Top 10 Worst Transforming Cards in Magic

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@654jimbob654 Жыл бұрын
I'll offer a very lukewarm defence of Startled Awake and say it was pretty powerful in limited. In a format with 40-card decks, you only needed to resolve it twice for an almost guaranteed win. It still wasn't fantastic or anything and skulk is rightfully a mechanic that's been forgotten.
@epsteindidntkillhimself69 Жыл бұрын
The LOTR set gave us Skulk on "The ring temps you"
@judgebigmansion3492 Жыл бұрын
That's how I feel. Just put it in a devoted mill deck where playing it once is enough. Who cares about the back half, you're still paying 4 to mill 13
@XenithShadow Жыл бұрын
Yeah startled awake was pretty busted in limited if i remember correctly, as limit has less access to removal, also i think there were some bounce cards you colud use to get it back in your hand, also milling 13 can potentailly just win you the game if you luck out and hit the opponents good cards in limited.
@steventiner1192 Жыл бұрын
@Nikolaay2212 Жыл бұрын
Also, the art is wonderful
@adlaireindl5012 Жыл бұрын
You should do a “top 10 keywords that made Wizards change the rules” Stuff like first strike adding an additional phase or Incubste making tokens transformable
@thrillhouse4151 Жыл бұрын
Even the *best* transform cards are annoying cause you gotta flip the card around in its sleeve.
@stigmaoftherose Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love markov's servant's art. Its so sad it was wasted on such a meh card.
@giuliasteele Жыл бұрын
Yeah right we know exactly why you like it
@cowman22ish Жыл бұрын
Me too But also, *gets out the bonk stick* no horny
@novusnocturnm Жыл бұрын
It looks a lot like one of my friends and has always been a favorite of mine!
@MaxBeaulieu Жыл бұрын
I tend to cut those cards into tokens!
@terryliliana Жыл бұрын
That sadly happens a lot. Like with some Ajani and Garruk cards which are characters i like for their plots I swear 👀💦
@kaleb5436 Жыл бұрын
I really like sagas, especially the transforming phyrexian ones. I like to think that they're invoking some ancient ritual to devestate the world and take power.
@NatetheNerdy Жыл бұрын
I'd argue Test Subject is a good card for the simple reason of it's blue. Blue is pretty instant heavy, especially with counterspells, so you're gonna be keeping mana open to cast them. With Test Subject on the field, if you don't use all your mana you can spend some on it. Then if your opponent trys killing it, you either have a counterspell to keep it alive if you need the 13/13, or if you have a creature that's more important to your strategy on the field well now your opponent has spent their killspell on the wrong creature. Either it's letting you use your unspent mana, or it's a cheap distraction, either way it's pretty handy.
@akihitokoizumi2474 Жыл бұрын
Also if you are in a proliferate deck, you can not have to pay for all the counters.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
​@@akihitokoizumi2474But any proliferate effect also costs mana... Also, if you're in a "proliferate deck", you're better off playing something much better.
@erlanddrow7950 11 ай бұрын
8:45 I love that he said you'll need 7 islands to get the card out, since a Blue Evasion deck (flyers, unblockable rogues, etc) would be the best way to make it transform
@suzikumieda2452 Жыл бұрын
I know this isn't the point of the video, but some of these cards are more viable in commander. Chalice of life, in particular, is insane in Orzohv life gain decks, especially with abilities that increase life loss like Asterion
@GiganticPawUnit Жыл бұрын
Yeah, this was my first thought when Chalice of Life came up - seems like it should work perfectly fine in a lot of aristocrats builds that have life gain/drain effects popping off all the time.
@vert3432 Жыл бұрын
Conquerer's Galleon might have a place in Mono Red commander decks at lower power levels. Mono Red has a really hard time with recursion, but also quite likes spellslinging, so using Galleon to put your best spells back in your hand means you can use them over and over again. Maybe its not a massive deal, but in a colour that lacks consistency, it could definitely make a huge difference. Especially in decks like Dragons Tribal or any given deck that likes single, big, splashy spells.
