Total Drama Your Way #2!

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Valàstor Drama

Valàstor Drama

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Пікірлер: 121
@pietro_marchionni 4 жыл бұрын
This is the best video ever
@peanut2511 4 жыл бұрын
yeah :D
@juliamontieth2721 3 жыл бұрын
agreed this is the most creative season yet :D
@ryanclayton950 3 жыл бұрын
Cause its urs 🙄🙄🙄
@danishpastry1377 4 жыл бұрын
7:35 when you are the only one who wanted to play fall guys instead of among us
@jordananimates 4 жыл бұрын
@maurexcool8964 4 жыл бұрын
Can You Be This? Total Drama Race 11: Amazon : Sanders,Lindsay,Brick,Blaineley,Katie,Zoey Toxic Rats:Sugar,Geoff,Sam,Cody,Jo,Beth Gold Stars:Jacques,Harold,Dakotazoid,Tom,Eva,Kelly
@pneuremix Жыл бұрын
muito bom!!! amei o ganhador
@malcolm6077 4 жыл бұрын
@krlcaguei 4 жыл бұрын
@Mia_Hazbin 4 жыл бұрын
U gave it away bro
@dahf6539 2 жыл бұрын
This guy loves Ridoncolus Race characters more than anything
@charlesdavies2191 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome season totally would watch
@jxst_moi373 2 жыл бұрын
My way 24th Jacque 23th Sugar 22th Dave 21th Jo 20th Scott 19th Sky 18th Lhingint 17th Brody ( sacrifice geoff) 16th Crimson 15th Cameron 14th Scarlett 13th Geoff 12th Carrie 11th Rock Merge 10/9th Courtney Gwen 8th Zoey 7th Shawn 6th Carrie 5th Heather 4th Kitty 3th Gwen 2th Jasmine 1th Trent
@antoniof158 4 жыл бұрын
Can you do this cast? The Velvet Snakes Duncan Scarlett Rock Courtney Gwen B The Golden Giraffes Anne Maria Lindsay Beth Scott Ryan Dave The Prideful Penguins Kitty Ellody Jaquces Justin Alejandro Jen The White Storks Izzy Zoey Owen Devin DJ Beardo 24th- Beardo 23rd- Dave 22nd- Courtney 21st- Jen 20th- Justin 19th- Gwen 18th- Zoey 17th- Owen 16th- Rock 15th- Scarlett 14th- Izzy 13th- B MERGE 12th- Ellody 11th- Alejandro Heather Debuts 11th- Duncan 10th- Anne Maria 9th- Lindsay 8th- Ryan 7th- Scott 6th- Jaquces(Villian of the Season) 5th- Heather 4th- DJ 3rd- Beth 2nd- Devin 1st- Kitty
@EzielYT 4 жыл бұрын
good stuff
@DEJVV967 4 жыл бұрын
My Way 24th-Dave 23th-Sky 22th-Sugar 21th-Cameron 20th-Kitty 19th-Mike 18th-Jacques 17th-Carrie 16th-Gwen 15th-Zoey 14th-Crismon 13th-Shawn 12th-Rock Team Merge!! 11th-Trent 10th-Jo 9th-Brody 8th-Jasmine 7th-Courtney 6th-Scarlett 5th-Duncan 4th-Lightning 3rd-Geoff Final Heather vs Scott 2nd-Heather Villian of the season 1st-Scott Villian of the season
@curemilky296 4 жыл бұрын
I really like this its really interesting!
@michaelbradrick6800 4 жыл бұрын
@@curemilky296. Agreed.
@duing1207 2 жыл бұрын
@@curemilky296 is 4 6 people in the team
@Virrxo 4 жыл бұрын
Love this :)
@allisonlane3740 2 жыл бұрын
The Originals, Team Good and Evil, the Paktew Bombers, and the Ridonculous Racers.
@gregheffley715 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! My way goes like this 24th)Suger = She annoyed her group and made them lose 23th)Duncan = honestly i think he gets voted off by courtney & gwen & trent 22th)Scott = he has no alliances in his group 21th)Jacques = They voted him off because of his actions from RR 20th)Dave = He is annoying 19th)Mike = Without his personalities after season 5 he is weak and useless 18th) Rock = He lost the challenge 17th)Heather = they vote her off 16th)Cameron = he gets injured 15th)Shawn = he lost the challenge 14th)Sky = Due to scarletts imunnity idol sky lost with only 1 vote 13th)Shelly = She lost the challenge 12th)Geoff = Courtney and Gwen become friends again and saldy Jeff has to go 11th)Zoey = allience of Jo & lightning Merge = (Gwen,Courtney,Trent,lightning,Jo,Jasmi-ne,Scarlett,Kitty,Brody,Crimson) 10th)Scarlett = She has no allias and is voted off 9th)Brody = same as Scarlett 8th)Lightning = he loses the challenge 7th)Gwen = She loses the challenge 6th)Jasmine = I dont see her as a winning material even tho shes awesome 5th)Jo = as a comeback to the first season the eliminated people vote the loser and Jo gets it! 4th)Brody = lost the challenge 3rd)Trent = He lost the challenge Finale = Veterean Vs Rookie (Courtney & Kitty) Official winner)Courtney = She has been treated very bad in the show and deserves a win Alternative winner)Kitty = She is great and i can see her win! Thats all folks!
@adastudios4972 4 жыл бұрын
Kelly could be a main antagonist and eliminate some weaker characters such as sugar max lightning and Cameron. Also Kelly could make tons of alliances but she gets discovered in the final 3
@EllaTheRockoTeenette2K7 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing Video
@SrFer_G12 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video bro 👌😎👍
@maybex9452 4 жыл бұрын
@Jakefromdisventurecampsucks 4 жыл бұрын
Can you do Total Drama Pahkitew Island Vs Revenge of the island?
