@@dogejr1111 I find it curious about English-speaking communities...they are from everywhere, I am from Bolivia and it is interesting to interact with someone who is thousands of kilometers away or more.
@CHEH_tfАй бұрын
@@alexmarquez3452 TRUUUUE. Im from France, we're thousands of km away from each other lol
@ZAGON117Ай бұрын
anyone else come here to check the traps and stuff for th16? xD Knowing that lots will use these bases
@Bad3abdulАй бұрын
Yh base building usually comes down to the trap
@LShaull-qw5umАй бұрын
lol you ain’t wrong base design determines the 3
@joepadol1376Ай бұрын
i figured thats why these guys post good bases…they practice em left and right and keep themselves up in Legends😂
@Bad3abdulАй бұрын
@@joepadol1376 that's just a dumb stereo
@ZAGON117Ай бұрын
@@Bad3abdul dunno, think about it. If you know where tornado and bombs are, a SABlimp is easy
@Adri-endАй бұрын
If the guy in the first clip had a lvl 27 Rocket spear. He'd easily get the TH as he'd get extra shots and way more extra dmg He had a lvl 17 rocket spear
@EatingCat69Ай бұрын
Cwl is not hardmode so 1 starring a base is just pure noob or bad attacker.
@pugnessАй бұрын
Yep that's the point. To force . mistakes 😅
@LShaull-qw5umАй бұрын
lol. Cwl is slowly working its way to easy mode. Seen clan go 1 and 6 and place third last cwl. And their only win on a tie breaker and the opponents missed 3 attacks. If ur not stopping the 3 then rushing to get 3 not gonna help lol.
@marusu-lАй бұрын
A man of with a word , thank you I've been waiting for this
@BigDaddyBraymondАй бұрын
Great video!
@emwolsАй бұрын
That attacker on the second base you showed was pretty bad. He opted for using overgrowth rather than the earthquake boots spiky ball which would have taken out almost everything up to the town hall. Then he could have overgrowthed the town hall after the ability and there wouldn’t have been much left. I have the first base that you shared like this saved just in case I run into it. I like to test attacking it with the different armies I use, the earthquake boots in the center gets that base good every time no matter the army I am using
@jyotishjbt4434Ай бұрын
Thts exactly wht these base are made for punishing mistake, u can't defend against a gd player with any base anyways
@emwolsАй бұрын
@@jyotishjbt4434 fair enough, I guess I just don’t see people being that dumb in high legends and I am not in champs 1 but I can’t imagine people would be allowed to remain in a champs 1 clan after that attack
@jyotishjbt4434Ай бұрын
@@emwols they have different plans it jst didn't worked out this time , they are almost professional, they know wht they are doing , mistakes are made by everyone no matter how perfect u r , even stars and klaus 1 star sometimes no big deal , 1 one star doens't define u
@qLStanzahАй бұрын
@@emwols people will still 1000000% make mistakes in high legends - might be only 1/2 defences per day...but they add up
@mohanthapamagar1928Ай бұрын
Thankyou itzu ❤
@urbanlegend-mu5eoАй бұрын
Thankyou itzu following you since 2k19
@mynameiswalterhartwellwhite420Ай бұрын
Is it really that hard to type 2019?
@urbanlegend-mu5eoАй бұрын
@@mynameiswalterhartwellwhite420 is it really hard to earn money good ways than making meth and destroying millions of youth life ?Mr white
@Amir-cl5wrАй бұрын
I actually trippled the second base with a fire ball and rocket loons...that core is so vulnerable to fire ball
@tougherinhoАй бұрын
I need war bases for Th15,14,13,12,11. Please upload similar videos for these THs Itzu 😭
@bonita-0112Ай бұрын
الجلاد قواسمي 🫡💪
@jeremylees9979Ай бұрын
Thanks Itzu!
@helsing8982Ай бұрын
Gonna try the 1st base... 2nd base wasn't that good toh. Got so many 3 star with valk, root rider
@strikerz2912Ай бұрын
No such a thing, all bases can be 2 starred, if not you shouldn’t play the game if you can’t 2 star a base
@Conqueror_2003Ай бұрын
Exactly lol
@Conqueror_2003Ай бұрын
The second layout so stupid and useless lol
@alexmarquez3452Ай бұрын
Saludos from Bolivia 🇧🇴
@Warman_itdАй бұрын
That's what i needed
@itz_GarrettАй бұрын
Is it bad offence or good defense ?? btw Feeling silence for Prof.Dr.Noob from Vista Ridge :(
@Grimm_ytbАй бұрын
I think it's a good defense, because only strong bases cause the player to have to think a lot about how to attack, and because of that, his head is full of things to deal with and he ends up making mistakes. It's guaranteed that all these players do multiple 3 stars attacks every day in LL
@itz_GarrettАй бұрын
@@Grimm_ytb make sense
@theyforce1424Ай бұрын
I almost tripled that 2nd base with my th13 v 16 If u get value in the middle u should be fine
@SagarDahal-r6lАй бұрын
Guide for zap lalo 🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
@ajaysehrawat507Ай бұрын
bro please give new base layouts for th10,11,12,13,14,15 please
@HearNenАй бұрын
@zx9gwАй бұрын
I got this base in clan war right after cwl i easily 3* the base with double hero charge with rocket loons lol I just watch 2nd base i also 3* it with double hero charge. And i did fireball that core 😂
@romanempire8339Ай бұрын
Eventroops br like;are u kidding itzu
@s.......Ай бұрын
I think itzu meant for cwl next month there's no base that can defend against event troops
@abhijithramesh8299Ай бұрын
Recommended base plz
@_.mr.__micmiky__Ай бұрын
Give some link for th 15 also😊
@R1ch494Ай бұрын
I use similar base as Base. It got destroyed by suparch blimp
@クリスタルリートАй бұрын
I hope people will take this bases to 3star them so easy 😂
@Sandlin22Ай бұрын
Every base is so easy to 2 star with any army plus a yeti blimp, and typically, if it's a ground attack, it'll 3 star. Don't be afraid to use extra spells (1 quake 1 rage) to assist the yeti blimp. If you don't need a 3 star to win, don't be greedy.
