True Blood Season 4 Episode 5 "I Hate You, I Love You" Promo

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Sookie nurtures Eric; Bill gets involved personally in the necromancy crisis; Pam takes the veil; Sam becomes Tommy's accomplice; Arlene and Terry look to religion to solve their problem; Jesus and Lafayette head to Mexico to harness a shaman's power; Jason convalesces.
Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse
Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton
Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman
Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse

Пікірлер: 208
@amzai1029 13 жыл бұрын
Eric is so sweet when he's don't remember anything ! I want Sunday NOW! ;D
@Maddierz771 13 жыл бұрын
i hope to god that they do that shower scene in the book before eric gets his memory back, if they dont i think im going to cry
@BollyBoop 13 жыл бұрын
I hope it's not just that one scene with godric in this season :( !!!
@marylizabetha 13 жыл бұрын
@centralviva I know eh! I was like NO! THEY ARE NOT KILLING PAM!
@Becky1254 13 жыл бұрын
Dnsmksgs! Damn when are Eric and Sookie gonna get together?!? I'm getting so impatient!
@GeeWayIero 13 жыл бұрын
O.o but Godric ♥♥♥
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
I watched 2nite's ep. IT'S DAMN GOOD!!!! U guys would luv the ending!!! XD Don't worry, Godric part was all just Eric's dream,he woke up. I luv the part he's crying in Sookie's bed & she comfroned him. Oh man he's like little kid. XD I laughed at my a** where Tara's mom & the priest blessed Arlene & Terry's house,also Portia's starting screaming at Bill after he glamored her & Hoyt on top of Jason. I don't even forget about Debbie & Alcide thing in this ep. I felt sorry 4 Tommy & Jesus's goat.
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@gwirion He's so worry Stephen/Anna might get divceve,becuz w/ another guy on the show. Look at Dexter,Micheal & his wife have sex w/ other actors on that show. Married actors did it as well(like Angel & Brad),but it's only acting. It's a worse job. I feels bit bad 4 Stephen have fans less than Alex's. XD Becuz Eric have more fans than Bill's. Oh well,I read Anna's a Eric fan b4 the show created & hoping they're end up. At least she has Stephen in her life. If AB said that,TB lose its populary.
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@gataenbarcelona He won't die. There's a pic of Eric & Sookie're in bed 2gether on True Blood wiki & there's also a pic he's talking 2 Jessica at the front of Fangtisa after he becomes normal again. If u guy don't believe me,Look up on True Blood wiki & there shown pics are spoilers 4 upcoming eps.(I hope so). we'll might find out more about this season w/ TB. I hope AB won't confirm Sookie & Bill're finally end 2gether at CC. If he confirmed they'll be 2gether LET HOPE HE'LL ROT IN H**L!!!!
@rscard119 13 жыл бұрын
@andell1 i totally agree.. im really at the point where i gave up trying to figure out what is going to happen, i'm as in the dark as someone who never read the books.. i thought about the debbie thing too.. i was like woah she's not supposed to be "nice" lol but then again.. so many other things are different that i can't be surprised... i 'd still like her to kill debbie tho lolol
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@MyDandhara He's not going 2 rape Sookie. But They're actually going do it. There's a really cute pic on TrueBlood Wiki that shown Eric & her in bed 2gether & they're really happy. Why Some1 said Sookie's getting rape by Eric? If Eric did bit her, he probably rush 2 the bathroom & slashing his wrists w/ his fangs,becuz he feels guity that he bit Sookie. I think it's a dream(I hope so). When I saw Eric's biting Sookie,but she woke up on the couch when Bill walks in. I'm hoping it wasn't a dream.
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@lovelylizzie333 Eric, Bill, Sam,Alcide,John Quinn & Newton. Eric's still single (I hope he'll not end up w/ Lafayett) in S5. Bill has a girlfriend named Selah (Probably she'll introduce in S5) Alcide's single after he broke up w/ Debbie (Sookie killed her) & want 2 mate Sookie. John Quinn the were tiger probably introduce next season Newton's too old & dead,Fenton shot him in the head in S3.