@Tommy-tb9vy 3 жыл бұрын
Total Drama: Season War My Way Teams - Original: Heather, Duncan, Gwen, Geoff, Courtney, Trent - Revenge: Scott, Jo, Mike, Zoey, Lightning, Cameron - Pahkitew: Sugar, Shawn, Sky, Dave, Jasmine, Scarlett - Ridincoluos: Carrie, Jacques, Kitty, Brody, Crimson, Rock 24. Rock 23. Sugar 22. Cameron 21. Geoff 20. Brody 19. Dave 18. Lightning 17. Trent 16. Carrie 15. Shawn 14. Mike 13. Courtney Merge Brick enters in the game 13. Jacques 12. Jo 11. Scarlett 10. Duncan 9. Jasmine 8. Heather 7. Sky 6. Brick 5. Scott 4. Zoey 3. Gwen 2. Scott 1. Crimson
@fezhats_willhappen 4 жыл бұрын
My Way: 24. Sugar 23. Lightning 22. Rock 21. Sky 20. Geoff 19. Jo 18. Dave 17. Carrie 16. Cameron 15. Trent 14. Gwen 13. Mike 12. Scarlett 11. Jacques MERGE 10. Brody 9. Zoey 8. Heather 7. Courtney 6. Shawn 5. Crimson 4. Scott - VILLAIN 3. Jasmine 2. Duncan 1. KITTY!
@Jakefromdisventurecampsucks Жыл бұрын
My Way 24th: Crimson 23rd: Rock 22nd: Sky 21st: Shawn 20th: Mike 19th: Zoey 18th: Duncan 17th: Heather 16th: Jo 15th: Dave 14th: Courtney 13th: Brody Brick Debuts & Heather Returns 14th/13th: Sugar & Trent 12th: Geoff 11th: Lightning 10th: Scott 9th: Brick 8th: Scarlett 7th: Carrie 6th: Jaqcues 5th: Gwen 4th/3rd/2nd: Kitty, Heather & Cameron Winner: Jasmine
@fezhats_willhappen 4 жыл бұрын
#myway Boys vs Girls Team 1: Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Dawn, Jo, Zoey, Jasmine, Scarlett, Sky, Kitty, Macarthur, Crimson Team 2: Owen, Alejandro, DJ, Scott, B, Brick, Shawn, Max, Topher, Devin, Brody, Jacques Elimination Order: 24. Max 23. Scarlett 22. Sky 21. Brody 20. Jo 19. Gwen 18. Owen 17. Shawn 16. Scott 15. Zoey 14. Macarthur 13. Devin 12. Crimson 11. Topher Merge 10. Dawn 9. Jasmine 8. Jacques 7. Alejandro 6. Brick 5. Courtney 4. Heather - VILLAIN 3. B 2. Kitty 1. DJ!!!
@caidenmagill1006 3 жыл бұрын
I like seeing scott running the game again.
@marliananaipospos1500 4 жыл бұрын
This channel deserves 100 mill subscriber
@hulkjon6094 4 жыл бұрын
My way with votes Episode 1: Loser: Revenge Votes: Scott: Zoey Jo: Zoey Mike: Lightning Zoey: Lightning Lightning: Zoey Cameron: Scott 24th: Zoey Episode 2: Loser: Pahkitew Votes: Sugar: Jasmine Shawn: Sugar Sky: Scarlett Dave: Sugar Jasmine: Scarlett Scarlett: Sugar 23rd: Sugar Episode 3: Loser: Island Votes: Heather: Courtney Duncan: Heather Gwen: Heather Geoff: Courtney Courtney: Duncan Trent: Duncan 22nd: Courtney (Lost 3 way Tiebreaker) Episode 4: Loser: Pahkitew Votes: Shawn: Scarlett Sky: Shawn Dave: Jasmine Jasmine: Dave Scarlett: Shawn 21st: Shawn Episode 5: Loser: Revenge Votes: Scott: Mike Jo: Scott Mike: Lightning Lightning: Scott Cameron: Scott 20th: Scott Episode 6: Loser: Race Votes: Carrie: Rock Jacques: Rock Kitty: Jacques Brody: Rock Crimson: Jacques Rock: Jacques 19th: Rock (Lost tiebreaker against Jacques) Island & Revenge become a team called Originals, Pahkitew & Race become a team called Newbies Episode 7: Loser: Originals Votes: Heather: Jo Duncan: Heather Gwen: Jo Geoff: Lightning Trent: Cameron Jo: Heather Mike: Jo Lightning: Heather Cameron: Heather 18th: Heather Episode 8: Loser: Newbies Votes: Sky: Brody Dave: Brody Jasmine: Scarlett Scarlett: Brody Carrie: Scarlett Jacques: Brody Kitty: Brody Brody: Scarlett Crimson: Scarlett 17th: Brody Episode 9: Loser: Newbies Votes: Sky: Jacques Dave: Jasmine Jasmine: Scarlett Scarlett: Jasmine Carrie: Jacques Jacques: Jasmine Kitty: Sky Crimson: Sky 16th: Jasmine Episode 10: Loser: Newbies Votes: Sky: Carrie Dave: Carrie Scarlett: Carrie Carrie: Jacques Jacques: Carrie Kitty: Jacques Crimson: Jacques 15th: Carrie Episode 11: Loser: Originals Votes: Duncan: Jo Gwen: Jo Geoff: Jo Trent: Jo Jo: Trent Mike: Trent Lightning: Trent Cameron: Trent 14th: Trent (Lost tiebreaker against Jo) Episode 12: Loser: Newbies Votes: Sky: Crimson Dave: Crimson Scarlett: Jacques Jacques: Crimson Kitty: Jacques Crimson: Jacques 13th: Jacques (Lost tiebreaker against Crimson) (Secondary Villain) Episode 13: Merge Brick Debuts & Courtney Returns Immunity: Nobody Votes: Duncan: Courtney Gwen: Jo Geoff: Courtney Courtney: Jo Jo: Mike Mike: Jo Lightning: Mike Cameron: Courtney Brick: Courtney Sky: Mike Dave: Mike Scarlett: Mike Kitty: Mike Crimson: Mike 14th: Mike Episode 14: Auto Elimination 13th: Sky Episode 15: Pairs Challenge Immunity: Gwen & Scarlett, Geoff & Kitty & Jo & Brick Immunity winners vote: Gwen: Lightning Scarlett: Lightning Geoff: Lightning Kitty: Lightning Jo: Dave Brick: Dave 12th: Lightning Episode 16: Immunity: Scarlett Votes: Duncan: Courtney Gwen: Dave Geoff: Crimson Courtney: Gwen Jo: Gwen Cameron: Crimson Brick: Crimson Dave: Gwen Scarlett: Gwen Kitty: Courtney