A Third of Mankind will perish | Revelation 8 | Revelation 9 | Lesson 19

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Torah Class

Torah Class

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Revelation 8 and Revelation 9, an in-depth explanation from a Biblical Perspective by Tom Bradford.
This episode unveils how God's wrath will affect the earth supernaturally. Darkness and death will abound throughout the earth, as the trumpet judgements make their appearance. Tom will also be making paramount connections between Revelation and the Book of Joel, which will help you picture the events to come.
Join us in this Bible Study about Revelation 8 and 9.

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@tammys2523 6 ай бұрын
What do you mean by rapture. There is no rapture it's not in the Bible. Please explain. Thank you
@lauriehowell4765 6 ай бұрын
I wonder what you're going to say when we're still here when all these things take place. I wish that you would realize that's just a man-made doctrine and not truth and prepare people to stay strong in their face when these terrible things take place. It's going to be soon and most are not ready because they're believing they're going to be whisked away in the sky.
@sergeshmash2171 6 ай бұрын
Well, yes there is. The word rapture in English is from the Latin word rapturo which, in the Vulgate, is the word used to translate the Greek word harpazo. In English Bibles this word harpazo is translated as snatched away or caught up. In 1 Thes 4:16b-17 we read 'And so the dead in Christ will rise first. 17#Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up (harpazo, or the Latin cognate of rapturo or 'raptured') together with them u in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air'
@sergeshmash2171 6 ай бұрын
Personally, I believe this will happen immediately before God's wrath ie not a pre-trib rapture which indeed cannot be found in the Bible unless one presupposes it and then eisegetes passages to fit...in other words, no 2 comings of Christ. I do disagree with this teacher however, in that, as all of Pharaohs army were eliminated, there will be no more people saved during God's wrath...there will be no 'tribulation saints' (but hey, I could be wrong).
@forkingkingdom1416 6 ай бұрын
@@lauriehowell4765 Yep
@forkingkingdom1416 6 ай бұрын
He's just a man taking advantage of KZbins monetary pay out program by making a video every 3 days filled with his own private interpretations and speculations
@sisterbecky411 6 ай бұрын
Talk about man made doctrines, How is it that this Pastor teaches the false doctrine of a pretrib rapture that will cause many to fall away because have believed this lie!! Jesus is very clear that the resurrection is on the last day ( of this world as we know it, John 6:40) Paul is very clear that no one will rise to meet the Lord before the dead in Christ rise first( 1Thess.4:15-17) Paul is just as clear that the resurrection doesn’t happen until AFTER the rule of the Antichrist (2Thess. 2:1-9) May God open the eyes and understanding of this teacher lest he be held accountable for many who will fall away because they are waiting to be “raptured” before the tribulation which is soon to begin.
@mattalan5025 6 ай бұрын
I think he said this teaching is from 2018. I blv he has a diff. View today. 2024
@michaelart4878 6 ай бұрын
ever have dreams of flying?
@hermanehrentraut4956 6 ай бұрын
Shalom, while this pastor does teach/perpetuate many false teachings that will lead those who do not test him to continue to believe the great delusion and even losing their salvation, the pre-trib rapture is not one he teaches in fact he rebukes it, he teaches a mid-trib rapture.
@tomashernandez5640 6 ай бұрын
​@hermanehrentraut4956 - the term tribulation was invented by John Darby by 1887 along with his out-of-prophecy pre "tribulation" doctrine. This doctrine is followed and teached in almost all of the modern Constantine Church.
