Top 5 Most Disappointing Books I've Ever Read!

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@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Really interested in your thoughts on books that disappointed you! Leave them here and let's discuss. Subscribe to help even more people get involved in the convo!
@PhilipChaseTheBestofFantasy 6 ай бұрын
I'm not mad . . . I'm disappointed. 😁I actually love Jemisin's Broken Earth Trilogy, but you are certainly not alone in your criticisms of it. While I'm less high on The Magicians than some, I found enough to like (especially the end of the trilogy) despite agreeing with some of your issues with it. Great to hear your thoughts -- as always, Brian! And cool tattoo!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
hahaha, exactly. I know a few of these selections are beloved, or at least, more well-tolerated for many. I always appreciate your insights in all things fantasy, so maybe you'll bring some light to me on some of these one day!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
and thanks for the tattoo compliment!!
@ShelfCentered 6 ай бұрын
Great video! I had a feeling number 1 would be on there! I absolutely loved it and I read it around the time I was deeply into higher education and it hit at just the right time. I look at it as what if Harry Potter and crew or the kids in Narnia actually had to deal with the trauma they suffered through. But yeah, Quentin is pretty much an anti-protagonist. Also so sad about Cradle, but totally understand that. Armada was just terrible, Mockingjay I kind of liked that she threw out the love triangle but yeah I get you there. Seriously, love that we can all agree to disagree!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
totally. I had a smile the whole time thinking, "ah, Bryce is gonna love this one...!"
@BooksWithBenghisKahn 6 ай бұрын
Loved this vid!! I’m pretty forgiving of book 1s, so in two of these series it was future books that really disappointed me. I was expecting Cradle to start slow, so when things started to pick up in bk 3 it was soooo disappointing with bk 4 to feel like it took a step back and lost all that momentum. I HATED Skysworn which was just a big pile of nothing. Also I didn’t mind Fifth Season, but you should be glad you didn’t continue on to Obelisk Gate, which was a MASSIVE bore and a huge disappointment after I thought the series had some promise. Happy to disagree about the Magicians! I loved that one, and the following two books too. It’s definitely no Harry Potter! Some of my biggest disappointments have been Lies of Locke Lamora since it’s so beloved (though I did love bk 2), the The Tyranny of Faith which I hated with a passion after loving Justice of Kings, and multiple Esslemont Malazan books (Crimson Guard, Blood and Bone, and Assail-which all bored the teeth out of me! Though I enjoyed his other books, so I know what he’s capable of for me).
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
It's funny because Bryce also loves the Magicians. Same with me on Skysworn too... meh. I've sort of held off on that Justice of Kings trilogy because I"ve heard such mixed thoughts on books 2 and 3 and TBR Mountain is immense as it is...
@BooksWithBenghisKahn 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 indeed very wise to hold off on the Swan series until more dispatches from the frontlines came back. Wish I would have done the same with my own ever-rising tbr mountain to climb! Just a colossal waste of time on those two books, when I can’t even bother to find out what happened in the finale. My biggest waste of time award goes to Lightbringer though…a few months of my reading life lost forever to those 5 big books. After a promising start it was just a steady decline into the worst books of my life.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
@@BooksWithBenghisKahn that IS a hot take on Red Rising! I enjoy the series, but Dark Age really depressed me while I read it.
@BookishChas 6 ай бұрын
Great video Brian! I enjoyed Ready Player One, but I don’t think I’ll read any of his other books. As for the Magicians, I’ve heard the show is much better. I enjoyed season one.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Thanks Chas! I didn't entirely hate the episodes I saw!
@mathriarch 6 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more on "The Magicians", I hate that book with a burning passion. Characters were the worst, lol I was rooting against them too!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
yes! I'm not the only one!!
@TomOrange 6 ай бұрын
I still cannot believe the broken earth trilogy won awards for all three books. I read the whole series and had a horrible time but was reading it with a friend so I pushed though. There are suppose to be big twists throughout the story and I figured them out so early I don't know how people did not see them coming. I don't know why this book gets pushed so hard and spoken so highly of.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
yeah, it's a head-scratcher for me too. but, for some people love it.
