Modern zombies would be hanging around stores waiting for the newest I phone
@mattclarke879120 күн бұрын
Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue is slowly getting the recognition it’s always deserved
@Rando197520 күн бұрын
I had never heard till I was checking the U.K.'s Video Nasties list a while ago. A few more titles here also landed on the Nasties. It was a real pleasant surprise. Excellent movie.
@jordan200520 күн бұрын
Great movie
@beeemm257820 күн бұрын
Well deserved. Great atmosphere.
@TomFrichek20 күн бұрын
You got that right, buddy!
@bodimibiash888819 күн бұрын
I never seen or heard about this movie before watching this, but it seems like a movie I might enjoy alot so I’m gonna check it out!
@chucktaylor492120 күн бұрын
Love the Manchester Morgue shoutout, although I always prefer the other title: “Let Sleeping Corpses Lie”
@MattDraper20 күн бұрын
LOVED this! I’m a big fan of those late 70s zombie movies in particular. Good dividing line too, I think that Dawn of the Dead is the real dividing line between the old school and new school of zombie movies.
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Yo, thanks Matt!
@barstro20 күн бұрын
@marioman2520 күн бұрын
" terms of the zombies eating the flesh, it always gets under my skin..." I see what you did there.
And it featured Michael the Man-Boy.. Little nipple-biting weirdo.. "Mama! This rag smells of DEATH!" Bahahahaha! .. Plus the smart Etruscan zombies using tools, working together and wearing stylish gowns and ascots. That's quality, right there! I also liked how everyone showed up at this mansion and immediately went to their rooms to get naked and do a bit of snizz-pounding, because after a long drive to the country, a round of pounding the snizz is just what the doctor ordered. There is so much to love in that movie!!
@danpejril833712 күн бұрын
Such a wonderfully weird film. But unfortunately for this list, it was made in the 80s (1981).
@Wharfsquatch20 күн бұрын
Dawn of the Dead was filmed in the town I grew up, Monroeville, PA, and the mall we hung out. I had friends in the movie. One scene with the zombies at the door had one of the girls I went to South Junior High in Monroeville. Now I live near Evans City and take folks to the cemetery from Night of the Living Dead. Love the channel! Keep it up!
@johnf519416 күн бұрын
Night was filmed in the Monroeville area, too?
@Wharfsquatch16 күн бұрын
@ Night was filmed in Evans City, PA. The cemtery and several other locations. As I recall, the farmhouse is gone.
@grey_wulf20 күн бұрын
Hi Daniel! Dawn of the Dead is a classic. The remake wasn't too bad either.
@ErrolConner-p8p20 күн бұрын
I still harken back to “ I walked with a Zombie “. It is just so atmospheric, like all Val Lewton films. The scene where Francis Dee see’s the tall zombie ( Darby Jones ) standing in the the high grass is still horrifying. Another great list, Daniel.
@usmcfutball20 күн бұрын
Great stuff as always. Your enthusiasm is "infectious".
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
haha I appreciate it
@creech5420 күн бұрын
You really should be wearing a mask. Maybe a Don Post mask.
@variable210220 күн бұрын
I’ll throw my hat in for another Italian favorite, ‘Burial Ground’. The zombies look at times amazing and god awful, but the aura of doom is immaculate and it’s got the scariest Michael of any horror movie. Highly recommend if you want constant zombie action and basically no story.
@martincarlos375916 күн бұрын
"Dawn Of the Dead" (1978) is by far the most ultimate Film of all times. Thank you for regarding another great highly underrated Masterpiece: "Tombs of the Blind Dead" (1972) from that great "Blind Dead" Quadrilogy.
@danieldean895320 күн бұрын
Hands down the best ‘80s zombie movie is Return of the Living Dead
@jalkor8720 күн бұрын
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Awesome movie
@dr.juerdotitsgo511920 күн бұрын
"Dispatch: Send. More. Paramedics" The best zombie movie ever imo. Zombies are not scary, so they should at least be funny.
@dr.juerdotitsgo511920 күн бұрын
Dead Alive a close second.
@Flippant-j5d20 күн бұрын
@@dr.juerdotitsgo5119 Dead Alive aka Braindead is not a zombie movie lol.
