Proud of you Shalu, we knew your knowledge and analytical skills plus great great memory capacity since you are a kid ❤️❤️❤️. All the very best 👍
@yatheendra8810 күн бұрын
Well explained Shalitha! I really enjoyed watching this video and you are capable of summarizing lot of information and give it to the viewers in a interesting way. Really interesting one. Keep up the good work. We are really proud of you as always! ❤❤❤
Crypto market gena trump ge mathayak godak welawata loku votes pramanayak ganna hethu una ki hithenawa.mokada america wala hema 3n denek gen 2k ma crypto holdersla.
USA minissu hari moday. Lankawe api hari buddimath. Ekai un naki seeya kenek thoraddi api tharunayek wuna anura Dissanayaka thoragatte. Trumplata anura wage nayakayoth thekka harenna wath be. Malimawata jayawewa 🧭