Your videos have slowly gone from "the ones I'll occasionally watch if I'm really interested in the game" to must-watch content for me. I really appreciate your honest, thorough and thoughtful reviews. Keep up the great work!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Aww thanks! Glad I upgraded a step! :D
@FMD-FullMetalDragon5 жыл бұрын
I found that hype killed Wingspan for me. It was an average game at best. Thanks for a great video. Merry Xmas.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
It's not for everyone, but it worked out for me and friends alike even though I agree, hype didn't do it any favours.
@Jazaraca5 жыл бұрын
Wingspan is overated
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
@@Jazaraca For the hype, indeed. I still love the game but it's not going to sing with everyone.
@charleslatora57505 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple I found a copy of Wingspan at a Goodwill store. Haven't checked it yet. Very heavy box. $8.00 And just subscribed, too.
@Coffeemaker19785 жыл бұрын
Thank you Luke, another great list :) Merry Christmas
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Thanks! You too! 😀
@joelbergvonlinde13895 жыл бұрын
Great list. I agree with most of them, although some of them wouldn’t have made my list even though they are good or acceptable games. Stuff I think you missed: Hellboy Death May Die Res Arcana Claustrophobia 1643 (although I don’t know myself if that falls for the reprint criteria) Dinogenics The King’s Dilemma Combo Fighter Copenhagen Blitzkrieg New Frontiers Have a great christmas and new year, Luke!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I want to try Dinogenics, but haven't had the chance. I didn't latch on to Res like many others. Kings Dilemma is on my pile, I'm going to be playing that with a group of mates through the next few months. New Frontiers was fine but nothing special. Haven't played the others.
@wbeytel5 жыл бұрын
Great list Luke, I have added Pret-a-Porter and Atlantis Rising to my to-buy short list. See you again in 2020!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
@mkrool5 жыл бұрын
great list have a great xmas and a happy new year dude !!!!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
And you too! :-)
@arual88625 жыл бұрын
Thanks Luke, always a joy to watch your show. Merry Christmas to you and a happy new year! 🎆
@kirkbeiser5 жыл бұрын
Love the list. I haven't played many of them but they appear to be really good fits for my style of gaming. The Abyss small box (or tin) game looks really cool. As does Terramara. I hadn't heard of either of these yet. The only big one for me that was missing is PARKS because I LOVE that game. Absolutely fantastic with an incredibly high production level. Not that it needs to be on your list but it is a no doubter (with Wingspan) for my top list. My surprise for the year is Lovelace and Babbage. I enjoy it a lot but it has been a surprise hit with all of my students. They love it.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Parks was a bit of a disappointment for me - it's not bad, but I expected more than just Splendor with a trail. It also seemed to take twice as long to play especially with 4-5 players which I always end up in. Certainly can recommend both Abyss games and Terramara. Thanks for watching!
@toddkauk60995 жыл бұрын
Didn’t care for the Top 4 but thanks for the list. Hope you had a great Christmas.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
I did, but aww man NONE of the top 4? There's something for everyone in those 4!
@seanmorgan22575 жыл бұрын
Thank you Luke for this list, and all you have done in 2019 hope you and yours have a wonderful christmas (if you celebrate)
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
And you too! :-)
@Puzzu5 жыл бұрын
Nice list, always enjoy hearing your thoughts! Yea not much really blew my mind this year either and I’m certainly not really with the cult of the new. You have me definitely curious about Terramara though, it was under my radar till now, thanks and happy holidays!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
You too! Hopefully you'll be able to check out Terramara at some stage.
@boardgamefangirl5 жыл бұрын
I backed the Kickstarter for On the Underground. Glad to hear it's in this Top 10--some content creators on the Dice T. absolutely thought this was the worst game they played in a long time (heard that on their podcast). Glad not everyone thinks so!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Worst game?!?! Wow I can think of plenty bad games this year!
@boardgamefangirl5 жыл бұрын
I believe they said you spent 10 seconds on your turn and then you spent 45 minutes doing Complicated math problems. And that the game was miserable.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
@@boardgamefangirl Sounds more like Barrage.....
