Top 10 Things We Notice in The Wizard of Oz After Watching Wicked

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After watching "Wicked," the classic "The Wizard of Oz" takes on a whole new meaning! Join us as we explore the hidden depths, musical connections, and surprising character motivations that emerge when these two stories collide. From empathizing with the Wicked Witch to questioning Glinda's goodness, prepare for a magical journey of rediscovery! We'll uncover the secrets behind the Scarecrow's allegiance, the tragic fate of the flying monkeys, and the Wizard's true intentions. Plus, we'll delve into the musical motifs and choreography homages that connect these two beloved tales. Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to Oz, this video will change how you see the yellow brick road forever!
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#WizardOfOz #Wicked #Musical #Broadway #Elphaba #Glinda

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@antney7745 2 ай бұрын
Glinda: "You've always had the power to go home..." Dorothy: "EXCUSE ME?!"
@Johnadams20760 2 ай бұрын
i sense you have seen Mad TV
@iloveoliviarodrigo100 2 ай бұрын
And that she wouldn’t have believed me excuse is so dumb Like Dorothy just dropped a house on a woman I feel like anybody would believe Glinda
@austinwilliams87 2 ай бұрын
@ChokasBaliboy 2 ай бұрын
@austinwilliams87 2 ай бұрын
Also Dorothy: “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR ****ING MIND?!”
@calumsanderson6741 2 ай бұрын
You don't need to see Wicked to see that, watching The Wizard of Oz as a rational adult, the Wicked Witch is quite possibly the most agreeable person in her entrance sequence. She's just found out her sister's dead, she wants her family heirloom. She doesn't threaten Dorothy...UNTIL it's clear she's not gonna get what she wants - until GLINDA forces her hand. Talk about manipulative.
@Rosannasfriend 2 ай бұрын
And Galinda is the one who pointed her attention to those shoes in the first place… She wanted to tempt Elphaba and start all that trouble in the first place, By taunting her with those shoes.
@dennisshaper4744 2 ай бұрын
And she's going to kill anyone and everyone to get what she wants...including a little girl. Yes, Mrs. Gulch is agreeable.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
The WWW didn't give a damn about her sister; once she realized the power of the shoes was up for grabs, she forgot all about the Wicked Witch of the East and never mentioned her again. LMHO
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@Rosannasfriend There's no "Galinda" in _The Wizard of Oz._
@Math-in4dd 2 ай бұрын
You guys are nerdy morons that circle the truth with misled roundabout means. The original film OBVIOUSLY portrays the WICKED (no shit) witch of the west as the main antagonist villainess with all the OBVIOUS attributes that entails : cruelty, obsessiveness, sardonic laugh, just plain old scary witch characteristics... That's because it's adapted from the actual original book where the www is merely an antagonist. The land of Oz has been stolen by a myriad of writers who took licence to alter its themes and essence. Some of these works (the latest ones from the 90's) gave birth to a bullshit spinoff trope reversing good and evil, be like "hey let's stop being all about Manichaeism and show off how subtle we can get by making the so called villain the true victim of the story and point how they got from victim to bitter avenger (see Maleficent being turned into an oh so complex betrayed women just seeking fair retribution from patriarchy and blah blah blaaaah) This trope was not invented recently of course. We all know about Darth Vader basically going "but am the good hero's father, I can't be that bad..." This crappy trope is now duplicated in all ways, including in this wicked high school musical-ish rendition of the 90's books, that are themselves wild corruptions of the original books. None of this is truly canon or recognized by the original author. It's greed and lack of original inspiration that leads to such absurd, alternate rehashing of orignal works of art. You guys trying to compare, or decipher these works altogether, like they constitute a cohesive whole makes absolutely no sense. You're just moronic and misled, it's depressing lol The (un)happy few see clear through all this muck and despair at your murky appreciation.
@Bros-fh2mi 2 ай бұрын
Glinda says “BEGONE OR SOMEONE WILL DROP A HOUSE ON YOU” That someone is Madame Morrible. It all makes sense😮😮😮
@ChattieCathie 2 ай бұрын
The story could have gone any way
@AndySaenz924 2 ай бұрын
Played by Michelle Yeoh in the new Wicked movie! I have to read the L. Frank Baum book that inspired all of this. I need to understand how all these characters fit together.
@stevenhiggins3055 2 ай бұрын
​​They don't. Wicked was written by a totally different author years after Baum's death, and the actual real backstory is way better, involving a coup against the Ozain royal family lead by FOUR Wicked Witches, resulting in two generations of enslaved kings, a kidnapped princess, and a power vacuume later filled by the charlatan who called himself a wizard.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
No, what she says is, "Begone before somebody drops a house on you too." There's no connection between "Wicked" and the MGM version of _The Wizard of Oz,_ nor any other version.
@ChattieCathie 2 ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 EXACTLY. 💯 Thank You!!!
@Father_of_Death 2 ай бұрын
Glinda gaslighting Dorothy actually tracks. Now I get that MADtv sketch.
@JumpingJesus4 2 ай бұрын
And Tinky too?
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Nope. "In her portrayal of Glinda, (Billie) Burke projects a benevolent sweetness that exemplifies her character's all-knowing and serene grace. Glinda does not betray Dorothy in negligence by allowing her undue tribulations, which thus circumvents the often raised question, 'Why didn't Glinda tell Dorothy the way to get home right away?' The point is that, in her wisdom, Glinda's clairvoyance foresees the outcome of Dorothy's journey and knows no serious harm will befall her; sans the journey, Dorothy's maturity remains stagnant." -- "The Road to Oz: The Evolution, Creation, and Legacy of a Motion Picture Masterpiece" by Jay Scarfone and William Stillman
@ThrivingWithTheSussexes Ай бұрын
​@@peterheimsoth159Glinda is wicked
@KellL2276 2 ай бұрын
Fiyero’s horse was a deep blue, a nod to “a horse of a different color”.
@lucylo818 2 ай бұрын
In the book Fiero himself is actually blue! So it’s not only a nod to “a horse of a different color” but to his true character
@lynnthomas8457 2 ай бұрын
​@@lucylo818 I thought he had blue tatoos and redish skin?
@lynnthomas8457 2 ай бұрын
And i dont recommend the book to be honest. Reads like it was written by a sexually frustrated edgelord. It's VERY different from the musical and original wicked of oz.
@lucylo818 2 ай бұрын
@@lynnthomas8457 oh boy 😅 yes I think that’s right 😝 whoopsie me spreading false info
@maskedmarvyl4774 Ай бұрын
Did you see the X-rated version? "That's a whore of a different color!!"
@trinaq 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad that almost everyone universally agrees that Glinda was the cause of all this mess, sending Dorothy on a meaningless quest to get her to appreciate her family. It was even the basis of a MAD TV skit.
@mithramusic5909 2 ай бұрын
I feel The Wizard of Oz is told by a biased narrator, in the context of Wicked. Glinda pretty much just offloaded Dorothy onto her boss.
@freshPrincess626 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's an old theory/consensus/plot hole (probably decades)
@MrCome4numb 2 ай бұрын
Wicked & Evil like the wicked Witch are just an attempt by the left to promote criminals as poor hapless victims and the victims are the bad guys, pure garbage philosophy, Wicked is pure garage.
@jl2470 2 ай бұрын
I love that skit specially when dorothy beats her up 🤣
@jujubee2141 2 ай бұрын
Me too! After seeing the WOO a million times, I thought that Dorothy didn’t make herself an enemy of The Wicked Witch. That supposedly “Good” Witch, Glinda did it when she put the Ruby slippers on Dorothy and told her to “keep tight inside of them”! Glinda the Good wasn’t so good after all. Thank you.
@danielleknight3844 2 ай бұрын
9:25 I always knew as a kid that her stealing from the dead and giving it to dorthy wasn’t ok. And was actually sad when the witch melted. Now it all makes sense
@dormorel Ай бұрын
I do think the 1930s’ perception of how good and bad act takes it to the edge a little. I think that they were thinking that once it had been decided who was and who was bad, the good got the permission to do everything for his cause.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Nobody stole anything; and you're assuming that the Wicked Witch of the East didn't steal those shoes herself. The shoes protected Dorothy, so it makes sense that they chose her. The Winkies and the Winged Monkeys were overjoyed that their dictator bit the dust.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@@dormorel The story was written in 1900, and its themes are timeless and universal.
