Do you also say to always take shadowflame in top for 2nd item ?
@KilllaaG8 күн бұрын
9/10 times, champs like riven and darius force u to build it
@daytermination9118 күн бұрын
No no no… don’t ever build Riftmaker in jungle man, what’s the point 😭 I could see the purpose against many tanks, but you have a way faster clear with Shadowflame or heavy AP items like lich bane or Deathcap, and Gwen scales so much with AP, the HP don’t have that much of a value compared to AP in jungle. When you gank, you’d rather do it really fast with high burst damage so the opponent can’t escape in time, you don’t want to extend the length of the fight because Gwen relies heavily on his W, build riftmaker in those situations and you may miss many kills because of the lack of damage, that thing only gives 70AP 😭 It’s specifically because you are not dealing with tough matchups in top that you can use the full potential of Gwen with max AP in jungle, because in top, there are times when you’re forced to build rift in order to survive the lane and win in long fights (against tanks for example, it's actually not that bad). But in Mid/Jungle, man just go full AP, you’ll do so much more damage with more effiency, and outscale much harder. Him being challenger is much more due to his skill than his build, in my opinion.