@sarahjoylagunzad61595 жыл бұрын
Love Pret a porter! Played an awesome 4player game and converted 3 of my friends to this heavy economic game. They were actually really into the theme! Great list as always! Definitely agree with you 2019 was the year of the reprint.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's a little worrying when reprints do better for me than new releases - old designs are still great, they just need an update.
@elijahfuller96935 жыл бұрын
It's interesting you found that this year wasn't a strong year, but when I thought about it there wasn't many games I could say I loved that came out this year. I liked Wingspan, but couldn't say I loved it. We really liked Black Angel. On Mars literally just got to me from KS so I doubt you can even have a real opinion on it, will you count that one as a 2020 release or did it not have a shot at your top 10 any how? I really wanted to get Pret Porter but my wife didn't like the theme, so we passed on it. The other games on your list we havent played. Great video, a couple of the games on that list I will have to check out sometime. Have a great Christmas
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
I barely got to try Black Angel, but I'd like to delve in more. On Mars has only barely arrived for certain markets now and certainly we in the UK don't have it yet so I'm more considering On Mars for 2020 or maybe it could feature on the Retrospective 2019 list if it does well (fingers crossed as I backed it). Have a good Xmas too!
@elijahfuller96935 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple oh that's right EU is still waiting for it, I hope it comes soon and you like the game. One thing I would consider is cutting out the resources token tray, for some reason it is molded together with the larger tray.
@brianwilson66345 жыл бұрын
Some of the best games out there are the older ones who have stood the test of time and are popular enough to warrant a second printing or new coat of paint from the publisher.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Exactly - Cult of the New needs to tone down a bit!
@Physiology-E-Paathshala4 жыл бұрын
Hey buddy can u do top 10/20 games of all time.. would really like to see what all titles get lucky.....
@TheBrokenMeeple4 жыл бұрын
I do A Top 100 every year which you can check out. I'll be renewing that in a month's time.
@Physiology-E-Paathshala4 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple actually I want to see a top 20 of all games you have liked till date...Not for every year
@TheBrokenMeeple4 жыл бұрын
@@Physiology-E-Paathshala No that's what it is, a Top 100 of all time not just the year.
@Physiology-E-Paathshala4 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple ok..I suggest you can also make videos on some interesting trivia and tidbits related to some widely popular games. These kind of videos could be exclusive to your channel as I am yet to find this kind of stuff anywhere else on KZbin...
@MarioPBCSa5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great video Luke. I think I’ll get Wingspan after playing my Xmas gifts games for a while! Not into LGC games (not played one yet though). Lee up the great work! Your sound was good in this one! :p Cheers!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Thanks! The sound is generally I think better in the wide angle videos because the shotgun mic is literally in front of my face. Whereas the reviews have to be done with the shotgun mic on the other side of the table. I have to admit, I said I was going to do both viewpoints for videos, but I'm starting to wonder if I should do wide angle and stick with that. . . . .
@MarioPBCSa5 жыл бұрын
The Broken Meeple Yes, I realise now that the problem was the distance for the mic and we can hear a eco. Maybe the wide view is better then. Either way I’ve been enjoying the videos.
@charleslatora57505 жыл бұрын
Is Atlantis Rising actually out? N not still Kickstarter?
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Don't think it's out yet, but the fulfillment happened I think.
@charleslatora57505 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple thanks. This an the Wingspan Europe expansion are on my want list for this year. Did you ever check out the game Stworze? Been on my list, but mainly have been picking up OLD Avalon Hill games since getting back into gaming 2 yrs ago.
@paulwhittingham6915 жыл бұрын
Error at 58 said ‘Top’ instead of ‘Taap’ 😋. In all seriousness, thanks for all your superb content through 2019, and have a very Merry Christmas!
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
And you too! :-)
@fmoros5 жыл бұрын
Merry Xmas and all the best for 2020. Happy games.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
And you too! :-)
@shanerion5 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised at the games that didn’t make the list, because some of what will probably be the consensus great games of the year didn’t even get an honorable mention (at least that I noticed). Surprised by the absence of Maracaibo, barrage, pipeline, crystal palace, and the other critically acclaimed heavy euros of the year. It was probably the best year for heavy euros... ever?