@dr.juerdotitsgo511920 күн бұрын
Vincent Price's Last Man on Earth is also a great zombie/vampire hybrid movie imo.
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Yeah, I’m never quite sure how to classify that one.
@l.salisbury125320 күн бұрын
@@cobwebschannel The original source novel "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson (1954) was one of Romero's key influences. Horror film historian John McCarty has even called "Night of the Living Dead" the best UNofficial adaptation of Matheson's book...
@geoffreyfyfe224820 күн бұрын
@@l.salisbury1253 Romero made the change of the vampires of the novel to flesh eating corpses simply because vampires were overexposed in 1968 (thanks in no small part to Hammer) and he wanted something different.
@doorkicker850720 күн бұрын
By far one of the best horror movies ever.
@wraithmoor52314 күн бұрын
I say that it's the 1st zombie apocalypse movie, or at least the prototype
@TheAnadrome20 күн бұрын
There is an important step between the voodoo zombie and Romero's version. And that is the zombies found in EC comics like Tales From The Crypt in the 1950s. The zombies are decayed like Romero's, but they are often very specifically set on revenge, without any voodoo to make them rise.
@ShadowCthulhu17 күн бұрын
Also I was never a fan of people calling ghouls zombies. If they are resurected from the dead they are ghouls (Romero movies, Zombie, Living Dead at the Manchester, etc). If they are still alive they are zombies (28 days later, Night of the Comet, Zombieland?)
@sdelong7420 күн бұрын
Watched Manchester Morgue years ago and it stuck with me. Jean Rollin's Living Dead Girl is another one. I consider it a hybrid vampires zombie movie. Rabid is another one. Very inspired that patient zero is played by a porn star. The Rainbow and the Serpent is an excellent 1980s zombie movie with roots on real-life. Dawn of the Dead is a Black Friday watch in my house. Romero definitely upped the game with that. Leads me to another 80s gem. Day of the Dead.
@jameswondoloski557520 күн бұрын
A fun movie to check out is 1972's Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things. It was directed by Bob Clark.
@115115cameron17 күн бұрын
Came here to say this.
@blackscreenstories370415 күн бұрын
there's a 4k remaster on tubi for free
@115115cameron9 күн бұрын
@@blackscreenstories3704 I bought the disk lol.
@williamcurry486820 күн бұрын
I’m kind of surprised that Children shouldn’t play with dead things didn’t make this list, one of Bob Clark’s first films iirc. A great list, and it was great to see Shock Waves on it, one that I saw back at the drive in when it came out.
@Mixednutshell11 күн бұрын
Was going to say Children, it's underrated for sure
@michellecherie41920 күн бұрын
Dawn of the Dead is such a comfort watch for me.
@CrazyYog20 күн бұрын
For 80s zombies movies you should add Romero’s Day of the Dead, Night of the Comet, and Hell of the Living Dead. The last one is probably my favorite Italian zombie flick. It totally rips off Dawn of the Dead and is gloriously goofy in so many ways. Also, Nightmare City is a pretty wacked out Italian/Spanish zombie movie featuring gun wielding zombies.
@ShadowCthulhu17 күн бұрын
Plus they use the same music from Dawn of the Dead, yes it is very goofy and that ending. Dead and Buried should also be on that list for the 80's.
@WarBeasty14 күн бұрын
Hell of the Living Dead is notorious for its eye-popping gore, jaw-dropping dialog, and heart stopping use of inappropriate stock footage.. and I LOVE IT!!
@ShadowCthulhu14 күн бұрын
@ I thought about buying a 4k copy.
@edstar834 күн бұрын
Night Life 1989 not to be confused with Nightlife 1989 (vampire movie)
@edstar834 күн бұрын
Night Life 1989 Laser disc rip
@sidneyjdragon312520 күн бұрын
My favorite vintage zombie flick is Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things and gave 80s Day of the Dead.
@jasenweitekamp203619 күн бұрын
CSPWDT is great and Day of the Day of the Dead has been my favorite for years
@JasonParker-km4xi14 күн бұрын
Children shouldn't play with dead things is my favorite!
