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Monika Cioch

Monika Cioch

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Пікірлер: 61
@DramaticDylan 7 ай бұрын
My strongest fragrances in my collection are: Tank Battle by Lush (bubblegum and black tar), V by Lush (super dark violets and syrup), Choco Violette by Mancera (powdery chocolate and jam like violet), More Than Words by Xerjoff (sweet berries, rose, and oud), Tuxedo by YSL (leather, spices, and patchouli), Paragon by Initio (plum, sandalwood, agarwood), Kalan by Parfums de Marly (blood orange and black pepper). I have so many more but i'll stop there haha!
@bethlazinos 8 ай бұрын
I love your videos. You have the most beautiful voice. I listen to hear your voice, learning about perfumes is a bonus. I would love to hear what are your favorite summer scents. Scents that are long lasting, projecting, not just clean freshies, complex fragrances that are appropriate for summer.
@michaelparedes6030 3 ай бұрын
Tuberose Astral is absolutely phenomenal!!! That is something super special and sooo alluring. It was love at 1st sniff.
@ash2lar 2 ай бұрын
I think Opium from YSL is the strongest scent so far in my collection. But I rarely wear it anymore. I've been ordering samples of different scents based on Monika's recommendations. Gris Charnel is a favorite, as is Coromandel by Chanel. I'm obsessed with it.
@elizabethk2072 8 ай бұрын
I tried Guidance recently and hated it on my skin, I found it totally nauseating and couldn't wait to scrub it off. I sprayed it once on my left hand. Some of it must have rubbed onto the sleeve of my coat and no joke, 3 days later my room still smells of Guidance when I enter. Weirdly I like how it is smelling now on my coat XD One thing is for sure it is completely beast mode and eternal.
@MonCioch 8 ай бұрын
haha, yes, it will stick to the sking and never let go once you apply :)
@goodjeans7084 8 ай бұрын
A great list! I think Guidance and Nefs are my strongest fragrances and I love them both in the cooler weather. Cheers
@NoniBeckham 7 ай бұрын
I have 3 strong ones Tom Ford Velvet Orchid & Arabian Wood & Lamar by Kajal. They’ll stay on your clothes until you wash it. I’ve smelled the Tom Ford on my blazers up to 2 weeks later. It’s not strong but it’s still there.
@stephanieherring5176 8 ай бұрын
I love your list. Not like any other creator!!! I just miss your fancy font across your perfumes. It helped me a lot when I screenshot them 😂. Truly love your channel!!
@MrVoayer 7 ай бұрын
This video is like scrolling over the maps of Terra Incognita ! Exciting, tempting, adventurous... Well done !
@melindagenitempo2359 6 ай бұрын
My strongest is Royal Tabacco by Amouge. No one ever talks about it but i is so unique. Very deep, incense clove. Smells like Christmas ⛄
@beatrizsandoval4395 7 ай бұрын
The strongest I have is portrait of a lady. I have cheeky smiles and I don’t find it strong at all. In fact it disappears on me. I smell when I spray it but an hour later nothing and my husband can’t smell it either. I recently bought Crystal Noir because of your recommendation but I didn’t pay attention and ordered the EDP instead of the EDT and OMG. It is so strong that I had to jump in the shower to remove the one spritz I applied when I opened the box. Because of it being so strong I still haven’t tried it again.
@inesecaibe3605 7 ай бұрын
Definitely will get Tabac Rose BDK
@Winning29 8 ай бұрын
Have you ever tried Nishane Men's Nefs EDP? I absolutely love it.
@clarksmithadventures7888 8 ай бұрын
Great video...scents DO NOT LAST on my skin and I find myself re applying throughout the day... even the intense versions. It is good to know that these fragrances are out there! And YES... I pick up strawberry in Angel Muse...but chocolate really comes out on my skin
@melenahoward 8 ай бұрын
I’m sure you’ve even asked this before, but have you ever tried moisturizing really well beforehand? I have the same issue and I found something that really works for me. I take hyaluronic acid serum, silk, peptide powder and vitamin E serum and mix it with rose water until it is nicely incorporated, and put it in a spray bottle. I spray that on my skin and then use a cream. This keeps my skin moisturize and helps my fragrance last a lot longer.
@clarksmithadventures7888 8 ай бұрын
@melenahoward that is an awesome tip...I might try that? I usually put Vaseline on the areas where I am going to spray but I guess as the Vaseline wears off...than the fragrance wears off...??