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Maracaido per my review was a 7/10. I like it and have kept it, but it wouldn't make a Top 10, probably high teens at best. Not played Crystal Palace but it is on my shame pile with the intent to play in January so who know, maybe next year in the 2019 Retrospective list you'll see it appear? Barrage and Pipeline however, yeah I really didn't enjoy those games! For an economic game, I stuck with Pret A Porter after Pipeline bait and switched me with the tile laying mechanic that was like 10 minutes of a 3 hour game. And I couldn't find a good thing to say about Barrage. There were some great Euro's, but I think the year did better for mid-weight then it did heavy.
@FarkyJ5 жыл бұрын
ok subbed i like your honesty. like every year i found myself watching some boardgaming top 10s. and i agree that this year was kinda meh. a lot of reviews have this titles on their list so whats your opinion on them?if you played them jaws,res arcana,rurik,taverns of tiefenthall these sound interesting for me i would like the kings dilemma also.but i dont have such a dedicated group to play legacy games.thx
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Res was ok, but nothing great for me. Want to try Taverns but haven't seen a copy. Didn't like Jaws. Kings Dilemma is to be played with some friends of mine but it will be a while before i get to review that one.
@vincentvanbeelen8375 жыл бұрын
From your top 10 of 2019, I've acquired this year #1, #3, #4, #5 and #6.
@HekylHyde5 жыл бұрын
Solid list, but I am surprised Clank! Legacy didn't hit your list. Maybe it's not your style of game. Easily my number 1 of the year. Just an amazing experience.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
I just haven't played it that's all. I wasn't a big lover of original Clank though, I like deck building, but not so much the moving around the map part and I felt the dragon was so ineffectual at actually being a threat. But I would try the legacy version as I enjoy other ones.
@sairam715 жыл бұрын
Do lotr journeys quests feel epic/exciting?
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Exciting - yes, you're down to the wire at times, relentless enemies and a great sound track to boot. Epic - not as such, this could be considered LOTR: Short Stories or like a LOTR TV series would pan out.
@sairam715 жыл бұрын
Ok Thank You! I was considering it for a while then didn’t after rhados review who I thought would reaaaaly like it. I’ll find a cheap used copy and try it out and decide myself. Thank You! For the list!
@raymyers7005 жыл бұрын
Good list. I think as more and more games come out: these lists will be worth their weight in gold. I can't keep up with all the crap they are throwing at us now.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Tell me about it! :P
@raymyers7005 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple Well...if it keeps up, it will only help content creators focus on different stuff, so they can't be accused of 'all talking about the same games'.
@mkietzmann5 жыл бұрын
Not much for me on the list this year. I might get Terramara, though. Happy holidays!
@johnathanrhoades77515 жыл бұрын
Tainted Grail has a few flaws definitely, but I'm loving the story and theme. Also, it's crazy that we're in a time where a "bad" year is a year that *only* has 20 games in consideration for the top ten.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
The industry has exploded certainly. But when you release thousands of games a year and are only picking from 20 and even then it easily shortens down to 12, that's a bad ratio.
@kenrickfearn14485 жыл бұрын
Are those shelves from Ikea ?
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Good old Kallax shelving! 👍
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
So far, 5 voters that are mad that Pipeline and Barrage didn't come close to the list! :P
@sairam715 жыл бұрын
Both overhyped and bad games.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
And now 43 people who can't accept other people's opinions. A moment of silence for closed minded individuals everywhere.
@raymanunleshed5 жыл бұрын
Lord of the rings is a fantastic pick. I love Marvel Champions too. Other than those, Pax Pamir2e, the Dune reprint, and Skulk Hollow are some of my favorites of the year
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Want to try the Dune reprint.
@Mepper.5 жыл бұрын
I like the new Ancient World. I'm hoping Red Raven Games will re-do Iron City sooner rather than later. They already said they wouldn't look at it for at least 2 more years.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Yeah they got other projects to worry about and Iron City, didn't that already get a 2nd edition a long while back?