@CNavo.TheNextChapter 6 ай бұрын
I have been wary of the Cradle series. It seems to go one way or the other with people/reviewers, but more aiming to spend that time on Dungeon Crawler Carl. Of Cline's books, the only one that has landed well for me has been Ready Player One - Cheers Brian!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Cheers back Chris! Always spend more time with DCC!!
@dougsundseth6904 6 ай бұрын
I agree that to be disappointing, there must first be an expectation. So given that: Cradle might make my list, but for the series progression, not its beginning. The beginning was actually a decent start to a Prog Fantasy story, with an interesting character dealing with unusual problems. As the series progressed, it suffered from the worst case of Lensman Arms Race (see TVTropes) since Children of the Lens. I finished the series, but only because I had already bought it and, as the punchline goes, "... out of morbid curiosity." Others: Dhalgren, Samuel Delany - This came out when a serious SF reader could expect to be able to read every serious book in the genre as it came out. The book was heavily advertised and I'd liked his previous work. I bought it when I was 'but a yute', with a limited ability to pay for books, so I when I bought a book, I read it. It might have been my first real hard DNF. It's terrible (and it's on similar lists of other readers 'of a certain age'. Friday, RA Heinlein - I love (and loved) his work. This was the first book of his that I read where he had seriously lost the plot. It started well enough, then just started to wander. It wasn't his worst late-period book, but by (say) Job: A Comedy of Justice, I had much lower expectations. Guards, Guards!, Pratchett - I tried to like Pratchett. I read (well, I DNF's Colour of Magic) three Pratchett novels, because everybody loved him. I see what he was doing; it just bores me. The Wheel of Time, Jordan & Sanderson - When I began this series, everybody was reading it, and it got lots of hype from people I knew. It started pretty well, but as the series continued, it became apparent that the annoying characters in the first book were not going to improve, nor would they be replaced by interesting or sympathetic characters. And the plot (whichever of the 100 or so plotlines you choose) wasn't going anywhere any time soon. I finished the series. This didn't help. Contra many opinions, I actually liked Jordan's writing more than Sanderson's. But at least Sanderson closed out plotlines, so there's that. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Adams - Again, everybody loves this. I thought it was turgid. The jokes fell badly flat, there was no real plot, and it would be impossible for me to care any less about any character between those covers. Three minutes of entertainment spread microscopically thin over hundreds of pages.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
You always have such well thought-out takes on your experiences. I agree about some of the character in WoT just never really turning into anything interesting and yes, do credit with plot resolutions where they could fit. That IS a hot take on Hitchhiker's that I've not heard before! It's so funny on people can agree on maybe 90-95% of material but that other 5-10% is a million miles apart. I liked the end of Cradle, not the beginning. But I was also happy that it was ending :)
@dougsundseth6904 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 Part of it, maybe most of it, is related to when you read a book and what you've read recently (and ever). I absolutely loved Smith's Lensman series (the last book was "Children of Lens", which I referred to above. I couldn't possibly read it now. I don't think there is an ink purple enough for Doc Smith's prose. But it was perfect for the time I read it. I assume that when other people like things I don't that they're in a similar situation. A book that was good or even great for me when I was 15 (or 40) isn't necessarily even going to be tolerable for me today. See, for instance, the "Wild Cards" series, edited by GRR Martin, which I tried to read recently and hated, even though I remember really liking it when it was first published. Or the Drizzt books, which I read too late, though I suspect I would have liked them just as much as many others if I had read them at 17. BTW, this is a much better topic than "Worst Books". Bad books deserve only a cautionary note; disappointing books deserve more attention.
@RedFuryBooks 6 ай бұрын
I've heard that as bad as Armada was, that Ready Player Two is even worse! The writing in Unsouled is just objectively poor - I honestly thought a 12-year old wrote it. (I did see somewhere that Will Wight himself said he wished he had the time to go back and rewrite the first two books). So happy (happy?) my DNF choice made the list lol! And yeah, The Magicians wasn't very good either. I never read more after that one. Great video!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
haha, yes I never looked at Ready Player Two. I'm so thankful (thankful?) for your book in Jan!