@vert3432 Жыл бұрын
@@XCodes That was my thought exactly, except for commander. Since commander, especially at lower power levels, can be an extremely grindy game.
@theemathas Жыл бұрын
The correct way to execute the Geier Reach Sanitarium + Narset combo is to activate it in the opponent's upkeep. If the opponent's hand is empty, they'll discard the top card of their library without a chance to cast it. Then, in their draw step, Narset stops them from drawing for the turn. This way, the opponent is hard locked even if they have instants in their library.
@chazzitz-wh4ly Жыл бұрын
That’s dirty.
@ofskittlez Жыл бұрын
You could put Neglected Heirloom onto Ludevic's Test Subject, then it won't die to Lightning Bolt.
@Evertide05 Жыл бұрын
He even kept Ludevic's Abomination in that part of the video for a second, like he was suggesting the same thing :P
@chaosbuster1275 Жыл бұрын
I’ve played a Greasefang Commander deck, and played Conquerers galleon. Getting out the Galleon meant that I didn’t have to sacrifice it and immediately got a second Guerer Reach Sanitarium. I know he doesn’t judge based on commander, but the fact that some deck plays it shows that it’s not that bad, or at least not as bad as compared to the rest of the cards on the list.
@fei-hungwong9034 Жыл бұрын
So the neglected heirloom remains neglected. the equip cost also going up was so unnecessary.
@23brantly Жыл бұрын
Love the content brother! Maybe a video on cards that don't do what they say or most changed errata texts
@MageSkeleton Жыл бұрын
Conqueror's Gallion is actually a decently good card, especially in the right deck. Chalice of life/Death is bad for other reasons, as if you are aiming to do life gain regardless of the format your playing there's normally something you could put better in that slot. Not all werewolf creatures are bad, and you have to remember that this is potentially the only creature type available in MTG that really only works in the commander format. Elbrus, the binding blade is bad for other reasons not just because it costs 7 mana as this can be reduced and there are other mana sources than "Islands" 8:47. The problem is more the color identity problem of the card, no one wants to invest playing it in a format like standard for the reasons you described, but commander players would not normally play it because the black color identity wants creatures, not artifacts. And simply put there's just better options even if you were in a color combination to give Elbrus, the binding blade a slot. Ludivic's Test Subject would be a neat addition for Arcades, the Strategist commander decks which may be the only format it'll ever see play.
@BellBOYd128 Жыл бұрын
Golden Guardian: *exists Rhonas: Allow me to introduce myself
@casteanpreswyn7528 Жыл бұрын
Conqueror's Galleon might not be good, but it sure is a lot of fun in my "Kenrith Goes to the Races" commander deck.
@terryliliana Жыл бұрын
You do not know what annoying is until you run into someone who triple sleeved a werewolf deck and insists on doing the entire process of unsleeving and sleeving over and over. Fuck the day and night mechanic.
@alexandertheok5624 Жыл бұрын
Persistent Nightmare has such beautiful art and such uninspired flavor text
@triopsate3 Жыл бұрын
I don't think galleon's bad enough to be #1 on the list. It's not a good card by any stretch but it surprisingly hard to kill since it's a vehicle which means it naturally dodges sorcery speed removal, easy enough to flip since you can crew creatures with summoning sickness and flips into a land which ramps you and might do something useful later down the line. Both sides might be rather mediocre at best but I don't think it's nearly as bad as other cards on the list.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
"easy enough to flip" is an overstatement for crew 4 in a Vehicle that doesn't hit hard and when the payoff is a value land.
@triopsate3 Жыл бұрын
@@fernandobanda5734 Why would the power of the vehicle even matter if you're just trying to flip it into a land? The entire point of crewing it is to get some ramp for later, you're obviously not going to expect it to do more than get chumped. The card isn't good by any stretch but at its worst it's just slow and expensive ramp which is still reasonable and nowhere near the top of the list.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
@@triopsate3 What I mean is that the Vehicle obviously doesn't offer any aggro power and the land offers value for later. In that context, crew 4 is a hefty cost, since you're probably a more defensive deck that doesn't reliably have that much power on the field and doesn't really want to lose blockers if that's the case. Like, crew 4 wouldn't be a high cost for a "deal 6 damage to target player" effect since it would fit into a deck that already wants a lot of creatures on the field. I guess I didn't make myself clear at all.