@lbarnx 11 күн бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 Her father gave her those shoes to help with her disability. In the book she is born without arms.
@Shadowluigi-pj9nq 2 ай бұрын
I just love how the absolute loathing on the Tin Mans face in the original film when he sees the wicked witch for the first time matches up for his loathing in wicked
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
There's no connection between the two. What he sees in the MGM movie is the twin of the Wicked Witch who made him chop himself up in the first place.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
By the way, his name is Nick Chopper, and he's a human.
@AndersWatches Ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159dude, get a life. The existence of Wicked and people making connections between it and the 1939 film (which is not even faithful to its source material either!) doesn’t take away anything from your precious obsession. Let people enjoy things. You don’t need to live in this comment section ‘correcting’ anybody who says something that for some reason gets you so personally offended on the behalf of a film made over eighty years ago.
@SillyCreatureSally Ай бұрын
​@@peterheimsoth159 Hello, I was just checking if you were here. And here you are!
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@SillyCreatureSally Wotcher! 🙂
@tcodes27 2 ай бұрын
“Fly, my childhood traumatizers!” - The Wicked Witch, Super-Villain Bowl, 2018
@Blueflower1594 2 ай бұрын
I think it should also be mentioned that we now know why the Wicked Witch of the East’s legs curled up when the slippers were removed. She was handicapped before they were enchanted, and her legs probably just gave out after the enchantment was removed
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Nope. In the original book, the Good Witch of the North (who is not Glinda) observes, "She was so old, that she dried up quickly in the sun." The FX crew at MGM took their cue from that. As we saw in the movie, the Wicked Witch of the East was out joyriding on her broom.
@eddierascalhaskell4954 2 ай бұрын
It doesnt matter. They're just different variants of the source material
@mollyenglish2420 2 ай бұрын
In the book, Nessa’s disability is that she was born with no legs; she walks just fine, if a bit awkwardly.
@neurocutie 2 ай бұрын
@@mollyenglish2420 you mean, she had no ARMS...
@Chandra614 2 ай бұрын
@@mollyenglish2420 thought it was no arms?
@JumpingJesus4 2 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who thought that Jeff Goldbloom's Wizard deliberately resembles Walt Disney, even physically?
@AndySaenz924 2 ай бұрын
That’s weird because the Wizard of Oz was produced by MGM Grand studios in the 1930s, not Disney. But that’s a good observation!
@JumpingJesus4 2 ай бұрын
@AndySaenz924 Think of Disney as a rival. And the Wizard of Oz as the greatest Disney movie not made by Disney!
@martidodger7106 2 ай бұрын
It’s an intentional reference. The model of Oz/presentation is a nod to Disney’s Worlds Fair presentation and Wonderful World of Disney programs. While MGM originally made WofOz, Disney and MGM had a partnership with their movie studios and the Wizard of Oz being a big section of the Great Movie Ride (rip)
@lindakahler4799 2 ай бұрын
No I liked Uncle Walt. Goldbloom IMHO is a no talent
@emeralddragon-yv1pg 2 ай бұрын
And Walt was often seen as a showman just like the wizard.
@stephanieflores277 2 ай бұрын
glinda is the person who just stands by and watches others get hurt and has to live with the regret of not helping them
@MiArcangel 2 ай бұрын
Like my dad
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Bull$#!+. What was she supposed to do, travel with Dorothy and hold her hand the whole time? A fat lot of good that would have done toward Dorothy's maturing as an individual. I suppose you think that Gandalf should have stayed with Bilbo and the dwarves through their entire quest, doing everything for them.
@Swifty13kenz Ай бұрын
@@MiArcangeluh I’m sry that ur dad acts like that 😢
@Swifty13kenz Ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
What the heck are you talking about? Glinda watched over Dorothy's journey, and Dorothy came to zero harm.
@lucilebyrd8152 2 ай бұрын
When I first watched the Wizzard of Oz as a Child i never liked Glinda, but couldnt understand why at that young age. But it did start me on a path of sympathizing with the bad guys, which turned into always loving the bad guys and distrusting the "good guys."
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
What's not to like? Read the books-- and I mean the ones by Baum, not Maguire.
@maskedmarvyl4774 2 ай бұрын
Even as a small child, the story of how the Witch was treated bothered me. Her sister is gruesomely killed in a suspicious freak accident; her slippers which should have gone to the Witch were stolen off her dead body and given to a,child, who didn't want them, putting her in danger. And yet we're supposed to root for Glinda. I'm a paralegal, and Glinda should have been charged with: Suspicion of Home-hicular homicide. Grand theft. Desecration of a corpse. Interference with testamentary intent. Child endangerment. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Conspiring with Walter White to smuggle methamphetamine into Oz. How many Munchkin lives were ruined walking the 'Blue Sky Road"?
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
*eyeroll* You should actually *watch the movie* and see the WWW's reactions. She shed not one tear over her sister, and once she realized the power in the shoes was up for grabs, she forgot all about the WWE and never mentioned her again. In the stage version of the MGM musical, she even tells Dorothy, "You've done me a service, my dear!" Between the shoes, Glinda's kiss, and Glinda's watchfulness, Dorothy never comes to harm. Our rooting interest is Dorothy. I believe the legal term for what happened to the WWE is "act of God." How do we know that the WWE hadn't stolen those shoes herself? What corpse? It disintegrated. ? As already pointed out, Dorothy was in no danger. Dorothy did nothing wrong. ? Munchkin lives were restored with their dictator's death. You'd probably want to bring a case against Gandalf on behalf of Sauron.
@Coryraisa 2 ай бұрын
​​@@peterheimsoth159 Actually, Theodora/Elphaba did shed tears later over her sister's death. She most likely didn't want to cry in front of Glinda, who probably would have teased her. I ageee that Dorothy was not to blame for Theodora/Elphaba's sister's death and did nothing wrong, though. I say the "Wizard" of Oz and Glinda along with the tornado were to blame for the mess.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@Coryraisa "Theodora" (a very ironic name) and "Elphaba" are two different names given to two different characters, not to be confused with each other. Each of them is more or less (mostly less) based on the particular version of L. Frank Baum's nameless Wicked Witch of the West which was played by Margaret Hamilton as undeniably cutthroat and evil in MGM'S adaptation of _The Wizard of Oz._ Other versions of the character have been named Momba, Wicked West, Evillene, Sadista, Zelena, and Bastinda, the latter being played by Russian actress Svetlana Khodchenkova in next year's _The Wizard of the Emerald City._ It's worth mentioning again that in the stage version of the MGM musical, the WWW says to Dorothy, "You've done me a service, my dear!" Glinda never caused any trouble in any version of the story (particularly the book, in which she didn't even appear until the penultimate chapter). The Wizard (no need for quotation marks) did send Dorothy and the boys on a dangerous mission, but only because he figured that, having killed one Wicked Witch, Dorothy would be able to handle the other, which, of course, she did-- and all on her own with nobody else to help her! 🙂
@Coryraisa 2 ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 All good and well, but I think of the Witch of the West with the first two names. My theory is that the WW comes from two long lines of ancestral witches, human on her dad's side, non-terrestrial on her mum's side. Her sister Nessa likely had a different dad. Neither the WW, her mum's side of her family or her sister were brought up in any Earth human muggle world with the conventional norms we are accustomed to. I have the feeling that there is far more to the WW's story than simply being a "bad" green witch who tormented others merely for sh@$÷ts and giggles. I get the feeling that in her youth the WW was bullied. Glinda herself grew up human, but in a magical world and had never met a muggle before Dorothy, hence Glinda's questioning Dorothy _Are you a good witch or a bad witch?_ Also, curious...note how when Glinda tells the WW, _Be gone before somebody drops a house on you,_ the WW glances upwards probably with a trace of fear. I get the feeling that Glinda had teased the WW about other before. It's very interesting to contemplate.