@tammys2523 6 ай бұрын
​@@tomashernandez5640yes he did
@hermanehrentraut4956 6 ай бұрын
Shabbat Shalom, as Easter is a false teaching, so is futurism eschatology which was created by a Jesuit Priest Francisco Ribera in the 16th Century the writing is called "In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Evangelistiae Apocalypsin Commentarij" In it he wrote the first few chapters of Revelation refers to ancient Rome, but the rest of Revelations refers to a literal 3.5 years, he gets to this by taking the 1,260 days/42 months as literal days not as 1,260 prophetic years as is found in the OT. He not only changed how to understand prophetic time but he said the Roman Catholic Church would fall into great apostasy. The antichrist would be a single individual who would persecute and blaspheme the saints of God, rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, abolish the Christian religion, destroy Rome, be received by the Jews, pretend to be God, kill the two literal witnesses of God, conquer the world this would all happen 3/5 years before the second coming. He made no teaching in regards to a pre-trib rapture, that part would be later blended with Ribera's teachings by protestants. Then later the pre-trib rapture would develop other teachings mid-trib rapture and post trib rapture. Also since Ribera's original teaching protestants (defined as non-catholics) have kept some parts while rejecting other parts and replacing parts with their own such as "mark of the beast" is an rfid chip, micro-chip, bar code, not literal, etc in doing so completely overlooking that once a year Christians receive a mark on their forehead or right hand and have for centuries and when explored further find out around this same time is a miracle of calling fire from heaven both events happen during the Easter season. The strange thing is most of his teaching is actually correct but the events he described had already happened. The ecclesia fell into great apostasy, Christ of the apostles was replaced by the Christ of the false apostles, persecution of NT saints by Nicene Christians, Nicene Christianity abolished the followers of the gospel Christ as well as Christ's teachings, Nicene Christianity denies the flesh of Christ as he established in the passover which was kept in the home, Nicene Christianity has given itself attributes exclusive to YHWH. This was done and is accepted even today because people read the Bible and see the apostles speaking positively about the church but that is only because translators replaced ecclesia with church, so when the apostles speak of future apostasy it has to come from the church not from the ecclesia which it already did.
@sweetbean9218 6 ай бұрын
If the vocano under yellow stone errupts, it could put enough debris in the air that it would have much darkness. The ash falling in the sea could choke off oxygen to the water. Darkness would cause issues with crops. Ash in clear wstrr lakes could make it poisonous.
@hermanehrentraut4956 6 ай бұрын
Rev 6 does show God's wrath on the earth, the problem is in John's time the earth did not refer to the whole planet and would not for over a thousand years, it meant land and while land could mean the whole planet when interpreted this way only shows confusion and relies on superstitions instead of truth. Rev 7 is a pause between two events those in Rev 6 and Rev 8, it also serves to set up the when, where, and why of the trumpet judgments 1-4. Rev 8 is the judgment on the land not the planet and with other information provided it shows the judgment is on the eastern part of the Roman empire, specifically the city of Antioch in 115 AD. The first four trumpets are tied to an earthquake. Trumpet 1 it should not be hail but chasm from when the earth cracks open, mingled with blood should be bloodshed, trees and grass burnt up is the result of fires from earthquake. All does not mean every sing one but means all kinds of or every manner of. Trumpet 2 "as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea" is not a literal statement but is a metaphor because it says "as it were" a tsunami is an event associated with an earthquake that looks like someone threw a mountain into the sea, tsunamis kill sea life as well as destroy ships. Trumpet 3 "a star fell from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, now in John's time star was defined as any object in the sky except the sun and the moon, only later would humans refer to the sun as a star as well as re categorizing other celestial objects. However John says that this is a great star which does not mean a single giant star which if one ever got close to Earth would destroy the entire star system, but it refers to a constellation, but which constellation John says its name is wormword which is reference to the book of Ruth and the name Mara, and the constellation with that name is known as Al Mara or by its Greek name Andromeda, the water being made bitter that men die is not because of the constellation but is water contamination resulting from the tsunami. Rising and falling are in reference to ascension and declination of celestial objects on the horizon. Trumpet 4 These events affect the atmosphere to such a degree they block out the sun, moon, and stars. 