@triopsate3 Жыл бұрын
@@fernandobanda5734 But control decks run manlands. There are multiple manlands with 3 or 4 power which means they can either crew 4 themselves or do it with any 1 power creature which even control decks usually have.
@MSR-1701 Жыл бұрын
Nice vid! Would like to request a top Best/Worst cards of older sets/blocks, ideally from pre-Odyssey cards. 😅
@MasterFallenHero Жыл бұрын
Test subject was really fun in limited. I think you guys ate missing the time where it existed.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
Fun, sure, but good?
@RaceBandit Жыл бұрын
Golden Guardian sounds like "Get two, pump up their toughness _(but not their power)_ by 1-4 so they survive one fight, crash them into each other" ... or sac a cheap Deathtoucher. The first of those "solutions" makes me wonder what a "Top 10 cards that are only good with a dupe" list would look like, assuming you haven't already done this yet.
@bigfriki Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but I beg to differ. Markov's Servant has a very interesting front side 😏😏
@warukenx Жыл бұрын
I really love 'Elbrus, the Binding Blade' ❤
@DiscardatRandom Жыл бұрын
Might be my favorite card in magic
@DiscardatRandom Жыл бұрын
Love it in tetsuo also is flavorful in demon tribal
@sad10promo Жыл бұрын
8:54 one of my favorite cards highly underrated not to mention, Forge Anew just dropped, you could reanimate this or reduce the cost the cost isn't that bad tbh It wasn't that bad when it dropped either, particularly in demon decks Remember this was around the time Desecration Demon was around The dynamic of the game has changed, yes However, they're still dropping new stuff to make this kind of card a nice card (like forge anew)
@dillpickkle Жыл бұрын
As a defense of Golden Guardian, you don't need to have the creature it fights kill it. If you block with the guardian and then fight a 1/1 token, which can also block another creature, so long as the opponent's creature kills your guardian it will flip.
@Merlewhitefire 2 ай бұрын
I feel like they could have made Ludevic's Test Subject better by using +1/+1 counters in place of hatchling counters. The Defender keyword would have kept that from being a problem, and it still dies to non-damage removal, so it wouldn't be OP, but it wouldn't be impossible to get off. If it was too easy to slap 5 of the counters on, maybe you could up the number or make it wait until the next upkeep or something.
@traviscox6713 Жыл бұрын
I like how you are completely ignoring the most popular format when analyzing these cards. That format being commander, where even some so called "bad" cards become amazing.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
Even if you're including Commander, some cards have to be the worst. It's not like these are better by the rules of Commander. If not these, what other cards do you think would be in the list?
@nathaeladalyah9681 6 ай бұрын
I used to play Started Awake in a casual mill deck only for the mill thirteen. That card always stayed in the graveyard since there is no use paying 9 mana to mill 13 cards when the game would be over by the next turn
@Carubidul Жыл бұрын
I'm using Conqueror's Galleon in my Greasefang EDH deck. It flips before it is returned to hand and provides both ramp and discard outlet.
@Wallcraft_Official 17 күн бұрын
I'm surprised that Elbrus is included here. It's a staple part of the Quest for the Holy Relic deck, where you cheat artifacts onto the battlefield turn 1 regardless of their cost. This equipment is excellent for that deck because you can equip it to a glint hawk on turn 1 and swing next turn with a flyer to flip it
@wyldefyr4116 Жыл бұрын
i had a lot of success with Test Subject during standard as part of a blue/green ramp/draw/big stompy deck. with ramp and the ability to pay over time, and during your opponents turn meant it was not uncommon to flip one turn 3/4.