@Darkbeautyellise75 13 жыл бұрын
@britters220 Well Sorry to break it to YOU, but I didn't see any tatts, plus godric was wearing a white shirt, unless he took his shirt off and then fed on sookie, it's not godric that's biting sookie, it's eric. I just hope that Eric is dreaming of biting sookie, because if it was real, sookie would probably be pissed and it would take some of eric's chances of sleeping with her away. ... Bite ME Eric! :D
@williammoseleyfan101 13 жыл бұрын
@ebonijayde - Share my theory?? My theory... and once again, it's MY theory, so I don't want people to yell at me, is that Sam is going to come right at the last moment and kill the dad, and then drag his body to some place... and that's why there's blood on the car... from the body As for Tommy, I'm not sure about his fate. It looked like he was getting strangled too hard. He may survive I hope he does ; )
@rscard119 13 жыл бұрын
CONT doesnt' matter that i even read the books tho this season is so unlike the book that i am at a complete loss as to what is going to happen.. i am basically just as in the dark as anyone who didn't read the series.. and im blown away by that sooo coool.. lets hope if he does bite her, that she consented.. because if he does it against her will.. she will not be sleepngwith him this season.. and i will be one very very disappointed fan haha
@rscard119 13 жыл бұрын
@LoveYouJB4Ever ehhh, i dont want to spoil it for you but okay who cares SPOILER IF YOU DIDN"T READ BOOK FOUR AND WANT TO DON'T CONTINUE READING THIS! okay in the book as her and eric get closer there are intimate scenes.. several awesome ones ... he does drink from her in those scenes but she lets him. honestly i dont know if its a dream , but i keep thinking it is, because eric said he wouldnt hurt her so why would he bite her against her will? but i can't even go by the book anymore.. doesn'
@ebonijayde 13 жыл бұрын
I like Tara and I'm glad AB has kept her around. If the show revolved around Sookie, Bill, & Eric for the entire hour that will be one boring show. I've read the entire series & Sookie has become irritating.Yeah she has some good qualities but for the last two books she is so wishy washy. In regards to Jesus If one thing I've learned about AB style is that the minor things always makes sense in the end. I think his purpose is to make Lafayette wake the fuck up and realize his potential.
@Libsumoi 13 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if Godric is back for real. I mean he did meet the "true dead".. Sure it could be that Godric framed his own dead and disappeared and that now his back perhaps as a mean person.. Or then it's just Eric's imagination. Maybe he is thinking should he drink Sookie's blood and imaginating Godric. I don't think he would do it to Sook and then there is some other vampire like.. well I don't know could it be Bill either.. OR it could be just a dream. Maybe Eric is dreaming about Sookie or
@Haleydg5275 13 жыл бұрын
@ImAllYoullEverNeed In the show, very few of the events that are Sookie and Eric related have taken place like in the book (this season)-at least not in the same way. So it's really hard to tell. In the book, I think on Night 3 with Eric, shower scene happens. But this relationship build-up is alot different. P.S....could be a huge rumor (This is just what I heard), but I heard they're not actually having it take place in the shower. Hope it's false!
@Dgizmokid 13 жыл бұрын
damn is it bad to say i got a bit choked up when godrik died? but i knew he wasnt gonna be gone for long. he was too bad ass, and he was atraight up about everything.(i was in denial) but they keep showing liitle teasers about him so im excited he gets to come back. and pam ahh man ! poor girl , she was trying to get erick back the way erick would have done nything for godrik.. she will be okay ,hopefully soon.
@gwirion 13 жыл бұрын
@valryiefaerie He just has a hard-on for Stephen Moyer is all! Sooo annoying, especially cause Anna and Alex have such amazing chemistry on screen! I know he obviously wants to change things up from the book to keep it different and new but Eric and Sookie ARE the story for most fans! He should leave them alone!!!!