Crimson: Geoff 11th: Gwen Episode 17: Double Auto Elimination 10th/9th: Duncan & Cameron Episode 18: Immunity: Kitty Votes: Geoff: Scarlett Courtney: Brick Jo: Scarlett Brick: Scarlett Dave: Brick Scarlett: Brick Kitty: Scarlett Crimson: Brick 8th: Brick (Lost in Tiebreaker against Scarlett) Episode 19: Immunity: None Votes: Geoff: Jo Courtney: Jo Jo: Courtney Dave: Jo Scarlett: Courtney Kitty: Courtney Crimson: Courtney 7th: Courtney Episode 20: Immunity: Crimson Sole Vote Off: 6th: Geoff Episode 21: Reward Challenge Episode 22: Immunity: Dave Votes: Jo: Scarlett Dave: Jo Scarlett: Jo Kitty: Scarlett Crimson: Jo 5th: Jo Episode 23: Pairs: Pahkitew vs Race Winner: Pahkitew Solve Vote off: 4th: Kitty Episode 24: Aftermath Special Episode 25: Semi Finals Auto Elimination 3rd: Dave Episode 26: Finals Winner: Crimson Runner Up: Scarlett (Main Villain)
@Acecap2010 4 жыл бұрын
My way Island:Gwen,Duncan,Geoff,Trent,Heather,Courtney Revenge of the Island:Scott,Mike,Jo,Zoey,Lightning,Cameron Pahkitew:Sugar,Shawn,Scarlett,Jasmine,Sky,Dave RR:Crimson,Rock,Carrie,Kitty,Jacques,Brody 24th:Shawn reason:Scarlett 23rd:Cameron reason:Scott 22nd:Zoey reason:Mal 21st:Carrie reason:Jacques 20th:Sugar reason:Dave 19th:Mike reason:Lightning 18th:Geoff reason:Heather 17th:Kitty reason:Cause of lost 16th:Scarlett reason:Dave 15th:Courtney reason:Heather 14th:Duncan reason:Heather *merge* Contestants left:Scott,Lightning,Jo,Trent,Heather,Crimson,Jacques,Brody,Rock,Jasmine,Sky,Dave,and Gwen 13th:Sky reason:Heather 12th:Lightning reason:Jacques and Scott 11th:Gwen reason:Lost challenge 10th:Rock reason:Crimson 9th: and 8th:Brody and Crimson reason:Double elimination 7th:Jo reason:Scott 6th:Heather reason:Jacques 5th:Jacques reason:Dave 4th:Scott reason:Jasmine 3rd:Dave reason:Lost challenge 2nd:Trent reason:17-5 vote Winner:Jasmine Villain(s) of season: Scott jacques heather and Dave Woah both of our reasons for Cameron getting out were Scott and he was second eliminated for both lol
@cutesykristiiithemeifwabus2887 4 жыл бұрын
#myway #mycast Episode 1 Teams Team All stars Heather: X Duncan: X Gwen: X Owen: X Courtney: X Team Powerhouse Jasmine: X Leshawna: X Alejandro: X Lindsay Sierra: X Team Victory Shawn Mike: X Zoey: X Cameron Lightning: X Team Villains Jo: X Scarlett: X Max: X Justin: X Amy X Team Underdogs Dawn: X Ezekial: X Katie Sadie Leonard: X Winners: Underdogs, Villains, Powerhouse, Idol Loser: Victory Votes Zoey: Lightning Mike: Lightning Cameron: Lightning Lightning: Zoey Shawn: Zoey 25th: Lightning Reason: Both Lightning and Zoey were what cost the teams the challenge, but Mike and Cameron made an alliance with Zoey to keep her in the game meaning Lightnings out. Episode 2 Winners: Underdogs, Villains, Victory,Powerhouse Loser: All stars Votes Heather: Courtney Duncan: Courtney Gwen: Heather Owen: Heather Courtney: Heather 24th: Heather Reason: Heather and Courtney constantly argued over who should be the leader of their team So Heather tried to convince Everyone to vote for Courtney but it Backfired as both Owen and Gwen did not like her meaning she could only convince Duncan meaning it was 3-2 in Courtneys Favor eliminating Heather from the game Episode 3 Winners: Underdogs,Villains, Victory, All stars Loser: Powerhouse Votes Jasmine: Sierra Leshawna: Sierra Alejandro: Sierra Lindsay: Sierra Sierra: Alejandro 23rd: Sierra Reason: She annoyed the team by her constant crying and refusal to participate in the challenges for every episode finally costing them it in this episode because Cody was not their Episode 4 Winners: Underdogs,Victory, All stars, Powerhouse Loser: Villains Votes Jo: Amy Scarlett: Max Max: Jo Justin: Max Amy: Jo Jo wins the tie 22nd: Max Reason: He cost the team the challenge but made an Alliance with Amy to eliminate Jo as Amy and Jo had a rivarly and we're constantly Bickering but it ended in a tie And Jo won the tie breaker challenge Episode 5 Winners: Victory, All Stars, Powerhouse, Villains Loser: Underdogs Votes Dawn: Leonard Ezekial: Katie Katie: Ezekial Sadie: Ezekial Leonard: Dawn 21st: Ezekial Reason: Ezekial made another sexist comment angering Katie and Sadie but Dawn senses a new evil in Leonard and tries to convince Katie and Sadie to vote him off causing a rivarly between the two but Katie and Sadie's votes for Ezekial are enough to get him voted off Episode 6 New teams are made as this happens every 5 Eliminations Team Strategists Courtney: X Alejandro: X Justin: X Scarlett: X Leonard: X Team Strength Duncan Jasmine: X Leshawna: X Jo: X Amy: X Team Goodies Owen: X Gwen Mike: X Zoey: X Dawn X Team Extra Lindsay Cameron: X Shawn: X Katie Sadie Winners: Extra, Strength, Strategists Loser: Goodies Votes Owen: Dawn Gwen: Owen Mike: Owen Zoey: Owen Dawn: Owen 20th: Owen Reason: He cost the team the challenge Episode 7 Winners: Goodies, Strength, Strategists Loser: Extra Votes Lindsay: Cameron Cameron: Lindsay Shawn: Lindsay Katie: Cameron Sadie: Cameron 19th: Cameron Reason: The girls on the team formed an alliance to eliminate him Episode 8 Winners: Extra, Goodies, Strategists Loser: Strength Votes Duncan: Jo Jasmine: Jo Leshawna: Jo Jo: Amy Amy: Jo 18th: Jo Reason: Amy and Jo had a rivarly that made them get on each other's nerves and their teammates nerves and argue constantly but they were placed together for the switch for the drama, so Jo had enough and threw the challenge to try to eliminate Amy but it Backfired and they voted her out instead Episode 8 Winners: Extra, Goodies, Strength Loser: Strategists Votes Courtney: Scarlett Alejandro: Courtney Justin: Courtney Scarlett: Courtney Leonard: Courtney Courtney uses the immunity Idol 17th: Scarlett Reason: Everyone Agreed to get rid of Courtney because she was annoying the team to an extreme level but Courtney secretly had found the Immunity Idol so she played it and Scarlett was eliminated instead. Episode 9 Winners: Goodies,Strength,Strategists Losers: Extra Votes Lindsay: Shawn Shawn: Lindsay Katie: Shawn Sadie: Shawn 16th: Shawn Reason: Katie Sadie and Lindsay are in an alliance Episode 10 Teams switch again Team Gumdrops Mike: X Zoey Dawn: X Jasmine: X Leshawna: X Team Horn Courtney Alejandro: X Justin: X Amy: X Leonard: X Team Wings Duncan: X Gwen: X Lindsay Katie Sadie Winners: Wings, Horns Losers: Gumdrops Votes Mike: Leshawna Zoey: Leshawna Dawn: Leshawna Jasmine: Leshawna Leshawna: Mike 15th: Leshawna Reason: She spent the whole challenge nagging behind getting angry at Alejandro and Courtney who kept nagging her on Episode 11 Winners: Horn, Gumdrops Losers: Wings Votes Duncan: Gwen Gwen: Duncan Lindsay: Gwen Katie: Gwen Sadie: Gwen 14th: Gwen Reason: Duncan and Gwen have been constantly Bickering so they voted each other out of spite and the alliance of Lindsay Katie and Sadie all agreed to vote Gwen Episode 12 Winners: Gumdrop, Wings Losers: Horns Votes Courtney: Amy Alejandro: Amy Justin: Amy Amy: Courtney Leonard: Amy 13th: Amy Reason: Courtney rigged the votes Episode 13 Winners: Gumdrops, Horn Losers: Wings Votes Duncan: Sadie Lindsay: Duncan Katie: Duncan Sadie: Duncan 12th: Duncan Reason: Katie Sadie and Lindsay were in an alliance Episode 14 Winners: Horn, Wings Votes Zoey: Jasmine Mike: Jasmine Dawn: Jasmine Jasmine: Dawn 11th: Jasmine Reason: Mike Zoey and Dawn had formed an alliance Episode 15 Merge Mike Alejandro: X Justin: X Dawn: X Leonard Courtney Zoey: X Lindsay Katie Sadie Immunity: Courtney Votes Mike: Alejandro Alejandro: Mike Justin: Mike Dawn: Alejandro Leonard: Mike Courtney: Mike Zoey: Alejandro Lindsay: Alejandro Katie: Alejandro Sadie: Alejandro 10th: Alejandro Reason: Both him and Mike were on the chopping block Mike for his Multiple Personalities messing up others in the challenge and Alejandro for his manipulation but The alliances in the game picked to vote Alejandro Episode 16 Immunity: Zoey Votes Mike: Leonard Justin: Dawn Dawn: Leonard Leonard: Dawn Courtney: Zoey Zoey: Courtney Lindsay: Dawn Katie: Dawn Sadie: Dawn 9th: Dawn Reason: Dawn realized Leonard's true intentions and tried to get everyone to vote him off but failed Episode 17 Immunity: Lindsay Mike: Justin Justin: Leonard Leonard: Justin Courtney: Leonard Zoey: Justin Lindsay: Justin Katie: Justin Sadie: Justin 8th: Justin Reason: Leonard manipulated the others into voting Justin out Episode 18 Immunity: Sadie Loser: Zoey 7th: Zoey Reason: Courtney had a feeling Zoey would win as everyone liked her so she sabotaged Zoey in the challenge so she was eliminated Episode 19 Immunity: Leonard Loser: Lindsay 6th: Lindsay Reason: The challenge was heavily focused on Intelligence which Lindsay was lacking do she was eliminated because of it Episode 20 Immunity: Courtney Votes Mike: Leonard Leonard: Mike Courtney: Mike Katie: Mike Sadie: Mike 5th: Mike Reason: Mike kept pesturing everyone the entire challenge to vote for Courtney after what she did to Zoey a few episodes earlier but Courtney ended up winning immunity so they turned on Mike and voted him out Episode 21 Immunity: Sadie Votes Leonard: Courtney Courtney: Leonard Katie: Leonard Sadie: Leonard 4th: Leonard (secondary villain of the season) Reason: Courtney made a Temporary alliance with Katie and Sadie to get rid off him Episode 22 Winner: Courtney Eliminated: Sadie 3rd: Sadie Reason: Courtney chose to bring Katie to the finale since she annoyed her less Episode 23 Runner up: Katie Winner: Courtney (Villain of the season)
