外貌協會這個點,Rhodes(2006). 研究發現外貌與健康以及生育能力有關係。從進化心理學的角度來說,選擇一個外貌吸引的異性是有助於繁衍後代。 參考文獻 Rhodes, G. (2006). The evolutionary psychology of facial beauty. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 199-226.
女嘉賓講野太多英文單字夾雜 好難聽 (例如: 所以我哋會encourage 除左d small talk 之外,嘗試問佢多少少自己deep d 既questions) 希望可以好好進修 講番完整中文/廣東話句子
@eyeball10211 ай бұрын
@mavisng852811 ай бұрын
@miaat85211 ай бұрын
我都想講呢樣嘢!其實喺鏡頭面前講嘢最好就一係全部中文,一係全部英文。 咁樣會比較專業啲! if you’re not comfortable to speak in Cantonese, you’re mostly welcome to use English! I’m sure the host or the channel will make the Chinese subtitle for you.