1/3 in Greek is Triton referring to the Roman god is also the origin of the Roman Triad - three gods: god of land, god of sea, and god of sky which would be adopted by Nicene Christians forming the trinity doctrine. these judgments target Roman gods as the ten plagues targeted Egyptian gods. The rapture of the faithful has a major problem . the so called "faithful" are following the antichrist/another gospel/another version of Christ not the one preached by the apostles.replacement Christ by the ministers of Satan as far back as the 4th Century AD with the 7 Ecumenical councils begininning with the first council of Nicea and the edict of Thessalonika in 380 AD and it is their Christ that over 2 billion Christians today still worship and most identify as being Jesus Christ. The term "eagle" in the CJB is not found in the Greek manuscripts but aggelos is. G32 ἄγγελος aggelos ang’-el-os From ἀγγέλλω aggellō (probably derived from G71; compare G34; to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an “angel”; by implication a pastor: - angel, messenger. Sadly most people think angels are human like beings with wings except those are not angels but are demons or Greek Nikes, angels as seen only means messenger and can be a celestial object (star of Bethlehem), animal (donkey of Balaam), bush (burning bush) as well as a celestial being. Woe, woe, woe is one part of a time conversion value. Rev 9 star falling from heaven onto earth refers to a meteorite which happened in 312 AD first army is real refers to what historians would latter call the byzantine empire, but those alive at the time just saw themselves as Romans. angel of bottomless pit is not literal but in the Greek is abussos or abyss and is a reference to Apollo locusts reference to Apollo as he is god of locusts tormented 5 months is persecution for 150 years the fact is mentioned twice means two 150 years of persecution for a total of 300 years, remember days, weeks, months in prophecy are years, Daniel's 70 weeks is 490 years and their are 30 days in a Hebrew month 30x5=150 150x2=300 "shall seek death" means shall worship death, shall desire to die refers to criminalization of suicide this army is cavalry based appearing like locusts refers to their armor. hair of women reference to Apollo as well as regis crinti (long haired kings) teeth of lions refers to battle face plates breastplates made of iron refers to lorica segmentata sound of wings running into battle refers to the sound barded horses made charging into battle also their armor the way it was on the horse appeared as feathers. tails like scorpions is reference to the roman weapon of john's day called the scorpion that around the time the Bible was being translated into common language was given a new name crossbow. in case you missed all the references to Apollo, John gives the name of Apollyon as being their king, Christ which in John's time was another way Greeks called Apollo, but because of Jerome deliberately editing Rev 9:11 changed the name of their king as not being Apollo and were not even come from within the Roman empire which also meant would not come from the church and despite his translation error being corrected in later Bibles the teaching that came from it did not change. Rev 6:15-17 refers to the judgment on the western Roman empire for their involvement in destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish people, this judgment took place in 79 AD and was the eruption of the volcano mount Vesuvius, during which time people in an attempt to escape did try to hide in the caves.
@rickdavies4801 6 ай бұрын
Please read all of lsaiah not just lsaiah 53 thank you
@johetheridge5319 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like a swarm of drones equipped with weapons
@kurakuson 6 ай бұрын
Possibly, but will a drone be able to differentiate those who have the "seal of God" from those who don't, as depicted in Rev 9?
@dubyredburndarling6334 6 ай бұрын
​@@kurakusonI'm sure that it will recognize those with the mark of Satan and kill anything else that breathes.
@lonecar144 Ай бұрын
Ask God for discernment, the verse uses "THE" a difinite article as with all "third part" statements in chapts. 8 & 9. 18 By these three was "THE" third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. Rev 9:18 (KJV) Amen
@residue-er5dooo 6 ай бұрын
*Until someone has learned about the supernatural changes that the Antichrist has made in our bibles in the last few years, they will never be able to understand bible prophecy correctly because many end time prophecies have already happened that we had previously misinterpreted. Amos **8:11** and Daniel 7:25 are the keys to understanding all the rest.* *I started noticing changes in my bible that I had been reading and memorizing scripture out of since 1961 in 2014 which was a couple years before I got my first computer. Since 2016 I've seen hundreds of videos by other brothers and sisters who had searched for and found proof of what the KJV said before which also matched what I remember.* *In Amos **8:11** God said that He was going to send a famine, not of food or water, but of hearing His words. In Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 God told Daniel to "seal" his book until the last days. And in Revelation 22:10 He told John **_not_** to seal his book because the time is at hand. "Seal" is defined as "protect from Satan" in Strong's as one of the Greek definitions. In Daniel 7:25 God said that the Antichrist would "think to change **_times and laws"_** (which turned out to mean history and scripture along with laws of physics) and it goes on to say that God would give him the power to do so for a while. This is what the "lying signs and wonders" of 2nd Thessalonians 2 was talking about! As hard as it is for most Christians to believe, the **_proven fact is,_** all bibles have been **_supernaturally_** changed right in our homes and there are now **_thousands_** of scripture changes in every bible on earth!!!* *God commanded us to "prove all things" and I have provided **_lots_** of undeniable proof for true followers of Jesus Christ in my playlist which can be found by typing in 👉(PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE 1)* 👈 *After seeing all the prophecies pointed out in these films being supernaturally fulfilled with your own eyed and some of the shock wears off, you wil realize that your faith is 1,000% stronger and you have grown **_MUCH_** closer to Jesus the never changing Word of God ... **_GUARANTEED!!!!!!!_* *God bless you all!!!* ❤✝️💪
@terraloft 6 ай бұрын
Amos 8:11 High on my watchlist also... Destroying the Word ever the scheme..