@cameroon1371 3 жыл бұрын
My way my cast Island:owen,heather,Noah,Justin and Lindsay Revenge:Cameron,lightning,Jo,Mike and brick Phakitew:Rodney,Dave,jasmine,sugar and Ella Ridonculous:josee,Tom,Kelly,Brody and Emma Episode 1 Ufe:island Votes Noah,Justin,Justin,Owen,Justin 20:Justin Episode 2 Ufe: phakitew Votes:Rodney,Rodney,Rodney,sugar,Rodney 19:Rodney Episode 3 Ufe:ridonculous Votes:Kelly,Tom,Kelly,josee,Kelly 18:Kelly Episode 4 Ufe: phakitew Dave,sugar,Ella,Dave 17:Dave Episode 5 Ufe:island Votes:noah,heather,Owen,Owen 16:Owen Episode 6 Ufe:revenge Votes:Jo,Jo,brick,Jo,Jo 15:Jo Episode 7 Ufe: phakitew Votes:sugar,Ella,sugar 14:sugar Episode 8 Ufe:revenge Votes:Cameron,Cameron,brick,Cameron 13:Cameron Episode 9 Ufe:ridonculous Votes:Tom,Brody,Tom,Brody 12:Tom/11:Brody Episode 10 No elimation Episode 11 Ufe;island Votes:noah,heather,noah 10:noah Episode 12 Ufe:revenge Votes:brick,lightning,lightning 9:lightning Episode 13 Merge Left Heather,lindsay,Mike,brick,Ella,jasmine,Emma,josee Immune:heather Votes:Lindsay,Lindsay,mike,brick,Lindsay,brick,josee 8:Lindsay Episode 14 Immune:brick and josee Votes:Mike,mike,heather,heather,mike,heather Tiebrekaer:heather 7:mike Episode 15 Immune:heather Votes:brick,brick,Ella,Ella,Ella,brick ,brick 6:brick/5:Ella Episode 16 Immune:jasmine Votes:Emma,heather,heather 4:heather Episode 17 final 3:emma 2:josee 1:jasmine
@curemilky296 4 жыл бұрын
This is amazing here is my way 24th- Scarlett 23rd- Rock 22nd- Mike (Cause of Scott) Dave (returns) 21th- Trent 20th- Sugar 19th- Jacques 18th- Sky 17th- Lightning (Cause of Scott) 16th- Brody 15th- Heather 14th- Jo 13th- Shawn (quit for jasmine) (Merge!) 12th- Crimsion (Dave returns!) 11th- Zoey (Cause of Scott) 10th- Cameron 9th- Duncan 8th- Gwen 7th- Carrie 6th- Kitty 5th- Dave 4th- Courtney 3rd- Scott (Villain of season) 2nd- Geoff' 1st- JASMINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
@yowaimo5004 4 жыл бұрын
Kinda disappointed Duncan wasn't on longer, but I agree, Kitty was a good choice to win.
@yowaimo5004 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry, Geoff..whatever
@NT_PROD 4 жыл бұрын
You Inspire me also you gaining subs fast
@JL-uc8rs 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome man
@totaldramadj4633 4 жыл бұрын
#mycast Team 1 Spud Geoff Izzy Brick Lightning Sam Dawn Gwen Bridgette Leshawna Lindsay Amy TEAM 2 Kitty Rodney Lindsay Ellody Trent Duncan Noah Jasmine Sammy Ella Zoey Kelly
@ryabirdie3095 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t know if you made one already but can you make one where Mike wins?
@rythhames3671 4 жыл бұрын
Geoff deserved to finally win
@DegoShip 4 жыл бұрын
New sub!
@gwenlaylsisthesnakereviewe7374 2 жыл бұрын
My Order: Winner: Gen 1 Loser: Gen 3 24th: Dave Winner: Gen 1 Loser: Gen 4 23rd: Carrie Winner: Gen 2 Loser: Gen 3 22nd: Sugar Winner: Gen 2 Loser: Gen 1 21st: Geoff Winner: Gen 3 Loser: Gen 1 20th: Gwen Winner: Gen 1 Loser: Gen 2 19th: Jo Winner: Gen 4 Loser: Gen 2 18th: Scott Winner: Gen 1 Loser: Gen 3 17th: Jasmine Winner: Gen 3 Loser: Gen 4 16th: Jacques Winner: Gen 1 Loser: Gen 2 15th: Cameron Winner: Gen 2 Loser: Gen 4 14th: Rock Winner: Gen 3 Loser: Gen 1 13th: Trent Merge Gwen returns Winner: Sky 12th: Crimson Winners: Zoey and Mike 11th: Lightning Winner: Courtney 10th: Sky Winner: Duncan 9th: Scarlett Winner: Heather 8th: Shawn Winner: 7th: Gwen Winner: 6th: Zoey (Main Villain) Winner: Duncan 5th: Heather Winner: Courtney 4th: Duncan Winner: Kitty 3rd: Mike (Antihero) Runner Up: Kitty Winner: Courtney
@babycyprus9395 4 жыл бұрын
Crimson got voted off to early she should had stayed
@whelke 4 жыл бұрын
love you video's
@kensorianojr6225 4 жыл бұрын
Nice myway dude
@WildwestinWichita 4 жыл бұрын
@aliciarobertson1776 Жыл бұрын
27th Sugar 26th Cameron 25th Carrie 24th Lighting 23rd Crimson 22nd Sky 21st Brody 20th Heather 19th Duncan 18th Trent 17th Zoey 16th Scarlett 15th Dave 14th Courtney 13th Jo 12th Jacques 11th Jasmine 10th Mike 9th Heather 8th Shawn 7th Duncan 6th Scott 5th Brick 4th Gwen 3rd Rock 2nd Kitty 1st Geoff
@emanuelezaccaro4246 4 жыл бұрын
Please can you make a you way with kelly??? Yes i love her
@GeloNunez 4 жыл бұрын
I w a n n a s e e B w i n
@BroncoBohmer 4 жыл бұрын
:me sees Scott eliminated zoey :also me tears down all my posters of Scott
@maurexcool8964 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Bro What Are You Prepare Tho The 1000 Subs? Sorry Bad English =^
@Jakefromdisventurecampsucks 4 жыл бұрын
Are you making mine( Total Dram caves and Cliffs ) sorry if this comment is disturbing you!