@Dr.Mlieko 2 ай бұрын
That is only because the 1939 movie combined the 1900 novel characters Locasta and Glinda into one, creating a whole bunch of plot holes as a result But to put it simply, Locasta met Dorothy at the very beginning, but did not know how to help her. Glinda knew how to help Dorothy, but the two of them did not meet till the end of the book.
@laurendynes6289 2 ай бұрын
I think Fieyro was looking out for Dorothy as she was an innocent in this whole thing. Also, he sent Elphaba a note so he could reunite with her later. He was deemed a traitor for siding with Elphaba and nearly killed for it, so he had to pretend to be on the wizards side.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
There's no "Fiyero" in any version of "The Wizard of Oz." In the original Oz books, The Scarecrow's alive because he's indwelt by the life force of the late Emperor Chang Wang Woe of the Silver Islands. In the first stage version of "Wizard," he was an ordinary scarecrow brought to life by a magic ring Dorothy was given. In the MGM movie, the Scarecrow was Dorothy's subconscious impression of Hunk the farm hand.
@Varian-le8hz 2 ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 he’s talking in the context of wicked
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@Varian-le8hz It doesn't matter. This video alleges a connection between the two when there isn't one.
@coffeeaddict9605 2 ай бұрын
​@@peterheimsoth159 But there is. Wicked was written in a way to fit into the context of The Wizard of Oz movie. So there is a connection.
@MitzyDjm 2 ай бұрын
I think he doesn't remember Elphaba at first
@willgroody5296 2 ай бұрын
Defying gravity spells out why Glinda is awful one of early lines “how you would grovel in submission to feed your own ambition”, she is given the chance to follow her ‘best friend’ being told imagine what we could do together. But all she wants is status and recognition ’popular’ she sings about people in charge aren’t the best but they’re popular. As seen in the end she hugs Madam Morrible eventhough she just witnessed her and the wizard be awful and brand her best friend a villain. She is all about shortcuts and manipulation, she’s disappointed that while her parents and peers treat her like a princess, she gets to university and sees how her self importance isn’t anything to her hero Madam Morrible, she even tells Glinda she has no belief in her when giving her a wand, but embraces her when she’s a dangerous witness to their lies and schemes. Plus at the end of the Wizard of Oz. She’s gotten rid of Nessa, Elphaba and the Wizard and is beloved. Eventhough like the Wizards she has no powers either. In wicked film she steps on a button to activate her bubble and the wand is simply to pop it
@professorwright1428 2 ай бұрын
You haven't seen the second half of Wicked have you? If you have your media literacy is at an all time low.
@katliutoo 2 ай бұрын
I don't think the point of Wicked was to say that the good witch is evil and the evil witch is good. That just reverses the judgements but the judgements are overly simplistic. I think the point of Wicked was that one's conditions affect how one behaves.
@KatzeMelli 2 ай бұрын
Glinda was about to hop on that broom when the soldiers snatched her. Glinda is conflicted between her people pleasing submission and her genuine love for elphi. Elphaba brought out her vulnerability, allowed her to be herself. In the end, elphaba flew of without her, and left her behind. She heartbroken but also weak and in a vulnerable state is being embraced by someone she was trying to impress the whole time. I like that both are neither all good nor bad. They both are complicated and that’s what makes it so relatable and heartbreaking.
@katliutoo 2 ай бұрын
@@KatzeMelli Not sure that I agree with you that Glinda was about to get on that broom. But wholeheartedly agree with you that both characters have the potential for both good and bad in them.
@KatzeMelli 2 ай бұрын
@@katliutooi’m gonna go watch the movie again next week and going to pay attention to this scene. I was definitely under the impression that she in the end leaned into the temptation to come with elphaba, but this could have also just been my interpretation! ☺️
@vlogswith_brynn 2 ай бұрын
Also, did anyone notice Madam Morrible in Wicked say to Elphie, “Don’t want you getting wet.” Right before she changes the weather. Then in the Wizard of Oz, she gets killed from a bucket of water!! My mind was blown!!
@katherineberger6329 2 ай бұрын
@vlogswith_brynn 2 ай бұрын
@@katherineberger6329 im so confused
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Dude, the Wicked Witch of the West was killed by water ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO! A retrofitted parody of Oz should hardly be a revelation to you.
@jameswagner6036 2 ай бұрын
But what if Glinda sent Dorothy to expose the wizard cuz if another person sees he’s not real maybe the ozians will be like Oop maybe elphaba was telling the truth 🧐 cuz Glinda knows the wizard can’t get her home
@eljordinio7647 2 ай бұрын
Wouldn't it have made more sense for Glinda to just expose the wizard herself?
@carrastealth 2 ай бұрын
@@eljordinio7647 Glinda was still being a coward at that point. Wasn't until losing Elphaba she worked up the courage.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@carrastealth There's no "Elphaba" in _The Wizard of Oz,_ and Glinda is as much a "coward" as Gandalf, who "could have" taken the One Ring to Mt. Doom himself.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@MMantiMManti 2 ай бұрын
Guys the first movie is the story of the journey of a child rediscovering that she doesn't need to go far away from home to be happy.. jeez the wicked plot is so complicated that and ruined the original message..
@johngreenwald4870 2 ай бұрын
on stage, and can’t wait to see the film early next week. We seem to forget that no one - not even fictional characters - is perfect. Both Glinda and Elpaba made mistakes along their journey. The people who deserve our pity are the ones who choose nox to learn anything from mistakes they make. They lack empathy, because it was neither shown to them or explained to them. Unfortunately, compassion for all who are different is in short supply.
@johngreenwald4870 2 ай бұрын
I first saw the musical on stage.
@stefanieprejean6609 2 ай бұрын
Religion and politics teach hate and lack of empathy
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
"Not perfect" doesn't mean "royally screwed up." As an ageless fairy who was in the court of the Fairy Queen Lurline, Glinda was appointed to watch over the Land of Oz when Lurline created it in the first place. In time, she became mentor and advisor to Lurline's daughter Ozma (think of Merlin and King Arthur). There never was an "Elphaba." In Oz, everyone looks after everyone else.
@1c2h3e4u5n6g 21 күн бұрын
madame Morrible:" Weather is my specialty". Me:"......"
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
The entire population of Oz in the MGM movie: Who the heck is "Madame Morrible?" Never heard of her.
@lorikeffer6339 2 ай бұрын
Glenda was also grinning way too much during the scene when Dorothy explained to the Wicked Witch of the West that her sister's death was an accident.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
You mean Glinda, and all the Munchkins wore happy faces as well. That tells you that the WWE was a vile dictator. "In her portrayal of Glinda, (Billie) Burke projects a benevolent sweetness that exemplifies her character's all-knowing and serene grace. Glinda does not betray Dorothy in negligence by allowing her undue tribulations, which thus circumvents the often raised question, 'Why didn't Glinda tell Dorothy the way to get home right away?' The point is that, in her wisdom, Glinda's clairvoyance foresees the outcome of Dorothy's journey and knows no serious harm will befall her; sans the journey, Dorothy's maturity remains stagnant." -- "The Road to Oz: The Evolution, Creation, and Legacy of a Motion Picture Masterpiece" by Jay Scarfone and William Stillman
@rafaelaveralugo7626 2 ай бұрын
Really? I saw multiple clips where, while she was smiling, she was annoyed when Dorothy started singing
@laurahawkins3130 2 ай бұрын
@rafaelaveralugo7626 Her annoyed look wasn’t intentional. By that point, they had been working on the film for several hours and Billie Burke was getting exhausted, which ended up showing on her face in the take they used.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@rafaelaveralugo7626 She wasn't annoyed. The Wickedniks have influenced your thinking.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@laurahawkins3130 Her "annoyed look" wasn't even there; y'all are seeing things. Miss Burke was used to making movies; _The Wizard of Oz_ was her *forty-sixth movie,* so she was cool widdit. In any case, as her screen time was exclusively with Judy, and since Judy was only allowed to work for four hours a day, that meant that they had not, in fact, been working for "several hours."
