure, there's a bit of a wall you have to replace, but it's small and concrete other than that. When you inevitably find that 500 stack of cobblestone or wood blocks that you have no real use for, it's super easy to build a wall. And you have a basement for a snazzy bedroom. :D
@MrAllekzander 2 жыл бұрын
8 is probably my favorite place for a living base. Its dependable and fun to upgrade. One of the other fire departments (the one with the huge garage with lootables on shelves all around) gets an honorable mention because on one of my playthroughs it had ALL of its vending machines working, felt like cheating almost lol.
@anon-ee-moos 2 жыл бұрын
It would be so cool if they had a mall with a bunch of different stores inside with a food court or something
@Leonzell 2 жыл бұрын
still watching, but when i went from a small started house to the big city i moved into a prowlin pete's with those kind of rooftop PoI's i like how you can shove some storage boxes underneath the venting gaps (after breaking out the frames) and it doesn't take extra room if you want to do something else. though of course plenty of room to make a storage section but i find it nice.
@Canthus13 2 жыл бұрын
The one I like the most is the trailer. It's a great place to start, easy to lock down for the first few days, and then build out from there. My current build has a pretty good wall around it with battlements and bastions at the four corners to get a better angle on attackers. It doesn't stop vultures, but it's a good beginning base.
@rickyucuis1882 2 жыл бұрын
I love the Working Stiffs hardware store in the pine forest just north of the first trader. It has a nice cobblestone and concrete wall around the entire back. The building is made if the same. Tons of space inside once you remove the store displays, roof access, large open space in the back walled in area, and if you take out thethe stuff in the outdoor harder center area, you can put up walls and turn the garden center Into a huge garage with doors on both ends so you don't have to back up. I put all my electrical generators and wiring on the roof, I put my storage in the break room area, and my crafting stations in the showroom area. It takes 50ish blocks to completely close off any doors or window zombies might come in which can be made quickly with wood and upgraded later when you have cobble or concrete. And relatively centralized on the map for easy access anywhere.
@itspabbs Жыл бұрын
This is my favorite "pre-made" base as well!
@LagunaFox 2 жыл бұрын
None of these compares to house_old_bungalow_11. There are two buildings, the house itself which I don't really recommend and the smaller building to the side. The small building is made entirely out of concrete at the ground level with a steel vault door in it (hooked up to the new power system so it can only be opened once and remains open forever so I don't suggest opening it) as well as some steel powered garage doors (same deal as the steel vault door, I don't recommend opening them). Once inside the small building you see that there is a elevator that goes down into a much larger bunker complex which is great for living out of. The most important aspect of the poi in terms of it being a starter base however is the 6 large trees you will find outside of the buildings. If you notice those trees are in dirt surrounded by what looks like flagstone, if however you cut down those trees you can actually plant crops in those places. That is right, the place comes with SIX 5x5 farm plots pre constructed for your use. So to summerize, it has concrete walls with some parts being steel. A bunker underneath for living that also connects to the house in case you ever needed an escape tunnel. Most importantly the poi comes with 150 farm plots that are ready to be used by the player from day 1. It is easily the best poi I've found thus far for turning into a base on day one.
@Wanderinpaladin 2 жыл бұрын
#5 has a false floor. do be prepared for a fall and to have to repair.
@JaeRamboGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Just hit a sub, I just started to play and I decorate all day lol
@OfficialRingWurmRacing 2 жыл бұрын
the cemetary can be modified into a really good horde base, mine straight down under the tower and make a zombie trap with blade traps
@rncstuff9480 2 жыл бұрын
Think you may have missed it, but in the Cemetery POI, they usually have a huge underground structure underneath them that makes a great base. It can usually be reached through one of the other two buildings outside the church.
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
That's Cemetery 2 which I would avoid, The one in in this video is Cemetery 1
@coryhershey5652 2 жыл бұрын
@@PixelLifeGaming why would you avoid that one
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
@@coryhershey5652 too much hassle to clear in the first couple of days into the game imo. The 1st one provides the same protection with less effort really. But it's down to preference at the end of the day ☺️
@cherrydragon3120 Жыл бұрын
@@coryhershey5652 isn't it like a tier 4 building?? Not a great place for your first 2 weeks
@WBoyd31 2 жыл бұрын
I found #9 modern house in one of my last playthroughs and absolutely loved that house. I knocked out that weak wall, built it up with the proper blocks and made that living room into my storage and work area. At night, I'd just climb the tower and sit on the roof and take pot shots at zombies for easy xp farming. It was also located in a neighborhood with lots of homes around so could always go out looting at night if I felt brave enough. You caught my interest with that laundromat and will have to check it out next time I come across one.
@caseydavis3076 2 жыл бұрын
Where can I find the house at?
@jorgecasanova1999 Жыл бұрын
@@caseydavis3076any luck?