@timothycristian9490 6 ай бұрын
More info please. Do you have a blog or website?
@donnalee7322 6 ай бұрын
CERN is responsible for all the changes. It’s all part of the Mandela Effect. Scriptures have been changed and omitted supernaturally by CERN. May Yeshua come soon. Yah Bless 🙏😇
@lloydmunga4961 6 ай бұрын
Are you sure you're not just referencing different translations into English? No offense, but your claims sound ..... Strange to say the least. I find it highly doubtful that all the scrolls found in the Middle East ( at least 5000 ) would also be changed. There are so many new translations that have bastardized scripture as to make a whole new different Bible altogether . It sounds like maybe you need to step back for a more objective view .... Any topic of the bible is important, but you don't want to lose your mind over it , as you need it for discernment between falsehoods and truth
@jimmywhite3110 6 ай бұрын
I really like the way you explain this, but I'm a little surprised you believe in a pre-trib rapture. There are only 2 resurrections according to the Book of Revelations. One includes tribulation saints and the other is after the 1000 year kingdom. If you claim there are more, you're simply making stuff up. God bless. We are still family and that is what matters.
@susanpogue9093 6 ай бұрын
Such insightful teachings. My husband and I are really enjoying this series. A lot to think about and study
@dawnemile7499 2 ай бұрын
Volcanoes erupting would dim the light sun and the moon.
@krustysurfer Ай бұрын
Sound theology, thank you.
@dawnemile7499 16 күн бұрын
What rapture? Prove it.
@johetheridge5319 6 ай бұрын
The lord can control Anything.
@appliedcommonsense4735 6 ай бұрын
I think the eagle in prophecy is often God’s word, so maybe it’s warning people who are ‘believers’ but committing the worst sin, worshipping Mary above God.
@blisstickmystic 6 ай бұрын
What could dim the light may also insulate like a blanket to prevent the heat from escaping
@chris_schenkel 6 ай бұрын
Thumpity thump.