@phatnana2379 Жыл бұрын
Hey! I really dig Ludevic's Test Subject! You have to build around it tho. Lots of Counters and Proliferate
@Monkeybone_ Жыл бұрын
I have all these cards. Having all the rares and mythics is particularly sad
@Xylarxcode Жыл бұрын
The chalice of life is one of those cards that, when I first read it (particularly the flipped side) made me think of ways to make it work, only for me to realize that it doesn't really fit in anything. The backside is good, but the flip requirement is ridiculous. It's not even fun enough to be put into a gimmick deck built around it and it really doesn't fit in anything. Wasted potential. I really wanted to like this card, but it's just too clunky.
@zombiesatethevideostar1695 Жыл бұрын
Chalice of Life/Death I personally love, has won me several games but none better than a two hour Modern death match between my brother and I. My 300 card Landfall Deck (First print of landfall as a keyword) vs his recurring Wither Deck. I could gain life but not attack as he would put a counter on anything I had to prevent attacks with Kulrath Knight. I eventually got out the Chalice and with my life gain was able to flip it in a turn. From that point on I couldn't hit him but I protected that Chalice like crazy and ended up winning strictly from the loss of life caused by it.
@melvinshine9841 Жыл бұрын
So if you play transform cards do all the cards in your deck, aside from lands I guess, have to be transform cards as well? 7:40 - 7:43 The cleavage helps, too.
@lionofthebluevale7170 Жыл бұрын
no, you can have as few or many transform cards as you want
@williamdrum9899 Жыл бұрын
No. You have two choices: * Put your deck in sleeves * Wizards made special token cards with a blank face and a normal card back. You write the name of the card in your deck on the front.
@jonbrewer297 26 күн бұрын
Golden Guardian has some potential in Ghave, Guru of Spores. Since you can just sac it after fighting.
@joanaguayoplanell4912 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how good or bad all those would be if there was a 0 mana spell that just transformed everything you control immediately.
@berserknen6683 Жыл бұрын
Ngl I actually love chalice of life if your playing any form of heals in your deck the moment you get to 30 life it's a free 5 burn in my opinion actually pretty powerful
@johnnyd1988 Жыл бұрын
am legitmately surprised not to see Jerren, Corrupted Bishop/Ormendahl, the Corrupter get at least an honorable mention for how its broken backside is neutered by how hard it is to flip/transform.
@Mr_Catastr0phe Жыл бұрын
Tbh, I made decent use of Neglected Heirloom in Shadows Block, ran a mono white equipment deck, pairing it with Avacynian Missionaries and Sigarda's Aid was a neat setup.
@theoucreator Жыл бұрын
I know it's not an actual defense, but Startled Awake was a staple in a custom format me and a couple of other people made called Spellchaser which only used lands and instants/sorceries.
@davey_rulez7301 Жыл бұрын
startled awake is such a cool card concept, it’s too bad that it sucks
@PenguinKnees 5 ай бұрын
Oh man I used to run a deck all around chalice of death and my playground hated it XD we all played very slow so I always was able to flip them, with a play set and ways to I tap them I could insta kill people. Good memories but definitely not a competitive card. Sometimes I miss just playing as kids.