@Mepper.5 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple They came out with a 2nd edition in 2016 which almost immediately went out-of-print. To buy it today in the U.S. would cost about $130. Ryan is a good businessman and probably judges that there isn't enough demand to do a reprint, but that doesn't help me get a copy. :)
@mydemon4 жыл бұрын
I like your style and I subscribed. However, I get irritated when reviewers speak about a game for 30 seconds or a minute before saying the name of the game. I wonder why reviewers do that? Casenin point: Lord of the rings. 37:10: "This game..." 38:10: " the Lords of the Rings"... Finally! Reviewers have to realize we have NO IDEA what we're talking about before the name is given. So any info given (DLCs, anything at all really) before the name of the game is basically lost in the ether.
@TheBrokenMeeple4 жыл бұрын
It varies from person to person. Some people like the build up and guessing, others don't. Six of one, half dozen of the other.
@windyhillbomber5 жыл бұрын
As a Euro fan, 2019 was a rip snorter. Maracaibo, Cooper Island, Crystal Palace, The Magnificent, Trismegistus, Paladins of the West, Marco Polo II....
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Crystal is on the pile. The first two weren't Top 10 worthy but could make the high teens. Magnificent was only about average for me. Paladins was fine, but that's probably more in my 20's. Tris is also on the pile but given how overly complex it is to learn/teach with the rulebook etck it's going to be a slog. And I wouldn't likely touch Marco as I hated the original.
@windyhillbomber5 жыл бұрын
The Broken Meeple I think MP2 may be a better game from what I have seen although the die hard fans of MP1 seem to think it has lost the excruciating tightness of the original. Congrats on a solid year too Luke. Like many others, fully appreciate your honest and candid approach to the subject matter.
@LookAtTheBacon5 жыл бұрын
Disliked Maracaibo, not every game needs a campaign mode and needs to be bloated with mechanisms of all prior games. Disliked Crystal Palace, how that artwork got greenlit is beyond me. It's so boring, muted and old-fashioned, while also being overly cluttered with different colours and sections. Just take a long, hard and honest look at these playerboards...yuck. The Magnificent was decent but not great. Trismegistus was good, definitely, but no top 10 material. With Paladins I agree, it's amazing and easily Shems best so far. Haven't played Cooper Island but dying to so so, as I love Ode. He's simply amazing and Solarius Mission was my jam. Marco Polo 2 I likely will not touch, because I own and adore 1, and I don't need basically the same game twice.
@LookAtTheBacon5 жыл бұрын
Glad you had a good year though David.
@Shot0075 жыл бұрын
Good List. Marvel Champions for me!
@readilium34325 жыл бұрын
You're the man.
@Jazaraca5 жыл бұрын
You forgot Nemesis
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Nemesis is a 7 for me. It's fine but just so long to play and some elements like researching are never worth doing.
@nuuqbgg5 жыл бұрын
You know that Concordia didn't come out this year? I understand you like it so much that it have to be on every list, but, dude... Let it go. It's good, not THAT good.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
We totally synced up for a moment there on those last 3 words! :D
@nuuqbgg5 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple sure. Your love for Concordia need to sink a bit.
@LukeVenables5 жыл бұрын
Ah man... So dismissive of Pipeline. I love that game. It's one of my absolute favourites. Kind of felt bad to see your reaction to it. ☹️
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
We can all like different games. 😉👍
@LukeVenables5 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple Oh of course. It was just the way you said it... Twice. Ouch.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
He he, well tell it how it is! 😄
@GlenHallstrom5 жыл бұрын
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Not even seen a copy in the UK much less played it.
@GlenHallstrom5 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple Fair enough. I assumed it had a release over there. Here's the US link:
@Vascariz5 жыл бұрын
Tainted Grail
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Didn't make my Top 10, but with recent plays, it definitely wouldn't now - it's got some problems which in a future January review I'll touch upon.
@christofferthormannjensen33715 жыл бұрын
I've loved 2019. These are some of the games I've enjoyed the most: Wingspan Paladins of the West Kingdom Cartographers Res Arcana Tiny Towns Parks Quacks of Quedlinburg Empires of the North I'll be trying In The Hall of the Mountain King and Glen More 2 soon, I hope they'll be great as well.