@itscommonsense3128 6 ай бұрын
@sonofyahweh8 6 ай бұрын
The Passover lamb died to give the people including heathen protection from the death Angel. The death angel passed over their houses. The Passover Lamb died at evening. The Passover lamb had nothing to do with sins or sinners. The blood of the Passover lamb will save NO ONE. Protection from the death angel ONLY. The death angel came upon the first generation in Egypt. The death angel is coming AGAIN on the last generation. Rev 6: 8. Yahweh does everything twice. We are saved by the blood of Yahweh's GOAT. Lev 16: 7- 22. Yahweh's GOAT died at 3pm. Our Brother Yahshua died at 3pm. Yahweh's goat died for the forgiveness of the unintentional sins of the righteous. Lev 4: 2, 13, 22, 27. Yahweh's GOAT died so the heavenly Sanctuary will be cleansed from the unintentional sins of the Righteous on Judgement day. Dan 8: 14. The blood of lambs and goats cannot save anyone. The blood of our Brother Yahshua will save NO ONE. Salvation is a free GIFT to the Righteous. 1Peter 4: 18. Nothing can be added to a GIFT from Yahweh. Yahweh's GOAT Our Brother Yahshua died so the heavenly Sanctuary will be cleansed from the unintentional sins of the Righteous on Judgement day. Dan 8: 14. Our Brother Yahshua was 100% human. Heb 2: 14- 18. Human sacrifice is forbidden in the inspired scripture. Our Brother Yahshua was not sacrificed but murdered. The creator Yahweh sent His literal genetic SON Yahshua to show Yahweh's born again Saints to way back to Yahweh so Yahweh can save them from the second death on judgement day. Rev 20: 14- 15. There is no salvation in our Brother Yahshua. Salvation is a FREE GIFT from Yahweh ALONE. 1Tim 1: 1. I say again: "Our Brother Yahshua is the WAY to salvation from the creator Yahweh Alone. BEWARE of all Christian pastors and priests they LIE about the WAY to receive salvation. Not one soul from creation to this very day has salvation YET.. Hebrews chapter 11 says that those who died in faith not having received Yahweh's promises will receive Yahweh's promise of salvation altogether on Judgement day. Rev 20: 7- 15. John 6: 39, 40, 44. tells us about the resurrection on the last day of this corruptible creation. ALL who have died from Adam and Eves sons and daughters will be raised from the dead on the last day of this corruptible creation. It is all written.
@tomashernandez5640 6 ай бұрын
The 7 Solemn Feats (Passover, Unleavened Bread, Premises, Pentecost, Trompets, Yom Kippur or Atonements, and Succot or Tabernacles) are the backbone of the WHOLE Bible. Understanding of these Feasts tells the exact God's plan of salvation for mankind and its timing. "No one knows the day or the hour but the Father " is very valid, but we can know the week and the month by knowing how the Feasts work.
@stefanhall3219 6 ай бұрын
First Corinthians 15: 51,52 the Apostle Paul writes that both the Resurrection and Rapture occurs at the Last Trumpet.
@johetheridge5319 6 ай бұрын
Helicopters with men repelling and tiny rocket launchers.😊
@sujamanasbadger5308 6 ай бұрын
I think these things are going to be drones in the future that are being mass produced to be the destroyer 😁
@sonofyahweh8 6 ай бұрын
THE MAN was created on day 6 of creation. Adam and Eve were not MADE until 12 years later. It took 12 years for Yahweh and His Son Yahshua to bring THE MAN to puberty. Then Yahweh said:" It is not good that THE MAN should be alone, I will MAKE him a helper. " He laid down THE MAN and removed the female chromosomes from THE MAN and MADE the woman. Eve. This left the man on the ground with only male chromosomes. Adam. Perfect inspired scripture with perfect science. Every father and mother are living Genesis chapters 2 and 3 in their children today. This can be clearly shown in male babies today. It takes 12 years to bring a male child to puberty. At puberty the male child changes from the image of Yahweh to half the image of Yahweh. . His testicles drop down and he is ready to reproduce. His voice changes and he grows a beard. So it is written.