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@gwirion I hope he doesn't meant it about what he said about getting Bill & Sookie back up 2gether. OR IF IT'S TRUE WHAT HE SAID,I'LL BURN HIM 2 STAKE LIKE THEY DID THAT WITCH ON THEIR SHOW!!!!!!! DX I HOPE THEY CANCEL THE SHOW AFTER HE SAID!!!!! THAT'S TOTALLY SUCKS we haven't seen Eric & Sookie do it yet.=(
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@lwm71g Go TrueBlood wiki. Go Community & go under,check on Blog. Troll down & There's Alex & Anna's interview about they're talking what's going w/ Sookie & Eric for season 4 & also there's a pic of them're in bed. There's even a blog said Eric & Jessica for s4,click on that & come up a pic of Jessica's blocking Eric's way. There u go. XD
@xXA7XMegaFanXx 13 жыл бұрын
I cant belive what i just saw.. Poor Pam that physcotic witch Marny ruined her beautiful face I hope Eric tears her to peices like he did that one dude in the dungeon....and did Godric really tell Eric to drink Sookie?does he know that Eric cant control himself with her?shell die if someone doesnt pry him off of her...oh my god why cant sunday get here any sooner!?
@MyBlueprincess 13 жыл бұрын
this season is really good thought the mix up of personalities like eric n tara n andy n bill shoot every one is diff for that matter kinda weird gonna take some getting used to. but i like the new sookie kinda ballzy lol but this season has me so ansy for the next episode love true blood i have never liked a show the way i like this show. GREAT love it :)
@williammoseleyfan101 13 жыл бұрын
@ebonijayde - I really like Tommy... so I don't mind that storyline : ) I do believe that Sam will kill the dad in order to protect Tommy, as the cliffhanger showed last night : ) But I really don't know what's going to happen... I really want to know about Eric as well. It looks like Godric is back... some crazy thing's are about to happen : ) Can't Wait!!!!
@hijinx1979 13 жыл бұрын
Its funny to see all the TARA haters(you all were saying how weak she was last season now you hatting cause shes not pining after Sam of Jason or any "man" this season) I love Tara and i have a felling that shes going to do someing big and everone will love here agin. Stop Hatein on Tara and start hating how the writers write her shity lines.
@vindicated198 13 жыл бұрын
@xCarliniii nah he's not faking it although in the book they do doubt the seriousness of his amnesia far more... but eventually figure out it is real. But who knows the books are slightly different from the series so no one can really tell which way it will go!
@aurora9702 13 жыл бұрын
@mspurpleteddy Glad ya feel the same way :D Did you like when he said alligators in swedish? ;) "you like the Eric who doesn't feel?" That was so CUTE!! And.. i just gotta say it to someone.. 60 people liked my coment.. O_O Never happend before.. i think ^_^
@JANOH89 13 жыл бұрын
I'm french and i read all the 10 books. If my memory is good : Only Eric has been bewitched in the book. Pam asked Sookie to take care of Eric. Pam tries to find a way in order Eric get back his memory.That's all. The books and the serie are so different. But i love this show. French fan.
@Haleydg5275 13 жыл бұрын
The witches' storyline is boring me. I usually like the main storyline of the True Blood season but I'm not feeling this year's at all. And I hope that's not all we 'see' of Sooric! :X I'm assuming they're abandoning the shower scene idea...sigh...
@MrZombieshop 13 жыл бұрын
i love the witches xD sure they gave eric amnesia but there needs to be some form of supers able to go toe-to-toe with vampires since all the others failed so miserably... this seasons gonna be amazing, the witch wars are going to be so epic.
@mexigirl013 13 жыл бұрын
people were right when they said i wouldn't love Bill forever, i sincerely can't stand him right now. Eric has been great, Alexander S. is an amazing actor, it's impressive that he can pull off playing the same character so differently.