@Layzdev5 жыл бұрын
Quacks is a 2018 game, but I agree with all other on your list
@christofferthormannjensen33715 жыл бұрын
@@Layzdev Oh yeah, guess you're right. I just thought of it as a 2019 game because I've seen it on some KZbin 2019 lists, probably because it released in the US this year?
@chuckm19615 жыл бұрын
Hype is a problem? Really? Here's some wisdom (with a bow to Monty Python) that solves the "problem" instantly .... "I am unique. I am an individual. I will make my own decisions about which games I like and don't like. Based on facts, like my own experience of the game or watching or reading reviews." Giving even the slightest shit about 'hype' is a choice. I don't give a shit about the hype around a game. It's really easy to do.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Tell that to the other tens of thousands of gamers who succumb to it. You can't ignore it plays a big part.
@EclecticCamel5 жыл бұрын
Dude, I appreciate your content, so please take this as constructive, but 50 minutes for a top 10 of the year is probably twice as long as it needs to be.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
25 min for an intro, musicals, 10 games + patreon/honorable mentions + goodbye would be seriously squeezing it like crazy. I honestly don't mind long Top 10's when I see. People hate on DT doing 1 hour plus videos, I'm like "hey, I get to enjoy this list for longer, go for it" - I'm trying to shorten bits when I can though.
@eugenb.84485 жыл бұрын
The Broken Meeple I love the length. More informative than most with multiple hosts that last the same length. I vote to keep it as is.
@TheCapn235 жыл бұрын
Just give me timestamps for each game
@mikesands46815 жыл бұрын
First. Thanks for games
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being so prompt! :D
@Nain19825 жыл бұрын
Meh 🤗
@greginfla_15 жыл бұрын
2019 was not very impressive ...
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Not at all really - some great games but for the amount released, man it suffered. The industry in general is suffering from bloat.
@sapoundjiev5 жыл бұрын
Average list at best. No Barrage? Bad.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Yuck! Barrage would be on a different list for the list and it ain't a good one! Bad components, bad artwork, too long, too mean, unintuitive rules, you can win the game without even caring about generating electricity. I really don't get the love for it. Also a list is only bad because you don't like the games on it. 😉😏
@sapoundjiev5 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple i dont know about kickstarter but retail components are great. Art is just amazing from the cover to the board. Ofc its long its a heavy euro. Too mean? No it just present opportunities. Rules are pretty clear. Oh please enlighten me how would you win without making electricity in a game about making electricity? You build only conduits and rely on others to pay you for them? Wth dude have you even played the game.
@TheBrokenMeeple5 жыл бұрын
Won my first game as Germans literally only generating enough electricity to not lose negative points and I just built everything on my board. With everyone else going at each other, my constant VP income from early game got a very tight win. Retail components are usually worse than KS so to have a switch seems odd. But those weird "meeple" things didn't look like what they were meant to be, that annoying wheel was flimsy and stuff kept sliding underneath the spindles driving me to frustration. The art is so dull, it's dull colours and muted everywhere, nothing looks interesting on the board and you've got those chinsy water droplets as well. Not every heavy Euro has to be 3 hours plus and even so some games are too long for what they are - this could have been a 2 hour game tops with 4 players and I think probably improved with a little streamlining. And yes it's too mean - oh you've built that there, well I'm going to build this, HA hope you enjoyed all that time you wasted! I can at least see why some would like Pipeline even though that was boring, but this I just don't get the love.
@wbeytel5 жыл бұрын
@@TheBrokenMeeple I agree Luke, my Barrage Deluxe Kickstarter edition is one of my biggest Kickstarter disappointments thus far. I first joined Kickstarter back in 2011 and have subsequently pledged for almost 200 board games since then. For Barrage to be one of my worst campaigns means that Cranio Creations really bodged this badly. Firstly, my game arrived badly damaged and two of my wheels are completely unusable. Secondly, I didn't receive all of my deluxe components I was literally promised and paid for. Lastly, I still haven't received my Leeghwater Project expansion and I have almost given up hope on ever receiving it. I will never support Cranio Creations again. They are a terrible company and I will remind people of this whenever I can.