Make your Wizard Immortal! D&D 5e

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Treantmonk's Temple

Treantmonk's Temple

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@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
"Oh my, there's are quite a few of you. Oksar the Timid here, charmed to make your acquaintance. No cause for concern, it's really quite comfortable in here, though you would not believe the rent. I'd be happy to take any questions..."
@Claviceptic 4 ай бұрын
You are a gem. Pun intended.
@archlittle6067 4 ай бұрын
Okay, so what is your take? 1:10 The Damage/Effect is Restrained. "You create a magical restraint to hold a creature..." is the text. A Restrained creature has a movement speed of zero. So I suppose a wizard might use Mage Hand and Unseen Servant to get around in a minimized Stone Shaped gem room. However, the room may be shrunk down, but these spell effects would be normal sized. The Restrained Wizard also suffers Disadvantage on attacks. That would not be a problem for Eyebite and a few other spells, but in general this might be considered a big down side.
@sigiltech 4 ай бұрын
I have a few questions, actually. Given that your character does not have the Observant feat, did you find you ever had any difficulty listening in on the rest of your party (Detect Thoughts and perceiving through your familiar notwithstanding)? Were there any particular reasons for your racial choice of Kobold and your two-level dip into Druid? If you had the opportunity to play a lower-level version of this concept (e.g. your character crossed an archmage and got trapped in a gemstone), how do you think your build and tactics would change?
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
@sigiltech "Despite my seclusion, I feel very well aware of my surroundings. My translucent accommodations can float thanks to my 6th level Immovable Objects spell, and, as you started, my at-will Detect Thoughts helps me know when to reach out with my Telepathy. But the key to my awareness, especially hearing, is by faithful magical instantiation, the Manifest Mind. Its mind is linked with mine, and shares all that it sees and hears, with no action required on my part, in contrast to mind riding a familiar. No one chooses the circumstances of their birth, my dear, but my draconic air fits well with my Dragon Stary Form, don't you think? In this state, I become an unrivaled caster of my favorite spell, Telekinesis, as my Intelligence never faulters. I can only cast non-touch spells outside my gem 6 times a day, so a long duration spell I can continue to exert over multiple encounters is of prime importance. When I was theorizing my gem tactics before I moved in here, I thought that my draconic cry would be an effective way to aid my comrades, but alas no enemies can hear my roar! Hmm, were I a younger mage in this arrangement non-consensually, I think my first concern would be how to target creatures with my spells. I hear that Tricky clerics can spell cast through a double at a very low level. Wildfire druids also have a spell platform. I submit my humble option that no spell drone matches the scouting potential nor the durability of the Manifest Mind."
@Reoh0z 4 ай бұрын
That was creative, well played.
@Tryptyophan 4 ай бұрын
The idea of a tiny immortal wizard, in an indestructible gemstone, flinging himself around by the Catapult spell feels like an episode of Rick and Morty.
@randymyer2996 4 ай бұрын
Or when Boo turned Vegito into a jaw breaker.
@PatRiot-le7rd 4 ай бұрын
First of all, the Raven Queen called, and she is angry. Second, you've just provided us all with a great NPC with which to frustrate our parties. Thanks!!!
@williamoswald6623 4 ай бұрын
After over 50 years and 5+ editions of the game, the formula for the Lich's Phylactery has finally been uncovered.
@muddlewait8844 4 ай бұрын
I have long thought that a self-applied Hedged Prison in a demiplane linked to an elaborate tiny model of a castle and library would be a fantastic retirement for a wizard for as long as they might wish to remain retired. I did NOT ever figure out how to be Imprisoned and still actively contribute to a group in combat. Wow.
@stecon5 4 ай бұрын
Just a few things: first of all I love how watching your videos I knew scribe wizard would be getting a reference once you started laying out spellcasting restrictions. It’s exciting to spin forward concepts we’ve previously learned. Secondly, I LOLd when you said “theyve spent one action and they’ve released a high level wizard from an imprisonment spell. Congratulations!” Finally, RamenGoblin has a beautiful mind. Really thinks outside the box.
@shughes5778 4 ай бұрын
Or in this case, inside the box.
@r.downgrade5836 4 ай бұрын
The thought of an invincible wizard with the catapult spell mastery, smacking everyone left and right like a demented frog from within their ruby tickles me pink.