@leloochan55 13 жыл бұрын
@MyDandhara srry but Godrick already have tattoos ,watch again season 2 episode 5 u'll c it clearly =) Man I loooove new Eric ,nd ppl wtf with Bill? I adore him but he need to fix things with Soock ? I wanna them 2 b lover again =(
@williammoseleyfan101 13 жыл бұрын
@ebonijayde - no : ) I meant that the episode (episode 4 two nights ago) showed Tommy being chained up by his dad... to me, that was a cliffhanger. And though I have a theory on what may happen, I still am wondering what's going to happen
@Feoury 13 жыл бұрын
@DeroTheHero9 yeah i keep thinking bill will come in and swoop sookie away but he seems busy with all his king duties. hopefully they get back together cuz thats why i liked the show in the first place.
@Feoury 13 жыл бұрын
@Karolina1919 every single person on the show has lied. even sookie.. i'm not saying it was okay for Bill to lie but it wasn't as if he should have told her all at once. he almost killed her only on accident.
@spikecemildamon 13 жыл бұрын
i think it is bill that biting sookie cause eric hair is not black and the light cannot show his hair darker like that.i think it is sookie's the way eric is sssssssssoooooooooooooooooooo sweet and i hate bill
@baboshka1313 13 жыл бұрын
@moonlust72 sorry its late but its my pleasure to help an other trueblood fan :D.... hope you got to read the books and so you know there is a new one that got released Dead in the Family.. enjoy :))
@xCarliniii 13 жыл бұрын
Question: Do you guys think Eric's amnesia is real or not? I personally think he's faking.. The scene where he almost kisses Sookie when Bill comes at the door kinda showed us his intentions.
@Karolina1919 13 жыл бұрын
Oh c'mon, you want Sookie to be with this liar Bill?! He almost killed her and was dishonest with her all the time. I'm not saying that Eric is innocent, but he's so much better plus hotter than Bill :)
@lovelylizzie333 13 жыл бұрын
@chulah12 LOL. Oh trust me, she is. In the books, I think it was either the 5th or 6th, it wasn't a love triangle. It was a bloody love SEPTAGON! I'm not even kidding. She was deciding between 6 guys!
@itsmeakiyoboom 13 жыл бұрын
@aurora9702 his "innocent/gentleman behavior" rocks. i wish i could take care of him :D
@vindicated198 13 жыл бұрын
@ArcticSnoww I see it more as the harshness of his vampire years is taken away from him and his innocence is restored because of it... it like his original self is revealed...
@cocojenise 13 жыл бұрын
I think Sam will eventually end up killing his mom or brother, probably accidentally, and get that rare shifting ability the Navajo girl was talking about in an earlier episode.
@DeroTheHero9 13 жыл бұрын
I know theres a lot of Team Eric fans out there... but for Team Bill fans, i wish Bill would come in and save Sookie when Eric bites her, then they'll make up and get back together again!!
@DoverholtD 13 жыл бұрын
I can see now, why i've been om erics side since the beginning. HE IS SOOO CUTE in episode 4! :D I really don't think he'll harm Sookie though.. Not if he can help it ;)
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@Antaresis I hope Alan wouldn't better not put Sookie back w/ Mr. Royal-a** Bill. I WILL STAKE HIM IF HE DID IF HE DID & I DON'T GIVE THE DAMN IF THE SHOW GO 2 H*LL.
@rscard119 13 жыл бұрын
@MsConverselover lmfao seriously all i kept htinking was OMG THEY BETTER FIX HER FACE BY THE END OF This season!!! that was the biggest "oh shit!" of the episode
@baboshka1313 13 жыл бұрын
the books are sooooo great, you really should read them, you can read them on line..i did.. has it all just write true blood and you will find it ..enjoy it
@camiimd 13 жыл бұрын
Wait! Godric die because he was all peace and love and now he's making Eric bite Sookie? That's so unfair! Godric, if you'd do this anyway.... why did you die??? :(
@acenfelicia 13 жыл бұрын
@sparklesbirdie it might be bill, but it might be eric too because it was dark in sookie's room so we didn't know that the colour of the hair is brown or blonde .
