Try these starting positions to change your ball roll

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@silver2green Ай бұрын
This guy always comes thru with the videos of the stuff that helps my bowlers. Great vid , Bowlerx ( JR Raymond )
@cbdvil Ай бұрын
Did he ever respond?
@Pend2027 Ай бұрын
No more annoying music, Yay!! Your videos are sooo helpful. I can bowl a 113 first game 218 next game… it is very frustrating! 😮thanks for this it helps to learn consistency.
@williamburton6367 Ай бұрын
Excellent video!!
@dmo8921 Ай бұрын
JR I’m confused . Are You still trying to stay inside the ball with your knuckles going across your pant leg? Like in one of you’re other vids. Thanks
@clarkbrowning8473 Ай бұрын
Imagine you have a football when you are bowling and you’re trying to toss a spiral. Just be an athlete
@N8Som Ай бұрын
@@clarkbrowning8473your expectations are too high for the general population
@Monk-Amani. Ай бұрын
​@@clarkbrowning8473Imagine. Yes, thank you.
@jayveebee1076 23 күн бұрын
Footballs are thrown​@clarkbrowning8473
@tonycerniglia4777 21 күн бұрын
Honestly as a retired PBA member, the hand gestures used (and JR isn't the only one) are simple BS! No release would ever appear to look or feel like the goofy push away from the elbow and wrist rolling back manipulation of the hand in his dry release. These guys need to put there ego in their back pocket and get there face out of frame to show a dry release at the bottom of the swing. I challenge any one to show me their hand rolling out of the ball at release as demonstrated and generating any kind of effective rotation on a ball. ONLY bowlers who have the ball fully cupped, and I mean FULLY CUPPED where the ball is on the forearm which requires ridiculous strength and/or a bent elbow have to roll their wrist down simply to exit the thumb. Ever notice how most two handers don't use a thumb hole... that's because the fingers must engage and create lift/rotation from behind and partially around the ball at release.
@joehoenig7596 Ай бұрын
Nice vid, JR, thank you. A few questions please…. For bowlers who were write supports for injury reasons, can they still use the three hand positions you demonstrated? What is your opinion of changing finger positions to affect ball motion and shape, whether bayed of these hand positions, or in conjunction with them? At what point would you choose to make a ball change, rather than try a different hand position? What is your thought process, during a tournament, when making such a decision? Thank you
@drwisdom1 29 күн бұрын
If you have a ball that is better for the current conditions, then ball change first.
@joelsheebs728 Ай бұрын
Does having a fingertip ball make all of this easier?
@RewindCountry Ай бұрын
Absolutely a fingertip grip makes this easier. While you can do this with a conventional grip, it's almost impossible to repeat it successfully because of the grip you're using. Get a fingertip ball drilled for you and learn how to throw it if you really want to be able to adjust your shots like shown in this video.
@drwisdom1 29 күн бұрын
All this only applies to finger tip drilling. That is a given. I started bowling in 1979 and got a finger tip grip. Only alley balls use full finger grips so open bowlers can use them to score poorly.
@RewindCountry 29 күн бұрын
@@drwisdom1 That's nice, but there are bowlers who use conventional grips and sarge easter grips because of injury. It doesn't mean they can't hook a ball. BTW, I've been bowling since 1969 and bowled the first 20 years with a conventional grip.
@michealpatrick1739 19 күн бұрын
Do you ever do training clinics?
@michealpatrick1739 19 күн бұрын
In Jan or feb?
@oneibandit4254 21 күн бұрын
good vid
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