Отче Серафиме, моли Бога о нас! 🙏 С ПРАЗДНИКОМ ВСЕХ!
@ElenaPetrovsky-je8hk21 күн бұрын
We honor thee we honor thee Our holy father Seeraphim and your holy memory Your teachings to the monks and your closeness with the angels
@ElenaPetrovsky-je8hk21 күн бұрын
Thank you
@DerzavaRu21 күн бұрын
С праздником, православные!
@ElenaPetrovsky-je8hk21 күн бұрын
From early youth loved Christ merciful one. Gave himself to live in the desert to praying and hard work to achieve grace from God The beloved one of God came. To the mother of God With your prayers we. Ask you Father Seraphimto save us. Glory to the father son and holy spirit from ages and ages amen. IN THE world he left his beauty and beeing to the Sarovsky lodgings were he prayed and the angels surrounded him with a burning heart to God With many miricles humble one. WE Glorify thee Fatber Seraphim pray for us