@djkingcabernet20 күн бұрын
Love White Zombie and Living Dead at Manchester Morgue. One pre-1980 obscurity that surprised me how good it was is Grapes of Death by Jean Rollin. More of a Crazies-style "People suddenly going insane" movie, but a lot nastier and far more intense than you would think a Jean Rollin movie can get. 1980s - I love all the usual suspects, but I really want to plug another one obscure one, "Zeder" by Pupi Avati. (released here as Revenge of the Dead in the 1980s). It's an Italian zombie movie that is almost the opposite of splatter, instead just doing a slow burn mystery about a priest who disappeared and an abandoned hospital where "time flows in different directions" but for myself, when the creepy stuff hits, it works like gangbusters for me.
@robertchazarreta213319 күн бұрын
I have that dawn of the dead box set. The extended versions are awesome. Love how the extended scenes show more interaction with main characters. This and day of the dead are always my go to zombie movies.
@videoj8120 күн бұрын
Oh man vintage horror , vintage zombies are my favorite, can't wait to check this one out
@mikeyhorror12 күн бұрын
My new favorite channel. So nice to be able to listen to someone so enthusiastically discussing the classics instead of just talking about what physical media has the coolest packaging. LOVE what you’re doing, man 🤘🏻
@cobwebschannel11 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@patrickk211120 күн бұрын
I love these old zombie films, they're so much fun. Great reviews Daniel! 🧟
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@Aquahutch70220 күн бұрын
The issue I have with most Lucio Fulci films is that they tend to drag on as a whole, but then amp up with the occasional incredible sequence, and then drag on again.
@BobGeis20 күн бұрын
I just watched Zombie this weekend with my pals. It was a lot of fun.
@robertbateman401820 күн бұрын
Great list. My favorite at number one and my sister's favorite at number three! Manchester Morgue actually got noticed. Thanks.
@usmcfutball20 күн бұрын
It may not be a popular opinion (or even related to this topic) but the 2004 version of Dawn Of The Dead blew me and my friends AWAY! Sarah Polley's character is the kind of 'girl boss' that Hollywood can't seem to get right in more recent times. Superb soundtrack and some uber 'fast' zombies. The sequence in the basement (parking garage?) of the mall with the chain link barricade and the petrol...OMG! Good stuff!
@ShadowCthulhu17 күн бұрын
I really like it as well and yes Sarah Poly is a "girl boss" done right like Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley.
@mazonemayu20 күн бұрын
I’m more of a voodo guy than an infection guy 😅. My fav zombie movie is The Serpent and the Rainbow because it is so well made, dives deep into the voodoo lore and was mostly filmed on location in Haiti.
@shannondore20 күн бұрын
That's a great movie. Scared the crap out of me when I first watched it. Bill Pullman was fantastic in that.
@dansocall17 күн бұрын
Daniel! I absolutely LOVE your channel! We must have very similar tastes in horror movies, because I watch many of the movies on your lists and I agree with your viewpoints on them. I've been a HUGE horror fan my entire life (61 years now and going!) and so I have seen many of the films you mention (especially the older ones) and I really like your take on every film you mention! KEEP IT GOING! You ROCK!! (Oh, my name is Daniel too - so maybe that's why we have the same taste in movies! lol).
@finslaw9 күн бұрын
Great list. Also, Planet of the Vampires, Messiah of Evil, Horror Express, The Child and Deathdream are some of my favorites horror films with Zombies of that era.
@Alucard2460120 күн бұрын
Day of the Dead, Hell of the Living Dead, Fulcis Gates of Hell trilogy, Evil Dead, Night of the Comet, Night of the Creeps, The Serpent and the Rainbow, and Flesheater are all great 80s zombie films. And even though the word zombie is never mentioned, Pet Semetary could even be considered in the genre.
@johnf519416 күн бұрын
Dawn of the Dead (1978) is my favorite zombie film and one of my favorite films of all time, easily in my top 5. And kudos to giving The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue props, what a great underappreciated zombie film. So well done and ahead of its time.