@TopPigg Жыл бұрын
Idk, I played a Startled Awake deck in standard. Won a decent number of games too. You just... don't transform it rofl. 4x13=52 factor in starting hand and draw for turn, that's all you really need. If anything in a pinch you transform it for a blocker to stall for another turn
@jonhu4127 Жыл бұрын
You had me somewhat until you started talking about only being able to use lands to cast Elbrus. A small amount of ramp and you can get it out + trample/shadow/multiple other types of evasion make flipping it a bit more viable
@rayodios5826 Жыл бұрын
A lot of these weren't designed with contructed in mind, but limited. Conqueror's Galleon was an amazing card in an incredibly weak limited environment that was Ixalan
@Rouricht 2 ай бұрын
ManaLogs probably doesn't know Optimus Prime, Inspiring Leader :D
@hesperosshamshael2873 Жыл бұрын
Some of these I agree with, they make sense as being irredeemable outside of the most particular of circumstances. But some of them are at worst victims of being printed in a block that didn't provide them the support they obviously demand to get off their combo. You hold up many of these cards as being bad in isolation, but then hold up other counter examples of "similar" cards that don't need any help to do the same or better by the simple virtue of the counter example being a higher rarity (generally stronger per cost as a result) or the original card is a combo component that doesn't work without help. And then you bring up a counter example *with* support, like that's even vaguely a fair comparison. Not everything needs to be broken on its own, like Elbrus. It's trivial to cheat out an artifact and hard evasion (cough, rogue's passage) isn't exactly rare either. You can just throw that thing into dimir artifact decks and it'll simply work. Besides, it's a 13/13 for 8 and a face tap, you better be winning the game for that much mana, and it will tend to do that if you screened for removal at all, like a smart mid-range player. The guardian golem one is another similar case where there's a lot of options for it due to it being completely color agnostic and an adequate defender until you unlock the transform. Bear in mind that the guardian doesn't need to be slain by the creature that it fought and the fight effect occurs at instant speed, which is abnormal and incredibly valuable. Imagine if Vehicles could only be Crewed as a Sorcery. You can make the guardian stomp on a Myr or 1/1 Soldier or whatever in response to the golem blocking something that would kill it and then you have your 4/4 for 4 factory with the option to instead just have a double rainbow land. Not to mention deathtouch and sacrifice are things that exist. Ah, and you rug-pulled the creature you blocked, denying it even trample damage. Is it fast? Absolutely not. But it's a huge value engine and demands pre-emptive removal if a game is going to go for more than a handful of turns.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
If you're cheating artifacts, why cheat Elbrus that *might* get a big creature instead of just cheating a big creature already? Blightsteel Colossus is indestructible, kills in one hit, and more importantly doesn't need other cards to be a threat. The thing is these aren't just bad played fairly. They are very unwieldy to even try to make work. Elbrus is much worse than you think. If you throw it into a Dimir deck with artifact synergies, it will not just work, it will underperform a lot.
@hesperosshamshael2873 Жыл бұрын
Alright, I have made a full reply for you twice now but youtube ate it both times, so heree's a shortened version. There's a big difference between a fair big stompy monster and the likes of Emrakul or Blightsteel, and I wouldn't want to live in a world where MTG cards are all nuclear like those two examples. There are many ways to both cheat out/pay for and sneak in (or if you're cruel, *not* sneak in) the transformation of Elbrus. It's a perfectly fair card and can be used in a couple of ways as is common for your average big stompy monster. After all, the threat is a useful tool in and of itself, even if the power behind that threat isn't what kills you, it can still *get* you killed. I'd compare Elbrus to things like Marit Lage's Slumber or Door to Nothingness long before I compare it to Blightsteel and all its... glory. It's a giant threat but you have to work for it at least a little, as is often the case. It's not exactly a competitive breadwinner, but it's a perfectly fair card. Besides, big stompy monsters don't usually one-tap people anyway, not if you haven't been, you know, fighting. Blightsteel isn't a standard, it's an outlier and the poster child for Infect being overpowered. Don't forget it's a copy of a previous card with the exception of Infect being put on it.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
@@hesperosshamshael2873 I agree that Blightsteel and Emrakul are just the plain best in what they do. I also agree that it's better for the game if the "cheat artifacts into play" didn't revolve around 1 or 2 single best targets. For example, if something cheated an artifact with mana value 7 or less, it would give some interesting options. However, I still maintain that Elbrus is very mediocre. Stoneforge Mystic cheats only Equipment, but I would want other cards before Elbrus (even disregarding living weapons). With the hypothetical "cheat a 7-mana artifact", I would prefer Myr Battlesphere that doesn't win immediately but is much better. I don't know if there is any niche in which Elbrus is particularly good. (Btw, I also had to write my previous comment like three times. KZbin is kinda busted today.)