@Dr_VonDuck 2 жыл бұрын
I prefer the Working Stiffs hardware store, concrete walls with a perfect spot for a powered garage door leading into the loading dock area that you can make into a motor pool. The loot room is right next to the loading dock and you can turn it into your own storage area... already has a garden department for your farm, a big flat roof for a helipad, turn the suoply/break room into your crafting area. Chance for a working vending machine in there. And the office into your bedroom or kitchen. Easy to add another wall around the parking lot to expand your perimeter as well
@cherrydragon3120 Жыл бұрын
This man is talking about cobble and flagstone as if the zombies can't get trough 1500 hp blocks.... i've had a fucking screamer dig 20+ blocks to get to me. Dirt being 250hp and stone 500.... thats ALOT of block damage. Even 10K steel blocks are destructible. And if you don't base build at all.... Good luck getting enough reinforced steel to repair it all. Ooohhh right... not to mention Horde nights....
@Adayintherain 2 жыл бұрын
thank you so much King! as an alhpa 6 player!!!! who stopped playing until today, the game just felt so daunting. to keep things short, THANK YOU for what you do for the community and i'd love to possibly play some 7 days to die with you if you have some patience to teach a not so noob - to complete noob, again, hahaha. hope you have a wonderful new years and wish you the best in life my guy!! +1 sub (dinging that bell)
@phuctranhong8714 2 жыл бұрын
there 2 POI that's I would choose to make my own Base , if I need to. 1st is a wooden cabin that's normally inside the wood. While the house is made of wood, the base is about 3-4 block hide made from either cobbelstone or cement, which is why sturdy. Destroy the stair and we mostly safe, untill the later Blood Moon Horde. Next is the Army Camp. In the army camp, there are somekind of Radio/Watch Tower. You could build your base on the top of that Tower. Since the base is about 7-8 block tall made of Cement, if a really good place to stay since you don't really need build any. Maybe some basic to expand the base.
@alistairt7544 2 жыл бұрын
Glad I found your channel! I just started playing again. I think the last time I played 7DTD was before they even has traders lol It's so exciting playing again with all the new features. Kinda sad zombies don't give drops now though :( Btw, are you from Manchester or around Doncaster. That accent sounds so familiar to me lol
@scubasteve2189 Жыл бұрын
The hardware store is the best, in my opinion. The one near Jen’s. Everything is mad of concrete, including the closed fence in the back. I build steps and make the zombies walk along the top of the fence to get to the kill box I build at the top. Then I can pick the big ones off before they get to the top, and melee most when they get up there. Once I fortify my own blocks with concrete it’s pretty much impenetrable. 👍🏻 Plus you have multiple ways to drop down and run if things go bad.
@drtrevelisek9924 2 жыл бұрын
I'm starting to worry about the new Fun Pimps Game Designers and Programmers choices... doors gets 7500 resistance panel gets 10... Wha? Bro what is the brain thinking in these game design decisions. What world do they live in?
@darcfaze6482 2 жыл бұрын
I'm currently living on top of Motel 7. 2 vending machines, put in bar overhangs, cemented the windows and doors, and viola, I've had no problems. Plenty of roof space over the rooms for farming, storage and manufacture over the office section.
@V1ctoria00 2 жыл бұрын
"however on closer inspection, it's actually Not a decent POI" HAHA I know what you mean but that was still funny 🤣
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Lol glad you got it lol
@tzxazrael 2 жыл бұрын
does the Prison poi have some kind of restriction against spawning in a20.3 rwg's ? i haven't really played since a17, and i loved it back then... but using map viewers i can't seem to find it after making a number of maps...
@chale3784 2 жыл бұрын
I've been using the paper mill poi the last few games I've done if I find it day 1. Its got 1 central staircase that connects the 4 levels that only needs 3 blocks to repair the path and an outside ladder that can be extended, 2nd floor has a vending machine that tends to be working on my playthroughs, 3rd floor has a cooking pot on top of the fridge, and the roof can be made large enough to have a decent amount of farm plots. I tend to use the 2nd floor as a hatch hallway base for horde night while living on the 3rd floor, work well for the first 4-5 horde nights while I take my time building my end game horde base else where.
@jamesyamamoto5155 2 жыл бұрын
I'm currently using the burnt out radio tower, in the burnt forest biome. There's only one zombie that spawns in, and the majority of the building is pretty sturdy (concrete/brick). I've converted the bottom portion of the building into my horde base and the top portion into my crafting/storage base. It takes a bit of work to patch up some of the the holes in the building, but the height of the building helps keep zombies from sensing you.