@studynot757 4 ай бұрын
This is the best use of catapult ever IMO
@davidkelvon7936 4 ай бұрын
As soon as you mentioned imprisonment I knew where this was going. I’m disappointed I didn’t think of it myself. Catapult was the only spell I didn’t think of. I did however think of affixing the gem to the awakened spell book and have it being carried around by my simulacrum.
@randymyer2996 4 ай бұрын
How would doing this to a simulacrum as a backup wizard? You could make an infinity gauntlet.
@chiepah2 4 ай бұрын
This make the character concept where the character is a normal guy who becomes a "Warlock" but their patron is just a high level wizard who provides spells even more plausible.
@comfortablegrey 4 ай бұрын
Catapulting yourself across the universe, you've also invented space travel if there are no spelljammers!
@WizardVolovik 4 ай бұрын
Wow! Nice video! Believe or not, I had a player that casted Imprisonment on the Echo Knight of the team. So we made an indestructible fighter!
@ImpaleTheLiving 4 ай бұрын
Holy shit that's genius. And the manifest echo could just walk around with the thing 🤯
@zionosphere 4 ай бұрын
"What are you going to do this weekend, Wizard?" "Oh you know, hitting the gem."
@TherronKeen 5 күн бұрын
goddamn this comment is underrated as fuck
@zionosphere 5 күн бұрын
@@TherronKeen Thanks. I have my moments.
@pallen2645 4 ай бұрын
I use Minimus Imprisonment as a way to store my body nearby while I'm using Magic Jar to pilot another body. It's dangerous to use Magic Jar if your body isn't near you, so keeping it safe in a gemstone you can wear around your neck or put in your pocket is a good way to avoid some of the risk.
@mme.veronica735 4 ай бұрын
That's actually a smart idea, while the Clone spell certainly mitigates some of the risk of magic jar it can be difficult to get back into action if things go awry.
@Thrashlock 4 ай бұрын
I agree! The spells on that character sheet also make a really good template for DMs to use for liches who are currently acting through their phylactery. Add the classics like Magic Jar, Clone and Simulacrum and you're set on the mechanics for your bbeg. Now to just add mcguffins and prophecies that let your party catch them when they're vulnerable.
@djmor693 4 ай бұрын
As a dm, I want to thank you for strahd von zarovich, as he will now be a blood ruby mage.
@dwgautier 4 ай бұрын
*player picks up Strahd's ruby ring and yeets it into the Ivlis RIver.* Enjoy your 20 acid damage a turn while you are stuck in your gem!
@djmor693 4 ай бұрын
​@@dwgautierahahaah. I was think the same thing about sunlight. The gem idea is definitely flawed for a vampire.
@dwgautier 4 ай бұрын
@@djmor693 Your idea actually has me excited to give Strahd an AMBER ring. Maybe the ring can give him DR 5 all damage but it is canceled if Ireena is within 25 feet of him. RP his connection with the ring and the amber temple is interrupted by his love/obsession with Ireena. Also you can add a hint about the ring by some old ritual at the amber temple that the PC's can discover if they go there. I'm running CoS right now and I think I'm going to do this!
@djmor693 4 ай бұрын
I really like the tie in to the amber temple. If you made the lich in the amber temple his high wizard, than you can find a scroll for this 9th level spell. Maybe even a gem.
@djmor693 4 ай бұрын
​@@dwgautierin van richtens tower I mean
@Garresh1 4 ай бұрын
This is a wonderful concept. It reminds me of a broken Vampire I had back in 3.5. He lived in a bag of holding because, ya know, Sunlight. Only came out to help during indoors sessions or dungeons. Had a feat that gave him stacking +1 to all rolls for the rest of the day whenever he killed something with his drain. So he carried a few bags of tricks and fed off of small animals to power up. Whenever a real fight started the party would pull him out of a bag and throw him at the enemy. 3.5 was delightfully broken, especially with undead PCs or necromancers.
@Lucky_Luke486 4 ай бұрын
I actually used resilient sphere at spell level 4 to pull off similar combo as a Scribes Wizard. I had to concentrate on it, but it was a lower level spell and it served me very well in most situations that required this type of tactic (I found that being invulnerable for proficiency times per day number of spells was plenty to get the job done). Anyway, cool video, looking forward to the new series you announced Chris
@asitallfallsdown5914 4 ай бұрын
This is what I live for in D&D, but what was largely ripped from me in 5e. (I could choose to play past editions, but, everyone only wants to play 5e and doesn't want to bother learning other systems at all let alone a "defunct" past edition) An order of Gemstone wizards where this engemmed state is the final order and the desired goal is pretty thematically brilliant and could have ripple effects through the setting with wizards emphasizing gemstones more even from lower levels as their focuses and stuff.
