Trees, Soil, Diversity and Grazing Full Version with Richard Makim - Regenerative Farming Revolution

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Farming Revolution

Farming Revolution

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@DebraMcMurtrie 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your encouraging story.
@craigrobinsonsaddler 10 ай бұрын
Fantastic learning. I'm in the Lockyer Valley on ridgy country n clay 300mm down. Since I've left my place with o stock on it the grasses have come up good and the moisture has retained. My main problem is Nightshade, firewood neither of millions. They are predominantly around the tea tree line.
@peterclark6290 Жыл бұрын
There are videos of graziers putting in temporary (electric) fencing from the comfort of an ATV. Richard's inventive mind could make that even simpler.
@peterclark6290 Жыл бұрын
I was hoping you wouldn't ask to see the video. It'd be buried in the watch history from some years ago. If memory serves it was a Kiwi who ran beef on progressive narrow strips that were opened up one by one throughout the day and he had an easy-fit water line that ran parallel and (the clincher) he had farm hands. Still food for thought. Cheers Tamzin (on another better day)
@Lana_Warwick 7 ай бұрын
Lovely guy. Could be retired on a beach somewhere but loves what he does, wants to leave a legacy, incl for Koalas
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