@KindlesandKicks 6 ай бұрын
Wow, this has the most brutal review of your last book I've ever seen/heard/read. Makes me want to take the entire series off my TBR now lol. Outside of The Fifth Season, the most disappointing reads for me are Malice and Hyperion. I know I just cursed 😄
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I'm surprised you didn't like Hyperion or Malice! But it's funny how people can align on like 95% of their book tastes, yet that 5% always seems surprising!! :)
@rctliberty 6 ай бұрын
100% agree on Malice and the rest of Faithful and Fallen. I really struggle to understand why the series is so well liked. Predictable plot and bad writing. The dialogue almost never includes contractions...drove me crazy.
@fithfath3615 6 ай бұрын
Through luck or good judgement I have mostly managed to avoid reading disappointing books with the odd exception here and there. I read the Hunger Games trilogy because I'd seen the films with my kids and (even though I thought that they were mostly meh to bad) I thought there was a good idea somewhere in it and the books might be a big improvement over a poor adaptation, but boy was I wrong. Childhood's End was my most recent disappointment. It had a great premise, but just failed to deliver for me, it felt like a chore to read with really odd choices of human evolution.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, that third Hunger Games book just went way off the rails for me. I actually love Childhood's End, but I can see how it might not be entirely, universally loved. It goes in a direction that a reader will love or really won't love..
@GentleGiantJason 6 ай бұрын
I agree with Cradle. A very dull story. A book that felt like I was watching someone playing a video game. So much of the books are about grinding to level up. Never once did I feel the hero was in danger or would fail.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
As a genre, I like real litrpg but this falls more on the cultivation side, and a slow cultivation at that :)
@ilsevanlegos7529 6 ай бұрын
I actually love the Hunger Games (movies and books) but agree with you that the third one was not that good. So glad I'm not the only one hating the Magicians. It was just so bleak; I also didn't care for the characters. Another disappointing book was The Secret History...hated that book. I guess I just can't read a book if there aren't some characters that I like, and in this book, there was not one likeable character.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
right?! Go figure that a reader might want a character to root for...
@stjepanvaresevaccobets 6 ай бұрын
I haven't read any of those books, but I like your explanations of why you don't like the books.👍👍
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I tried to keep the explanations spoiler-free just in case some people still want to give them a try!
@scottv5587 6 ай бұрын
I’ve never read The Magicians but I’ve watched most of the TV show and the characters are incredibly hard to root for. I guess I have to give the showrunners credit for keeping things book accurate😅
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I watched part of season one and it was better than the book, but still I wasn’t that into it
@laurac56 6 ай бұрын
I’ve started and quickly DNF’d The Fifth Season and Mockingjay. I’ve not tried the others and I probably won’t.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Seems like we are on the same page!
@esmayrosalyne 6 ай бұрын
I actually love seeing some disappointing/worst books videos, because it helps me understand a reviewer's tastes more. And we all need some BalAncE in life, haha. Totally with you on The Fifth Season and Cradle. And noted, I will stay away from The Magicians 🤣 Some disappointments for me, purely based on how much they didn't live up to the hype for me, are probably Dune, Guards! Guards!, The Rage of Dragons, The Justice of Kings, The Shadow of the Wind, and The Secret History. Can't all be winners!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
It's interesting that you mention The Justice of Kings. It was on my TBR when that book released. Then it slowly slid off TBR Mountain when everyone I seem to align with found the subsequent two books getting less and less like book one. Stay away from The Magicians lol! (actually, Bryce loves that book!)
@esmayrosalyne 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 Yeah I was initially still hoping that maybe the sequels would improve, but then I saw so many middling ratings that I just cut my losses with the Empire of the Wolf trilogy lol. Also, can we really trust Bryce?! 🤣
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
@@esmayrosalyne I mean, he IS a lawyer. IDK...
@binglamb2176 6 ай бұрын
I listened to part of The Magicians on audio back when SiriusXM had an audiobook channel. They broke up the book into hour long episodes and I gave up after two episodes so I have to agree on this one. I have not read the others so I have no opinion.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad I'm not alone on that take!