@hesperosshamshael2873 Жыл бұрын
I doubt there is a niche for specifically Elbrus that isn't just winmore via supporting the demon. It's certainly an alright card, but I think it was meant for cultist type decks that sac chumps with ashnod's then turn that unblockable pest they've been tapping you with into a death sentence. It's definitely flavorful in that circumstance too. Mediocre *does* mean middling or average, and that's all I think it is. I wouldn't ever call it bad is all. That Ludivisc one though, wow.
@phyrexian_dude4645 Жыл бұрын
In defense of Ludevics Test Subject, you can simply proliferate it. I used to play it this way when it was in standard, with Crackling counterpart and Phyrexian Metamorph... it crushed meta werewolves like Ticktacks. It was an off meta as fuck but BOY it was fun.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
But proliferating still costs mana... Is it really saving something instead of just paying 2?
@phyrexian_dude4645 Жыл бұрын
@@fernandobanda5734 Of course saved something when you used to play it in control, time. You had all the time in the world and if you sprincled in a bit of poison, you had 2 win cons.
@derigel7662 Жыл бұрын
5:55 "monster that don't have good front or back sides..." i would have to disagree hehehehehe
@allahcT Ай бұрын
Gild Forge Guardian + Sorcerous Queen
@metalblizzard6024 Жыл бұрын
I remember during Ixalan pre-release people were hyped for the Galleon... and that died that day
@randommaster06 Жыл бұрын
Some of these are a bit unfair. The original werewolves, transforming sagas, Test Subject, and especially Golden Guardian were good in limited.
@KokNoker Жыл бұрын
Disagreeing with Chalice. I played it in standard in an Esper control deck with Drogskol Reaver and Pristine Talisman to great effect. I still remember the someone coming over to the table in one match and yelling at his friend to losing to two bottle of Gatoraid.
@TheWaterLeper Жыл бұрын
Ludevic's test subject looks like it would be awesome with proliferate.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
Not really. Playing proliferate spells still cost mana so it's almost the same payment and vulnerability. Compare to Thing in the Ice.
@TheWaterLeper Жыл бұрын
@@fernandobanda5734 But thing in the ice requires you to remove counters, and Ludevic's test subject requires you to put counters on the card, which you do anyways in a proliferate deck.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
@@TheWaterLeper My bad. I thought Thing in the Ice counted up.
@marcoottina654 Жыл бұрын
5:40 IMHO, Chosen of Markov should have been costed just 2 in total (1B) since she requires another vampire on the field AND surviving a whole turn, then the backside (Markov's Servant) should have some keyword at least, like Lifelink and maybe Flying. Also "Provoke", for the combat-side flavor and ... the __art__ flavor, you know.... 13:30 I've bought and tried the Golden Guardian: by the time you have both it and another creature to smash it onto, you'll both need to add more on the table and you'll do NOT need neither the extra 2 mana nor a 4/4 vanilla golem for the pricy cost of additional 4 mana. Simply put, it just doesn't do much by the time it (and its flip side) goes down on the battlefield. IMHO, it would have been a common, raised to uncommon just to not mess with the Pauper format. It's nice, but a BULK rare.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
At that time, black didn't get a 2/2 for 1B much less with upside. A flying or lifelink 3/3 could've worked in uncommon, but a 4/4 with any of those abilities is just crazy.
@milesrinesmith141 Жыл бұрын
I love Conquerers Gallion in my colorless EDH deck. Most people will just take the 2 and i get a land out of it.
@autobotjazz1972 Жыл бұрын
Chalice of life/death really needs to be built around to make it workable and more often than not it is just not worth it.
@ll01dm 5 ай бұрын
would you have to take the card out of the sleeve, flip it and put it back in again? that sounds a bit silly.
@stigmaoftherose Жыл бұрын
So i put test subject in my vorrel of the hull claden deck which was my first real deck that i out any ammount of money into. The point of running it was paying for just the first time then using prloiferate effects to transform it.
@poiri Жыл бұрын
You’d need to activate it at least twice, first for the 1st counter and second for the 5th or later counter to make it transform.