@exiledmystran 4 ай бұрын
And this is why prior editions of Imprisonment tended to stick the victim in suspended animation... This is hilarious and awesome. Good find by Ramen Goblin and thanks for the video on it.
@danielcruz4960 4 ай бұрын
as soon as you said minimize I understood the combo because that is something that I've been doing for a while now at level 9 just casting resilient sphere
@jordanprice6457 4 ай бұрын
I love these kinds of videos! And it’s so great to see you highlighting ideas from members of your community as well! Keep up the good work, Chris!
@Moley1Moleo 4 ай бұрын
I think an enemy could cast Antimagic Shell to get at you. This doesn't try to *end* the spell, so it technically avoids the clause about how hard it tis to end or dispel. It only *suppresses* the spell, so you'd be shunted out of the gem, and become a valid target. Staying within 10feet of you to keep you in the shell is a challenge but not impossible, so someone who knows your tactic could make a specific plan to combat you. But then they've just made it a potentially fair-ish fight for considerable resources, so still worth doing even against opponents that figure out this tactic.
@tylermckinney2041 4 ай бұрын
This is a super neat idea. I had the idea of using stone shape to perfectly coat a party members plate armor with a thin layer of whichever gem, leaving a pocket in each gem large enough to imprison an ant for indestructible armor 1 gem per peice of armor so the party member could still move. My first idea was to put the druid from your video into a shield shaped gem that a party member would carry because I don't think druids get to cast catapult for movement. I would probably make a wizard tower shaped gem for the wizard.
@HorizonOfHope 4 ай бұрын
I am so confused - all of your new thumbnails have a figure who looks like a wizard. Are you no longer a treant monk?!
@TreantmonksTemple 4 ай бұрын
I was true polymorphed.
@notgerheinz 4 ай бұрын
Ha, your Gdoc "Guide about Wizards" was awesome and play-style-changing, so I am happy YT has led me here. And while the idea above is very creative, I would not allow it at my table, as the rules say nothing but light is allowed to pass the prison walls, which means no weave manipulation to me. That interpretation is debatable, but it seems to make the most sense to me.
@benjaminrheault4998 4 ай бұрын
These are the types of interactions that made me fall in love with D&D. Thanks for sharing!
@rallyoso2998 4 ай бұрын
"Nothing except light can pass through the gem" Okay, so hear me out... this would still make the wizard susceptible to spells like Sunbeam. Sunbeam is just weaponized light, per the spell description.
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
Sunbeam doesn't get any special exception from the general rule about spell AoE interaction with cover. From the Area of Effect section Chapter 9, Spellcasting, PHB: "A spell's effect expands in straight lines from the point of origin. If no unblocked straight line extends from the point of origin to a location within the area of effect, that location isn't included in the spell's area. To block one of these imaginary lines, an obstruction must provide total cover." That said, Sunbeam is a Wizard spell, so if a DM reasons that it can be cast in, then the ruby mage would probably prepare it to cast it out.
@joshualougheed6496 4 ай бұрын
@@ram3n_goblin What about Sacred Flame? It is radiant damage (so arguably just light) and the target does not (at least for the saving throw) gain benefits from cover.
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
​@@joshualougheed6496You can't target creatures behind total cover with spells, full stop, and that includes sacred flame. Crawford has explained that with sacred flame, the light is supposed to be coming from the sky, and so it's a pretty unique spell where having half or three quarters cover does not give you a +2/+5 bonus to your Dex save.
@TheDersitePhantom 4 ай бұрын
This is a really cool idea, but I think you paraphrased the spell to say that the gemstone is "indestructible", when the spell only says it "can't be cut or broken", which I would argue means that it plausibly can be Disintegrated. That doesn't completely invalidate the idea of course, but it's worth noting that there are a few ways around it.
@emma-rz7mf 4 ай бұрын
you could say that but theres no way RAI is that this 9th level spell can be destroyed by disintegrate, if it could it would be in the spell description like wall of force
@TheDersitePhantom 4 ай бұрын
@@emma-rz7mf If the wizard is using Imprisonment on themselves as a buff spell, I think we're well past RAI. I wouldn't use Disintegrate as a solution for Imprisonment on an NPC in a normal campaign, but if we're agreeing to use precise RAW for unintended interactions then I think it's fair for the DM to use the same, especially when the result is that it makes the game more fun (being completely safe is kind of boring).