@alexmansman 6 ай бұрын
Where is this teaching from? This seems like quite a stretch
@jeanalice4732 6 ай бұрын
Probably a Rabbi
@sonofyahweh8 6 ай бұрын
Yahweh saves born again Grafted Israel ALONE. No Jew or Christian or gentile has ever been saved and no Jew, Christian or gentile will ever be saved. Romans chapter 11 is Yahweh's ONLY WAY to salvation.. So it is written. After Solomon died his two sons both wanted to be King So they divided the tribes of Israel in two. 10 and a half tribes went north and became the kingdom of Israel. 2 and a half tribes stayed in Jerusalem and became the Kingdom of Judah. These are the two sticks in Eze. 37. 700 BC Isaiah told the kingdom of Israel to come BACK to Yahweh or they would be cast around the world. They disobeyed and Yahweh cast the 10 tribes of Israel around the world. This was Yahweh's plan from the foundation of the world. Yahweh cast the kingdom of Israel around the earth to literally mix the blood of Abraham throughout the nations. Abraham was told he would be a Father of MANY nations. Jeremiah told the Kingdom of Judah to turn back to Yahweh or they would be taken to Babylon. They disobeyed and in 600 BC the Kingdom of Judah was taken to Babylon. Yahweh said that at the time of the end He would JOIN the two sticks together again. VERY soon Yahweh will empty His LAND of the Jews, Christians and Muslims and then call His chosen ones home to their LAND. Luke 21: 20- 24. Yahweh's chosen ones are those who have the literal blood of Abraham in them. Israel in the flesh. The saved from Abraham to the second coming have the literal blood of Abraham in them. TODAY Yahweh's chosen Israel are spread around the earth and they do NOT know WHO they are. VERY soon Yahweh will call His chosen ones who walk in the flesh home to their LAND so He can fulfil the scripture. ONLY those who have the blood of Abraham in them AND born of Yahweh will be saved. Rom. 11 explains Yahweh's ONLY WAY to salvation. ONLY Yahweh's born again GRAFTED Israel will be saved. NOT ONE Jew, Christian or gentile has ever been saved and NOT ONE Jew , Christian or gentile will be saved. ALL must be born again and GRAFTED into Yahweh's Israel. Rom. 11. At the time of the end Yahweh will join together His two sticks. Eze. 37: 16. The scripture says that Abraham is the Father of the RIGHTEOUS: LITERALLY through his blood. The blood of Yahshua will save NO ONE. Born of Yahweh. Yahweh's Literal genetic SON Yahshua died so the door to salvation could be opened to the lost children of Israel. Yahshua said :" I AM the door." The DOOR is the DOOR to Yahweh's Sanctuary. Exo. 25: 8. In the flesh. Yahweh says in the scripture:" HIS WAY is in His Heavenly Sanctuary." The earthly Sanctuary was a shadow of things to come. The blood of the Passover Lamb will save NO ONE. The Passover Lamb died to give the people protection from the death angel. Exodus. Yahweh's GOAT died for the forgiveness of sins to Yahweh's born again Israel. Lev. 16: 7- 22. Yahweh's GOAT died so the Sanctuary WILL be cleansed from the unintentional sins of Yahweh's Israel just before the second coming. Dan. 8: 14. Yahweh's Sacrifice died for the unintentional sins of the RIGHTEOUS. Lev. 4: 2, 13, 22, 27. Numb. 15: 27- 31. Yahweh's GOAT was the ONLY Sacrifice in the scripture where NO sin was confessed on it. A sinless GOAT. Yahweh's Sacrifice Yahshua died at 3PM . Yahweh's GOAT died at 3PM. We are saved by the BLOOD of Yahweh's GOAT. ALL the unintentional sins of the RIGHTEOUS will be put upon Satan on Judgement day. Lev. 16: 20- 22. TODAY the Christians say Satan is a GOAT. Satan loves to be called a GOAT. Satan is bragging he is Yahweh's GOAT. I say again:" The BLOOD of Yahweh's Sacrifice Yahshua will save NO ONE." The scripture says that the BLOOD of Yahweh's Sacrifice Yahshua will cleanse the Sanctuary just before the second coming. Dan. 8: 14. For it is written:" Yahweh's born again RIGHTEOUS are SAVED by Yahweh's goodness." Eph 2: 8- 10. Salvation scriptures for you. May our Father Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures. Heb. 12: 14. Bless you
@wendyb8603 6 ай бұрын
@@sonofyahweh8 So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. Hebrews 13:12 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:28 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, Revelation 1:5 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death Revelation 12:11 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! Romans 5:9 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. (LAMB) 1 Peter 1:18-19 There are MANY verses in the Bible that disprove your idea. Unless you don't believe the Word.