@evanbina 13 жыл бұрын
@kimmyg619 i think its because he remembers he is a vampire just not who he is, so he probably remembers that it was godric that is his maker.. hope that helps
@xXForeverRoseXx 13 жыл бұрын
@ForbiddenVampyre - Sorry, I saw you comment and had to reply! I know what you mean, the way he was looking at her.. I want them to get together, I'm really annoyed at Hoyt. Yeah, he means well but I want to see Jessica be wild.. I know that sounds weird but eh. :P I hope Marnie dies soon. I know she probably won't die till the end of season 4 but she messed with two of my favourite vampires. :P
@10luvinlife 13 жыл бұрын
@valryiefaerie eff em gurl its all good :) there just mad cuz you actually pay to watch TB. Sry guys watching bootleg doesnt always have its perks #haters
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@akashyy Geez I'm sorry. I didn't known. Next time I didn't spoil it. I tells u if u didn't watch it last nite,that's all. do u watch it? do u like it?
@rscard119 13 жыл бұрын
@SnM4vr1013 yea now that i know its jolee i def think it will be sam who comes to the rescue.. lol but who knows they keep changing things up on us lol
@Haleydg5275 13 жыл бұрын
I love how the same 3 people are running around like chickens with their heads cut off about Eric and they haven't even seen him since the curse. O.o
@Karolina1919 13 жыл бұрын
It's fine if you like him but for me Bill is so selfish especially after becoming a king, hopefully they'll follow the book or I'm gonna get really mad!
@ebonijayde 13 жыл бұрын
@williammoseleyfan101 They showed something else on the cliffhanger? I swear HBO Canada sucks. We never get the promos for the next episode right away!
@ebonijayde 13 жыл бұрын
I think the storyline with Sam's family is a waste. It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up killing the dad (forget his name) and the mom (not on purpose).
@rscard119 13 жыл бұрын
@SnM4vr1013 its so weird i didn't think that was going to be jolee i thought htat was sam in the preview lol they keeps switching it up on me hah
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@lovelylizzie333 U're welcome {-) I forgot mention Sam, he's dating Luna if she's around 4 S5.(I hope so) I like her better than Daphanne.XD
@TheHeycandy 13 жыл бұрын
yaaay for godric!!!! omg im really sorry about pam!! i am so happy that sookie and bills relationship is over they're making me feel sick. go Eric
@xCarliniii 13 жыл бұрын
@ArcticSnoww Theyre using the books only loosely, so it could be anything. But that human side thingy makes sense... I guess well see.
@xania1976 13 жыл бұрын
I expected Bill to fight for Sookie's forgiveness,i want to see them back together!I like Eric but i want Bill and Sookie together
@Kenya1315 13 жыл бұрын
does anyone else think jessica and jason might hook up since she gave him some of her blood in episode four or will atleast dream of her
@twigagawizard 13 жыл бұрын
@BadluckittyGR she said no and Eric wanted her to kiss him but they didn't because Eric smelled Bill at the door upstairs before he could
@britters220 13 жыл бұрын
@janeschilling dude, IT IS BILL! I fucking HATE BILL, but Eric needs to be nicer... wow, its almost like they switched roles...
@DetoxJesus 13 жыл бұрын
The guy who plays Godric being fairly on the shorter side + the guy who plays Eric being 6"4 makes Godric look really, really short.
@EDDIELANE 13 жыл бұрын
this is such a good season!!! I lOVE the witches, and sookie and eric better get crackin soon! he was so adorable in the last episode and she is so protective of him, please don't eat her eric!!
@Twilightcrazie96 13 жыл бұрын
i think the end is just a dream, if u listen closely.. during Sookie's screaming i think you hear BIll or someone say 'Sookie!'