@emma-rz7mf 4 ай бұрын
@@TheDersitePhantom im just saying i think disintegration falls under the breaking the gem category. thats like saying "you cant kill me" "im not killing you im slaying you"
@BalthusHomewood 4 ай бұрын
I had a similar thought. "Just get it hot enough. Eventually it will melt."
@TheDersitePhantom 4 ай бұрын
@@emma-rz7mf That's fair, and I certainly wouldn't begrudge a DM who made that call.
@Synamint87 4 ай бұрын
Interesting concept. Would love to see more scribe wizard stuff as its my favorite wizard subclass and not many guides on how to make it compete with other subclasses and class builds.
@insanogeddon Ай бұрын
GOLD. Every inn the PCs decide to cause issue in will have a retired immortal in the gem set in one of the many bits of gitch behind the bar.
@patrickbodiou3357 4 ай бұрын
Watching this while an old phb stand in my line of sight : these two thieves tearing the gemstone out of the statue are in for a nasty surprise!!
@abedrahman4519 4 ай бұрын
Great another way to break the game with wizards 😂 Great vid, and kudos to Ramen Goblin for coming up with this bonkers combo. I had played a human wizard who achieved immortality by having a bunch of clones created within demiplanes. I don't remember the details but it was a while ago. I never thought this could be a thing
@mattdahm4289 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Treantmonk! If the Canadian government ever opens a ministry of optimization- you would be the czar! 👊
@rcschmidt668 4 ай бұрын
Magical creature held in a small vessel? This is a way to become a genie!!!!
@KimoSmigielski 4 ай бұрын
This is just hilarious and so creative I just have to applaud someone for Ramen Goblin for coming up with this
@kcrad1527 4 ай бұрын
Wizard is so good, it even is a better Genie Warlock! Insane!
@raffelon9508 4 ай бұрын
you've got me good there, I shouldn't have assumed that "imprisonment" would prevent spellcasting and other special abilities, tough now it seems very risky to imprison anything in case that it knows catapult...
@johngleeman8347 4 ай бұрын
Now I want a group of high-level therianthrope wizards that have names suspiciously similar to characters in the Sonic Hedgehog series and each do battle from within their own personal Chaos Emerald. XD
@joshl4751 4 ай бұрын
Fun NPC idea, a Ruby wizard who has forgotten how to end the spell (perhaps tricked into taking a text into their gem with a Glyph of Warding [modify memory] cast upon it or cursed by the gods for their hubris).
@TheMichaellathrop 4 ай бұрын
For a stationary NPC make a permanent Magnificent Mansion inside the prison, I don't think this will actually change anything... but it will be much more pleasant. They can still use all the other tricks to effect the outside world... I feel like this is a good alternative option to a litch for a campaigns big bad. They could also put stuff inside that permanent Magnificent Mansion before imprisoning themselves. Maybe have the Gemstone be part of the crown jewels of a kingdom, also there is no reason that the gem couldn't be independently enchanted beforehand(maybe with 3 charges of 9th level counterspell set to go off if anyone attempts a 9th level dispel magic on the gem, the sort of thing that can be recharged by having a caster expend a 9th level slot. Or the gem would be an enchanted spell focus, so as long as your in contact with it (say standing inside) you could use this while having your spell book in your hand.
@stephenburley4581 4 ай бұрын
Interestingly, if you also cast Imprisonment on your 11th level Sun Soul Monk, their 11th level feature, Searing Burst is neither a spell, nor an attack, and as such isn't affected by Total Cover (unless it's opaque... at which point, I'm not sure if it refers to the total cover being between affected creature and point of origin, or spell caster... probably an important discussion to the combo). 150ft range AoE that doesn't use a resource... Sure, it's not good damage, but it's one of the rare classes that can do something useful from inside their Imprisonment gem... And it's something you can do with a Sun Soul Monk, which made it really noteable for me.
@platypus537 4 ай бұрын
You can do this at a much lower level with resilient sphere, but this is cool because it doesn’t require concentration.
@GentleBreeze-72 4 ай бұрын
Imma use this next time i play. Just so that i dont fuck up i need to rewatch this to exactly understand what i can cast.
