I have to say, thing needs a little LCD screen, or at least some LEDs to indicate something! Even a couple of 7-segment LEDs, or even 4 of them, would be good to indicate basic things with little 2 or 4 letter codes. You can do enough of an alphabet on them to say something useful. Then again, for the price, these days you could get a decent full-colour LCD, even though you don't need one. A little character LCD should be nice and cheap.
@Norwegenful9 ай бұрын
Hey Hey. Iam currently fiddeling around with your Troopduino. I got everything and it works. BUT !!! In the programming-mode only the button one and two seems to work. I can´t change the the setting. Do you have a fix for it ??? or maybe have a look over the code ??? It´s a great project and i would like to use it in full in my mask and helmet.