@davidlance5310 2 ай бұрын
I would’ve expected the drought to be something early in Oz during a time where people with magical abilities did exist but weren’t strong enough to do much even with the Grimmarie but when the Wizard appeared, it motivated them to build the Emerald City for others until time passed & they all disappeared from existence leaving Morrible as the only one remaining which gave the Wizard & her no choice to carry on expanding his designs through hard animal labour with no pay & a decision to revoke their identities from equal to targeted minorities until someone with magical abilities could be rediscovered to help strengthen their grip on Oz
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
None of that has anything to do with Baum's Oz or MGM's.
@haydenlipczenko4775 2 ай бұрын
You know the 1939 version is a dream right? I think the Ozverse is multiple worlds. There's the book verse, the movie verse, The Wiz-verse, the Wicked verse, The Oz Upon a Time-verse (Once Upon a Time series), etc.
@sagejennings4342 2 ай бұрын
Don't forget Oz the Great and Powerful! Either way, though, the book was based in the dream land story so it's still connected. Wicked isn't canon to the Wizard of Oz but the Wizard of Oz is canon to Wicked
@haydenlipczenko4775 2 ай бұрын
@@sagejennings4342 In the Baum books, Oz is real. Oz in the 1939 film is just a dream.
@sagejennings4342 2 ай бұрын
@haydenlipczenko4775 ah, cool, I didn't know that!
@Pole_Xander 2 ай бұрын
My mom thinks is like heaven because there ain’t no way you survived a window in your head and a house flying in a tornado and falling on the flooor, like bruv
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
The Oz canon is the Famous Forty. Everything else is either tribute (MGM, The Wiz, Return to Oz, The Wizard of the Emerald City, etc.) or mockery (Wicked, Emerald City, Once Upon a Time, etc.).
@supersonicjc 2 ай бұрын
the mgm wizard of oz is still timeless even as an adult and knowing some of the more extreme things that happened on set, the biggest still being when the witch leaves the munchkins she gets actually burnned by accident when the pirotectics go off before the trap door lets her out... as for the part 2 of wicked you basically confirmed things i already though of as the ending of part 1 happened...
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
It was an elevator, not a trap door. Miss Hamilton didn't even realize she was on fire until someone pointed it out to her by trying to put out her burning hat!
@philipford4368 2 ай бұрын
I just have to say that Wicked , The Wizard of Oz , and L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz are all separate stories . In Baum's book The Good Witch of the North and Glinda are two separate characters. The Witches of the East and the West are not related. And the Winged Monkeys were enchanted by a minor character in the book. When they made the 1939 Wizard of Oz they combined Glinda with the Witch of the North. That's where the trouble came from . But it makes for fun conversation .
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
No, the trouble came solely from "Wicked" and from its partisans who fail to grasp what the folks who wrote the movie were doing. MGM didn't so much combine Glinda and Tattypoo as flip-flop them. 🙂
@christabelle__ Ай бұрын
The Wizard of Oz movie is fanfic of the books, and Wicked the book is fanfic of the movie, and the Broadway musical is a fanfic of that book - and the movie is fanfic of the Broadway play. So you're right! More people need to realize that these are all different versions of the same material. And while Wicked pays homage to the musical, movie, and books it draws from...they are not actually connected in any way.
@gorby1980 2 ай бұрын
Did everyone suddenly become totally moronic? Gregory Maguire, the author of Wicked, has always explained that Wicked has no direct connection to L. Frank Baum's novels or the 1939 film, that it was a complete rewrite in another universe. For example, in the 1939 film, the last we heard, Glinda and the Witch of the West never went to school together. From there, wanting to shed light on the novels or the 1939 film in light of Wicked is about as relevant as wanting to shed light on Oliver Twist in light of the Disney film Oliver and Company.
@karenchance2570 2 ай бұрын
So it is just a story from a parallel universe, something modern audiences should understand.
@GodsChild4Ever446 2 ай бұрын
Maybe the spirit of Frank L Baum transcendent and told someone the story behind the story. I mean, it is a movie about witches right?
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@GodsChild4Ever446 Nope.
@gorby1980 2 ай бұрын
@@GodsChild4Ever446 This is unlikely, since Wicked is based on the 1939 film and not on the novels by L. Frank Baum, of which the 1939 film is already a very loose adaptation (making the 1939 film a parallel universe). For example, in the novels, the Witches of the East and West are not related. The fact that they are sisters was invented in the 1939 film to justify a quick appearance by the Witch of the West as soon as Dorothy arrives in Oz. In the novels, Glinda does not exist. The character was created by merging the Witches of the North and South.
@lorikeffer6339 2 ай бұрын
But we do need to remember that the Wicked Witch of the West did set the Scarecrow on fire, and Dorothy had to throw water on the flame to put it out and save his life. Some of that water landed on the Wicked Witch of the West, and she melted.
@MasterofMonkeys13 2 ай бұрын
Yeah true, i dont know if its because she was pretty angry at her sisters death or she’s actually bad
@MMantiMManti 2 ай бұрын
... she wants to kill ToTo.. can people go and really watch the 1939 movie I'm reading so many lies and stupid theories based on nothing just because people want to say their opinion without even watching the first movie
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@@MasterofMonkeys13 She didn't care about her twin. All she wanted was the power in the shoes.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Of course in the book, the WWW managed to grab one of the silver shoes and put it on, upon which Dorothy angrily chucked a bucket of mop water at her.
@foreignbae4383 Ай бұрын
Only 2924 could turn the Wizard of Oz into a think piece. L. Baum would not want his masterpiece dissected in this manner
@billyford4551 Ай бұрын
Your right
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@AntiFaGoat 2 ай бұрын
I figured that either Fiyero was very committed to the bit, or that he got beaten so badly by the Gail Force before Elphaba cast the spell that he basically had amnesia throughout most of "the Wizard of Oz."
@christabelle__ Ай бұрын
The Wizard of Oz movie is fanfic of the books, and Wicked the book is fanfic of the movie, and the Broadway musical is a fanfic of that book - and the movie is fanfic of the Broadway play. More people need to realize that these are all different versions of the same material. And while Wicked pays homage to the musical, movie, and books it draws from...they are not actually connected in any way.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
The Scarecrow was only three days old when Dorothy met him, and he is alive because of the life energy of the late Emperor Chang Wang Woe, ruler of the subterranean realm called the Silver Islands.
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
@@christabelle__ The MGM movie is an adaptation of the book, not a fanfic.
@JudithOwens-r5g 2 ай бұрын
Love and watch the Wizard of Oz every time it’s on. Brings back memories from my childhood, but the monkeys never scared me 😁 if you haven’t, read the book it’s really dark in some places and the slippers were silver not red.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
It's not dark at all, and I thought that MGM's Winged Monkeys were funny, though I was bugged that they didn't talk as in the book.
@Notyourtypicalboi Ай бұрын
Y'all always forget that there are 2 good witches, Glinda the witch of the SOUTH and the other good witch of the NORTH. The company that made the wizard of oz movie thought it will make sense if Glinda is the one who starts and ends the movie which causes narrative issues, the good witch of the north is the one who tells Dorothy to go to the wizard since she doesn't know anything on how Dorothy will come home, at the end, GLINDA THE WITCH OF THE SOUTH is the one who tells her on how to come home.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Correct! I've lately started wondering if the writers of the movie were inspired by "The Hobbit," which was published the year before the movie went into production. Gandalf was not always with Bilbo and the dwarves, but he was always keeping an eye on them and stepping in when they couldn't help themselves. That's how it was with Glinda in the MGM movie; she made sure Dorothy was safe from harm because she wore the shoes and had Glinda's kiss of protection on her forehead. Glinda only needed to act directly to help the team along when they were trapped in the Deadly Poppy Field.
@obnoxiouslegofan 2 ай бұрын
Norm: "The Wicked Witch of the West is the overarching antagonist of the 'Wizard of Oz' franchise." Irony: "The Wicked Witch only appeared in ONE installment of the original 'Wizard of Oz' books by Frank Baum." Edit: I also want to point out that the witch Dorothy encountered with the Munchkins in the original "Wizard of Oz" novel is a separate character from the novel's depiction of Glinda.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Correct; not only did the WWW appear in only one book, she only appeared in one chapter in the middle of that book! Mark you, she was spoken of throughout the first half.
@TheFlowerchild712 2 ай бұрын
It also makes sense why the wizard wanted the broom. That broom has more magic in a single splinter than he had in his whole body.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
No, he only wanted it as proof that she was dead.