@alexlockwood9847 4 ай бұрын
Ah, I knew half of this. Imprisonment was discussed a lot for use with the magic jar spell, as a way to keep your body nearby - if someone manages to kill the body you snatched, you return to your old body instead of dying instantly. This is somehow an even more broken variant lol.
@KaitlynBurnellMath 4 ай бұрын
Here's my main rules concern with with something like the Eyebite trick. If you can use it through full cover like that, this means you can also use it through a wall of force or forcecage, and the designers have clarified that you can't target spells on the other side of a wall of force even if the wording says "a target you can see". Does the "a target you can see" wording work fundamentally differently when you use actions in a spell description as compared to when you are casting the spell? Alternatively, are you able to use these spell actions from the location of your manifest mind?
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
This is a subject that every DM and table have to decide themselves, since the rules for targeting are vague. Spells like Telekinesis, Dragon's Breath, Haste, and Call Lightning seem to make a distinction between the actions a spell grants and the initial casting of the spell. A spell like Eyebite is far less distinct. On Treantmonk's server, we generally rule that using an action granted by a spell does not require you to fill the "clear path to the target" requirement of casting a spell. So once you cast the spell with Manifest mind, you're free to use the subsequent actions, obeying any restrictions in the text of the spell. I'd rule no on using spell actions from the manifest mind space.
@briandhendrickson 4 ай бұрын
If the wizard wants to exit their gem for a while while retaining its protection perhaps Magic Jar would be useful, with the gem serving as the jar.
@euchiron 4 ай бұрын
Creating extradimensional spaces inside extradimensional spaces sounds like a one way trip to the Astral Plane
@BradonEbers 4 ай бұрын
I feel like there is a line from the spell that is being selectively ignored in order to make this build work, specifically, "Light can pass through the gemstone normally (allowing the target to see out and other creatures to see in), , even by means of teleportation or planar travel." (Emphasis mine.) I would consider "nothing" to be a pretty comprehensive descriptor, especially in common parlance, as the rules are intended to be interpreted. Things don't have to be material. This means thought can't pass through the gem, so telepathy, whether with a familiar, a Manifest Mind, or an ally via a spell or feat, doesn't work. Spells, abilities, and magic are still "things" that originate with the caster inside the gem, even if by a strict reading of the spell descriptions manifest elsewhere, and thereby should be blocked by by the gem. I'd say this is a fun thought experiment, but the imprisoned wizard having any effect on things outside the gem is pretty clearly discounted by the spell text.
@Gmorktron 4 ай бұрын
I use the military definitions of cover and concealment at my table. Cover = stuff bullets can't get through whether the enemy sees you or not. Concealment = stuff that blocks the enemies view of you whether or not I blocks bullets. So, in stealth, concealment is good. But if there is a slight risk of bullets... forget concealment and only use cover... cus bullets kill.
@tylergoerlich9494 4 ай бұрын
One concern: some light based spells may be able to pass through the gem, since light may pass through. For example, sickening radiance light may be able to permeate the gem
@andyspillum3588 4 ай бұрын
That's the craziest thing I have heard, to date, if I don't find a game soon, I might just take you and Colby's nuttiest builds and play them against each other myself (and of course now I gotta check out this Ramen Goblin too). Woof, I gotta move back to a real city or I might just go insane
@TexasDevin 4 ай бұрын
So what happens between the time you create your level 1 wizard with a CON of 8 and the wizard getting to level 17 where they first get access to 9th level spell slots?
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
You optimize for campaigns and oneshots differently. For me, it was fun to completely commit to this strategy and see what kind of space is opened up when you don't have to worry about defense and only have to worry about being locked in full cover.
@oldsoul3539 4 ай бұрын
Hmm.. temporarily popping your familiar out to cast a touch spell. The touch spell that comes to mind for me is Simulacrum, you could make a copy of yourself if you have the ingredients set up somewhere and have that copy of you carry around your gem. Would you be creating a copy of the tiny version of you though?
@Schmeethe88 4 ай бұрын
Fall damage. The wizard may not be able to be attacked, and no spell or magical effect may be able to reach them in there, but nothing is stopping them from being rattled around like the mixer ball in a can of spray paint. Technically speaking, even feather fall won't help, because they aren't wearing or carrying the gem, so instead of falling with it and splatting when the gem lands, the gem itself is going to hit them. We also rule Resilient Sphere this way- if the enemy can pick it up and drop it, you're not immune to fall damage. (Though that sphere is weightless so Fly/feather fall etc would work)
@explorerone377 4 ай бұрын
Are you able to move your hands in the gem for somatic components?