@melenahoward 8 ай бұрын
@@clarksmithadventures7888 I have not tried the Vaseline hack. But I too have had issues with fragrance lasting on me. I also have to spray it on my clothing to give it a little extra longevity. I have such dry skin so I really do have to moisturize well. Hyaluronic acid holds moisture in the skin so well. I know this struggle
@bethlazinos 7 ай бұрын
I just received my first ever order of niche and some designer fragrances from split scent. I was sooo excited!!!! I’ll tell you what I ordered on your suggestion and my reaction. I am not a big Delina Exclusif fan. There’s a note that’s tart that bothers me. I thought Valaya was better not as tart and smoother. I’m going to try Delina Rosee perhaps I’ll like that one. Amouage Guidance I liked a lot once some time had gone by. Gris Charnal is beautiful especially once dry! Atomic Rose beautiful. It’s the only one I loved right when I sprayed it all the way through to the dry down. Very rosey but not your grandma rose perfume. It was my second favorite of the ones I tested. I liked Gris Charnal as well. It is more feminine than masculine and the dry down is clean and very nice. Instant Crush was also nice. But hands down my favorite was a huge surprise to me because when I first sprayed it, it reminded me of moist mulch. I thought this is just horrid, BUT THEN it started to dry down and I was entranced…OUD WOOD is AMAZING!!! I am definitely purchasing it!!! It reminded me of when I was young with my friends sitting on the sidelines during elegant parties our parents would attend at each others homes. The women dressed very elegantly wearing satin and silk in their diamonds and pearls dancing waltzes with their husbands. Most of the ladies were from different parts of Europe and there was just this bougie elegant sophisticated aroma in the air. Smelling OUD WOOD takes me back to that time.
@sunshineandariesg7382 7 ай бұрын
Burberry Her! MMMMmmm my fav. love it so much!
@lucysnapped 7 ай бұрын
Burberry Her Elixir is my nighttime scent - I can’t wear it in the daytime as it smells too childish on me
@oshifish2 8 ай бұрын
Great video! I adore Burberry Her! My nose smells something a bit like strawberry in it! There is none but something smells to me like cotton candy with a hint of strawberry but in no way little girl or body splash. Very adult but a young person in their teens all the way to ninties!
@MyFragranceTrail 8 ай бұрын
Vanilla Powder is so strong. I love it.
@rachaelwoods4569 6 ай бұрын
I had the Alien edt version and it's still performed like a perfume but not overpowering
@oshifish2 8 ай бұрын
If I were to add one to this wonderful list I would put Kirke! I love that fragrance ( unisex) yet I wore it on one of the warmer days here in Scotland last week and I forgot I was working with a colleague that is very fragrance sensitive! I felt so bad!!! It is really intense and I feel more for colder weather yet it was cooler that day and got warm! Despite that I love it! Really intense though!
@KellyBellyz 8 ай бұрын
Yes, my beloved Dior Addict EDP is nuclear level strong lol And yes, I feel so strong and dark when I wear it 😊 I still have my early 2000s bottle and the scent has not changed ❤
@NoniBeckham 7 ай бұрын
Always enjoy your videos. Thank you so much for the list.❤
@barbaralins158 8 ай бұрын
I really loved them all!! I have two of these and I love them!!
@Lianeswt120 8 ай бұрын
I wish you would do a demonstration of how/where you spray your strong perfumes when you're only doing 1-3 sprays. I typically overspray all over so I really struggle with doing only 1-3 sprays because I can't decide where those sprays should go.
@Anna.Filjanina 8 ай бұрын
I always try to spray my hair and my back, so the strong fragrance is not making me sick 😂
@narwhallllll8475 8 ай бұрын
For these strong perfumes, i generally do one behind the neck, and 2 on my inner elbows. I wouldn’t spray any on my clothes cos i don’t like having an insanely strong perfume clinging onto my clothes for hours on end.
@reneecrotty6910 8 ай бұрын
Gym and Sporty Scents for women please!!! ❤
@lunarose7234 8 ай бұрын
Dior Addict is my ride or die scent. ❤
@susanmyles9026 8 ай бұрын
Love your videos and can’t wait to try Guidance. Some samples are arriving next week from Oman (hello from Canada btw 🇨🇦) 😊. I’m new to this world of scents so you (and your husband when he joins you) are not only very entertaining but great educators because you’re into it! Keep churning up the excitement because I’m a new addict and I totally share your enthusiasm 😘!!!