@Cat_man5075 Ай бұрын
3:02 when I was around 5 years old, I was obsessed with The Wizard of Oz. I watched it every time I went to my nan’s house. She said my favourite part was the monkeys burning the witch….
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
The Monkeys didn't burn the Witch.
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
They never did that.
@Cat_man5075 22 күн бұрын
@ Are you me? No. I was a child how am I supposed to remember?
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
@ You mean you haven't seen it since?
@Cat_man5075 22 күн бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 I have but not for a long time still
@sabrinaestrada3590 2 ай бұрын
I was never scared of the flying monkeys. They just looked like creepy puppets but they didn't scare me.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Winged Monkeys, and I always thought they were funny. But they were people in costumes and make-up; the only puppets were used for some of the flying scenes.
@douglasrau5094 2 ай бұрын
It’s strange how the Scarecrow and the Tin Man act as though they’ve never met before each other when it’s Fiyero and Boq.
@bluedancelilly 2 ай бұрын
The Tin Man has a different origin in the book Wicked (a randon woodsman, not Boq).
@jules_studios 2 ай бұрын
Also they didn’t recognize each other
@Rattiedora 2 ай бұрын
You do realize wicked is fan fiction right?
@RubySlippersReads 2 ай бұрын
@@bluedancelillyNick Chopper.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
The Scarecrow was only three days old when Dorothy found him, and the Tin Woodman is named Nick Chopper. There is a Boq in the original book, but he's a Munchkin, while Nick is a human.
@sagejennings4342 2 ай бұрын
I'm just so happy when movie adaptations keep dance. It's such a a big part of musical theatre so often and cutting an ensemble can really leave a lack
@christineelmore5810 2 ай бұрын
I love the large ensemble pieces -
@allenkeith7160 Ай бұрын
She brought up the "Melting" scene near-ish the end... And it reminded me of "Once upon a Time" where she pretended to melt. Why? I don't think they really explained it, or they did and I didn't pay attention... But it was funny to see her pick herself back up, clearly unhurt because it as all an act!
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
That's such a stupid scenario. How was she even to know that Dorothy would be throwing water at her?
@allenkeith7160 Ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 Very good question indeed! Also could have been a witty reaction. I've done it once or twice, pretending to overreact to something that didn't really do much, if anything to me.
@JudyB1980 Ай бұрын
It’s driving me crazy how people are now blending the two movies. Wicked comes from the imagination of Gregory McGuire. And if you’ve read Frank Baum’s book you’d really be laughing.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Or wanting to punch the Wickedniks. The worst of it is that not only are they demonizing Glinda, but talking trash about Billie Burke.
@bradwalls8656 2 ай бұрын
For those that are wondering if Elphaba & Fiyero had a happy ending, read the 2nd part in "The Wicked Years" by Gregory Maguire. Without spoiling anything, yes, they had one & he even has a name! P.S. The rest of the series gets really dark!
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
None of which has anything to do with "The Wizard of Oz."
@Cool_beansmh 2 ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159no one cares. Ppl will enjoy media any way they want. Get over it.
@jucamovi1992 Ай бұрын
In those fanfics yes, but in the original story there is no romance between those and witch dies in the first book.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@@Cool_beansmh My, my, why so hostile? Can't handle truth, eh?
@arcanesiren629 18 күн бұрын
During the scene where Dorothy and company were trying to escape the castle, I imagine Elphaba and Glinda singing to each other "For Good" before the final standoff.
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
Why? There's no "Elphaba" in _The Wizard of Oz._
@CrymeScene 2 ай бұрын
y'all were scared of the flying monkeys i was scared of the guards singing that creepy ass song. we are not the same 😂😂😂😂😂
@schannstewart9385 2 ай бұрын
I was scared of the legs rolling up under the house
@ObsessedCollector 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@@schannstewart9385 I always laughed at them! They looked like two big blow ticklers contracting.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@@ObsessedCollector "Oh-Ee-Yah! Eo-Ah!"
@SillyCreatureSally 15 күн бұрын
​@@peterheimsoth159I think they were referencing the Oreo guards in Wreck-it-Ralph.
@stevenpeluso7670 Ай бұрын
In making the movie, the "farm" scenes were filmed last, not the other way around. Most people don't know this.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
True! It was amazingly timed, because when it came to doing the Kansas scenes, director Victor Fleming was reassigned to _Gone With the Wind,_ a fact which royally pissed off Judy Garland, as she had a big crush on him. King Vidor was brought in to direct the Kansas scenes, including Judy's immortal rendering of "Over the Rainbow." 🙂
@chastebychoice 2 ай бұрын
Did anyone else think it looked like Glinda was using Dorothy as a human shield when the Wicked Witch of the West showed up in the Wizard of Oz?? lol
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
No, because she was holding her staff in front of Dorothy. Besides, as you heard, the WWW had no power in Munchkinland.
@samuelcollantes1175 2 ай бұрын
Happy friday afternoon, Emily, take care and God bless you. Greetings from Colombia to you as well.
@calumsanderson6741 2 ай бұрын
I'm sitting here as a grown man in my Glinda Oodie on a rainy morning in Australia and I need to stop the video to ask: was everyone ACTUALLY scared of the monkeys? I don't remember being scared of the Witch, but I definitely WASN'T scared of the monkeys. Even as a kid I could tell they were between a rock and a hard place in serving the Witch. Perhaps I'm projecting, as make up wasn't as expressive back then, but they always looked downtrodden and beaten up, spiritually. I wanted to be their friend. Nobody was being their friend, not even Dorothy. I wanted SOMEONE to extend an olive branch to them at some point in the film, because they're monkeys who fly. That's fucking awesome. Plus their little hats and waistcoats!!!!! Come on, they're adorable! And vicious! They're my friends!
@TV-yb2bn 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
I thought the Winged Monkeys were funny; besides, I already knew their story from the book, and that they were slaves bound to the WWW's Golden Cap, which appears briefly in the MGM movie.
@Jevyyy_18 2 ай бұрын
"Begone or someone will drop a house on you too" I never realized how shady and savage Glinda is 😭😭
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Neither shady nor savage, and it's not as if the WWW doesn't deserve a scare.
@nikoking825 2 ай бұрын
You all get that "Wicked" is basically fan fiction? And NOT canon to the actual Oz books???
@CodyBuchanan700 2 ай бұрын
Yes it is
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@CodyBuchanan700 Nope! The OG Wicked Witch of the West was an elderly woman with non-green skin and one eye; plus, she and the Wicked Witch of the East (who had two good legs) were not sisters. The Wizard was too young to be the WWW's father. The Tin Woodman was a human named Nick Chopper, and the Scarecrow was indwelt by the life energy of the late Emperor Chang Wang Woe.
@Chandra614 2 ай бұрын
We know. We don't care.
@nikoking825 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 Also Glinda was the Good Witch of the South and the Good Witch of the North was a separate person. Glinda also in the Oz books only is met at the end of the first one and is something of the moral, protectress of Oz. L. Frank Baum had a lot of feminist and socialist sympathies and that gets reflected in the Oz books. Also the Wicked Witch of the West is a minor character in the Oz books.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@Chandra614 So why are you getting so antsy? 🙂
@bernieheartdragon1888 Ай бұрын
I loved the flying monkeys but my mom is still afraid of him to this day. Lol
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
I always thought that the Winged Monkeys were funny. 🙂
@CrystalKStearns 2 ай бұрын
I totally believe Fiyero/Scarecrow was acting as a double agent so he could report back to Elphaba and she could keep one step ahead. Also might be trying to help her get the slippers back.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
There's no "Fiyero" in any version of "The Wizard of Oz."
@brithaddenhadden8383 29 күн бұрын
the wizard of oz is the greatest most beloved film of all time and does not need sequels, prequels or remakes ! never trust anyone who dares to disagree !