@3ldfilms 4 ай бұрын
Totally indestructible and almighty...until an enemy tosses you in a bag of holding and you're stuck in a void ;)
@mohamaddelkhah 4 ай бұрын
Searched for "Bag of Holding" hoping I don't see this comment before I write it, and was foiled by you sir! Well played.
@r00tsun3 4 ай бұрын
If they can lift 20k pounds from immovable object ;)
@mohamaddelkhah 4 ай бұрын
@@r00tsun3 which isn't too hard for those who have a bag of holding, since they can get a dispell magic scroll if they don't have it already.
@shirak8 4 ай бұрын
Alternate version: Polymorph a rock into a human wizard (or dragon or whatever) Cast magic jar and take over the creature. Then use imprisonment on your own body. (Using the same material component as magic jar) You are now safe and sound and can act as normal even switching bodies as needed.
@rokkitserjun 4 ай бұрын
I wonder just how broken a Warlock could be made with this? Specifically a Pact of the Chain Warlock with voice of the chain master invocation. Need telepathy - give him a Great Old One patron. There are so many ways the Warlock could abuse this, especially with him getting Imprisonment at 17th level and taking 3 levels of sorcerer for some metamagic fun.
@hishadi4998 4 ай бұрын
I feel like the Multi-class issue might be resolved through the use of the Mizzium apparatus, although it is understandable that not every campaign would have it available. Still a good item to try and get for this particular set-up no?
@firnen_ 4 ай бұрын
I would argue that there is actually a way to kill the Ruby Mage: Fall damage! Drop the gem from high enough up, and unless you want to argue that just because you are falling inside a container, you are immune to fall damage, then fall damage should apply. Of course, this can be bypassed with Feather Fall, but it gives at least a theoretical way of hurting the wizard. Perhaps if the ruby prison is stolen by the enemy, they can drop it repeatedly until the wizard runs out of spell slots for Feather Fall.
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
Immovable Object mitigates this concern if it's available in your campaign setting.
@adaml8827 4 ай бұрын
Great idea for my next BBEG!
@sashashahriari8244 4 ай бұрын
I don’t think you should be able to catapult while you are In it unless you also take damage. It’s like using a car to crash into Godzilla.
@mugengaming1911 4 ай бұрын
I would imagine if you're imprisoned inside a gemstone, the material of the gemstone surrounds you completely (doesn't say a hollowed out gemstone) and therefore you wouldn't be able to use verbal or somatic components to cast spells. Then Manifest Mind says "when you cast a spell," so if you're unable to cast spells to begin with, would this even work?
@zack875 4 ай бұрын
Couple of items for feedback 1) sleight of hand imprisoned wizard into a pocket means he cant see to manifest mind 2) polymorph object on gem does... What?
@11111416 4 ай бұрын
what happens if a disgruntled sahuagin throws your gem into the ocean? I think all the spells that would allow you to move your gem or teleport require verbal components. I suppose because the manifest mind is not the one in control of those components then the wizard still has oxygen in the gemstone. But then it makes me wonder if a wizard would be able to cast spells indefinitely in a confined space that does not introduce new air. Unsure how this would work, but subtle spell metamagic may be necessary to avoid the odd circumstance that could leave you as inert as a stone.
@PrivateUsername 4 ай бұрын
How do spells work in your game? If NOTHING can pass through, then there is nothing which could trigger a spell outside the gemstone; the wizard is totally cut off from the magical energies which allow for magic to work. There is no magical energy inside the gemstone, and no way to cause a spell to manifest.
@norfemignissius4936 4 ай бұрын
Could you use "Magic Jar" (6th level necromancy) unto the gem so that it contains both your body AND your soul, benefitting from both spell ? Thus being not just a Ruby Wizard, but a cursed ruby able to possess anyone who gets too close. With the risk of death if the possessed creature dies though (Charisma Saving Throw vs your own Spell DC). You could always abandon the possessed should things get dicey.