@Jason-vi2pj20 күн бұрын
Zombi2 is a favorite from my childhood. Love love the film
@robertchambers634420 күн бұрын
Plague of the zombies is a Hammer master class IMO
@EddieBloecher20 күн бұрын
My Favorite Genre! Thanks Daniel!
@beanzy995819 күн бұрын
The Revenant (2009) Starring David Anders and Chris Wylde was a great little Zombie movie that tried something different. I really enjoyed that. French movie ‘The Horde’ also very cool.
@michaelsamerdyke10820 күн бұрын
What little I heard of "Living Dead in the Manchester Morgue" was very positive, but it remained hard to find for so many year.
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Thankfully now it’s on Blu-ray from Synapse.
@jamesmcconnon892320 күн бұрын
It's awesome
@Radwald19 күн бұрын
I found it on KZbin
@williambienz823813 күн бұрын
Great picks here! A couple I havent seen yet. Keep it up. You are doing the lord's work
@rickytoddbotelho955518 күн бұрын
Underrated classic B flick 👌 🔥
@janeburkhart405120 күн бұрын
Although I watched a few seasons of The Walking Dead, zombie movies aren't my thing. Give me vampires, werewolves, witches, and ghosts! Who knows, maybe as you continue the zombie series I'll end up trying a couple. Always fun to watch your videos!
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Hope you get some enjoyment anyway! But no worries, most videos this year will be on other topics.
@dirkdiggler948220 күн бұрын
I swear, either KZbin or my phone is getting to the point where it can read my mind. For whatever reason, the original “Dawn of the Dead” has been on my mind all morning and what shows up on my feed shortly thereafter?
@miguelperez990620 күн бұрын
How to say the difference between mummies and zombies is mummies require three things minimum: 1 a ritualistic method of becoming the undead. Some amount of consciousness or ability to think and organize outside of direct control from somebody who is using voodoo magic. 3 some amount of consciousness, be low or high unconnected to a master, or somebody controlling them. There’s also the not infect other people thing, but that’s more of a dependent on the type of mummy.
@wessmcardle507320 күн бұрын
Another great watch! Your quality stays consistent throughout all your vids. Looking forward to the next ❤
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
I appreciate that!
@barstro20 күн бұрын
I went to see Dawn of the Dead and Zombie at the theater when they came out. I was hooked after that.
@EddieBloecher20 күн бұрын
I could watch Plague of the Zombies just for the colorful zombies and the wonderful technicolor! Very fun film!
@wraithmoor52314 күн бұрын
I must see Dawn in a theatre some day. I saw Night the first time in one, and it was like that. It completely blew me away, after seeing Dawn and the early '80's zombie flicks
@angiewright665018 күн бұрын
Agree with you 100%...Dawn of the Dead cannot be matched!!! Love your channel
@markfifer376620 күн бұрын
Dawn of the Dead is my favorite, hands down, with the ling version, 2 hours plus, being the best. It fleshes out some of the sequences which are choppy in the original screen version, so they make more sense. And what is added does not bog it down, it is simply more Romero goodness pretty much where you really want it.
@waynechapman982320 күн бұрын
Good list! I’d say you covered all the ones that matter. I don’t know if Bob Clark’s “Deathdream” can be considered a zombie film, although there are elements of that included.
@kimberlycolezemke229020 күн бұрын
This is a fantastic list. I love your enthusiasm ❤❤
@OliverNTwiztedCompany20 күн бұрын
If you haven't seen Frankenstein's Army, its not an 80s movie but its one of my favorites and I feel like it doesn't get enough recognition that it deserves.
@hUGOsUPERSTAR20 күн бұрын
I saw "Dawn of the Dead " with a lively crowd at a midnight showing in the '80s -- everybody would yell "nurse" every time that zombie appeared on the screen.
@Mal-ue7nm20 күн бұрын
A nice way to spend my lunch break, cheers
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
@Brett-gg8cs20 күн бұрын
You're going to enjoy Amando de Ossorio's BLIND DEAD films. The trouble with them is that they can be found under numerous titles with various edits.