@AlanWolf-d7l 6 ай бұрын
Math 27;52-53 is pre-trib prior to tribulation of Nero is Rev 14:4 FIRST FRUITS we are the next event 1 Thes 4:14-17. Psalm 90 every 1000 yrs Enoch in first 1000 JESUS YESHUA waked with Adam and Eve and came as the Lamb. And HE stated "coming again" like the Menorha 3 events on each side of the croass. Total 7 (# ofvcompletion) and after Rev 20 a 1000 yrs then Rev 21 "new beginning" ( #8 new beginings) Noaha and Lot in contex both eventuslly died need reserected. Zeck 14;5 saints ( asleep, dead and alive. Enoch and Eljiah Rev 11 and those "beheaded" Rev 20 ) some chosen as Ambasdors at 3rd heabrh Marriage Supper to reign with HIM and 1000 yrs. 1 Four Zero Three Eight Three Zero Fortyone Twentyfour calgary Ab Cdn. April 8 solar eclipse forms Capital "A" over Mexcico/ USA / Cdn.
@lukewagner8871 6 ай бұрын
Revelation 8:13 KJVS And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! It’s a angel, not a eagle. They are trumpets not shofar horns. Salvation went from the Jew to the gentile, Acts 28:28, until the fullness of the gentiles be come in. Romans 11:25 KJVS For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. Apostle Paul wrote the following about the law, Torah, and I pointed out he was a very well educated Pharisee. That knew the law of Moses, much better than this gentleman does. Do not let this man rob you of your inheritance. Galatians 4:21-26,28-31 KJVS Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? [22] For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. [23] But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. [24] Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. [25] For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. [26] But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. [28] Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. [29] But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. [30] Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. [31] So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.
@sergeshmash2171 6 ай бұрын
Jesus' name does not mean God is salvation...it is not Yahshua. His name is Yeshua (whilst that may be the Aramaic of Yehoshua nowhere in the wBible is He called Yehoshua...Hebrew speakibg Jews who are born again call Him Yeshua)...yeshua means salvation, so when the Tanakh says God is lu salvation it is saying God is my Yeshua. Yahshua is nowhere found in the Bible and mostly used by Judaizers.. who invariably are never themselves Jewish but so called Hebrew roots believers (rather than Hebrew root)
@joykeebler1916 6 ай бұрын
- 'and the sun, as to not being 'the actual Sun ; 'and the moon, as to not being 'the actual Moon ; 'and the stars, as not to being 'the actual Stars -(so as in the constellations)
@sonofyahweh8 6 ай бұрын
The Abyss is opened after the war in heaven.
@sydneyanderson8906 6 ай бұрын
See,you were doing fine until you You started on the Rapture. You obviously are intelligent 🤓 so let me clue you in to the history of the rapture. For 1830 years it didn't exist, then some teenage girl Margaret McDonald was having a fit or a dream told John Darby about it and and he ran with it. No serious Bible scholar believes in the dreams of a teenage girl. Don't believe me look it up yourself. I disagree with your interpretation of Revelation but that's for another day, first you have to research the rapture be serious.
@Lemonsandoranges-g9d 6 ай бұрын
This rapture business brings so much confusion. I see this talk was from 2018 or earlier if I'm not mistaken. I ve heard recently that the scorpions are not literal scorpions but Islam..........guess we need to wait and see and continue searching.
@sydneyanderson8906 6 ай бұрын
@@Lemonsandoranges-g9d this letter was written by John from the island of papmos. It was to the churches in Greece there were 7 of them. They had no problem understanding what John wrote. 400 years Christians had no problem with with John route 😕. The problems come in when people from the present try to impress their futures on a document written in the past. Think about the statement you heard Islam is the scorpions, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard today. If you ask the first century Jew what and who are the scorpions he would have no problem answering you. It was written to first century Jews and Greeks and not to present day people.
@sydneyanderson8906 6 ай бұрын
@@Lemonsandoranges-g9d and as far as the rapture goes there wasn't one until 1830 so for 1,830 years no rapture, until Margaret McDonald who was in Scotland had a dream or vision or whatever she tells John Darby 🤣 Darby runs and tells DL Moody Moody tells Scofield and all it was running into the United States. There would have been no millerwrights if not for some girl faking a trance just like any other teenager trying to grab attention for herself . Those people I was talking about Miller they gave up everything they had because somebody told them the end of time was coming look it up Google it,
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