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
I would like to see a movie-- or more likely a duogy or trilogy-- which faithfully adapts the original book.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
"In her portrayal of Glinda, (Billie) Burke projects a benevolent sweetness that exemplifies her character's all-knowing and serene grace. Glinda does not betray Dorothy in negligence by allowing her undue tribulations, which thus circumvents the often raised question, 'Why didn't Glinda tell Dorothy the way to get home right away?' The point is that, in her wisdom, Glinda's clairvoyance foresees the outcome of Dorothy's journey and knows no serious harm will befall her; sans the journey, Dorothy's maturity remains stagnant." -- "The Road to Oz: The Evolution, Creation, and Legacy of a Motion Picture Masterpiece" by Jay Scarfone and William Stillman
@timeofyourlife7561 Ай бұрын
The Wizard of Oz is only a dream Dorothy had. Wicked in not part of Dorothy dream.
@calebjones7868 2 ай бұрын
Love story is abit much. considering all I've heard Elphaba is more interested in Fiyero as a Lover than Glinda
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Irrelevant to "The Wizard of Oz."
@abedraves4467 2 ай бұрын
To me it just a different take on the characters. Like not every version of Superman and Batman are the same.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
The problem is that people whom refuse to engage their brains think there's a connection between "Wicked" and the various versions of "The Wizard of Oz," when there isn't.
@paigeee157 Ай бұрын
Somewhere Over the Rainbow blew my mind!
@Rattiedora 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Or any other version of Oz. Certainly not the original book.
@JustinAtchley 21 күн бұрын
Remember that ‘Wicked’ was written in almost a hundred years after ‘Wizard of Oz’ by a different author…..
@wurly164 2 ай бұрын
The witch was the rightful owner of the ruby slippers when her sister died. Glinda used Dorothy as a stooge to get at the evil witch.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
How do you know that the WWE hadn't stolen them from some other magic user (besides, would you hand over the One Ring to Sauron?)? Glinda (not "Glenda") set Dorothy on a path that she needed to travel in order to grow and mature. It was the Wizard, not Glinda, who wanted the WWW destroyed. Besides, in the MGM movie, Dorothy dreamed her trip to Oz.
@wurly164 2 ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 It wasn't Glindas job to tech Dorothy anything, all she did was put a kids life in danger. If they were not the witches ruby slippers, it would have been noted. The comment stands
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@wurly164 How do you know what Glinda's job was? I suppose you think Gandalf had no business involving Bilbo Baggins in Thorin's quest, or Merlin should have kept his nose out of Arthur's business. That's not for you to say. Dorothy's life was never in danger; the shoes and Glinda's kiss protected her. And again, would you hand the One Ring to Sauron? Handing the shoes to the WWW would have been just as stupid.
@wurly164 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 First off, relax and take a deep breath. Second, stay on subject, the W. Of OZ, , not anything else. Third, it's just a movie. If something belongs to your sister, she dies in an accident and someone comes along, steals them and gives them to a total stranger, you be like, what the frig. At no time does Glinda say they were not the property of the dead, witch. she just takes them. Yes Dorothy was in danger, and Glinda helped them, but all so Dorothy could do her dirty work.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@@wurly164 First, never been anything but relaxed. Second, been on subject the whole time; giving an example from another story illustrates the subject at hand by comparing it to a similar situation. Third, Oz is a series of books, a plethora of stage plays, a multitude of merchandise, and thousands of movie and T.V. adaptations and spoofs. It's been the subject of endless essays, some by people as notable as Ray Bradbury, one of its biggest fans. The Wicked Witch of the West didn't give a toss for her late twin. All she wanted was the power in the shoes to help her conquer and enslave the whole Land of Oz, like she had her quarter of it. To use another Tolkien example-- by way of illustrating the situation in Oz-- the One Ring was the property of Sauron, but it would have been idiotic to let him have it. Likewise, it would have been stupid to give the shoes to the WWW. Dorothy was safe from harm because of the shoes and the kiss of protection. Glinda had no "dirty work" because it was the Wizard-- not Glinda-- who wanted the WWW dead. The Wizard. Not Glinda.
@Liv-v8d Ай бұрын
2:19-2:27 This is basically how me and my best friend act with each other. I’m Glinda.
@JumpingJesus4 2 ай бұрын
I watched the television premier of TWoO on the floor of the den in our house in the early 60s. Even then, I thought that Glinda wasn't quite as good as she promoted herself to be. I wonder how much of that was Baum's intention?
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
She didn't "promote herself." Audiences of the day who were still familiar with the Oz books, knew that Glinda was good and above reproach. Baum would tear Greg Maguire a new one for all the trouble he's caused.
@JumpingJesus4 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 As I've said elsewhere, I watched The Wizard Of Oz on its television premiere in the mid 60s, a cultural milestone. . And I've read an Oz book or two, but that was long ago. Glinda was suspicious to me from the very beginning. She was too nice, too good, and I'm not the only one that thought so. She put Dorothy in real danger by putting her on that quest! And I never forgave her for it!
@janel.8921 2 ай бұрын
I read Baum’s original novel. There were two good witches, one of the North and the other South. The North witch is in Munchkinland and was first to greet Dorothy. She is also elderly. Glinda is actually the South witch, who is young and pretty. Dorothy and Friends have to travel to see her. It’s she who tells Dorothy the secret of the shoes.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@JumpingJesus4 The movie was first shown on T.V. in 1956. Dorothy was never in danger, thanks to the shoes on her feet, and the magical kiss that Glinda put on her forehead. Also, Glinda was keeping an eye on her the whole time, but only needed to step in once. It was a bit like Gandalf looking after Bilbo's far more dangerous quest, even when he wasn't physically there.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@janel.8921 Correct! Though the name "Munchkinland" was coined for the MGM movie; in the books it's just the Munchkin Country. 🙂 SPOILER ALERT: In a later Oz book, it was explained why Tattypoo, the Good Witch of the North, was such a good friend to the Munchkins. It turned out that at a time of crisis in Oz, a Good Witch was needed to aid Glinda in something, so Tattypoo sprang into existence, being a transformation of someone else. Eventually the spell was reversed, and the former Tattypoo was revealed to be Queen Orin of the Ozure Isles, the wife of Cheeriobed-- King of the Munchkins!
@video198712 2 ай бұрын
I was more scared of the flying monkeys as a kid than the Wicked Witch of the West. The monkeys in Wicked are even more scary and ugly
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Winged Monkeys. And I always thought they were funny. 🙂
@MonsieurTuSaisQui 2 ай бұрын
Wicked is not canon, not should it be considered so. It only exists to turn a beloved classic on its head, which is disrespectful.
@TangSongs Ай бұрын
You all are over thinking this. It is a GREAT movie and is a classic.
@kaitlynjoyce9571 2 ай бұрын
I can’t wait for scene where the Fiye-crow gets pulled aside discreetly by Elphaba, somewhere along the yellow brick road and tells she (Dorothy) reminds of you and yeah she made the wizard too. And the wizard leaves, shortly before Dorothy and convinced by Dorothy to leave as the Fiye-crow was honest with her.
@MyBlackandRedCZ 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
That's nothing to do with "The Wizard of Oz."
@Chandra614 2 ай бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 we know. WE DON'T CARE! Please get over yourself.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@Chandra614 "We?" How many of you are there on that keyboard? And up to now, I haven't even mentioned myself.
@Sirenasandreas Ай бұрын
“Were the trains on strike?” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
There are no trains in Oz. 2 ай бұрын
Scarecrow/Fiyero is just trying to help a lost girl & keep her out of the conflict. We don't know how involved in it he was after his transformation anyway!
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
The Scarecrow has no name, but if he used the name of the late Emperor whose life force gives him life, it would be the name Chang.
@CaitlinDull Ай бұрын
I knew nothing about Wicked before watching it but The Wizard of Oz is my absolute favorite movie from my childhood and even now. When the father gifted the sister the silver shoes, I had my aha moment. I was so mad FOR her. Like...Glinda STOLE her sister's shoes and wouldn't give them back. Not to mention, SOMEONE dropped a HOUSE on her. That's brutal.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
"Wicked" has zilch to do with any previous version of Oz.
@Michaela1942 2 ай бұрын
Thank goodness the people at Mojo can't/don't make movies. Truly. Can you imagine this idiocy at feature length?