@wimvanderstraeten652113 күн бұрын
The infected people in George A. Romero's The Crazies (1973) are technically not zombies, but they definitely behave in a similar way. The Crazies was remade in 2010. Speaking of voodoo zombies, in 1988 Wes Craven made The Serpent and The Rainbow, loosely based on the book by Wade Davis.
@kpowers20 күн бұрын
Honestly Zombie 1979 is my all-time favorite Zombie movie, the Eye scene, yikes
@Rando197520 күн бұрын
I only saw it a few years ago and Wow! What a movie. May be my favorite Fulchi film. Even over The Beyond.
@sotpseamus20 күн бұрын
Romero's Day of the Dead is my favorite. I met George before his death. I had him sign my copy of "Day", and told him it was my favorite of his. He said it was his, too. Whether he was telling the truth or lying, it tells me everything I need to know about his commitment to his fans.
@joaquinmixan166120 күн бұрын
I really have to recommend you 'Dead and Buried' from 1981, written by Dan o Bannon, this one blew my mind, the movie ended and i wasn't to believe how much i loved it. And 'Deathdream' also know as 'Dead of Night' by Bob Clark, which was released the same year as his other film 'Black Christmas'. You love 'The monkey's paw' this is for you Hi from Peru, you're propably my favorite channel about horror
@Rando197520 күн бұрын
Love Dead and Buried!
@Gojirosan20 күн бұрын
Excellent, excellent list!
@jimbo837020 күн бұрын
Possibly my most favorite genre zombies
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
@LyraStitchery20 күн бұрын
You have to see The Serpent and the Rainbow from 1988. It is another voodoo zombie movie. I think this was my introduction to zombie movies.
@captainglam111320 күн бұрын
The zombies in 'The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires' (1974 - available to watch on KZbin) deserve an honourable mention here. As does the Blaxploitation zombie movie, 'Sugar Hill' (also 1974.)
@shannondore20 күн бұрын
I need to revisit Lucio Fulchi's "Zombie." I saw it as a kid and thought it was boring. But seeing the clips just now makes me want to give it another try. And it's not a vintage zombie movie, but Japan's "Tokyo Zombie" (2005) is pretty good and worth a watch if you like horror comedies.
@hellomarysuegoodbyeplot219320 күн бұрын
Mutant with Wings Hauser and Demons have the zombie feel. Good honorable mentions.
@odetteamaya507320 күн бұрын
There are also mummies in Guanajuato, Mexico
@tabeccaletford40820 күн бұрын
My favourite horror sub genre, The Living dead at the Manchester morgue was the first zombie film I ever saw on VHS when I was about 12, it gave me so many nightmares
@DeadGruesome20 күн бұрын
Did someone say zombies 👀 Honestly while I respect night of the living dead for creating the modern zombie if you will I don't think zombie movies really exploded and knew what they were until dawn of the dead. Dawn is absolutely perfect from characters, setting, soundtrack, gore it's the ultimate zombie film that all others get compared to, it's the zombie movie blueprint if you will.
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Considering that early 70s zombie movies still feel like they’re finding their way, there’s a good argument for that.
@jameswesterman92837 күн бұрын
Your channel is just great,, sort of makes me wish it was Halloween time year-round
@cobwebschannel7 күн бұрын
Thank you! Hey, I celebrate Halloween anytime I want. haha
@fredbergstrom486619 күн бұрын
I think The Beyond and Zombie are 2 of the best examples of Italian cinema
@honeychilerider6 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, Living Dead At Manchester Morgue is really pretty good. Drags for a while but once it takes off it totally delivers with real intensity that makes up for the slower earlier bits.
@JasonParker-km4xi14 күн бұрын
I forgot about burial ground! That's a pretty good one
@madmonk713420 күн бұрын
Love the zombie genre, keep it coming.
@BURRITO4420 күн бұрын
Awesome video!! My fav horror films --zombies
@KRhetor19 күн бұрын
I had the honor of meeting Judith O'Dea last November. Such a sweet, sweet lady, and she loves her fans!
@kevinpatrickcarey374113 күн бұрын
they did Flyboy so wrong...
@genesanford941220 күн бұрын
Nice ride bro!.... love them zombies! as i say "the deader , the better!"
@kathypappas686720 күн бұрын
I've seen every one of them ! Love zombie movies!