@Acecap2010 4 жыл бұрын
Technically Ridonculous race Wins even if geoff wins for 2 reasons 1. Alternative winners 2.Geoff was on RR
@SuperBoy-ps9dz 4 жыл бұрын
I would watch this season
@sant3395 4 жыл бұрын
Which App you use for the video?
@valastordrama1353 4 жыл бұрын
I use Keynote, I made a tutorial about
@jordananimates 4 жыл бұрын
We need RODNEY
@michaelbradrick6800 4 жыл бұрын
I want a cast of Total Drama Heros and Good Guys + Villains and Bad Guys Teams Heroic Hamsters Owen Courtney Samey Junior Emma Mike Ella Lindsay Zoey Tyler Sam Villous Vultures Duncan Heather Eva Topher Justin Mal Sugar Leonard Dave Alejandro Jo Lightning Gwen
@Ozzyfofo 4 жыл бұрын
I get all the others, but why is Leonard a bad guy?
@michaelbradrick6800 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ozzyfofo, the reason I put Leonard as a bad guy cause I find him with the mean look.
@Ozzyfofo 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbradrick6800 ok then
@LeafysLife 2 жыл бұрын
T1 Justin Owen izzy Beth lindsay Mike zoey leshawna sugar lightning Cameron T2 Scott noah ezekiel Courtney trent gwen Duncan Heather Harold alehaundro sierra cody Geoff 23rd Mike) he was evil 22nd Heather) bullying 21st ezekiel) zombie 20th sugar) annoying 19th geoff) (quits) 18th dj) also quits) 17th duncan) rude 16th cody) weak 15th scott) rude 14th harold) Nerd Duncan returns 14th cameron) Nerd 13th seirra) cuz of Dc 12th duncan) threat 11th noah) annoying Merge Heather returns 11th leshawna) 10th heather) 9th beth) alehaundro 8th izzy) owen is sad 7th owen) he cried 6th) alehaundro) threat Mr coconut debuts 5th justin) mr 🥥 chose 4th beth) beth sacrifi 3rd gwen)mr🥥 knew it Final 2 Lindsay vs mr🥥 2nd lindsay) she is dum 1st mr🥥)cuz of lindsay
@danieldasilvavieira4214 4 жыл бұрын
My way 26 Sugar Ep 1 25 Rock ( Cause of Scoot ) Ep 2 24 Camoron ( Cause of Scoot ) Ep 3 23 Crimison Ep 4 22 Dave Ep 5 21 Lightning ( Cause of Duncan ) Ep 6 20 Brody Ep 7 19 Trent ( Cause of Duncan ) Ep 8 18 Carrie Ep 9 17 Heather ( Cause of Duncan ) Ep 10 Brick Debuts Ep 11 16 Sawhn ( Cause of Scoot ) Ep 11 15 Zoey Ep 12 Heather Returns Ep 13 14 Jo ( Cause of Scoot) Ep 13 13 Gwen ( Cause of Duncan ) Ep 14 Megre 12 Brick Ep 15 11 Courtney ( Cause of Duncan and Scott ) Ep 16 10/9 Duncan and Scoot ( Villains of the season ) Ep 17 8 Jaques Ep 18 7 Mike Ep 19 6 Sky Ep 20 5 Heather Ep 21 4 Scarlet Ep 22 3 Jasmine Ep 23 2 Kitty 1 Geoff Ep 24
@imbasicaveragegirl941 4 жыл бұрын
First by the way great vid
@HpyerfixationHub 4 жыл бұрын
Do This Cast Please Screaming Gophers: Owen Gwen Duncan Beth Heather Al Lightning Cameron Heroic Hamsters Mike/Mal Zoey Shawn Sky Geoff Brody Mac Arthur Sanders
@bradman6488 4 жыл бұрын
I wish Leshawna was in this too, would be a good mix with the others
@reteach007 4 жыл бұрын
My Elimination Table 25th Sugar 24th Brick 23rd Jacques 22nd Scott 21st Rock 20th Scarlett 19th Crimson 18th Heather 17th Lightning 16th Dave 15th Sky 14th Courtney 13th Jo 12th Kitty 11th Shawn 10th Mike 9th Duncan 8th Jasmine 7th/6th Geoff & Cameron 5th Zoey 4th Trent 3rd Brody Runner Up Carrie Winner Gwen
@caidenmagill1006 4 жыл бұрын
Nice elimanation order but i would've had scott win
@michaelbradrick6800 4 жыл бұрын
Scott is a awesome villian
@caidenmagill1006 4 жыл бұрын
Fr i enjoyed him in both seasons.