@CD287- 6 ай бұрын
Your number 1 😂 Totally agree. I've been disappointed with so many books since discovering booktube so finally i'm embracing the dnf this year and moving forward!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad at least someone agrees with me! :)
@akashas6012 3 ай бұрын
I am glad you explained why you disliked The 5th Season
@Wouter_K 6 ай бұрын
I kept being distracted by that copy of lonesome dove next to you, which, should at all times be completely unrelated to these kinds of videos 🤣. I will read fifth season this year, so I'll see if I'll agree. Going in with mixed expectations.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Love Lonesome Dove so much!!! It really should be forced to leave the room whenever I discuss disappointments :). Yeah, keep me posted what you wind up thinking of fifth season!
@DoUnicornsRead 6 ай бұрын
Nice video idea! Bit disappointed that Jemisin didn't work for you but like you say not everything works for everybody in the same way. Thanks for sharing the tattoo, Brian. Great piece of art!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I’m sorry you are going through those family medical things. I have as well recently and I know how hard it can be. Thinking positively for you and your family!
@DoUnicornsRead 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 Thank you, Brian! Appreciate it!
@Juanpa_SC 6 ай бұрын
I think my most disappointing book is Red Seas Under Red Skies... I loved Lies of Locke Lamorra, but the second book was such a step down for me. Felt like pure fluff, saw coming a couple of the important events leagues aways (actually tropes that I hate...), and in the end I felt that all of the book was for nothing. Ah, and a "twist" just before the book ended to tie up the third book, I guess.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
it's been so long since I've read those books, I don't remember much about them!
@velcrocee7886 6 ай бұрын
I’m disappointed in Mistborn TFE. I really want to get into the cosmere but i lose interest in what I’m reading as I try to read through TFE. I really liked how Sanderson completed WOT but so far I can’t get into his Cosmere stuff. Disappointed for sure.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Maybe he's just not for you. You might try "Warbreaker" as a standalone if you ever want to give the Cosmere another shot.
@MrAelin 6 ай бұрын
I read the magicians as a teenager many years ago and liked it. Of course if you're in your 50's or close you would see it in a different way. For example, i hate Brandon Sanderson's books. Most boring books I've ever read in the whole fantasy genre.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm sure many people experience books differently depending on where they are at in life - and to a degree, what they've already read.
@MattonBooks 6 ай бұрын
Why do I always want to comment on your wardrobe more than what you say? 😜 Love that shirt. But srsly as the kids say, I’m with you on 5th Season - so much hype, so little caring about the characters. My list would have Jade War on it. I loved City, but War just felt like 85% talking about politics & economics. Sigh. Was crazy bored.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
hahaha you have a fine eye! Yep, it was the book Josh gave me for DNF Challenge!
@QuestBoundReader 6 ай бұрын
I completely agree with some of your post here! I cant wait for you to get into The Wandering Inn lol happy reading Brian!
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Me too! I liked your Arcane Ascension recap!
@julien4327 6 ай бұрын
A recent one : Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff. I like nevernight a lot - expect for Act 3, but I enjoyed the book overall. I went in Godsgrave hopeful. But I was very disappointed in the story. Too many scenes "heavily inspired" by Ridley Scott's Gladiator and Spartacus. I guess he changed enough details to get away with it, but still.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
it always feels weird to me when I'm reading something and too reminded of something else.. even if the author never read / saw it before. it's happening to me now in Sun Eater.
@groofay 6 ай бұрын
I remember listening to Ready Player One on a road trip up to Vermont, and the sense memory of being on the road with Will Wheaton over-enthusiastically talking about '80s entertainment trivia is the most I got out of it. I suppose my two most disappointing books are my only two one-star books on Goodreads: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I genuinely do not understand what people find of value in them. To my mind, they're both nihilistic dumpster-fires of literature that I wish I could un-read, except that now I know to avoid anything else with their names attached (very good audiobook narrators for both though; Jeremy Freaking Irons for the Alchemist and Julia Whelan and Kirby Heyborne for Gone Girl, very sad that their talents were so wasted).