@silvianaursu5275 Ай бұрын
I think it's so interesting how everyone seems to find the connection between Fiyero and him becoming the scarecrow by a few steps he makes that look like dance moves from the scarecrow from the 1939 feature instead of what he sings ;) I know this video is about the connections to the 1939 movie, yet I've only seen this explanation even though he sings: 'live's more painless for the brainless' and 'life is fraught-less when you're thoughtless'
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
The Scarecrow is not "Fiyero."
@FFFDATC 2 ай бұрын
This is why I hate Wicked. Not saying it’s a bad play or a bad film but it completely undoes everything that the Wizard of Oz did. It took a classic evil villain and made her “misunderstood” and made all the characters seem like the evil ones. That’s one big mistake films make with villains. Also it leaves a lot of plot holes in the Wizard of Oz like if the Scarecrow and the Tin Man were her ex-boyfriends, wouldn’t they remember her? Also if the Wicked Witch of the West was actually a good person why in the Wizard of Oz she was trying to kidnap and torture Dorothy? And if you’ve seen the movie the Wicked Witch can’t touch the shoes because she’s evil. So explain that?
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
Well said! Of course, in the original book, the Wicked Witch of the West could touch the silver shoes, and in fact did grab one of them and put it on. That's what caused Dorothy to throw the water on her.
@shelleychandler4094 2 ай бұрын
If you read Gregory Maguire's book, Wicked, you will find that Elphaba really does become wicked by the end.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
And that it's not connected to the MGM movie or any other version of Oz.
@bieberhole42069 2 ай бұрын
you guys do realized wicked is essentially fanfiction and not canon right
@Bros-fh2mi 2 ай бұрын
I disagree! I want to think there is more to the story
@SlasherHorrorMovies1 2 ай бұрын
Actually the wizard of oz movie us merelly propogamda to makes us think the wicked witch was evil but in wicked shes not.
@giulleras3974 2 ай бұрын
then transformers one isn't Canon you know what else isn't Canon? "oz great and powerful"
@Mike__B 2 ай бұрын
@@Bros-fh2mi Sure there can be more to the story, but the person who wrote the original story did not write this story hence it's fanfiction.
@SlasherHorrorMovies1 2 ай бұрын
@giulleras3974 transformers has nothing to do with wizard of oz. And nor mamy people liked oz the great & powerful.
@playmaker06 2 ай бұрын
The return of Oz was really scary growing up. The Wheelers!
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
The Wheelers were a bunch of cowardly buffoons, as was pretty quickly revealed.
@violetoderwald6535 2 ай бұрын
Ok now looking back i can't believe how scared i was of the wicked witch when in wicked, her origin story was so tragic, her enemy to friends-eske friendship with Glinda was so wholesome, friendly and cute and her bond with her sister Nessarose Thropp was strong as strong could get.
@ChattieCathie 2 ай бұрын
They're both stories. Its not even true
@violetoderwald6535 2 ай бұрын
@@ChattieCathie Are you a bot or smth? Genuinely curious, because I've seen you in like 2 other (or more) people's comment sections.
@ChattieCathie 2 ай бұрын
@violetoderwald6535 yes. Thats the whole point to a thread. 😜🤪
@dennisshaper4744 2 ай бұрын
This is woke rewrite...her :origin" wasn't in the original books.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
In Baum's original novel, the Wicked Witch of the West was: 1) Not green. 2) Not the sister of the Wicked Witch of the East. 3) Possessed of only one eye. 4) Already ruling the West before O.Z. Diggs arrived in his balloon. So nuts to "Wicked."
@tlmc9202 2 ай бұрын
can we acknowledge that in the original, the wicked witch tries to set the scarecrow on fire SEVERAL times - plot hole
@Batkoku 2 ай бұрын
Wicked is just fan fic.
@salam6926 2 ай бұрын
Fanfiction but given the permission for publishing by the estate of the original author , and made logically from the original work , to make a fraud dictator sympathetic its like making someone who put hidden cam on you in your bathroom toilet sympathetic....
@antney7745 2 ай бұрын
"The Wizard of Oz" is just a fan film, too.
@seantlewis376 2 ай бұрын
And very good fan fic.
@eddierascalhaskell4954 2 ай бұрын
The only Oz canon there is are the original books written by L. Frank Baum.
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
@@antney7745 No, it's an adaptation.
@Chloe5264 Ай бұрын
I think the Wizard is Elphaba’s real father. The stranger who her mother slept with never showed his face and has an obsession with the color green like the Wizard. They also mentioned that her father was not an Ozian. Who else around wasn’t from Oz….
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
In the original book, of course, the Wicked Witch of the West (who was not green and not the sister of the Wicked Witch of the East) was already ruling the Winkies with an iron hand since long before the young Oscar Z. Diggs arrived in Oz and was proclaimed a Wizard by the Ozites.
@SillyCreatureSally 15 күн бұрын
​@@peterheimsoth159Right, and we know that about the WWW in the film because her twin sister dried up in the sun.
@archieriverdale769 2 ай бұрын
Humm, well if the witch and scarcrow were in love, why did she target him in the oringnal twice wirh fire?
@stellalalamonroe 2 ай бұрын
When elphaba tried to save fieryo, there was a cost that he forgets ALL of his memory and Glinda either didn’t know it was him or felt to betrayed when he left her
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
Because they weren't in love. He'd never even met her before; he was only three days old when Dorothy found him. P.S.: The MGM movie is the third film version of "Wizard."
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
@@stellalalamonroe None of which has anything to do with "The Wizard of Oz."
@archieriverdale769 3 күн бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 ohhh so these movies are just different versions of the Wizard of Oz.
@peterheimsoth159 3 күн бұрын
@@archieriverdale769 Well, "Wicked" isn't, because it's based on a different story, but there are a number of movie versions, yes. The first one was in 1910. The latest premiered in Russia last month on New Year's Day. I'd also mention that in the original book "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," the Scarecrow and the Wicked Witch of the West never met at all. The Winged Monkeys tore out his straw and tossed him into a tree, and dropped the Tin Woodman down a pit where he got so dented up he couldn't movie. They also put the Cowardly Lion in a cage, so Dorothy and Toto were on their own against the WWW, and Dorothy still defeated her! 🙂
@LauraBetteridge-r4t Ай бұрын
The wicked witch of the West still scares me and I am an adult.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
She never scared me, but that was because I knew the book, and what was going to happen to her. 🙂
@ladyraynainutaisho3.26 2 ай бұрын
The reason it is all Glinda’s fault is because, she sees Elphaba and The Wizard as opposition to her power, since she wants to be the one to rule in Ozma’s place, when she’s not there. She did this by causing the house to come there to Oz, dropping it on the wicked witch of the East, tricking and using an innocent 11-year-old girl as a pawn in her scheme.
@ChattieCathie 2 ай бұрын
@austinolding5141 2 ай бұрын
Madam marble brought to house there according to wicked
@ladyraynainutaisho3.26 2 ай бұрын
@austinolding5141: 🤔🤨
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
WRONG. Try reading the real Oz books and getting to know the "REAL" Glinda. This "Wicked" rubbish has rotted people's brains, I swear. Glinda is content with her quarter of Oz; like Gandalf, with whom she shares many things in common, she does not "wish for mastery." Uncle Henry's house was caught in a natural cyclone. And Glinda didn't even meet Dorothy, who was more like six years old, until the penultimate chapter of the first book. As for the MGM Glinda, she had no motivations because she didn't exist.
@ladyraynainutaisho3.26 2 ай бұрын
@austinolding5141: 🤔🤨
@badbill296 2 ай бұрын
Or, it was all a dream after Dorothy got cracked in the head. Makes more sense than the revisionism of Wicked. I saw Wicked and thought it was great by the way.
@dimitristamatelos3882 2 ай бұрын
I’m in the minority when I say I’m not a fan of the Jeremy McGuire “wicked” universe. Give me the OG Oz movie world and children’s books.
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
I think you mean Gregory Maguire. And yes, his work is rubbish.
@dimitristamatelos3882 22 күн бұрын
@ I purposely misspelled his name. :) because that’s how much I’m not a fan of that twisted off shoot what if universe of his.
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
@ Neither am I, but I do like to get names right. But I can dig where you're coming from.
@SillyCreatureSally 15 күн бұрын
​@@peterheimsoth159I like to get names right as well!
