Does anyone know how to contact these people? They played at my record store DCCD in the 90s and I'm doing a podcast. I want to talk to all the bands that played at my store. Tristeza rolled into town and stopped at the store. They said: "We hear you have shows and we aren't playing in town until tomorrow. Can we play tonight." I initially said no because there was no notice, then I said yes. It was one of the best shows of my entire life. I want them to tell stories on my podcast. The Brian & Wolfgang Show. The Record Store That Turned Into A Podcast. Strat with The True Power Of Punk Rock. It's about my TBI and failing to get on disability and you hear the direct aftermath of a level 4 ayahuasca trip while I listened to Repeater by Fugazi. I became all gods, and because of the music, which is usually soft, sweet instrumental music, I saw all of humanities issues, as this mega savior,, through the lens of the punk rock/indie/DIY ethos. It was a messianic delusion, but it left a residue. Now I want to try helping the world. So does Brian. He didn't need psychedelics to go sane. He's been there for a long time. An economist and general social scientist who studies neuroscience and my best friend for 40 plus years. People are calling it "Compelling" "Stunning" "Engaging" Lots of "I laughed, I cried." and one guy gave us the best ever compliment. He said it was like a "punk rock Mister Roger's Neighborhood." It's a storytelling podcast and we want your stories from music, art and life. All the interesting stuff. Can someone please help me contact Tristeza. I sent a message to the Album Leaf on Facebook, but it's a fan page. They probably don't look at it. They get a mention in a non episode about context for the show. I want their stories. It was a life changing show. Thanks.