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I listened to that Jeremy Irons recording too! He is really incredible, material or not!
@groofay 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 Absolutely a legend.
@BooksWithBenghisKahn 6 ай бұрын
lol groofay, I felt the same exact way about the Alchemist. Utter nonsense and a total bore
@jeremycamp0206 6 ай бұрын
I don’t think I’ve read any of these (don’t really have a huge desire to) but I think of 2 novels that I’ve read recently that fit this category. Artemis and Children of Time. COT I just found boring and Artemis the main character was so unlikable I was rooting against her. I really only read that one because of a podcast that riffed the book (372 pages well never get back-which also did Armada)
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
it's so interesting. Kind of like The 5th Season, I hear people either really like COT or they just are meh. I"m glad if I've saved you some time on these just in case they read for you the way they did for me. You never know with books.
@Talking_Story 6 ай бұрын
Can't agree with all but I have to agree with some. Awesome list buddy.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Agree with meeeeeee!!! Hahaha, all good and thank you!
@dubhmoore575 6 ай бұрын
Yeah some books just don't suit me, I do have the broken earth but I haven't started it yet, but I wanted to give it a try as it won awards....
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
give it a shot, I know plenty of people who love it!
@Zivilin 6 ай бұрын
I have The Magicians on my tbr and that it is *not* like an adult HP is a good selling point for me, never was interested in the HP books. I think the only disappointing read i have had was Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder and i still ended up enjoying the last half of it. The main reason i was disappointed was because i went in expecting it to be a modern scifi take on Lovecraftian horror and the scifi elements and research of the virus that started the pandemic was all surface level deep and only used as initial origin/setup for the plot. However, like i mentioned, once the pov changed and more lovecraftian elements started creeping in it had me hooked and at the edge of my seat listening and i quite liked the ending. Some might not like it since it was left somewhat ambiguous. Your mileage may vary though. I have to mention it had one of the most wholesome, romances i've read. Which i realise is a bit weird to say about a lovecraftian horror novel.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Yeah that does seem like a strange combo!! It’s all so subjective at the end of the day in a lot of ways. I appreciate the time you took sharing this info!
@Zivilin 6 ай бұрын
​@@BrianBell7 I can't really elaborate much more without going into spoilers. I just found it so sweet the characters found love at such a strange set of circumstances. Thank you.😊I think this is my first time writing a sort of review of my thoughts. I always have trouble articulating my tthoughts into words. I'd still recommend it as a palette cleanser audiobook.
@kah-thurak 6 ай бұрын
I really dont understand the success of The Magiceans either (though I did like the TV series). I have only read the first book but as you say the plot is not great and Quentin is simply annoying. The Fith Season I acutally DNF'd, as its thematic messaging was way to on the nose for me - well written for sure but way too preachy. I was planning to try a LitRPG at some point and thought I might try Cradle, but I guess I will look for something else ;-)
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
we seem to align in taste! check out on my channel the LitRPG Starters Guide. There are 10 valid options to start with!
@weregretohio7728 6 ай бұрын
Ooh boy. I was thinking of reading The Magicians too, since it's one of the few series my library has a complete collection of. I know the characters are supposed to be unlikeable. Ernest Cline isn't a strong writer, so thank god nothing other than Ready Player One has crossed my path. I didn't really love Fifth Season either, idk. You would expect something with those accolades to stick with you more. Honestly I think The Dark Tower series is disappointing. For how much love it gets? Those last two thick tomes should have had better pacing. Brandon Sanderson also strikes me as another author that could use editing, but I haven't gotten as far into his work yet.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
There are some moments in Dark Tower that were let downs for me, but overall it's a top series for me. Agreed, Cline is not a strong author!! Sanderson's book usually work really well for me, but the last couple in Stormlight have seemed larger than they might have needed to be.
@christhewritingjester3164 6 ай бұрын
Wow, that review for the last book... ouch! I was disappointed the most in Hyperion. I'm reading a section a year to push through it, because that's all I can take before I question my life decisions.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
that's wild! at least with Hyperion, since they are all essentially short stories, maybe one or two will be fun for you.