@michaelbradrick6800 4 жыл бұрын
@@caidenmagill1006, ikr
@godzillaguy5467 3 жыл бұрын
Honesty this would’ve been a good cast for allstars if they waited until after RR to make the season maybe add Owen over Geoff and than I think the cast is good for an allstars season
@bugkasa 4 жыл бұрын
I know my cast Screaming Gophers Lindsay Heather Taylour Rock Devin Mike and Owen Killer Bass Zoey Emma Geoff Duncan Gwen Carrie and Kitty
@NoahlovesBoston 7 ай бұрын
@maybex9452 4 жыл бұрын
How do you make a video like this
@valastordrama1353 4 жыл бұрын
Use Keynote, on IOS
@Codemister2009 4 жыл бұрын
wait Duncan got eliminated and then he won a tie and then he actually got elimnated.what?
@cringe5205 4 жыл бұрын
Im angry cameron got voted out
@gilbertopazos978 4 жыл бұрын
How do you make those videos
@valastordrama1353 4 жыл бұрын
I made a tutorial about 👍
@gilbertopazos978 4 жыл бұрын
@@valastordrama1353 oh okay thank you
@gomezjohn7673 3 жыл бұрын
Having a double winner is not cool
@ЛОЛ-м5ф 4 жыл бұрын
Hey why there no Lindsay(
@fredyn3832 4 жыл бұрын
31th jo She was angry at evaveyone and help seoson 1 won 30th mike cuese of scoot 29th sugar She eat all the candy from her team 28th Dave He was scared of getting ugly
@ManEFresh 4 жыл бұрын
Great season. Would have loved to see Kitty win. But why the Gwen rivalry suddenly?
@valastordrama1353 4 жыл бұрын
There is no specific reason, everyone can imagine how the season wants
@ManEFresh 4 жыл бұрын
@@valastordrama1353 If you say so.
@dashplaysgamesandreviewstu1831 4 жыл бұрын
Kitty should’ve won Geoff already won a season.
@clawexplosion5763 4 жыл бұрын
Concept season: TD blondes
@XxSoKKurxX 4 жыл бұрын
TD Dye hair would be best
@big_pip_energy_tt 4 жыл бұрын
There are way too many but it could happen
@explosiveexplosivo7703 4 жыл бұрын
I clicked fast lel si fast it says made 13 seconds ago
@xleviant203 4 жыл бұрын
total drama my way #mycast team chris: Trent, Devin, Tammy, Ennui, Bridgette, Emma team screaming gophers: Leshawna, Duncan, Cierra, Anne Maria, Max, B team toxic rats: Mike (Mal), Alejandro, Ella, Zeke, Jo, Brody Team heroic hamsters: Lenard, Kate, Sadie, Tyler, Lightning, Dakota 24: Lenard 23: Jo 22 Duncan 21 Ennui 20 Max-Anne Maria (double) 18Dakota 17 Tammy 16 Zeke 15 Sadie 14 Emma 13 Cierra 12 Ella 11 Katie MERGE 10Lightning 9 B 8 Brody 7 Bridgette 6 Alejandro 5 Mike (Mal) 4 Trent 3 Leshawna 2 Runner up Tyler 1 WINNER DEVIN Mike (Mal) main villain, Alejandro, Secondary Villain
@ramagonzalez7934 4 жыл бұрын
How do you do these videos?
@valastordrama1353 4 жыл бұрын
I use Keynote, I made a tutorial about
@ramagonzalez7934 4 жыл бұрын
@@valastordrama1353 Thanks!!
@gamingwithjay3 4 жыл бұрын
Total Drama (My Way) The contestants are introduced (original island) Dawn Leonard Ennui Jasmine Courtney Shane Emma (Villain of the Season) Scarlett Ezekiel Beverly Duncan Team 2 Lindsay Eva Anne Maria Katie Sammy Taylor Leshawna Jen Laurie Kitty Justin (Secondary Villain) Episode 1 : Team 1 wins. Shane and Jasmine immediately start an alliance Dawn and Beverly make an alliance Leonard jumps off a cliff thinking he can fly during the challenge Leonard is medically evacuated after being severely injured Emma starts pulling strings to manipulate Kitty into doing whatever she wants Justin uses his looks to get Katie, Sammy, and Kitty to fall for him. Episode 2 : Team 2 wins. During the challenge, Katie gets distracted by Justin's beauty (They still win the challenge) Courtney, due to Duncan cheating on her with Gwen convinces her team to vote out Duncan. Courtney sues the show after she trips on a rock and gets injured. Episode 3 : Team 2 wins. Katie carries her team through the dodgeball challenge, due to the fact that she knows what strategy they'll use (Duncan's) and knows how to counter it. NO ELIMINATION! Episode 4 : Eva gets angry during the hide and seek challenge (team with last member found wins) however she ends up being the last one IN HER TEAM found. Team 1 wins. Justin wants to get Laurie eliminated for rejecting an alliance with him, so he tells his alliance to vote out Laurie. Taylor quits because she misses her mom during voting. (Character Development) Episode 5 : Team 1 wins. Laurie gets voted out, getting every single vote on her team because she's allergic to ant bites, and she got bit by an ant during the camping challenge causing her to arrive last, making her team want to eliminate her. Episode 6 : Team 2 wins. Justin views Katie as a threat after she got the win for them in 2 team challenges, and he wants to eliminate her. Jen wants to vote out Justin for being a social threat. Jen, and Leshawna form an alliance to try and get Justin eliminated next night. Ezekiel gets voted out after doing terrible in the challenge. Episode 7 : Team 1 wins. Katie breaks her alliance with Justin. Katie, Lindsay, Eva, and Anne Maria vote Kitty. Jen and Leshawna vote Justin Justin, Kitty, and Sammy vote Katie. Episode 8 : Chris announces a twist. There's gonna be 2 immunity idols hidden in the camp. Team 2 wins. Scarlett gets voted out after everyone finds a plan of Scarlett's to rob Emma's blankets, food, and pillows to make sure she does worse in challenges. Episode 9 : Team Swap! (Wait what?) Chris announces a new twist, a team swap! New Team 