If you're a PC player I'll help you out. Forward me your username and I'll add you and give you a high percentage cut. This offer is only for lean, not all players who read this as I need to grind money myself 😂
@HASAN_BMW23 сағат бұрын
@MrLawrenceYT21 сағат бұрын
@bluerubygaming988714 сағат бұрын
What about the bunker?
@MrLawrenceYT12 сағат бұрын
Not good
@eric269011 сағат бұрын
@@MrLawrenceYT You are doing it wrong. Try selling the bunker in a Public lobby for the High end Bonus 😎
@_Diamond-DogКүн бұрын
I’ve made 1.6 billion legit over 11 years The burnout is real
@MrLawrenceYTКүн бұрын
That’s a lot! 😳
@_Diamond-DogКүн бұрын
@ I know 😂
@grimsoul0Күн бұрын
I'm also at 1.6 billion made, 593 million spent, and started playing in August of 2020. But I did nothing but money grind. Now I'm starting my second character and trying to just have fun and get away from the grinding. But it's hard to chase that next dollar. 😏
@bands10018 сағат бұрын
Some ppl say u get double with garnet factory I have it I got what every case file say nothing extra it was a waist of money spent bout 4 to 5 mill including upgrades over again for terrobyte it’s goin take a while Juss to get that back cuz garnet bs I dont even use terrobyte anyway lls why did I do this I’m glad I got all buisness and properties cuz I would not b makin that back Juss yet…😂😂😂
@PAIN_KILLER87Күн бұрын
@MrLawrenceYTКүн бұрын
@ThunderdomeidntКүн бұрын
15:48 you said 702million dollars 😂
@MrLawrenceYT21 сағат бұрын
Bruh 😂
@AgentKaderКүн бұрын
First 🎉
@MK-Ultra999Күн бұрын
@MrLawrenceYTКүн бұрын
@IIISuperLinkIIКүн бұрын
Cayo Perico seriously is NOT the best way to earn money😂
@MrLawrenceYTКүн бұрын
It’s the best legit way
@Jezzy8-m9dКүн бұрын
Yo thanks for doing my idea but idk if it my idea but i dont have the bottom dollar bounty or the auto shop or the nightclub since i created a new acount im level 8 i think ------------------------------------------------------------ but i sometimes do the Gerald missions but sometimes i feel like it doesnt pay that much even tho it does but i want to to diamond or cayo with randoms.----- but instead they just kick me out of the job since im low level
@MrLawrenceYTКүн бұрын
What I recommend for low levels is complete the Cluckin bell farm raid 👍 No requirements 👌