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Kiến thức Tin học

4 жыл бұрын

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@kenhkienthuctinhoc 4 жыл бұрын
có gì thắc mắc các bạn có thể để lại bình luận, mình sẽ trả lời trong thời gian sớm nhất
@ngochanha6381 2 жыл бұрын
cảm ơn video của anh nhé
@kouassiyvonne8538 Жыл бұрын
1 … The first note is for you, the apostles… If you do not play your role, the burden, already too heavy, will be even heavier for me and I will not be able to bear it. The brothers of any country can call me to greet me sometimes. But for anything else, no matter how small that thing is, you are the ones that they have to contact after their pastor and, if necessary, tell me: "Brother Philippe, such an apostle asked me to call you or write you…". Also, if somebody has believed in all the prophets of the Bible without him having seen them, then he does not need to speak with me before he believes in the midnight Cry. 2 And you the apostles, you must never tremble. Apostle Hugo Ze wrote me saying that a Branhamist pastor told him that he believes in the midnight Cry but Apostle Hugo Ze is too small to baptize him and he spoke about his greatness and about his old Branhamist experiences and others, even saying that I made small errors but that it’s alright. I said to Brother Hugo Ze: "Brother, these are the hissings of a serpent! Don’t let anybody underestimate you, all that I am, I gave it to you ". 3 Recently, I spoke with somebody who says he believes in the midnight Cry. He says that he was in the evening Message but he withdrew because William Branham made lots of errors. On that, I would like to tell you that as soon as somebody thinks that William Branham made some errors, he cannot be a brother. You see? Bear in mind that just as God was never mistaken by creating man in spite of Genesis 6:6, as Abraham did not doubt God at all, as William Branham and Kacou Philippe have never made any error and will never make any. [The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 4 Now, I go to the next note. Bear in mind, the one that is cast away for a sin still remains a brother or a sister. He has the right to fellowship with everyone except when the assembly has prohibited him to. 5 You must not have a chat whilst you are having a shower. Also, a couple can use the same towel and the same bath sponge because they form the same body. And when you confess having seen the nudity of your wife, it is a sin when you took pleasure at looking at that nudity. And you Sisters, concerning false hair, if William Branham does not tell you that he wore some hairpiece, you will not know. That’s what you need to do if you have not any hair and if your Pastor allowed it to you. 6 As a fourth note, I would like to say that while waiting for Kacou 111:11, I am very bored but I am full of hope in the Name of the God of the restitution. Bear in mind that I prefer boredom to all I have experienced. Even with my Catholic mother, I never saw that towards my father who was only a small illiterate farmer. My mother never stopped saying that she had been endowed and married at church before her husband knew her and two years before her death, she told me that had it not been the death of her first husband, she would have not known two men in her life. And during all the time I spent near them from the childhood and until death could separate them in 1998, not even once did my mother tell us: "such a thing, never tell your father!" She never hid anything from him. And nobody ever settled a problem between my father and my mother. And It was in this atmosphere that I grew up; that is why, until death, my heart will never accept what I see. One day, according to Kc.111:11, I will have a worthy bride whom the whole earth shall see. For me, happiness and lies and trust cannot live together in the same house. I do not believe that you can be saved while hiding a sin from your husband. 7 May it never happen but if you steal your father’s money and then, having entered into yourself, you see that you did evil and you admit to it without being accused, your father has to forgive you, so do I; and I will pray for you. But if you do not admit to it by yourself and he asks you questions and you acknowledge it right away without denying, he is free to forgive you or not, so am I. Now, if you denied that you stole and you later acknowledge it by some means, your father is free to forgive you or not, but as for me, I won’t forgive you unless you redeem yourself. Marriage must be based on love but also on sincerity and trust. 8 Andanother behaviour; William Branham accepted Meda, but as for me, I cannot. And his daughter, Sarah, who was with him in the car the day of the accident said: "I know my father was a very cautious driver, always keeping speed limits and observing the traffic. Under normal circumstances he would have reacted and avoided the car coming towards him. While speaking he looked over to mother during this unpleasant conversation. And then the accident occurred. That was the last thing I remember from; before the crash until I came to myself in the ambulance.… When I came home my mother acted very nervous around me. Finally she approached me and wanted to know how much I had remembered from before the accident. She told me not to talk about it ever again, but to take it with me to the grave.” Meda was a rebelliouswife for William Branham, like Zipporah was for Moses. 9 Well, now I would like to talk about the subject, The goal of the ministry under the tent. I really love this title. Why did God order a ministry under the tent? What is the goal of the ministry under the tent? Branhamists know that the greatest promise that God made to William Branham is that of a future ministry under a tent. Amen! 10 Now, what can be the tent if it is not this indebted Africa? The dumping place of toxic waste from Europe and America. When they created the International Criminal Court or Tribunal, it is to judge African leaders. And what can be this tent if it is not this Negro, these goods offered at auction in the 17th century in America, and these sub-humans that Europe was sharing like pieces of cake at the conference of Berlin in 1885.