1 : Leshawna Justin Ennui Dawn Emma Katie Anne Maria Lindsay Team 2 : Jen Jasmine Courtney Eva Shawn Beverely Sammy Team 2 wins. Ennui is voted out purely because she kept scaring everyone in the camp. (Justin votes Katie, Leshawna votes Justin, Ennui votes Dawn) Episode 10 : Team 2 wins. Emma pulls strings to get Anne Maria voted out for being annoying Episode 11 : Team 1 wins. Everyone but Jen votes Jen after she gets distracted in the challenge, when she thinks of all the stuff she could be buying. Jen pulls out an idol. (Jen voted Sammy because she had an alliance) Episode 12 : Team 1 wins. Eva gets angry at her teammates for losing so much, and she throws a rock through the cabin's windows, so everyone agrees to vote her out. Episode 13 : Team 2 wins. Emma steals Leshawna's food and wakes up Leshawna whenever she tries to sleep. Leshawna slaps her into oblivion (Heather moment) Leshawna doesn't have the energy for the team race challenge, causing her team to lose. Leshawna gets voted out for losing the challenge. Episode 14 : Team 1 wins. Courtney sues the show after she trips on a stick, causing her teammates to get angry at her after the challenge had to be delayed by 3 days due to the lawsuit. Justin convinces his alliance to vote out Courtney, due to the fact that she always made it far no matter what season she was in. Episode 15 : Team 2 wins. Everyone votes for Lindsay, because she couldn't solve the puzzle in the challenge, but Justin rigs the votes and switches them to make sure his target, Katie gets eliminated. Episode 16 : Merge! Kitty returns. Emma throws the challenge to lower the target on her back. Jen wins the challenge! (Model Shoot challenge) Justin convinces everyone (except kitty) to vote Emma. Emma pulls out an idol. Justin gets eliminated because of the immunity idol. (2 votes against him, Kitty, Emma) Episode 17 : Lindsay wins the challenge. (They have to investigate who's been kidnapping the other campers, you get 1 guess. The kidnapper wins if nobody guesses them. Lindsay wins after nobody suspects Lindsay of being the kidnapper.) Emma forms an alliance with Lindsay, promising to give her a lipgloss after the show. Emma tells her alliance to vote Jen because Jen won the last challenge and could be a threat later on. Episode 18 : Emma wins the challenge. (She decided to start trying) Kitty gets voted out after she feels guilty for helping Emma and sacrifices herself. Emma gets angry at Kitty and she smashes Kitty's phone. Episode 19 : Dawn wins the challenge. Emma forms an alliance with Dawn and Beverley Emma tells her alliance to vote out Shawn. Episode 20 : Beverley wins the challenge. Emma tells her alliance to vote out Jasmine.. but they refuse and vote out Emma. Episode 21 : Dawn wins a challenge. (Hide and Seek) No elimination Episode 22 : Beverley wins the challenge. Jasmine is eliminated, after everyone can't decide who to eliminate and decide on who's done the worst. Episode 23 : Dawn loses the challenge and gets eliminated. In a finale of smarts vs beauty, Lindsay and Beverley are in the finale. Everyone has to vote for who wins and they pick... LINDSAY! (after she promises to give them all 2066 dollars if they vote her)
@NinetyOne999 4 жыл бұрын
Why Cameron out SO EARLY he is my favourate character and I kinda think he deserves better
@basti8389 3 жыл бұрын
he is so annoying
@juliamontieth2721 3 жыл бұрын
@@basti8389 ? thats rude
@dogking7290 4 жыл бұрын
I'm team Mike
@imcoolcat4547 4 жыл бұрын
why gwen not win
@ShaggyDoo5166 4 жыл бұрын
My way on cast Teams of 2 with 10 on each 20th staci she annoyed the team 19th Ezekiel he made sex comments 18th sky she was mean/broke up with Dave 17th Lenord his magic didn’t work so they voted him off 16th Trent he was being to extra to get gwens heart back 15th Heather noticed Gwen was throwing challenges so she told the team 14th Cameron Heather realized he was to smart so she told everyone to vote him 13th Mike without Cameron he was nothing 12th berdo his noises were getting annoying 11th Courtney she lost the challenge for them 10th harold he was the weakest link 9th eva Heather stole her mpc player witch made her go crazy 8th noah he was getting pretty annoying Merge Scott brick Duncan Heather lindsay zoey DJ 7th lindsay she broke alliance rules with Heather 6th brick he helped everyone but it was duos 5th Scott he got far but Heather but him at the line at the last second 4th DJ he was a duo with Duncan but Duncan and Heather started a alliance 3rd zoey the alliance 2nd Heather it was a jury vote and Duncan won it 1st Duncan !!!!!!!
@GeloNunez 4 жыл бұрын
Idont think duncan is a villain lol i think most villians just have a big brain time And duncan Nah Hes A Ceo Of making far into the show I hate scott but hed a godang villain so ye
@gabrielpereiranascimento4422 4 жыл бұрын
Como que faz no android?
@valastordrama1353 4 жыл бұрын
Try Kinemaster
@gabrielpereiranascimento4422 4 жыл бұрын
@@valastordrama1353 Muito Obrigado 😊❤
@robertross2785 3 жыл бұрын
@UnitedG7 4 жыл бұрын
#myway team Lions Justin,Harold,blaineley,gwen,Leonard,sky Team Tiger Tyler,Macarthur,Alejandro,staci,Scott,daktoa
@camilo_killer4-459 4 жыл бұрын
@supersamona456 4 жыл бұрын
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