@christhewritingjester3164 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 That is the only reason I keep coming back to it lol
@thatsci-firogue 6 ай бұрын
Only thing I've read of Cline's is a poem, and its honestly one of the worst things I've ever read. So I've never had any interest in reading anything else he writes.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
ha, I didn't even know he did that.
@AuthorJohnADouglas 6 ай бұрын
Interesting list although I don’t think I was in danger of reading any of them
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Danger Zone!
@arpankumarbasak1813 6 ай бұрын
Agree about Fifth Season completely
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the validation! Seems like there’s little middle ground on that one. Love it or really don’t…
@hordolur 6 ай бұрын
Armada, 80's mixed with Last Starfigher movie with Enders Game... yet that is the book on point, and it was worth the read, I mean it's not the greatest book all time, but it was good for what it was... Tons better than Ready Player Two, I think I might be sick just typing the title....
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I never picked up RPT
@gryftkin 6 ай бұрын
I see your hair is on point this morning :) Wish mine could do that :D And man, I liked Ready Player One... sounds like I won't be picking up Armada :P We might have to fight over Fifth Season though :D But I know it's much easier to be disappointed after everyone else has hyped up a book beforehand :)
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I know TONS of people who love that book. I'm probably an outlier :)
@pembie2 6 ай бұрын
Shogun for me and wheel of Time series
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
really?! What didn't work for you with Shogun? I can see how WoT can be hit or miss.
@Andrew.Downing 6 ай бұрын
My wife is completely on board with you with magicians. She HATES that book for similar reasons as you. It's why I'll probably never read it and you just confirm her beliefs.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
Your wife has excellent taste! :)
@Andrew.Downing 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 she's a huge Potterhead and was told the same that it's "adult Harry Potter" and I think that added to her dislike.
@AutomailUser 6 ай бұрын
Ernest Cline is just not a good writer. I loathed Ready Player One despite my friend claiming it was the best book ever, and my wife loves it too. I was rather disappointed in Traitor's Blade by Sebastian DeCastelle several years back, the ending was a complete deus ex machina and there were no real moments of character growth, not to mention a rather unnecessary sex scene that felt rather rapey. The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson felt rather lacklustre as well but that could be that most of the Cosmere-related Easter eggs fell flat for me because I've only read the Mistborn series and Warbreaker. My most recent disappointment has to be Priest of Crowns, the finale of War for the Rose Throne. Peter McLean is a MUCH better writer than what he showed in his finale. There were absolutely no stakes for the final half of the book and while I like where the ending turned out, the path to getting there was abysmal at best and he really dropped the ball. Kind of soured the feel of the first three books, which I'd all have given about 3.5 to 4 stars. The finale would have only gotten a 2 at most from me.
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
I was so-so on The Lost Metal. Didn't hate it, didn't love it. I missed a few of the Cosmere Easter eggs as well. I have War for the Rose Throne on TBR Mountain so that's interesting. I probably wasn't going to get it to this year, but remind me again if you see it pop up in a TBR video in the future that I should remember this!
@heidi6281 6 ай бұрын
Ugh! I was dreading this video as I thought your #1 was going to be my recommend. Glad it’s not! Although still sad you did not enjoy Mr. buehlman’s performance. ☹️
@BrianBell7 6 ай бұрын
lol, no I liked the book itself :) And his performance was good, I just thought I would've liked it better if he did the book in his own voice and used his character voice for one of the side characters.
@heidi6281 6 ай бұрын
@@BrianBell7 FYI, I also loved the audiobook narrator for his Between Two Fires. It is not Mr. Buehlman but someone who sounds like Sean“ Boromir” Bean. How perfect for the main character, a chivalric 14th century Knight. That story is historical fantasy and besides the black plague there is a lot of “ Witcher” style monsters and demonic upside bizzaro happenings. This last year was the year of Buehlman for me. I also listened to the 1978 Vampires living in the tunnels of the Manhattan subway, “ The Lesser Dead”! This book introduces you to one of my favorite characters, Joey Peacock.
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Tibo InShape
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