@MethodMadness-ow2ftАй бұрын
Nothing can be 1 starred now all are tripled🤣🤣
@chadgau2808Ай бұрын
Both 3’d in current war, opponent is master league I, so not top tier war opponent.
@wmw20Ай бұрын
مسحت كل مخطط الموجود في توب عالمي مخططات قديمة
@BvsterrrrrrrrrАй бұрын
SA blimp hydra
@Hieubg98_750Ай бұрын
We need event minion combo. Ok
@LShaull-qw5umАй бұрын
For what event troops going away when sign up starts. Cwl and clan. Games follow a monthly schedule. Gold pass will tell u when they hit. Events ussually don’t overlap cwl if u signup on day 1. Day2 u might get 1 war
@roachbag6969Ай бұрын
Lost cub is win trading
@gaganbohara9985Ай бұрын
Make one video for TH15 as well please
@dream0222Ай бұрын
But it wasn't that difficult😊
@AlexOrProductionsАй бұрын
Decent base but lavaloon troop is destroying everything left and right. You simply take down some air defences and send lavaloon warden plus ice minions and rage the core and use eternal tome. Max Th16 Base down in under a minute! Game is a joke right now!
@axemman6117Ай бұрын
It's the same base link
@ImeshMadushanka-t1kАй бұрын
@hyena6927Ай бұрын
Th15 base link please
@Userog8Ай бұрын
@iamgroot5839Ай бұрын
The links don’t work
@sumitchouhan8611Ай бұрын
14 dragons+ super barb super barb take town hall then after that dragon and blimp clone easily take all these type of bases, Outer th bases are always easy Take th with super gobs and then your army do 3 on any bases and dragons are best cuase they neex less then 2 minutes to take all base
@GR3392.Ай бұрын
Ha bhai tu hi sab bases maar sakta hai 😂 kitne legend trophy hai?
@sumitchouhan8611Ай бұрын
@@GR3392. sare base nhi jo drag clone se ho jae wo maar skta bs 😁
@GR3392.Ай бұрын
@@sumitchouhan8611 sup drag ya drag?
@Conqueror_2003Ай бұрын
Shut up bitch
@MobileGamingLegendzАй бұрын
Surprised they are not using event troops in CWL
@s.......Ай бұрын
Event troops wasn't available until the last day of cwl
@LShaull-qw5umАй бұрын
@@s.......lol duh
@awaisvlogs1356Ай бұрын
@valuedhumanoid6574Ай бұрын
I would have never attempted a 3 star attack. I would have gotten the TH straight away and then as many buildings as possible. Very safe two star. Maybe around 60 to 70%. But stopping the triple is the difference between winning a war and losing. The most triples win. Every time.
@HugoVaughan-hg6hdАй бұрын
Pros don't play like that
Every ok player will 2 star anyways without these “tactics” 😂
@SaqibMahmood-kl9lhКүн бұрын
Itzu bases are shit. I copied one and since morning everybody is getting 3 stars. I am th17. Do not copy his bases
@danielgarciajr.8353Ай бұрын
@meowmeown3ggaАй бұрын
I've 70% 2 starred that 2nd base from my th13 ..so yeah ,, it's a shit base in my opinion
@LShaull-qw5umАй бұрын
lol bragging about ur daydream. Wasn’t a 3
@Rahul00671Ай бұрын
These bases are literally 🤡
@romanempire8339Ай бұрын
Realy eventroops be like are u kidding us itzu
@Sky-gt4fpАй бұрын
@@romanempire8339that’s why you don’t use while event is going on….. and no base can stop event troops
@captainb.mccrea5480Ай бұрын
What base do you use?
@Rahul00671Ай бұрын
@@captainb.mccrea5480 how can i show it here 💀?
@Bad3abdulАй бұрын
Get out You couldn't do better
@roachbag6969Ай бұрын
Vote Trump for th17 next month 🎉😅
@puff_l8392Ай бұрын
the first lalo player forgot to change his equipment to hog puppet 🫡 unlucky