@reneecrotty6910 8 ай бұрын
Guidance is absolutely putrid! hahaha I kid you not. I have never had the most foul feeling after smelling a scent in my life! 2 men in my life on different occasions said to me "What are you wearing... I don't like it." Sample it! I don't know why more people aren't saying this kind of thing. Everyone is constantly saying how amazing it is and so I bought some... I have tried to wear it twice, and I had to scrub and scrub it off within an hour! There is something just so fake and chemically about it... it literally smells like chemicals! I don't get the hype at all. Another girl in the comments said the same thing! You might absolutely love it! I believe it smells different for people around you as I did get one compliment from a middle aged woman. But men in my life said "no" So deffs try the sample. I feel like I am so passionate about this because I got tricked. Don't get tricked.
@susanmyles9026 8 ай бұрын
@@reneecrotty6910 I really appreciate the heads up and luckily only ordered a sample. I’m hoping the other choices I ordered are decent. I’m middle aged so I might like it lol 😂! I hate the Parfums de Marly samples I received on my skin so I’m not expecting miracles. Thanks for the warning 😊!!!
@Mushica83 8 ай бұрын
For me, Tuberose Astrale was a total miss. It smells to me like carrot and leather 😢
@MonCioch 8 ай бұрын
It's interesting, I read reviews on Fragrantica and people seem to dislike it a lot. I find it really beautiful, so I guess I'm lucky.
@kateanette9398 8 ай бұрын
I find it fascinating, that people regard strong as good. I don't want to bother/ annoy/ choke anyone with my scent. If I wear a strong scent, it's only one spray, done for the day. Maybe those who think their scent doesn't last, has problems with their own sense of smell? Anosmia/ or just too much/ too strong/ the same scent on repeat, makes themselves not smell it anymore?
@nancynevils8963 8 ай бұрын
Where did you get your bottle engraved? I have some of my fragrances engraved, but only ones that offer personal engraving when I purchased them. I do not see the option on Jusbox or other retailers that carry the scent. Love your content
@MonCioch 8 ай бұрын
It's an in person thing that here in the UK during Christmas or other seasons big retailers like Selfridges or Harrods offer complimentary to your purchase.
@genexye 8 ай бұрын
I don't understand the terms reviewers come up with. What do you mean by smelling basic? That is so derogatory. Fragrances are generally for people to smell good, so what is basic trying to say? Reviewer attaching designer fragrance to basic is quite derogatory. Everyone's pocket size is different.
@LoveandMisses 8 ай бұрын
Evil stepmother..just the scent I was looking for.😮
@reneecrotty6910 8 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 But I totally see what she means!! It so does smell like that actually
@katiamotley9407 6 ай бұрын
Alien by Mugler is super strong as well
@LyjordanABENGOVONO 6 ай бұрын
Tuberose astrale is it unisex ??
@sweetpeace5 6 ай бұрын
@Journeyofamomdoc 8 ай бұрын
Guidance is sooooooooo terribly bad just awful like seriously ….. Strong is an understatement
@sweetpeace5 6 ай бұрын
I was NOT A FAN of Tuberose Astrale at ALL-do not blind buy this one, people!😅
@thinkb4uspeak276 8 ай бұрын
Hey - Stepmothers can come innocently into unexpected toxic situations as well! Here’s a “Cheers” to ALL Stepmothers Everywhere!!🥂
@oleacadusa 8 ай бұрын
Seta is strong? Not for me...
@theresa3 8 ай бұрын
@rockerdollwell4310 8 ай бұрын
What the hell, everyone is asking for money, they dont have enough with all the sales from affiliate links and such and the sponserships. Not watching this anymore.
@chandracox6814 8 ай бұрын
That's all influencers care about.
@chandracox6814 8 ай бұрын
Not to mention they get all these fragrances for free!!!!
@RalucaBlajut 8 ай бұрын
It’s not like she only offers videos only to those who pay! It’s a choice, you can still watch her videos if you don’t pay.
@stargazer8681 8 ай бұрын
It's ridiculous when influencers do this. She talks about perfumes she buys for herself and is sent to her. Other than that, her creativity is minimal. "Influencing" people to pay her for early access to her videos is purely pathetic. A paid membership should have better perks, which also include the influencer doing more work for their paycheck. What a way to rip off people. Just imagine if 30% of her subscribers pay $2 a month for this foolishness that is nearly $40,000, which is easily pocketed into someone's pocket for minimal effort. I hope people are more aware of these scammers.
@MCM214 7 ай бұрын
That's fine no one is forcing you to watch.this or any other channel. Creators spend time and money on equipment, editing and yes products I don't begrudge people making money.
@motivationwithmenow 7 ай бұрын
BDK😔 The founder supports Israel. Make sure not to buy anything from this brand.
She made herself an ear of corn from his marmalade candies🌽🌽🌽
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