Рет қаралды 301,287
This is a video that mixes Khmer audio and creates a funny video for viewers to enjoy while they are bored.
This video was made for a lot of people to laugh and the video in Channel KH Troll Tinfy-Page5 is a funny video with a lot of characters getting together.
វីដេអូនេះត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដើម្បីឱ្យមនុស្សជាច្រើនសើច ហើយវីដេអូនៅក្នុងឆាណែលKH Troll Tinfy-Page5 គឺជាវីដេអូកំប្លែងដែលមានតួអង្គជាច្រើនបានរួមគ្នា។