@nelsonolivierjr3994 2 жыл бұрын
I love building. My wife not so much. I let her go out and kill and gather whatever I need and I focus on getting our bed place up and fortified then I figure out the rest of the city area since I want to be in there where all the great stuff is. I pick a spot for our horde night fort and I build the same 1 that this guy built years ago with 13 by 13 or 15 by 15 which is what I like and I made mine different with a top and I also go 6 high and all you need the wedge tips for the bottom rows and then the poles and then I put the 3 blocks on top and then I fan it out so it has a mini roof like a store on the blvd. I do put lights all around but in this version of the game I got those nice cutters so when my crawlers would come they won't stand in that corner pole and not get hit. I did put a couple of guns just to test it out. Oh, I forgot the best thing is To get inside you have to go thru the tunnel system I build. I do have a way out close by so when it's no more of a rush for them we go out and smash. I also have another building I make into a garage and I like this to be close by to our home so it's easy to bring in your stash. I also have a stash place where no Zombie will ever go lol. I'm super anal when it comes to organization and she has no skill in that whatsoever. I'm it's easy you put the rocks here and iron there how hard is that. She would have hated to work with me at my other jobs cause I was that way too and also at the house. Then I also put a house kinda far away and I put my forges there and I try to still get it in the basement and wall off the basement stairs and have a way to get in from the tunnel system and then once. that city is done I go to another city and start all over again. Same process. I win with it so that is how I play. My father hated me when we played command and conquer. I'd be building my defense up and gathering stuff before I build my army and my dad well he goes for the army 1st and tries to get that win. Never got it either. Zoe's does look like a nice place to start out with honestly. Unless there is a prison neaby. Another place is Hotel and also Parking garage. Very easy to put block and make ladders to get up and you got the whole top area for farming and storage and you can make it so zombies would come for you and fall if you cut off areas on top and let them fall to their death. So those are what I go for.
@Hateious Жыл бұрын
Good base ideas but the only problem is some of them may be swarmed as there considered busy areas, unless this has changed. Been a while since I played. This game has gone through massive improvements from back in the day. Take a sub from me cool video.
@serijuscrar1702 2 жыл бұрын
We are just converting a mountain to an entire bunker complex with integrated raid base around 140m away but still in the mountain so you can just drive there underground on bedrock, it takes a hell lot of resources but it's worth it c:
@p1xelplayer1 2 жыл бұрын
so, why is poopypants daycare not on this list?
@jamminen74 2 жыл бұрын
In a city, one good simple sturdy POI is that small popnpill, square shaped and 5000hp concrete walls. Not many windows or doors to replace.
@CruentusDK1 Жыл бұрын
Agreed Prison is one of the best, but I have had zombies spawn INSIDE the POI because of the size if I am at the front of the base. Not great to have them spawn inside your defenses. It hasn't happened to me on 20 as of yet.
@hannelore1561 Жыл бұрын
The workbenches, chem stations, forges, and cement mixers will never be working. However, there's a Chace they have a lootable one inside, or the schematic. So worth seeking out
@jasonwheeler4805 2 жыл бұрын
#2 Prowlin Petse comes with a vending machine inside. If working you could have a place to get food/drinks.
@chrishnakk4 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the video! Loads of great tips, and thank you for being so thorough! I’ll definitely do a prison base when starting a new save now!
@Ailieorz Жыл бұрын
I used the roof of the camping store. Only way they can get up is through the caravans so it's easy pickings. And if they do destroy the place, just do the quest to reset it
@DannyOE4 2 жыл бұрын
Realtors in the post apocalypse
@18videowatcher41 Жыл бұрын
What about the Working Stiffs hardware store between Diersville and Trader Jen on Navezgane? I like that one quite a bit.
@Tulsy_Grape 2 жыл бұрын
Literally lived in 5/10 of these POIs, and at some point considered all of the rest. Perfect list
@wizardgaming758 10 ай бұрын
Pixel Gaming, where are you! It's been too long since your last video. I miss your content
@MegaLurch 2 жыл бұрын
If you live in a POI and take a trader mission that wants you to go to that POI, it will reset and delete all your base. Something to be aware of. I would recommend only using them at the start and making your own base somewhere else before starting trader missions.
@PixelLifeGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I believe, although not proven, by placing a lcb or bedroll will prevent the trader from giving you a quest at the said poi. Failing that, a poi won't resent until you start the quest
@timbaker2024 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I got burned on that once back in 19.
@timbaker2024 2 жыл бұрын
@@PixelLifeGaming i had bedroll and still got a quest for the house.
@stevdor6146 2 жыл бұрын
@@timbaker2024 use land claim block, if the safe zone extends over where the rally marker would spawn, the trader is (as of A20) supposed to Not offer that POI as a quest, but it is a glitchy game so it might not be working right
@bilalk0 2 жыл бұрын
@@PixelLifeGaming Fast food quest / its on the right hand side of Prowlin Pete will reset Prowlin Pete , happened yesterday for me
@UltimaDoge Жыл бұрын
In my actual Singleplayer game I found an airforce Base (I think) wich is pretty nice too
@johnnyshortbus 2 жыл бұрын
Missle silo by far is the best. Easy to modify and strong af. Garage for vehicles.
@jamesjentelmeanpl6528 Жыл бұрын
And if I wanted a base made by the game like those in the movie, of course, but the most durable, what will be the best
@Zonker66 2 жыл бұрын
Still watching, hoping you're going to show which POIs are quest places...
@patrickvanloo5206 2 жыл бұрын
Nice poi. Its only for pc. Ps do not have a update for years now. And we play on a verry old version and all the places are not there
@th3fr3nchon33 2 жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie i used the first house i saw as my base and on the 3rd day when walking around i found a rifle thingy big locker
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