@LexyCohen-pc1tx Ай бұрын
The only part that doesn’t add up is that if Elphaba turned Fiyero into the scarecrow to save him because she loves him, why would she taunt him and throw fire at him in WOO? I’ve never seen the stage version of Wicked, but I looked up the synopsis because I couldn’t wait a whole year to know what happens. I wonder if it’ll be addressed because that was literally the first thing that came to mind when I read the spoilers and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lol
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
Because _The Wizard of Oz_ is in no way, shape, or form connected to "Wicked."
@KemetNubian1 2 ай бұрын
I'll never see the Wizard of Oz the same way again after viewing Wicked!!!
@eddierascalhaskell4954 2 ай бұрын
Thats your fault.
@jucamovi1992 Ай бұрын
You can, Wickes is not canon, it's a fanfic.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
There is zero connection between the two. Now please let the Wicked Witch of the West be the amazing evil person she was created to be!
@LauraBetteridge-r4t Ай бұрын
But I still love,love, love the wizard of oz
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
You should. It's not connected to that "Wicked" garbage at all.
@Wickling429 2 ай бұрын
Wicked isn’t canon because it written by a different author. Wicked is just a Wizard of Oz fanfic.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
You're right that it isn't canon, but the Oz canon includes books by seven authors.
@dominickdavila1836 2 ай бұрын
How could he become Scarecrow, at the beginning of Wicked you see a man ride off on a horse and then Dorothy walking with the Scarecrow to Oz… so who was riding that horse?
@Miyagi-hp7lj 2 ай бұрын
Glenda was never good , she lied to an 11 year old child and sent her on a dangerous quest to see a wizard that she knew couldn’t send her home . If she was good she could’ve done it right away 😂
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
Her name is Glinda and she watched over Dorothy the whole time, giving her a kiss of protection. Besides, in the MGM movie, Dorothy dreamed her whole Oz adventure, so Glinda didn't even exist.
@mckenna8663 Ай бұрын
People are judging one story's plot and characters after..... fan-fiction. Because that's what Wicked is.... it's fan-fiction. How can StarWars fans understand and insist that the actual movies stay in Canon (and the fan-fiction books not be included in the actual storylines), and all these new Wicked fans now think they understood Frank L Baum's REAL intentions were aligned with the fan fiction that was written decades after he passed?
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
L. Frank Baum. His first name was Lyman.
@eljordinio7647 2 ай бұрын
I guess Glinda really isn't as good as she makes herself out to be
@peterheimsoth159 2 ай бұрын
She's every bit as good as L. Frank Baum made her out to be. "Wicked" is revisionist garbage unconnected to any version of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz."
@eljordinio7647 16 күн бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 I didn't ask you, especially since you don't even know what Wicked is based off
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
@@eljordinio7647 I didn't require your asking; I volunteered the information freely. "Wicked" is based ON (when did people start saying "based off?" Daft.) Greg Maguire's twisted idea of inverting Oz, a literary realm he claims to like, and basically crapping all over it.
@eljordinio7647 16 күн бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 it's based on events that happened before Dorothy showed up in Oz and it's from the witches' point of view Anyone who's watched the musical would know that. You just have a problem with Wicked
@peterheimsoth159 15 күн бұрын
@@eljordinio7647 Not in any previous version of Oz. The Wicked Witch of the West in the original book is a little old lady with one eye; she's not green and she's not related to either the Wicked Witch of the East (who had the use of all of her limbs) or to the Wizard (in fact, she was in power in the Winkie Country before the Wizard ever arrived in Oz). As for the MGM movie, there was no "before Dorothy showed up," because Dorothy dreamed her whole Oz adventure, in which the Wicked Witches, inspired in her subconscious by Almira Gulch, were identical twins hailing from the green-skinned Winkie race.
@priruss357 Ай бұрын
Boq/the Tin Man's scathing condemnation of Elphaba in "March of the Witch Hunters" for "making the Lion cowardly" was complete BS. The Lion was a kitten and of course would have been scared of a stranger grabbing him, stashing him in a box and peddling off with him on a bicycle. The Lion probably became cowardly due to the way it was treated in the classroom at Shiz, not because Fiyero and Elphaba saved it from any further abuse, Boq did OK by "dancing" with Nessarose, but not for this.
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
The Tin Woodman's name is-- and has been since 1902-- Nick Chopper. There's no "Shiz," "Elphaba," or "Nessarose" in _The Wizard of Oz._
@daxxmiki9176 2 ай бұрын
I’ve not seen wicked, i know bits and pieces of the musical, but I always knew Glinda was the real villain. Dorothy Must Die paints Glinda in the perfect light of being a petty, convincing, micromanaging, petty, and vindictive villain.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
L. Frank Baum did not create a villain, nor did MGM portray a villain. "Wicked" and DMD are garbage.
@KLGChaos 2 ай бұрын
Well, yeah. Wicked was written to be a subversion. Doesn't mean it's actually what the original author L Frank Baum intended, though.
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
Not by any stretch. Truth to tell, he probably wouldn't recognize his creation in the MGM version, and certainly not in "Elphaba."
@Albtraumgirl 2 ай бұрын
Wicked is ja twisted Fanfiction of oz . Noting I saw or heard about it makes me wanna watch it. The promo Interviews are so weird they are touching and crying the whole time
@doranicolaou9173 2 ай бұрын
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
Yeah, there's something wrong with them.
@doranicolaou9173 16 күн бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 being connected with something you wanted to be in for so long and crying is illegal now?
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
@ Nobody said anything about illegality. But crying during *each and every interview?* It's not only silly, it's probably staged.
@doranicolaou9173 16 күн бұрын
@@peterheimsoth159 I still don't get anything bad
@brandonnewby178 26 күн бұрын
Dorothy and her crazy dreams, am I right? 😂
@rainbowtoyfunrandomess1982 2 ай бұрын
Wait a minute, is it really true that everything Dorothy is put through in the movie is all Glinda's fault and that people wanted the Wicked Witch to succeed?🤔
@stevenhiggins3055 2 ай бұрын
Well, yes but actually no. In the original book, Glinda is a separate character from the Good witch of the North. The film cut half the story from the book and combined the two characters to reduce runtime. So, in the book, the Good Witch of the North, Tattypoo, is the one to send Dorothy to the Wizard, as well as the one that puts the spell of protection in her. The rest of the story proceeds pretty much like the film, until the point where Glinda shows up the second time after the Wizard's balloon malfunctions. In the book, Glinda doesn't show up and the party are trying to figure out what to do now. Eventually they are told to seek out Glinda of the South. The Scarecrow stays behind to rule Oz in the Wizard's stead, Dorothy, the Lion and the Tin Man have an entire second adventure, with the latter two eventually having to leave at various points because they find where they're meant to be. Then Dorothy finds Glinda and is told the secret of the slippers and sent home. So in the book, the first witch Dorothy meets genuinely has no idea how to get her home, rather than just withholding that information for plot convenience.
@rainbowtoyfunrandomess1982 2 ай бұрын
@stevenhiggins3055 Oh I see.
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
No, it isn't true at all.
@darlingdanceee 9 күн бұрын
based on boqs line in ‘march of the witch hunters’ “if she let him (the lion fight his own battles when he was young’ elpie could’ve been around him long and young enough to teach him how to speak
@garrettholcomb8655 2 ай бұрын
The green witch was never the evil one. The one in the pink dress is the real evil one. Oh and The Wizard of Oz was no better. Id join the beautiful green skin witch.
@eddierascalhaskell4954 2 ай бұрын
None of this is canon to the original books.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
The Wicked Witch of the West had conquered and enslaved her own people, planned to do the same to the rest of the Land of Oz, and wanted to murder an innocent child. SO yeah, she was evil.
@peterheimsoth159 Ай бұрын
@@eddierascalhaskell4954 Correct! I mean, the WWW is a little old lady with one eye.
@peterheimsoth159 22 күн бұрын
@Ms.Black5894 Ай бұрын
Fiyero’s brain turned to straw, so maybe he has no memory of his past.
@peterheimsoth159 16 күн бұрын
Irrelevant to the actual Scarecrow of Oz.
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