@nyanbrox5418 4 ай бұрын
What about astral projection, I would assume it doesn't work because it is planar travel, but your body isn't ever leaving the jar, like, even if you enter a new plane with it, the ruby just comes with as it is around your body, and you can only target yourself so your party will have to live without you, same sort of question as can you teleport the gem in order to move, since you can't leave the gem, so you can't use plane shift If you use time stop, does it stop time for everyone outside the gem? I would assume so, it stops time, not space If you use blade of disaster, can it pass through an imprisonment gem? Nothing can pass through the gem, but the blade of disaster is a dimensional fissure, there is no reason that it should be bound by physical space, since even barriers in the ethereal plane do not block a blade of disaster similarly to how it can pass through a wall of force, force cage, (not a prismatic wall because you need to see the target space) The blade of disaster simply says that it can pass through anything, and it calls out an example of a wall that blocks everything, so if the ruby is made of the same substance, (an indestructible wall that blocks everything), then, yeah, the blade of disaster should be able to pass through it, even if it cannot kill anyone in the ruby, since that person is immune to stuff like damage, and can't die, ie, they can't kill themselves in order to leave, since then they could be reincarnated through ressurection magic Basically the wizard in the ruby, should theoretically be able to use spells like blade of disaster still, even without a minion thingo on the outside to cast spells through
@2o7o7dragon 4 ай бұрын
Next time I need to buff a campaign villain, I'm turning a gem amongst their jewelry into one of these lol.
@jag519 4 ай бұрын
I thought the game breaking thing with the spell would be coming back every 100 years to read your books for +2 to all stats. Wasnt expecting this! lol
@darcraven01 4 ай бұрын
so... it says your inside the gem and the gem in indestructable after the spell is cast. so before hand, just make sure the gem has holes going all the way through that you can stick your hands/legs through? that way you can walk around and cast like normal?
@GlitchyPikachu 4 ай бұрын
Hypothetically could you use Sequester on the Ruby you're imprisoned in? It'd make the gem permenantly invisible, if that adds anything The Imprisoned creature wouldn't fall into suspended animation, because (at least by how I'm interpreting the spell) only what happens it you specifically cast Sequester on a creature and you're casting it on an object
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
Sequester is on the character's spell list for this reason.
@20100langlois 4 ай бұрын
Thought of this concept for Magic Jar, but not for Manifest Mind... Very neat trick for Catapult! Wouldn't that be restricted to 6 times per day though? Who carries the gem most of the time? A party member or the familiar? When it comes to obscurement, what is the main tactic? Effective range becomes 100 feet + touch or 300 feet + spell range. Was Extended spell considered to upgrade touch spells to 30 feet, or was that pointless? If the familiar dies, Manifest Mind a new one? I think it's cool, so many questions! There has to be a v2 of this. For example, leverage a hollyphant to protect from dispel magic.
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
In reverse order: I wouldn't invest in counters against dispel magic, it has to be cast a 9th level, and monster design doesn't even have slots in recent design. You can't MM a familiar, the cast time is too long -- just don't use it in combat or you'll have to burn the next day's 9th level slot to reimprisoning yourself. Your touch spells are for long term buffs cast out of combat, I wouldn't risk the familiar even if your were extending the range. You're already an inch tall, so not very noticeable -- easy to pass as jewelry on someone else or simply be in someone's bag -- I won't worry about being noticed too much since you're invisible and you have the best scouting in the game with MM. If you really want to be invisible, cast Sequester on the gem and 2nd level invisibility on yourself. I moved myself mostly with tiny servants, the telekinesis and catapult spells -- my teammates occasionally grabbed me since I excluded them from Immovable Object -- otherwise, IM lets you float in the air when unattended. 6 castings in combat a day is actually plenty, even for a heavy encounter day if you select the correct spells. You want ones with long durations and repeatable actions.
@JoelBrage 4 ай бұрын
I see a problem with this spell use. If we assume that the wizard inside and not restrained and just miniaturized, then catapulting said wizard around should be reasonably painful. Also just shaking the rock or dropping it could be potentially lethal.
@danielbrintnall1188 4 ай бұрын
Would fly work if cast inside to move yourself around as you could push on the inside of the gemstone?
@mme.veronica735 4 ай бұрын
14:38 Doesn't Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion require a certain sized wall yo be cast on? If so, the crystal would almost certainly be too small to cast the spell
@irenewhitcomb1813 4 ай бұрын
I'm confused. How does magic "pass through" the gemstone to your familiar/scribe ability? Because you are still casting the spell. Your familiar/class ability is only delivering it.
@justinlynch942 4 ай бұрын
Would Magic Jar work in this instance? Like: you use Magic Jar, then cast it on your body?
@peterlarsen4809 4 ай бұрын
As far as the abilities go how would a wizard with an 8 con survive to get to lvl high enough to have a lvl 9 spell
@TopKexx 4 ай бұрын
Imprisonment: "Light can pass through the gemstone normally, but nothing else can pass through" this "nothing else" would include spells.