@ngocdamphan412 Жыл бұрын
Anh ơi, cho em hỏi tên Công ty dài quá lấn qua làm phần CHXHCNV xuống dòng luôn thì nên làm sao ạ?
@ntuluathnhatrang5214 Жыл бұрын
Bạn nên dùng Talbe, chia thành 2 cột, trong đó cột bên trái bện dùng để ghi tên công ty, những chữ như TNHH có thể viết tắt, dài quá thì cân đối cho xuônhs dòng ở trong phạm vi cột đó, không lấn sang cột ghi Quốc hiệu.
@ninhngan5585 3 жыл бұрын
Anh ơi in thì không thấy nhưng khi đánh trong word thì lại thấy bảng mặc dù là đã chọn " no border"
@kenhkienthuctinhoc 3 жыл бұрын
thì thấy có sao đâu bạn, chủ yếu là in ra không thấy mới là quan trọng, còn nếu không thấy thì sau này muốn xóa thì vất vả hơn
@giaphungle1264 Жыл бұрын
Anh ơi e no border cho ẩn bảng mà sao vẫn thấy mấy đường kẻ gạch quanh bảng vậy ạ
@ntuluathnhatrang5214 Жыл бұрын
Nếu bạn chịn No Boder rồi thì cái đường gạch mờ đó không ảnh hưởng đâu bạn, in ra không thấy đâu. Bạn thử bấm lệnh in (Ctrl-P) để xem bản trước khi in sẽ không thấy đường mờ đó đâu.
@nhuhangbui362 2 жыл бұрын
A bảo ấn ctrl gì để quay lại tab ạ
@ngochanha6381 2 жыл бұрын
ctrl z á bạn
@YaoYvesRolandKoffi-jf9dp Жыл бұрын
7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6. 8 This Message says that the world council of churches, the ecumenical council of churches, associations, unions, federations and confederations of churches ... Catholic churches, orthodox churches, Methodist churches, Eckankar, the sect of Horus, Lutheran churches, Anglican churches, Mahikari, Baptist churches, Rosicrucianism, Nazarene churches, Scientology, esotericism, Anabaptist churches, Voodoo, Adventist churches, companions of Jesus, Emmaus mission, Inner Life, Jehovah’s witnesses, witnesses of Jesus, foursquare churches. 9 Freemasons, Pentecostal churches, the worship of Inca gods, Protestant churches, Krishna, the church of Christ, transcendental meditation, the Grail, spiritualists, evangelical churches, Mormons, Guru Maharaja, Islam and Judaism and all the so-called revealed or restored churches… prayer camps, monasteries, convents, missions and ministries including the Branhamists, that is to say, those who still follow the Message of William Branham, even in its purity, are purgatories and nets of Satan to send mankind to hell and the spirits that act in those churches are not the Holy Spirit, but demons of seduction. Those are the same demons that were in the rivers, creeks, masks, Voodoo, forests and sacred groves, customs and traditions and which raised up traditional fetish priests. [Kc.10v1] 10 This Message says that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. These three religions claim to be of Abraham. These three religions believe in Moses. These three religions do not believe in living prophets but each claims to be of a prophet that it did not know. Each of them has its own holy book. And all three are waiting for the Messiah. They are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. This Message says that they are the same demons that raised up Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Papa Wemba that have raised up, today, those Christian groups and singers like Tabitha Lemaire, Don Moen, Exo Eclats, Yolanda Adams and Celine Dion... [Kc.59v33] [Kc.113v10] [Kc.118v11] [Kc.131v4]
@camvancanthi9504 Жыл бұрын
E kẻ shape dưới chân mà không được cứ bị nảy khỏi khung chữ ạ
@kenhkienthuctinhoc Жыл бұрын
bạn kẻ xong, bấm vào shape đố, rồi dùng 4 nút mũi tên để di chuyển nhé bạn. Sau đó nếu muốn đẹp, bạn quét chọn vào tiêu ngữ sau đó giãn đoạn cho nó về 0 là dc bạn nhé!
@thanhtule5405 Жыл бұрын
@@kenhkienthuctinhoc e kẻ shape dưới chân xong rồi enter để chuyển sang đánh nội dung khác mà vẫn hiện đường gạch ở dưới thì lm sao để hết đường gạch dưới shape đi ạ
@anhpham490 2 жыл бұрын
làm sao cho khoảng cách 2 dòng nó sát lại ạ, em chỉnh at least mà nó vẫn bị xa quá
@kenhkienthuctinhoc 2 жыл бұрын
quét chọn vào đoạn đó bấm tổ hợp phím Ctrl + 1 nhé
@anhpham490 2 жыл бұрын
@@kenhkienthuctinhoc bấm được có 1 lần thôi hay sao ạ, em bấm ctrl + 1 được có 1 lần
@kenhkienthuctinhoc 2 жыл бұрын
@@anhpham490 bạn muốn chỉnh nhiều lần thì bạn vào paragrap để chỉnh nhé.
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