lyrics Emmanuel Who could believe that tiny, tender hands, Are the same hands that measured the heavens above? Who could imagine that the eyes of a crying child, Have seen all of history and witnessed every age? The mystery of piety is great Wondrous beyond all imagination! The King of kings Came in the form of a man. Emmanuel… God is with us, The Son of God… lived among us. The Word became flesh and dwelt in our midst, And His light came to brighten our land. Who could imagine that the one who feeds the hungry, Would hunger and thirst, just like we do? Who could conceive that the child in the manger, Rules the universe with riches unmeasured? The mystery of piety is great Wondrous beyond all imagination! The King of kings Came in the form of a man. Emmanuel… God is with us, The Son of God… lived among us. The Word became flesh and dwelt in our midst, And His light came to brighten our land.