@valryiefaerie 13 жыл бұрын
@PotatoAimzz 13 жыл бұрын
/watch?v=xVKsHhvIYog look better and you will see some scenes who you even haven't seen in the previous episodes
@vuhoa284666 13 жыл бұрын
God damnit... the whole episode 5 is kinda great with Eric & Sookie's kiss scene and the funny scene of Tara's mom... hmm, but Pam lets the secret out.... poor my Eric again!
@vindicated198 13 жыл бұрын
@Haleydg5275 Hmmm yea I think they could have made the witches much more interesting it is a little mundane really...,
@TheNewMoon333 13 жыл бұрын
You know what would be super awesome? Pam curb stomping the witch...but then she would ruin her, its worth it
@Haleydg5275 13 жыл бұрын
Whoa, poor Pam...That absolutely did not happen in the books. xD And yeah, that doesn't look like Eric doing the biting.
@spino155 13 жыл бұрын
Making a Sandwhich while watching this, Don't think the ketchup has squirted so far before in my life when i saw Godric.
@elskerikke 13 жыл бұрын
I HATE how the series doesn't follow the book at all.. JESUS when are we ever going to see Eric and sooks sexy time
@PotatoAimzz 13 жыл бұрын
I don't get it, why would Godric say ''drink'' to Eric, Godric is/was the good vampire, he will never do that i guess
@blondie9842 13 жыл бұрын
Just saw ep 4. Alcide and erica naked at the same time. Sweet jesus. Thank you for making all my wishes come true haha
@Antaresis 13 жыл бұрын
@DeroTheHero9 I don't think Eric will bite her, and NONONONONO, Bill and Sookie will Not get back together EVER!!
@ImAllYoullEverNeed 13 жыл бұрын
aww poor Pam i hope she dons't stay like that and dose anyone know when Eric and Sookie have the shower scene ??
@OriginalMrsCullen 13 жыл бұрын
That definitely wasn't Eric biting Sookie it was Bill... I still think Erik/Sookie is sooo close to happening..!!
@britters220 13 жыл бұрын
@Darkbeautyellise75 News flash, the tatts are there/were there in that episode, you need glasses. 0:28 look!
@aurora9702 13 жыл бұрын
Anyone else love Erics new behavior from last episode? ;D Hope he stays that way when he gets his memories.
@jjeppson25 13 жыл бұрын
"You pissed off another vampire, and then you took a nap!" This makes me laugh every time! I love Lafayette!!!
@EllieSUICIDEE 13 жыл бұрын
This season is dragging out until the good bits. And the Sookie/Eric fan-girl side of me is getting impatient!
@tashidondrup 13 жыл бұрын
Pam was upset because she ruined a pair of shoes in season 2, she is going to be reeeeeeeeeeeeally mad
@twoframesoutofstep 13 жыл бұрын
@dawsy98 or maybe godric? its probably sookies dream anyway. HBO looooove their dream sequences haha
@trixiedoor 13 жыл бұрын
@Feoury It's not gonna happen this season. It's pretty much about Sookie and Eric. ABOUT TIME I say!
@SevereStormsWarning 13 жыл бұрын
can someone take out this whole witch thing. They messed Pam's face up....not okay. I'm tired of you.
@kimmetje1976 13 жыл бұрын
@Becky1254 Exactly what I was thinking. It takes tooooo long!
@twigagawizard 13 жыл бұрын
@BadluckittyGR I doubt it. It's a spell. She put a spell on Eric and that sure didn't heal.
@blaa15 13 жыл бұрын
@lizzard1591 thats not what i ment by that but jesus is not the reason,, its the old witch inside of marnie
@Snookerfairy 13 жыл бұрын
@BadluckittyGR I think she said that she couldnt, cause she'd have "human stuff" to do...
@lolalovesya99 13 жыл бұрын
I love Eric! I remember when he drank Sookie's Fairy Godmother and was just like "Sorry."
@MsJsChannel 13 жыл бұрын
jason is not gonna be all up in jessica's pants right????....that would really suck....
@kasey002787 13 жыл бұрын
I love when people DONT read the books and make up stuff that will probably happen :)
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