@stigmaoftherose Жыл бұрын
​@poiri you don't ever need to activate it. It's just the threat of activating it in response (unless it's like hard removal) if they try to remove it or if they all tap out. Pretty much forces them to play unoptimally.
@poiri Жыл бұрын
@@stigmaoftherose I suppose you don’t *need* to activate it ever but I was just saying that in order to transform it you’d need to activate it at least twice. (Or only once if you sneak on a counter from elsewhere somehow to start or have 3 counter doublers)
@shadoboy311 15 күн бұрын
the reward for flipping chosen isnt the 4\4 it's the art
@Jalabhar_Xho Жыл бұрын
You could just fight whatever with the golden guardian than sacrifice it for some gains with whatever means available. The text says it needs to die in the fight turn to transform, not die in the fight. Still not a great card
@bbancaking1298 Жыл бұрын
Top 10 most frustrating combos of all time
@jettblade Жыл бұрын
I don't think Conqueror's Galleon isn't that bad and can be worse. It would be unplayable if you had to connect with the attack. I could see this being used in a Doran the Siege Tower commander deck for really strong attacker for a turn or even a Depala Pilot Exemplar(maybe even Kotori Pilot Prodigy) commander deck because WR isn't the best at drawing. Ludevic's Test Subject is pretty good when used with Proliferate and has plenty of decks it could work very well in even if it is a little vulnerable. I have been beaten several times by that 13/13 because I ignored it because I didn't see it as a threat. Startle Awake is another one that isn't that bad but you have to play it for the front not the whole card. Honestly taking the top 13 cards off the top is a lot especially in 60 card formats. I know it didn't seem good to do in standard at the time because you could help Delirium strategies or Modern because of Dredge but Pioneer is one place it could work well. I honestly did like Skulk but it didn't have any support. Even one card that says 'whenever a creature with Skulk deals combat damage to a player draw a card' or 'whenever a creature with Skulk attacks and isn't blocked return it to your hand to put a creature tapped and attacking into play' would make Skulk more appealing to play. WotC has a bad habit of having a keyword, nothing that works or interacts with it, find out that people don't like it because nothing works with it or interacts with it, and never try anything with it ever again because no one liked it because nothing works or interacts with it. Anything that doesn't have support will never be good and not trying to find stuff that could work with it is frustrating.
@ink_inks 22 күн бұрын
Nah, test subject is a 3/3 wall in arcades decks that you can invest to turn into a 13/13
@demiurge2501 Жыл бұрын
Lmao I used to use conquerors galleon all the time in my colorless historic brawl decks, but thanks to the past few sets there’s better replacements now
@AsumaIchihara Жыл бұрын
I think this guy most often put cards that he underrates or understimates a lot for these videos, while I agree with many of them, most of the time I'm lefg thinking: "Has he really ever played the card or uses it?" Galleon is the best example, not saying its good, its an average card actually, but is not as terrible as he is saying, and the fact the majority of players play any format casually (7 out of 10 people I talk to do) and not competetively, makes me wonder how biased he is not actually analyzing anything
@jesuschrist9677 Жыл бұрын
one thing, transformation was actually introduced in kamigawa with the flip cards that looked terrible and played worse.
@demonwaterdemonwater4993 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand how flamekin moons is overpowered when you cna kill someone before that turn with ensoul artifact
@Deviltrigger44 Жыл бұрын
I find elbros is fun in commander and i use it in my demon deck for flavor and plus most of creature is flyer so fliping isnt issuee the trigger effect makes bigger i just find it funny
@moox100 Жыл бұрын
era of enlightenment would probably still be terrible and not worth playing, but maybe it would at least be worth consideration if scry 2 and gain 2 were just on the same and it happened twice
@gyrasolune5436 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that thus far they've never printed a spell that just straight up lets you cheat and circumvent a card's requirements by just manually transforming it. I wonder what an ideal mana value for the phrase 'transform target permanent' would be, considering the wildly differing value you can get from it - there's some cards where that's a minor benefit, like many of what's listed here, and others like Etali where it's a sword of Damocles insta-win that makes even paying the normally steep cost worth it. Doesn't that one really bad 2 mana spell that just flips permanents up actually work on transformed permanents, incidentally?