@fredbergstrom486619 күн бұрын
Shock waves is incredible for such a low budget they accomplished a lot . Also a Naschy fan, but would not say his zombies s a great choice. Deathdream is a great zombie film I would highly recommend.
@vincentdawn968920 күн бұрын
"Vintage zombie movies"? You mean moves that basically started the genre and are still among the best examples of it?
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
I mean pre-1980s, but sure. lol
@TomFrichek20 күн бұрын
Wow man, this list has it all! Plague, Manchester Morgue, and I Walked are masterpieces that everyone needs to see. 10/10 fricheks I'm curious, did you watch King of the Zombies? If so, didja hate it as much as I did? Also, I must insist that you watch Raw Force (aka Kung Fu Cannibals) in your "2025: Year of the Zombie" jubilee.
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
haha I didn’t, and your letterboxd review was the main reason!
@TomFrichek20 күн бұрын
@@cobwebschannel oof I just went back to see what I wrote. I was not kind.
@alanwagner346920 күн бұрын
Hey dude, I love your Godzilla t-shirt.👍
@zombiezool18 күн бұрын
i love zombie films and zombie games.
@jasenweitekamp203619 күн бұрын
Great list! But I have to say Night of the Living Dead is tremendous. The soundtrack alone is remarkable
@alm596620 күн бұрын
Shock Waves has the creepiest opening theme in horror cinema history.
@pizzasuits20 күн бұрын
“Egypt” could be the difference between mummies and zombies. However there is also a horror franchise about the Aztec mummies produced in Mexico.
@creech5420 күн бұрын
Won't make any top 10 lists, but I wanted to mention some "B" favorites. "Revolt of the Zombies" (1936 Follow-up to WZ), "King of the Zombies" (1941) and it's "remake" "Revenge of the Zombies" (1943). If you want to stretch the definition, you could include "Valley of the Zombies" (1946),
@jamesmcconnon892320 күн бұрын
Great list. Some of my favourite films on there. Love Dawn, Manchester morgue, and flesh eaters in particular. The sequels to the blind dead are worth watching. They keep the atmosphere going. Saw shock waves recently and was disappointed. Don't know why I never saw it as a kid , they had it in my local video store, and I loved the cover, but I never got around to watching it. For the 80s, return of the living dead probably best, virgin amongst the living dead possibly the worst.
@zaphod10020 күн бұрын
Night of the Living Dead had such a huge impact on me. Saw it for the fist time when I wad nine and scared the crap out of me. I was in my late twenties before I could watch it by myself after dark
@l.salisbury125320 күн бұрын
14:01 - Just learned via Wikipedia this one's also known as Let Sleeping Corpses Lie...
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
True! Totally forgot to mention that. It actually went by many different titles in different countries.
@leebritnell240520 күн бұрын
Don't open the window,Breakfast at The Manchester Morgue....
@garydavidson691712 күн бұрын
shock wave is on prime and tubie - this is one of the best movies ever!!!
@chitownbud476920 күн бұрын
Yesss 🧟♀️🎥🩸👍👍👍 so happy this is the zombie year !! That you will be reviewing a lot of zombie movies this year , I love zombie movies 👍👍
@cobwebschannel20 күн бұрын
Nice, glad you’re pumped man!
@charlesbronson428213 күн бұрын
Night of the Zombies aka Hell of the living dead is extremely underrated. It's pacing is amazing. If you leave out the stock footage...then it's up there with Fulci's Zombie
@brizz76920 күн бұрын
Now we're talking!
@darkstarr254019 күн бұрын
Seriously! No Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things! Great list though. I love Plague of the Zombies, it's so ahead of it's time and it was before Night. And of course Dawn is a masterpiece! I think it's my favorite out of all of Romeros dead films.
@robertchambers634420 күн бұрын
Shock waves is an awesome flick
@zombiezool18 күн бұрын
George Romero said when he made the living dead film , the word zombie wasnt known then. he said he dosnt know how the zombie name came about.
@praywithpio60283 күн бұрын
Zombi also established the last stand/seige/shootout, but l guess that was in Night, to a lesser extent.