@mqb3gofjzkko7nzx38 4 ай бұрын
How to defeat it: wrap the gem in bacon and envelope it with a bag of devouring.
@TheGreatSeraphim 4 ай бұрын
Nothing but light can pass through the gem, which means magic can't pass through. There, I just broke your immortal wizard by properly reading the spell description. You had to have realized if nothing can get in to hurt the wizard, nothing can get out to do the same is also true. /The End
@ThePhFantom 4 ай бұрын
This is great! Thanks!
@CanisMythson 4 ай бұрын
Why not have a Simulacrum running around outside the gem? And maybe a few Clones while you're at it?
@michaelwinter742 4 ай бұрын
Mirage Arcana so you have the ultimate holodeck experience.
@EliTripps 4 ай бұрын
I'm a little old school I guess but I'd rule that evocation spells wouldn't pass the wall but conjuration spells would still manifest outside. It makes this build even more crazy but that is how magic works. You can't cast a fireball through a wall of force but you can conjure acid inside it.
@njBeau83 4 ай бұрын
i didnt read all the comments. did anyone suggest another npc like a paladin for example wearing the ruby like a necklace to keep the wizard in play?
@joda7697 4 ай бұрын
If you hollowed out the gemstone (so you can move and cast spells with somatic components) then casting catapult will make it hit you. The interior wall will collide with you. That sounds like an antithetical way to get around as a so called invulnerable wizard. Cus that's gonna hurt.
@olorin6494 4 ай бұрын
Scribes wizard calling it now
@studynot757 4 ай бұрын
Couldn’t you use Manifest Mind to cast Find Familiar again outside the gem as one of your spells for the day? Also - I’d set the gem on top of a staff that I’d given to my telepathic simulacrum (using wish to create) to carry me around
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
FF has too long a casting time unfortunately.
@studynot757 4 ай бұрын
@@ram3n_goblin I suppose it is too generous a reading of the Manifest Mind ability to do that. It doesn’t technically say you’re limited to 1 action spells, just “when you cast a spell on your turn”, so depending on your interpretation… but I agree with y’all’s I was thinking about awakened spell book feature that let you cast a ritual spell with normal casting time, just forgot that FF is still a 1 hr cast
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
@@studynot757 With longer casting times, the rules in chapter 9 state that you spend you action each turn casting the spell. So I suppose that you could do a 36 second casting time if you have all your MM charges, lol.
@lutherratashak2395 4 ай бұрын
So this “bigger gem” if I pick it up and shake it…. Would we end up with a wizzard smoothie?
@mrsmiley631 4 ай бұрын
Would the DnD version of black spray painting the gem nullify the the PC?
@ram3n_goblin 4 ай бұрын
It would be annoying, but not debilitating. A normal mage would probably fair worse having their face covered with black spray paint. You don't need to see or have line of effect to manifest a mind, and you get telepathic info on what the mind sees and hears with no action cost. You cast spells using the minds senses. I would lump this DM tactic in with all the tired "through a blanket over them!" "conjure a bucket on his head!" tactics.
@ungainlytitan1460 4 ай бұрын
Throw in simulacrum for a transporter and really break things.
@master_rafiki 4 ай бұрын
Cray cray creative
@bogdangeo5243 4 ай бұрын
Very entertaining video🎉
@TreantmonksTemple 4 ай бұрын
Thank you 🤗
@Reoh0z 4 ай бұрын
> "...a poor choice of wording." Never forget, WotC hired a lawyer to vet their rule wording. ... They never said they were a good lawyer.
@gdtms28 4 ай бұрын
So if I do this for a lich, am I a mean DM?
@phillippowell7905 4 ай бұрын
I am sure this is dumb but....wouldn't the wizard suffocate?
@Burbun 4 ай бұрын
I pick up the gemstone and shake vigorously
@trollpatsch. 4 ай бұрын
Awesome build! A bard could build this, too, right? Imagine a really horny bard who imprisoned themselves to turn a new leaf with the condition of release being to not be horny anymore...
@kedraroth 4 ай бұрын
Can you take a long rest inside the gem or you need to get out in order to rest and return to gem next day? I know that the creature doesn't need to sleep but we need to recover our juicy spell slots
@TreantmonksTemple 4 ай бұрын
You should be able to rest inside the gem
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