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
There is one but just for Humans (Moonmist). The problem with such a design is that you would have to cost it to work as an A+B combo with the strongest transformed card there is. Then it would suck with any other card becomes just a little better. And then you would never be able to design something that's super cool but hard to transform because it would be as easy as playing that card. Also, there might be a minor issue where some permanents don't transform the way you want to (things that become planeswalkers or sorceries would die, things that become Sagas wouldn't trigger the first chapter).
@allahcT Ай бұрын
I run Gold forge Guardian + Sorcerous Queen
@davidhowell1415 Жыл бұрын
Startled awake is amazing
@imnot9923 Жыл бұрын
3:00 tovolar edh.
@MABfan11 Жыл бұрын
maybe Chalice of Death should deal 10 damage, then it will be guaranteed to be worth the investment
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
Way too aggressive. At 10 life, it *would* be with it to just try to turbo life gain and win that way. Which would lead to a very defensive "fog deck" that would be hard to interact with.
@7Alberto7 Жыл бұрын
@Jiggyx42 Жыл бұрын
Polukranos was on top of standard when it was in it
@ave_maria323 Жыл бұрын
Used to love test subject
@captain_blood Жыл бұрын
Best or worst vehicles cards
@thatonetitan8456 Жыл бұрын
Gandalf the white into gandalf the black
@PiCat210 Жыл бұрын
You keep saying reoccurring when it’s just recurring nightmare
@franksherman9187 Жыл бұрын
But with gigantasauraus you can have 7 green and play gigantasauraus then ghalta primal hunger
@JanuarySnowstorm 7 ай бұрын
You always make it sound like whoever you're playing with is pretty much guaranteed to have tons of removal on their hand at any one time. What kind of jerks are you playing with?
@ReederMG Жыл бұрын
Top 10 Elves
@hairypassage Жыл бұрын
could you proliferate on ludevics test subject ? That way you could do more at once ?
@electric_whelk1653 Жыл бұрын
In fairness to Chosen of Markov, she's super hot
@kinoy1 Жыл бұрын
top10 Best land destruction card
@lawtonfriedland1228 Жыл бұрын
Era of enlightenment was fire in limited don’t play w me
@nerdvananorth2905 26 күн бұрын
Elbrus being #6. LOL. No one plays this outside of commander. Low effort include.
@teresawatson1038 9 ай бұрын
i thoroughly disagree with chalice of life it is a great card
@MaestroAlvis Жыл бұрын
Top 10 worst storm cards
@brycebthehottie3400 Жыл бұрын
I think some of the battles are not worth it
@andysangolengue7771 Жыл бұрын
show the best now!
@dimensionhole1 Жыл бұрын
And reach.
@latinojackson9694 Жыл бұрын
My god there's so many grammatical errors in this video....
@CriticoMaldispostoGames Жыл бұрын
Cool vídeo but at the same time awful top10 :/
@bloodyboy8947 Жыл бұрын
I have to disagree with you on your Elbrus take as you (or the ppl who write the scripts) clearly don't understand the format the card is meant to be played in. It sure is bad in any 1v1 format given that the backside ability wouldn't even trigger but in a multiplayer format like commander it's a decent addition to some decks. You shouldn't jugde a card only because it's bad in one format.
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
Why on earth would Elbrus be better in Commander? Nothing about it is helped by the Commander specific rules, and there are plenty of 7 mana dumb stuff to do there, especially ones that affect multiple opponents. Elbrus is terrible in Commander.
@bloodyboy8947 Жыл бұрын
@@fernandobanda5734 did you read what the backside does?
@fernandobanda5734 Жыл бұрын
@@bloodyboy8947 Yes. It gets bigger after a player loses *after* you've already gone through the trouble of getting it out. It's just winmore. You still need to get a 7-mana Equipment and swing unblocked and dodge three players' worth of removal spells.
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